All Episodes

May 2, 2019 124 mins

Chris Broussard and Rob Parker explain why they’re getting fed up with basketball fans who continue to give the Houston Rockets excuses (bad officiating, Chris Paul’s hamstring, James Harden’s eye, etc.) for not beating the Golden State Warriors in the playoffs, and the debate whether or not the Rockets are bound to go down in NBA history alongside the Steve Nash-led Suns as a great team that never got over the hump. The guys also discuss if the Knicks or and the Nets are the best New York franchise for Kevin Durant. And, Chris reveals the Six Best Big Men in the NBA today in Broussard’s Big Six, and our FOX Sports Radio teammate Chris Plank goes toe-to-toe with the Odd Couple in The Hot Seat. Plus, appearances by award-winning filmmaker Gotham Chopra and NBA champion and FS1 NBA analyst Eddie House. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcast. Be sure
to catch us live every weekday from seven pm to
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You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. All Yeah, it is
The Odd Couple. I am Chris Brussard alongside my partner Parker,

and we're coming you live from the Geico Fox Sports
Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or
more on your car insurance, so make sure you visit
Geco dot com for a free rate. Quote. What's happening, man,
how are you doing? What's up? I am great? I
am great. Good night of basketball in my view, and

more good games tonight. You got Denver Portland, which I
think we're seeing a star be born. Nicole. Yeah. One
of the as I've said before, one of the great
things about this postseason is that with Lebron out, as
much as I'd love to have him in, I'm glad
he's it is an opportunity for these other guys to shine.

And now people are seeing how good NICOLEA. Yokis is
and he is uh, certainly a special player. He's a weapon,
no doubt about it. All right, let's welcome into our
couple of cool wouldn't be able to do this find
radio program without them. Of course, Rob g is our producer,
Alex is our engineer, our sports anchor is David Gascott.

He'll keep us updated throughout a program. And of course
our social media Google is Elijah. They're all on the
other side of the glass Chris Brusut on this Wednesday,
let's kick some out. Let's do it. We got a
great show for you guys, so keep it locked for
the next three hours. Of course, a lot of NBA
talk reaction to that big game last night Golden State

and Houston. We will have some guests come in to
talk with us about it in about thirty minutes. He
can talk a lot more than basketball, that's for sure.
It's Gotham Chopra. Gotham Chopra, I'm sorry, Gotham Chopra, Award
winning filmmaker. He did shut up in Dribble with Lebron James.
He did the Muse with Kobe Bryant, and he's got

something coming out about Steph Curry tomorrow. All right, Stephen
versus the game that'll come out tomorrow. So we'll talk
to him about Steph Curry and a few other things.
We've got Eddie House joining us in the third hour,
always one of our favorite guests, the NBA champion be
oh yeah, NBA and second hour, I'm sorry. And then

in the third hour, as we do every Wednesday, it
is hot seat time. Chris Plank, the Fox Sports Radio
weekend host, will try his hand at the hot seat.
And he's got some good topics. He's ready to go.
You think, oh, you're giving him love all I mean.
I liked his topics in Trouble Dude. Oh no, no, no no,
I'll take it easy. Don't get no, don't get me wrong.

But at least waking up today, that's all I like.
Was a strong topics. He's ready to rumble. No, I'm
not saying he's gonna beat us, all right, I'm just checking,
but I like them, just checking. Nobody's won on the
hot seat. Y weeks seven to eight months were undefeated,
So let's get to it. I think, speaking of undefeated,

the Golden State Warriors are undefeated in their series with
the Houston Rockets. This was supposed to be it. This
was supposed to be the Western Conference Finals, if not
the NBA Finals, and it could. I don't think so.
I think you think so could end up being a sweep.
I'm not calling for a sweep. Now. That was Lebron

against the Golden State. Remember that sweep. I call that one.
This one, I'm not saying it's a sweep. But I
like where Golden State is. I like what they've been
able to do up to Old No, but that's hot take.
But I like what they are to a oh, the
way that they've gotten things done. And if you were

Houston after losing Game one and feeling like, you know,
kinda got job and you were close but you got jobs,
you could have come out and tried to steal that.
And I get it hardened with the eye, and well,
I'm glad you brought up the eye because to me,
you got both eyes. Too many people are talking about
the eye. I actually think some people have made it

an excuse. I've heard people making an excuse. He shot
him fancented in the postseason in that game nine for
a nineteen, which for him he had been shooting thirty
six percent in the playoffs, so he did great. So
I don't want to hear about James Harden's injury. Is
why Houston lost the game? Chris? When he went out,

they outscored the Warriors when he was He also had
thirteen points in the fourth quarter on five for seven shooting,
So I can't see that. How about the what do
they have seventeen or eighteen turnovers? Seventeen turnovers and eighteen
offensive rebound for the Warriors. Yeah, that's why I think

the game was lost. I don't think it was hardened,
and I'm not sure. Well, I'm sure it would be
nice if he didn't. Maybe he would have had thirty
five or thirty eight points with the eye galges Chris,
I got my eye on you, but but I don't
I don't understand why edit that one. OUTED don't know.
I don't even know what that meant. Well, I got

my eye on you because he said he has I
was crised, he said, and then he had the nerve
to go after Oh my eyes blo, everything's blurry. Five
for seven and he knocked down the three. Can you
take us through the injury? How you dealt with how painful.
It wasn't how difficult for you to get back out there?
And what was it like playing with it? Um, I'm

knocking badly, see, but just try to go out there
and how my teammates you know what? Look? Was that
the equivalent of Lebron come into the pros game with
the with the cast on? You know what? I think
that Harden made a mistake. He should have came with
a wrapping around his eyes, like, you know, like all

the way so he couldn't see it. Yeah, and I
patched like a pirate, and he could have should have
come in and he should have said he should have
had like, um, either somebody uh with brail or something
up front, you know, like could you please can you
please submit your questions and brow that's what all the

sense to the reporters. Christ have been funny, I would
have been funny. I'm not going to rip James Harden
just because look, it's not a great look. I would
admit sitting there in the press conference kind of not
facing the reporters with your hand over your head and

your head down and then saying I can barely see
when you just hit thirteen points to your point in
the fourth quarter and had your best shooting performance all playoffs.
You made eight of nine free throws. So it's not
a great look. But I don't know. I mean, it
was a nasty situation. You know, he's cut over both eyelids,

or at least one of the eyelids. He's bloodshot in
both eyes, so and you saw him squinting throughout the game.
I do think it was a tough situation for it,
and I do give him props for fighting through it.
I'm not gonna I'm with you on that. There's no
reason to ripping for the guy to go out there
any kind of blood. And I know one of them

was above the was on the eels, one was on
the island. Blood came from. Yeah, the eyes were they
were just bloodshot blood. But the blood was coming down, right,
And I get it, I mean, is that hard to play? Sure,
But it didn't seem to affect him. He was knocking
down some of those just right. Its pattern did step
back threes, right, I don't think that had And I

don't think that like I don't want to hear, just
like I didn't want to hear you complaining about the officials.
Even more so, I don't want to hear you complaining
about James hard Rockets fans save it all right, don't
bring it up. I don't want to hear Oh if
Harden didn't get hurt, we would have won game too,
if you could have evened up at one one with

home court advantage. No, how about stopped turning the basketball
over and uh and put some effort in getting an
offensive rebound. How about fixing an offensive rebound? Thank you,
because that's what lost the game. It was a close game,
and it just seemed like it would be like four
points and then Golden State. The six points suggest they

were firmly in control. Rockets made a little run at
the end to get it closer, but it seemed like
it really wasn't in doubt. And don't forget Steph Curry
had a dislocated finger. Now I'm not saying it wasn't broken.
I'm not trying to make it the equivalent of that.
And he's out there playing did have a dislocated finger.
He went out of the game for a while, came

back and played with it. So look, injuries are part
of sports, and I commend James Harden for fighting through it,
But do not even fix your mouth to say that
that was the reason the Houston Rockets lost. I don't
want to hear it now. I'm with you, because it's
gonna turn one of those things. And that's why I think.

I just bet Shannon on Undisputed fifty Wings today that
I got Golden State going to Houston and winning Game three.
It's just a feel for me. You know. Normally a
the team comes home, they win their first game, and
then it's a two to one series and the series
win seven games. Last year, there's something here amiss with

the Rockets, and I'm gonna say Chris is focused. I
think their focus is off, and I think it's gonna
cost them in Game three at home. Disagree with you
on the focus. That's it. It's a focus thing. If
I had to point to something that that really cost
them yesterday, I would say it was their lack of focus,
at least their lack of focus on the right things.

I just think their beginning of the game, they were
turning the ball over every trip down the floor. They
had nine of their seven turnovers in the first quarter.
We said yesterday, look, they're two focused on the officials,
they're complaining, they're looking for a pity party. They're talking,
you know, they want to manipulate the refs and they're

all they were concerned about was the officiating, and I knew.
I said, they're not focused on the right thing, and
look like they get out there and they look like
they're unfocused. And that's why I'm saying, I just think
that something's amiss with this team. I'm not calling for
them to get swept, but I'm going to go on
the lemons say that the Warriors go in to Houston,

win Game three, then take it easy and Game four,
and then come home, and I could see it going five.
I do think the Rockets win tomorrow, and then I
think I'm sorry Saturday. The Rockets win Saturday in Game three,
they'll win tomorrow and they make believe game I think
they win Game three, and I picked the Warriors in six.

But I think it's it's looking a lot like really,
so you're already ready to scale it back. It's looking
a lot like five. I don't know that. I don't
know that I see the Warriors. I don't see the
Warriors losing both games in Houston. So I agree, no
matter which it would be, it would be surprised one.
I agree with you. If if it was just home

team win the first two. The Warriors are better than that,
right and Rockets aren't focused. So unless they really get
their act together come Saturday, and uh, I'm not saying
it's gonna be. If I'm the Warriors, I'm going for
that game. I'm going for the job because then you
can't take it easy. Not that you purposely will know,
but you can. You know you got it's over, right,

because it's over, you might sweep them. I'd be like,
you know what, let's go get this one, don't lay up,
don't give all, and allow them to get back in
the series. Take game three, that's the important game. If
they get Game four, we can live with that. Go
back home, handle business. You know something else I didn't
like yesterday with the Rockets. In the postgame press conference,

Harden and Chris Paul were there and they were asked
about all the chatter about the officials before the game,
in between games one and two. Did they think he
got out of hand? Whatever? And they played dumb, what chatter?
What are you talking about? But then in the game.
I wouldn't have minded that if during the game, when

James Harden Is fouled on the three point and the
ref calls it. Chris Paul didn't show up the ref
right and start cheering like like, then you got one right?
Look knot why finally, I don't know why played basketball?
That was an obvious foul. There's nothing to celebrate up
the officials. That's all. You're lucky you didn't get a tea.

You're lucky number one you were playing because you bumped
the official at the end of the game. You could
have been tossed out of David Sturmer. Still, you would
have been right, and then you you're gonna like the
ref could have easily given him a tea. I'm glad
he did, but he could have given him a team
for that. You were showing up the ref and on
that play what I'm doing, But that was just so obvious.
What does there's no debate on that that was a foul.

