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July 31, 2019 34 mins

Catherine reconstructs the day leading up to the party using the Arkansas State Police case file on Janie's case. She ends up with more questions than answers. 

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
School of humans. These it's not just the victim and

the victim's family. It's the worst for them, but there's
also the people who are accused, and it's never cleared
one way or the other, really, and so they get
whispered about in town and just the crazy rumors hurt
a lot of people. When there's no justice done, it
hurts a lot of people. It hurts the whole town.
I mean a lot of these people. Their children may
be getting to that age, their kids might be sixteen

or even older, and so that's got to be hard
if you saw something like that at a party and
you never told anyone. And it's interesting because I could
completely understand being sixteen years old. You're terrified, you're terrified
of getting in trouble for drinking and you know whatever.
But that's very different from thirty years later. You've got
kids who are older, like you know. It's just interesting.

It's the end of winter and icicles are frozen on
the gutters of my dad's house in Mountain View. I'm
on the top floor in the war room, and in
front of me are two boxes. There's a small brown
one that looks like an oversized briefcase and a huge
plastic blue one. These hopefully hold the clues to what
happened to Janie Ward on September ninth, nineteen eighty nine.

Everything in these boxes was collected by Janie's dad, Ron.
He died last summer, but I feel like I've been
talking to him every single day. Weird how things will
hit you emotionally. You're really you know, you're okay for
a long time, and then you see something. The autopsy
photos I saw were war horrific, something that no family,
you know, father should ever have to see. And then

you'd see things like all of Ron's correspondence with his attorney,
me and with the state. And Ron had obviously googled
how to write a business letter and what to do,
how to get a notary, how to get a notarized statement.
I mean he really every single thing in there was
documented by him, and you could just see how meticulous
he was and how hard he worked, and right up

until the end, he had his to do list. Like
we did with Rebecca's case, In order to figure out
what really happened to Jane, we need to focus on victimology.
We have to try to reconstruct what was going on
in her life. And the days and the hours leading
up to her death, what really happened at that party?
And thirty years later, why don't we know the truth

about how Janie died. I'm Catherine Townsend and this is
Helen Gone. So yeah, I'm keeping him in the order

Ron had them in, But then I'm also separable going
back to the week leading up to the party on Saturday,
September ninth, nineteen eighty nine. I'm keeping him the same
folders that Ron had them in, and he was very methodical,
so I don't want to mess that up, and I've
put a few aside I think we need to be
to deal with first that are contradictory. But anyway, we're
using witness statements from the Arkansas State Police case file.
The ASP took charge of Jane's case at the request

of Sircy County Sheriff Kent Griggs. The sheriff had a
history with Ron and he wanted to avoid any suggestion
of impropriety. Arkansas State Police investigator Bill Beach got the call,
he drove to Marshall and started his investigation. And there
are also contradictory things about out where Janie was. They
call her Olivia in a lot of the statements because

her name's Olivia Jane, But I mean most of these
witness statements spend more time talking about the kegs and
who collected money at school during the party and who
was playing the party. By that Wednesday, everyone in the
junior class at Marshall High School is buzzing about a party.
It's being thrown by one of Janie's cousins, Jamie Ward.

Since their names are so similar, will refer to him
as Jay from this point on. Jay lived at a
cabin in the woods off of unpaved Zach Road. The
cabin was owned by Jay's father, Steve Ward. Even though
Jay is only sixteen, his parents let him live in
the cabin by himself so he could keep going to
Marshall High School. Jane's family lived pretty far away from

downtown Marshall. Janie's mom, Mona, told Bill Beach that it
was not unusual for Janie to spend the night with
friends on the weekend. On most Fridays, Jane rode the
school bus home and then a friend would pick her
up to go back to downtown Marshall. Ron told Bill
Beach that the last time he saw his daughter was
the morning of Friday, September eighth, a day before the party.

