All Episodes

April 4, 2019 31 mins

Garrett and Wes cover ALL things that have happened in the week. From kids doing good for their parents, April fools jokes and a incredible vocal you NEED TO HEAR!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Let's go. All right, we are back the Audio Lab
full effect. My name is Garrett West is sitting in.
You might have remembered him from a few episodes ago,
only one episode early, but what up West? Good morning, afternoon, evening,

depending on when and how you're listening. My name is Garrett.
So in case you're the first time coming into the lab,
here's what we do. We pretty much sum up the
whole week. I got this. I got sound on top
of sound, on top of sound, on top of sound
on top of sound, And what we like to do
is just kind of review it. We got so much
stuff that we could play. We figured you're on your
way home, you're at the gym. You just want to

catch up on things without having to to click here
and click that and swipe left, swipe right. So our
job is just to bring it to you the best
weekend possible. So, uh, we'll start. We'll start at the
beginning of the week. So the beginning of the week
there was the n double A CP Awards. Now here's
the reason why we're playing this. The interesting thing was
Chris rock was was a presenter on the show, and

normally at these award shows, wes Um you're told, here's
what you need to do. Say this, get off stage.
We have commercials. Blah blah, blah, blah blah. The one
thing the producers of the Inn Double A CP Awards
said was Chris Rock and everybody presenting, do not speak
of Jesse Smolette. He was supposed to be here, he

decided not to show up, so we still promoted him.
But please do not say a single thing. Now. When
you tell a comedian, just like a child, do not
say this, what do you think is gonna happen? Well,
especially Chris Rock. I know Chris Rock from the past,
and you tell him not to say something, he's going
to say it. So let's see what happened over the
weekend at the Double A CP Awards when Chris Rock

hit the stage and was told do not speak of
Jesse Smolette and award they said, no, Jesse Smolette jokes. Yeah,
I know, I know, what a waste of light skin.
You know, you know what I have told do with

that light skin that curly and ham my career would
be I damn running Hollywood. That's no, no, no, just
what the hell was he thinking? From now? I never know?

Just your Jesse from now on, you don't even get
the U no more. All right that you was respects,
You're getting no respect from me. So of course he
got He got in trouble for that, and rightfully so.
And other people were supporting Jesse and others not. But
we do have, I believe one more clip. When Tracy

Morrigan was on the Tonight Show too, he had some
things to say as well. All right, Uh, I know
you don't own one. I don't own one. Not many
people do own one, but a Tesla. Are you familiar
with Tesla somewhat? Yes? Are you familiar with Elon Musk?
I've heard the name. He's a very rich rich man
created Tesla other companies. But this is where I call

or what I like to call rich people problems. He
was the one who did something on Twitter before right,
something stupid. Well, he said something stupid. He smoked a
bunch of pot on a interview. He lost his his
chair on the board of Tesla, but still makes buttload
of money. But Elon Musk decided, Hey, I I'm gonna
release a rap song and uh, I'm going to pay

homage to Harambe remember the Gorilla. Yes, so he's he's
he's about three years late on this. Don't know why,
but it's a tribute to the gorilla that was killed
after grabbing the kid that fell into the enclosure back
in now. We don't know why, especially three years after
it happened, like we said, because it's like, if you

want to be relevant, Eminem doesn't wait three years to
to drop a song about something because that makes it old.
So I don't know why he's doing it, but apparently
Elon musk Uh is heavily auto tuned here and uh
it might be a promo because again, rich people problems.
He has a record label. Go figure. Uh so this

is part of r I P harambe um here we go.
Oh we haven't done. First off, sounds like tea pain
right there. Off the bad tea pain. But this is
Elon musk about you. We're back at this thanking about
you man, miss you, miss your Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright.