I don't think that if that doesn't get called, then
you have a right right to make a big sting
because that's an obvious foul. There's no question about it. Yeah,
I just think, man, the rockets like and that goes
to your point, lack of FokI that's focused on the
wrong things. That's why the last thing I'm thinking about
is showing up the ref. That's why I don't feel
good about. That's why I don't feel good about. I'm

with you. I'm with you A seven seven ninety nine
on Fox A seven seven nine nine six sixty three
sixty nine. You're turning to call in all you Rockets fans,
Are you Warriors fans? Are you NBA fans? Period? What
you think of the game last night? Are the Rockets?
And is it over? Is the series over? Hit us

up and we'll continue the conversation with you. A couple
of Fox Sports Radio. Be sure to catch live editions
of The Odd Couple with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker
week days at seven pm Eastern four pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app. At Farmer's Insurance,
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to you. Your thoughts on War Yours v? Rockets? Is
it over? Eight seven seven ninety nine? On Fox? Let's
start with Rob in Carolina. Rob, what's happening? You know?
What's up? What's up? Parker of the Structures? But listen,

I love y'all show man for the Rockets. Man, you
hear me? It's over for the Rockets. And this is
why CP three carried him through last season. How many
years in the road is James hard? To have to
choke before you declare my choke art? He did it
the first Golden State Rocket Series are when they lost
in five? He did it, the Portland Series. He did

it last year. He's choking this year. How do you say?
How do you say he's choking? He had twenty because
because all of his numbers are down, every last percentages down.
That's not me. Last night with with bad eyes, he
gets twenty nine points on nine to nineteen shooting. The

type of games that he's been shown, you expect him well,
I don't expect him to average thirty six in the playoffs.
I'm sorry, but I wouldn't get him to do more.
I think him to do more than the twenty nine
point performer. That's not choke. If that's not choking though,
but Rob, that's not Rob. You gotta be honest too.

Come on, man, you can't have eighteen turnovers. Seventeen turnovers
and eighteen give up eighteen offensive rebounds. I mean that
that was that changed the balance of the game. Did
he choke last year? I don't think he choked. They
just got beat last year. Rob. When I'm asking when

now he's choked before, don't get me wrong, get San
Antonio Game six in Houston. Yeah he has choked. He
let me he has, But I'm trying to remember last year.
I don't know that he did last year. Hey, Rob,
thanks for the second guy, guy, for the call to appreciate.
What about Lavelle in North Carolina? Lave, what's happening. Hey, hey,
what's going on? Christ and Rob's shopping to hear you

guys again, it's going on it Chris, real quick. I
wanted I saw your posts on Instagram about your daughter.
I wanted to say, hous, congratulations to your daughter, many
blessings to your family. Thank you, man, that was really nice.
Thank you, no problem, thank God, not your little wife.
That's all we asked for. Rum about this Warriors in

Houston thing, Um, I don't think it's a sweep yet,
but my room is in the closet just in case. Um,
this does not look good. My thing about the Rockets
is with all their complaining about all these files in
game money, here it comes Game two. I watched that game.
Most of the calls went against the Warriors in the
Rockets favor and yet you still couldn't win. Yeah, still

couldn't be I hear you. I mean that's the day
because the third quarter, particularly the third quarter, most of
those calls went against the Warriors. Yes, they were still
beat them. Yeah yeah, now I agree. They they they've
made a mistake by getting so caught up in the
officiating the game after Game one, and it wasn't just
the players it. I don't even think it was primarily

the players, but it was from the top down, from
your GM Darryl More to your coach Mike D'Antoni, and
then the players did their part as well. Let's go
to Sean in Riverside, California. Sean, you're on with the
Eye Couple. Hey, what's up y y'all? The best show
on that FSR. You know that? Thank you, man, that's
very very nice. Appreciate Hey real quick, though, I'm gonna say,

you know, the Luckets, man, they're overrated. Bro, I'm gonna
tell you straight up. I think that Milwaukee Boston both
better teams. He's a little better teams. Rockets been overrated.
People are saying this the NBA Finals just ain't no finals.
This is the reason why they're in the semi. I
ain't Denver to give him run for the money. Just
for the money, Sean, this is the only thing. And
I hear what you're saying, but coming in, there's no

way you can look at Denver with so much inexperience
and think that that's going to be some great finals,
whereas everybody coming in because Houston lost the spot, and
so this series is earlier when whether most people expected
it to be the Western Conference finals. So that's why
people are saying that it's more like the finals. Let's
go to Marty in Kentucky. Marty, you're in the eye

couple Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Marty. I'm doing good.
This works on Wednesday. How about you, guys? Ain't man,
oh man, I'm ready. I'm ready to hear it. Don't ma,
don't mind. I'm not mocking. I'm just saying number one,
go ahead. Mark. I don't want to go after Hardeness

so much, and go after Chris Paul so much about
this this complaining. I'm not a d N Tony fan.
I think he set this culture. Players look up to
their coach. Their coach is older, he's in a leadership position,
and he complains a lot, makes a lot of excuses.
You know, he's always winding to the ref. I really

don't like he based. He's too dependent on analytics. That's
not gonna work in the playoffs. They do call the
games differently. They made the freedom of landing rule to
protect players to get them through an eighty two game season.
But they're not just gonna hand you hand you calls
because you're manipulating these calls in the playoffs with these
veteran crews. That's a good call. You're right, And I

think that's a great point about D'Antoni and setting the tone.
He sets the culture for that team, and are they
tough minded enough. As good a coach as D'Antoni is
never wanted, arguably, he's arguably a Hall of Fame coach.
He's really had an impact on basketball. But I don't
think his teams are that tough minded, and it's shown

in the past. All Right, Steph Curry is the only
unanimous MVP in NBA history, mistake, but he still has
a massive chip on his shoulder. Game Chopra will tell
us all about it next, But first, David Gascon is in.
Healed up from his last time on the hot Seaton.
All right, just got back, Just got back from the hospital,

all right, two weeks in. Yeah, burn up my prophecy
of the Cleveland Browns winning the division and being a
threat to Andrew Luck. Looks like it's gonna come to
fruition in Kansas City. Remember that, because all right, got
Tyreek Hill probably got some issues, right, all right, Just
remember that fellas, all Right, we will, we will. What's trending, brothers, Well,
we got a lot of things going on right now.

First things first, before we get things underway. In Denver tonight,
National Hockeyleague Action game number three in the Eastern Conference semifinals,
Olewners just tied it with a powerplay goal. So they're
tat with Carolina one one. That's in the first period
about eleven minutes and some change left and that first
later on tonight Blues and Stars Satan Louis up in
that series game number four tonight. Their lead two games
to one. Meanwhile, as we mentioned Denver in Portland, tonight

tip off times at nine o'clock Eastern in the Molahigh City.
Denver took Game one in convincing fashion over the Trailblazers. Meanwhile,
Major League Baseball today a handful of games that have
gone final and the one two swinging a high five ball,
shallow center field, long run, Loreatto Cooking, get it. It's
gonna drop ban an rivinal score, Red Sox Radio Network.

They win it today by a final seven to three,
Pirates over the Rangers seven to five, Yankees getting beat
in the desert by the Diamondbacks three two was the
final score in game number one of a double header
Baltimore leading in Chicago with the White Sox five four.
Speaking of Chicago, the Cubs are all over the Mariners
early on. They scored four times in the second, ining
Javier Bayaz his tenth homer of the season. He's already

two for two in this ball game. It's six to
nothing Cubbies in that affair. Saint Louis in the Nation's
Capitol leading the Nationals three nothing, and the Kansas City
Royals swept a double header today over Tampa Bay. Eight
two in game number two was the final back to
the Odd Couple and just ten seconds. But first, a
word from our friends and Farmers Farmers Insurance. We know
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in every state. Gentlemen. Back to you, Thank you, Dave.
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to you live from the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios.
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car insurance with Geico. Go to Geico dot com or
call eight hundred nine four seven Auto. The only hard
part is figuring out which way is easy, and we
are excited to bring in our next guest. He is
the award winning director of Tom Versus Time About Tom Brady,
Kobe Bryant's Muse, and the documentary series Shut Up in

Dribble with he worked on he worked on in partnership
with Lebron James and Springhill Entertainment. So he is a
terrific storyteller and right at the top of his game.
We bring in Gotham Chopra. It is great to have
you on Gotham House. Hey, it's great to be back.
I love I love listening to you guys and being
with you on the show. Well, I appreciate. Well, your

next project is premiering tomorrow or on Facebook Watch. It's
Stephen Versus The Game About Steph. Curry tell us about
this documentary, Yeah, well, you know not unlike com Versus Time,
it's sort of a year in the making. I've been
with Steph. I was thinking about this morning. I think
the first you know frame we filmed with last year

during the Western Conference Finals against the Rockets and here
we are again though you know, around earlier, but I've
been following him basically since then as the team tries
to get his you know, third consecutive ring. It's fourth
in five years, and so that's kind of like one,
you know, aspect of the story. But then not unlike
some versus time, it's like really getting underneath that and

understanding the anatomy of you know, Steph's STEP's greatness and
really what is it that you know makes that work?
And it's you know, he's only he's thirty one years old,
so he's a decade younger than but he's had similar
sort of success, and it's yeah, it's really sort of
pulling that apart and figuring out the DNA of it.
And you know, I've had this amazing access with Steph

and not to step but his old family, because I
mean that's the thing you quickly learn when you're doing
something with step Carry, you're actually doing something with Aisha Kari,
with Tanya Kari, with Del kari Um and and so
you know, it's been a lot of fun. What will
people take away from this out of uh, out of
this documentary? Is it? Is it? Because sometimes I think

people think about Steph and just think about the threes
and you know, yeah, and his range is this something
else to him? Uh that people will learn. Yeah, I mean, look,
the first thing I do, like when I sort of
come in and I started working with someone is like
trying to find that you know. Again with Tom it
was sort of easy. With Age, it was like this,
you know, he's trying to push the boundaries in terms

of performance that it's from age for professional athlete. And
with Steph it was like, you know, that's not the thing.
But you know, the thing about steps that I think
people know is like his faith is a big part
of who he is. And while you know there's one
aspect of that is like you know, he's a Christian
and he talks, that's very much a part of him.
I was also interested in this idea of faith beyond that,
like his faith in the game, faith in the family,

faith in the town. Right now, it's last year in Oakland,
so it's really like unpacking those elements and understanding like
how those have all been fuel to this incredible success.
And so yeah, that's you know, just from a theme perspective,
I'd say it's really unpacking that and who is this
guy that you know is genuinely humble. I mean, is

that humility is real, But there's also a competitiveness that
I think people have seen flashes of, but you know,
we've been able to sort of also, you know, find
more of that across the past. Here. When you when
you really get up close to him and see him
and see his size, do you marvel at that at
all or not? Yeah, I mean, look, I think that's
one of the defining qualities of Steps and probably a

large part of his successes. You know, because as you
mentioned earlier, I've worked with Kobe, I've worked with Lebron.
I mean I'm around JD and you look at some
of these guys and they're like please, you know, these
guys are like superheroes, like physically, then you're on step
and you know it's and he's always been the small guy.
I mean obviously now I think he was a late bloomer.

