All Episodes

April 11, 2018 41 mins

Greg T , Danielle and Garrett hang out and cover A LOT! From scary movies , to Greg T's new sneakers that he doesn't know how to buy. Enjoy episode 4 of 'Fej Ham'!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Be on on, yeah, me on? What about Danielle's hello? Hello?
All right? So are you ready? Is this our fourth episode?
I think no? Fourth? It is fourth? Right because episode
two the microphone didn't work for Garrett. So did we
have more listeners in episode two than episode one? Are
you having a meeting? A meeting? Before the meeting? This

is staying on? This is yeah boy letter start things? Then?
Are you ready? Y? What did he say? What did
they say? What does she say? Are you having a
good day? Then? Yeah? Betch hamp friend Champ. All right,

ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the episode number four. Fetch Hamp.
Is that what this is? It is? It is a
Wednesday right now, April the eleventh. I don't know when
you are listening, So if you're listening right now, it's
good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Hello, I'm Gret get
alongside of my friends here in Fedgeville. I got daniel
an arrow to left Ville and to the right of me,

I got good old Garis. We are also known as
the five am pre Morning Show Into the Big Elvis
Durran Morning. That's only in New York only the Tristate
area right of New York, New Jersey, a little port
Pennsylvania at Connecticut. That's that's who can hear us. That's
why we bring you fetch Ham. That's why we created
the podcast, right And if there's anything here that you
like or anything that resonates with you, you you can always

drop us an email and fetch Ham Official that is
f e j h M official and also Twitter f
e j h M official and Instagram likewise fetch Ham Official.
We realized that last week we forgot to promote the
fact that we recorded an episode this big hug for Garrett.

But Garrett said that not as many people listen to
number three as they did to number two. And guys,
it's very simple. This podcast is not as big as Okay,
don't be annoying. The podcast is not as popular yet
yet it's growing. It's growing. It's not apparently it got

less people. Well, when you when when you don't promote it, Yes,
it's hard for people to listen because they're not aware
of it. So I agree. When when we we promoted
as a team and succeed, there's together. The only the
only annoying thing is I know that I I sent
out you know how much I could about our podcast

that we did last week. Very well. Thank you. Then,
Danielle and Greg t and write down violin sound effect
for next Yes, send it. Send a text message to
you guys, sent the link. All we had to send.
Then all you have to do is just hit copy
and then paste. But my problem, my problem is, I
know you guys were on your phones on social media.

Use my phone. Oh yeah, let me check your Instagram
story great tea the whole day last week going out
to the store at the Costco, meaning he bypassed the
text message just to get to the Instagram app. No,
I saw it. I know I did. I saw it,
and I don't know why. I don't know what made
me not send it out. I don't know. So if

we fail, it's it's it's on you, guys. It's my fault.
I know. All right, Okay, I got you. Okay, okay, okay.
He is not even paying attention. We're trying to do
Fedcham in the studio and what is he doing now?

He's gonna do this the whole time. I will not promise,
I will not. I will not. I will not, I
will not. So listen, all right, So here we are
in our Fedgeville. Welcome everyone. We got our bananas, We've
got our brush of sprouts. You got your candy, get
your lollipops? What what kind of drugs you take? I
don't you think that this is like Fedgeville's like it's
got whispy grass. It's just like the word fedge It's

open to interpretation for anyone. For you, You're you're you're
painting it like candy Land. Okay, that's right, that's what
I think. So, Garrett, what do you think Fedgeville looks
like a big question mark if you had to right
now describe Fedgeville. What do you think Fedgeville is kind
of like uh from the movie Dark Night when Batman
had a battle Bane and it was just a very

dark and gloomy and no one knew what was going on. Really,
yes see, let me get your sound effects for Batman
from next week Batman. The thing you write stuff down
but you never follow through. I am, well, I think
it looks like Whoville. Yeah, like I see Cindy Lou
who around Stone, But it's like that. And I think

Greg t is the Grinch. No, I'm not, Daniel. You
got to see a quiet place by the way. Oh,
I know it's got like number one scariest movie something
did you see? You will love it because it takes
a lot to scare me. John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, the
whole cont that is super interesting. Have you seen it?
I have not, But I do have a question when

it comes to see on your TV that you steal.
I do want to go around the room and ask
you some questions. But I guess my first question then is,
you know what, why don't I enjoy scary movie? I
don't know. I just don't. I think this goes back
to like for you, I think it's your childhood. Honestly,
not to get deep, but I think funny, funny, happy movies.