He told Beach that she left home wearing a pin
striped shirt and stonewashed jeans. We know that Janie was
excited about the party from an interview her friend Leslie
did with Bill Beach. It's been an interview of Leslie,
student died in tenth grade approximately four twenty FM. Leslie
says Janie spent the night with her on the Friday
night before the party. Where was last night time? The

last time Leslie saw Janie was at around four thirty
pm on Saturday, finish fir on linked she said shirt.
Leslie just said that Jane borrowed a shirt from her.
When did you find out which one she bought? Say?
After it happened. She tells Beach that she discovered her

missing shirt day after Janie died when she went through
her drawer to see which one of her shirts was missing.
It was her deaf leopard one. So we know where
the shirt came from, but we still don't know how
she could have been wearing one shirt at the funeral
home in Marshall and then a different one at the
crime lab in Little Rock. Leslie also says Janie told

her she was going to stash her clothes at the
pool hall so that she could pick them up after
the party. Was there anything in the time that she's
fad with you last year it was saying to be
bothering her INtime that she's concerned bat Nothing as far
as well she's trying to glory kiss I ran her

financial tumble. Yes, she get into the air. While Jane's
at Leslie's house fixing her hair, Jay is at his
house getting ready for the party. He's setting up kegs
on the front porch. He's also preparing the PGA pine bunch,
which stands for pure grain alcohol. He'd taken up money

at school and he collected around one hundred and fifty dollars.
Follow will be a swarm statement of Jamie Ward. Why
am I oil seventeen? Is that right? When was the
alcohol purchase for the party? In my hum? I don't know.
I ain't got it, Jamie. I'd I say that, Well,

you're under oath, you're not a suspect. Jay is reluctant
to share who bought the alcohol for the kids at
the party, but Beach has already discovered it was twenty
two year old Gary Don, did you go with Gary
Shnod's Big Flat? Gary Don is a graduate of Marshall
High School, and it's still friendly with the students there.
I told you when we started that I talked to

a lot of people since I talked to you the
first time. I told you when we started, and I
tell you you're again in front of your mother, that
we're not your point fingers, and we're not gonna say
to somebody specificly college Jane's dead, but that we do
have to have the trivia because these are unanswered questions
if we can't leave unanswered to close out this investigation.

Circe is a dry county, so to get the booze,
Jay drives with Gary donn the thirty minutes to the
Junction liquor store in Big Flat, which sits right on
the border of Circe and wet Baxter County. Ever Clear,
which is what the kids at the party Jane attended
were drinking, is one hundred and ninety proof. That's ninety

five percent alcohol content, making it one of the purest
and most potent alcoholic beverages available, and Jay tells police
that along with the punch, he added fruit pieces soaked
in rubbing alcohol to make it extra strong. I remember
my high school chemistry teacher lecturing about the dangers of
grain alcohol. He took a styrofoam cup. This is what

grain alcohol does to your stomach, he would tell us,
And when he poured the alcohol into the cup, the
styrofoam bottom melted instantly. I can't remember what chemical reaction
caused the cup to melt, but I can remember that,
far from being deterred by the potential danger, the kids
in my class had the opposite reaction. Strong plus cheap

equals a maximum buzz for minimum cost. Shortly after saying
goodbye to her friend Leslie, Jane heads to the town square.
They're in the Daisy Queen were the main spots where

teens would hang around on the weekends. Janie's friend Ron
Rose is driving around the town square in his truck.
He's with Kim, another friend. Jane asked them for a
ride to the party. Should be a swarm statement of
Ron Dale Rose, twenty years old. This is Ron Rose,
not to be confused with Janie's died Ron Ward. How

did how did Olivia act when he first talked her
out there on the square? Did that she's doing a
pretty good movie. When she was talking being really happy,
do you remember anything in particular if she talked about
what you got to the bar? I really I just
wondered who all was going to be down there and

what was doing on? Okay, so you and Olivia and
Kim went to the party together. Ron says the three
of them got to the party around five point thirty
or six pm. Soon after that, more people start arriving.
Here's Gary Donn, the twenty two year old who bought
the alcohol, and we in associated with a few people,

and I seen Jane, and there's more. There's more people
and went on into the house, went there and there
was people doing different things. There's people who listened to
this ORYA. Only there's people in the kitchen, and there's
some people out there that had ferried out there as
messing with the There's more people out in the backyard.
And I'm or less walked on through one housesosiated with

a few more than people. Multiple witnesses see Janey at
the party. Some people say they saw Jane drinking the
PGA punch, chewing on a few pieces of fruit, the
one soaked and rubbing alcohol. But no one at the
party is paying close attention to what Janie is doing.
A lot of partygoers said they talked with Jane, but

