All Episodes

September 29, 2022 75 mins

#229: The flight attendants ate Skeery's meal and Brody almost got screwed out of his; Is it possible to meet and fall in love with a convicted murderer who's been in prison for years?; The boys debate how to properly use your fingers when counting; what do you do when the block of cheese plops into your pasta?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Start uf dot up, start up, Brooklyn Boys, start up,
Brooklyn Boys, start data. They're making noise data dot up.
Episode two it's the Brooklyn Boys podcast. Yes, yes, damn it. Hey,

you know we're back. Yeah, only only half the people
know we're back. Yeah, I say louder for the people
in the back, we are back. Thank you. I posted
on Instagram two days ago and I said, hey, episodes
to or off, let's go what we need you and

people wrote back, Oh my god, I'm so excited. What
what we need is for everybody listening to this to
post on their social media the link and say the
Brooklyn Boys are back. Yeah, and or maybe we'll make
some new listener friends. Well, I mean, we want the
old ones back, but let them know. I know we
were gone for a few weeks, but come on now,

Yeah we're here, paperwork is done. Let's go. I mean
we're here to be here. Yeah, we're gone for five weeks.
But does that is that enough to take the wind
out of our sales that people just lose interest and
move on to other things. I got enough wind for everybody.
I don't worry. I mean, listen, I'm not not gonna lie.
Alex Cooper came out with Call Her Daddy yesterday and

she had this exclusive interview with Haley Bieber. Well, listen,
it's pop culture. She I mean, she's got zillions of followers.
I would like a shout out from Alex. Maybe Alex
could plug the Brooklyn Boys or something that'd be nice.
We plug her no pun intended. Oh my god, that
you went there? Not No, I didn't. I'm saying nothing,

absolutely no pun intention. She is something else but but no,
she interviewed Haley a brilliant podcaster. But don't listen and
instead of us, listen in additional in addition to us, Yeah,
we want to make all lies. You want friends anyway, Um,
we have to recap. We have to recap a couple
of things in last episode, which is why we tell
you to listen in order. Do you have to listen
in order? Jingle? Do you ever bring that home? No?

I gotta get that. I think you need to get that.
Can you make a list please? All right'? So a
couple of treat things. As we say three, it's using
your thumb first one, index finger two, middle finger three.
That's how I hold up three fingers thumb index, middle
one to no, I would. I would if I had

to count on my fingers, I might hold up that.
I might use the thumb in the first two if
I was gonna keep going to five. But I would
never hold up three. If it's three, it's the middle. Three.
We've had this conversation. I'll tell you what is painful
for me to do middle, wait, index, middle, and ring yea,

because the finger on both my hands doesn't want it
doesn't want to go up without my pinky going up
with it. You gotta stretch it. You gotta stretch it.
All you gotta do is like one or two days.
You stretch the ligament, and you set for life like
the vulcan thing, to live long and prosper when you
make the v I couldn't do that for most of

my life. Then one day I taped up my fingers
and I stretched them, and I can do it now
on both hands. I just feel like my ring finger
is the one that you can't I can't put up
on its own without other ones trying to go up
with it. It's so so strenuous, But I guess I
gotta do my key go. Well, well, let me ask
you this. If you're putting up two fingers right, like

make a peace sign, right, and someone says how many
are in there? And you go to do you do
the three fingers the two fingers facing you or out? Like?
Do you hold them up and go to I faced?
The fingers have to face me? Okay, and I commit
I can face it the other way. But you know,
but why would I do that? Well? When you okay, well,
when you do your number one and we're number one
at a sporting event, which way does your finger face

when number my my figure? Your faces them? Yes, right,
But when you hold up three, which way do they face?
They face me? One? Okay? What about when you hold
up four? They'll be honest. Four No faces me, and
it's not my thumbs them. Four is like your palm
up like your high five and my four faces them?

Really four? Yeah, you tuck your thumb and you go four.
But my thumb is facing yeah yeah, four faces them right,
and my thumb is hidden behind so they can only
see four fingers. No, the thumb is in the palm
of your hand, yes, but they're they're seeing the four fingers.
The thumb is hidden to them, and I'm looking at it.
It's not hidden the thumb is facing them, but it's

folded over. I go palm out four up? Is palm out? No,
it's palm in. No what he does like given some
of the middle finger. No, you don't go four with
your palm to your face. That's insanity. Nobody does that
at David Brodie had Scary Jones at the Brooklyn Boys.
And by the way, you probably I have to. If
I'm putting up my ring finger, I have to have

my thumb hold my pinky down. No, yeah, it has
to otherwise did the pinky maybe? Maybe? Alright, I'm not anyway. Yeah, okay,
so one to tree things. Okay, so last week I
told you about the five dollar tip I took back.
Everyone agreed with me. Everyone everyone, everyone agree with me,

and I wanted to read just one here. I got
it from uh Desert right. I'm with you. Brody totally
would have taken back to five euro sounds like it
sounds like to me he was trying to pull a
fast one, especially after you paid sixty dollars for the
five minute trip. Alright, alright, well I gotta I got
a lot of people agree with me, and then I'm

gonna read some some tweets. Do that. Let me read
the one that agrees with me, because I know where
you're going with this, and you can go fund yourself. Okay,
we're talking about the five dollars. We're talking about that
the habit. Okay, read the one person who didn't know.
Go ahead, alright, hold on a second, No, I'm gonna go. Oh,
let me go to the Brooklyn Boys account on instagramwet
you show you read ten and then you can read

one for whatever reason. Okay, this one comes from someone
in the Catholic Church. Father O'Malley, who is it? Where
is it? Hold on? He works in the Catholic Church. No, no, no,
I gotta find this tweet now, damn it. I had
it and it's gone from DJ Millie. That's DJ Underscore

Millie Underscore and why it sounds like a priest listening
to I'm Roman Catholic. Okay, I will have to side
with Scary Jones on this one. I went to Catholic
school my whole life and have never known the non
vestments as a habit. I feel you'd only know if
you're studying to be a part of the church like me.

Now I know that that may not be the case.
I just don't think it's a common and I think
the silent majority is what we're experiencing here. People did
not write in because they agreed with me in silence.
But these, the vocal minority, are the ones who lashed
out and have tweeted us. That's saying that I'm crazy

for never have never heard in my life that a
habit is what a nun wears. I've never heard the
term habit, and I've never seen sister act so okay
or two. No, I've never seen it. Because people like, well,
didn't you see it in that, I'm like, well, Alison
Michelson says, I immediately, without hesitation or question, burst out

laughing when Brodie made his habit joke. And I'm not
even a religious person. Sorry, Scary Jen Jennie for Jenicef
she said, how do you not know it's called a habit?
My Baptist wife after the Book of Genesis For Alison Beagle, Uh, sorry,
Scary Jones. I think it's pretty common site a knowledge

sit to that nun's outfit is called a habit. Nice joke,
David Brodie's crack it up Shandy Jew mobster, This jew
in his middle name. The jew knew what was called
the habit. Shame on you, Scary Jones. This job makes
your argument for dill as a traditional seasoning a Jewish seasoning,
even weaker. Do I know Mr donut Pants were big
fan of iron. You call her anal girl? My dad

I love her. My dad and I are Jewish. We
got the nun joked episode we knew that what nuns
wear is called the habit, Brandy Rodkowski, Scary Jones, No
Scary Jones knows about a habit, and Frankensensen murr um.
Come on, I'm not religious at all. I know your
Catholic school teachers have been disappointed. You know, I feel
like Brian Stokler needs me to read his tweet. Hold on, sorry,

Scary I was listening to episode twenty eight and I
was screaming at the radio about Brodie's habit joke and
how you missed it twice. Well, listen, I missed it
because I didn't know that a nun is wears a habit. Okay,
I didn't know it, so I'm not taking upcept exception
to the cleverness of the joke. I had would have
had to have known what it was first, what is
the bast way? There's nothing. What does the priest wear

on his neck? What does he wear on his neck?
You don't know what it's called? The white thing, the
white thing around his neck? Yep, I don't know. You
don't know what it's called when a priest. We'll tell
me what is it. I'll tell you if I would
have heard of it before. It's a priest caller. Okay,
that self expl No, it's the white thing that heard.

