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June 8, 2017 16 mins

Should relationships have yearly type contract between couples?!?!

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your podcast from morning show? All right, Brodie's gonna bitch
about something. What else is new? This probably remained the
podcasts bitch Fest, the bitch cast before before we get

into that, because we know that's gonna happen. No, it's
really a ten second thing. It's tends like use you
have an actually saying that we stretched to seven minutes. No,
two things. One Yesterday I said I was gonna do
a thing about table reservations, and then I got a
great tweet from someone that said, I can't believe you
tabled that conversation. We're tabling it again until tomorrow. I
need Danielle in the room for that topic, and she's
not here today. Now it's just guys here. Yeah. A

few days ago, I was upset that can I say
what I was gonna say? Oh God, I see Brodie.
Can't let the bitch thing not happen. No, No, I
don't want to disappoint to listen now he's bitching about
not being able to I just want to say congratulations
to Garrett four years. Yes, thank you, sorry, got married? Yeah,

four years married? Four years? What's what's the secret to that?
Because the longest relationship I was actually thinking about this
when you said four years this morning on the Big Show.
I think my longest relationship is two and a half
years with a girlfriend, which is very serious at that too.
I mean that's that was a long time for me.
But in hindsight, four years and that's just four years married.

How long have you been with her period? Twelve? Jesus,
you've got about three or four years of sex left. Congratulations.
And Brodie, you've been with your wife for how long? Together?
On and off but mostly on for nine years? Jesus?
Are you kidding? But but I think, like to your

point is like what is it? And you know it
is cliche, it's like when you know you know, but
it truly is that if you don't know, now you know, Yeah,
you got someone that would literally go to bad for you,
no matter what it is, whether whether it's you know,
supporting you in something, having your back in a conversation,
just it's your. It's your you know, your partner in crime.

All right, Well let me let me throw the situation
at you. Ready, Uh, I'm gonna call you as Ali
ring ring ring. Hello, Hey, honey, UM, I have a problem.
So UM, I think I'm gonna be I don't ask
any questions, but bring some garbage bags, a shovel, and bleach.

Don't ask any questions, just do it. Meet me the
house in ten minutes. Okay, Okay, okay, bye. Wow. You
would do it that, yes, because at that point you
still don't know, like, for for all she knows. For
all I know, something exploded in the house. You know,
whether whether whether it be a body or whether it
be the dishwasher. You know. So so garbage bag blee,

which when I do go to target, I do get
those from time to time, along with diapers, so people
do stare at me like what the are you doing
with with all that stuff? But but for that, Yes,
when I get there, that's where we have another conversation
of what the hell did you just do? Okay, but
I I think I would. I'm no, I'm positive I

would support her in that sense because you know his story, Um,
you would sell your wife up a river. No, no, no,
I'm saying if I got the same call and my
wife called me and said, bring garbage bags, bleach and
a mop or whatever you said in a shovel. I
my my response now would be you made the mess,
the kids made the mess, you clean it up. I

worked all day, really, right, so it's not no. No.
I have a thing in my house. If you leave
it in the sink, you clean it. I don't clean
up after the pig. Here you're on the phone or
your wife and she says, okay, I need them. I
need to mop, bleach a shovel in garbage bags. Uh,
can I really need your help? There's there's so much

blood everywhere. I would assume she cut her hand on
an avocado again, in which case I would I would probably,
you know, and I can't move it. I can't. I
can't move I can't move the body. Okay. I would
make sure my mom was okay, because that would be
my perspective, and then if my mom was okay, I

would go home and help her with the body. Yeah.
But I want to comment on something. You asked Garrett
about being in a relationship successfully, and he said, when
you meet the right person, you know, Here's what I
would say. When I met my wife, I knew after
twenty years of marriage. Now I don't know. I just
don't know. I just don't, don't you know, because all

of it, I think because people change. People do change,
Like I'll bring the worst, well, like i'll bring home
let's say, a sausage pizza. Yeah, and she'll go, Yeah,
I don't eat sausage anymore. Now you make your own jokes.
But she'll go. I go, But you used to like.
I don't know I should go. I don't like one
ton of jump soup anymore. What do you mean you
loved it? I used to bring it to you when
you was sick. Yeah, it's outgrew it. That's why we

