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February 13, 2024 43 mins

Robert reads the autobiographical fiction novel of Justin Mohn, the conspiracy theorist who decapitated his father to spark a revolution against the federal government.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Al Zone Media.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Oh, welcome back to podcast Man Sad, Bad People, the
podcast about bad people that make the podcast Man Sad.
I'm the podcast man Robert Evans, and my co host
today is our friend Garrison Davis. Garrison, how are you
doing good? I thought it was one of my better intros.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
It was unfortunately quite good for a topic about it's
absoitely deranged shit.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
Yeah, yeah, so obviously. This is part two of our
series on Justin Mohane, the author of our first politically
Motivated author, first.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Just author better known for his other work.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Yeah, I think people should know that when you make
that joke, as you did the other week on Behind
the Bastards Too, you are referring to a mathematics paper
that cites the Unibomber's other published mathematic theories. Is like
better known for his other work mailing bombs to people.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
Oh pretty funny.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Yeah, And like the unabomber, Justin Mohen is deeply accomplished,
as in all, he's written more books than I have.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
Well, yes, that is true. I'm not sure if you
want to be writing the types of books that Justin is,
but yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
No, but he did write them, and you get credit
for that su sure. So this was, as you stated
last episode published in twenty twenty. And I need to
start with the cover of this thing because it's it's
something else we see.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
It's not a good cover.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
No, it is taken. He appears to have taken it
or someone else took it from of him very close
up at a rest stop. And this is relevant because
rest stops play a critical critical role in some of
his beliefs about the world and some of his theories
about things that have happened to us. Yes, rest stops
are happening places for Justin Mohan. Okay, he is looking

behind him, he's like slightly disheveled. He's got like his
shirt open weirdly down like a button further than.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Yeah, I'm basically gang Stocking vibes here.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Yeah, it's very much Again, we'll explain gang Stocking in
a second. But the pictures him, he's like looking behind
his shoulder. There's like two big lights behind him in
the distance in this photo, clearly taking at a rest stop.
And then there are like cartoon text bubbles over his
shoulder next to the lights that say get his picture, Hey,
there he is, And then like cartoon action bubbles that say,

snap snap, that I think are supposed to represent people
taking photos taking pictures.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
Yeah, yeah, okay this.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
As soon as I saw this, I had the same
reaction you had, which is like, oh, this is some
gang stocking shit, And if you're not aware of gang stocking,
gang stocking is kind of an er web two point
zero conspiratorial belief system. I don't know the conspiracy theory
is even really the right way to frame it. Gang
Stalking is people who have I think these are generally

people with schizophrenia, and one of the things that you
can experience with schizophrenia is both this kind of overwhelming
sense of paranoia and also the stereotypical hearing voices right,
and some people become convinced that they are being followed.
You know, this is something that has happened probably as
long as it has existed, that they are being tracked,

that they are people who are listening in on their thoughts.
You hear variations of it. With the Internet and digital communities,
a chunk of people experiencing this started forming communities online,
and I don't know the exact I don't know of
anyone has sort of like sketched out how this happened
in time, but the belief they ended up at is

that certain people are what are called targeted individuals within
the community, and those people are being stalked at all
times by large numbers of generally government spies. Now when
I say government spies, they are not in like a
James Bond type operator. They believe these are the regular
people in the street around them, like people in their neighborhood.

Their neighbors are all spies and are all stalking them
all the time. And you can watch hours of videos.
These people will often film eight hours of their life
at a stretch, and you can see them just like
angrily shouting at their window at like some dude walking
past their house or whatever, or like a car be
like see that blue cars past three times, and that
wouldn't happen if this wasn't like that. And it's so

one of the things that like one of the reasons
that gang stalking is kind of interesting and valuable to
study if you're interested in like how we got to
our present moment of like reality collapse in the United States,
is that this is an example of kind of feelings
that have been associated with certain mental illnesses. I'm not
gonna say it's just schizophrena, but certain mental illnesses bring

about severe bouts of paranoia and a feeling that you
are being stalked, right, or people who are listening in
on your thoughts or whatever. Because of the way digital
communities work, of people experiencing this were able to not
just get together and share their experiences, but convince each
other that they were not the result of an illness
and are in fact the result of a conspiracy. And
they have now built a mythos around that conspiracy, and