But to me, a habit is something you break like
Lincoln Park's song break in the habit, like a habit is.
I know what a collar is? That makes sense? That
self explanatory. A white collar, the priest collar that duh? Okay,
I understand that, But but I didn't know that a
nun wears a habit. Okay, you know what it's called

a homonym. Scary words have other meanings, you know, I
get that, But I just never heard the term. Okay,
crucial crucial alright, fair enough, what does that mean? Don't
know what am I making a reference to? Hey, we
both have airplane stories. Oh, I got a bunch airplane story. Yeah,

And if you could find airport story, if you could
fix you cheap little feed there that you've got coming
back to me, then maybe we could start getting into
those that go worse. That was you. Are you sure
I wasn't just speaking with from the Bible and you
just didn't understand it. You cut out several times. But

I think you're good now. Um man, uh you know,
all right, let's say that for a second because we
have to take a break. But before that, did you
pick up You're Brooklyn Boys meet shirts to meet up
t shirts because this selling, this selling and then and
there for a limited time only, and I will I
will give you this offer as I always do. Once

you buy the shirts, send me a picture of it
or you're wearing it or at your house, and I
will put it on Instagram. Yeah, this is a spec
It's almost like a concert T shirt. Sometimes people buy
concert T shirts and they don't go to the concert.
Similar thing. We had the Brooklyn Boys meet up at
a steakhouse and we made a commemorative T shirt and
it's really cool fucking shirt on its own. And if

you weren't there and you want to buy the shirt,
scary and I scary, and I will not tell anybody
that you weren't there. Yeah, you could pretend like you
were there. So go to Brooklyn Boys dot Big Cartel
dot com. That's Brooklyn Boys dot Big Cartel dot com,
and uh, buy them before they're gone. How about that?
Don't buy them. It's like mcribb. It's like for a
limited time only. Yeah, but the mcribb comes back, the

shirt will not be coming back. Yes, that's a bad example.
So it's like, uh uh, we went away, it never
came back, and now we were better a better example. Well,

that's known as the the biggest flop. The model t
Ford was the one that that that one no no.
The ed was in the fifties six what happened. I
believe it was like a new car company and it
was just a major flop. It's like AIDS candy AIDS.

There was there was this candy bar called AIDS a
y ds that was popular in the early eighties, and
they were commercials about AIDS and they were like, eat
these AIDS candy and you will lose weight. Well, then
unfortunately AIDS happened, and then the AIDS candy went away,
unfortunately for other reasons besides the candy obviously. But speaking
of things that do come back scary. There are two

things that do come back that are very important, and
I want to bring them up in two thousand six.
If you're a Mets fan, this will mean something to you.
And if it doesn't, that's fine. But in two thousand six,
there was a hit song on the radio in mostly
on the East Coast called and we say, and she says,
excuse me by Lucas, product local talent here in New York.

And I got him to sing a Mets parody of
his own song, yep. And it was and and we say,
Let's go Mets, and it was very popular. And oh six,
when the Mets went to the uh the playoffs and
in fact the uh the Mets when you call the stadium,
that was the on hold music. So they played at

the game, we played on the radio, got a lot
of national attention. Lucas did the Mets parade that they
had extreet fair. He sang it. He's on all the
TV morning shows New York years ago. Wow, uh sixteen exactly, yep.
In speaking of fifteens, when the Mets made the World Series,
he and I I updated the song and he re
sang it, and I thought it was dead at that point,

like it ready, it's a sixteen year old song. Then
it was, then it's a seven year old song. Well,
now that the Mets are making the playoffs again, our
Mets fans have been asking me, Hey, we're getting a
new song, We're updating the song, We're gonna do something
with it. So I was sort of like, yeah, you know,
but I got all those free time now, and I thought,
what the hell? So I rewrote it today September as

we record this and Lucas product p R A t
A Is currently re singing it nice and we'll have
it early next week. Um, you know on social media
and radio stations if they want to play it, and
you're gonna give it to the stadium and maybe they'll
play at the ballpark. I am going to give it
to the stadium, and I may give it to uh,
the Jersey Kid, So we'll see WHOA. I'll tell you

why that's not why not David Brody forming an alliance
with the Jersey Kid. Well, I'll give it to Carole
and his co host, But I'll tell you why. That
song was a big hit and was first played on
his radio station in New York w k TU and
because it's an older dance song that really wouldn't fit
in with the with the with the radio stations music list,

it makes more sense. I haven't decided. Plus, Lucas product
performed at kt US concert this that's that's what makes it.
He's a big deal. They saw it. However, if they
don't play it, you'll know the Jersey Kid after me.
So's next week. I want you to start harassing him
Kid to play Brody's met songs. There you go. So

I canna tell the other thing, I'll tell you the
other thing that's coming back later. I promise one more
than all Right, let's share airplane. Uh, first of all, um,
all Italian airlines. But first of all, you can't I'm Italian.
I can say this. You can't trust Italians. Where we are.
We are slimy and grimy as the day is long. Sorry,

And we have a lot of Italian people listening, some Italians, okay,
the European Italians from Italy. These people, some of them
are real sneaky bastards. I boarded an all Italia listening
you're like, oh, we're gonna have yeah. Yeah. By the way,
I'm the Jew who acts Italian he's the Italian that

just said that. Do remember the old Alatali a joke?
How do you tell the plane is an all Italia airplane?
It has black hair under its wings. Ohio like that,
and it's shirt is half unbutton if all kidding aside,
these bastards are these flight attendants, they were all Italian men.
They were sneaky Italian men on this air this flight.

Well you're gonna you're gonna hear what what what they did?
So I paid for the upper class, meaning of course
where you get a meal on the flight. Now here,
but by the way, in European flights and a lot
of them, they it's just like an extra sixty dollars
and you can sit up front, but there's nothing fancy

about the plane. Otherwise, some of those flights are not
what you're thinking. It's not like first class, like the
lay flat the planes made by Cadillac, right, right, So
so I was supposed to get a meal, So all
it was. I was one of like maybe six people
that bought this ticket, right and come around they'll I'm like, oh,

what's what's the dinner? Because I was looking forward it
was like a you know, three hour flight and they
were like, oh you get uh the um we just
have this chicken sandwich was called sandwich. And I'm like
okay uh. And then they give me the sandwich and
I opened it up and it's a cold sandwich with

like a couple of pieces of cheese and it looks
like some jelly or some ship. But there's no fucking
chicken anywhere in sight. It's not a chicken sandwich. But
they kind of like we very dodgy about and weird
and suspect about when they were handing out the sandwiches.
So everyone got the same thing. It was like an
old cold roll with like two pieces of cheese and

again like a jellish like jellysh like substance. You can't
pass it off as chicken. It was no chicken, no
meat anywhere to be found, all right, So now all
right we eat out a little sandwich. And by the way,
there was nothing with it. There's no accompaniment. I'm like, wow,
this is what you fuck this next time? You know,
I thought I was gonna get our meal with some things,
other things that you may get in business class and

other carriers. All of a sudden, let me start smelling
something cooking I'm like, what's that, what's that? What's that
coming from the galley? It smells good. Something's fucking cooking
back there in the front. Now, they had a curtain
that goes across the front of the galley, which is
which leads you to the exit of the plane. And

then they had what I've never seen before, a cross curtain,
like an l formation that cuts off whatever is going
on in the galley from the main aisle. So every
time the two flight attendant guys went into the front galley,

they closed they they made it a point to close
the front curtain. And then cloth is the elk curtain,
and they were doing something behind that second curtain, and
the smell started getting better, and the aroma of food,
and I'm like, what's going on. All of a sudden
I could see a little crack in the curtain. He

opens up the first curtain in the front galley where
the food was. Whatever he's doing with a two with
two trays full of real food, and he and he
knocks on the fucking He goes to the right and
he knocks on the pilot door, the door where the
pilot is, and he goes inside to the cockpit and
he serves them fucking dinner. Wait a second, it gets better.