should have managed it. Don't you think? You know what?
Where where? Obviously you stayed all these things agree, But
who outgrows food? Like what you stopped liking exactly. But
that's a reason for the contract. I've never met. I've
never met a guy who goes. I used to like ribs,
but no, I don't like is why in the contract
in the beginning, there are all these stipulations and all
these things, and you sign on the dotted line, and

when you change your mind, you you whip out the contract. Scary, Well,
what do you think about this term limits? Right? I
think three years you sign a contract, sign a contract
for three years with this person, and if that's or
maybe four maybe Garrett, maybe you're up for renewal because
it's easier that way, because better, because then this way
it makes you work towards something. In renewing the contract,

you know that your deal is almost up, so you're
gonna work harder if your marriage together. This is a
stroke of genius right here. I really you're you're telling
me scary as a guy who is in a relationship,
but really hasn't you know, been in a very very
committed relationship to the next level. You would sign a
contract and that would make you propose, would you get

married for three years like a two year deal? Everything
about it? If you get married for two years and
then you're a frenewal uh, then you know all the
things that have gone listen, you get out easily, then
then then you can make a clean brig which you
can sign then. Because you've been very hesitant to get
married and for your own tracts deals marriages were contracts,

you would I don't know, I'd be much more prone
to I gotta tell you, but it's not. Your problem
is you can't commit to someone for life, but you
could commit for a couple of years. I mean, well
you could. What else in life do we commit to
for a long term? I like everything else. You don't
commit to your car? You do? You do? You do
commit your job, driver's license. You don't get a driver's
license permanently. You have to do everything. Everything is, everything

is turned. You could turn. Here's what I'll say. Two
parts to the contract thing. I think if you have,
if it was a three year contract or whatever you
come up with, it would be harder to make the
marriage work just because its not work because you know,
like more people fall out of love. No, because okay,
when you're married, you have to make a lot of efforts.
Sometimes there are bumps in the road and you have

to go, Okay, she snores, but I'm gonna keep loving
her or whatever. Or you got into a huge fight
she hates your your family, and you go, you know what,
but I love her. I'm gonna make it work. I'm
gonna fight through that and make it work because I
have a lifetime commitment with this person. If you know that,
like in two years, she's out the door. You're like, yeah,
I don't care. She doesn't like baseball anymore effort, I'll
find another girl in two years, but you don't make

it work. Well, actually the two people might work, but
the bumps in the road you'll go. Whatever. Here's what
I will say if you, if you are in a
marriage contractor no, no contract you saw, I would make
a list of things you have in common. And at
some point, if let's say seven of those things she
stops liking, well he stops liking, there should be a

break with no alimony. In other words, if you marry
someone and she likes Chinese food and baseball and and
and go into the park and riding bikes together, and
then after like five years of marriage, she goes, you
know what, I don't really like baseball anymore, and I
don't like riding bikes. I like Chinese for you go,
you know what? All right, we're done, and I don't
know you a penell. That's what I was saying. But
that's when a contract where I was I'm saying, signed

a lifetime contract that you could. But when you commit
to a lifetime contract and you take vows and all
of a sudden you don't like one time egg chop soup.
I used to be able to go. You know what
I want a woman who likes one ton eggs up soup.
Goodbye you Are you making that statement right now? No?
I love, I love I love. No, I love my wife.
But but thinking about it all because I don't. I
The problem that we have sometimes my wife and I

have to be honest with you, is I'm very rigid.
I like things to never change. We noticed I keep
buying the same car over and over again. Like I
like I write, I buy the same sneakers. I like
things find. When I find something comfortable, I will buy
the same couch. After the other couch wears out, I

will try to find it, or I'll go on eBay
to find if they don't make it anymore. Catchup and
my what Yes, well that's the only one. Catchup. My
My wife likes to do different things. She likes to
I'd like to I'd like to live in a different
states someday. I would like to drive a completely different car.
I would like to try new foods and and so.
In that sense, I've lived vicariously through what she likes.

But I would also like to continue liking the same
things we both like, and then like new things. But
don't drop. Don't drop liking baseball because you want to
watch more hockey. Continue to like baseball and watch hockey.
Don't stop liking what we shared. And I think that
happens with a lot of couple of friends we have.
Will'll go, yeah, you don't like that anymore. Yet I've
never met a wife going yeah, he used to like that.