I mean, he's incredibly you know, in shape and everything,
but he's still a relatively slight guy in the NBA.
But that's driven his success. I mean he is now Goliath,
of course as part of the Warriors, but he's literally
he's been David his whole life. You know, he's been
the underdog, and I think that's probably fueled an enormous
amount of his success. Before Kevin Durant joined them a

few years ago, I'm Steph Curry was on a pace
to be I mean I heard seasoned commentators say he
can end up being one of the top five or
ten players of all time. And then Kevin Durant comes
and Steph kind of willingly gives up a lot of
his individual success. He's still obviously very successful, but gives

up a lot of it for the team. Did you
get a sense of why, because a lot of players
wouldn't necessarily do that. Did you get a sense of
why that he was able to do that? Well, look,
I think it's part of who he is. And Stets
has grown up, you know, with his father, he's been
in the league basically his whole life. I mean, he's
you know, people have seen the pictures of him and

his brothers sets like on the court when his dad
was on Charlotte in Toronto and all that. He's a
student of the game. He understands. You know, we don't
just think of Michael Jordan as the greatest player of
all time. Because of the exploits on the court, but
it's also because of those six rings. And so I
think step I think it's also part of his faith.
I think that humility is real, and I think like

he doesn't need those sort of accolades. He needs to win.
It's what's most important to him. I also think, like
when we are sitting here having this radio show, another
ten twenty years from now, we will talk about Steph
carry as the greatest shooter ever to play the game,
and no doubt, there's doubt in my mind, but go ahead, No,
I mean it's a I'm a he's the only one

left it doubt, I'm the last one. Can I tell
you guys the stories? Like so you know, I guess
it was like six or seven years ago when I
worked with Kobe, and you know, Kobe and I would
sit around and having a lot of these like you
guys do, like the sort of basketball junkie discussions, and
we talked at that time, and I think it was
like two thousand and twelve or thirteen, So it was
early in Steph's career, like who is the greatest shooter

of all times? And I as a very proud, loyal
Celtics fan made a strong case for Ray Allen, and
Kobe said at that time, let me tell you, this
kid's Steph Carry. He's going to be the man. He's
the guy. And here we are. And I mean, Kobe
is the basketball guru now, m for sure. And he
called it and I am with team Kobe on that one. Yeah,

I'm with you as well, Gotham. And we are joined
by award winning filmmaker Gotham Chopra, who has his documentary
Stephen Versus the Game premiering tomorrow night on Facebook Watch.
I'm ready to see. Is there anything about when his
uh under armour nurse shoes didn't do well? Anything about

remember Stephani Cory came out with those sneakers that they
just bob big time. We have been judicious in our
under armour. Yes, okay, so you left that part out. Well,
is a big part of his life. And I mean, boys,
he you know, I have my my pair of carry sixes,

So I'm not sure. I'm not going to talk about
what I wear during pickups, but yeah, I mean I
under armour seems to have served him pretty well the
last few years. Gotham. When you're doing a documentary like this,
and I assume what just explained it to us, But
I assume at certain points the cameras are just rolling right,
like they're living their normal life, doing their normal things,

and they giving you access to just roll. Is that
how it works? And are there times where maybe something
happens that they don't want, you know, they don't want
the public to have access to, and they'll say no,
they'll take that part out, and even though they had
given you the rights to, you know, go ahead and
film it. Does that ever happen? Yeah? I mean, look,
there's a fine line between like, you know, I'm such

a and the team I work with, it's such as
we're such film and snubs that we don't like to
think of ourselves as making reality show. So we're not
like setting up cameras in their house and just having
them roll. But yeah, I mean they are. We're definitely around.
We're definitely flies on the wall, and we choose moments
and that's in consultation with Deep and Aisha and you know,
like I said, his parents are around, so um. But yeah,

I mean occasionally, I don't know that it happens like
in the moment, and especially honestly, with Steph Carry there's
not there's not you know, go something, They're not skeletons
in the closet. There's just you know, there's not a
lot of conflict, and so um I think that you know,
are there things that are sensitive, but I almost like
have an instinct. I can feel when they're happening, and

a lot of times that's like you know, with the
kids and stuff, and you never want I never want
to be that person who you know they feel as
being exploitive. So I feel like I and the team
that I've put together have a pretty good instinct. And
that's again why why we get the accent to begin with.
And so you know, when something happens and you're like, yeah, okay, cool,

that's gonna just go and go in the safe or
go to the Curry archive, And that's for them and
not something you know. I'm not a reporter who's coming
in trying to get a scoop or get a story.
I'm a partner not only with Steph but his wife
Aisha and making sure this is something that you know
that they want to share. And also I think they

lean on me also to you know, like tell a
good story and make sure that it is interesting and
it's not just some vanity piece. Last thing we got
about a minute left. We snow with Lebron James and
you worked with him, want to shut up in dribble.
We know how he wants to have an I packed
off the court and obviously already has Tom Brady. I
think it seems like his impact he wants to have

his regarding health and you know, aging gracefully and what
with Steph what you know? What do you think? What
did you I know he's starting a movie production company
and he's he's executive produced a movie that just came
out Breakthrough. Like, what do you think his goals are
off the court? Does he want to use his platform

for some type of message or you know, to promote anything. Yeah,
I think he wants to. I don't know if it's
promotion that I think he wants to inspire. I think
that is you know, I think it goes back to that,
you know, being the David versus the Goliaths. He was
not the guy who was necessarily meant to be here
and he's but then yet he's accomplished that. I think
one thing you see when you're with step all the

time is how he resonates with kids. And you know,
I tell the story like you go to Madison Square Garden,
you have all the kids in their next next jerseys,
and then as soon as Steph comes out, they all
take their next jerseys and they're wearing Steph Curry jerseys underneath.
And he's very tuned into that. He knows, and I
think he wants to use his platform to inspire that generation.

You know, everyone talked about Steph playing the you know,
playing plays the game with joy, and I think that's
by design and so yeah, I think that that idea
of inspiring is really important to him. Well go Gotham Chopra.
We appreciate you joining us. We love your work. You
do great stuff and we will be watching tomorrow we
I know we'll enjoy it. Just continue to do the

great work. Is Gotham Chopra Award winning filmmaker Stephan Versus
the Game. It premieres tomorrow night on Facebook Watch. Make
sure you check it out. All right, Gotham, thanks a lot,
appreciate Thank you guys. Ye all right. Joel Embat and
Nicola Yokich are both elite big men in today's NBA
but one is clearly better than the other. I'll tell

you who it is next. It's Bruce Sar's Big Six
on the Odd Couple of Fox Sports at Farmer's Insurance.
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the I Couple, Chris Brusarde and Rob Parker on this
worship Wednesday. And you know how we do it. Every
Wednesday at four forty five Pacific, seven forty five Eastern,
we hit you with Bruce ARD's Big Six. Are you
ready pick the heat like Lebron, We're going big. It's

gold Town. It's Bruce Sard's Big Six. All right, here
we go, Bruce Ar's Big Six. And this week I
am going to focus on who are the best big men,
the six best big men in the NBA, and that
his centers and power forwards. I did not include Yannisigns

to the coompo because I consider him a small forward
throughout DeMarcus Cousins two because he's obviously banged up. In
the last year or two. All right. At number six,
LaMarcus Aldridge San Antonio spurs hate if you want, because
he can't carry you to the promised Land, but he

still gives you twenty one and nine and has been
the centerpiece of fifty win teams for the bulk of
his career. So LaMarcus Aldridge at number six, Number five
call Anthony Towns. He has been ranked higher on this
list in the past. But at some point you gotta
start winning. Then I know the numbers. A gaudy twenty four,

twenty three points a night, twelve rebounds a game. You
had an uptick when James Jimmy Butler left you, but
just still didn't win. And you had a good coach,
Tom Thibodaux. So I gotta see some wins before I
start singing the praises again of Carl Anthony Towns. Number four,
Rudy Gobet. That's right, Rudy Gobert, the defensive feenom for

the Utah Jazz. Doesn't give you a ton offensively. He'll
get you fifteen sixteen points, but that's not really his game.
His impact is on the defensive end, and you can
win big with this guy. Utah has built his defensive
system around him, and he delivers. He is a monster
inside number three. Number three, you're gonna be surprised by

this one, Anthony Davis. Kind of low, kind of low,
but again, what can I brother see some wins? You've
been in the league too long now, we're not giving
you the yo. You know he needs some help. You
had Julius Randall with a great season. You had Drew
Holland Day who's a very good point guard. You got

a little bit of help. Nicolee Merritage was there for
a while. And not to mention that he gets hurt
quite a bit with nagging injuries. Anthony Davis might win
a one on one contest of big men, but it's
about winning and blending in with five or four others.
And ad gotta show me something. Number two Joe l Embid.

He would be number one, but he's banged up all
the time. Even now. Is he playing the next game
or not? We're not sure. Venees or Balky ten De
nited some saying arthritis. It's not a good sign. And
I can't count on him to beat there every night
when he plays. He's phenomenal, no question about it. But

the injuries have hurt him. In Bruce Hard's Big six
Number one, Yep, you guess that Nick Kola Yogics can't jump.
For Leck, I'm not even sure if he can dunk
you all in on him. The boy is bad. The
boy is bad. He reminds me not the way he plays,

but I watch him and I'm like, this is like
Larry Bird. Can't jump, not athletic, not gonna blow by you,
but you can't stop him from getting this stuff off.
The three pointers he's in the post, He's getting his
layups off over high flyer, high risers. A tremendous passer,
one of the best passing big men we've seen, gives

you double figures, rebounds a night, shoots a high percentage.
I mean, he's great, and he's a centerpiece of the
second seed in the Western Conference. What type of damage
you think he'd do if he was in the East
or had a legit second star with him. Even though
I like Jamal Murray on the come up, and that's
it what you got to say about my big six man,

none at all. I don't disagree because one of the
things that you always talk about is during it to
the postseason, So you're staying true to yourself. So I
can't argue with that, given that some of these other
big guys haven't done enough in the postseasons. But I
think that's fair. And Yokich has been outstanding. He's been tremendous.
And when he got that attitude to go in the score,

that's when he's really tough, like when he put forty
three on the Spurs. Not easy to do. And those
guys in Denver, they know that. Listen, are you trying
to like make Denver? I love you? Let's take care
of her brother when I come to visit. Listen to
a couple. Be sure to catch live editions of The
Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker weekdays at

seven pm Eastern, four pm Pacific. It is the I Couple.
I am Chris, he is Robbed, and we are coming
to you live as always from the Gueico Fox Sports
Radio Studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or
more on your car insurance. Visit Geico dot com for
a free rate quote. We have been NBA heavy and

we're gonna stay NBA heavy because it's just that time
of year and There was an interesting article that came
out today on SNY and it talked about how Sports
New York, Sports New York, everyone has been talking about
the Knicks, the Lakers, the Clippers when it comes to

free agency. One team that has max cap room for
not just one, but two superstars that no one has
really been talking about. A team that is gritty, well coached,
well run, and really like the Clippers East, the Brooklyn

Nets not really on the fans radar, but this story
on SNY today said the Nets are indeed on the
superstar free agents radar. League sources told SNY that Kevin Durant,
Kawhi Leonard, and Tobias Harris will all consider joining Brooklyn

when it's time to look at their free agency options
this summer. Rob Parker, does that surprise you? What do
you think about that? Not surprise whatsoever? I know everybody
you know, it's always about the Knicks. But Brooklyn has
a nice little thing going. Just like we talk about
the Clippers and what they did this offseason, people didn't

expect Chris. We talk about it all the time. We
used to look up every night and go nuts one again,
like well, like we did, and they put together a
nice little season. They went to the playoffs, they shocked
Philadelphia in Game one and then they lost the series.
All fine, but and I know it's the Brooklyn Nuts,
but they were in New York. They're playing a beautiful building.

Well we remember, we had Fat Joe on last week
and he said, Man, I've been the Knicks fan my
whole life, but I'm I'm feeling Brooklyn. I'm thinking about
you know, well, you know, and you know why he
said that because Brooklyn was in the playoffs and the
Knicks again were awful. I mean, and it might benefit
them because they might get Zion right with them if
they get the first overall pick. So if you have

a bad year like that, at least you wind up
getting something out of it. But the Knicks were awful
to watch, and I'm sure there were people in New
York who flipped over to see Brooklyn. DeAngelo Russell had
a breakout year All Star right. Speaking of which, if
to clear up to Max, but that's to get two people.

I might not do that. I might get. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't I would if I was gonna get to like,
if I could get Kevin Durant Kyrie Irving, I renounced
the n Yes, and they already had without look. DeAngelo,
I guess was their best guard. But Cares Laverte is legit.
You saw that in the playoffs. And Spencer Dinwitty is legit. Well,

who I got to see up close in Detroit was there.
He got to notice him and he is a good player.
So yeah, so they got plenty of all stuff there.
It'll be definitely interesting to see. But I don't think.
I think people pooh pooh Brooklyn. And it's funny because
the Nets have always had the problem. They used to
play in Jersey and was always while Chris in New York.