I think you were so messed up as as a child,
just on many of things, from a family life to
a fraternity life. But I just don't like that feeling
of being nervous, you know, like having the tension, and
it's like, because I get nervous, I don't like that.
Why don't we don't like that? Every stopid he does
listen radios theater of the mind, not to give the

audience the theater can't help. I can't speaking of that,
we're gonna get to that. We're gonna get to what
we're gonna get to that we're gonna get to that.
I got something here for you. He's prepped, he's been
so he spent the last three hours writing stuff down.
I'm just think you're looking at Chloe Kardashians, um Sophie,
waiting for her to make an announcement. What announcements coming? Well,
because all these videos came out today of her man

just in cheating on her and and and she's about
to pop our baby any second. And I feel so
bad for her today, me too. So you think she
announced that it's over. You're doing this on her own?
What do you think? I mean? And I know people
say what they want about the Kardashians, but nobody deserves no, no,
nobody deserves this. But let's look at what we're dealing with.
We're dealing with a Kardashian machine. They thrive off of

this opportunity does for the whole family, for articles to
already come out that the whole family, you know, U
followed them on social media, the fact that you're you're
about to drop your baby at nine, I mean, unless
they have not the only thing I can think of
is if they knew about this a long time ago
and they decided, well, you know what, this is the
way to get everybody on our side. We'll drop everything

right before she has the baby, and then everybody will
rally around Chloe. That's the old only thing I can
think of. Let's be honest. I know this sounds shallow,
but I was talking to a few friends about this.
In the totem pole of Kardashians, Chloe's at the bottom
of the I don't think so. I'm not to say
my favorite. Yeah, in the normal world, but on the

popularity scale, she's not as popular as her sisters. As
her mom. You think is more popular than Chloe? Yes,
I mean obviously Kim is Kim is the highest. Kim Kendall, Kylie,
are you feeling okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?
He's trying to find something, trying to find ways. I

agree with Daniel. I do not think that she's on
the bottom. And you can agree with it, but you
don't have to play a sound with it. You have
to you can't. Don't wait, don't go exact stuff for
you for that. Hey, alright, listen, I have something today,
Can I just give my Fedge of the week already
to do later on we can that. I have a question.
So I have a dilemma, and there's a real dilemma.

Maybe Garrett, you can help me out. I don't know,
if you're a sneaker aficionado, you can help me out. Danielle,
I think you can help me out. So here's the thing.
So I stumbled upon a brand of sneakers that I
cannot get here in the United States, and I really
like the look of them. Right, not a sponsor of
not doing anything? Okay? Uh so the brand, maybe you
guys ever know? The brand is called Baller b A

l R. Do you know it? Never heard of it? No,
it's not the ball of bround. It's a brand. It's
B A l R. It's from Amsterdam. Do you guys
know it? You can? You can see it on Instagram.
I follow I follow them on Instagram. I love their style,
I love their clothes, I love their sneakers. I love
everything about it. Right, cool, right, Baller B A l R. Right?

Cannot get them. I wanted to buy them. I want online.
I'm like, dude, I'm gonna be the first to buy
these sneakers. Nobody even knows what it is. I'm gonna
buy it. Can't get it, you know why? Sold in euros?
Your rose can get the Yes you can. There's got
to be a way to get them. Did you don't
they have Amazon? To Amazon? Went to Amazon, your rostbay
went there. Can't get them, cannot get them, cannot get

my sneakers. So I asked Garrett, you're a sneaker ficionado.
I asked you, Danielle. You got friends overseas? Picture of it?
Go to Instagram? You can I follow on Instagram. B A.
It's free shipping on all orders over a hundred Uh yes,
yeah euro euro either it will convert, it will convert
on you bought anything on the internet. You can't get overseas?