This is the problem. You have so much money. No
one around you says, hey, this is a bad idea.
That's a bad idea. If they told him, he'll still
do it anything. Now was if you had the money
and you're like you know what, I'm gonna put out
a wrap. First, I would say, okay, let's let's let
me hear it. I'll be open to hearing it first.
I'm not gonna say don't do it. But then if
you put something out like that, that's where me as

a friend would tell you, as a very rich friend,
don't do it. Then you'll say you're not my friend anymore,
and then I'll have to find a new friend. I
see his friends still telling him just do it. It's yeah,
he has what they call yes men around him or
yes women, because you tell him no. Then he's like, oh, well, okay,
I got I got something for you coming up in
a few But also we had April Fool's Day. Uh

have you fallen for an April fool Fool's joke? West
ever possibly played one? I know you play a lot
with your friends, with your co workers in the engineering department,
but yeah, we play a lot of pranks on each other,
but I don't think I've ever fallen for anything. Well,
so a bunch of companies decided to uh start putting

out start putting out April Fool's joke. So we'll get
to that in just a second. But I wanted to
play a few things from from the news that I
caught up on. Um, this is a guy getting busted.
Uh did you order your order from food from Seamless
and grubhub in all those places? Right? And and Uber eats.

The problem with Uber Eats is, uh, they're normal people.
They don't they're not associated with the restaurant they work
for Uber. So this guy, he works for door Dash Delivery,
got busted last week in California by a family on
their doorbell camera. As he rang the doorbell, the dummy
decided to take a sip of the milkshake from cold
Stone that he was delivering. So this is this is

the news report. I looked they Hey, the guy who
delivered the food was sipping out of my son's cold Stone.
I was like, whoa, that's crazy, I mean, and how
can somebody jeopardize the product, especially the food. I felt
really like disgusted about what had happened. And then my
dad told me that they'll check out the video from

last night. And once I checked it out, I like
brushed five six clients and then I felt really disgusted.
We have a trust between the company and the drivers
wants to touch this book and we can't, you know,
go back to him. It just made a proper training
and then apology. Hey what you did? Well, we want
to make sure that he doesn't do that to other people.

So let's let's just say, wes you, You and I
we ordered some milkshakes from cold Stone and we're waiting
from them to arrive. The guy, the delivery guys at
the door doesn't know we have one of those doorbell
cameras because we're we're a modern couple. And we see
him drinking the milkshake. Do do you call him out?
Or do you just automatically go straight to the company

and say I want to refund. I would call him out. Now,
what if it's a milkshake that you really wanted, like
it would a favorite milkshake be that you would you
would just suck dry. I love strawberry, all right, So
the guy has your strawberry milkshake. You've been waiting for
it all day long. It's at your doorstep. You see
the delivery guy suck on your milkshake, not just a

little bit, not not a ton, But you're desperately in
need of a strawberry milkshake. That will just make your day?
Do you still take the milkshake? No, definitely not. You
wouldn't sip it. No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't like skim
the top off of the milkshake. And but it's a straw,
so if he's sucking the straw, it's at the bottom,
so you can technically get away with eating the top

of the milkshake. No, definitely not. How much money would
it take for you to drink your milkshake that you
ordered that your delivery guy just took a sip on.
It's not even about the money. I wouldn't even want it.
You would, so you would just say screw the milkshake,
I'm done. And definitely, but even though it's the thing
you've been looking forward to all day long, I wouldn't

want it. I wouldn't take it, and I probably would
never order from them again. I think I would take it.
I think I would. I would scoop the I would
eat off the top until I got telling may the
quarter of the bottom because that's where that's that's where
that guy's germs were, and and then stop there because
knowing that's where we would eventually cross spin. I don't
understand people ordering ice cream and stuff in these places. Well,

you know something, it's more the lazy factor. You don't
want to you don't want to go out. You know,
it is annoying, put on shoes and pants. You gotta
get in the car, maybe take a train or take
an uber. Usually food delivery, the food comes cold, and
then I do say there are some types of food
that you don't get ice cream, it stays frozen. Uh,
sushi never get delivered. I hate sushi delivered sushi for me,

you have to have it at the restaurant you deliver sushi.
You're just asking for bad sushi to show up at
your house because you don't even know when it was made.
It could be sitting around. Um yeah, I'm not. I'm not.
There's certain things I will never ever ever order from
a system. But apparently I can't order milkshakes anymore because
I don't like sushi anyway. Yeah. Uh let's see. Oh
all right, So, uh you're into science, I guess sometimes