they don't remember what they talked about. People say she
was sitting on Ron Roses truck's tailgate, or on a
couch on the front porch, she was leaning against a post,
or sitting on the rail of the porch. No one
knows for sure. According to the National Weather Service, sunset
on September ninth, nineteen eighty nine was at seven twenty

seven pm, and that's around the time that all hell
breaks loose. Depending on who you ask, two things happen
simultaneously or one after the other. Janie falls and someone
shout that the party is about to get busted by
the cops. Even though it didn't have electricity, the cabin

had a phone. It's called a party line, and it
was a common sight in rural Arkansas during the eighties.
A party line is a phone line where you're able
to pick up the phone and listen in on conversations
happening nearby. If you want to use the phone to
call out, you usually have to wait for another person
to hang up and someone at the party. No one

is sure who heard a neighbor calling the cop on duty,
Joey Pruett, and telling him a bunch of kids were
having a party with alcohol. The neighbor also complained that
the party goers ran her off the road as they
zoomed up to the cabin. Of all the people at
the party, only three say they actually saw Janie fall.

Garyed on a cheerleader named Sarah and Billy, the high
school quarterback. Sarah said that she was on the porch
when Janey sort of twisted sideway then just fell on back.
In Billy's statement, he says, she just came straight back
like a tree. Gary Donn was socializing on the porch,

so I looked away, and then I was more or
less glass back in this in fly. I mean I
called her in flight, is what I'm saying. I mean
she was falling when I looked, and I mean just
happened that quick. This, I mean, all that right there
we've been talking about happened more or less in just

a little wat. I mean she fell. I mean somebody hollered.
Joy Prut was coming, That's what I heard. Joey Prutt
was the police officer supposedly coming to bust the party.
But and then people started scattering running by her. And
that's more or less whenever I really started paying attention
to her, because I mean, I couldn't get nobody to
help me. I didn't know if she was knocked out
or what or really hurt or anything. I knew when

I got down there and turned her head over, safety
busted her head over. That's the first thing I did.
I mean, I try and save our head was much
the over good. I thought her, she might knock yourself out.
It's me and somebody lift her up on the porch
j in the light, because the porch just kind of
had her face shaving and stuff. It had her shaved
a little bit, and we raised her up in the

light where we could really see her, pay attention to her.
And basically from that, this payple is going wild. The
thing no one can agree on is how long Janie
was laying on the ground. Gary don makes it seem
like it was less than a minute, but Billy said
it was more like fifteen to twenty minutes before anyone
moved her. So this is the Billy Harris statement. Yeah,

this is brutal. Kim Weddie went over to Janie and
said she had passed out. I never saw anybody else
go over to her. I went back in the house
and talked with Jason, Matthew Brian. She probably laid there
fifteen to twenty minutes before anybody moved her. Me, Jamie, Gail,
and Gary Donn moved her to the back of Ron's truck.
I don't think she was ever moved onto the porch.
Jamie and Gil said she needed to go to a doctor.

I noticed that's when I came back outside, that she
had a bowel movement. I could see that her pants
were wet and she was having a hard time breathing.
Rose and Kim were in the cab of his truck,
and Rose said there was no room for Janie except
in the back. I offered to ride with her in
the back, but Rose said no, he didn't want any
trouble with the wall. I offered to get a blanket,
and he said no, she'd be all right. I believe
she moved her arm across her chest and we'd put

her in the truck. She never said anything else that
I heard. Janie was on the ground fifteen to twenty
minutes before someone said the police was coming. Everyone just
thought she was drunk and and passed out. Once everyone
found out the cops were coming, people started panicking. Gary
Dahn said, everyone was running around like maniacs. They see

Janie soil herself. At this point, they know she's in
serious trouble, maybe dying. The decision was made to put
Janie into the back of Ron Rose's truck. Ron, Kim,
and Sherry, another friend, got in the front. They started

the three mile drive on rural roads to marshall'stown Square.
At first, no one is sitting in the back of
the truck with Jane during the rocky ride back to town,
until Kim opens the window of the truck cab and
climbs into the back to check on Jane. As Ron
zoomed down Highway sixty five, he passed another friend, Carla Brightwell.