You can? What are you giving me? Shopman? You can't?
For real? Yes you can, and it will convert into
what the dollar? What the You got to find out
first of all before you buy these what the ama?
By the way, there's a good chance that they could
be they could be fake. After I look at this
what fake Instagram? Instagram? No on your Instagram Instagram and

type in baller b A L R. Danielle, did it
b A L r. Bowler. I'm mean you can, you
can buy right and they're there there, dude, it's real.
What are you talking about? It's not fake. This is legit, dude.
They got headphones, they have everything, the whole line. And
you can, actually you can if you if you buy
the sneakers, when you see it on your credit card account,

it's going to convert it into American dollars. But now
find out how much it is in American dollars. Well,
it's more it's more like well, no, well, the ones
that are like gray white with the black line it
says ball are in there, like those the running steaks.
The order them, But how do you order them when
they're sold overseas? Skip them overseas? You know where? I
think we have to call our friend over there. We

don't call christ. You cannot get them. They're sold in yours. Sheldon.
Sheldon said, why all right, listen, hey you want uh no,
there these are here vegges. If you're listening right now,
and you know how to purchase something overseas. Everybody knows

how to purchase everybody not in your rows. They don't.
Oh my gosh, it's come. I'm just saying it. Even
says it even converts it to US sizes by the way,
no US sizes right, So that means you can buy it.
I don't think you can buy you what size? Are you? Nine? US? Okay?
So adds a cart. Yeah, just see that happens. It's

not the it's not the sneakers you want, but I
want to say secure checkout. Okay again, sign out as
a guest first name, last name, gender, email password, blah
blah blah blah blah blah. Okay, you gotta sign up
for an account first and then proceed with your order.
But I'm guarantee that they will ship here. Fedges come
to the Fedgeville Rescue. Okay. May you know how I

can buy these sneakers? Let me know you're telling you
are overseas. You're that friend that doesn't listen. Why are
you asking for help when all you have to do
is listen to what we're saying right now? You know what,
I'm not liking this today, I'm really not. I'm very upset.
I'm very upset. Why I feel that you're attacking me
because I feel attacked here and Fedge there. Peace is
It's all about pieces. You're trying to tell you that

Mr Graham look, Elvits just gave us a finger and
he kept walking. Listen, I'm we're just trying to tell
you that you can order it. Probably they will ship
it and they will convert how much of it it's
probably more money is money? Yeah, I looked at how
much how much does a hundred and sixty euros cost?
That's like a two hundred dollars in American dollars. Crazy,
all right, let's get personal, getting personal here on fetch Ham.

So I was going over our fetche Ham Twitter guys,
and I was checking it out. Daniel. This is where
I say you cannot leave because here's this is from
Alyssa at Alyssa Girl Rose. She says, fedge Ham is
the greatest ship show. I never show. It's a ship show,

all right. It's fine, all right, and so she loves it.
Tiffany Low at Miss Low two thousand three, She says, finally,
Garrett is on a podcast. Darret's been on a podcast exactly,
Garrett telling the guess that you're on this one. It's
this one with Yeah, celebrity buzz, celebrity buzz coll Elvis.

One question, have you ever bought anything online overseas. Now
hold on, now, let's stop everything here. We go on
convinced that there's a website that he wants to order sneakers,
but they're European, and he's like, well, how do I
order them? They're in Europe, they can't come here, you know,
they ship. How do I get them in euros? Convert

the euros to American dollars on your statement? Well you
use your credit card. Yeah, that's big cash. We're telling
you what to do, and he's asking the listeners to
help him, and I go, but we're right here helping you.
And you don't sound a brand of clothes that I like,
a lifestyle and it's only sold in Europe, it's not
sold here. All right, Well I'll figure it out, all right?

What do you have to figure out? How to do this?
This is it's pretty simple. Actually, this is such a
thank you? All right, and back there, we're young and
we're back. Hold on, I'm on baller dot com right now.
I just bought a parent. I bought the pair of sneakers.
You did not buy my sneakers. I just did you
bought my sneakers? In your side? Yes? Why? Because someone

wasn't acting on it. I'm not gone world my size,
and why would I buy him in his size? And
well I could sell him to him for double the price.
If you want sneakers that nobody has and you bought
them here, I'm really upset, really upset. Let me ask
you this. Do you want a MasterCard? Yes? I own
a master Do you want a visa? Of course? No? PayPal?

You don't do you could buy those sneakers. I just
did it. You did not. I owner from Hong Kong
all the time. I'm gonna be really in Chinese money
all the time. Money. It's still if you really bought
those sneakers, I'm gonna be really mad. What are you
gonna do? Did you let me think? All right? Let
your check out? Ruining the show, ruining my face totally?