Uh me too. Uh so scientists, this is where I question, like,
you've got a ton of money, a ton of research.
Why do you research this? So apparently some scientists have
figured out that you could make certain mosquitoes eat and
mate less by often playing this song. Okay, you want
to take a guess what type of artist would make

mosquito stop eating less and having sex less? Out of
any artist, it could be any artists in the world.
I know, it's like one in a million shot Rick Ross,
all right, I could see that. Uh Nope, it's a
scary monsters and nice uh spirits by Scrillis. This is

what makes mosquitoes go. But no, thank you. But you
know what, I'm technically not wrong because they did do
a song together and it kind of sounds like close enough.
But this song right here, but it also doesn't turn
me on, so I can't say that I could do
it listening to scrilics. But d M in general, E.

D M in general, you can't really have sex to
because it's just there's really no rhythm and then the
beat drops and then it's weird and you're still then
you lose your rhythm and not for me personally. But uh,
let's see, uh we're talking about late night. Let's let's
let's move on in the week. See what else we
got going on? Uh, do anything interesting this weekend? West

the past weekend? Uh? You know, we had the nice
weather here in New York. Yes, it was beautiful seventy
and uh, I think we're in for rain on Friday
the fifth, Tomorrow Saturday, took a took a walk around
in Jersey City and Hoboken. It was pretty nice and
it got cold later on. Though. Do you uh, do
you check out BuzzFeed from time to time? I do not,
all right? So I was scrolling through BuzzFeed and they

do one of those surveys you could, you know, do
a survey of like what's your favorite Pokemon or who's
your favorite friends character? What what what Sesame Street character?
Would be your best roommate? So they did a survey
of how people say different Internet acronyms. You know, for instance, uh,
when something's funny in a text, do you say right? Uh?

So cent of us say l O L And then
thirty six percent, which I don't understand these people, they
say l L L law. Who the f says lull?

That does? Like? What are you texting or saying to?
Not even text? You say it? You say lull lu
text a lot I've I've never received that. I've never
received a lull. I've received an L O L. But
that's the problem. It's a text, so I don't know
how they're pronouncing it. I would just assume they would
say l O l because it's l O l um.

All Right, we're talking about we're talking about April Fools Day.
So this is the this is the thing where I
think April Fools jokes unless you're a new a kitten
like grammar school or high school and really haven't pulled one.
You've seen most of them. You've seen them all, you
heard them all, you read about them. All. Companies think
they're getting new where most people I would say our
parents fall for these. But uh, Starbucks decided on April

Fools to announce pup Bucks. You know on pup Bucks
is a Starbucks for pups, and they put out a commercial.
They spent your money so West you're drinking what are
you drinking right now from Starbucks? Drink ice coffee, So
that ic coffee that you paid for went into a
production for this commercial. That means nothing but getting people
to fall for thinking that there's going to be a

pup Bucks opening very soon. Put Bucks is a new
concept store we're launching exclusively for dogs. We see how
much our customers love dogs, So we wanted to offer
a Starbucks experience just for them. Working at pup Bucks
is a little different than any other Starbucks store I've
worked at. I think the client was a bit more unpredictable. Oh,

but they do always come when their name is called
dog jokes. Again, people did fall for it in the
sense that they started tweeting, Oh my god, cannot wait.
Then people realized it's April Fools. But then then you
get companies that are like, how do we how do
we like do a subtle joke but still promote our product.

So McDonald's did a good one though. Did you see
McDonald was the all pickle big mac. Oh god, no,
thank you. I hate pickles. Pickles, pickles to me, I
get it. Their cucumbers, no, no, no, you know what
it was because I went to I remember as a kid,
I went to one of those. I went to McDonald's,

uh somewhere, I believe upstate New York, and I was
traveling with my dad and I always you know where
I'm from in and around New York City. They didn't
put pickles on their pickles. And mustard, Oh I hate
mustard too, hate it. In the New York area. They
didn't put pickles or mustard on their hamburgers or cheeseburgers.
Upstate New York. Pickles and mustard just automatic wherever you go. Yeah,

I I ordered my normal cheeseburger at McDonald's before really
adapting any type of love for mustard or pickles, And
sure enough, sure enough, it was on there. And ever
since that day, I threw that that cheeseburger right away
or hamburger, I forget what I had. Um it was
a white rapper, so maybe it was a hamburger, yellow rapper.

