All Episodes

January 12, 2021 42 mins

It's the new year, when we think back fondly on our favorite things and anticipate upcoming geekery. We chat about how we are starting off the new year, talk about future news and futuristic jobs, and discuss how our favorite things don't always hold up to the test of time aka the Goonies Effect.

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a production of I Heart Radio. Hey everybody, welcome to
the Large Nerdron Collider Podcast, the podcast that's all about
the geeky things happening in the world around us and
how very excited we are about them. I am aerial

casting and with me, as always is super amazing, sometimes
wistful Jonathan Strickland for a moment, Ariel, I thought you
were going to say, I'm sometimes super emmy sing Ariel,
I've got a question for you. So, Ariel, you are

a fan of the Star Trek. Correct, I am a
fan of the star That wasn't your question. That was
just the It was an easy one. This could still
be an easy one. So my question for you is,
if you were a crew member on the Starship Enterprise,
which department or position would you work in? So, would

you be part of engineering, would you be part of
the bridge crew. If so, which position would you be in?
Science or security or tactical? What would you what would
you do? And and for the for the purposes of clarity,
we're looking at Star Trek next Generation era. Okay, that's
that's good because you know it automatic. Your question automatically

took out Deep Space nine, which is my favorite of them.
Uh so I would would be I think i'd be
in in the education department. I would be the one
teaching the kids on the Enterprise. Groovy awesome. Yeah, because
that's something that obviously would not apply in the original
series because the Original Enterprise didn't have families aboard the

way Next Generation did. It's a great answer. Thank you.
If if it were original series, I think I would
be in science. I wanna want to do the science
e things. Yeah, you look good in blue. Thank you?
What would you do? Oh? Thank you for asking Next Generation.
I'm a lounge singer and tin forward. You know what

that's that's pretty fantastic. I'm a little sad I didn't
say that. Well, I have the benefit of thinking up
the questions, so you're always a disadvantage. But yes, it's
time for us to launch into one happy New Year. Aerial.
Happy New Year, gentleman, and we thought we would start

off by talking about how if we did anything geeky
at the beginning of one. I kind of have an
answer for this, but I'm curious what you did. Uh Well,
I threw aside all of my New Year's resolutions to
get in shape and be more active and be more productive,
and I spent the entire first day of one binge

watching the third season of Cobra Kai and it was
pretty fantastic. So you are not that I'm going to
drop any spoilers here because there may be people who
have not watched it yet, but you got to see
the the return of a character from the Karate Kid
franchise who had been hinted at previously. I take it. Yes, yes,

there there were many many moments that had me happy,
that had me crying, that had me yelling, you know
at my TV screen. It was really fantastic. That's awesome. Well,
I didn't really do much of anything on New Year's Day.
I'm not I'm not, to be very perfectly honest, I'm
not big on celebrating New Year's even on years when

I can go out of the house. But I will
say that yesterday. As of when we're recording this, we're
recording this on Monday night, so it's January four where
we are. On January three, I watched the first episode
of the Watch, the BBC series that is loosely inspired

by the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels, and even going into
it knowing that there was a huge gap between the
source material and this adaptation or this series, even going
into it knowing that, I was like, I don't even
I don't even know why they bothered because I think

this will be a discussion topic for a future episode
of L and C. But there comes a point I
think when you're working with source material, when you get
far enough away from it that it just leads to
questions like why did you even bother being associated with
a source material if you're going to be this far
away from it. Yeah. I think sometimes people decide to

make a movie or a television show because they love
a property, but their idea is just inspired by Yeah. Well,
I described it. I described it to people on Twitter.
I said it was as if someone had skimmed the
Discworld books and then badly described them to somebody else

who happened to be a big fan of train Spotting,
and that person went and made the series because there
is a very kind of punk rock train spotting element
to the series that is not something that's inherent in
the books, but you know, teach their own. I'm not
saying it's a bad series, by the way. I'm saying
I didn't like it because I really love the source material,