Hold on. Fucking five minutes later, the other flight attendants
from the back of the plane come come up to
the galley. They again, they opened the curtain, and then
they closed the curtain behind them, and then they opened
the second curtain. They closed the second curtain. There's fucking
four guys sitting back there, and now I hear fucking

silverware clinking and surrounded plates, and I'm smelling chicken. I'm
smelling food, and I'm like day's motherfucker's. They did the
old bait and switch. They took of all of our
quote business first class meals that we were supposed to
be served, and they're ain't it for themselves. They fucking

staff ain't the fucking food. And that's good, that's not
that's worse than not good. I want my fucking money back.
You can you imagine the balls on these assholes. I mean, well,
you know, asshole with balls. But seriously, these dudes, and
these were slick, slicker than grease, the Italian flight attendant dudes.

And they were these good looking guys in their thirties
and they're talking with these thick Italian accents, and I'm
like boar, and there was like fumes coming out of
my fucking ears because I knew I had been had.
That's not right, scary, It's that they definitely, they definitely
ate our fucking food. They because what happens is was,

I know people in the airline industry, they ordered the
meals for the amount of people who bought tickets. So
there were six of us, exactly six of us that
were in the first class a quote, that were due
a meal, and the six and there was six of them.
There were there were four flight attendants, two in the back,
two in the front, and the two pilots. It made
perfect sense. And they fed the pilots because I watched

them put the trays in the front. I'm going, maybe
the pilots get to eat special food because they're pilots.
And then but then they all took turns going behind
the fucking second curtain and there, and there's rustling back there,
and I'm hearing fork against plate and I'm hearing and
then I hear them like, you know, busting their own
little table and then putting stuff in the back. Motherfucker's

you fucking you owe me fucking my money back on
that flight. Did you hear any time did one guy
goes going to chicken the sandwich? No, but they had
more than chicken sandwich. You know, they had chicken on
a plate. They actually had a half chicken with mashed potatoes.
They had a full meal, and they gave me, I
guess what was a vegetarian meal for people that would
whatever it is they had enough of for like the

six of us. And we're sitting there like a bunch
of stooges, like a bunch of idiots. I can't believe
you put up with that. You didn't complain, you didn't
say anything. What are we gonna say? You stand up
and you walk in, You walk the curtain open, like,
what's going on? Back here? You go? I thought this
was the bathroom. Oh what do you guys got? You
guys got chicken? You gave me a stale roll with

fucking cream cheese and the jelly. Well, let me tell
you a similar story. And he told me he was chicken.
He tried to tell me I was eating chicken. When
I was done, wasn't eating chicken. You know, he looked
at you as a fake Italian. He took advantage of
you because that they sucked out, They fucked over everybody.
They took our money, they used our fucking our meal

ticket for their meals and they ate our meals. Wow.
So flying home from Amsterdam because you you you, you
got off the cruise and you went to Italy. Going
flying home from Amsterdam, we were given a certain amount
of money to buy our ticket home, right, because people
were living leaving from all different places, and the Norwegian
Cruise Line and Jaw Marketing gave us some money and

said here, buy your ticket with this money, this should
be enough to cover your flight and transportation from the airport.
Very generous of them. However, my wife and I have
miles saved up from credit cards from flights for a
very long time. Scary. We haven't been on vacation together
on like a real flight in like, I don't know,
seven or eight years, maybe right. We've gone to Disney

with the kids, but as far as like flying nice,
we really haven't done it in a long time. So
we have all these miles saved up, plus the pandemic
using the credit cards, we have the place to fly.
So we upgraded on United Airlines to what's known as
Polaris First class. I've heard I've been so before. I
tell you what that's like. And remember I never fly

first class. I'm like, I kept thinking, even though I
had a ticket, I kept thinking it would have picked
me up and me off the plane or drag me
to the back of the plane because that's where normally sitting.
I'm fine with that. Well, we were for the first time,
I think for me at least fifteen years. We were
in boarding group one. Boarding group one. You know what
that means. That means all the overhead compartments you want.

It means you get to go on first. It means
it means it means every motherfucker in the airport stands
up and walks towards the line. That's what it means. Yes,
I have this wall. I wait till boarding group. Like,
if I'm boarding group four, I might get up for
boarding group three because it's like usually by the time
to get the three and they go three, four or five,

six seven. In other words, all the dregs everybody get on.
But I don't ever get up for boarding group one
because that's the foo fu people in the suits. That's
not me. Let me let me say one interject here,
because a similar experience anyone, And I learned this anyone
traveling outside of the United States. They're animals. They don't
have a sense, they don't have a sen of semblance.

They all just push and they crowd the line. There
is no such thing as boarding groups for them. Um,
I've seen it. Happened to me three times in Europe
on this trip alone. So the way it's set up
the boarding group, there's like stanchions and a narrow walkway.
So the so the stanchions funnel, Like why why United

people are familiar? United? Group one stand in this lane.
Group two Green, stand in this lane. Everybody else wait
till your group is right. So people were funneling in
from the side, trying to get in front of me
because my wife was in front of me, and they're
trying to get between me and my wife. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no,
no no, we're groping, bitch for this. I see their
their tickets, like there their boarding passes, and they don't

say boarding group one, Like excuse me, boarding, isn't it funny?
I did the same thing. I'm looking at people's boarding
pass in front of me. That ships I've waited a
decade get out of my way. So so we we
got They finally weed out the people from the other
boarding groups and we get on the plane. I think
I referenced you to Rob and I said, what would
Broody do if he was faced with the same situation? Right, yeah,

so I almost I did. I did get into that.
So we get into the Polaris First Class. Now there's
actual like first class, and then there's the Polaris first Class,
which is the front front front of the plane. These
are they have like yeah, they have like metal frames
like semicircles of privacy, and and then your your seat reclines,

your feet go up and your back goes back. You
could lay flat in your seat and covers and a
pillow and so you can go to bed. They give
you They give you blankets to keep, to keep, and
headphones to keep. You have a little storage cabinet those yes,
you have a ledge, and you have the TV screen,
a foot rest. When you put your feet back, it's paradise, right,

so good. They give you a good night with shaven cream,
toothpaste like a whole toiletree thing. So it sucks. There's
only like six rows, right, so they're coming by now,
there's two two aisles left a'l right aisle, and my
wife are in the middle. We have like the two
in the middle together, right, so we have like our
own little apartment building, like right in that perfect and

so so the person on the left goes to horror
and says, which of these two meals would you like?
Would you like the scrambled eggs sandwich with turkey breast
and cheddar cheese or the or the curd and raisin
filled crape. So my wife says, now, now, to keep
in mind, the person in my aisle is two rows
away from me. They haven't gotten me yet. So my

wife says, oh, of course I'd like to scrambled egg sandwich.
And he goes, oh, we were just ran out of those.
So my wife says, what you just offered it to me? Yeah,
I just remembered the last guy got the last one,
so I so I'm like, So she looks at me.
My wife looks at me. She looks like she knows
I'm funcked now. So so the guy comes to my side.
The woman comes to my side. I'm sorry and she

and she says, um, I'm here for your order. Uh.
In addition to the appetizer, the almond smoothie bowl. Um,
what does he would you like? I said, well, I
would like the the uh gianduja shortcake breadcake. But as
far as the entree, I would like to scrambled egg sandwich,
which rumor has it you might be out of. But
I'm in rows six out of six in in in

Polaris class, so i'd like just I think we might
be out of those, I said, I think I might
be upset in a minute, so if you could please
get me one from somewhere. Maybe there's someone in the
front who was iffy, I said, is there someone in
the front who was like, I don't know, it doesn't matter.
I'll take either. One who might not care, because I'd
like this is probably gonna leave it there any to

be asleep. It's just gonna be sitting in front of him.
If there was anyone who wasn't enthusiastic about the scrambled
egg sandwich with turkey and shatter, I would like you
to slip them the curd crepe and give that to
them the current herd the piece of crepe. Uh, I
would really like this, I said, I don't eat curd,

and I really would like, I have a very tired
I A please please, this is a once in a
lifetime flight. We're in Polaris class. How could you be
out of it? You already have six flows. You haven't
even gotten to the backup playing yet. So so so
twenty minutes twenty minutes later, she comes by and she
slips it to me, and she goes, I got one
for you. That's good, so I said. I said, listen,