The fans would always pick different teams. You would be
like the Yankees, the Giants and the Rangers and the
other read Mets, the Jets and the Islanders. The Knicks
were both do you know what I mean? That's right?
The Nets were never never did you come? You didn't

cover the Nets, did you? Did you know? When they
bring a beat writer into New York, that's how you
get broken out, how you get broken in. On the
next we all we all be Mike Freeman, who's now
with what Bleacher reporters, Mike Wise, who was with the
Washington Post with me at the Cartis Barn Club the Roberts,
who people might remember from years ago. I could I

could go through a lust. We all break all broken
on the Nets beat because it was like, okay, you
could put them on the Nets. People aren't really right
case they stake right, no question, and then you graduate
to the Knicks. That's how it's doubt. And here's the
This will tell you all you need to know. When
Jason Kidd was with the Nets and the final two

years in a row, it was like it didn't even happen,
right because we're selling out games and there was no
fun in New York. People asked me, they're going crazy
about the final I said, uh no, that's happening. They
might as well have been to Charlotte Hornets. And it's
only like nine miles away right from It's Greater New York, right,
it's like right over the bridge. But people didn't care.

They really didn't care. They're moving over to Brooklyn was
the smartest business decision ever made because now you at
least have people the more of a time. I always
saying this, Rob and you know how fondly New Yorkers
remember the Patrick eween era. Sure they got to the finals,
what twice didn't win it. I always said this, if

that Jason Kid team with Kenyan Martin, Kerry Kittles and
Keith Van Horn, if they air Richard Jefferson, if they
had been the Knicks, that would have been bigger than
the eween era because they were exciting. They weren't thugged,
beating you up, playing slow. They were fun to watch.
They used to come to the garden and play the

Knicks and take over. And if the crowd would be
cheering for them because they'd have allues from half court
was crazy. Yeah. But but I agree, I agree with you.
I just think Brooklyn and the Nuts have changed their image.
The uniforms. People sport Brooklyn stuff like like they never
sported Nuts stuff in New York. And now the Brooklyn
the black and white Chris Golds with everything. A lot

of people wear it. At one time, there was something.
They were the number one selling Jersey when they first
came out. I'm gonna, I'm gonna give one more dough
of nets love be right. I mean, look, Kyrie Irving
grew up in New Jersey, right around where I live

in New Jersey as a Nets fan. To your point,
big Nets fan, so you can add him to this list.
He'll at least consider them. Now the story, let me
get to the reality, the real part of the situation.
Of course, Kevin Durant, Kawhi, Leonard, Kyrie Irving and certainly

Tobias Harris are going to consider the Nets. Consider the Nets.
No free agent worth it. Sawt is gonna just right
off a team that has two max salary slots. They'll
be on the list. But the problem is they'll be

way way way down low on the list. And I'm
gonna say this, Kevin Durant, I go into the Net,
Rob you know it. It is not the same. It
is not even close to being the same as going
to New York and you and I saying, we're saying

the praises of what would happen for Kevin Durant if
he went to New York and won a championship. If
he wins the championship in Brooklyn, that'll be great, it'll
be nice, but it won't be nearly and correct me

if you think I'm wrong, nearly as impactful as if
he leads the New York Knicks. Same rights in their
way down. It's not Yankees Mets, right, it's not Giants, Jets,
you just said it. The Knicks have all been every

New Yorker's favorite team, right, that's the difference. And because
everybody else and all the other sports split, right, that's
why New York is like a weird sports town, because
the Jets can do something and people don't have. The
city doesn't care, really doesn't care. Right, But the Knicks
are always been everybody and everybody's about the look. Sean

Marks has done a great job with the front office.
Kenny Atkinson has done a great job coaching. The players
have done a great job of playing with heart and
winning above what anyone thought they could. But the Knicks
is by far the more attractive situation as a free
agent number one. The Knicks front office is not bad either.

It's not you know, the stumble bombs that some some
of the the eyes they've had in the past. Right,
Scott Perry's done a really good job. They cleared the
room for two max guys. Right, you got a good
coaching David Fizdale that players like. I know the team
is horrible, but they've got room for two slots. That's
the difference. If they only had room for one slot

and Brooklyn had two, then you might say, Okay, maybe
Brooklyn they've got two, just like Blue. I think it's hard.
The Nuts are in a tough spot because it's happening
at the same time. If this was the Nets had
the two slots like you said, Knicks had one, Brooklyn
would be on top because somebody would be coming with

another guy. And then you would also go, look at
the nucleus like the Clippers. It's the way you look
at the Clippers, look at what they have, look at
what they look at what you know. You look at
Lou Williams and these other guys coming off the bench,
and you go, they here's the thing with the Clippers too,
because I know the Clippers have been they've been as
far now maybe the gap was bigger between the Lakers

and the Clippers than the Knicks and the Nets, just
because the Lakers have been so good. The Knicks have
been popular, but they don't win anything. And but here's
the thing the Clippers for it. Young generation rob people
don't remember the Clippers as this just horrible. More of
times because Chris Paul and Blake Griffin and DeAndre jor

eight years you were talking about entertainment and high flying Dons,
and they've been legiti even though they haven't won it.
So and the Lakers have been bad for a lot
of that time, So the Clippers aren't viewed as as
much of bottom feeders as much as we know when
I when I'm right and when I covered the NBA,
you know, as a big guy the the like the

Clippers were, Joe was just an absolute Joe. As much
as I want Kevin Durant and Kyrie irving the team
up just for the sake of the NBA, I think
it'd be great for the league if they were the
team up in Brooklyn. Yeah, it'd be nice, but I
would it would I wouldn't be nearly as excited I
think those team up in New York. I get, I

get it, But I think those two guys coming together
no anywhere you were exactly? Am I right? I mean
you maybe they'd be a top team, there's no doubt,
but it just doesn't hold the same pash. So what's
your gut? You still believe my talk is about the

Knicks and that these guys are gonna do it. My
gut is this Kevin Duran, Kyrie Irving go to the Knicks,
Kawhi Leonard goes to the Clippers. Jimmy Butler, with or
without Anthony Davis ends up with the Lakers. Tobias Harris
ends up resigning in Philadelphia. Kimba Walker, he's a Walker.

He could end up with the Lakers if they don't
get Anthony Davis. He'll be interesting. But that's that's kind
of my feeling. Clay times and resigns. I don't think
LeBris signs. I don't think Lebron came here for h
Kimber Walker, but about I agree, but what about Jimmy Butler?
Those if they get Jimmy Butler, If they get those,

they get Jimmy Butler and Kim Walker. Where you I
don't look at them as still winning a championship. Yeah,
they wouldn't be the favorite, but they'd be a good
team if they stay. And Lebron would have to have
the right mentality of not being like this is all
I got, you know what I mean, because you would
be like, seriously, and I'm not auditioning those other two guys,
but those would be booby prizes compared to what they

were what Lebron was expecting to get a big, big guy.
I just site on a D twenty five, twenty six
years old, twenty five years old star, knowing right to
two guys who are second tier stars their stars, but
second year, no questions, no question, and one more thing.
I throughout DeMarcus Cousins. I think there's a good chance

he could wind up back with the Warriors if they lose. KD.
Cousins can look at it like nobody's gonna give me
big money, but there's no big money coming. I would
be a mid level against a little bit like a
raise on the mid level exception six four four million
or something like that. But think about it, if Kevin
Durant's gone now, he's gonna average twenty points because he's

gonna be either the second or the third option because
they'll points to be had, right, and he'll be a
big part of that team and they can win it again.
If DeMarcus Cousins goes to Golden State and Kevin Durant leaves.
I still think, assuming they win it this year, Golden
State's a favorite. I don't know. I think Tom would
take a toll on them the five years in the row,

and I would just not. But I think they're gonna
be rejuvenated because I hear but I think it would
be hard. I really do just from not by talent, right,
but just by which is really straight? Right? You would
have won? Right? Yeah, that's an interesting thing to think
about though, all right eight seven seven ninety nine on
Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine.

If Kevin Durant leaves the Warriors this summer, which New
York franchise should he join? The Knicks or the Nets?
It's your turn away at eight seven seven ninety nine
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All right, we threw it out to you eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine
six sixty three sixty nine. What's the better place to
go New York Knicks or Brooklyn Nets. Let's start with
Kevin in Wisconsin. Kevin, you're on the eye couple. What's happening? Hey,

how you doing? Christian? Rob? And say, don't say the
better place to go is the Bucks, because they're not
in this discussion. What I was thinking. But to answer
the question, he has to go to the Nets, because
it would look like he allowed walk Fraser's comments to

pump him into comment to New York and that just
in testifies the fact that Kevin Durant is sensitive and
cares too much and is manipulated by his critics. Comment.
That's an interesting comment. That's an interesting take. I think
that's legit. I don't think people are gonna think that necessarily,

but if you think it, there'll probably be others that might.
I think that he is hitting on something I do that.
I don't think that that's going to be Ultimately, it's
a it's a legitimate take, there's no doubt but that
that that's a good take. The interesting thing, quickly, Rob,
is that you and I both worked in New York
and we felt the difference between the Nets and the Knicks.

People that don't live in New York, which we see
a lot of our callers aren't, don't. They may have
a different take. They may not view the Nets, as
you know, as lowly as we view exactly. They may
not view the Knicks as highly as we do, which
most people don't outside New York because the Nicks aren't
that good? Exactly? Max and Georgia, you're on the odd
couple Fox Sports Radio. What's up? Max? Good? Even Fellas,

I wanted to say, Um, I think I think that
Joe kind of had it right. And I think some
New Yorkers would be honest to say that Brooklyn's the
new spot. I mean it's on the come up. I
think real estates up, the job markets up. I mean
I don't live there, so you guys would know better
than men. Is a hot spot in New York. There's
no doubt a body right, question right. And in terms

of the owner, like, I think you can learn more
from the ownership, good or bad on the net side,
than than James Doland. I don't see him leaveing anytime soon.
He's he's he's uh, he's banning fans in the stadium.
He's still banning Charles Oakley last time I knew. Um.
I want to know also the supporting cast, I mean
with Jared Allen and shot Blocker Yeah yeah yeah, and

Hollis Jefferson and let's not forget Lavart, thank you, thank you, Chris. Yeah.
So I mean I think, uh, if you can go,
and then whoever you bring along with you. I don't
know who it would be, whether it be Kawhi or
that's a legiti tate because you're right, like even if
let's say the Nicks end up with Kyrie k D

and say Anthony Davis, Okay, who you putting around him?
Like it's the problems Lebrown always faced, I mean granny,
he overcame and won championships. But you have to really,
you know, just piecemeal, you're supporting kas together, whereas if
those two go to Brooklyn, Kay, Kyrie and k D.
You know the supporting Kay, we got a shot blocker
and Jared Allen, we got some guards off the bench,

and then Witty and Laverte. They can play like you've
got you know, even the shooter Joe. What's the kid
that's that won the All Star three point? They have
all the pieces. Yeah yeah, yeah, it's interesting. Um in
to the college point. They would definitely take over if
k D and Kyrie go there, Oh, no, no question.

Although it'd be interested if Zion went to the Knicks
and those two went to the Nets. Let's go to
revel in Michigan. Revel you are with christ and Rob.
What's happening? Thanks having me back I just want to say,
Katie's got to go to the Knicks. You bring a
championship to the Mecca, you become folklore in the NBA.
Nothing greater than that. Yeah, short, sweet and sales point.