Was the cheeseburger? Um, I threw it right out. I
have not touched a pickle, not touched a much think
of mustard ever since the age of about seven or eight.
Is it all mustard you don't like? Or just mustard?
All mustard? Even when even no, no, no, no, you
don't really even if it's gluten free, I don't no mustard, no,

thank you, there's oh god, I'm sorry. But time X,
time X decided let me jump into the April Fools pool,
and so time X obviously a watch. What does watch
have have to do with April Fools? They convince people
that they were adding a an extra hour to the watch.

Time X Production, a global leader in watchmaking for and
sixty five years, Big Time has done the impossible. Voice
over guy, imagine if you could add one hour to
every day for the rest of your life. We have
always worked twenty seven twin eight, and now we worked

twenty five, sir time, all right, if you fell for that,
you need to just lock yourself in a room and
don't come out for twenty five hours. It's funny, but
it's also pretty bad, right, Like I get people are like, oh,
I wish I had more time in the day. You
do not. It's physically impossible to create a watch I

mean the yet alone, like where as the even who
do you go to to say, Okay, well, the day
is no longer going to be twenty four hours. It's
gonna be twenty because technically you can put an extra
hour on there, but it has to start somewhere. So
you think it has to start because it's it's a
global thing. If we were to add an extra hour,
so you would all the countries have to come together

and agree that we're adding an extra hour to the world.
Do you think they would have to? But it just
makes no sense, does it, come leave it, you know.
But because things are changed, things always change. They change
the rules for sports, you know, people try to rewrite
the constitution now and then let's just say, hypothetically, Wes,
where do you think, who do you go to if

if if they wanted to change the typical twenty four
hour day to I don't even know. I don't have
to be like the world leaders, right exactly. So you
think they would have to all come together, all fly
into New York City, sit down at the u N
all the leaders, the ones that hate each other, the
ones that love each other, and have to actually have

a conversation and put into agreeance. We're now moving to
twenty five hours in the day that they would have
to never gonna happen. But still it's just fun to
think about. All right, Oh we're talking about this, all right.
So Tracy Morrigan was on with Jimmy Fallon and he too,
uh does not believe Jesse Smollett. I heard you got
a new gig though. Yeah. They gave me a role

on Empire. They did what is your what are you
gonna what are you gonna do that? Well, contractually give
me millions dollars contractually all I do is the fake
of hate crime, Jesse. That's all you have to do.
That's all I have to do. Yeah, perfect, Uh yeah,
you don't. You don't, you don't. You don't buy that story.

What happened? Nah? Man? Come on, First of all, racist
people don't be jumping nobody in the polar vortex. Yeah,
man with racist don't be watching Empire. Man, it's two
colors and may be racist in the spring because it

was like ten seconds of footage and then he disappears
for like two seconds. Then he reappears with the noose
one is next to holding the subway sandwich. He let
the subway sandwich go. I think it was topperoni and cheese.
I don't know. Yeah, yeah, that was the giveaway there
he's still holding. Yeah, Tracy Morgan could get away with

saying anything and then he he will always end it.
Even if like you feel awkward to be like, well,
I got hit by a truck. That will always be
his punchline. So even if you're mad at him, he
will well, you can't be mad at me. I got
hit by a truck. Um all right, So West, do
you remember the full House episode where they went to
Disney World. Did you watch it? You never watch Full House?
I probably I might have. I don't remember any So

there was a scene where they were in the hotel,
Uncle Jesse and now the criminal and Pecky. Uh. They
were in the Grand Floridian hotel in Walt Disney World,
and Uncle Jesse was trying to win back in Becky
because he said something stupid, obviously, because that's what happens
in a thirty minute comedy. And he sits down at
this grand piano, this black grand piano, and starts singing
in his beautiful song. Big moment in Full House's history. Well,

