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March 25, 2020 48 mins

The way we're showing up in turmoil is how our parents showed up. So much of our programming is handed down to us.

In times like what we're living in right now, the state of your emotional well being is more important than ever before.

This week on the pod, Dan shares with you a chat he had with friend of the pod Jeanette Schneider, the founder of the LIV: Pocket Coach app. In the chat, Dan shared the three basic foundations to shift your emotional state, stay focused on what is important and not just survive this pandemic, but emotionally thrive with a deeper connection to yourself, to the people you love and the world at large. ALl while being powered by a cause bigger than yourself.

Things discussed on the podcast include...

- Why being intentional about your mindset everyday is so important.

- The power of finding humor and fun, even in moments of crisis. 

- What does alignment really mean and how do you live in it when the world is in chaos.

- Why relationships are ever changing in this moment, but still no necessary.

- The power of giving and how it can be a catalyst to truly change your emotional state.

- Why you should be creating right now, rather than reacting and consuming. 

Find Jeanette on Instagram: @​ms.jeanetteschneider

​Download the LIV: Pocket Coach in the iTunes Store:

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Follow Dan on Instagram for daily tips and motivation: @cscdanmason

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Episode three, Foundations of Emotional Wellness during COVID nineteen. My
name is Dan Mason. I was overweight, getting divorced, battling depression,
and feeling trapped in a career where I was successful
but bored and unfulfilled. And it's actually the greatest gift
I've ever been given. I used my pain as a

springboard to discover my life's purpose. Now I want to
share the same tools and strategies which helped transform my
life with you so you can live life amplify. I
saw a great post on Instagram earlier today from the
Holistic Psychologist who mentioned that in times of uncertainty and chaos,

our response is simply a reflection of how we were
conditioned to respond to uncertainty by our parents. Basically, the
point of the message was the way we're showing up
right now is a reflection of how our parents responded
during emotional turmoil. So I want you to consider that
right now when you think about just the state of

your own emotional will being over the past two or
three weeks. Are you somebody who has shown up being
critical casting judgment of other people, or conversely, are you
somebody who's been in avoidance. Have you been shut down
and denying your own reality? Are you a person who
has just resigned themselves to hopelessness and almost given up?

What I want to do in this week's episode is
give you three basic foundational strategies to help you shift
your emotional state, stay focused on what is important, and
not just survived this pandemic, but emotionally thrive with a
deeper connection to yourself, a deeper connection to the people
you love and hopefully the world at large, and a

cause bigger than yourself. So what I thought I would
do today is share an interview that I recently did
with a friend of the podcast, Jeannette Schneider. She was
on just a couple of weeks ago. She has an
amazing app right now available in the Apple Store were
called the Live Pocket Coach. But she interviewed me on
the Love is Viral Facebook page all about how do

we maintain emotional wellness during this crisis, and it was
a really awesome conversation. I just personally felt in a
flow state and was just sort of downloading a message
that I believe needs to be shared globally right now.
Some of the topics Janette and I covered her why
being intentional about your mindset every day is so important.

We talked about the power of finding humor and fun
even in moments of crisis. We discussed a big personal
development buzzword alignment, but what does it really mean and
how do you live in alignment when the world is
in chaos. We discussed relationships and why they are ever
changing in this moment but still so necessary. We cover

the power of giving and how it can be a
catalyst to truly change her emotional state, and also why
you should be created right now rather than reacting and consuming.
Those are just a few of the topics that we cover.
I'm so grateful to Jeanette for letting me take this
audio from the live stream and share it with you.
As a podcast would love to hear your AHA moments

and breakthroughs. You can screenshot this upload it to Instagram
or Twitter. Be sure to tag me at c sc
Dan Mason and tag Janette at miss Jeanette Schneider. And
if you so moved, if this information we're sharing today
is meaningful for you, could you please share this podcast
with your friends. We want to get this message out

and serve as many people as possible and if you're
looking for some additional resources that Janette is offering right now.
She is doing live live streams every day on the
Love is Viral Facebook page and also archiving all these
discussions on the Live Pocket Coach app, which is available
in the Apple app Store and coming soon for Android.

My intention is at this conversation between Janette and I
will leave you refocused, re energized, and ready to show
up in an entirely new way. This is the three
foundations of emotional well being. This week on Life Amplifying,
I'm super excited today to have with me Dan Mason. Dan,
welcome to a new livestream, back again, and honored to

be here. There are worse places to be Quintine than
on the beach in southern California. So I'm feeling good.
I'm eager to serve and ready to dive in. Let's
do it. I love it. I love it. On the
live app, you typically are providing our career advice and
talk about career transition and leaving soul, second careers and
things like that. But right now we have a lot

of people who are um struggling, and we're trying to
figure out the best way to create platform and support.
And so as you and I were talking about like
what content could we provide to be of help, one
of the things that you were noticing and you were
talking about was how do we mean emotionally resilient during
this time? What are you hearing and how do you
feel that people should be kind of viewing our new

lens in this very uncertain world. Yeah. Look, I mean
there's a lot of info out there. We've all heard
it about how to maintain our physical health. Right now,
we know we can't touch your face, and you gotta
wash your hands every two minutes, and you've got to
maintain the social distancing. But what's been interesting is a
byproduct of social distancing is some of them, I would say,

are healthy ways to cope, but also some of the
unhealthy ways that we use to cope with life are
all being stripped away all of a sudden. Now people
can't get to the yoga studio, and they can't get
to the gym, and that's a cause of stress for
many people. Even here in the complex that I've lived
in in Sandy A, our entity gym is shut down.