it has led to killings before. People have killed folks
they believed were stalking them over gang stocking delusions. It's
been happening for years. So yeah, that was the first
thing that occurred to me when I saw this cover.
And you can find other art that Moan put out
where it's like real pictures of him and then fake
art of like ghostly figures stalking him with cameras and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
A few months before he released his book, he put
out a song on Spotify called The Justin's Stalkers about
being gang stocked.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Yeah. Yeah, and again, gangstock is not a political conspiracy theory.
Other than that you have to believe the government's evil,
but don't we all right, So it's very accessible.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
There's certain gangstocking people who think they're like the Freemasons
are stocking mere like the Illuminatis stocking.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
It's like random fantifa, you know, a shopper. Yeah, shit
gets grafted on as a result of politics, but it
did not inherently start as something that was like a
political thing, just kind of out of this very ex
filesy because the nineties is really when this starts to form,
I think late nineties.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
And it's spread like wildfire are on, Like early Internet culture,
people were able to convince each other or like yeah
have have there alreadies like a small delusion be strengthened
and grown stronger by other people in this community, all
kind of encouraging each other.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
And I think it's relevant too that it's kind of
a Web two point zero, early Web two point zero phenomenon,
because I don't think you get the same thing, and
I'm not going to say that what you would get
would be any healthier, but from the social media, because
the way most social media works is everyone's kind of
in a big pit together, and this was really the
result of a a kind of community that was closed

to outsiders that wasn't really being watched by people who
weren't drawn to it. Building a culture and people like really,
it takes a lot of time for that to happen. Obviously,
YouTube is also a big place where this has grown,
but I think after it had its roots established, that
was a bit of a diggression. But I think it
is kind of necessary because this is definitely that is
definitely where Justin comes out of. You know, like that

is very clear to me. All of this is kind
of rooted fundamentally in gang stalking. I think that's like
the foundational keystone belief in what has become his like
conspiratorial milieu. So into the book itself. The first page,
after the page that lets us all know Kindle Direct
Publishing is responsible for this thing, says.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
This book Kindles Rye Publishing. Thanks Amazon the best place
to find all of the wild extremist books. Otherwise, never
never make.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
They've really done us all a solid. This book is
dedicated to those who know who the real enemy is
and can still laugh even in the worst situations. Hope,
I don't know what I have that describes me. Yeah,
it's great. So there are ten chapters in this thing.
They are long chapters. Chapter one is thirty two pages,

Chapter two is almost sixty pages, Jesus, Chapter three is
like another sixty pages, like fifty pages for five. Yeah,
these are like long, long chapters. And yeah, it's about
four hundred and fifty pages.

Speaker 3 (08:13):

Speaker 2 (08:14):
So chapter one opens and I'm just gonna read you
actually a decent little chunk here. So it starts with
like him talking to his parents. But why leave, Buster,
You're a hometown hero, Missus Moon said. Missus Moon, in
her late fifties, paced back and forth on the hardwood
floor of the living room. Yeah, Buster, you're popular, You
were at the top of your class in high school,

you were a star athlete. You could end up mayor
of this town someday. Why don't you stay around here
where everyone knows you and see what happens. You'll have
to start a new elsewhere, mister Moon said. And obviously,
Buster Moon is are the actual Justin Mohan And we're
talking about his parents when we talk about mister Moon,
this is his dad who he murdered in beheaded. Just

you know, keep that in mind. Mister Moon, in his
early sixties, sat on a couch in the living room
watching television. A black and white episode of the Twilight
Zone was on. The sound on the TV was muted.
That's the point. I want to start anew I want
to meet new people, or at least not associate with
the people I grew up with and went to school
with my whole life. They're all going nowhere in town,
and they'll take me down with them. And we get

a little more of that where like he's talking about
why he wants he's not happy here, there's no future
for him. What's interesting to me is why he depicts.
And we don't know that this is accurate to his
experience with his parents. But also I don't necessarily think
it is not, because what he depicts his parents as
saying is he shouldn't do this because it's dangerous. Leaving

home is dangerous. You can't be safe on your own
in a new place or in the city, and you
will inevitably get murdered or have something horrible happen. He
puts these words in his dad's mouth right after he like,
first his mom tells him like, you're gonna die if
you move out, and then he puts this in his
dad's mouth, Yeah, you're going to get kidnapped, addicted to heroin,
and sold into a sex trafficking rink. In five years