and I just felt that it was so far from
that source material that it was more distracting than anything else.
I couldn't even think of it as being like, this
is a fun alternate universe take on it. To me,
it was just like, what's the point? So anyway, But
we'll get into more of that in a future episode
of Ellency. Not specifically that example necessarily, but this this

trend of adaptations or reboots that are only tangentially based
on the source material. But for today, we've got some
other news to cover. Hey, there, it's Jonathan from the Future.
I'm interrupting this episode of Large Nergron Colleator because our
first topic that we covered in this episode was on

a news story that was since proven to be false,
and so why needed to remove it before this episode aired?
And that means that we have an odd transition into
what would have been our second story, but now is
our first story because that's how time travel works. Thank
you for coming on this time travel adventure with me.

Let's rejoin the show already in progress. The next thing
we want to talk about is Superman and Lois. The
new CW show uh Is has a trailer. Yeah, more
of a teaser, but yeah, more it's a it's a teaser.
It you know. It came out right around the New Year,
and it's not surprising. We knew the show was coming up.
We knew that a bunch of other CW superhero shows

were ending. You know. I think it's good of them
too and shows before they've been on too long and
give us new things. I really like uh Superman and
Lois as they were depicted in Supergirl. So from my
viewing of them in Supergirl, I was excited about this series,
but the teaser didn't really spark my interest the same

way the news about the show did. Interesting. Now, I
never watched Supergirl, so full disclosure, there are we talking
about the same actors playing Superman and Lois in this
series as from Supergirl? Yes, okay? And and in the
Supergirl series are they already parents? You know, I don't know.

I think that they because I think that they became
children or they became parents in Crisis on Infinite Earth,
which full disclosure, I'm still working my way through. But
then in the new series, they are they have moved
back to Smallville. They have two sons, um who I

believe our teenagers, at least that's the way they look
in the teaser. And so the teaser kind of just
touches on the fact that there are these the story
is going to really revolve around Superman and his family.
To me, it raises a lot of questions like how
alien and humans have interoperable DNA. But you know, hey, listen,

the comics already play with that loose and fast, so
the TV show show doing it is nothing new. I
will say that when we watched the trailer, it didn't
It was very different from any other sort of trailer
for c W Superhero shows that have seen. It almost
looked like an animated comic um. And the interesting thing

about it is they show a lot of like the
crystalline world that you know, the phantom zone. They showed
the phantom zone in this in Crystals in the original
Superman movie. Um, but there is a story in Infinite
Crisis where uh, Superman and Superboy and all these people

end up being bad guys because Luther is trying to
create their own universe and they escape this crystalline world
and then end up killing a bunch of people. Uh.
And it's actually a part of that ties into under
Woman eighty four with uh Wonder Woman and Max Lord
as we saw at the end of the Wonder Woman
movie that just came out on Woman A four being

repetitive everybody. Sorry, I couldn't call it w W two
because that would be confusing. That would be confusing. But
that storyline, even though you know, I don't want to
spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it, isn't exactly
as it goes in the comics, is something that ties
into that story where Superman is a bad guy and

it kind of looks like that in the trailer. Now, again,
I don't necessarily think they will do that, but it
was an interesting parallel considering the release of both um
pieces of media. Well, I I am so far unenthused
by this, But then also to be fair, like I said,
I haven't been following any of the d C television series.

So arguably this is more because I haven't gone to
the trouble of finding those and watching them, rather than
a comment on the concept of the show itself. I
just feel like this is something that has passed me by,
and I'm okay with that. I need to watch more

Legends of Tomorrow. That's one that hit me poorly at
the beginning and then apparently got really good. Our next
story is about another trailer, this one for Evangelion or
Evan Gillian if you prefer three point oh plus one
point oh, which why But anyway, it's the fourth film.