I really appreciate that. But my once one too, So
she got one from my wife. Here's a little good good.
They both got it. But public service announcement. If you're
going to go all the way and book your first
class tickets, do this sit in row one, two or three,
because beyond that, that happens every time they for whatever reason,
they run out of one of the options. And it's

always option. You always have two options. Right, you have
scrambled egg sandwich and Curtins. Okay, total maybe in first
class let's see excuse me, one, two, three, four, five,
Maybe thirty people are in this Polaris class. Right, you
can't fit thirty scrambled egg sandwiches on the plane. You
can't fit because they do a guest a minute, and

they do some of this and some of that. But
to me, people are they guestimate and he want the
crappy curd crap. That's what I'm saying. They should do
two of those and twenty six of the other. Give me.
I don't want the crappy kurd the curd cake. Yeah. Now,
now similarly, if I could you gonna this, this happened
and I burned Danielle on this um. They were coming

around and on our trip to Vegas, and I was
there with Elvis and Danielle and Gandhi and we were
towards the back of the of this area, you know,
and we got a meal served to us. And wait
a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm calling bullshit.
What come on? You said, who was sitting with you ahead?
And we were seeing to the back of first class.
That's right, Jane was not sitting in the back. You said,

We're until the Danielle. It was me, Danielle and l Y.
That must be nice. Yeah, And they come around and
Danielle is like, I'm craving a cheeseburger. I would just
love a cheeseburger. And then and then they're like, well,
here's what we have to offer you. And they offer
this this chicken with orzo rice and again something similar
to the crappy curd turd thing, crap crape curp, curd creep,

the crappy creepy, the creep creepy curd, the crappy curd
curd turd. Yes whatever, so oh oh, I forgot with
blueberry compote, crappy curd crepe with compotent with yeah, so
but a burst of a burst of fruit on top.
But I'll say this, so, I didn't want either meal
that was being offered to me. I don't want a

chicken or zo rice bullshit. So Elvis like sees me
being different, not being difficult. So I said, I gotta
be honest. I don't really want that. I said, nam,
I have too many carbs and stuff, and I don't know,
I said. He goes, well, he says to me, I
do have one extra meal. But it's a surprise, he goes.

I said, really, He goes, yeah, he goes, trust me
on it. He goes, do you want this surprise? I'm
not gonna tell you what it is, but do you
want the surprise you want or do you want these
other two? So I'm looking at Gandhi and I'm Elvis
and Danielle, and I'm like, I'll take the surprise meal
because I guess number three. I wasn't going to eat
the other two. There's no way. So sure enough the

food comes. I gotta fucking bacon cheeseburger with fucking all
the trimmings. And Danielle is like, you son of a bitch,
and you got the fucking I said, sometimes it pays
to go fucking's see what's behind door number three. I
wasn't gonna complain. I took a chance. When you say,
you know what somethimes, you know what? Danielle. Danielle, God

bless her. She never complains and never asks how many
times have we been at restaurants where they mess up
her order? And she says, I don't want to say anything.
I don't want to saynything. I'll just eat it. I
would never do that in this case, man, it paid.
It paid off because he wasn't gonna tell me what
it was, so that was the trade off. So I'm like,
I'm in my mind like it's gotta be He's calling

it a surprise, so it must be something that it
could be. Tun a surprise. You don't know, just but
I was willing to take that chance. I saw a chance,
and I take it. Isn't there a song? Yeah, if
I see a chance, I'll take it. What do you
say to taking chances? Slan deon whatever, take a chance
on me, all of it? Yeah. So I took a chance,

and I eat my fucking cheeseburger. So I don't want
to go fund himself. Boys, podcast will be right back,
and I have we gonna continue with plane talk or no,
you know what I have, bust talk bust I can
I can tell you what happened to me in a bathroom.
That's a good story. I'll tell you about the bathroom.

Tell you always have bathroom stories like this? Yeah, I
got you played. I played the audio of that, so
I'll tell you what happened to me. I went to
get a massage and uh, you know you have to
partially disrobe, right and uh, the woman says, tonight, I
get naked. No you don't get naked under the cover.

No no, no, I keep that. Keep what kind of
is that? Then? No happy ending? You don't. That doesn't
mean you get a happy ending? Just think why she
why is she get a massage my ass, and I
just I just feel like that they get I wear
like jim shorts like they're the easy there. Yeah, she
wants to go up the leg or you know, down

the back a little bit. She can, but I keep
my pants on. Yeah I'm not a naked guy. Get
completely naked. No no, no, no, really, sheet comes off
at some point, dude. They slide it up and down,
they tuck it under your leg. You not not doing it,
no anyway. So there I am. She's alright, disrobe and

I'll be right back. She do you need to use
the bathroom? I said, no, I'm good. I just used
the bathroom. Says, okay, good, I'll be right back. So
she leaves, and I'm laying there. I'm going, oh god,
I gotta P. I gotta freaking p. What am I
gonna do? I'm like, I gotta yes, I put my
shirt back on. I go. I go in the hallway.
And if you remember the spa on on Norwegian Prima,

the spa, the it's like half the length of the ship.
The corridors of rooms is endless. I don't know where
this woman went. So next to my room, I hear
like I hit talking and it sounds like another language.
So I assume it's the woman who I think was Hispanic,
who was helping me. So I knocked on the door
because I want to tell her. Hey, I'll be right back,

because if I go to the bathroom, I don't know
where bathroom is to begin with. There's nothing but hallways
and doors. And I said, knock on the door, and
the woman opens the door. It's a woman giving another
guy a massage. I'm like, oh, I'm so sorry. I
just looking for the bathroom. He he had his pants off.
I could see the bottom half of his ass. I
don't want to do that. Okay, I already saw the
blue lagoon. Ass. We don't see it any more. Ass.

She says, Oh, you have to go down the hall,
make a left, and by the gym. It's by the gym.
Go out the door. There's a bathroom. I said, do
me a favor. If you see the woman who's given
me my massage, can you tell her then I'll be
right back. Is well, I'm gonna I don't know I'm
gonna be. I'll just go. I'll just go so nobody
knows where I'm going at this point, right because nobody
my woman is not there. So I go down the hall.

I make a left, and there's the bathroom outside the
spa by the entrance to the gym where people are
working out. But in the hallway there's nothing around but
the bathroom door and hallways. Falia. Okay. I get in
the door in the bathroom, beautiful bathroom. And the handle,
the handle to the door is Florida ceiling, a black

looks like rope, but like metal, like black twisted metal
from Florida ceiling is the fancy handle. And in the
middle of the handle, I would say about eight inches long,
is it's separated. Okay, So that's it's a long handle
from the top to the middle, a separation about eight
inches a handle separation, and then handle to the floor. Okay,

but the separation is very it's very tight. You could
barely see the separation because they design this beautifully, right,
beautifully Okay. So I go in the bathroom, I do
my business, and I turned the lock. I unlocked the door.
The door open. So I locked the door unlocked. It's
got a little lock below to the right of this

long handle, and I'm turning it, turning it, I'm pulling
on the door. I can get the door open. So
my guy, let me, let me analyze this for a minute.
I'm not getting upset yet. I see the I see
the lock, and I hear it turn I hear it, right,
I hear it. But you know the tongue that sticks
out that that that the clicker, the thing that clicks
into it. All that's not moving. The bolt is not

is not there anymore. I see the bolt turning, but
the toney isn't. So I'm pulling on the door. So
now I'm going, Okay, the woman's waiting for me. No
one is in the hallway. The guys are working out
in the gym down that hole. It's loud. So I
started going. I started tapping on the door. Hello, Hello, Gary.