from now, we'll find pictures of you bound and gagged
on some Russian website where you're up for sale. So
that's his dad, And then his mom adds, why do
you think your older siblings stayed within Ohio when they
moved out. It's dangerous out of state without your family.
So maybe that's just him putting words in their mouth.
But like, I have heard stuff like that from people.
That is not an uncommon thing to express, especially among

conservative families. Cities are dangerous, people are getting human trafficked
all the time. It's not safe to be out on
your own.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
And those are some things he talked about in his
beheading video. And yeah, I know that after he had
to move back home from Colorado after losing his job,
he did move back in with his parents in Pennsylvania. Yep,
he does have an older sister. That just random other
things I know of his actual personal life and how
they could maybe tie in.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
But yeah, yeah, yeah, And then you know a little
bit later, as this argument goes on, there is a
note where his mom like, maybe it would be for
the best if we took you to a psychiatrist. Buster,
you don't seem to be thinking straight interesting unclear to
me if they did, but I think that does kind
of suggest that was a thing his parents suggested often.
And then his dad says, yeah, you're talking crazy, Buster.

If someone doesn't mug you when you step out of
the car, you'll end up running out of money and
being homeless, and then you'll get put in prison for panhandling,
trespassing or stealing food and ending up making prison love
to Bubba the Butcher. And that has the feeling of
something that he heard before. That that's pretty specific, like
that sounds like something somebody was told and is kind

of repeating here. You know, I don't know that, but
that is very much the feel it has. And there's
a couple other bits where it's like I could see
this being something you heard from your very conservative family
or elsewise picked up in the media. Because there's another
point where his dad is like, you'll be all alone
and they know exactly how much money you have. It's

all digital. You can't beat the system. You can't beat
dot dot dot. And then in as the machine Missus
moon shot a white eyed glance at mister Moon. Huh,
what do you mean, Buster said. Mister Moon shook his head. Oh, nothing,
you'll have to find out for yourself. And then at
this point a cow screams. That's how he describes the

cow as screaming. And then their dog barks and they
all run outside. It's clear that something has gone wrong,
and mister Moon says, awe hell not again, those cult
fucking commie bastards. He grabs a shotgun and there they
find the exxanguinated and skinned corpse of the family cow
outside in the yard.

Speaker 3 (12:33):
Because they're at like a farm in Ohio, I.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Believe, Yeah, they're at like the family farm. So he
thinks at first that this hide is a carpet. Then
Buster realized the carpet had black and white spots like
a cow and was hide material. The cow had been
completely exsanguinated, as the livestock industry would call an animal
drained of blood. The cow's eyes were missing, the bones
were strewn in a perfect circle around the cowhide in
an almost ritualistic or ceremonial manner, with a skull at

the top of the circle. Will twelve would be on
a clock about the same time it was then there
was not one drop of blood near the scene. Huh. Now,
when I brought up X files earlier, that's kind of why,
because that's X files stuff.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
That's a very X files opening. Yeah, the Twilight Zone
was playing on the TV in the room in the scene. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
And this is obviously, by the way, if you listen
to a lot of or read a lot of like
this particularly kind of turn of the last century UFO stuff,
a lot of it focuses on animals being x sanguinated. Right,
cow's killed in these like weird fashions. Now he is
talking about a ritual murder. And also the timing doesn't
work out because they hear the cow run outside and
it's been completely skinn and exciting. But well, I think

what's important is, like you get an idea of like
this didn't come into his mind unbidden, Right, the term
exsanguinated as referred to a cow's corpse had not come
into his mind. And bind that's evidence of like the
kind of media diet he had, right, I.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
Mean he was born in nineteen ninety one, that's like, yeah,
that's prime growing up with the X Files.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Oh absolutely, yeah, I mean I'm not that much older
than him, and that was definitely a big part of
my childhood. Yeah, but you know what could be a
big part of your childhood retroactively.