One more thing, Yes, Chris, earlier you were talking about
the Lakers. I think they should go bullyball. Get uh
Boogie Cousins, pick him up for a little bit of nothing,
and get Jimmy Butler. Turn into the Nick of the
West at this point, you know, and you put some
shooters around them. It's better than what they have now,
that's for sure. Lebron ain't playing no bullyball. Guy, Well

you get Bookie for all right? All right, Marcus Sacramento,
you are with christ and Rob what's going on? Julian's doing?
But I cann't agree with the callers before me. I
think it should be Brooklyn. They spell exactly what I
was gonna say, all the points about the ownership that
the you know, Brooklyn being different. I can't acquitted to
what's going in Los Angeles. Everybody used to say Lakers,

but look what's happening now the Cookers. So I took
kind of the synergy to both. Is that Brooklyn and
Ellen Cookers or the two players other than the Knicks
Lakers look at. That would be incredible if those two
teams stole from the Lakers got shut out of the definitely,

am I right? Don't adopt be incredible if that's the way. Yeah,
because the fact that they can like even look Lebron,
some players want to play with him something dumb, but
that you know, that's a factor too that the Knicks
don't happen. What would be the Knicks excuse? Right, you
got two max slots, you got no nobody, There is
no car mellow that people don't want to play with.

There's nothing there, right, and you got beat out by Brooklyn.
I would be a bit bury them all right. I've
said it before and I say it again. I've had
enough of all the excuses coming out of that Houston
Rockets locker room. Stop it. We'll get into that is
so much more with our man NBA champion Eddie House next.
I think I just scared Robe out to scare me

out of my witch. Did the David Gas guy for
the latest of the gas what's up much? Not much?
All kinds of things going on right now, real quick
of the national Hockeyley Eastern Conference Semifinals, Game three, little
hand off for Dougie Hamilton, a turnaround shot light of
Leonard slaving his goods. Just about seven minutes gone in

the first of Carolina. It's off and running and they
just scored again, justin Folk his first goal of the postseasons.
Two one right now, Hurricanes over the Islanders in game
number three. Islanders down this series two games to none.
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Slash free Alerts. Limitations do apply. Puck drops there in
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one game to that on the menu, it's the Nuggets
and the Trailblazers from the mile highest city. Denver leads
that series one game to none, and tip off time
in Denver is at nine o'clock eastern. Meanwhile, in Major

League Baseball, it's a cuve. He's all over the Mariners.
It's nine nothing Chicago Anthony Rizzoa home run. Wilson contraris
a home run. Javier Bias a home run and that
contest as well. They got nine runs so far on
nine hits in that contest. Other games right now in
Major League Baseball, Diamondbacks beat the Yankees three two. Kansas
City swept at doubleheader against Tampa, winning game number two

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All right, we do it every week. It's our NBA Champion,

our FS one NBA analyst to the clutch performers during
this day hitting those big threes. It's Eddie House. What's up, brother?
What's up my man? What's all y'all feeling the diy man? Man,
we are great. I'm gonna start here, Eddie. I just
did my Brusar's Big Six, where I make my list
every week, and I said the best big man meaning

centers or power forwards. Didn't include Yannis in the league
largely because of somewhat I say say somewhat because of
Joe l MBI's banged up body. I went with Nikola
Yokis is the best big am. I crazy. No, I'm
gonna tell you why you're not okay. If you have
two cars right, one of them you could get on
the road. They take you back and forth. The other

ones in the shop, which one is the better car
one get back and forth. So there you go, that's
a good one looking at it. At the end of
at the end of it. If joel On B was healthy,
by far superior talent, I think the Yokers. I think
Yokis is a much better paths. So that's probably the
only check check mark he could put next to a
box where he'll he'll have the advantage. But yeah, if

B was healthy, I mean, it's clear cut and B.
But you know, you're right, man, you have to be
on the court. You have to be reliable. You have
to be out there, um and and be be productive
and not always be injured for for you to be
in that conversation um as being as being the best eddie.
I know a lot was made of hardened last night. Obviously,
you know, uh some blood his eyes you know, got

uh poked and whatnot. So he was struggling a little bit,
had to come out the game, but he wound up
having his best shooting percentage in the postseason. He at
twenty nine points. I thought the game was lost on
focus with the turnovers. What was it Chris seventeen nine
to their seventeen in the first court also, they gave
up eighteen offensive rebounds. Is that the reason why they

lost more so than just hardened of course having his
little injury issue. Yeah, of course, I mean those right there.
I mean, come on, eighteen offensive rebounds. You're giving a
team that you don't even want to give them one
look at the basket, let alone, You're given them eighteen
extra opportunity at being able to kill you. You you
can then turning the ball over, and that's just like
crossing over half court, pushing them ball down and say,

hey man, we're not gonna get a shot here, because
that's essentially what it is. We're not gonna get a shot.
You gotta go ahead and take it from here. We'll
we'll deal with the next possession. So you can't do
that with and if you're a championship caliber team, these
things cannot be popping up right now. It can't be
rearing its ugly head like man, a lack of detail,
paying attention to your scouting report, understanding what your job is,

finishing your job, you know it. Just don't go with
the defensive stop. After you get to stop, you must
get the rebound to complete the stop. So they got
to blame themselves. I mean, nothing you can say about
what were hard, and of course that's that's unfortunate. It
happened with his eye, but it was essentially he didn't
affect him that much. He was still he was still
to be effective. Eddie, I'm looking at I'm I'm calling

for All Golden State to win Game three in Houston,
and I'm not saying that they're gonna get swept or whatnot,
but but I just I'm bothered by Houston's focus. I
just think that they're focused that were focused on the referees.
They came out last night sloppy in the game that
if you really believe that the referees took that game
one from you and you had a chance to win,

you could have come and tried to win game two
right and then go back to Houston with some momentum
and they just would sloppy out the box. I think
they're focus is off. You're right, you right on anytime
you start pointing fingers at the referees and not pointing
the thumb to yourself and say, hey, what can I
have done better? PJ Tucker could have shot better in
game one. It's a lot of things that could have

happened in that game one for them to win, and
I think they plucked themselves out for the second game,
knowing that Scott Foster. Once they found that out, I
think it's placked them out. I think it's like them
out even more like, oh man, okay, here we go
no matter what we do, instead of just saying, hey,
we can't control this goal here, lock in, do what
we kind of will do what we can do, and
it'll be obvious if we're getting cheated. But lack luster

effort and lack luster focused and it's to me, there's
no excuse for it at this time. And mean, you
should be lasers sharp and you have time in between
these games. It's not like you you're on a back
to back and you're coming from Philly and landing in
Denver late night and got to play Denver. You know
at the altitude the next day in the middle of February.

You know you don't have that. This is for all
the marbles, so you should be locked in. I want
to give hard major props. I mean, we saw the injury.
He goes out, scores twenty nine points, his best shooting
game of the playoffs. But I want to ask you
this because you were a shooter. You know. He went
to the press conference after it said he can barely see,
it's blurry. Is it possible that a guy can be

out there and unable to really see and everything's blurry
and to shoot the way he did? Is that because that?
I don't want to say he was playing up the injury,
but you know what I mean, Like I wanted somebody
asking was it blurry when you were on the court,
because he didn't shoot like stuff was blurry or like
he saw two rims. You know what I'm saying. But

he got two eyes, so one of them was blurry,
the other one seeing. Okay, that might be so one
was a little blurry, the other one is good. And
I mean, what can you do? Uh? You gotta play.
It's kind of like this, have you. It's funny how
when when something happens to somebody, say they're sick or
some something like that, the injury they're able to come
back from. It seems like they perform better sometimes. Um,

I don't know what do you think about Isaiah Times
when he wrote his ankle get they're lapping around. He's
out there balling nobody. You know, you look, Michael Jordan
when he had the flu, he out there killing, but
he barely can walk. You know. It's like just I
don't know. The competitors are able to muster it up
and in times of distress when they feel like they're
the most vulnerable, and then they just take it to
another level. I think that's what James did. So you

do got to commend him for that, because it's it's
definitely hard as a shooter. That's your main that's what
you're relying on to get your your depth. You know
how much you got, you know, how far are you,
how far are you from you? How much air you
gotta put under all that? Everything? Your eyes is the
first thing that you that you lead for you to
get your out of Oh yeah, but you also left
out when Lebron got swept by the Golden Stated, he

came in with a cast on remember the frost, and
you go you find the way to flipping in it,
you know, And that one came out of left field.
I gotta give you love for that one, because that
one came out of left field. You do it did?
Come on man, and he let let me ask you this.

Let's go to the east. We got a great series.
It looks like between Milwaukee and Boston, a lot of
everybody or a lot of people wrote Milwaukee off after
Game one, I included Paul Pierson was over, So the
series was over after you picked? But who'd you pick?
And where do you think things staying now? Who you liking? Robbing?
I picked the Celtics and I still feel comfortable with them.

Can can Milwaukee make twenty threes in another game? I
don't think they can. Um, you stay shot forty seven threes.
I think Boston did exactly what they needed for Milwaukee
to do, and that's play into their hands. They just
hit them. They hit shots. You tip your cap off
and Boston and make shots. Kyrie was off a little bit.
He missed a few easy, easy ones that usually he makes,

and that that that that that stops run. You know
from a uh, you're already down six and now you
could kind of cut it down and now that you
miss an easy one, you could have cut it to four. Instead,
they come down hit the three. Now you're down nine.
You're like, you know, it was those type of situations
that was happening a lot to them yesterday. So hey,
they're at home. You have to expect Milwaukee to come
out and give them everything that got because I believe,

believe me that they understood if they lost that game
at home and went down too, for sure, the series
is definitely over. Now, it might not be swept, but
they know for sure that it's over. But and so
right now they have hope, there's a glimmer of hope.
But I still think that Boston just just can outman them.
I think they're they're doing a great job because you
can game plan for the Greek freak. You can take

him out of the game and try to keep him
out of the pain, kidable away from dumps. It's hard
to do but to take the team effort, and we
see Boston doing it, and so I think Boston still
gonna get it done. He's see I cover with joint
by NBA Champion Eddie House Eddie Game three, I mean
game two, I should say it's at Denver tonight against
the Trail Blazers. A big game. Denver showed me a

lot bouncing back after in the first round, after losing
Game one and then winning in Game seven. They take
care of Portland in game one. This is a big
game if they can win this game, they control the series. Yeah,
they do. And I think the kids is your kids.
He's they're playing through him and they just can't do
anything with him. Um, the way he plays, the passing,
the way he can passing. Then he offen to sport

the basketball. Uh and he just has a high basketball IQ.
He knows how to set guys up, where to get them,
create leverage, great screen. I think this is the reverse
role of the Celtics and the Bucks, where the Bucks
came out giving everything to have Denver have to expect
that's what Portland's gonna do. Even though they say a
game the series doesn't start to you win one on

the road, you just don't want to go down O two.
I don't care if you have the next twit your house.
You do not want to know because right because you
have a small a small more error, you can't have
a bad night. Oh yeah, no more. And you know what. Also,
I think Portland's I'm not sure if they expend all
that they expended all their energy and efforts and just

beating okay, seeing like ah we got through them, Like
oh that was like a big battle, Like they were
so emotionally high to go to Denver did they did
they lose a little bit of their the chip that
they usually have on their shoulder. I think tonight they're
gonna come out and play hard. I think that they
I expect Name to give a great performance again, but
it's gonna be the other guy. C J. McCullum's gonna

have to step up, Kerner's gonna have to step up.
Hearth's who's gonna have to play well. The big fellas
when they come in, they're gonna have to play well.
Enis Canter Is gonna have to do a better job
defensively on Jokids, And they're gonna do a better job
as a whole trying to corral and make sure that
they don't that they don't allow him to just be
as comfortable as he is or and that starts with
Enis Cantor as well and game planning. So I expect

Portland to come out and it rides on their role
players what they can do if they are knowledge from
our man Eddie House. We appreciate it. Brother. It's all
good man, Thank Flabby, always no doubt. Peace all right
in the eyes of Hall of Fame. Voter Rob Parker
five hundred is greater than three thousand. He can't do math,

but he'll explain its five hundred is greater than three thousand. Yes,
that's what you're saying. He can't do math, folks, he'll explain. Yes,
It's the Eye Couple. Fox Sports Radio Rob Parker. Be
sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple with
Chris Brusar then Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm Eastern,
four pm Pacific. At Farmers Insurance. We know the sound

of a perfect hot air balloon landing and a Leston
perfect one sheet covered it to farmers. We are farmers
under written my Farmers Truck Fire Insurance Exchangees' affiliates products
unavailable in every state. It's the Eye Couple. Chris Brusar,
Rob Parker on this Worship Wednesday, and we're gonna move

to Rob Parker's favorite sport. That's baseball and CC Sabathia.
Rob did something special last night. Became the seventeenth pitcher
to notch and only the third lefty right to notch
three thousand strikeouts. Here it was one two to Murphy.