I'm doing that for like five minutes. Now I'm getting
a little freaked out. You're right right, thank thank you.
So I'm going hello, Hello, Hello, I'm stuck in the bathroom. Hello,
I'm running out of time. Oh my god, you're charging me.
So I'm getting like panicked that no one's gonna hear me,

and I'm gonna get stuck in the bathroom for the
whole hour of my massage. I'm gonna eventually she was
gonna come down looking for you at some point, I
don't know. So I'm like, hello, help, help, I'm stuck
in the bathroom. Hello, hey, hey, I'm in if I
can't get out of the bathroom. So the guy outside
turns the handle from the outside and lets me out.

One of the employees I was banging scary for like,
I don't know seven eight minutes were you banging on
the bathroom floor? I was right, it wasn't me. It
wasn't It wasn't me. So I said, I said, you
gotta tell someone to fix this lock. The lock got stuck.
You gotta put out out of report of something. I've
been in here for a while. I'm so sorry to
make noise, but I couldn't get out. And he reaches

in and remember I told you what the two sections
were separated, the little eight inch you gotta keep separated. Yep,
he goes, look and he puts his hand on the
eight inch pot that was separated from the top and
bottom and turns it. Oh, and I went how, I said,
how would I know that? How would I know to

turn There's no instruction, there's no like little cook arrow
like that, says like, turn it this right, So I said,
I said, am I the first person to get Now
we're on the maiden voyage, We're the first people on
this ship. I said, so I must be the first
person not to see I gotta put a sign up.
He says, you're not the first person to get locked in? Okay,
So then then maybe maybe they will put a sign up.

Maybe they just sign up now in your honor, I hope. So,
but do you ever get locked in a bathroom or
something like that? I was, there's no windows. I'm like,
oh my god, so I got I got like a
you know, like a ten minute less massa. So wow,
and you didn't complain about it? Well, no, it was
my fault. I locked my couldn't open the fucking bathroom door.
And the guy was like he didn't say it, but

he had to look on his face like, douche bag,
you just turned this thing here. He was nice, he
was nice, but I could tell him he was thinking it. Yeah,
you know, he was like, oh no, no, you just
turn this. I'm like, who the hell would have known
to turn the middle bar when I unlocked it? Why
wouldn't Why wouldn't the tongue thing just open. No, no, no.

So that's my bathroom story. Nobody masturbating, thank god, because
if there was, it would have been me. And I
tell you not, in ten minutes, I might have started. Oh. Man,
by the way, I um uh, I know, I know
you're not a fan. I'm gonna lose you right away.
But I got the I don't know. I have a
confession to make. Oh, this is my confession. I got

the iPhone fourteen. Pro of course you did, because you
know me. I have to have the latest phone. You
have to. Um. Let me just tell everybody right now,
it's not as good as Android. Save. No, I'm not
gonna say that. That would be extreme. Uh, save your money,
Save your money, don't upgrade. There's nothing. The only thing
that's different is the cameras better. That's it. It's the

same fucking phone as the thirteen and the twelve was,
and even the eleven and ten for that matter. I mean,
it's just I don't understand quite honestly, the last the
last four phones from iPhone from Apple have been a
great disappointment. Now, now, by the way, I know you're like,
who cares? No, I think like most of our listeners,

six of our fans. I think in listeners and slices
use iPhone and you know us and I know you said,
oh no, it's you're telling me that the new iPhone
fourteen did not have any uh Android advancements from five
years ago. It's just no, no, the the but the
no the OS. This system has it. But you can

get the OS on your iPhone ten or twelve. It
doesn't matter. The operating system him has gotten better. But
and there's some things you can do. But it's just
and this has been a trend for Apple now it's
just they used to Apple used to when they used
to have these announcements with their new devices and new
phones for the holidays and whatever it is. It used
to be exciting. It used to be innovative. He used

to be different. But like you could, like you could
fold your phone in half. That would be cool, right, No,
it wouldn't. Necessarily you're trying to lead me down that
Android trap, you dick. But my point is, yeah, it's
just Apple in general, it's just so unexciting lately, like
you want, they have these big Apple events and Cooper Tino,
they have this tremendous this rollouts with these fancy power

point presentations and conventions and you know, cold plays fucking singing.
Here comes bono from YouTube. You know they have these
huge and and it's just it's lost its luster. Now.
I don't know, is it? Because you know Steve Jobs
and I know he's been dead for a while, he
has dead for a while. But but like it's just
have they run out of have they run out of technology?

You're disparaging? Are you disparaging? Tim Apple? And by the way,
that's a joke if anyone gets that reference Tim Cook.
Tim Cook. Yeah, And of course no, I'm not. I'm
just saying, like, have we are we They're like, as
far as we're have we pushed the limits of technology?
The problem is what is the issue? Because because nothing is,
it's nothing different. Here here's the issue. Apple users don't

need new things. They just need to know the phone
as a new number. Now it has a four, scary
instead of a three. It's got a four. You don't
need to impress iPhone users. They just buy the new one.
If I can just buy, had I skipped it? Thirteen?
I had I had? Because wh wouldn't you say what
does this have before? Why? I'll tell you why? Because

I got the twelve two years ago at this time,
and I'm like, well, I skipped a thirteen last year,
so now let me go from twelve to fourteen. It's
got to be a little But why wouldn't you don't
they're gonna do some innovation on it at the why
wouldn't you Google? What's new? And by the way, Google
owns Android. I'm just saying, I just it's it's been
a disappointment and and oh here comes the next watch

and the next generation of you know, iPad, and it's
just there's nothing exciting that's new, that's like mind blowing,
that's like whoa because you know and in the beginning
out of oh wow moments that made you want to
but now it's just you're right, It is just the number.

It is just you're you're okay. So now I upgraded
my phone. What does this really mean? I have no
what did they take away this time? Because over the years,
they've taken away the earphone jack and they don't give
you a charger. They just give you the charge. They
give you the cable. They give you the cable, they
don't give you the plug part of it. So you
gotta buy that little little son. By the way, and
by the way, I'm not one of I'm not of

the generation and they don't give your headphones, they give
you nothing. I'm not of the generation that calls the
cable the charger because the cable is not the charger.
The cables what you plug into the charge correct. So
I'm just just clar yeah, yeah, they give you the cable.
But then my kids will say I need a charger,
I go the box. No, the cable, that's the cable.
The cable does not charge it by itself. They give

you the fucking wire, the cable. That's it. That's all
they give you. They don't give you anything else. But
they haven't. But that's been the last three or fourth
You know what. On the flip side, you're making people
listening to this podcast slices, you know what I'm saying,
you slices that have like an iPhone eight. Just no,
you're not missing out. You're not missing that. You feel better,
that's my point. You're not missing out. Well, anyone who says, oh,

get a ten, because ten ten was a big difference
because they got rid of the little but the home button.
And if you have an eight, it's still good. But
you know what, I still get an Android. If I were,
you get Android. They make advance puts the slogan. So
from anywhere from the ten to the fourteen, all those
phones in between, and right up to the new one,
with the exception of the camera, it's the same ship.

Save your money. That's my point. Yes, Scary Jones is
telling you to save your money. If I could do
it again, I would just kept my twelve. I would
have kept it. Apple. Give me something to be excited about, yeah, yep. Oh.
Speaking of being excited about things, you know, if I
had something exciting, I would tell you, right Like when
when we used to work on the show together. And

let's say I walked down the hall and I found
out that there was like barbecue food at the hip
hop station. Yes, I would come to you and I go, Scary,
they got barbecue at hip hop station. Come on down,
let's go. I would always tell you, because you're my boy.
We were on the Norwegian Prima Beautiful ship. We all
went together on the cruise and there was an event

I was not aware of, and apparently it was fantastic
and you knew about it. There was a seafood fest
where apparently every restaurant, maybe or almost every restaurant. Did
we talk about this on the last episode? Did we
about the seafood you didn't tell me about we talked
about that? We talked about this? I don't think we did.