Speaker 3 (14:05):
The products that can make your life better.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
That's right, that's right. Garrison time is a flat circle,
and that means that if you buy products that advertise
on our show today, anything bad that happened in your
childhood can be healed. So here's the at Ah. We're

back and we're reading from the Second Messiah, King of
Earth by our friend Justin Mohan.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
So it opened with what I would describe probably as
it's probably some kind of Satanic ritual, I'm guessing.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Yeah. Yeah, we get a little more about what his
dad thinks here because the next thing, but his dad
starts crying and Buster tries to comfort him, and his
dad says, a cow that waits nearly a time, Well,
look the spelling's not perfect. A cow that weighs nearly
a ton gets completely d of blood and its bones
and organs are taken out perfectly, without one drop of
blood being spilled. And it all happens right here in

the middle of this field in less than an hour,
maybe even in just a couple of minutes. It's the
fifth cow this has happened to you this season, and
Betsy was my best cow. We just won't be able
to make a profit this year.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
He starts to cry, and then he says, don't tell
your mother I told you this. But you're right to
leave this place and go far away. There's nothing for
you here, and in fact, there's nothing for anyone here.
So at this point Buster's like, hey, don't say that, dad.
You know we've still got a farm. It'll be okay,
And his dad says, oh, Buster, soon you will learn
if you move out west on your own. There is
an evil in this world which has found its way

into this country, into every country. It is an ugly evil.
Nearly all the family farms in this state and plenty
of other states, have seen the same trend in the
past twenty years or so, a trend none of us
have seen before, unexplainable tragedies. Livestock gets mutilated or disappears,
Crops get infested with bugs and disease, and then all
of a sudden, the farm is taking a financial loss,

The farm shrinks, and eventually the family goes bankrupt. Their
land is bought out by a big corporation. More farmers
have committed suicide in the past decade than any other
profession and I can't blame them. Now. That ties into
some very real and very powerful conspiracy theories that this
is a lot of this ties into like Bill Gates stuff,
you know, the idea he has bought up a bunch

of farmland and among conspiratorial sex he has bought all
the farmland and China's buying all of it, or China
and Bill Gates are buying it together, and they want
to because they want to control the food supply and
take out the ability of Americans to feed themselves. Right, Yeah,
Like this is a this is something he picked up
from right wing media. This is not an invention of

his for this book. This is probably something he was
either raised to believe or came to believe fairly early
in life because of what other people around him were saying.
This is common stuff. He has put a twist on it.
But this is not coming out of nowhere. So after this,
he basically tries to talk his dad and like, hey,
can't you call the FBI or the police or you know,
surveil them to catch whoever's doing this, And his dad

says other farmers have tried, they just lose all their
money faster. And the police and an FBI have investigated.
But how could they stop something like this from happening
out of nowhere. I've sold more than half the acres
of the Moon family farm over the past three years alone,
and we can still barely stay afloat. There's no fighting it.
It's too secretive, it's too constant, it's too well orchestrated.
It's just too evil. But why is this happening? Why

is the government letting America's farms get unfairly taken over? Well,
as my father once told me, if you want to
take over a country, you have to gain control of
their food supply. Remember, my father was an immigrant from
Germany and he fled the Nazis with your grandmother, who
was a Jew, to come to America. He used to
always say, they are the Germans, there are the Russians,
and then there are the Germans from Russia, and they
all came to America for the same reason land.

Speaker 3 (17:48):
And that is Justin's family history, which is also yeah,
why some Nazis on telegram did not like him.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Yeah, he's very much not a Nazi, And at the
same time there's elements of like what he's saying here
that like, yeah, the Germans from Russia that moved here
very much John Birch stuff that like a fifth column
of communists from Europe have moved here and are trying
to change this country. So the conversation ends, he goes
to sleep. He wakes up the next morning to like

leave his family forever to start a new life out west.
And he starts by going out to the farm, taking
out his pipe and his last bit of marijuana, a
few green buds that he says to himself, perfectly calculated,
and then he smokes his last bowl of marijuana, which
I'm sure he did regularly and certainly did not help
his hit.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
Justin Mohan did have a medical marijuana card that he
had to give up on January twenty ninth to go
a handgun that he would then later use one day
later to kill his father.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
Yeah. I guess good that he had to give up
his medical marijuana card first. Yeah, that's keeping people saying, yeah, yeah,
really stop the problem. So he says goodbye to his
parents and he gets on the road. Right, they seem
He actually does not describe his dad as being very
mean in this He's pretty sympathetic in the book. But interesting, Yeah,
which is interesting. But you know, a few years went

by between this one and between him killing his father.
So when I brought up earlier that highway rest stops
are a major part of this book, that's because of
what comes next. So he crosses from Ohio into Indiana
and he sees a rest area approaching. Hmm, got a
piss and wouldn't mind a snack, buster said, He pulls
off the highway. He gets into a parking lot, and