She flashed her lights at his truck and when he
didn't slow down, she thought something must be wrong, so
she followed him. They ended up at the bank parking lot.
At this point, Carla said, Ron and the girls were
arguing about whether Jane was just passed out and whether
or not they should take her home. I heard somebody

say she's called, you know, and Dennie Wynn got a
jacket at somebody's car and put over Jane and someone
said she hadn't I already seen her move, that she
fell off the porch, and I kind of thought, right then,
though she fell off, of course she hadn't moved, you know,

like all these end runs in my head. So Pam
and I went over to her, and we were trying
to feel her pulse, you know, because you know from
when I said of like, you know, fell off of
what I thought, maybe she's look for her, that's what
you bag what I thought. Carla took control. She told
Beach that she felt for a pulse and thought she
might have found one, but she since decided that what

she felt was her own pulse. She picked up Janie's arm.
It felt cold. I knew enough to know to go
get somebody that might know what to do, but they
don't train. You didn't know what to do to pull
up in a bag of the truck and there's a
girl lay in there and you don't have a certainty.
I didn't. I didn't know what to do, true, and

I need to get help somebody that didn't know what
they were doing. So Carla had run across the street
the ambulance service to alert them of Jane's condition. J D.
Beeson was the ambulance driver and manager of the ambulance
service at the time. He and his wife, Kathy, a
licensed LPN, arrived on the scene and would later testify

that Jane was lying on her right side. In a statement,
Cathy said, we checked and rechecked for needle marks at
the request of the sheriff. Coarse sand, dry leaves, and
small twigs were found at the blouse neck and the
LEVI waste. Coarse sand was found on the abdomen under
the bra Cathy said this immediately led her to conclude

this was a suspicious death, not an accidental death. Another
employee of the ambulance service stepped in. He stated that
he noticed something else, a strong odor of alcohol on Jane.
That's odd because it doesn't match witness statements at the
party who said that she wasn't drinking heavily. One of
the paramedics who examined Janie remembers seeing a black back

def leopard T shirt over a white pinstriped shirt. She
remembers having to unbutton and roll up the shirt in
order to get to Janie's body. Meanwhile, many of the
kids who had left the party congregated at the Daisy Queen.
All of them were talking about what happened to Jane.

A lot of them came to the Bank parking lot,
where a huge crowd gathered around Jane's lifeless body. By
this point, half the town is there. It even makes
the evening news, but her parents Ron and Mona still
have no idea what has happened to their daughter. Jane
is pronounced dead at eight forty five pm. We'll be

right back on the night Jane he died. Bill Beach
interviews four of the people at the party, Gary Dawn,

Kim Jay, and Ron Rose. He then asked the sheriff
to send everyone home. Over the next few days, the
sheriff collects statements from the kids at school. Beach then
interviews thirty people. Over the next few months, he reinterviews
some of the key witnesses. As I read through his interviews,

several things start to bug me. A lot of the
statements collected from people at the party are incredibly short
and don't provide much detail, and they spend half the
time talking about who provided the booze for the party.
And over the months people's answers change. The cheerleader Sarah

changes her answers of who she was at the party with,
and also adds a story about Janie, calling her a snob.
Gary Don initially said he saw Janie fall, but later
in a reenactment video done by the Arkansas State Police,
he demonstrated how Janey was likely to have fallen. It's strange.

A couple of other partygoers also said they heard a
thud when Jane fell, and then a statement from a
police dispatcher named Harold Young throws everything off. Ron, Rose, Kim,
and Sherry all said they drove from the cabin to
the parking lot without stopping, but the dispatcher at the

police station that night said Ron came by the sheriff's
department at six thirty pm to tell him there was
an injured girl in the back of his truck. The
dispatcher's statement was notarized, and he confirmed what he said
years later during another investigation into Janie's death. So, depending
on how you read the witness statements and who you believe,

the time between Janie falling and being in the Bank
parking lot could either have been half an hour or
more than ninety minutes. The order of events and how
much time passed between them becomes one of the most
hot button issues throughout the last thirty years of investigations.
We thought having all of these statements available to us