Pitch stuck him out swinging there it is he has
three strikeouts. He has three thousand and next up CC
Sabathia the Hall of Fame. The Yankees come out of
the dugout, the hugging and slap him on the back.
That's the Yankees' network and John Stirling with the call.

Did John get a little ahead of little premature with
the Hall of Fame? I mean, you're the expert, you
one of the voters. CC has been a very good pitcher,
but the Hall of Fame isn't for very good players. Yeah,
he you know what I think? Adam Jones said it
best that CC added to his resume for the for

a chance at the Hall of Fame. He added to
the resume. He didn't say it was he got one
of those numbers, like an only seventeen pitchers. That's not
that to think about that seventeen is a small number.
Baseball has been played for one hundred and fifty years, Chris,
Seventeen guys have done it, and only three left handers

have had over three thousand strikeouts. Well, they're talking about
Randy Johnson, Steve Calton and Randy Johnson. That's it. And
our strikeouts and we know strikeouts are sexy and all that,
but are they that type of number where it's automatical.
There's not a magic number. And you know, and I'll

tease we were talking about about it's five hundred better
than three thousand. I do have magic numbers when I vote.
If you have five hundred home runs, I give you
a Hall of Fame vote that that's a magic number.
Three hundred wins by a picture, magic number, three thousand
hits as a player, magic number. I don't have to

look at any of your other stats, and I'm automatically
gonna put you in there. And it's funny because on
the inside the Parker Podcast, Chris, it came up where
my guest was Gary Sheffield who has five hundred and
nine career home runs. I vote for him for the
Hall of Fame. And I told him, I not only

do I vote for you, I will vote every year
that you're on the ballot that you will get my vote.
And he agreed with me. And I know I'm a
Hall of Famer. They know I'm a Hall of Famous.
So it's just a matter of technicality what was going
on with baseball, And everybody has their opinion, but that
everybody don't have fact. And then the bottom line is

that I can live with my fact and I did
it the right way, and there it is. So Gary
Sheffield makes a case that he did it the right
way and he deserves a crack at the Hall of Fame.
So if you want to check that out, download the
Inside the Parker podcast on the Herd Radio Network and

make sure that you subscribe and also rated. So that's
on there. Yeah. So so CC, I kind of look
at him as similar to Mike Musina, who got in right,
he is a Hall of Famer. He didn't get my votes,
so I want to tell you that didn't that's my problem.
He never want to saw young Sies means you the

best picture at CC of course has one side young.
You know what I'm saying. He's got that, he's got
the three thousand K he's got, he's got. Mucina had
two hundred and seventy wins to CC's two forty seven.
CC will wind up probably best two sixty at best. Yeah,
so he won't catch me seen it, but he did

one year he was the best pitcher in the American League,
you know. So that's why that's a big trump card
when you put Mussina in there, and like you said,
no side young. I don't know what the highest he got,
you know, but just he wasn't there, you know what
I mean, And I didn't he didn't get my vote.
CC's gonna have a chance, depending on what his number

is when he finishes, because they've already opened the door
with Mussino. Yeah, it'll be interesting, all right. It's the
ID Couple Chris and Rob. One hour left, plenty more
to get into, and of course that NBA playoff game
between Denver and Portland about to start in ten minutes
or so. Keep it locked, Fox Sports Radio, do not

touch that dial. Be sure to catch live editions of
The Odd Couple with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays
at seven pm Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports
Radio and the iHeart Radio app. Alright, it is the

I Couple Hour number three Chris brus or Rob Parker,
and we are coming to you live from the Geico
Fox Sports Radio studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen
percent or more on your car insurance. Visit Geico dot
com for a free rates quote. Definitely keep bit locked

for the rest of this hour. At the bottom. In
about twenty eight minutes or so, we've got Chris Plank
Fox Sports Radio Weekend hosts joining us on the hot seat.
This is his first time when the hot seat, and
I'm telling him, I hope he's listening. Chris, You're in trouble,
all right. Look at you going to get where everybody

else gets, which is a beat down when they step
into the hats gascon note as gascon ro Rob note,
Rob j wheren't you on the hot seat? One tavishire Rob? Rob? Still?
You should see him, faces all beat up. You think
James hardened, hardened eyes look bad? You should see Rob Gee,

he can't be could barely see. That was okay. I'm
gonna be a producer to rust of my That was
one of Rob's best Like all right, I like that.
All right. Look, let me say something about the Houston Rockets.
James Harden obviously first ballot Hall of Famer, great player,

all time great saying the life of Time achievement awards.
We don't care. Chris Paul obviously first time, first ballot
Hall of Famer, all time great player. We will remember
this run, this Rockets run. It will not go for not.
We will remember this as a really good team. But

here's the problem. They're not going to win a championship. Oh,
you convinced that they are going ain't to be the
Sacramento Kings of Chris Webber, Vlady de Vach, Pajer Stoyakovic,
Mike Bibbie and White Chocolate also known as Jason Williams.

That's who they're gonna be. They're gonna be the Phoenix
Suns of Steve Nash, of Marie Stodemeyer, Sean Marrion, Joe
Johnson for a little bit up, Look at you, you're
already you're you're hanging them out there. They're down the
O two after losing two road games to a dominant team,
and you're already burying them for the rest of them. Done.

They're all done? D O n E. When did Paul
Pierce take your spot? No, I'm saying, I'm I'm telling
you they're not. This series is over. Then, I'm not
saying they're gonna get swept. I don't think they'll get swept,
but they're not winning this year. Now, Chris Paul is all.
Is he gonna be as good next year? Is he

gonna be as good? I don't. I mean, I just
think look and again I think Mike dan Tony, I
really do. I know he doesn't have a championship. I
really think he's a Hall of Fame coach. I don't
he has. He helped change the game with his seven
seconds or less than Phoenix. He went to Phoenix and

was great. He went to Houston and was great. Didn't
win a championship though he had his struggles in LA
in New York. I get it. But he has been.
He has been for the most part, a winning coach,
a big time winning coach in the regular seat. Have
you put him in the Hall of Fame? Where do
you put a guy and we actually want a championship?
George of George Car check George Carl. I think he's

in the Hall of Fame, but it's not. Remember its
not a lot of coaches that didn't win the championship
the NBA Hall of Fame. George Carl what what? What
is he? What is he in for? Did he play
coaching spectacular? He played in North Carolina, right, yeah, but
he wasn't spectacular. He's in for coaching. Really, look at
all the coaches in the Hall of Famer. George Carr's

not in yet. That's what I like I'm like really
linking all the coaches, and I'm I feel better now
because I'm trying to figure out what are the coaches championship?
Look at you, I think he's gonna get He ain't
getting them definitely will be Oh your argument change about
Mike don't. Now he's like I'm saying maybe he won't

get George hallig impact. No, no, I'm saying maybe George.
I think his impact on the game his I mean
think of some of the team, Like that's that Phoenix team.
We remember them, yeah for feeling. No, we remember them
for game. They didn't do anything. The Houston Rockets team.

What I'm saying, Rod Parker, is we will remember them.
They have made an imprint on the game. I don't
basket don't mean you automatically should get into the Hall
of Fame. But now I'm not Look that I just
threw that out. Just I just threw that was like
bonus that Mike D'Antoni will be a Hall of Fame,
Cause that was just some bonus for us. So basically

you're gonna say you're gonna wind up being Jerry Sloan.
Now Jerry Sloane is in and he won a long time.
Yeah he is Jerry Sloan. Jerry Sloan, Okay, yeah, now
Jerry Sloan coach. Why can't he be twenty five years
or whatever? And they won, He got to the finals
twice and they coach like twenty five years. They won
fifty something games almost every year almost not not quite
every year they had a His run was more consistent.

But I would now, you're right, Dan Tony's never been
to the finals. At least Sloan was there twice. I
just think Dan Tony's had a huge impact on the game.
But that's not even Nelson is another guy who never won,
but he's in the Hall of Fame. Rodgi whispering in
your ear. No, I'm just telling you, I'm sure, all right,
Dot don Nelson, Now, if that's my Mike D'Antoni is,

he's a lot like Don Nelson, the gimmicky, you know,
different style of doing it. That he's a lot like
Don Nelson. So you just made my point, Thank you, Mike.
If Don Nelson's in, you're gonna tell me Mike D'Antoni
shouldn't be, no, because you thought that George Cale was in. No,
but that Mike don Nelson's in, Mike D'Antoni will be in.

But my point is this, I don't think they're gonna
win it. Now. You look, you could tell me if
Kevin Durant leaves Golden State, which we think he will, Houston,
you know it's gonna everything's gonna even out and Golden
State will come down a notch in Houston will be
right there with him. And you have the teams and

the I get it, But I still and that maybe
I'll end up being wrong. I think this Houston Rockets team,
I actually you know what, I hope I'm wrong for
James Harden's sake, because I really am a big fan
of James Harden. And for James Harden to be that
good and for him to come up empty, like totally empty,

we'll be bad. We'll be bad if he's look at
Patrick Ewing. I could have thrown the Patrick Ewing's knicks
in that group too great teams. They were years rob
and I think you'll agree with me where they were
the second best team and no daughter bout right and
they just couldn't get past Jordan. They happened to be
in the same kind. Remember the year that they won

the first two games. I remember that they're up two old. Yeah,
and that was that was a Charles Smith. Yeah, when
Charles Smith uh got blocked like that, because that was it.
I used to go to church with Charles every time.
That's what I thought. It wasn't need a mary Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Or did he run from man? I don't not that

he lived in Jersey. Yeah. No, he's a great guy.
He's a great guy. And but every time I saw
him at church, I saw what I thought of. I
think that's what everybody thought of, honestly. But he was
the man that new basketball. I think that's what he
was fined. He was fatherly was filed. But he didn't
he didn't go up strong enough as a six ten
guy because it should have done. In Jordan, they found

him two or three times. But uh, Patrick Ewing. Here's
the thing people forget. Patrick Ewing was on his butt
twelve feet away, sitting there kind of watching as Charles
Smith's going up time and time again. So I'm just saying,
but you're sad that that's I mean, that's the first

thing people think of. Charles Smith averaged twenty points. It
was a good play, average ten rebounds, were the Clippers.
He put up numbers, was great in college. But but anyway,
I just that's my feeling. Rob a great team and
James Harden's gonna be a Hall of Famer and all
that regardless of whether he ever wins a championship or

even gets to the NBA finals. But if he did
win a championship, it would really put him. It would
it would raise his stature. I think there's a great argument.
I know he doesn't have the rings. I think there's
a great argument that he's better than Dwayne Wade if
you put if he didn't get a ring, he led

his team to win, but one two others with Lebron
because Wade's run as great as way it was. And
I think Wade's better because he was a better defender,
but his run was shortened by the injuries and hard
and hardened. The thing is, and I don't disagree with you.
If Harden's able to win and then the numbers like

he's he averaged this year, more the most points is
Michael Jordan, you know what I mean, Like like things
that guys haven't done or been and we're talking about
Mike hasn't played him. What twenty years or fifteen years,
and guys haven't done it, and guys haven't put up
the numbers that Harden has been able to put up,
whether or not it's a score of friendly league, and
I get all that. You still nobody else. I mean,

he was always argument five points ahead of the second
second leading score yet even close. So now I just
to clarify, I do have Wade above Harden. Wade was
more efficient, he was a better defender. But if Harden
can win a ring, just one, then I think you
gotta you gotta case where he'll be able to make

if he continues this for several years, that he could
move ahead away. What would Bruce Harts be sick real quick?
Where would Westbrook be saved? They want a championship next year,
and he went four years in a row with as
a point guard. I'm just saying that I'm not not
not as a point never. Yeah, that's exactly right, because
you're doubles and they want a championship last year. This

wouldn't this wouldn't this Stock Skyrock. Don't think he's never
gonna be a top ten player, you know, No, I'm
doing like a two or three rimpionship. But I'm just
saying if you were to do that, that would change
I would change a lot, it would. Yeah, I mean
you'd have to say if he won a championship, like
like you said, spill doumble next year win the title,
which I think I don't think they will, but no,