he describes most of the men and women wore overalls,
flannel shirts, and straw hats walking in and out of
the building to and from the parking lot. A few
people stood off to the sides of the building in
parking lot in a grass area. A few men were
urinating outside near the trees. An old man was squatting
at the tree line taking a shit. I've never been
to I've been to a lot of rest sadops. I've
actually not seen that happening at a rest stop. But

this is to set up something that's happening at the
rest stop, which he learns about when he goes into
the bathroom, and it turns out to be a bad
decision because as soon as he stands at the urinal,
he hears someone behind him saying, Oh, yeah, that's real nice.
Just look at that. You want to try it? Another
voice whispered. Buster eyed with one eyebrow and raised towards
the stall in his left four legs stood in the stall,

and then he hears people snorting drugs and a bit
of white powder falls to the floor and a guy
falls down and then is like, oh shit, that's good.
How much for an ounce? I think they're selling. I'm
not sure if it's supposed to be fentanyl or cocaine, Yeah,
something like that. And then they realize he's listening to
them do cocaine or whatever in the rest bathroom. Hold

on a sec I think someone's in here listening to us.
The other person whispered, should we kill him? The first
person whispered, at which point he fleets the rest stop. Yeah,
so quick escalation. This is like such a like to
take into a humorous degree, but such a like, Oh
what the Fox News viewing set thinks about, like everything

outside of their suburbs.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
Justin did not grow up in Ohio. He grew up
in Pennsylvania. I think his family lived about an hour
north of Philadelphia, so he grew up in a very
suburban area outside of a big city. And that all
kind of grafts on to this.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Yeah, it makes sense. Now, there's an interesting bit here
when he's outside of I guess they decided not to
chase him out of the bathroom, but he's still walking
around the rest stop and we get a little like
gang stalking bit here. People stared at Buster and kept
glancing at him, and he wondered why he didn't look
or dressed too differently, and he was barely out of
Ohio than he realized everyone was with someone else, Nobody

else was alone except him, And like, that's a delusion.
That's the kind of delusion leads to gangstig because number one,
I guarantee you there were other alone people that every
rest stop he ever went to. But also like people
don't pay attention to that sort of thing. That is
a voice in his head telling him to hyper focus
on this. So he gets freaked out by this. He

describes himself having a panic attack. Right. He describes like
having a panic attack about the fact that he's alone
out here. Now it seemed to more people were glancing
at him, even talking about him, as if they sensed
his feeling of vulnerability emanating from his chest like sharp
smelling fresh blood. So he finishes eating and he gets
back on the highway and he drives for a bit

more until he crosses he passes Indiana and gets into Illinois,
and then he will have another rest stop scene. This
is like he spends a lot of time on rest stops,
and this is I'm going to need you're accult knowledge here, Garrison,
so you can let me know if he gets this
stuff right. So, as he's like walking through the rest
stop area, he sees that, like there's a poster on

the wall that says this cabin was once an outpost
for trading with the Native Americans, used during the Civil
War to store guns and ammunition. Then he walks to
another glass casing on the adjacent wall and he reads
the poster inside considered haunted by locals after peg and
witches lived in the cabin, who were later burned at
the stake for witchcraft. Abandoned for over one hundred years
before being restored as a rest area. So he's that's

to set the scene, and then he goes like, gets
himself some food or something, and as he's looking outside
at the surrounding forest, he sees one hundred yards into
the forest there are tiki torches lit. And it's four
oh one pm in the afternoon. What the fuck do
they have torches lit in the forest for if it's
not going to be dark for another two hours, Buster said,
So he walks in and he sees a few individuals

dressed like vagabonds, dancing slowly in circles around the fire,
with their arms spread out waving in the air. Buster
quietly climbed through some bushes to get a quiet closer look.
There were two men and a woman, all in dirty
torn robes, dancing within a circle of lit candles and
tiki torches. One male and female danced inside the circle,
chanting and murmuring words which Buster couldn't make out. The
other male was kneeling on the ground inside the circle,

carving up pumpkin a picture lay in front of him
in a bed of flowers. Please, spirits of nature and
beyond except this pumpkin carving and our sacrifices on this
day of sam Hayn, in remembrance of our deceased loved ones,
please ease their passage into the other world. Okay, how's
that sounding so far, Garrison? Is that real?

Speaker 3 (24:00):
Is this supposed to be around Halloween? Is this supposed
to be.

Speaker 2 (24:03):
It's unclear, but based on the fact that it day
ends at six pm? Probably yes?