But what we're back alight? Oh my god? Alright? So
Nicole b at she is at an a missing and
she says, fetch Ham is a ship show. But I
love love, love love love it. Yeah, your chemistry is awesome. Last,

but not least, I say this for you, Danielle. What
Terry Hughes. She is at Terry M's. She says, I
l o l every time Danielle says I'm getting up
and leaving. That's because it is such a chet show.
I feel like I need to leave it. As you
as you listen, see how many times you could hear

Danielle say that's it, I'm getting up and leave it.
I already have to today. I love it, am I
love to say ship show on Twitter. We should really
stop you can. Let's see how many times? How many
times does Danielle say she's leaving? Okay, don't write it
down while you're talking. I'm at the end. I want
to sum up the show at the end. At the end,
all right, there you go. So that was just a

little bit of fetch him getting personal. And now we
go to Danielle, what do you rewind? Why do you rewind?
Rewind is going backwards and we want let's dude, I'm
keeping you you know what as president day of Edgeville President,
how'd that work out for the last It's not what

your veggean shoes? Shoes? Let me see what I have
on say? Okay, so today I have they're from Target. Yeah,
they're actually not a sponsor, no d V from Target. Yeah,
they're cute, little white high top kicks with a zipper.
I actually bought them in black and white. Really, they're
from last season. I bought them last year. But oh

maybe thirty bucks maybe. But they're so adorable and they're
so comfortable, and I love them so Yes, I will
put a picture on my Instagram for Instagram Radio daniel
Monaro or the Insta fort Ham. I don't know our
pathport though. Nobody ever game someone over here, not Danielle

or I. That the gatekeeper. Now I am not the gatekeeper.
I'm just saying. I'm merely saying, merely saying, all right,
here we go switching some gears and now it's time
to go into I had on the ones. I'm mixing
it up. It's now time for fedge Ham feedback. Feedback. Okay,

this is great, we need this. Get feedback. The listeners
tweeting up. That was getting personal. Those those are personal things.
There's a difference. But in the past three episodes of
fetch Ham, we've asked a lot of questions. We've asked
the question like, do you buy the shoe spray from stores?
The salesperson tries to push your way dark you said

you buy it, Yes, Danielle, you said which one. It
depends on what you It depends on you buy. If
I have it already, I'm not gonna buy. You mean
still I'll protect my shoes. Yeah, yeah, it depends. If
I have it already, I won't buy it. And I said, dude,
nobody buys that. Who buys the Spryer said, who buys
the spray? You know what happened? I found that I'm wrong.
There's a lot of people to buy the spray. A

bigger percentage of our fedg hand listeners on Twitter say
they buy the spray that taste that tastes bad. Especially
chose Jamie at Jay Hair twelve eighteen. She says that
she has in the past. It's a vegan mess. She
says she will never again buy. That was one no

no buy, no, no no. But the majority said they
buy like Weena Anderson Spencer. She's at Weena Anderson sp
one and she says, yes, she buys it, and she
buys it often. And she says, uh that she will
always especially expect her shoes, she will always buy the
spray as well. There you go, all right, Hey, so

you can listen to us on many ways. I heart radio.
People play iTunes. I I just opened up the iTunes
you know we have we have over fifty reviews really
that we can go over, yes, y way before we
go further, do you would you mind giving Garrett and
I the password so we can actually answer people on

Twitter and you I don't have the pass or don't
give it out now? Don't you're going to give it out? How?
I'm not that stupid. It's not that. Here's a little
inside into into Gregg T. Like as a friend, Danielle,
you might not know this. Greg T loves to create

his passwords into things that he either is very passionate
about or want something to happen in life, like I
want to become a millionaire. He'll type, because I write sentences,
you write sentences like my password. I was like, I
can't stand this place, don't It used to be something
about the cowboys. Cowboys suck too, And then then I

just that's why I do it. Yeah, it sometends on
my mood. Alright, Yeah, listen to this, uh ju ju.
Julia says, they can do no wrong in my eyes?
What about your ears? Though? That's the problem. You're listening
to this funny podcast, says Peter Danielle, Greg and Garrett
have great chemistry. T is a real edge. Love listening
to the show at five am from Ohio. Now I

listened to the same great people whenever. This is a
great podcast. I cannot wait for this podcast to come
out since it's the first mentioned over a year ago.
Thank you for staying with us and not the running away.
That is from Rosie Ken. Yeah, shut upgem awesome. I
love you guys. Finally started listening to the podcast love