would be an advantage in figuring out this case, but
it's leading me to even more questions what could have
happened in those ninety missing minutes. This is one of
the recurring questions that the journalists Mike Masterson asks in
his columns about Jane. After Jane died, the Ward family

heard plenty of troubling stories about what could have happened
during that missing time. Well, and that's why Jamie and
the Brose boy after they've directed to go to the
macparking lots so Janey could be discovered there. That's why
they were sitting there debating on whether to take Jennie's
body to us so Ronnie could take it from there
instead of them going along with their cover up. So

they didn't know what to do. Well, they also took
her to the Mac parking lot because there is a
car wash there and that's where they redwashed her body
and marsh they were directed to take hersh her off
and wait at the bank parking lot until they could
come and discover her. Did they ever explained why she
was wet and where her hair was wet and where
there was sand in her clothes? I mean no, no, no,

that was never addressed. Yeah, I just rumors and witnesses
claiming that they washed her now with the water hose
at the car lot or the car wash in the
bank parking lot. And when you say witnesses, was it
people in the official report? Who so it was? This
is like people talking beyond these missing minutes. What confuses
me the most is the statements from the ambulance service

attendants JD and Kathy. First of all, it took Bill
Beach more than three months to interview them, and that
was after they requested he talk to them. They were
so concerned they even compiled their own statements to deliver
to him. Talked to hit This is an interview you

that Ron Ward did with j D and Kathy. As
Beach does his investigation, Ron has started his own would
you like my opinion? And this is just speculation? Okay?
I thank somebody throwing the damn river and picked her up.
Work took to a carb wars and holder or something,
But the investigators haven't him talked to Cat and I yet,
and I asked him. I asked Carold Young the other night,

those investigators question Cat and I. We were the first
ones on the scene. Jad and Kathy confirmed some of
the things Ron saw when he saw Janie's body at
the Morgan Marshall, like the sand and twigs. They said
they hadn't noticed bruising, but in their notarized statement to
Bill Beach, they did remark on swelling on Janie's neck

and shoulder. They also said she was wet except for
her genital area, which doesn't make any sense because multiple
witnesses at the party specifically said Janie wet herself. The
paramedics also noted that Jane had a foamy substance coming
out of her I bet there was one hundred kids
over there, and the first thing I did had John Childers.

I don't know if you know him or not. I
hadn't chase everybody away from the truck. You know, they're
twenty five feet back. That's the first thing to do.
While she was checking them. You I feel funny talking
about this, and funny Ron, I'm sorry. Quick, So then
Kathy check her he had no radio pulse, she had
no karate pulse. Her eyes were dialing really large. I

think we told you about that. And she had no
visible bruises whatsoever on her body from the way stuff
the other thing we found on herbs and twigs and
leaves and sandy gravel, you know, like we told you.
Stuff down here and the back of the riches here
and there was poor fans all and she was wet

as is, like somebody dropped in a river or something
and picked it back up. As we saw in Rebecca's case,
memory can be unreliable, and like Rebecca's, Janie's case quickly
began to become a question of who remembered what people forget,
and the more time that has passed since an incident,
the more likely it is for people to incorporate rumor

into what they remember. This is a phone call between
Ron Ward and Bill Beach. It was included in the
original police case file. Cool Roy, Bill Beach. So you're
doing just fine there you okay, my lieutenant, Come and

tell me that you had some more names. Oh, yes,
I do, okay. Ron is providing names for Beach to
follow up on. This phone call is fifteen minutes long. Well,
what I'm saying, though, Ronn, is do you have all
this documentary? Is it? Would it be offered for me
to get copies though, so I can compare them. I

can go through and check the names and compare it
to what they have told me, you know, And I'd say,
if there's people that I haven't talked to, that haven't
been interviewed, and I can go back and I can
do that, or if it's people that have been interviewed
that have given contrary and information that I can reinterview
from what we can tell this call that was included
in the official police file was very soft. And have

you got tape conversations with manage people? What I don't.
I don't expect you'd given the original takes, But it
would it be possible for some one time to desicateto
and let me get copies of the duskis ron also
recorded some calls with Arkansas State Police officers where he
starts venting his frustration about what he feels to be
Beach's lack of progress on the case. Ron how are