We didn't apologize the last episode. Did we Maybe we
talked about talking about it. I think we talked about
talking about it, but we didn't talk about it on
the podcast. I mean, I can look at the episode
description and tell you, but I don't think we talked
about it. Right now, people are screaming, you guys talked
about it. Don't talk about it again. Oh you know
when you talked about at the second time, it was
we'll just make it brief then, you know. I don't

make it defense a defense for it. I mean, it's
it's basically just a quick thing, right, I mean, yeah,
there was a seafood event going out, going around, not listed,
not listed in description doesn't mean it we didn't cover it.
I don't don't. So there was this massive seafood in
every restaurant, just crab legs and crab legs and amazing
crab legs. Well, my wife and I were not eating

at that moment. And we're not aware of it. Scary. Uh.
Doesn't say a word to me. Uh. Two other people
on the cruise were like, oh, yeah, it was awesome.
I texted another person on the cruise. You didn't text me,
So I'm still mad at you for not telling me.
Just know that the seafood event was ship wide. It

was everywhere you went to go eat you you could
they were having the seafood fest. So no, it's amazing.
So the point is, it's not my fault that you
went to a specialty restaurant that afternoh. I didn't go
to especially the restaurant. In fact, I didn't go to
any specialty restaurants the whole cruise we were we fell
in love with um. Uh what was that? Uh? Was

the food truck? One indulge. We ate and indulge almost
every day. The most amazing food you ordered on your iPad.
And it's like twelve restaurants. They're like food trucks. It's
like it's not a food court. It's twelve restaurants all
making food. So you could have like Indian food, Chinese food,
barbecue and as. When you sit at the table and

you start pressing from the iPad, you could. You could
you could press into one restaurant, order three items, and
then and then and then that's on this way, and
you up in like a three minutes and then you
pick out and now you're you're onto another restaurant. You
could order from like five six different restaurants, all from
the iPad from one seat, and they five different waiters
come from the five different restaurants and just start handing

you the food. Indulge. Sorry but I didn't. No, it's okay,
it's okay. Now you made fun of something I told
you about. I wanted to talk about it real quick.
You went to Ireland and you said to me, and
I don't think this was part of the episode. Maybe
it was. You said you did not get suckered into
going to the Guinness factory. And I said to you,

I went to the Jamison factory. And you said, oh, okay,
believe you got that's it's scam. Let me tell you something.
But I can just tell you a couple of things
that happened on the Jamison factory from Ireland. I feel
like we talked about this as well. You have amnesia?
What's going on here? No? Did we talk about the
the the drink on the rocks? Do we talk about
that ahead? Did I talk about golf? I did talk

about golf. I didn't talk about the Jamison tour. Can
I talk about the long haired guy and the rich woman?
We we we have to start writing this ship down.
Did I talk about the long haired guy and the
rich woman? I don't remember that, okay? So did I
tell you about the guy who claimed he knew the whiskey?
I told you that one, right, I tell you the
guy okay? And they tell you the guy who ordered um?
Who ordered uh? Who ordered a drink on a neat

on the rocks? Neat with ice? Okay? So we got
free drink cards at the at the Jamison factory. And
the guy in front of us goes up to the
ball tender and says, um, I'll have the whiskey with ginger.
I'd like it. Neat with ice. Well, meat means no,

right right? He thought it me it meant with nothing
else in it, like straight straight? I don't know that's
what do you ordered? I need it anyway? So there
was a long hair I want your opinion on this.
It was a long haired guy and a rich woman.
I think I may have told you that she was boogie.
Did I tell you about her handbag? No? Okay? Good?
So she had her clothing was I told you that.

I may have told you this. She had like a
hundred thousand dollars worth the clothing on her okay, and
loaded the My wife said. The purse she had was
like a ten tho purse okay. And the shoes were
like thousand dollars shoes at least. And the guy she
was like seventy. The guy was like thirty forty with

long hair. He was definitely a kept man. And that's
my assumption. Okay. So he followed her around the whole time,
stroking her hair, whatever he has to do to make
the money. You know what I'm saying. Okay. A couple
of nights later, we see them at one of the restaurants.
They're in front of us online. I didn't tell you
the story, you sure, good? Okay. I need you to
tell me if you think the woman was wrong. I

think you're gonna tell me the woman was right. So
she's got this red bag that my wife was drooling over,
and we had just come back from from h France. Okay,
so most likely she was in Paris, we were in Paris.
We took the bus ride and the three women behind
the counter who worked on a cruise ship, okay, probably
they send all their money home to their family. I'm

assuming they're not rich people. Okay. The three women look
at her as she's waiting for a table and go, oh,
it's a very nice bag, very nice, like a compliment.
And and and this, this woman who's dripping in money, says, oh,
you like it. Oh, don't worry. It didn't keep me
from buying five or six more in Paris. Oh my god,

My question is is it okay for her to say
it if it's fact or is she age? She should
read the room? She's tone deaf. Two people I told
that story too, said to me, nothing wrong with that.
She should be proud of the money she has. And
I said, I said, imagine you see a guy on
the street. Imagine you see a guy in the parking lot.
He's driving a he's driving a Bentley, and you go, hey, man,

nice car. And he says to you, oh, you like it.
I got twelve more back at the house. In the words,
in the words of Kenchi Glamar, sit down, be humble.
She said it to these these poor women working for
a living. Didn't discussed stop me from or six morere
no read the room. Okay, God, she did not understand

the assignment. We gotta take okay with scary. Um. I
saw a really disturbing story that I talked about on
the radio a little bit this morning. UM talked about
this and and this was on on Fox five Local
in New York yesterday. I want your take, Um, and

I don't maybe with our friend Rosanna Scottle. Yeah, well no,
it was the ten o'clock news. It was Lisa Evers
doing an investigating We like Lisa Ever's okay, so very quickly.
There's a guy. His name is Vibes Cartel v y
b e. S. Cartel, not his not his not his
real name. Uh. He's a Jamaican dancehall reggae artist who

was who was convicted of a murder over a decade ago.
It has been in jail in the UK ever since.
By the way, there's a whole side story here that
he's looking for his freedom, that he was framed and
the evidence was tampered with. There's a whole side story
going on with him. And there's in the community that
knows about him and his music. There's been this clamor

to get him out of jail. But anyway, that's not
that's not the story that they did last night. They
they interviewed this woman who, my god, Brodie was so beautiful,
a model in her mid twenties, late twenties maybe, who's
been having a relationship with Vibes Cartel while he's in jail,

while he's in prison, while he's so now she goes
into depth and talks about the guy visits. No, no, no,
they've never been intimate. They've they've never they've barely even
touched because when she comes to visit him, he's behind
glass and they can only touch underneath the glass, but

their fingers. Um. They've had pictures together because they have
leave days or whatever where they where they do visitation
where you can actually take them, so they have pictures together,
but that's the only time they've ever seen or been
with each other. Uh. And now they're engaged to be married.
And she speaked, yes, he has to to marry and
her And how much is he worth? I mean he's

in jail right now, so I don't know, no, but
I mean heun still be worth billions worth maybe, But
the point is. The point is the way that when
I wish I had the sound, she spoke about him
in this interview. Uh, she was talking about him like
she knew everything about him, like they were so in
love and they emotionally connected, and like she spoke about

him like they've been living together for forty years, when
they have never ever spent a fucking day together, let
alone had sex, let alone been with each other. How
the funck does this happen? And she's by the way,
and again not to say that she's she's a smoke show.
She can get any guy in the world, and she's

got she's never even convicted murder. Who claims this relationship
start it was it was on you know, she was
a fan of his music. But you don't know he's
wrongfully accused me. He's just assuming he's well, they're set well,
they're trying to get him out. They're saying this fall.
He could just be released because of the evidence, the

DNA or the evidence tampering, whatever it is. That's a
whole other story. But this guy, he's a famous, very
famous guy in in Jamaica and in other parts of
the world, but he's not really he's never had a
hit on our radio station in America, really, but people
who know dance hall and reggae no vibes cartel. Okay,
he's been behind bars for over a decade. But the
thing is, can you imagine that falling in love with

somebody you don't know? But she speaks about him, like, like,
what kind of what kind of like hallucinogens are you
on that you think you know someone? Let alone you're
attracted to this guy who very well could be a murderer.
Look what's up with that? I look, I can I understand.