I didn't like anymore. Guys were like, yeah, same old underwear,
been wearing it for twelve years. This contract thing up
tonight during anniversary dinner. Want to do that? You should
film that. Actually you should bring your attorney with youwhere
between dinner, I dessert, the main course and dessert, you
got me a car actually, um, yeah, this just need

you to sign theseublic lots of fine print or about
that just on the bottom before or after the sound
very suspiciously get a table for three and the two
were there the whole night, and then halfway through dinner
the agent certain shows up. I'd actually do it before
you even order, because if she decides she doesn't want
to do it, you don't have to buy better yet.
Put a piece of carbon under the check for the dinner.
And when she signs that the thing that she goes

through onto the contract. I don't even realize she signed it.
And I really think that's kind of a good idea,
to be honest with you. But it's been like a
pre nup, though at the end of the dame, they're
different because that that you signed beforehand, the contract beforehand
to exactly. So it's a totally different thing. That prenup
applies to the marriage, and if anything goes wrong in
the marriage, the prenup takes takes it effect. But I

think if you just have a contract for three years,
I would do three years. I would get in a
relationship for three years, very three year deal setting over something,
so imagine sweating it. I think, I don't know what
I've counded two for three years other than this job. Yeah,
you don't have any pets. You've never had one, none,
never had pet, nothing. Yeah, how long have you my car?

My least is three years on my car? Right, okay?
How far into the least you get anty and start
looking at the new one? Yeah? Okay? Would you use
this line in the club? Hey listen, I'm seeing somebody,
but I got like three months left and we have
a two month over last week, So hey, are you

free for the next three years. I haven't to do
a noncompete clause in there, but it's only effective three
months out of the country. He would like a three
year contract because that's like the normal length of high
school twelve. That's where he'll sign the four years. But yeah,
the four year deal. You're awful. College college college, college. Yeah,
I'll give you college, all right, Brodi, you're gonna bitch

at me about Senten Brodie. So last week we talked
about people who are anal about certain things, and Nate
put a binder clip on the cereal bag that scott fresh,
that Scottie is already anal about. So he rolls the
bag down tightly. Scotty was upset that he's tight and

anal in the same sentence, Well, I can't do that
with you anymore, continue Lucy goosey. Okay. So Nate didn't
think that rolling the bag all the way down and
getting the air out kept the cereal fresh enough. He
didn't feel the rice crispies were rice crispy enough. He
put a binder clip on. Well, I took the binder
clip off man it disappear, and so there was no

binder clip yesterday I go to get my cereal. Nate
knows damn well what he did, and he double rubber
band that did I did and stale Cereal man backs
up against the wall. You need something to do. What
do you do? You don't have any more? Bind your clip?
You find U band case cerial mcguyvern. Come on, man,
I don't hate Stales. It's like my biggest pet peek.

I want why I put minimal milk in there because
it gets soft like the crunch of the podcast. Note.
Look forward to tomorrow or the day after when I
bitch about how Nate duc take the I'm gonna get
some metal and wellness ship shut believe it, man, I
don't like stale Cereal. I'm sorry. I'm the same way
with chips chips. If you leave that bag open for

like more than thirty minutes, you throw the mins, Well,
throw the bag away to you, unroll it, stick your
hand and get the chips and then unroll it back.
I'll even roll it in between getting chip. Was the
last time you had soft and mushy frosted miniweeds? Let's see,
when was the last time you didn't seal the bag properly? Week?
Last week I'll put a padlock on the bag, thank you,

rubber band around twice, seriously, one of them at zip
block seal on those bags. Man, I would go for that,
thank you. If they would zip block the bags would
make the world much easier. That would you would jack
up the price of cereals. Why did nobody think of this? Well,
that's a double negative. Why didn't anybody think? There you go,
Nobody did not think of it. Um My guess is

General Mills. He's too busy running his army. He's not
you know that far ahead. Well, I think garrets garrets
on something. I think. I think it's it's it's an
expense things. Probably I'm paying four dollars for a dollar
of sugar. But in a box that you know, put
a ziplock bag in there. The cereal. Okay, let's be honest.

The serial is mostly air, the actually actually serialist space
in the middle of it. Cheerios. There's nothing. It's fill
that hole in that hole. Excuse me, by the way.
I fill that hole was Elvis nickname in high school, exactly,
and please don't use fill that hole and anal and
tight in the same pod again. Still can't do that
with three L fifteen minute Morning Elf

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