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February 7, 2018 • 15 mins

We all have that ONE movie we have NEVER seen!

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast?
Els morning show? All right, so, uh, good morning, good evening,
good afternoon. What was that movie where it wasn't it
Jim Carrey that had that said that one of the

one of his movies. Yeah, he started taking good morning,
good evening and good night. Did he say if I
don't see you, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.
Did he says like that? Probably every real movie? It
was that Jim Carrey said that, I'll do well, so
great toe here scary over there, there's Bethany, Danielle, and Brodie.
What's up, guys. It's a little bit awkward usually scary
sitting right here. Elvis walked out and said, t you hosted?

And I said, no, no, that's scaries job. And then
we all looked at each other, and then Bethany reminded
me that, honestly, who really hosts anyway? It's like, is
there really a host to this podcast? Apparently the Truman Show,
Good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Here you go?
There you go the movie? Right? Can I tell you
I've never seen it? You're kidding me? And my friend
John yelled at me the other day because I've also

never seen Clueless. What you know there, Josh, There there
are some iconic movies that in order to have seen them,
in order to see the movies of today, you kind
of had to have seen the iconic movies that were
that were there beforehand. You have to rolling with the
homies from Clueless. Yeah, you gotta see those things. Go ahead, No, no, please?

I agree, and I disagree. Go ahead. I agree. Now
at this point in my life where I go, I
tell my kids, you've got to see Ghostbusters, You've got
to see whatever classic movies. But then I remember my
dad saying, oh, you've got to watch Gone with the Wind,
You've got to watch Singing in the Rain, And I
remember thinking, why don't watch those movies for their black
and white? So I don't want to be the guy

who tells people who go watch movies from you gotta
watch these movies. So I'm torn because I get it,
but I also don't get it because says go over,
go back and say, you know what, maybe now you
do have to go watch I'd never I watched the
dance scene, but I couldn't sit through two hours of it. Really,
it's interesting how aesthetic has changed so much like movies
that used to seem so highly entertaining are now like
oh okay, because by comparison, we have so many other

different options. I'll give you an example. We all love
super superhero movies is the biggest thing right now, right,
huge box office? Right Well, Superman. Christopher Eve in the
seventies did uh five movies, but the first two were
considered classics. Superman Superman two classics, mega stars, buckbuster hits.

You watch them now and you can see the little
model houses and the strings and the special effects are
so bad you feel like it's a comedy, like it's
a spoof on superhero movies. But you can't watch that
movie anymore. When he saves the damn spoiler, the water
goes over a little model houses, it's like a bed
Godzilla movie. That I agree, But what I say, but

that makes you appreciate eight the movies of today. We
can all say, oh God, I hate the winter, I
hate the cold. But if there was no winter, you
would never appreciate the winter time or the fall. You
need to appreciate every single season to to to be
you know all those movies. You have to be able
to see those movies. And think, man, this movie is
so old that I can see all of this. Did
you appreciate what you are today? But for us, I

get that for kids of today, it's not going to
happen because I tell my kids, oh, you know, we
went and see Jamanji, right, And I said, oh good,
let's watch the original Jamanji. So I even showed them
the trailer and they go, you know, that's not happening.
I said, why not, It's going to be great. They
don't know it's not. Look at this, look at this.
This is stupid. That's looks fake. I ended up having
sex in the middle of the original Jamanji. Did you Yeah.

I never saw the end of it. I just we
me and this girl started hooking it up and then
it just happened. Nice. That movie is pure sex. I
understand that. So what is it about these films that
don't translate. Is it just because the relevance of the
of the current events of the day there's there, it's
irrelevant for people today versus yesterday, Like why why why
don't kids want to see it? Or it's just it

tastes have changed. I don't know, I know I think
it is. I think that part of it is like,
it's not it's not actors that they recognize. It's not
the highest quality, you know, it's not bright. It's like
the sealthy kid at the at the super Bowl, he
was so uninterested in justin timber Lake because he didn't
know who the hell he was. It was. Also, he
was launched in Snapchat. No, he didn't know who he was.