same hotel. Recently, a little girl asked the piano player
in the hotel lobby of the same hotel, the Grand Floridian, Uh,
if he could start playing so her dad would sing
Ave Maria, you know all right? Uh? So this dad
is a voice and piano teacher, uh in Connecticut. So

at first you think, all right, typical dad. He's wearing
cargo shorts, he's wearing crocs and a football jersey. Uh,
standing in the middle of a hotel with a piano
player sitting there. Then wes he comes out of the
gate sounding like this, all wearing a football jersey, cargo

shorts and crocs standing in the middle of a hotel
and his daughter's like, Okay, Dad, that's great. I just
want to go on some rides. Um all right. Uh
I've always wanted to have the ability to do this
never but I never thought to do it like this.
So a kid in Nevada has him and his family
have been struggling a little bit and they don't have
a car. So uh So, this woman's thirteen year old

son got on Facebook, found a cheap Chevy Metro and
traded ready for this. What do you think he traded?
We was uh phone, I'm not sure, an Xbox, his Xbox,
which is a beloved piece of equipment for any thirteen
year old boy or any teenager in general. He uh So. Apparently,

this kid says he got the idea after watching YouTube.
Me I tried to learn how to tie a boat
tie on YouTube. This kid learned to take his Xbox
and get a Chevy Metro. Uh So, this is the
news report from his family, and I believe his mom
and him talking about it. I saw people on YouTube
and they get their mama car and then just like

surprise their mom with the car. And then I wanted
to do it. It was really cheap, so I asked
if I could trade the Xbox or earn it. You
kept coming in and like asking me like this odd
questions about vehicles and different parts, and I'm like, okay, why,
Like what, Mom, I got to a car And then
she's like, no, you didn't. And then I was like
I did, and then and then she didn't believe me.

She picked us up and then we went to her
Elise and then I was like, mom, there's your car.
I lost it. I bawled so bad. I was just like,
there's there's no way. What thirteen year old do you
know buys her mama car? I don't know any I
cannot many. So remember a few weeks ago we did
a segment about snoring. Yes, yes, do you know what's coming? Yeah?

I have a feeling. So yesterday I received an email
from your girlfriend Adriana and she says, hey, uh I
know my my guy West is coming through. Um I
just I thought you should you should know about this,
and I said, what is this? So the file shows
up in my in my inbox, and uh, I was

pleasantly surprised, but also oh my god, thank you for
showing this to me, and uh, as as I pull
up the clip, I think you know what we're about
to play. Yeah. She she mentioned that she should have
sent it in and she did. So this is West
snoring Wes. So that's thirty thirty six seconds of it.

But then another clip came in right after it. It
sounds like a cell phone when you put it on vibrate,
So you got yours bad. Because it's lighter, it's not
as bad. She probably was scared that you would be
sucked into whatever you were. You were you were inhaling

as you snored. But yeah, so I felt like it
was a little bit like Mari Povich where you show
up on the TV show and you're like, oh, I'm
about to win a car and then they're like you
are the father. Um, I don't have any paternity tests.
I just have eclipse of you snoring. But yeah, so
thank your girlfriend for that. Thanks. Yeah. I saw the email.

I go no way, and she goes, yep, I got it. Uh,
let's see reports. Oh this this one's funny. So a
guy guy calls up the cops and says, hey, um,
I'm hearing stuff up in my attic there's there's I
need the cops to come see what's up. The problem is,
once the cops arrived, the guy didn't hide his meth lab.

So we go to upstate New York. Cops are called. Uh,
last weekend because he the guy heard suspicious noises could
be from the chemicals that he was inhaling. But here's
the reporter and the local cops who say, actually, this
is pretty common. Police say, thirty seven year old Corey
Favreau reported he heard someone in his attic on Champlain

Street in Plattsburgh. Police arrived and looked for an intruder.
They didn't find anyone, but they did find the makings
of a meth lab. I would say it's fairly common.
The frequency fluctuates a little bit, but you know, we're
starting to see it a little bit more now. Isn't
the first time Favreau has had a run in with
city police. He was a raist, arrested in Plattsburgh City

court and remains in Clinton County's jail right now. Like
what what? I guess the chemicals got to his head
and he just started hearing things. Maybe if he saw
things that just it makes no sense. Uh, let's see
you don't get it. Oh, this is interesting, are you? Uh?