you okay? I've been up here all day and I
talked to Philip Christy and I told him must coming
and I've been working on some mothers things. He said
you had take for him. You know what he's talking about.
Did he beend the merchant who he's worked with me?
I don't know. I don't know, you know, but then

feel come over information money now, okaymation you bet, And
that's that's the only way I will do Okay. I mean,
he's the investigator. He's wanted to see, he is, He's
going first to investigate it, and I'm the father. Ron
is suggesting a trade with the police. He will hand

his interviews over to them if they will give him
more access to the information that they've collected. Tensions continue
to grow when Ron hears about Beach's interview with Gary Donn.
In it, Gary Donn complains about Ron. Ronnie calls my
mother all that is not called at one o'clock and
more than ask her where I was and if I

was all right? He calls me that already at a
million becomes old with not has. He says that Ron
is calling his mother at one in the morning, is
calling him and has come by his house. Beach even
says that Gary don can file charges against Ron. Ron
gets wind of this interview, and has also heard that
Beach has been asking about him and other witness interviews.

Ron calls the Arkansas State Police, I understand it. You're
see ID agent Bill Beats is running around town here
and get an information and trying to say that I'm
the one to beat my daughter up. That's the information
I have a chieve today. I do not appreciate that

one bit. What's this got to do with my daughter dying?
And they said I'm beating her up? You know, I
can't understand this. I really can't. Over all things I
can understand. You know, this is affecting my family life.

It's affect of my mind. It works on the people
in the whole county, the whole state. Everybody's undertune, everybody.
I'm wondering just what the hell this happened this time?
You know, mister Beechers, like I go before, said almost

the lucrous person. I'm not at all real luckily be
to handle this at all. It's been one hundred and
eighteen days to day, it's been one hundred and eighteen days,
he says, and no answers. You'll be right back. After

looking at Janie's case file, I'm left with plenty of questions.
Why didn't they put Janie in the front of the truck,
and if she was in the back, why did no
one ride with her the entire way and hold her
hand If she had an in was it made worse
by riding in the back of that truck? Also? Why

was she left lying on the ground for so long?
One sixteen year old kid was insistent and said that
he needed to speak to investigators the night Janie died.
He said that Jannie was lying on the ground at
the party for much longer than a few minutes without
anyone getting help for her, and that they were focused
on cleaning up the beer. I get that they were scared,

but why didn't anyone help her? And why did some
people hear a thud when she fell? Also why was
she so wet? One statement said that someone threw beer
on her to try to revive her. That could account
for the strong odor of alcohol that paramedics said they
saw on her. But one witness who was in the
bank parking lot said they were called water gushing from

the back of ron Rose's truck. What was the root
of the truck from the party to the bank parking
lot In his statement, ron Rose said they decided to
take Jane there because they thought it would be faster
than calling for help, and the bank parking lot was
close to the ambulance service. But why didn't they just
go directly to the ambulance service? And if we take

the police dispatcher at his word, could they have taken
an alternative route? Did they make additional stops? Obviously there's
a lot we still need to figure out. But what
we do know is that in the months after Janie's death,
an environment of hostility is brewing in Marshall. The Wards

and a growing number of residents are starting to believe
that no one in the police department is telling the truth.
Fingers are getting pointed, and any remaining trust between citizens
and authorities is deteriorating. On December seventeenth, nineteen eighty nine,
a little over three months after Jane died, the Arkansas

Gazette runs a story with the headline teenagers death remains
a mystery. Parents call investigation a cover up. Rumors are flying,
So we need to take a step back and turn
to the one piece of evidence that Mike give us
some more reliable answers. We need to go back to

the case file and take a hard look at Jane's
autopsy and find out what happened at the Arkansas Crime Lab.
I'm Katherine Townsend and this is Helen Gone. Helen Gone
is a joint production between School of Humans and iHeartRadio.

It is written and recorded by me. Catherine Townsend. Taylor
Church and Gabby Watts are our producers and story editors.
Executive producers are Brandon Barr, Brian Lavin, and Elsie Crowley
for School of Humans and Connell Byrne and Chuck Bryant
for iHeart Our. Field producer is Miranda Hawkins. Theme and

original score are by Ben Sale, available wherever you get
your music. Please visit us at helengone podcast dot com
or follow us on social media. School of Humans

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