I know, I'm just saying. I'm just trying to see
what he would have to I think you'd have to
throw him in the top twenty for sure. I think
so maybe right team. Yeah, I mean, because you're right,
I mean, a championship on top of the blake for
a fourth year in a row, when we went how
many years, forty years without having a guy do it. Yeah,

there's no I mean no, but nobody's ever done it. No, no,
no what I'm saying. But yeah, him, he went from
that nobody doing it in forty years to doing it
four years in a row. Man, That's a good question
because that would change everything. I think it and you look,
you could point out all there's the low shooting percentage
forty three percent. Nothing. I don't know that there's anything

you could do to pour water on what would be like,
especially numbers and a champions Right, That's what I don't
think he'll get there. But yeah, that would rob That
would I was just curious about that would Again, Ti,
you can't put him in the top ten, I don't believe. No,
but he would be certainly top twenty. Yeah, it'd be
a credible, incredible, there's no doubt about it. But so

you don't you're not buying that these rockets are gonna
You don't like the Sacramento King. No, not y. I
just think it too early. Let's see I look at him,
do that? Can you play it safe? No? Not ahead.
I said the Lakers weren't gonna make the playoffs. That
ain't playing it safe. Yeah, but you you you get
mad at me when I tell you Westbrook will never
win the championship and these rockets. No, but I'm based

on like the Nash But I'm sons. But what you're
talking about A guy's got the eight years to play.
I just can't. I don't know what if KD and
you only go out on the limb when it's safe. No, No,
thens at the end of his cane, I knew it.
I'm brady then I knew it. No, I think we
got a pattern. We don't have a pattern. So you
really not. You don't go out of him as much

as limb as Bruce Harry. Oh yes I do. Man,
I'm in the third person now, I understand that I
was trying to figure out who that was. That's not
a good look. You're talking about another Bruce Hard that
I should know, all right, A seven seven ninety nine
on Fox A seven seven nine nine six fifty sixty
three sixty nine. You're turning the way in are these?
Houston Rocket is destined to go into the history books

alongside the Chris Webber Kings and the Steve Nash Suns
as great teams that never quite got over the hump.
We'll can do you the conversation with you. Next, it's
The Eye Couple of Fox Sports Radio. Be sure to
catch live editions of The Odd Couple with Chris Brussar
then Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm Eastern four pm Pacific.

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for details. In the United States, of America only all right,
the phone lines are open eight seven seven ninety nine
on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three
sixty nine. Are these rockets destined to be the Steve
nash Sons, the Chris webber Kings, the Patrick Ewing Nicks,

the Rashid Wallace Blazers, one of those really good teams
Reggie Miller's Pacers that never got over the hump and
win a championship. Let's start with Richard in West Virginia. Richard,
you're on with the Eye couple. Well, I believe that
for a long time, and I just don't think they
have what it takes to get over the hump. And
I think the problem. I don't think the problem is hardened.

I think the problem is the coach, Dan Tony. That's fair. Yeah,
I don't think I know the one other subject you
were thrown out with Dawn Nelson comparing the Internity to
Don Nelson. Think there's any comparison. Don Nelson is the
all time winning his coach, and I don't think d
Holders You know what, is Nellie still the all time

winning his coach? He was at one point. I don't
know if he still is. But I think there's very
They're very similar. Really, Yeah, you don't think so Nellie
and D'Antoni. Dad. When I think of D'Antoni and I
have to go through Don Nelson's I know they had
some runs and some good teams. Now not Nellie, Yeah,
but Tony. I look at Golden State was okay, pretty

Milwaukee Milwaukee, right, that's where he had. The teams were
what we're talking about. But I just don't want but
but I think of when I think of uh, Mike D'Antoni,
I think of uh that they had some failures in there. Yeah,
like the like failures like you know what I mean,
Like I mean I was thinking Nicks that Nicks was

were I think, oh they were and and he coached
in Denver for like a year and you know they
didn't do much there. But that's fair. I mean, he
had some some bad runs too. All right, let's go
to Rob has on it. He didn't have on his reading.
I got him now day Kua, what's up? He was
going on Prince Rob, what's up? Bro? I really appreciate y,

thank you, but your radio want in the background, could
you turn that down? Oh my fum sorry but um yeah,
the way he's looking right now, I feel like James
Harden and the Rodney they are destined to be like
Steve Nash and them, And I didn't want to believe it,
but it's just the way that it's looking. You know,
they're down to oh And I know it's premature. You know,

anything can happen, but the Warriors got the rhythm and
it don't look like they're slowing do them at all.
And we all know how Kevin Durant has been the
past two weeks. So it's just not looking good. But
Hardin will always just be, like you said, the first
ballot Hall of Famer for sure, and like we'll go
down it's one of the best to ever play this game. Yeah,

I mean, I think that's a great point. And here's
the thing. Their hope, I agree with you that they're
done this year, but their hope is once Durant leaves,
are they gonna you know, it's gonna be open. It's
gonna if, if, if, if, what we think is gonna
happen happens. K D and Kyrie, New York will be
in the mix, Milwaukee will be in the mix. Boston
will still be pretty good. Toronto will still be pretty good.

I miss Philadelphia'll be there, the Lakers will be around
if Lebron's healthy. Oklahoma City, Houston, Golden State will still
be there. You know what I mean? Denver like it's
gonna be open. And can the Rockets survive all those teams?
That seems like a lot to do. But but they
but there. They can smell it. They'll be what I said.

You know, I'm right now. I want to give me
my prom positives. You don't want to. You want to
wait till Harden's an old man to say he's never
gonna They went next you in your goal? Oh well,
I don't know. No, I'll move to Mexico like you
all right, Well, at least go to Camcoon for the weekend.
I think I'm moving to Mexico. That's right, Let's go
to Jared in Australia. Where are you in Australia? Well,

Chris and Rob, what's that You're really in Australia. You're
just messing with us? I'm serious, Rob, Rob No, I
tweeted on Twitter. Where first? Where are you from Australia?
Down under the men down Melbourne, Melbourne. I'm right, I
like it. I've been to Melbourne, I've been to Camera,
I've been to Uh, don't make this about yeah, it

is a great country, Chris, Australia is our largest podcast
downloads outside of the United States. A couple large down
down down Under. Well, let's pouring out ahead. We appreciate
your calling. Um um, I'd like to agree agree with
Chris said, Um, I think that the Rockets just they're

in the bad time. They're going to get the Warriors.
I think another another teams throwing they would be that
Jazz teaing The're gonna be Michael Jordan Good Good. I think,
I think, I think it's just a yeah, they're they're
good Chamber, they're just in the wrong era, I guess.
So I think it's Jordan Evitt was there. The Jazz
would have won three four titles. Um. Yeah, but it's even.
But it's better at least to get to the finals

now there and they were in a different conference to Jazz,
so that made it easier for him. But if these
Rockets never even get to the finals, you know which
is again happened to Webber and Kurt or Nash and
those guys. So great call. Jared wet Man, thanks for
the support down under man, I need to make a
second trip because I need to get to the West
coast and get to Perth. All right, yeah, on the

West coast, Alia, let's go to markets in Ohio. You're
on with the odd couple. What's up? What's up? Chris?
What's up? Robin? Thank you? All right, listen, don't get
me wrong. I'm aout to stay this man. Don't say
I think James Harden is overrated. Overrated? How that's what
I want to hear. How his style of play. I

cannot stand his style of play. But that doesn't mean
he's over rating. You might not like it, you might
not think it's aesthetic, but productor right, it's flopping. He's
no one then mentally stuff at all the flopping, the crying,
the whining for calls. You see watch the game last night? Right? Yeah, okay,

y'all want okay? Now, he got wrecked in his line.
You can clearly see Drake accidentally raked him in his eye. Okay, cool,
without the game. He came back in the game, hit
a few shots, no said, talking to Crown eye drops,
eye drops. Then at the post press coff He's throw
all I could barely see. Come on, man, No, I

know Skipp was all over that too this morning because
when he was doing nothing. If you're that bad, don't
go to the press conference, right, you can easily be
They could easily be like, look, Jamee's not feeling good.
He can't say it right, But he went and then
did the whole thing. Look. I thought it was a
really good performance. But yeah, that wasn't the greatest look

at at the post game. All right, get the fire
department on a stand by our Fox Sports radio teammate
Chris Blank is about to get roasted. He's gonna slide
into the hot seat next. But first let's get to
David gays Kind for the latest. This morn's David, have
your fun with Chris. He's a Raider fan, so I

take as much as possible from you guys. Right now,
we got game number two under when the Western Conference
Semifinals in Portland out to an early leads twenty three
to the fifteen so far in this contest. They actually
raced out to it on a ten to run just
a couple of moments ago before obviously taking an eight
point advantage. Meanwhile, he got things going on right now
in the National Hockey League. Justin Williams strikes again. So

that's it all for the turn off run for the store.
They score tiroutta James Tapton, Justin Williams, Hurricane Radio Netwhere
that's Game three the Eastern Conference Semifinals. It's three two
Hurricanes in front of this one. They lead the series
right now to nothing. Blues and Stars will drop the
puck in about five minutes from now on. Where do

we go to? Major League Baseball Cardinals leading the Nationals
since three to one. Right now since in the eighth
the name Marlin's all over the Indians. It's four one.
Quick Kluber got struck with a line drive coming back
his way Eggs a velocity on it was one hundred
and two point three. He's out of the ball game, Cub,
He's all over the Mariners. It's eleven nothing the ball game,
just win final. Javier Bias on the day three for
five is tenth home run of the season and a

couple of base knocks of his own. Diamondbacks beat the
Yankees today three two. In that affair, Royals they won
the doubleheader today, beating Tampa Bay both times. Day three
two eight two is the final scoring game number two
Reds and Mets underway, and this ball game is scored
as as it stands. San Diego getting beat right now
in Atlanta five to one. The Braves back to the
odd couple in ten seconds. But first a word from

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products unavailable in every state. Gentlemen, back to you, Thank you, Gascon.
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way is easier. And he is a Fox Sports Radio
weekend host. You can follow him on Twitter at Plank
Show at Plank Show. Check out Fox Sports Sunday with

Chris Plank and Arnie Spaniard eleven to two am Eastern Time,
right here on Fox Sports Radio and Now Chris Plank
is joining the hot seats. What's up, Chris, damn son temperature?
The odd couple are making it hot in here. Damn

done to sit your butt down in the hot seat. Well,
the great part about Chris Plank in the situation is
we can make him walk the plank in that way.
He'll put the flames out chrisome to the hot seat.
But we gonna get it old because we don't get alan.

