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June 1, 2021 14 mins

What are some of the NICE things we do for each other and our families?!?!?!

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast
phone show. So here we are. We're all back after
the three day weekend. Of course, Brody's back back after
a week. In three days, it's now time for the

fifteen minute morning show podcast. There's Froggy and they're scary.
There's Gandhi in in Tampa. There's a producer Sam in
the building. She's in the studio. There's Straight and Nate
has no interest in being with us. Look at him,
What an asshole. And there's Scotty b. And there's Garrett

and we welcome you back Brodie to see you. Okay,
all right, so we can talk so nasty about me
right now and he wouldn't even know. We can say
he's just such a piece of ship, like we get
all the good not even looking to get your attention.

We did all agree this is our favorite thing. Rather
than telling someone to go fund themselves, tell them to
go ship themselves. It's more here that I don't think
it catch me up. One inadvertently came up with the
best insult ever, go shop yourself. A few times. My
mom and dad really appreciate it. They said, oh that

is that is kind of a good one. Who wants
to shoot themselves. I was like, I apologize, Nate, but
we were trying to get your attention, so we were
saying nasty things about you to see if you would
pay attention. That one got you. What did they say?
Was it all true? Go back and listen. Now you
pretty much heard all of it. Anyway, I want to
ask you a question. What what kind gesture have you

put forth recently? I got it this morning and before
Alex was out of bed, I made his lunch and
put it in a nice little bag, and to put
a little rose in there too, so nice. I want
nice gestures only. Please raise your hands, show of hand,
Show of hands. No one's ship, okay, okay. So every

day before I come down to do the show, I
put an eye wash an apple and I put it
on my husband's desk so that he can eat a
little bit healthy, healthier during the day. And he has
an apple, so he eats it every single day and
I always leave it for him every day. What are
we talking about? Nice? Nice gestures? Sorry? I want to
drup that was that your nice gesture? Not interrupting yet?

We're talking about things that we do every morning for
our significant others or just no, it's just a nice
gesture for anyone in general. Of late, I too nice
stuff all the time. But I always leave the coffee
maker with the pot in it and the cup and
the little Stevia packet ready to go for Amy when
she wakes up every morning. So I have a nice
gesture that's done for me, and then I have a

couple that I do for others, like so this could
take fifteen more minutes ago, I think Gandhi was next,
but she'll be right right right for you. I'll be ready,
go ahead, Gandhi. No. So so every morning Nate brings
me a cup of coffee. He makes my coffee and
brings it to me because he knows that I'm chained
to the audio console here. So thank you, Nate. I'm

the recipient of a nice gesture. And every morning that
Gandhi and producers Sam decided to come to the studio,
I go, and I picked them up at their houses,
and I'm like, all right, let's go. Happily he does it.
It's so he does, Gure. I can't wait for you
to come pick me up at my house. Go right ahead, Gandhi. Hey,

I when I am with my boyfriend. I actually make
him breakfast every day before he leaves, and then I
packed him a lunch, and I make sure he has
a snack when he comes home, because I swear he
is operated by a tape worm and is constantly hungry,
so food moves him. And then, Scary, I was gonna
point out how nice you are that you picked me
up every day, but you did that. You do pick
me up, and I love you for that. It would
have been better if you pointed out and I didn't

say anything. Well, I would have done it. Foggy. Let
me answer you a question. What dirty thought did you
have when Gandhi told us that she has a snack
waiting for Brandon every day when he comes home from work.
Not gonna get me on that one, Nope, I didn't
even think about it. Good call, all of it. All
of it is waiting. What's up? Okay? So every morning

where my wife gets ready for work, she trashes the kitchen.
She makes herself breakfast or some kind of concoction every day,
and every day when I go upstairs after the show,
the sink is full of bowls and spoons and all
kinds of just mess. And you know, for like this
year and a half we've been home. I haven't cleaned
it up. It's not my mess. I leave it for her.