I guess that's why because it's the fourth film in
the trilogy. But it's the fourth film that is set
in this universe and is to conclude the Evangelian storylines,
which if you are not familiar, it's an anime series
that is all about these young kids or teenagers who

are linked to giant mix so very common kind of
thread in in Japanese animation, uh that are battling against angels,
these creatures called Angels that are threatening to destroy the world,
and this one is supposed to kind of wrap things up.
The series of Angelian had a pretty definitive ending, but

it was also an ending that a lot of people
just did not like, so it ended up being kind
of red cond It was very very confusing. Yeah, a lot,
I think a lot got lost in translation between the
original story and the American translation of it. So yeah,
so this new one who Is is a very different
ending and kind of takes all of the mech pilots

to new storylines and new adventures. And yeah, they all
of them have been like while concluding, all of them
have been like one point one, two point two, three
point three three. So yeah, I don't know why they're
doing the weird naming convention, but um, I'm excited for it.
I watched the entire series. I own all of the

videos up to this point. Um, so well, and this
is a series that has gained a lot of credit
for doing things like like reinvigorating anime in Japan and
also adding a new interpretation of the Mecca type of
animation or the Mecca type of trope in Japanese animation,
which had kind of run the whole length of where

it could go using the more traditional approach. I mean,
I think of everything from um, you know, like, uh,
look at the sort of battle tech type stuff that
you can look at. Um Uh, gigant Or. I knew
I could think of. I knew if I thought hard enough,
it would come up to me. But gigant Or a
classic old anime. Gigantoor is a great big robot um

and he's controlled by a little kid. It's a common
theme in Japan Japanese animation, So it'll be good to
have this series have a send off. It will I'm
I'm looking forward to it. Along the line of robots,
I want to say, another thing that I discovered over
the New Year's Holiday was the video of Boston Dynamics

having all of their robots dance to do You Love Me.
So we're going from kind of robot with souls being
piloted by kids too, just AI robots piloting themselves. Yeah,
these were robots obviously that were programmed to do a
choreographed routine. It's not like they had AI. Yes, serial

they were. They were not using AI to just find
the group. You know how, I can tell because when
you get to the mashed Potato and I can do
the twist and all those songs, they actually do the
appropriate dance moves for those dances. So, yes, it's very cute.
I'm sure that most of you have probably seen it.
It went viral, but in case you haven't, make sure

you search Boston Dynamics Dancing Robots. It is adorable. I
am you know, it is adorable. And it took all
of these robots that were really cool but kind of
creepy it made them lovable to me. Yes, yes, I agree.
All right, well, let's let's have our wrap up. Our
final news item for this segment, I'm calling the audible.

Let's talk about the incredible journey of rhetta Twi the
TikTok Musical. Yes, so, a bunch of people on TikTok
decided they wanted to kind of put together this faux
d t musical and then it became a real thing.

This is crazy aerial because it started off as one
person creating a song, and then someone else orchestrating that
song as if it were a true Broadway musical, and
then other people just leapt in and start to contribute
stuff like a playbill and costume design and things like this,
and then yeah, Ceeview Productions announced they were producing the

show in association with TikTok Disney gave its blessing, and
a whole bunch of celebrities jumped into perform in it.
You know, Titus Burgess, Wayne Brady, Andre de Shields, who
was he was Hermes in Hadestown and he played he
played the critic um and read it to it. Yeah,
it's it's fascinating to me. The most fascinating part of this,

I mean, apart from the fact that it grew organically
as a true meme as people began to contribute to it.
The other part that I think is fascinating that Disney said, okay,
because that company is notoriously protective of their intellectual property. Yeah, yeah,
it's It's pretty fantastic. It's very uplifting. Uh. They sold

more than a million dollars in tickets, which all went
to the Actors Fund to help all of these Broadway
performers who aren't currently working. You may not be able
to watch it. They're saying it's it's only available till
January four at seven pm, which is the day we're
recording this, So you're we're talking about it two days
late to you. But um, I'm hopeful that they will

put it back out on the internet or you can
at least catch clips of this if you haven't already.
My hope is that there will be a video on
demand thing where you can continue to make like a
contribution to the Actors Fund and be able to see it.
But that all depends upon you know there there may
actually be agreements in place that with Disney that says
that this was a one and one time only thing.