I can't even go down into the basement of the
building and work out there, but also some of those
other things that we might be prone to do happy hour,
calling up a toxic X during times of stress and
being like, hey, you up, that's the thing for people,
and these are things that we would go to, you know,
to numb out and to not feel during times of stress.

Now you can't do it. So there's a lot of
people right now who are feeling all the fields, not
just because of the threat of COVID nineteen, but also
just all the stuff that we've been suppressing and pushing
down for a period of time. It's all starting to
bubble up to the surface, and I think you know,
it's causing a lot of tension, It's causing a lot

of upset, and now is the time, more than ever
for it's just to get emotionally present with ourselves to
take care of our emotional well being the same way
we're focused on taking care of physical health, so that
we have the energy and the motivation to even show
up for the challenges that everybody's facing right now in
their career in business and just managing you know, some

of the things you've that you're going through right now,
teleworking at home while also being the parents and the housekeeper,
and like all the duties that we have, you've got
to have the energy and the motivation to show up
for it. So what I thought we could dig into
today is talking about just three practical strategies, three areas
of focus that will really help us with our emotional

well being. So one of the things that I've been
talking about a lot, both over on my Facebook page
and on my podcast of Life Amplified, which people can
check out, is what I call the Arc of Emotional
well Being, And it's really a focus on being right.
Most of us are focused on well doing. You know,
we feel good when we're out in the corporate office

and we're crushing it and we're doing well in our
career and we're making the money and we're doing all
the things. But how do we just be fine from
a place of just how we show up every day?
And so when I talk about the arc, it's really
an acronym A r C. The first thing that we
really want to focus on right now is alignment. And

when I say alignment, what I'm saying is are your
actions are the is the way you're showing up and
then secrety with the person that you want to be.
Most of us are great about putting out all the
inspirational content on Instagram, and you know, you see all
the influencers live in their best life riding a pink
flamingo in a pool, like when things are great? But

how are you showing up right now during times of stress?
And one of the ways that you know that we
focus on alignment is a being super clear on who
it is we want to be. You know, one of
the exercises I go through just as part of my
journaling practice every day, and I've seen this happen different ways.
People say, pick three words that you want to show
up as in the world. And I actually do this

on a day to day basis. If there's a day
where I just want to feel peaceful, if I want
to feel relaxed, that's not the day to squeeze seventeen
more things onto my to do list. So I try
to gauge you each day with how I want to
show up, but really using that as a compass and
an intention to guide my actions for that specific day.
So you know, for me, when I'm showing this morning,

you know, three of the words that I put down
as I wanted to be strong, like I wanted to
have strength emotionally and physically. I wanted to keep a
sense of fun and play in my life, because my god,
if we're all watching Fox News and we're watching MSNBC
or reading the online websites, that will just finish down
a hole of negativity. So I want to keep a

sense of play and fun. And the other one would
just be kind. You know. Those were my three words
for the day. But I've let that guy my intentions.
I did at at home body weight work out here
in the living room earlier this afternoon, more than ever,
rather than just trying to put out the same inspirational content,
I've been too focused on Instagram about just doing dumb
stuff that will make people smile and laugh. So I

did the Instagram push up challenge, but in a very
unique way, and I put on my increased just as
a way to keep a sense of fun and play
in my life, and obviously just in terms of showing
up and serving my clients and meeting them where they're
at and keeping that compassion and kindness. But when our
actions are aligned with intentions of how we say we
want to show up, when you're living in alignment, you

feel good. Nobody has ever like slipped into depression or
self judgment when you are in an alignment with whatever
your intentions are. It's normally during the times when we're
when we're not taking action, when we're not following through,
when we're not keeping our words to ourselves, then all
of a sudden, we get down, We start to feel stagnant,

we start to slip into places of self judgment, you know,
self loathing in the worst past cases. So it's really
one of the I think the most powerful place to
start from is that we don't know what's gonna happen
with the economy. We don't know what's going to happen
with this virus, we don't know what's going to happen
with the shift down. All that's out of our control.