He did not know. Listen, he's eight years old, he knows.
That's the can't stop the feeling guy from trolls. He
thought he was Connor McGregor. Goodness, do we know that
that kid wasn't a plant. See, I'm with Bethany, I
think it was planting way. I agree with you guys.
I think the whole thing was staged. He was going
because there was no security with him that which means

they had to already have told those people in that road,
don't you dare touch him that of his way. So
I have a feeling it was a plant, But I
still don't think the kid had an appreciation if it
wasn't a plant. It wasn't a plant. I'm just to
be honest. My my kids, uh three teenage girls seventeen
fourteen twelve, they would not have given a damn standing

next to Justin Timber. My kids have been listening to
the album NonStop at home, but you're they're in an
anomaly because they have a mom in the industry. It
doesn't yeah, but it doesn't mean yeah. But my kids
like like my oldest daughter, she likes a couple of songs.
We watched the Super Bowl together. She's like, oh, I
like that song. Oh that's a good song. The whole
thing didn't move her. They're not because they want today's

Justin's and artists from today, but they wanted they want
whoever's hot right now. Like my daughter wants Logic. She's like,
why didn't Logic do the halftime show? I think know
what I mean, you know, the brain, we we are
drawn to things that are familiar to us, right, and
we are thinking of people, you know, we're you know,
an older generation, right, so we're not thinking of the
We're not thinking about what's going through our kids minds.

Were just remember like, oh my god, Justin Tip he
just did like three songs from Justified from two thousand two.
You know not I mean yeah, but I mean, at
the risk of sounding like Robert old. I think that
brains are just we just want to see things that
are familiar to us. So if it's a movie coming
out with somebody that you recognize in an actor that
you like, versus a movie that came out, you know,

sixty years ago, and you don't necessarily recognize the actors themselves.
Even if you know the name, you know Vivian Ly,
you may not actually be able to recognize, right, She's fabulous,
But like you're going to choose the movie that you're
familiar with the people. It's like my mom when she
sits around on Sunday afternoons watching AMC and she's like, Anthony,
how could you not love this film? And it's like
this black and white colorized movie and I'm like, what

is that? Sto Bethany and I would sit down and
watch it. I'll say this though, Like when I was
a film major for two months, Um, we watched the
what's the Humphrey Bogart movie? Not it wasn't Casablanca either,
not Death of a Salesman. It was them the mult

I see what everybody was talking about with Humphrey Bogart. Cool, yeah, Hannah.
He was a good looking guy. And I and I
suddenly had like a retroactive crush on Humphrey Bogart. Can
I making a stunning admission if you put it? If
you put a picture of Carrie Grant and Humphrey Humphrey
Bogard next to each other, I could, I would not

be able to tell you which one is, which is
probably why you wouldn't have chosen to watch that movie.
I'm sorry, who's the one that said fight against Who
said that day, my dear, I don't give a damn?
Was Cary Grant? And I'll say this, if you watch Casablanca,

it's worth watching only because so many of the lines
from that movie have become cliches. That movie has so
many classic lines of dialogue that you don't even realize
are from that movie. And it'll be like listening to
a song that you had no idea was a sample,
like I had been today this morning, supersonic. Yeah. So

it's a fascinating movie, if for no other reason to
play a drinking game with your friends and take a
shot every time they say like a classic line. I
liked Wuthering Heights better than I liked Casablanca. I hate
the wording I refused to watch and read the book.
You've never seen it. I don't like the word withering.
I know it sounds like withering. I don't know what
it means. I don't want it. We started it's the
name of the house. Yeah, I had a name in
my house, your house. My house is the same name

as Greg Tea's house. Money. What is the thing from
Harry Potter Slytherin? That's where I would be well. So
we started out by talking about some of the movies
that we you know, maybe I haven't seen these iconic movies.
So I want to put it out there to Bethany.
Because that's because Bethany says there's so many movies that
she has a scene. So which movie that is quote
unquote iconic? At this point? Would you love to go
back and be able to just see what's one movie?

They're like, you know what, I guess that's one I'd
really love to go that I should have seen and
should see. Um, oh my gosh, that's a really good question.
I won't put you in the spot when you stay
with there keep thinking anything about it. So let me
go around the room then and we'll go back to Bethany.
So Brodie is there an iconic movie that you yourself,
and you see a lot of movies that you would

love to go. Well, here's the thing I'm gonna I'm
gonna slightly change your question, because any movie I really
want to see, I could just go see. But I'll
tell you a movie that people nagged me for ten years.
I had to see it. Oh my god, you're a
funny guy. How did you not see this movie? It's
the greatest movie ever. So I finally watched Off of Space,
the slip the stapler. It had been built up for you.