Speaker 3 (24:08):
Oh yeah, okay, well yeah, I mean dancing around a
fire is certainly is certainly fire rest stop.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
Sure, all right, well let's get to the Let's get
to them finishing the ritual. So next a woman screams
the magic words iaka I don't know. Looked it up,
couldn't find anything.

Speaker 3 (24:26):
That doesn't sound familiar to me either, but yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Yeah, so she screams, and then another female emerged from
behind a tree with a donkey by a leash in
one hand and a stick carrying a decorated horse's skull
on the other. The horse's skull had red ornaments in
its eye sockets and a sheet draping over its head.
She danced into the center of the circle of candles
with the others. The man who was kneeling picked up
a long curved sword from the ground and stood up.

Let the sacrifice of this ass please the spirits of nature.
The man yelled.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
Yeah, well, you know, this is probably a little bit
more intense than your average wiccan soven ritual.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
But sure, yeah, yeah, I don't know. And ass that's
a unique sacrifice story. Usually it's like a cow or
a chicken or something. But uh huh, I appreciate that.
So he raises the sword above his head. No, buster yelled,
hehaw the donkey whine. The donkey got scared and jerked away.
Just as the man swung the sword, slush blood spurted

upwards and outwards. Ah, the female yelled. The female fell
to her knees, and the donkey ran away from the forest,
her severed arm still holding onto the leech. The female
raised her bleeding stump. You idiot, you cut off my arm,
she said. Well, the donkey got scared. The man said,
Now what are we going to eat? The woman said.
The three others glanced at each other, then looked at

the woman on the ground with one arm. No, don't
even think about it, she said. The man holding the
sword raised it high up his head again. Ah, she screamed. Ah,
buster screamed. The woman held her remaining arm up just
as the man swung down the sword. The sword cut
her hand in half from top to bottom between the
middle finger and ring finger, slicing all the way down
her forearm. Now that's that's not where I expected this

passage to go. But it gets better because they all
realize Buster's there at this point and give up on
their plans to eat this woman, who they have now
hacked at twice, and instead she and all of them
start charging Buster. And he describes it as they all
turned directly towards Buster and began ranning towards him. Even
the woman with one arm, which was divided in half

like a lobster claw, ran towards Buster, her arm flapping
in halves as she sprinted towards him.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
That is an interesting writing.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yeah, that's I didn't call that coming. I love that. Yes,
she got lobster afied.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Yeah, that's a very eventful Sawin.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Yeah, huh uh. I don't think that actually happened to Buster.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
I don't think that. I don't believe. On Justin's move
from Pennsylvania to Colorado, he stumbled across a pagan ritual
where they dis meant a woman and gave her a
lobster claw.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
I do suspect that maybe he saw someone walking their
dog near a rest stop and filled in the.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
Rest That is certainly possible.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
Speaking of dog shit, you know what's not dog shit?

Speaker 3 (27:16):
These ads?

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Uh huh, that's right, these ads.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
Aren't we sponsored by like the state of Ohio or something?

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Huh oh yeah, then in that case we probably should
just move on. Ah, we are back and having a
really good time learning some more about our old friend

justin moan So Garrison. At this point, he he flees
from the Wickanists and their d handed friend and he
gets back on the road again. Doesn't seem to call
the police over this, but I guess they probably were
in on it to what could the police have done
about people dismembering a woman directly next to a crowded

highway rest stop. So he decides he gets to Saint
Louis he needs to find a place to eat. He
finds a cheap Italian restaurant and he parallel parked at
the curb. Uh buster walked inside the restaurant into the counter.
A small man stood beside the counter with a thick
Italian accent. I make a good pie for you like

you find on the East Coast. Yeah, no, West Coast,
and then he uses a slur for gay people stuff. Okay, no, good,
thank you. Buster said, you ain't a slur, are you?
The man said no, sir. Buster said you sure you
don't don't want us some pineapples on this with no
red sauce, all white and a cheesy stuffed crust. Huh,

And then he calls him a slur again. No, very stereotypical,
but also big in an Italian chef character here.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
You know, I actually ate at an Italian rush joted
Saint Louis last year. I was not accosted for being gay.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
But that's good. That's good. Did your guy have a
comedic Italian accent?