I don't know, but that wraps up our news for
the beginning of one And when we come back, we're
gonna have a deeper dive discussion about something that Aerial
calls the Goonies effect, but that will be after this break.

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about the Gooney's effect, Ariel, what is the gooneys effect?
You coined this phrase? I did not coin this phrase,
my friends. Coins is for is, but it makes a
lot of sense to me. So the Goonies effect is
when you've got a movie that you watched as a
kid a teenager and you absolutely loved it, just like
the transformational movie to you, and then you show it

to a friend who didn't watch it when the movie
came out, who didn't watch it at a pivotal time
in their life, and to them, it's just okay, or
even worse, or even worse, or it's a bad movie.
So one of the movies I hear this most often
about is Goonies. If you if you watched Goonies when

you were a kid or a teenager, you probably really
liked it. And then if you watched it as an adult,
it may not have hit home for you because you're
just not in that period of your life anymore. It
may it may feel like it's just a bunch of
kids constantly screaming, because that's kind of what that movie is.
And I say that as someone who actually enjoyed it
because I was a kid when that movie came out.

The movie came out in nineteen eight five, so I
was ten when the movie came out, and uh yeah,
I was the right age for that to really hit home,
and I enjoyed it, and um yeah, as an adult,
I can recognize, like I still can watch it and
enjoy it because I still have that that nostalgic link

to it, but I also can recognize that it's not
necessarily the best film in the world. So so our
friend shay Lee, Uh she is someone who does not
like the Goonies, and she's told me, she's like, I've tried,
I've tried watching it. I don't like it. But she's
younger than both of us, and she didn't grow up

with that movie and it didn't come out at a
time where it would have kind of latched onto her.
So I've definitely experienced this. I think it can go
the other way too. There can be movies that are
pivotal for younger generations that just don't resonate with older ones.
So for example, like I know a lot of people

who are about maybe five to ten years younger than
I am who really like sand Lot. I couldn't care less.
Or as going back to our friend, say, she loves
the movie hocus Pocus, and I know a lot of
my friends who are of her age or even your
age Aeriel, which is not that much older than she.
I want to be clear, Ariel is younger than I am,

but older than say. But but like people in in
that age group tend to really like that movie, and
again it does nothing for me. Yeah, I would agree.
Hocus Pocus is one I didn't watch until i'd say
the last five years, and it was cute, but it
wasn't the end, I'll be all to me. And I
think maybe that's because other movies have done that concept

better since that time, and that's what I was introduced to.
You know, for me, I think my biggest my favorite
Goonies effect movie is not the third Star Wars movie,
as much as I love E Walks, because that's another
big one. If you know, there's a big ag app
on whether you like E Walks or not theory, um,

but Flight of the Navigator interesting, Yeah, the one that
it's a story about a young boy befriending and artificially
intelligent spaceship. Spaceship voiced by pee Wee Herman. Yes, and
it's got Sarah Jessica Parker in it. And to me,
this this movie was like the best sci fi movie.
It's it's what took sci fi and made it relatable

to me. And I loved it and I still love it.
And whenever I try to introduce somebody to it now,
it's hard to even get them to agree to sit
through the entire thing because they look at it and say,
why do I want to watch a kid's sci fi
from the eighties nineties with bad special effects? Now, I

don't think these special effects are that bad. They used
a lot of puppets, but yeah, and they had some
like c g I stuff too. The spaceship could change
shape and it was a c G I but it
was very shiny, like chrome like space ship that was
able to you know, because there wasn't a lot of
detail there. It was more like shapes and angles that

it worked out pretty well. Yeah, And a lot of
the movies that that you have listed on our little
list here feels like, uh like. Part of this is
also in pacing, because a lot of the movies from
say when we were kids had a slightly more methodical
pace to them. They were slower paced, and some of
them are even slow paced for the movies of their day.