The one thing that is in our control is really
being folk hyper focused right now on daily intentions of
how we want to show up and then letting our
actions that day be guided from that place. I love
that personally because my partner, my boyfriend, every now and
then I'll wake up in the morning and he's like,
how are you today, beautiful, And lately it's been I'm

working on my mindset. So it's like that immediate kind
of like, Okay, let me get in front of the
train of fear and the worry about the bills that
are coming, or what's going on in the economy, what's
happening today, what's happening outside of our home. Let me
put myself in front of it. And each morning, as
I'm home schooling the girls, we um start with UM,

a meditation and an intention for the day to try
to set ourselves up for this is who we want
to be. This is who we want to embody, or
the character, characteristics and values we want to embody. And
I think it's important the point that you made about
fun and playfulness, because I've seen some people fighting on
Facebook and Instagram about people not taking it seriously, taking

it too seriously. The memes are inappropriate, and one of
the things I would say to everyone right now is
that we all handle stress anxiety in different ways, so
we need to create a place grace. However, you handle
your own worries, your own fears. Just because you put
up a funny meme or you find humor in something

doesn't mean you're not taking it seriously. This may be
your coping mechanism, and it may be the way you
want to embody your life. It might be like things
are really tough right now, I need to laugh. So
like We've been watching a lot of comedy shows at
Funny Stuff at night right before bed so that I
can get into that kind of fun, playful vibe before
I close my eyes and dream about my worries for

the day. And it seems like, more so than any
right now, we have to really be paying attention to
who we are in the moment and how we're showing
up for other people, and that that grace I feel
like we need to have for one another. I think
that that's so important right now. Well, laughter is good
for the immune system, Like you know during an age one,
we can't find any hand sanitizer on the shelves anymore.

That was my big one for the day yesterday, as
I got the last package of Clorox wipes at seven
am when the grocery store opened, I'm like, great, But
there are other ways that we can emotionally that we
can take care of our physical health and laughter in
a sense of play, not being in the stress response,
not just living by the stress hormones and having the
constant cortisolve dripping into your system is one of the

most responsible things that you can do right now. And
it might look different for you know, for different people.
But the quality of your life, if you think about this,
has nothing to do stock market, with your bank accounts.
I mean, they look, there are rich miserable people in
the world. There are people with an abundance of wealth
who end up committing suicide. We've seen this with celebrities.

The quality of your life every day is a quality
of emotions that you're feeling. And that's why this piece
is so important, is you know, emotional resilience. Hey, you've
got to create some targets for how you want to feel,
and you can realize you're going to we're all going
to fall out of a moignment. There's times when I've
reacted from a place of not my highest self and

I'm like, you know, Dan, that's not really what you said,
that's not what you put in the journal today. And
you can choose again, and you can you know, kind
of get the car back out onto the road, if
not in between the lines. But I think that that's
you know, for me, I think that that's really where
it starts. Is when you're in alignment with who you
want to be, and this is during a pandemic or
not right, you feel better, you feel great about yourself,

and you have more energy and you have more motivation. Yeah. Absolutely,
I think it's it's building that resilience the muscle, right,
It's it's learning how to handle times of stress and
instead of being devastated by them, how to instead use
them as ways to learn more about who you are
and how you can build your own toolbox, especially those

of us kids who we're showing up to be for
our kids right now, because I find my my words
very measured, the way I express things, very conscientious and cautious.
But it takes its tool At the end of the day,
I'm exhausted because I'm I'm trying to be all of
those those different rules. But I think it's it's so
valuable during these times because we're building that that resilience muscle.

So you mentioned alignment, what's the one So the second
step when we talk about this arc of emotional well being,
its relationships and so important right now and one of
the areas where quite honestly, I've been't it's been a
personal struggle for me during this pandemic. I am a
single guy. You know, I've got my dog who is
great coregulation and great connection. But I work from home,

so you know, this idea of like teleworking is not
new for me. But I've had so many systems in
place where I've been able to get out and mingle
and see the other people. I do it through my gym,
i do it through the little cafe down the street
that I'm able to work at. And all those things
now are not really present in my life. So you know,
this has been a time to get really creative and innovation.
Dating obviously looks very different in the age of coronavirus.

The other night, what was it was Sunday. I went
on my first online virtual date with somebody that I
met on a dating app. So we linked up on FaceTime. Literally,
I just put it up on the tripod and we
sat and sipped wine and we had like this two
hour conversation. It was like all the getting to know
you stuff you do over like a nice dinner on
a first date, but we did it by a FaceTime
Like she was in yoga clothes and I was in

you know, in a hoodie. But it was really nice,
Like just having that relationship and that coregulation and being
able to be in connection to people right now. I
think it's it's vital more than ever. You know that
feeling good is a diatic experience, meaning there's usually more
than one person involved, particularly for the people who are

have seen the means by the way that are like introverts,
have been training for this pandemic their whole lives. This
is great, yes and no. You know, from the perspective
of the pattern, you know from your pattern that says
being around other people is unsafe. You might feel that way,
but ultimately you've got to have a way to coregulate
and create connection with others, both to share your fears

but also talk about your desires and where you want
to go. So it's been really cool. Like, you know,
as much as we've talked about, oh, you know, this
is so bad for the economy, I always like refocus people.
I'm like, there are people in the economy. Zoom is
doing great right now. Amazon, Yeah, I was noticing the