The problem is number one had been built up for me.
Number two. It looks old like it's it's it's it's
not high deaf. It looks old, and so I would like,
I don't think I've ever seen it. No, it's got
great lines, they are good characters, but to me, it
was dated. Like there's movies I watched now that I love, like,

um um, what's the movie with uh we hold the
radio up? John Cusack saying is a fantastic film. But
now I watch it and I go as some good lines,
but I don't love it anymore. And I office Space
was overhyped. It was a classic, but I could watch
Airplane forever. Yes, what iconic movie have you not seen

that you would love to go? Jurassic Park. Yeah, I'll
say this, I've never seen the Jurassic Park series, none
of them. The first holds up actually really well in
terms of special effects. The only thing that will date
it for you is the clothing and the phone. Actually,
my kids will watch that millions of times because it's
still so good. Curassic Park if you remember, and if

you're if you didn't, weren't old enough to see when
it came out, When they got out of the jeep
and looked up for the first time and you saw
the Bronosaurus or the diplosaurs, whatever it was, it was onspiring.
It was shocking because no one had ever done it
was always claymation or a guy in a rubber suit
that was It was right that movie and Bethany's right
to this day. The t rex from the From is

the same t rex in every dinosaur movie ever made
since then, every dinosaur commercial, every every like a documentary
on dinosaurs, the same exact graphics, and they have not
improved other than maybe some detail skin or whatever they
used to have. The one of the tracks is that
they used at the Toys r US in New York City,
and it was amazing. You would go there and it

would start to roar, and it was like, I don't
know what they did with it once they took the
store down, but it was so cool. We would go
there just to see the t Rex. My other film
is The Matrix. I haven't seen but continued, but I
don't you watch it this weekend. You will really enjoy it.
What's the iconic movie? I actually really like? Okay, don't

laugh at me, No we're not. This is good fellas.
Wait a minute, Wait a minute, how call yourself? Next
thing she's gonna say, I never saw The Godfather. I
actually I haven't seen Godfather three. I oh don't. Alright.
It got to a point in the movie and it
got so violent when they were at the bar and

they're kicking the ship out of that guy. I couldn't
handle it anymore. Shut it off. I could not watch.
I did. I can take zombies ripping people to shreds
because it's zombies and whatever, but watching another guy beat
the crap out of another guy like that a little
too close to home in the Bronx, Yeah, exactly. I
know I shut it off. I couldn't watch it, so
I've never seen parts of it is Godfather three and

I didn't see it because everybody said it was so terrible.
I never saw it. All right, well, so go ahead.
I think, hey, Bethany, go ahead, that you've never seen that.
She really wish she maybe could say go ahead. This
is literally the definition of your question. I wish I
had seen Reservoir Dogs because I never saw it, and

now I won't see it. Of course. Quentin Tarantino, I'm
so sick of these quote unquote artistic directors being artistic
by brutalizing actresses and like making actresses like, let's just
put them through ship and then beat them up. In
her face. He did spit in her face, and what
he said about Roman Polanski yesterday was pretty bad. Yeah.

He basically there were different films where she needed to
have someone spit in her face and she needed to
have someone choke her. And he says that he did
it because he didn't trust the other actor to be
able to do it in a as few amount of
takes as he wanted it done, so she wouldn't have
to go through that. And he also didn't he knew
exactly how he wanted it to look, and I'm just like,

why can it just seems so excessive, like Okay, now
I'm going to choke you. Like I get it that
sometimes that's necessary, but his films are so insanely violent,
and a lot of that violence is crazy violent toward women.
And if yeah, if you haven't heard uh and kill
Bill he made her to her own car that she

got into an accident, right, I just it's worth reading.
And it's also very clear that he's insanely in love
with her when he talks about her, but it's just
it's left about a weird way to show love to anything.
So so I won't watch it now because I just
can't get that taste out of my mouth. But I
wish I had seen it because I know that it
is such um whether or not you like it, it's
referenced so much pulp fictions there. There are a lot

of directors with sketchy pass We don't have to name
them all, but I'm thinking of one right now. I've
seen a lot of his movies. To me, they're classic.
I would go back and watch them, and I'm I'm
able to separate myself because most of them were made
before this person went off the rails in some people's minds.
But I feel like, I don't know, it's hard to explain.

I totally get where you're coming from, Bethan, especially this week.
Maybe ten years from now, you can go back and
watch it once. He you know, I don't apologize. I
don't know. We'll see, we'll see, but most of the
violence of the movies, but Morning wrapped already. I'm sorry.
I didn't think I'm an awful host.
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