Let's do it all right, Lickey sounds confidence, I know,
all right? You know your partner, Arnie, he's still he's
still healing from the wounds of his trip on the
hats and that was months ago. We could still see
the scars. Well, he has the worst takes on the planet,
So I don't feel too bad about that. I like

Chris's attitude, right, do it all right, guys, you all
know how this segment works. We invite one of our
Fox Sports teammates to get him here and test their
hot take debate skills against the Dynamic Duo, the Tag
Team champions the Couple of Christian Sorry to Rob Parker,
Tonight's contestant. As you said before, Chris Plank, he has

three extremely hot takes. He's ready to defend here against
you two. So let's get started. Topic number one. Chris
Plank says that the officiating drama between the Warriors and
the Rockets has actually been good for the NBA. Chris,
you got thirty seconds state your case. Oh my gosh,
there's been nothing else to talk about in these playoffs

so far. What's with the topic? I listen to your
guys show. Rob's complaining about the Lakers sucking and Lebron
not being any good. Everyone else is complaining about oh
Golden State fatigue. Everyone's tired of the Warriors. But guess what,
we have a new drama. We have a drama involving
the officiating. We have a drama involving the fact that maybe,
just maybe we haven't necessarily been calling the games like

they should be. And Houston comes across to me, guys
as a little bit of I don't know, complainer, a whiner.
But listen, we finally have a topic that everyone can
get behind. What do we hate more than the Warriors?
We hate bad officially, We hate chrisa stopid, when are
you talking about? We want basketball, not a soap opera.

If you want drama, go watch reruns of the Love
boat or something like that. I want the emphasis to
be on the game, the schemes, the defense, the contests
at the rim, the three points shooting or missus. That's
what I want the focus on. And we thought we
were gonna have a great seven game series. I'm not

sure that's gonna happen because the Rockets were so busy
complaining that they lost focus and are off their game.
Oh my gosh, don't hurt yourself there defending this NBA
whose ratings are down twenty six percent. Oh my gosh.
We want to see the offensive rebounds. We want to
see this league going down the tank. And everyone is

too afraid to say anything bad about the NBA. Why.
I don't know, you guys tell me, because if the
NFL had the NBA's ratings, Roger Goodell would be standing
on a ledge right now and being skeward. We don't
care about the NBA and the offensive boards and the
shooting percentages. We care about storylines, and we finally have one.
With the officiating and the drama, the ipost everything that

goes along with it. You sound crazy, Chris. You're the
same guy who goes to watch porn and you're complaining
about the outfits that they're not wearing, stopping. What are
you talking about? We don't care about the officials. They're
supposed to be like third base. We need him to
play the game, but nobody buys a ticket to see
them play. Nobody cares about officials. The only thing worse

than a bad call is talking about it day after
day after day. Wow, Chris, still here. I saw some Hey,
ma got skewed. Come on, man, there were some blows
being throwing that round. But you know I am a
fan of adult entertainment, So score around one for the
odd Yes, all right, all right, we move on now

round number two. The hot seat. Fox Awards radio host
Chris Plank is in the building. Chris, his second opinion
is that the Stanley Cup playoffs have created greater theater
than the NBA playoffs. Playing you got thirty seconds stay
your case. Well, I can't argue it because brussards are
talking about how we want to talk about offensive rebounds.
So I'm going to lose this one at a heartbeat.

But I'll tell you what you have ratings that are
catching the NBA. I know this is the non talked
about topics, but look at what's going on right now
in the TV ratings. And I know ratings might not
care to some people, but that's what people are watching.
The NHL is creeping up on the NBA. It has
dramatic storylines with underdogs. In the NBA, we already know

who's gonna win. The Warriors are going to win the title.
Why are we wasting our time talking about this and
getting overworked about it? The Warriors are going to win.
We don't know who's gonna win the Stanley Cup Finals.
We don't know who's going to end up in the
playoffs in the Stanley Cup Finals. We have drama. You
don't have drama. Well stop it, Yes we do. Finally

it is no Lebron and you know where we got.
Did you watch the first round? Did you watch the
Nets shock Philadelphia? Did you watch the Clippers go and
win two games at Golden State? Did you watch the
Nuggets wore down one game and came back and won
a seven game series. There's nothing. There's been nothing but
excitement and and not and not scripted. You do stop

be quiet, Chris. There's nothing that the NBA plans has
been unbelievable to this point. Oh my gosh, I don't
even have to say anything. I can lay out here.
Are you serious? Oh my gosh, the Clippers? What a game?
Let's was already minds about LA winning one freaking game too?

Oh oh two? Who's moving on the Warriors? Who's winning
the title the Warriors? Who's not moving on the one Seeds?
Who's people watching the Stanley Cup playoffs? I love the
NBA more than anyone, bro, but they're getting destroyed right
now because their storylines are stale, overplayed. And guess what,
we gotta create some officiating drama to make people interested

about the playoffs right now, I don't even need the buzzer, Chris,
here's the problem. Nobody knows about the Stanley Cup playoffs.
All right, I'm sure there's a play in Hoboken, New
Jersey that's as good as some of the stuff on Broadway,
but you can't compare it to the Lion King. Nobody
didn't care. I don't even know who there in the

Stanley Cup playoffs? Can you tell me and your argument?
You didn't name one player, not one team. Nobody knows.
That's the problem with hockey. I'm sure it is riveting
for the fifteen people watching every game but for the
rest of the day, we don't care. That's the drive
Stanley Off. Wow, I saw some punches getting landed that one.

And you know what I gotta say, I love the
blatant disrespect coming out of Planks. Corner you guys with
the rope of dope. He scores around two, Chris Plank,
He's two? Did me this, cocky? I've been around here
longer than you guys. keV all right, last round here
the I couple the hot seat. Chris Plank is here.

The most controversial take of them all is huge. Chris
Plank is going to argue that Frank Reynolds is the
greatest TV dad of all time, knowing that the cup
was TV theme so on Thursday. So this is riding
your wheelhouse, Plank, you got thirty seconds? Tell us why? Well,

First of all, I am a fan of the show,
so I know about TV themes song on Thursday. But
I will say Frank Reynolds cares about his family. He
gave back to his kids, he bought them a bar
to make sure that they could support it, and he
is there to be their guy. You can tell me
about all of these feel good heaths. Cliff Constable and
all these other great dads in the world of TV.
But oh my goodness, Frank Reynolds gave his family a

bar to kinto to care for. He gave him a future.
There is no better dad than Danny DeVito as Frank
Reynolds and his Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He's the greatest
TV dad right now. I got one word for you, Chris,
who I never even heard of the show. I never
heard this guy? What am you talking about? And I

got another name for you. How about Howard Cunningham of
Happy Days. He raised his family Richie was really smart,
grow up to be a great movie producer. And on
time of being a great middle class dad, he had
street grand He was cool with the Farns. Farzy Gordy,

Mister c had the utmost respect about. He turned Farzie
from a street urchin to a respectable ano mechanic. Howard
Cunningham was the man. That's fantastic. But you're showing your age.
We've got to be hip, guys, We've got to be modern,
Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That's the show. I know your

taste is bad. You watch the NBA playoffs over at
the Stanley Cup Finals, so let me help you out
a little bit. It's funny, it's hilarious. And by the way,
not only his helpless kids out, but maybe someone who
might or might not be his son. If Charlie lives
with him, he supports him, he gives him a home,
he gives him a future gentleman. Charlie taken care of

by Frank. Frank has two other kids. He's the ultimate
dad on TV. Right now, vote for Frank Reynolds over
these old school fools. Here we go, Chris the prisoner
of the moment. Let me see what's on right now,
and that's going to determine what's the best thing I've
ever seen? How could you not think that Al Bundy

wasn't the greatest day that should show salesman who just
didn't care. It was all about him. He ignored his wife,
he ignored his kids. He was the greatest TV dad
of all time. Not a guy who you want to
pick up when you see because that's what Deddy DeVito is.
You barely could see him when the condensed is in
the way. How could you even know he's on the show.

If they're doing the remake of the Wizard of Oz.
Deandy DeVito might be that show. All right, that was
a tough round to score. I must say, though, I
was not a fan of Chris bringing up an old
TV show, and I was even less of a fan
of Rob Parker distinct vertical challenge people such as myself.
Round number three and the victory goes to Chris playing

by everybody knows that that's a best that's worse than
the Houston Rockets guy robbed in game one, Rob Chris
playing good lucky that Rob g and Hervey Villa says
on the same size, that's the only reason why you one. Well, gentlemen,
as a fan of the show, I paid off your producer,
so I got everything's taken care of. But I appreciate

being on our show Sunday Night. Arnie is about at this.
Thankfully I'm good at it, so I really it means
a lot. I think to every single person on the
Fox Sports Radio family that you give your amazing audience
an opportunity to help promote our shows on the weekend.
So thanks guys. I like good job, no doubt. I
like the way you came and we just sent the
ambulance to your crib show with Chris Blanket Arnie span

your eleven PM to two am Eastern Time on Foxmores Radio.
Make sure you check it out on Sundays. All right,
we'll be back with more of the Eye Couple on
Foxmores Radio. Next. Fox Sports Radio has the best sports
talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows
at Fox Sports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio

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tuned into The Eye Couple. Chris Brussard and Rob Parker
wrapping up a worship Wednesday, and word is Rob that
Chris Plank, who was just on the hot seat, has
called HR to complain about being mistreated by some coworkers.
He's got burns on his and this is not a
same Is that what he said? Yes, he's got some nerve.

I liked this gumption though he said he was taking
us down like that. And the worst part was he said,
I don't want to name names of who's doing the damage.
But they're two black guys who are newspaper were all right,
Rob Portland Trailblazer. The one NBA game tonight Portland at Denver,

and Portland is getting it to the Nuggets. You know
what's always amazing. They're a forty two twenty nine midway
I believe through the second quarter. It's always a trip.
How in the playoffs, doesn't it feel like whichever team
won the last game, everybody feels like it's gonna win
the series. Yeah, you know what I mean what that

is like we were there. It's always like now at
first it was Boston Alway's over. Now it's like Milwaukee's
got them. Milwaukee destroys Boston, and then you look at
the Boston's not that good. All of a sudden game
to game, it always jumps like this, Look this is
far from over. But forty two thirty one Portland up

with six minutes, six and a half minutes left in
the second quarter. Six minutes, six minutes, six minutes. Dougie
fresh Year on, I gotta get that on. That was
before DJ tsher. Everybody knows that the idea that really
I thought you were hip hop head man. Come on, man,
I need some time for that though. Wow, but you

know I've heard of it. You've heard of it. I'm
just trying to play the young card, right right. I
get it, I get it. I know you know that.
I think once you borrow bust the sixteen bar for me,
I'll remember it. I'm waiting for yours. You're supposed to
bust a hot sixteen about the glories of veganism. I
can definitely do that. That's what I think. We have

enough time. Is it gonna be interesting though, It's gonna
be flying hot sixteen sixteen, it's gonna be the new hot.
Just get through it. What you're gonna make to rhyme
with avocado? Did me marvatto? Marcia Lago? Or maybe he's
wearing a mavale wearing a mavatto? Yeah right, you see me?

You see me sporting my mavallo a cross roads restaurant
with the bird nice. I just gave him love. I'll
pass on me love every time I go to cross
Roads here, and I'll pass on the gelatto. Oh not
off the top of the dome. Well, I got a
fresh hot, take Rob, I'm a big kyrie Irving fan.

I think he's the best ball handler in NBA history,
that with my Chester and Devoska. Yeah, one of the
best finishers. But I think Damian Lillard I got him
ranked ahead of Kyrie really as point guards. Wow, they're
both clutch. You can certainly argue Kyrie's more clutch because
he hit one of the biggest shots in NBA history

to help Lebron win that third championship to win it. Yeah,
and uh, but Lillard is clutched too, and Lillard is
shooting from thirty seven thirty five feet with regularity, and uh,
he is bawling. Man. You got what you got to
say is you're a huge Kyrie fan because at that

time he waved at you when we went to the Giants.
I don't know, he waved at you from a cross room. Actually, Ja,
you didn't see this. Ason Tatum was standing behind you,
was waving at Jason telling them, and you just happened
to me. I didn't. I didn't want to say it
because you smile. Your smile was so big I cover
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