Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
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Speaker 2 (00:16):
He debuted for the black Caps when he was nineteen.
He just retired at thirty six. He's been a huge
part of our most golden era of cricket. He was
a huge part of the twenty fifteen World Cup.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
What a great time.
Speaker 2 (00:26):
That was a massive part of the twenty twenty one
World Test Championship victory against India. He's played three hundred
ninety four games for New Zealand across the three formats,
taking seven hundred and seventy six wickets in total, as
well as heading the fourthmost sixes ever in Test cricket
despite being a bowler. It's out great pleasure to welcome
to the show the great New Zealand fast baller Tim Southy.
Speaker 4 (00:48):
Get a.
Speaker 5 (00:49):
How is retirement treating you?
Speaker 4 (00:51):
Yeah, it's been a couple of days so far, and
yeah it's been good. He had a good night the
other night after the Test match, and then they had
a good bee yesterday and now just back to dead
duties of the kids.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
So it was a good old fashioned celebration at the
grounds type situation.
Speaker 4 (01:07):
Yeah, it was a great Test win, and those are
the moments you're cherish of. I'm sitting around in the
changing room Sonia Whites, and those are the things that
I missed. So yeah, no, it was a good night.
We stayed there for as as long as you could,
and then and then we had a good day, you said,
und the sun as well. Yeah beautiful.
Speaker 5 (01:24):
Now, mate, there have been so many highlights in your
career it must be hard to separate them all out.
But what sticks out for you now looking back, I.
Speaker 4 (01:32):
Think it's hard to get past the Test Championship. Winning that. Yeah,
so that was a pretty special run, that whole whole
two year period. And then to manage to go on
and when the when the World World Test Championship was
pretty special, any test when the special memory, the friends
you make along the way, just yeah, just there's this.
There's a lot of a lot of highlights to look
back on and and take with me into the inter future.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Well, I got to tell you you winning the Test
Championship in twenty twenty to one was one of the
highlights of my life and I wasn't even there, so
I can imagine what it was it was like for
you and talking about you know, highlights for me and
cricket and obviously you being a massive part of it.
The twenty fifteen Cricket World Cup, when the being in
the middle of that, when the entire country was obsessed
with cricket like it had never been before that it
must have been quite something.
Speaker 4 (02:22):
Yeah, I certainly highlight the Yeah, the whole two other
fifteen World Cup where obviously been playing in New Zealand,
but seeing the crowds and I think the way we
played through that tournament was was pretty special. And that'll
be a moment in my career that I obvio sit
in the Jurish forever as well. It's just a special
time to be a part of part of cricket and
part of cricket here in Zealand.
Speaker 3 (02:42):
Yeah, and it set up cricket for a long time.
Speaker 2 (02:44):
And you were did you guys realize that you were
part of a goal golden era, because you know, we're
looking at the time that you've been in and you know,
across a lot of a lot of your career. Was
was any realization that this was a really special time
to be playing cricket in New Zealand.
Speaker 3 (03:00):
A special group group group of guys.
Speaker 4 (03:03):
Yeah, it was always special, the whole the whole journey.
But I guess when you have that group of players
that we have and the special time, we want some
we want some things. We came close and some other things.
But but yeah, it's just a great group of very good,
good guys to play with, just some serious talent and
and just good people. So I think, yeah, that was
a real real highlight being able to play alongside some
of the greats of of our game.
Speaker 5 (03:25):
Yeah, I love it. How did you feel about the
camel that the A c C delivered to Seddon Park
to celebrate you in your final test?
Speaker 4 (03:32):
Yeah? There was another things obviously at Siddon Park, but
but you're the camel. Got plenty of got plenty of,
got plenty ofttention over there over a few days, so
that was good. I was just disappointed it hasn't ended
up back at back in the backyard.
Speaker 2 (03:45):
Yeah, well j Lane told me that that your that
your camel, that that that you you you you didn't
think much of the the You thought the camels wasn't
handsome enough.
Speaker 3 (03:54):
Is that correct?
Speaker 4 (03:55):
Yeah? I understand that camels aren't easy to track down,
so I appreciate the effort that they went to get one,
but but yeah, I was hoping for a slightly better
looking one. But I think they just had to just
add to the whole whole thing.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
Soon you got a lot of coverage.
Speaker 2 (04:10):
So what's what's you know, Cricket has obviously been huge, Well,
it's been been the biggest part of your life for
one of the biggest parts of your life for most
of your life. You joined the team very very young.
Is it going to be a part of your life
going forward? Would you'd be an amazing bowling coach?
Speaker 4 (04:26):
Yeah, A few people have sort of mentioned that and
sort of asked what I'm going to do, but hopefully
play for another couple of years around There's obviously a
number of teaching leagues around the world, so hopefully play
a couple of those and enjoy that for a change. Obviously,
having seventeen years and the international game has been an
absolute privilege and honor, and I think just to enjoy
a couple of years of the T twenty stuff and
we'll see what happens. But yeah, cricket's been been a
massive part of my life. It's been everything and everything
I've ever wanted to do, and everything I know so far,
So I hope to give back to the game in
some way.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
Yeah. In terms of advice that you've had over your career, Tim,
is there one piece of advice that has served you
well that has stood out?
Speaker 4 (05:03):
I guess just I guess try and stay in that
middle ground. Obviously, there's a lot of emotions, lot of
highs and lowers that come with doing what we've been
what we've been doing and have been trying sort of,
I guess keep those in check and not ride the
ups and downs is as much as you can. Then,
I think holding good stead specially you play for a
long period of time, you go through a number of
highs and number of lows, and if you can sort
of I guess, find a heavy medium and just just
crack on with it and enjoy it. That was a
way that I tried to do it anyway.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
And Tim, what does Christmas look like for you this year?
Speaker 4 (05:38):
Yeah, it's be interesting. First one for a long time
that can actually just park up and not worry about
about training or having to go and play by cricket.
So I think it'll just be a nice Christomer home
with the family. So it'll be a nice.
Speaker 2 (05:50):
Change well, Tim Sudie, thank you so much for all
the joy you've bought New Zealanders over the years.
Speaker 3 (05:54):
It's been an absolute pleasure watching you play.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
You've been a large part of this golden era of
cricket we've all been lucky enough to live through, and
you've always been a fun, funny, friendly dude to chat
to in media and personally as well. And we'll always
have that night we spent together in Bangalore and want
to apologize for g Lane's behavior that night, but mate,
you really are a great New Zealander. Enjoy your retirement,
enjoy the cricket that you've got to play, and looking
forward to following whatever you do next. So loved your
bowling also I loved a lot of your batting as well.
Speaker 3 (06:22):
You're you're a sixty camel. Merry Christmas, mate, and thank
you so much for everything.
Speaker 4 (06:27):
Thank you, Thanks for the support of views every Christmas.
Speaker 1 (06:30):
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