the early morning show as well. That is from Jay
her twelve. Uh, you guys should read these. These are
very nice, so thank you. Thank you for leaving a comment.
Daniel Yes, so somebody asked, this is from Chris called
well Christie three. Does Greg T have to sign the
Elvis Durand T shirt even though producer Sam signed in

his so called spot You remember we brought this up
last podcast. Sam signed. I think the Sneaker company are
calling dude because I put my number in so finish
your while he does this. The last podcast what wait,
hold up we got explaining people don't understand what it is,

asked podcast we talked about how Greg T would not
sign the T shirts going to charity because Sam signed
in his spot. So our question is does he still
have to sign? And Chris called well said yes, you
must sign. And I can't believe you wouldn't sign. You
get paid to work that and it was for charity. Alright,

I'll sign up. I think we sent them out to
jackass boy. Um. There was one other thing that we did.
Remember we started playing we stumbled on that song Peanut Colata. Yeah, right,
and we're talking about how we stumbled on it. We
thought they were cheating and how how you know are
do you? How compatible are you your significant other? Right?
So I so I we We told all of our

edges to go to Twitter and to tweet us some
questions that you would want to ask your significant other
and see how you guys you know answer. So some
of the questions that I found was what color are
my eyes? Do you think Church would know what color
my eyes are? I would hope so she did? You
asked her? I said, Church, what color my eyes? She
says hazel? Like I got it. I said, what's the

first thing I washed when I get in the shower?
She said my button? She's right, wash, But why do
you go for your Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Do you use the same wash clothes to watch the
rest of you that you watch your cloth? What do
you use? His hand? Soap? But used? First of all,
you're supposed to clean your butt last, It's like I
feel like this. I take it. I think the bar,

I start over here right, and and then I quickly
go down and so how my arm goes? It naturally goes?
And you shove the soap in your butt and then
everywhere else? Would you be surprised? You? What else? How
do you clean your butt? Why is the wash cloth?
He as I do? I put the bar of soap

on the wash stand up garage and Dan, you'll stand up?
Hold on, let's pretend you to. I want to see
how everybody stand up. But naturally, dorl, here's our show.
Here's how I go. I started here on the on
my on my my left side, with the bar right,
and then I quickly look at my hand, naturally goes.
I go down across my midsection to my butt and
then now I rushed my button. I'm not even doing so, Daniel,

how do you do it? I don't even so? Where
do you start? Do my arms? First? People? I loather
myself at my area is last. No, it's not soap.
How do you do it? I do it. I lather
myself up and then do everything. My butt is like
one of the last things you really Yes see, I'm

so interested in there, So I go in there quickly.
Why are you interested in there? Well, I don't know
what's up there. I got I got plumbing issues, right,
he just saw that. He takes his hands on his button.
I go up there there, I gotta clean it. I
oh my god. You know, there's some days I'm like, wow,
I've learned so much about him. And then then there's

days like this where I go, where does this come from? Why?
I don't know. I really don't know. I have I
have no idea. You stop doing that, stop playing that?
Oh yeah, okay. According to the Jordan's on on our
iTunes review, how long is it until great t gets
tired and bails on this podcast again? Exactly? Okay, yeah

he is. It's just a matter of time. So he
just leaves us all flattened dry. One question that was
says do I have a birthmark? And and and and
Trish could not figure out. She's like, I don't think
you do. And I'm like, I you have one, and
she's like, I don't. I don't, actually says you, where's
her birth mark? And I said, I know. It's right
on the on the upper portion of her left butt cheek.
There is a shaded piece of skin that is a

different color. I know it very well. Okay. And then also,
would you or would you not take a two week
vacation on your own? I thought that was very interesting, Garrett.
Would you take a two week vacation on your own?
You would not? Really not? Two weeks is a long time.
I could do a couple of days, maybe even a

week on my own, but I would miss my I
miss my family. Interesting, I really like to go on
vacation with them. And we know how much you and
you and Sheldon in love. But you would do a
week by yourself? I mean I could do a week
by myself? Would I opt to know? So you and
the girls? So say Froggy's wife Lisa wants to go away.
I've done for a week. No, I've done a three
or four day girls vacation by that was fun. But

a week two weeks a long time. And I know
how much you in love with Sheldon. I know, I know,
I know you and Sheldon are massively in love? Are
you are? Are you so jealous? Just you know? Tris
says that she this is where we differed. She said
she could do it for a week. I could not.
I said, absolutely, I could not. Trice could do it
for months. Yeah, She's like, no, she could from you forever.