Maybe you think he's innocent. I get that. Like me,
you know he he very well maybe innocent. I'm saying
he is or I'm not saying is or isn't. I'm
not if you're talking about I'm answering your question if
you take out the part where he may might not
have killed somebody, Like if you're able to rationalize in
your mind he didn't do it, okay, because that's a
big that's a big hill to get over. Also, right,
like I love the guy. He may have killed somebody,

But let's say you rationalize I know him, I feel
like he's innocent. All right, You got that out of
the way. Now you're dealing with a guy you've never
gone to dinner with. That's what You've never lived with.
You've never seen a movie with, You've never like seen
him drive a car to see if he's a crazy
man behind the wheel. You've never you've never been intimate
with him. You and I know a lot of couples

get married they've never been intimate. I understand that, But
you've never done the real getting to know you thing
other than whatever he writes an emails and says behind plexiglass.
So I don't I can't fathom that. So that's really
where I'm going with this. It has nothing to do
with him or what he's done or what he hasn't done.
It's more about how can someone who's a complete stranger, uh,

talk about someone like she's been with him for forty years?
And again, the sound of this interview is really where
it's at. And I'm like, oh my god, but but
Andre chasing? Is she chasing him because she's in jail?
Is there? I think there's some some people are into that.
There's a word for this, the band boy, the bad
boy syndrome. You know, I'll tell you this though. Some

people meet on dating apps. They I mean they hook
up on dating apps, right, they've never met and they
have virtual sex and they and they hope to meet someday.
I I met someone uh on intern who married. I
interviewed her. She didn't end up getting the position unrelated,
but she uh, she married someone that she met after

months of online. She had never even seen them. She
didn't like face time with them or any thing. They
just they just online. Oh no, they did FaceTime. They
did FaceTime. She had seen him, but they've never met.
And they got married when she landed, Like they got
married like that that like right then, in like a
week or two later or whatever. Yeah, yeah, that's crazy.

That's it. Who does that? Who does that? Not me?
But like how what goes through someone's mind? Is it? Uh?
I don't know, you feel like you know somebody. I guess,
I don't know. You just get a vibe cartel, good vibes,
good vibrations. I don't know you. Or is it the

fact that because he's uh in jail, he can't go
anywhere and he's tracked well you know where he is,
and he's not another woman. There's that. But yeah, I
don't know more to this story will develop because uh
they say any month now he could be out of jail,
and uh because he maybe he may be exonerated or
whatever it is. But and then they'll they will consummate

their marriage. I guess God bless him to be continued.
All right, the boys scary. I taught you what a
backronym is, didn't I right that golf doesn't stand for gentlemen,
only ladies forbidden right rights in acronyms that that that
don't stand for right, and a lot of them are,

let's face it, they're they're all perpetuated on TikTok. Yeah.
So one Valdivia, our listener send me. No, he sent
me this, uh this um real and it's some internet
guy named Josh Paularlyn interviewing a guy. I'm gonna tell
you his name in a second. Hold on. He's interviewing

a guy named m what's this guy's name? I got?
Look at the comment section. The guy speaking is the
real brad Leah. I don't know or do I care
who the real brad Lea is. But he sent me
his video and I wanted to play it because the
interviewer is blown away and what one said to me
in the In the direct message, the d M was,

I was today years old dot dot dot. I assume
he's joking because he knows it's not real, because every
comment is shredding this guy. But this guy talks very confidently,
like he's giving you information, and the interviewer takes the information,
he goes, holy crap, I had no idea. I want
you to listen to the information, scary, and tell me
what you think. What the word stands for it fornication

under consent of the king. Yeah, you used to have
to get permission to have children because the population control.
So when you wanted to have sticks to your wife,
you literally had to go get permission from the kings.
And when you got permission from the king, they would
stamp it right on your papers. F U c K,
which means fornication under consent of the king. Interesting, okay,

so that's that's bullshit. Fuck does not stand for anything.
It does not mean for unlawful carnal knowledge. In fact,
one guy commented, I'm assuming he's right. He said, according
to English English literature, um uh, some of this some
of this satire, like this guy doing this, This guys,

no this guy's interviewed on a podcast. You have to
see it. He's legitimate. He totally believes he's blowing this
guy's mind. So this guy, so you don't think he's
trying to pull a fast one on the guy and
that he knows it. No, no, anyway, this guy wrote actually,
before the sixteenth century, the words fornication and consent did
not exist in any form in the English language. So

for this guy to say that this was a thing
in the twelfth century is not possible because fornication wasn't
even a word back then. So not that I needed
to know that, but fund does not mean that. But
this guy's like he got to see him. He's like
a rich dude in suit. He's like, I just want
you to know. He's saying it like I'm gonna blow
your mind right now. And the guy's like, dude, knowledge,
So no, it does not mean that knowledge. Dude, dude,

knowledge due knowledge, so not not not knowledge at all.
It's really really the point. So thank you for sending
me that. And I wanted your opinion on this, if
you think it's bullshit or not scary. My wife and
I went to a restaurant. Oh, I want to say.
It was nine thirty on a Wednesday night. We were
just going off for for to get it, just to
get some drinks, you know, just it was it was late,

we were we had been out and uh, we're like,
you know, you want to stop at this restaurant we
normally like and we'll just sit outside of the tables.
We'll get a glass of wine or something, you know, casual,
like I could do a glass of wine. I'm not
a drinker, but I'll do a glass of wine, you know,
which which ultimately I drink a half of and then
she drinks my half of the glass. To nice. So
we go to this restaurant that we've we've been to

before and we said, hey can we we go? We
go in and we said, hey, can we get a
we have a table? They go, you're gonna eat it's
on a Wednesday, scary And my wife says, no, we
just want to get a couple of drinks. They go, oh, yeah,
you can't have a table, tables only for food. Sure,
as you can sit at the bar. So I say,

there's no seats at the bar. There's one seat at
the bar. Yeah, not scary, it's on Wednesday. There's ten
empty tables. Okay. So my wife's like, no, forget it,
we'll go outside. So we go outside, we're leaving, and
the waitress who's handling the tables outside, okay, on Wednesday,
she has four empty tables out of the ten tables
that are outside. I say, can we grab a table

and want you get a couple of drinks? No, you
have to order food. I said. Nobody's sitting here. Nobody
else is coming for dinner at on Wednesday? Yeah, I'm sorry.
So I'm asking, is scary if my wife and I
were going to spend more on wine than we were
on food, what's the difference? Nobody's coming for dinner. I
can understand it's six o'clock. You don't want to take
up a table that might be for food. Correct, When

we can put people in the Friday Saturday night, I
would never be expecting your crowd coming in. Totally get it.
I understand why the rules in place on Wednesday? Is
that bullshit? Complete bullshit? What's them? I don't want to
do that. No, because it's the standard of Milburn and Millburn,
New Jersey? Is that why? Because it's the standards, We'll

never go there again, never go there again. Pieces of ship.
You know what, I bet you. The problem of the
thing is the people who own it and run it
and make the revenue and earn the revenue for it
don't realize that they're fucking waite staff are just a
bunch of adults, and they don't realize the exceptions there
exceptions to the rules. And when no one is coming
in and you got empty tables, and there's a potential

that you may buy a bottle of wine, which which,
by the way, the markup is fucking ten times more
then the mark up on a meal, a hundred fifty
dollar meal for two. Let's say, let's say that on
a high end because you're in a high end place,
the markup on a bottle of wine is so much more.
They're making more profit. Idiots. Penny had pound foolish. Had

we bought like a ten dollar appetizer qualified, we could
have sat at the table, but we wanted to buy
twenty dollars worth of wine. No good, no good, across
with with with with again, with how many tables? Four
empty tables are at nine outside outside and it was
chili on a Wednesday, on a Wednesday, on a Wednesday,

that's bullshit. Idiots, idiots, idiots working for him. Well, I don't.
Sometimes in people, sometimes you just gotta use common sense.
I'm not gonna call the people idiots. I'm not. I'm
gonna say that the policy is idiotic. That's me. I'm
gonna say when someone, someone in management should train the
people properly. So someone someone in the chain is an

idiot because they're not getting the messages. Should be there
should be a rule if it's like after nine o'clock
on a weekday when they closed, they closed it at
ten thirty, I think whatever time they closed on a Wednesday.
My buddy John owns and runs a bar restaurant City
b Strow, Hoboken, Great, a very nice place he does.