other day there's a ton of new jobs at slack,
Zoom and Microsoft, Amazon, and there's a couple of others,
the retailers and the technology provider, like the providers of
this software interactive software are doing very very well. Um,
So I think we also have to be conscientious about
how we view, um, what's happening. But I like your

point about Zoom because what's funny is that it's not
just Zoom now to talk to your coworkers for work stuff.
I'm now seeing my friends who are doing zoom calls
with their family members they don't talk to you very often,
and doing like zoom brunches and happy I had a
happy Hour with one of my friends the other day
from Florida, and I see her probably once a year,

we text every now and then. But I was like,
why haven't we thought of connection from this perspective? And
you find people are trying to relate to each other
in an entirely new way. It's almost like because the
public is now more aware of these tools, and we're
kind of closed in and worried for each other. It's
that sense of connection and the desire to to be

in relationship, but I think is so incredibly valuable. I'm curious,
and I know this is a little bit kind of
off topic, but how do you think this is going
to affect our relationships with others and the way we
communicate in the future. Do you have any any idea
or opinion. I hope we stopped taking interactions every day.
For granted, my love language is physical touch and I

sort of had this moment the other day where I realized, Man,
I haven't hugged anyone in like almost three weeks. Like
for me, that's like a pain point, Like if I
can't hug people, like if I can't be out in connection,
then that's that's really problematic for me. So I hope
that we don't take the everyday interactions the fact that
you can that we can sit down across a table

in person with somebody and have a have coffee or
have brunch, you know. I hope that that's something that
we really value bring On the back end of this,
I think it's also going to be interesting. Look, I mean,
for a lot of people, being in a corporate setting
or being in an office is way to meet that
need for a relationship and connection to um. And it's
going to be interesting. There is part of me in

the back of my mind not to be like hit
panic buttons, but as we move in at least temporarily
into a virtual economy. Once that genie is out of
the bottle, part of me is like, are we going
to be able to put that back in? You know,
if companies are taking huge financial hits, are we're going
to move more into a freedomland economy with people working

from home. This idea of of how do you build
relationship and how do we get out and be in
connection with people? I think it's gonna I hope that
we value it more on the back end, and you know,
whether that be community groups, church groups, whatever your jam is,
yoga studios, you know, really valuing that time and creating
more of it. I think from my perspective, I think

that it's going to help us realize how important relationship
and connection is and how humanity has stepped up. We've
seen such beautiful humanity come forward and amazing stories in
our own communities of people who are really like how
do I help? Like it's all hands on deck, all
in together mentality, and I love that and I don't
think that we're going to lose it. I think people
are going to wrap their arms around this idea that

we need each other and that it's maybe kind of
flattened the gap between us, which I think is important.
What I think will be interesting is to watch how
corporate America handles this because there's so much real estate
that is utilized for bodies. I think in the past
it's like I need you to be there so that
I can manage you. But I think what people are
finding is that if you provide them with their resources,

they will work harder for you, likely when you've given
them opportunity and freedom, and they can still connect in
other virtual ways. So I think that some companies will
reimagine their businesses. VIASA are probably going to realize how
much money they're spending on real estate and on travel
expenses and things like that, when things can be a
lot more. I think they're gonna be a lot more targeted.
I think they're they're gonna look at all of these

things as we come back to work. At least that's
my hope. I hope there's some great new ways of
living and relating. Yeah, and look, I mean, you know,
as people are working from home and they decide that
they need to step away from for a while and
maybe they go do yoga, or maybe they meditate in
the other room, or they you know, in my case,
I can't totally socially distanced because pandemic or not. My

dog has to poop, so you know, I got to
get out and take those walks during the day, right. So,
but it's people start to incorporate this into their work
from home life, uh, you know, whether they're going back
into an office or not. Hopefully there are some new
routines in some ways of taking care of their emotional
well being that stick after this as well, because we've

all been there. I'm sure you did it in corporate
to where it's like, well, i's got to sit here
at this desk and I gotta power through. I gotta
push through, and it actually kills productivity over time. Well yeah,
and I think I think that's what it is, is
like you're just showing up to show the hours, right
and to prove that you are showing up, as opposed
to actually showing up energetically. And I think there's a

difference between showing up physically and showing up pilomeetically. And
I'm curious to see how that is viewed as we
start moving back into these spaces. I think it's really
interesting to to look back and see how our society
changes from this and if we don't change in some way,
I think that that's going to be a missed opportunity.
I really do. We're forced to change on the back

end of this. I don't think that that's a choice.
I think we're going to be forced to. The question
is and in what ways and how far are we
going to go with it? You know? I saw Dr
Bruce Flipton doing a talk recently on the Virtual Seminar
where he was talking about the idea of like he
was using the analogy of a caterpillar that it's actually
a very voracious creature. Like if you turn a caterpillar

loose on a bush and you come out a couple
of days later, that bush is destroyed. Like, caterpillars are
actually very destructive to their environment. But usually after they
consume and consume and consume, is when they go within
they go into like believe that it's called chrysalis is
the state. But all of a sudden it starts to
deteriorate and the caterpillar actually is destroyed and falls apart.