But I know. But but she really did say She's like,
she could absolutely go away for a week and not
have any kind of problems. I could not do it.
I really couldn't. We differed. You know what that tells me?
I'm more into the relationship than she is. That was
a telling more moment for me. Why because I can't
be away from her in the family. I could have
told you, you're more into this. I am more delationship.

Let's call her and ask her please, don't please, Let's
call her and say, hey, are you more into this relationship?
And then I say, I asked her what? I said,
what is one superpower that you could have? What would
it be? And Garrett, what's yours superpower? Superpower? I would
go invisible? Yeah? Told me to disappearble That is so wrong.

I'll take it so wrong. All right, let us let
us switch in here and we're gonna hop into Vegg News. Yes,
Garret's got fetch news lots of right before we get started, Uh,
if you go to b A l R dot com,
I want you to go out and try to buy
these sneakers that we A l R dot com next week.

This is a life lesson. This is a life lesson.
You shouldn't. You should know when you say something that
it cannot be done, and it can be done, you
should do it. Stops sitting around, They'll do it. I
was on these shoes for such a little turn though,
because you didn't buy them. Nobody knew. I asked you
guys as friends, and you went, you know, let's go
Fegg News. All right, here's Vegg News. Is you know
Garrett has got a demerit here and feed. I'm giving

you a demerit. Demerit. You have a demerit too. I'm
not doing you're demarrit. You got a dear go all right,
let's start with Facebook. So, as we know, Margus Zuckerberg
up on Congress pretty much putting the tail between his legs,
saying we screwed up. Letting h letting Russians get in
charge of all the data that from Facebook users, And
this is him pretty much saying his written apology sounds

like not enough. So it's not enough to just connect people.
We have to make sure that those connections are positive.
It's not enough to just give people a voice. We
need to make sure that people aren't using it to
harm other people or to spread misinformation. There you go,
you know what. I'm here and I heard another news
media say that the number of people that have the

data breach on Facebook is even more than million. Yep,
that this number they are they are scaling it down.
I have a question, but I don't use Facebook a lot,
I have an account, So still do I need to
check my stuff? You can if there are ways for
you to check to see if your data was breached
because they just had to release it because well there's life.

But that's they're not. They're not stealing information in the
sense of numbers and credit cards. What they're doing is
they're ident and from pictures. They're still they're they're gaining
your They're pretty much getting inside your head of what
you like. So if you looked up shoes, then all
of a sudden, never look up, Yeah, do you have

women shoes? Stop it? Stop it. Next week, you were
going to come in here with shoes from well I
am According to Great Tea, they're never going to get
here because how did they get from the UK to
When we've finished recording, you and I will buy a pair.
I'll then mow you the money. I'm gonna cry. That's
what we have them. Next week when we come in
and we can show them, because you know, we show

our shoes everything, I'm gonna cry. But they steal your
likes pretty much. They pretty much get into your head
and say so so when you see when you're online
and you're like, hey, I was just talking about vacation
to Florida? How is that visit Florida? Because it's all
that data information that they steal. It's so upset about
this that we're buying this. This is what you get

to buy the women's pair. You don't want the women's
you want want the guys. It's it's absolutely gary. They
got cute girls. Honestly, if you bro if you bought
those seas, I'll bout you all right, I'm done with you.
How can whatever you say that I envisioned that manate
from the guy man at the wedding Why could you
do that? Why don't we all get a pair and

then it'll be our own little club. Oh how cute?
That would be nice. No, because I'm not buying it
for him. That would be not not buying it because
I know what this is. Going to shoes, Garrett, get
me the shoes. You're an adult. You can do it yourself.
Can do it yourself. You're the guy that doesn't believe
in any type of online payment. Any news. News to

go while you're frustrated because I can't believe you did
what you did. Really, of all the things in the world,
you're not argue in Fedgeville, here's happiness in what's the
next clip? I have you tell me? Yodeling kid? Maybe? Yes,
he went from Walmart to to Ellen yesterday and this
is his performance. Baby, can you yodl come Figen yodling Figeon,