Like one of the movies you have listed here is Tron,
meaning the original Tron, I imagine, not Tron legacy. Yeah, Tron.
I fully agree Tron. I love Tron, and it came
out when I was a kid, and I thought that
movie was absolutely spectacular, But as a kid, I wasn't
really following the story so much. I just thought the

visuals were really really cool. As an adult watching that movie,
I'm like, holy cow, there's a lot of dead time
this movie. This movie's got got long stretches where nothing
interesting is happening, even in the weird setting that the
movie takes place in, which is, you know, uh, the
inside a computer. Um. But yeah, Tron is one of

those where I would say, like getting someone a younger
person who never experienced it to watch it, they would
probably be bored to tears because the effects are no
longer groundbreaking, So that part is not going to get them,
and the story is a little plotting, so I think
that one falls in there. I think Dark Crystal, as

much as it hurts me to say that, also kind
of falls into it. That's kind of a methodically paced movie. Yeah. Um,
Tenth Kingdom was one that I swear was amazing and
I went back to watch it the other weekend. I
still love it, but trying to show it to anybody
else is a little embarrassing. Which is a mini series
that actually Hallmark did, I didn't know at the time. Yeah, um,

you know. And then there's some that have aged better
than I thought. Big I thought for sure would have
a big Gooonies effect. Yeah. Well. Also BI also has
one very problematic scene, but it does. It hasn't aged
super well, but it aged well enough to get a
Broadway musical. That's yeah. Yeah. And some movies I think

still can resonate with people. I think it just depends
on their sensibilities. Um. But others I think really are
hard to to get people hooked on. Like there are
movies from my childhood that I know are very difficult
to um to connect to younger audiences. In fact, I've
done the whole series of videos and with with Shay

called age of Cinema, where we would introduce films to
each other. So she would show me movies that she
had seen that I had not and tried to explain
why they were important to her and see what I
got out of them. And I've done the same with her,
and uh, it is very interesting to see the results
of that on both sides because we have noticed this
effect in both ways, and we are largely picking movies

that we first encountered as as you know, a kid,
that have become important parts of kind of our cultural touchstone.
So it's pretty interesting to see how this disconnect can happen. Yeah,
I mean even recently. So I just watched Elf for
the first time this holiday season, and I'm I wasn't

a huge fan. I can see why people would like it,
especially if they were introduced to it when it first
came out, when you either had very sarcastic Christmas movies
or you had very saccering Christmas movies, but you didn't
have something kind of bridging that gap. And I feel
like a lot of our media now plays more on
on the cheekiness than did when Elf first came out,

So I think I just missed the gap on that one. Yeah, yeah,
there there. I'm sure there are plenty of movies that
our listeners can here think of that are are falling
into this category too. About these are the are movies
that I think are They're not necessarily timely in the
sense of their references having been tied to a specific
time period or their jokes being reliant upon that like

this isn't the types of movies where they're constantly making
pop culture references and that dates the movie. But they
are timely in the sense that the sensibility of the film,
the perhaps the production value of the movie, these are
the things that really anchor it to the time period
when it came out, and they they failed to become

evergreen or timeless. So there's some movies that I think
do become timeless that you know, generations can enjoy despite
the fact that they might be many years removed from
the origin of that film. But these are more movies
that are you know, you kind of had to be
at the right place at the right time to see
them for them to really have an effect, which is

it hurts. It hurts my heart because it means so
much to me and I mean so little too. I mean,
I under I understand that. But at the same time,
there's so many things that my younger friends really love
that just the appeal completely escapes me, and I realized
that I'm just the old man yelling at a cloud.
That's that's who I've become. Well, speaking of yelling at clouds,