It's concoction. I like to clean as I go. She
just leaves it. So last week on Thursday, I got
up and you know what, I'm going to clean the
sink out. I did all her she is, I did everything,
put everything away. She came home from work and I
didn't notice it. But still, you did a nice thing. Friday.

I didn't do it again. Right now, teacher, help you
teach her a lesson. Because we do nice things because
we want reward, not because we want to be nice.
Oh my god, it feels good to be nice. I
genuinely think if I mean, maybe it's self serving, but
it feels good. I tried nice. It sucked. Oh my god,

so scary you pointed out you're a nice thing. But
Gandhi did something so tiny for me last week that
was so freaking wonderful. She knew I was having a day,
and she saw me later and she hands me a
bag of skittles because she knows I love skittles, and
she goes, Hi, I saw these, I thought of you,
and now what tidy little thing made me so freaking happy.
So thank you, Gandhi and always for the ride scary.

Thank you. And my good thing I'm doing in the
future is we have a vacation coming up and I've
been so excited to actually take my own trip finally
because it's been a year and a half. Well, I
found out that my family and Nevada are kind of
moody and they miss people. So I am going to
have a really crappy week visiting family because I love them.
And that's what you do when you have family, even

when you drive each other insane, You go, do they
know that you're talking about them like this? Oh? No,
they don't know what radio is? Very special people, don't
you Guys think that's too much of a sacrifice on
Sam's part. If they're in a moody, why do you
want to go and waste your vacation? Right? Yeah, it's
gonna be a trip, Guys. I flew home early last time,

so I was gonna Do you think that was okay?
Maybe you could just do a couple of days. Yeah,
just do a couple of days and then spend the
rest of it doing something maybe nasty. That's it. Minutes Max,
let's at least say hi to Sam's family because you
know they'll find the Internet for the first time and
watch this video. And if you introduce this to them,

I say, a movie family. All right, you know, done
something nice. So there's three it's Froggy and Nate and Garrett.
They've done nothing nice for anyone I know I have.
I do nice things every day for Lisa. The other
day she said to me, she's in passing. She said, oh,
then floormats in my car dirty. So I went outside.
I vacuumed out the floor mats. I wiped everything down.

I didn't say a word. And then she came back
in from wherever she went and she goes, did you
vacuum my car? I'm like no, She's like, yes you did,
and like, yeah, I did. Actually, nice to do it.
Nate and Scotty have both made Duncan runs and Nate's
moved my car before, so it's Scotty like yes. So
we all take care of each other here at the

radio station. I'm also the unofficial alarm when we need
to start our meters. Yes, So that leaves Garrett. Garrett
is the only person who doesn't give a shit about
anyone the biggest dick you'll ever meet, at least said Scotty.

You're you're like the second closest dick behind you are Jewish.
No matter what I do, I can never be or
have the biggest dick. Why is that? I No matter
how hard I try, no matter what, So you can't
be or have They have like suction cups and stuff
for that, don't they surgery? I don't know what. I've

seen a movie where the guys put it on there,
don't do anything, doesn't hold on? Daniel, you saw a
movie that pump did. What did the movie are you watching?
Are you sure that was it? A cow bell? It
sounds like you did something nice for Sheldon, you know,

but Froggy, maybe you can get one kind of movie?
Are you watching? I don't remember? Wait did nobody realize that?
As soon as we are talking about it, Scotti piped
up with the fact that they don't work. He's tried
it all. I can tell us a nice thing you did,
you didn't you well, outside of just embarrassing everybody right there? No,