I Feggian Figeon yodeling? Nothing? I do think so Walmart
gave him fifteen thousand dollars, right, yeah, I think he
Walmart pretty much robbed him. Why the kid is the
most popular thing in the world for the last week
and a half and Walmart only ponies up fifteen thousand
dollars that promotion alone. But you know what all these

think about the game shows that people go on. And
these game shows make millions and millions of dollars, and
what is there? You know, the grand prize two hundred grand,
million dollars. Still, that's that's a show. You're going on
there to compete, right exactly. I think about it. I
think about Survivor all the time when I hear people
on Survivor and they're trying to go for a million dollars,
and they're all like, man, I really could save my family,

really do much for me. But you know what, after taxes,
you walk away with maybe six hundred grand. The TV
show put you through hell. You got mosquito by it's
all over your freaking body, right, you crap it in
the ocean. You've got no food, you're starving, You're on
some island. You hope you don't get eaten by a snake.
And there, and and and Survivor is making millions and
billions of dollars and giving you a portion of six grand.

Let me come on, you know that's my saying, all right,
let's go. I'm so mad at you. News three. What
if I bought your size? If I bought your side,
then I'm stealing for you. That's what's gonna happen. That's
what That's what's gonna happen. That's gonna happen. I'm stealing
from They have the ones you want in female version
and its sneak, but I think it's I think they're unisex.

You know. It's not often that I discover something that's
really cool, you know, And I've been on this for
a couple of months now, so then what is to
figure out that you could put the order overseas? I
finally wanted to buy them. I'm like, you know what,
I'm gonna buy these. I'm gonna buy the That's fine,
That's what happened. Doesn't let you spend money. You always
tell you you spend more on your haircut than you
would on these sneakers. You get your haircut every week? Okay,

can we not talk about that now? I'm trying to
keep us on. Does your hair cut every every Friday?
And you have no hair make any sense? Because I
like to go in there with the bros going there
like do my handshake. You have a little fuzzy's going
on your head right now? They are so that what
day is fuzzy? Come in on your head? Because you
getting shaved on Friday. Friday, So by today's Wednesday? Alright,

so by tuesday's fuzzies in there? I just I did
the math for you, Greg too, Yeah, alright. Forty bucks
a week, fifty two weeks in the year, you're spending
almost eight thousand dollars on your hair. Oh my god,

doing unbelievable. Well, you know what I deserve it. I
work hard. I work hard, I work hard. All right, Okay,
I am okay, Yeah, I am okay. I are you
talking to I'm talking to the man, the man in
your head. He's asking five people. Okay, are you okay?
Should we call Tristian tell it all? No? No, no,

let's go new story. Let's end with that. No, no,
you have one more sept Meyer's wife, Well yeah, he
him and his wife had an interesting baby. Interesting baby
they did. They had an interesting story about the about
the about their baby. It looked like a vege. Yes,
go ahead. Described So my wife basically decided decided for us,

and she went and she lied down in our lobby
and uh and we sort of like created like a
semicircle around her. And you know, we undressed her and
the baby was just out. The head of the baby
was out. I called nine one one. This is how
fast it happened. I called nine one one, and over
the course of a minute conversation, I basically said, we're
about to have a baby. We're having a baby. We

had a baby. That's kind of how it happened with
you just fell out. Remember, Trisha, I think something's wrong.
Getting with the doctor, I sit about it. She's like,
I'm having diarrhea. I goes, So, what You're gonna push
on a baby? She's like, no, go get the doctor.
So I said, I got him outside and like Dr. Sabar,
can you come in here? He goes, what's the matter?

So I don't know. She said she's having diarrhea. I said,
what's the big deal, She's gonna crap anyway where she
starts pushing and he goes, move out of the way.
Baby's coming. Babies called, Yes. That wasn't It wasn't that
you had to go to the bathroom. It was that
the baby was crowning already and was already there, and
the baby came just like I love Dr. No, don't worry,
it's diarrhead home. I did tell Trish, you know you

have you're supposed to give your wife like like they said,
they call it a push gift. I said the turchh,
I go, you don't deserve the push gift. I said,
you have to do anything, so you think you're kidding me? Right?
That's it? Go like, okay, church done. In all fairness,
he does spend more time on the toilet than Trish
did giving birth. I was like, what you You couldn't