we've got to really, I think, going to be fun
mash up for you. But first, let's take a quick break.
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otter dot ai. Okay Ariel. So you are the mastermind

of picking mash ups. So we've mentioned one of the
two properties that we're going to mash up today, that
being the Goonies. We wanted to take that as a
starting point. What was the other property, Uh, Guardians of
the Galaxy. And I picked Guardians of the Galaxy for
two reasons. One because Peter Quill, who is the main

character of Guardians of the Galaxy really loves nostalgic things
from the eighties, so yeah, and late seventies. In late seventies,
so like Goonies would be his saying. Actually Goonies came
out after he was objected, but whatever. And two because
it's got a group of friends that go on adventures
together that um have some few a lalaabic speaking members. Yes, yeah, yeah, Okay,

Well this is already making me worry that my version
is going to be very close to yours. So once
again I ask you, Marie, do you want to go
first or do you want to go second? Um, I'll
go first. All right, let's see if this is the
week that we line. All right, it's twenty years after
the events of the first Goonies, so the Gloony Goonies

plus Sloth all reconnect in the goon Docks, feeling like
their lives have been blanned ever since their adventures where
they found One Eyed Willie's treasure and saved their town.
They gather in the Welsh's old family attic and that's
where they find it a second treasure map belonging to
One Eyed Willie when they remove it from the floorboards.
Because They found it in the floorboards with the attic,

high pitch sound emits from the item. That's weird, but
you know, these kids love weird, so whatever, they just
shrug it off. They're not even kids anymore. These adults
just shrug it off. And they decided to follow the
map to its treasure for old I'm sink. They go
through all the booby traps like before, and while they
anticipate them more, they're also much bigger and so this
time it's a It's still a difficult journey, but eventually

they reached the cavern that holds One Eye Willie's second ship.
Just as they entered the cavern, so does a set
of Ravagers. Turns out, the treasure map, once removed from
the attic, set off a beacon to willie ship, a
spaceship man Willie got around. You see, One Eyed Willie
was the ancestor of Worker, a member of the Yondu

Ravager clan who had been searching for his ancestral treasure
to buy off the rest of the Ravager team and
overthrow Yon. Do if you don't remember who Worker is,
he's the one whose eye got stolen because he only
actually is one eye. Uh, the Goonies plus Sloth and
the Ravagers face off. Don't worry, it's not an unfair
fight because the Ravagers being Ravagers, lost all of their

weapons in the attempt to make it through the booby traps. Also, uh,
the Gooney has learned that the Ravagers can't swim, and
once they knock Worker into the water and realize that
the re the rest of the Ravagers get knocked in
right behind. Unfortunately, all the scuffle caused the cavern exits
to collapse and the only way out is for the
Goonies to try to use the spaceship. With enough button mashing,
they get sent out into space and that's where this

mashup ends, except for there is a post credit scene
with them docking with Peter quill ship and Sloth and
Groot having a conversation in the foreground. I am Groot,
Sloth love Groot. The end. Well, I can tell you
that our versions are not the same. So now sit back,
relax and enjoy Goonies of the Galaxy. It's and Mikey

Walsh and his friends are in a pickle. Seems that
a local country club is dead set on kicking them
all out of house and home, having bought up the
mortgages to their parents homes and preparing to foreclose on
all of them unless the parents should I don't know,
happen to find some sort of magnificent treasure or something.
As Mikey and his buddy's Data, Chunk and Mouth commiserate

over the fact that they will soon be forced to move,
a bright light shines down from the skies above. It's
a spaceship called the Inferno, captain by a blue mohawk
alien dude with an eye patch one eyed yawn due
Yon Dude captures the boys and brings them aboard his ship,
flying off into the night. The kids only have the