Do you know anything about golf? All right? Do you
know the player, like if you're in a name like, oh, yeah,
he's a golfer. All right. So there's a country singer.
I got to hang out with him the other day.
His name is Jake Owen, Uh, and he was at
his best friend, Jordan's Spee's wedding. Jordan's Spee, big golfer.
So back in February West, Uh, there was a big
pay per view match between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson

that you pay like thirty bucks. You get to watch
them go head to head for like a million dollars,
and a lot of people weren't able to watch it, right,
so they got refunds. So Jake Owen tells this story
of running into Phil Mickelson at his friend's wedding the
day after losing thirty bucks. I did give Phil Mickelson

a lot of though. At Jordan's space wedding, Georder got
married in November and Phil was there and it was
the day after he played Tiger. I had a few
cocktails and uh, I saw him across the room and
I was like, I gotta go to tell this guy
what I think. So I walked over time. I was like, hey,
phill you only I was like, for wasting four hours

of my life with the golf. I've ever seen you
guys hype this whole thing up about this big match.
You guys couldn't even make three birdies between the two
of you. I want my back and apologize to me
for some And he pulls out a wad out of
his out of his thing, and he grabs a hundred.
He's like, yeah, I won ninety thousand of these yesterday,
Take a hundred and right to my imagine going up

to someone like I thought about it and I would
never do it, but like Floyd Mayweather, I would go
up to Mayweather and go, dude, you charge me thirty bucks,
four bucks, fifty bucks whatever to watch you fight. You
fought for ten minutes or less, and I had to
watch about ten different fights before to get to yours.
Give me my money back? Is it? I thought it

called sport? Now, isn't it like a hundred bucks? Watch
well the fights? Yeah, the Tiger Woods thing was only
thirty um, but still let's see, uh oh this is
kind of cool. So uh so so this weekend is
WrestleMania at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, and uh a
bunch of w w E stars going all over the

city promoting WrestleMania for this weekend and a few stop
by fallon last night to read this is fun. So
remember as a little kid, you would, you know, try
to talk trash and be like, hey, your mother is
so fat, you know, blah blah blah blah blah. So
they had a bunch of little kids read trash right,
trash talking like tweet esque things, and then the w

w superstars turning them into uh their trash talking. But
play it right now, starting now, starting now, for Braun,
do you want to pace to me? Do you want
to pace to me? I'm gonna kick your butt to

your fall in the lake. And I'm not joking because
what I'm kidding, I say, knock knock. We have a
two time w w E World champion set right, my favorite.
Don't make me bake a pie and put your face
in it because your butt is your face and your
face is your butt. I said it before, I'm gonna

start using that one. Um all right, So before we
get out of here, West, I appreciate you Chilling and
Hanging and uh, you got a new podcast that that
that's out now right, Yeah, we recorded one episode and
hopefully going to record another one on Monday. What's it call?
Where can we find it? Right now? It's just on speaker.
It's just Tails over Cocktails, Tales over Cocktails. And you
might hear an intro from someone you might know if

you're familiar with the Elvis Durant show. All right, so
this kind of this came out just the other day.
So Lincoln Park released uh music about a year ago
a year and change, and uh, Chester Bennington's last project
with Lincoln Park. And they had a song that just
got released right before his passing, and it's called One

More Light. And what someone found was his isolated vocals.
You know what isolated vocals are. So it's basically you
take out all the instruments in the in the song
and you just listen to the guy's voice. So though
leaving on a somber note, uh, it's still worth the
listen because it's that important. So this is Chester Bennington,

One More Light, his isolated vocals. Thank you for listening
to the Audio Lab. We will talk to you very
very very soon. There are things week and can't keep.
If they say, who cares you for? More? Like goes

out in the sky of a million stars? If flickers flickers?
Who cares when someone's time runs out? If the morement
is are we are? Or quicker? Quicker? Who cares you

for more? Like goes out? Well I do
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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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