And it's not so much a destruction, it's the metamorphosis.
It's when it turns into a butterfly. So it's making
this transition for becoming like this really destructive creature to
its environment to something to a creature that has like
the lightest touch in the universe. And he was just
sort of using that as an analogy that is, global
citizens in a global economy, we've really destroyed our environment.

We even we've destroyed our physical environment with the earth,
but also just emotionally and how we treat each other,
and that this whole pandemic is really a call now
for us to for that to fall away and for
us to be called into something higher. And I thought
that that was a really beautiful way to get it.
So well, what happens, you know, by the time the

politicians and everybody else get involved. But I also think
that on the back end of this, this is going
to be a rising up for other people. I think
you're going to see more and more just everyday citizens
running for public office. Now. I think you're going to
see people stepping up to be part of the solution
rather than being part of the system that's contributed to
some of the problems we're seeing. I absolutely agree with you.

I think you're going to see more people step up
because they realize the power of their voice and their viewpoint.
And I also think that this is something that its
really interesting because of the fact that we've turned off
so much industry. I think that the climate change argument
and the conservationists are and the scientists are going to
have a little bit more of a platform of support
now that they can say, look at how air quality

has changed, look at this, look at what we can
do when we actually put our heads together. Not necessarily
like industry is done, but now we have a little
bit more of a call to action and a little
bit more of a modeling to say, like, look how
quickly we can turn things around when we're smart. So
I just I'm curious to see how things are going
to go. I'm an optimist. I do believe um that

people at their core, we want to survive, right, and
that doesn't necessarily mean financially, that means as a human race,
like look at what's happening now. We are trying to
manage making sure people are as healthy as possible. And
our governor here in Nevada, you know, it's it's very
sad thing to see Las Vegas shutdown. We completely rely
on tourism and for our governor to step up and say,

it's not about the money right now, I don't I
don't want any more into that, and is dying. That
was like one of those things where like okay, there
it is like you're a politician, yes, but there's also
that human component where we want our our basic desires
of course survival. So off my soap back, Um, what's
the third one? Yeah, and by but they go back
to the circle, back to the original point. When we

talk about survival, it's very hard to do it alone.
If you go back to just sort of like the
primitive that you know, the primitive caveman days, you couldn't
do it away from the tribe. You didn't have access
to water, fire or shelter like we're going to. And
I don't think it's about just survival. Really, it's about
how do we thrive on the back end of this,

and we're going to do it together. So relationship becomes
such an important second component when we talk about the
emotional well being. We'll move on to point number three.
So we've talked about this arc of wellness. We said alignment,
we said relationships. The third one is your calling. You
could also look at it is your contribution. And you know,
being connected to something bigger than yourself. You know, there

are a lot of people that are just getting out
of bed in the morning going to something because it's
what they know. They're doing work because it's what pays
the bills, but there's no real passion behind it. And
I think more than ever, like if we're talking about
your own emotional well being, you have to be connected yourself,
but also something bigger than you. So whether that is
a cause, a charity, a higher power of your own understanding.

Right now, more than ever, I think we're just being
called to contribute. One of my favorite stories that I
heard was from a client of mine who went into
his neighborhood where you know, you've seen the neighborhoods that
have the free little library where people can take a
book or drop a book off. Next to it, he
took a cooler and full of nonperishable foods and he
created a free little pantry for like parents and like

who've got kids at home, and it was just filled
with like cereal or pancake mix or you know, fruit
roll fruit roll ups or whatever. Is this sort of
like nonperishable food And you know, he doesn't live in
an area that's struggling, you know. But he's like, if
you ever want perspective on that, he goes, I went
out like within forty eight hours and almost everything was

taken out of there. You know, there's a lot of
people right now that are that need help and those
of us who can be the helpers. Uh, you're going
to feel better about doing that. I think that that's
going to be a really important piece. I love that
I have a friend here in town in Vegas who
is an event planner, and he has this huge space
and they've got all of these guys that make these

huge exhibits for live events, Like they can create anything.
You've got welders, he's got mechanics, sewers, all this stuff.
And today he's so bored. He offered a homeschool our kids.
He's like, I could teach him something. Can I homeschool
your kids? And we're like, I've got the house on
lockdown and you can't come over. But um I saw
him do, but just take his temperature. He is fine,

like who we went around. One of the things I
saw him do that I really appreciated was to be
huached out and he said, I just realized I have
the materials and the people to create masks for the
local hospitals. I just need some details. I just need
to source some materials. But in our space, we have
the know how the ability to this, And all of
a sudden, you see this entire community come together, of

our civil leaders. You see the hospitals come together, nurses
and doctors because we need masks. Right And I think
at this time of contribution and this time of um
of service, what I love is how people are are
kind of taking stock of what they have and I'm like, Okay,
what do I have where I can be of health
right now? Like for me, it was kind of sitting