stuff that was on them at the time, which thankfully
includes a killer mixed tape of early eighties songs. Cyndi
Lauper is on there a lot. Two decades later, we
see the four friends on a distant planet. They are
no longer with one eyed yon due. Instead, they've become
intergalactic ne'er do wells. Data is a cyborg, now with

about half his body replaced by a various robotic limbs
and gadgets, including slick shoes, which his friends tell him
is crazy. Mouth is the fast talking con man of
the group, skilled at social manipulation, or at least irritating
people so that they're distracted. Chunk is now Hunk, having
grown out of his chubby phase and packed on some

serious muscle, and Mikey is still Mikey, the leader of
the gang, the voice of reason, and the eternal Optimist.
The four friends find a mysterious book that has a
coded message inside it telling them of a fabled treasure.
It's an ORB on a seemingly deserted planet, guarded by
various booby traps and puzzles. One by one, the group

solves the puzzles blocking their way. The team retrieves the orb,
which sets off one eyed yon Du who's also after it,
and the minions of a cree named Ronan, the Destroyer.
The four attempt to evade being captured and moreover, losing
the ORB as they traverse the galaxy. Before long, they
find themselves teamed up with four other odd folks. One

is Gomorra, former minion of the powerful alien Thanos. One
is Drags, a literal minded alien intent on getting revenge
on Ronan. One is Rocket, a raccoon like creature who
can talk, and the fourth is Sloth, Rockets dearest friend,
who can only communicate with I am Sloth, but Rocket
understands him. Together, they must try to prevent Ronan and

his henchman, the Fratellis, from getting hold of the orb,
which actually holds the power Stone. In the end, Good
triumphs over Evil, and Cyndi Lauper sings us out and
we're left to wonder, Hey, why didn't those kids ever
bother to go back to Earth and see how folks
were doing. Oh also, Hunk teaches Dax how to do
the truffle shuffle the end. My hat off to you, Jonathan.

That was amazing, And that was a mash up mikerosmore
of a sequel. So well, I I started with the
what if what if Groot was Sloth? I'm like, I realized,
I'm removing potentially the most beloved character run the Guardians
of the Galaxy series. But then I thought that's exactly
what I would do anyway, because I'm kind of a

jerk face. Well saw it was also very lovable, and
for what it's worth, I did name mine Goonies of
the Galaxy. I almost named it Guardians of the goon Docs,
but I was waiting to hear. I was waiting to
hear what you named yours, and I was either going
to go I was gonna go the other way. I
was either gonna be Goonies of the Galaxy or Guardians
of the Goonies. So either way it would have I

would have gone with it. But since you didn't name
yours at the top, I was like, all right, I'm
safe here. But that was that was our take on
a mashup of what it would look like if you
mixed the Goonies with the Guardians of the Galaxy. And
we're curious if you guys have any thoughts on what
such a mashup would look like. Would it be similar
to what we did, or would you go a totally

different direction. If you have any ideas on that or
maybe other mashups you would like us to do in
the future, let us know or even you know, like
topics we should discuss in future episodes of Fallacy. Where
can they reach out to us arial Well, you can
reach out to us on Twitter at llen C Underscore podcast,
or on Instagram or Facebook at large en Drunk Collider.
So end us a d M, send us a message

if we like it. We'll read it on the air,
you know, or you can even tell us what movies
you think you love that have a Goonies effect. I
might watch it. Yeah, that would be good to hear.
And also, don't forget if you enjoyed this episode, make
sure you leave us a review. Recommend us to friends
really does help a lot. That sort of word of
mouth is what shows like ours depend upon, so we

would greatly appreciate it. And until next time, I have
been Jonathan Strickland and I am Ariel Castin. The Large

New John Collider is production of I Heart Radio and
was created by Ariel cast In. Jonathan Strickland is the
executive producer. This show is produced, edited and published by
Tary Harrison. For more podcast on my Heart Radio, visit
the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
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Jonathan Strickland

Jonathan Strickland

Ariel Kristen Kasten

Ariel Kristen Kasten

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