He's got team meetings. They have team meetings because there
are these these issues come up. Is always policies in place,
and then you know, but but everyone is welcomed to say, hey,
by the way, this happened the other day scenario, you
know what I'm saying, Like, and they kind of all
talk about it and then rules get adjusted and say okay,

And if it's a Friday night at six o'clock, then
the rules in place. But if it's a Wednesday, even
Wednesday night at nine thirty, when this table is available,
no harm, no foul, Let it slide. The thing is
it needs to be communicated down to the servers. And
you know, I don't know if the servers felt that
they wanted to give you the table and make the
tips and they were afraid they were gonna get yelled at.

But someone in there is, someone there is to blame
because this that's bad for business. Now, what would have happened?
Scary because I said to my wife, let's do this,
and she's like, we're not doing that. Sometimes my wife
will be like do it, but that night she was like,
don't do it. I was gonna sit down, say we're
gonna order food, order the drinks, and then when she goes, okay,
what are gonna have? Yeah, I changed my mind. Not hungry.

Were you gonna ask me to get up? You can't
ask me. I'm not gonna get up. I already ordered drinks.
Yeah or yeah? You say we gonna order a bottle
of wine first, and then we'll look at the menu,
and then you then you say that we're good with
the wine. You're already halfway through a bottle of wine
that they know is like fucking sixty Yeah, we are
you gonna do? Make me get up? Or you could

have brought mozzarella sticks for like eight dollars and sat
there and split them and paid a ten dollar tab.
Fucking stupid, done, stupid, done, by the way, great, great
um Instagram account. I love following these Instagram accounts. We've
teld you chef reactions. Uh. He's also on TikTok. He

is a chef who criticized who Well, he does duets,
you know, the duets, the side by side screen he watches.
He has a collection of you know, people send him
these fucking crazy cooking videos that people do stupid things
with ingredients, and he rates if he's gonna on a
scale one to ten, if he would, if he would

eat it, and and and but he's got this dead
pan style to him, like he's staring into the into
the camera, and and he's like doing the play by
play like old school, like Mystery Science Theater three thousand
and he's watching the person on the right do the
cooking whenever the kids goes all right, that looks like shit,
all right, okay, all right? He so, for instance, this

one woman she took a bunch of bananas with the
sticker that takeda sticker still in the bananas, and she
dipped the whole fucking thing in batter. And then she's
like Swiller, swirling around in batter. And then she takes
it and she puts it in a pot of of
fucking hot oil, like to deep fry it. And he's looking.
He goes, all right, yeah, don't bother taking off the stickers.

All right, yeah, that's great, all right, you dipping this
and in battle? What the fund is this? What the
oh yeah great, you didn't even get the batter. Oh
you just gonna take the whole bunch of the time,
leave the skin on. Okay, yeah, and oh yeah, look
look at that pot. It's overflowing. They're gonna they're gonna
start a group firing. You know, he was, you know what,
fucking this is fucking stupid. This is stupid, zero zero

chance I'm shutting this, so fuck this. My point is
he comes every once in a while, he comes across
these videos that are just there for shock value and
to go viral. But these people aren't being serious in
the videos. You know what I'm saying, Like, for instance, uh,
like you were saying earlier, the guy this dude that

said fuck stands for fornication. Other consented the king. No,
there are people out there that are buttending. All they
want to do is go viral, so they will intentionally
throw videos out there. Um that purpose of so. So anyway,
if follow chef reactions, some of the ship is just

hysterical though that they get into there. But that he well,
when we when we come back, I have a one
last restaurant question to ask you. It's what would you
have done? And I'll then I'll try I'm gonna ask
you what you would have done? You're going to insert
another commercial break unnecessarily, Brodie wants to do more commercials. No,
if we done, let me give you my last story.
I'll end on this so scared. What I want to

know is what would you have done? And then second part,
what do you think I would have done? So slices,
I want you to play along and try to guess
what I would have done in this what I did
do in this situation? And uh what and uh and
see if you were right, and then let us know
what you would have done. Again. My wife and I
are in I want to say the West village. I

found a little Italian restaurant. I yelped it right, and
we went to dinner and we got two pasta dishes.
One was a red sauce pasta dish and I think
it was um, some kind of fancy RIGATONI. I think
there was seafood in it and some other thing. It
was delicious. And you know, they come over with the
big block of grated cheese. Oh my god, my favorite

love it. And they say a little more. I go, yeah,
say when, and you don't say anything, let them do keep. Oh.
So I'm gonna post this picture on Instagram probably tomorrow,
maybe late now, tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, twenty nine. I'll post
this picture. It's legit. So the waitress is coming over,

a very nice waitress, and she's she's got the she's
holding the cheese with a towel, you know, for sanitary reasons,
at the block of cheese. And she's grating the cheese
from the side okay, not not the bottom, from the side,
holding it with her left hand, and her right hand
is grating the cheese over my wife's pasta. And she's

putting a lot of pasta, a lot of cheese on
and she just say. When my wife says, okay, I
liked a lot of cheese, you know, and she drops
the block of cheese into the pasta. The whole block,
the whole block of cheese lands in the pasta. Now
it doesn't splatter on my wife. It lands in the pasta.

What would you do as as a waiter? As a waiter? No, no, no,
as me sitting across from my wife, because I was
gonna put myself in the waiters position. No, no, no, okay,
tell me what the waiter should have done. The waiter okay,
the waiters should have been like, oh, it looks like
you got yourself a free block of cheese, and I
would take it with take it and I would put
it in the bread plate and say, if you'd like,
I'd wrapped that up for you later, and then I

would start over with a new block of cheese, see
you later. As a person sitting next to her, I
was would you have done? I would laugh? I would
be like, right, but would what would you what? What
would you do with the pasta? What would you do
with the what would you do? What would you say
to the way trusting? What would you? I would say,
I would I would say, like, I'm like, I guess
that cheese is mind now, I mean, yeah, I don't

know what did I do? What did I do? You
said it back and demanded a free fucking plate of pasta. Nope, nope,
I did what you did? What you said? Yeah, I said,
looks like we got a free block at Ease, and
she says she was, because she was I'll throw that out.
I said, no, no, no, no, we'll take that home.

She says, okay, I go. It's got sauce on it.
It's perfect. So they wrapped it up. They brought another
block of cheese, grated more cheese, because we didn't care
what fell in the food, it was the cheese. And
then they brought us free lemon cellos and free dessert
and free and free biscotti with a white cream dip. Uh,
just just because we didn't complain, to apologize for something

I wasn't upset about anyway. So I got a giant
block of pecomina romano in my refrigerator. You yeah, terrific dinner,
wonderful place. And Uh, what I'll do is I'll tag
the name of the place. Uh when I posted tomorrow
because offhand said, by the way, that's the right thing
to do. That's the right thing to do, because you

don't want to waste food. It's great food. It's fucking
cheese block and cheese, don't cheese. And you know you're
not gonna reuse it. You can't reuse it. It fell
in the fucking sauce. What are you gonna do? Absolutely,
wrap it up, take it home. There you go. That's
what I did, slices. I'm wondering what you guys would
have done, but I got a free block of che
what's today's date? We first we agreed on something, Yeah,
September two thousand two. Amazing, and you almost sort of

agree with me on the five years last week. I
don't know what's going on. It's almost as if we're
not from you know, rock boys, rocks boys, rock clas
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