back and saying, I have no idea what I can
do right now. I do have a platform. It's a
global platform UM. So we can provide inspirational content, right,
we can provide something that maybe makes you feel a
little bit better because you watched it. He's going to
provide masks for the local hospitals. We have other people
who have stepped up in other ways. A lot of
these UM global high end brands are now providing and

distilleries are providing the hand sanitizer and alcohol from their
distilleries in order to provide um, and then you've got
Tesla and GM making ventilators. People are so conscientious of
the ways that they can serve when they're called upon,
and we become creative. But and you're going to be
able to correct me on this because I know that
you have followed the Tony Robbins world and I have

as well, and he talks about I can't remember it.
It's about how important it is to contribution and service,
is yah. Yeah, yeah. Part of Tony's work is he
talks about the six basic human emotional needs well and
the first four emotional needs of last to our spiritual
But really where the juice of life is is in

growth and contribution. So you know, why do we want
to grow, Why do we want to make more money?
Why don't we want to advance or learn more move
up the ladder in our career typically because when the
more we're growing, the more we have to give and
and contribution. You know, It's that's really where the magic
is when you realize that life is not about what
you're getting, it's about what you're giving. And and I

think that right now we're you know, like to your point,
we're seeing this all over the place, you know, with
other industries shutting down or moving into creating the ventilators
of the masks. You know, theater was my background back
in the day. But I saw online that a lot
of the Broadway seemstresses who are out of work, you know,
who would be maintaining all the costumes for all these
expensive Broadway shows, were willing to get together and just

you know, so more masks to give them out to
the hospitals in New York where there was a shortage.
So everybody is looking it ways in which they can contribute.
And if you're not contributing, if you're just somebody who's
consuming a lot, you're you're going to struggle to maintain
any meaningful emotional well being over time. You know it

were you know, we can grab and grab, and we
can take and take in the short term, but ultimately
it's just it will feel empty. It will feel hollow,
and you'll be super successful, but you won't feel fulfilled
by it. There are something to be said about contribution
providing a space for gratitude, right and I think we
all know in the study of gratitude that finding ways

to be grateful, especially when you're in service of others
and you recognize you have more you can provide to
another who's in need. It gives you that that perspective
of gratitude that maybe that you were missing prior to
right all this has it a lot. It's harder for
them right now, and I can then something. And it's
not about patting myself on the back, but it's also

about providing you with that beautiful space perspective of ut
that I think is so valuable. Things I think is
really kind of funny. Now in my past, in my career,
I was incorporate, I was working with very high net
worth clients right and I have loved watching the private
sector and philanthropists and incredibly wealthy individuals who usually you

would consider as being elitist step up and have so
much to give. And I've been so proud of the
way the private sector has stepped up because, like you said,
you want all of these things to move you up
the level or to level up. But then when you
get to a certain points so that you can give,
Like you look at the Mark Cubans, you look at
these different people who are like I have acquired a

lot in my life and now I can provide intellectual capital.
I can provide money, I can provide ideas, I can
provide support, and I think that that's that offering grace
as well. Some people who may be in a place
where they're like lost their jobs, have been laid off,
or are going through a really hard time, if you
can also see that, it's not an esser them right now.
It's truly like we're all in it together and what

everyone can provide in support. And I think that's that's
such a beautiful place to to work front. But I
think it's such a beautiful space for us to sit
within to recognize how we are all in it together.
And you have celebrities and you have people who have
more offering their support, and I just I hope if anything, um,

even if you're going through anyone that's watching, even if
you're going through a really rough time right now and
it's it's dark and it's bleak, at least lift your
head up and look for the humanity and other people.
I think if you can see the helpers and you
can you can work on your own mindset, I think
that's an incredible value right now. And even if you're

somebody who's going through a hard time, if you can
find a way that makes sense that isn't like putting
your family in danger are going to cause you to
lose your house, or but if you can find a
way to shift to be a helper even when you
think that you have nothing to give, I think that
that's powerful too. Like you know, the human body is
the human body is sort of genetically wired to reward

us for doing the right thing. That you know, why
do you think that the videos that go viral on Facebook,
the feel good videos about like the serviceman coming home
to like dance with his daughter at prom or at
her wedding, why do you like? Or when we see
an act of kindness, why do we share those videos?
Typically because when we're in an act of kindness, or

if you're on the receiving end of an act of kindness,
somebody buys your your Starbucks who's in mind in front
of you, you get a hit of oxytocin that runs
into your body. It's a feel good chemical. You feel great.
The person who is doing the giving also gets the
same hit of oxytocin. It rushes into their system, so

they feel good. That The interesting thing about acts of
kindness is that even just people who witness it get
the same level of oxytocin release in the body just
by witnessing. That's why these videos go viral online. So
we're sort of genetically programmed to step up and do
the right thing. So even if you know, maybe money
is super tight, maybe it don't have a lot that

you can contribute to your neighbor, but you can still
lend encouragement. You can lend your time, you can lend
your compassion, you can you know, find acts of service
uh that don't cost any money you get There are
so many ways that we can step up right now
and be useful. Getting back to the whole point of
this particular conversation was about emotional well being. You will