I try to beat my wife's ideas of what I
should be doing. Okay, you know what? You know? It's
just the way I tried to play. I try to
play a game in which I try to get things
done before she asks for them. So her I tried

to anticipate the move. Uh, you know, like I got
the kids ready for school, Like I laid out their clothes.
I don't lay out her clothes because I think that's
a little bit too much. Um, So I let her
do her thing. Oh you know what I did the
other day, I texted Nate I was going to bring
him crispy cream donuts, but it was a day later,
so I was like, if I bring him in the
next day, they wouldn't be so good and it wouldn't

be as credit. But I tried to get credit from
Nate for saying, so you're getting credit for doing for
not doing something. No, I thought about it. Yeah, no,
I give him credit for that because I don't like
the stale doughnuts. And then on top of that, you know,
I gave up sugar, so I'm like, you know, you
didn't give it up. Occasionally, Garetta is nice things for

me all the time. I kill text me, like if
there's a Yankee player in town and he's going to
meet them, He's like, hey, would you be interested in
going or this is going on? Maybe your kids would
love this. And it's always always helping out always And
I'm a dick too, so out. Now that we've sat
here and we've just kind of winked each other off
a little bit, can we all agree that tomorrow's fifteen

minute morning show podcast will be nothing but slicing and
dicing each other and then sing each other? Yes please?
I think so this is a little too nice today.
I feel like I've already been there though. Oh except
for Garrett's pretty were pretty much sliced and diced him.
All right? What else you want to do? Four minutes left?

Four whole minutes. It's a long time. Oh. Danielle and
I did another nice thing today. We ordered extra Legos
because the limit was too right. I won't say who
we ordered them for, but someone wanted Legos and the
limit was too I can't wait till they come in.
I wonder how many Legos you're gonna have? They have

They had a limit on the special edition Lego set,
and so they ordered some of these and they're sitting
there to me, and I want to say thank you
to Danielle in Ganti very happy to do it. The
first time you're seeing David Brodie's step and repeat background. Yes,
I've never seen that. I think it's kind of nice,
is that had he had it left on the podcast?

Got to go and he left, got to leave. That's
because why did I leave early? Because got a backdrop. No,
I didn't put the trash remember what came up with?
I didn't put the trash down at the street. No,
no, no no, I had to put the trash down. Oh yeah,
I actually that was the day you guys talked about
not getting the trash out in time. I was like, yeah,
Brodie has several backgrounds. That's just like I scary, is

so jealous? I am jealous. I got nothing here. I'm
gonna start putting stuff on the screen. You should you
do it? Or over your screen? So, I don't know.
I'm just trying to get into the studio. I'm gonna
come back. I want to be in that studio. I
don't know. I have to make sure my house is well.
We have to clean it. After Nate butt hold all
my furniture, Yeah, by a new one, by a new one.

He blew all over my curtains and butt holding. I
don't ever invite him over. It's like it's like just
it's image. It's awful. By the way, you never estate
what nice thing he did, because he I know he
has no answer. He said him a weekend. He's the
unofficial parking lot coler. He screams when our parking meter.

I should say, he's screaming and he's totally ignoring us
right now, and I can say nasty things again. Go ahead.
He's on the phone with someone. Who are you talking to? Ye? Work?
We are work, aren't we work? Let rolls out of
the screen. They did something nice for me, he didn't mention,

but if I can mention it. He knew I was
having a bad day. A couple of days ago. He
sent me a picture of a package of hunts Ketchup
and said his meal was ruined because of the hunts
Ketchup package, knowing I'm such a Hines fan, and that
made me laugh to do that. I should have sent
the picture because we were at a restaurant the other
day and the same thing happened. They had hunts Ketchup there,
and I said out loud of the day. But I said,
Brody would not let this ship. Yeah, you gotta be

known for something brody is his his love for hinz ketchup? Yeah?
Well even worse than that is when they bring out
del Monte cats up it things gone, it's not alright,
Well Nate's back, Nate. What what do they want? Oh?
Just something about winter information? Okay? Right, all right, well

I guess we gotta get out of here tomorrow. We
prom us we're going to do nothing but insult the
ship out of each other. Okay, So nice to do
another round of as your friend. Yes, your friend tell
us how to remind us how to do that? Okay,
So I mean it really is centered around scary I

mean it really is focused on me, Like, as your friend,
I really don't think you should be eating those M
and m's as much exactly. So as long as you
say as your friend, you can insult the living hell
of right as your friend? Yeah, your penis smells coming on?
Who are you talking about? Who I was talking to you? Danielle?

You clean get out of your fifteen minute morning show

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