believe it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am okay, stop
asking me. I'm stopping. It's almost all right. Is this
what he did on his other podcast? No, no, no, no,
here's the thing. He wanted this. They Scary would not
give it to him. I know why I should call
Scary complained every every time for a podcast. Danielle Fedge

of the Week. You don't want to talk to Scary No, no, no.
I do have his music in him? Why not? Tristan
Thompson is getting my Fedge of the Week because of
all this ship that's coming out about him cheating on
Chloe Kardashian. She's pumping a baby out any second now.
I had two of them already um, but no, honestly,

like unless there's something that we don't know about behind
the scenes, or but I just can't see. I just
can't see a nine months pregnant woman wanting to play
into any kind of game with this, like saying, oh,
we'll leak we know he's cheating, will leak it. And
but no, I think that it's messed up that you
probably we had no idea and it's just not nice
to do that to anybody. And so he is my

fedge of the week. Obviously not a positive this week. No,
not a positive. But I will tell you what that many, many,
many people have to have done research on this that
the most men will cheat. Most men cheat when their
wife is pregnant. It's a fact. It's a fact. I
actually have a friend who's husband cheated while they were pregnant.

I tell you then and at her shower they were separated,
and it was so sad because we all knew the
story that's right, and she was badmouthing him. But guess what,
they wound up getting back together and having another child
and now they have they't cheating again. No, they have
a great marriage. Now. Well, maybe maybe that's what I
should do I should go cheating and I better marriage.
I'm just saying I'm not. Hey. I found a little

Yoda lin kid on on Instagram. Did little Little l
I l Hank Williams almost has a million followers. Hold on,
I'm still it was coming in. I was why would
he come in here? I think he left. He does nothing,
goes home and goes to sleep. That kid, that's all

he does. Go Hey, there is something interesting that I
wanted to bring up at the end of the show,
which we were at right now. Um, you know, I
don't know if you guys know, but Danielle Monaro, Darren
and I know we've witnessed it for many years. She
does a fantastic She does a fantastic Elmo. Oh that's great.

You know what, hey, fetches, if you can figure out
scariest phone, you give him a call and town that
we said, Hi, can't all right? You tell him? Tell
him yetie confetti down that tell him? So anyway, So
dan Yell does a great impression of Elmo. And I

want to know when when impressions that you guys do,
like GK, you do an impression not really not that
I know me neither I can't. I've been thinking about it.
I can't do any impression. I'm not. I don't know
what to do. I don't know what to do. I
don't I can do freend flint Stone. That's about it,
and I can't. All right, but here, so I found

one online and I'm like, Danielle totally blows this way.
Watch doesn't listen to this to This show is brought
to you by the Letters. Now that's Elmo. Or it
doesn't very cheap Elmo. That's the Times Square Elmo, exactly Almo. Right,

so Danielle give me your Elmo. Okay, Elma has a
friend named Haavy. Dabby's very in training. I love you,
give it to me, daniel ready says that back, and
I'm sorry, I don't have the music. That's what I'm doing.
What was such? Know what? Perfect? You know? Perfect segue.

So here's what you were done that we're saying. To
the end, we're gonna we're all gonna say yetti, confetti, confetti,
Yetti confetti. That's how we're gonna get T shirts and
say yetti confetti. All right here, we get ready, ready, Danielle,
We're gonna, we're gonna go We're gonna shut down Fedgeville
until next week. You guys enjoy yourselves, have a great week,

and if you like to reach out to us again,
you guys, reach out to us that Fetch him official
on email, fetch your official Twitter, fetch him official Instagram.
Danielle Monaro as Elma will lead us out. He say,
thanks for living. Yetti Confettietti confetti like y confetti. It's cute.
It is. It goes with fedge hand. Don't forget b

A l r dot com. Yes, if you guys ordered
the sneakers, man, I'm really gonna be want to wear that.
She's so good at it, she really is. Hey what
Some of the questions that we asked today was why
do you like or not like horror films? Let us know.
We also want to know how many times does Danielle
say I'm getting up and I'm getting out of here?

All right? I gotta remember violent sound effects next week
Batman sound effects. Was there any other question that we asked?
Was there anything else that we remember? I don't know,
I don't remember. This is all a big mess. Well
it is a mess, but ni confetti all right? On
the counter of three, everybody yelled, YETI confetti, even you
fetches at home. You're ready. At a count of three,

it's yetti confetti, two three, eetti confetti. There we go.
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