feel better when you're doing it. I love that so
incredibly valuable. Do you have any last thoughts or advice
um for folks who are who are struggling right now,
who are looking like they may be new to self development,
they may be new to this type of mindset, and
this is all it's it's easy speak for you and I,

but it's a little bit harder for someone who is
really having a hard time right now. What would be
the first kind of things that you would offer to
them to help them try to move into this kind
of a growth mindset and emotional well being. When this
is like the way you and I talk, and maybe
it's it's new for someone else. Well, look, I mean
this stuff is not easy. You've been around this world

for a few years like I have. It's easy during
times of crisis to see who's really in alignment with
what they're doing and who's not. You can see the
people who actually live what they teach uh not pun
intended live media versus the people who talk a big game.
It's easy to be in the space of abundance and
gratitude and help when life is going the way exactly

the way you want. But the question is is how
are you showing up? And we're faced with a challenge
like we are right now, we are living through history.
This is unprecedented, you know, And I think that this
is even a more defining moment in many ways in
the nine eleven, which I thought would be the defining
moment of my lifetime. So give yourself some grace and
know that there's no perfect way to do this. If
you're a person who's new to the path that you're

going to fall out of alignment, and that's to be expected,
but you can just notice it and get back on
the path. The best way to start is to set
intentions right. Life is an emotional game. It's really about
the quality of emotions you're feeling. So creating intentions every
day for just like three words, even if you don't
want to do it every day, what are your three
overall words that you want to show up as during

during this crisis. Writing that down, Setting some sort of
trigger where you can check in with yourself throughout the day.
You can set them alarm on your phone to go
off three times a day. It's just so that you
can check in and be like, where am I at
with this? Right now? You're out of alignment, you can
course correct. But the reason why feeling feeling higher vibrational
emotions is everything is because emotions dictate our thoughts, and

the thoughts dictate the action that we take. So if
you're in a place of feeling defeated, hopeless, panicked, and
afraid you're going to take for an action, you're probably
just gonna stay glued in front of the television, probably
going to numb out on social media, You're gonna watch
eighty seven cat videos on YouTube is a way to

not feel And there's a place for cat videos I like.
I mean, I prefer dog videos. I'm a dog guy.
There's a place for all that. There's a place for Netflix,
but there's also a place right now for massive new
action in your life. There's a lot of people like, well,
I just want to wait and see what happens with
the economy, and you can do that, but you're really
giving away your power to create whatever it is that

you need to create a new income stream, more connection
that of relationships with your family home. So you know,
if you're feeling low vibe emotions, typically you're gonna take
pretty disempowered actions. However, if you're feeling strong, if you're
feeling determined, if you're feeling optimistic, you know to use
your word earlier, you're gonna take a very You're gonna

have different thoughts and that will also inform a different
set of actions. So you have to look at all
this at the end of the day is almost like
one of those Choose your own adventure books you know
that we used to read back in second grade, where
like you have a choice and you can turn to
page seventy eight over here and just be really angry
and complaining and commiserate and talk about all those all

the jerks who have hoarded the toilet paper and the
hand sanitizer. And I've seen these posts on Facebook. I
saw somebody who was like taking the picture from the
check outline while literally giving the middle finger in front
of the picture to make sure they got that into frame,
just because they felt so compelled that that's the content
that they needed to share with the world, and they

created that commune to do that way with people are like,
I hate people. People are so stupid. If those are
the people you want to surround yourself with it right now,
you know, good luck getting through the other side of
this in one piece. So you know, now is the
time to be really mindful and just you know, emotional
well being is well being. And you can use all

the hand sanitizer and you can stave off the coronavirus
and you can be one of the ones who doesn't
get infected. But what are you doing on the back hand?
You know, And that's a conscious, minute by minute choice.
And I'm not here too, you know. I I've talked
about this, like I want to meet people where they're
at during this. You know, I think one of the
first things I did in my business is like, great,

I'm gonna do some two day seminars and get people
focused on their calling and getting to take some new action.
And quite honestly, the response from people's were not there
yet then we appreciate it. We're not thinking that far ahead.
So I realized that US is leaders and hopefully roll modles.
We have to meet people where they're at. But we

also our job for people like Jeanette and I is
to let you know that you are not a victim
to the circumstances of the world, and you don't have
to buy into the fear and panic that is on
the news. I worked in the media for eighteen years.
I know how that works. If they keep you afraid,
you keep watching, you know, so they're not showing you

about the guy who created the free little pantry. They're
showing you about the spike in depths in Italy, because
that's what's going to keep you. When you're afraid, you
keep consuming. And it really and it's not easy. I'm
I realized this is not easy. It's simple, but it's
not easy. Now is the time for you to just

really direct your life, to be in the driver's seat,
to be super conscious of how you feel and also
where you want to be. What is the story that
you want to be able to tell on the back
end of this. Do you want to be a person
who said, well, you know, I have such a great
career and I lost everything because you know, there was
this pandemic and the government screwed up. The government didn't

There will be people who choose that path intention and
my hope is that you have the accountability and the
support in your life where you choose a different story,
that this is a time when you pivoted, when you
found a new gift within you, a new way to serve.
And the business is that, you know, we're seeing this
right now. The restaurant industry is totally pivoting. They've all

become take out places. You know, I talked to a
family member on the East Coast who you know, likes
to go to the Palm a lot, likes to go
get like the State Dinners Palm now has actually become
an outlet where they're just selling all those high indcuts
of meat to their clientele because they got more of
it than they need. They're not taking people in. So
people have just had to pivot in a variety of ways.
And I think the people who are agile right now,

who can be flexible, who are going to take responsibility
for their emotional well being and their resilience, are going
to be the ones who come out of this faster
on the back end. And it's really hard to do
that alone. It is hard to do it alone that
if you're a person who is more prone to pessimism
or to look for threats. Remember, thoughts just travel along

the neural pathway that's been wired. The hardest think of
it is like your thoughts. It's like getting in the
car if you're in an East Coast winter. You know
maybe one lane of the road has been plowed, and
you see like where there's you can actually see the
street underneath, where the tire tracks are. That's the route
that you're going to drive. You're not going to go
through the unplowed side of the road. Well, your neural

pathways worked the same thing, and you can rewire. Even
if you've had negative neural pathways up until now watching
all this and you felt hopeless and defeated, you can
rewire that through repetition and choosing how you want to feel.
So that is that's my soapbox for the day, and
I hope that people take this in the spirit that

it's intended. It's easy to look at a lot of
the thought leaders or look at coaches and be like, wow,
it's easy. They got money in the bank. Look, I'm
a business owner to I feel the fear on a
daily basis. There are moments where I feel fear. But
for me, I make my focus and and what I
choose my my utmost responsibility every day. And that's how

I'm planning on getting through this. And I invite anybody
who needs some support to look for those resources to
do the same, whether it's you know, the live app
or you know, whether it's finding a supportive community, finding
a coach, to do whatever you have to do right now,
to be in the energy of the people who are
going the direction you want to go, and not the
people who are going somewhere you don't want to be. Dan,

I want to thank you so much for being here
with me today and for sharing your wisdom and your
thought leadership. I appreciate you. I appreciate you. It's an
honor to serve and it's sending so much love to
anybody who is watching this today. I really love that
conversation and one of the things that was inspiring to

me is how Jeannette, with her children every day, is
starting out with meditation with the kids, teaching them to
stay emotionally centered. Can you imagine the impact on our
lives as adults if we had had you know, parents
who are in personal growth who could have taught us
these tools, and how much suffering it would have saved

us as we had gone through life. So so much
respect for how Jeanette is able to show up for
her global community but also for her family every day.
If you love this conversation, if it was meaningful, please
screenshot it uploaded to Instagram or Twitter. You can tag
me at c sc Dan Mason. You can find Jeannette
at Miss Jeanette Schneider. Also, I am in the process

right now of just creating more content than ever that
will meet you where you're at and serve you, helping
you answer the questions that you need to have answered
right now. But in order to do that, I'd love
to know what are your struggles in the moment, what's
coming up? For you. If you could sit down and
have coffee with me and ask one question, what would

that be? Please reach out. You can just DM me
on Instagram. You won't be talking to my team members.
I will respond personally. You can reach out at c
SC Dan Mason, or you can email me privately Dan
at Creative Soul Coaching dot net. One of the things
we're considering doing is taking your questions and creating a

second podcast episode every week, just a five minute quick
question and answer, something to give you more inspiration more often,
to help you navigate the emotional turmoil and so much
of the fear and anxiety of the time that we're
living in. So again, you can DM me on Instagram
at c SC Dan Mason or message me at Dan

at Creative Soul Coaching dot net. If you love some
additional one on one supportive coaching right now would be
a valuable tool to help you reset, refocus, get re energized,
and stay aligned with your goals so that you are
consciously creating the rest of your twenty twenty and not

just reacting to the world around you. I'm so proud
to say my clients right now are thriving. I've had
some of the most amazing conversations with people who now
are creating new income streams and not out of a
place of desperation. I've got a client of mine who
is thriving in her career. She loves her job, but
she's just inspired and created a new way that she

would like to serve as a side hustle out of fun.
You know. So we are staying in a higher level
conversation over in my community. If that is the kind
of support that would help you move forward, well, first
of all, it is the kind of support that would
help you move forward. But if you think I'm the
person that could help you with that, you can apply
for v I P coaching right now on my website,
Creative Soul Coaching dot net is the place to go.

And don't forget. You can also join us in our
private Facebook community, the Life Amplified Power Tribe. We have
a link to that in the show notes. Thank you
so much for listening. Don't forget. Turned down the volume
on your negativity, turn up the volume on your purpose
so you can live life amplified. I'll talk to you
next week.
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