Speaker 3 (29:10):
No? I think I was being served by a lesbian.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Actually, okay, well that's probably why.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
That's probably why.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
Yeah. So Buster tells him that he just wants a
plane pizza, and the pizza man is willing to serve him,
but he does use the slur again. At this point,
two men barged into the restaurant wearing long black pea coats,
black pants and shoes, and black fedoras. I already paid
my d space.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Here we go. This is this is what I was
signing up for this is rough. Stops are fine, This
is what I wanted.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Yeah, I already paid my dues. Boys, the man behind
the counter said. The man behind the counter spun pizza
dough in one hand. Look tony unpazzo con pizza, one
man said. The other man in the Fedora laughs. The
old fool thinks we're here to collect dues, so what
the hell do you want a fucking pizza for it?
He just keeps using that he can't he cannot mention

pizza with that, dropping a slur. I am, I'll tell
you what. I'm not sympathetic towards this Italian man's plight.
Both men and Fedoras laughed hysterically and turned towards Buster.
They lifted their pea coats and revealed Thompson's submachine guns.
A can't tell me guns. Those are so much more
expensive than modern crime guns. Why are they spending thirty three?

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Yeah? Yeah? Where? Oh it's good stuff, like in Chicago, baby,
in Saint Louis, of course, Chicago, Come on St. Louis,
let's so you're real here.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
The men never explain why they're killing this guy, but
as Buster's eyes, buddy, yeah, yeah, these are the these
are the LGBT police. So they they opened fire. They
each empty one hundred bullets towards the man behind the counter.
Then they turned to you saw nothing, kid, nothing got it?

The man said, I didn't see Shitbusters said, oh my god.
So the bigoted pizza man has been shot full of
holes and honestly, I'm fine. Must just leaves and goes
back to his car.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
He finds what a fascinating thing to include the story, like.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
It's He's making a lot of choices here. I wish
I could ask him about some of his process, like
why did the pizza man have to be stereotypically Italian?
Why did the gangsters have to carry a gun that
has been outdated for nearly one hundred years. Anyway, he
goes to a cheap Asian restaurant next, and again parallel
parks at the curve. He really wants us to know

that he can parallel park. This is this is something
he's made a point of several times.

Speaker 3 (31:50):

Speaker 2 (31:51):
Oh no, Garrison, I'm not excited to try to read you.
The next line, a small man stood behind the counter
with a thick Chinese accent.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
Nope, nope, you can do Italian.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
I am not gonna try this. What's important, you know,
is that he says the same thing as the Italian man.
I make it racistly, but he says, I'll make you
good food like you get on the East coast, no
West coast. And then he also uses the same slur,
and then he asks several more times about it and
repeatedly calls him a slur. I don't understand why they

are both the same person, but the same two men
in long black pea coats fedoras come in and then
they shoot this guy repeatedly.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
Huh yeah, yeah, that's actually more interesting that this whole
instant gets repeated. Just a slightly different cultural backing it is.

Speaker 2 (32:44):
It is compelling, right, and again the guys like you
saw nothing. But then they're like, oh, hey, aren't you
the same kid from the other restaurant where we just
machine gun demand and Buster, showing admirable bravery here says, yeah,
what's going on? I'm just trying to find something to eat,
and the mafia man very nicely explains, oi, kid, every

restaurant in Saint Louis is owned by the same gang.
That's why they all say the same script when you
walk in. But we're taking over their racket and we're
taking over the restaurant business in Saint Louis. So that's
why both the Chinese man and the Italian man said
the same things. Is they have a script. Oh wow, huh, yeah,

that's compelling coming. Yeah. So so Buster stops at a
gas station to get a pre made tuna sand which, which,
to be honest, seems like the decision to make after
after going of these Yeah. So he winds up driving
again through the countryside. He approaches Columbia, in between Saint
Louis and Kansas City, and he asks a guy if

he can use a public restroom. Yes, sir, just take
this here key, witches so you can get in the door.
The man held a key up towards Buster.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Ha ha ha.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
The man laughed. Odd way to write laughter, not how
laughter sounds. Buster walked up to the man and took
the key. Thanks. Buster said, we'll say, mister, you're not
from around here? Is yeah, I don't recognize you. The
man said, no, I'm just passing through. Buster said, you're
making your way to Kansas City, Yes, sir, Well you
better be careful. There are abandons on that bridge that
goes over the Missouri rivers sometimes at night. Now that's

not true.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
But also I I did run into bandits on my okay, okay,
on my road trip through uh through uh Kansas.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Yeah, okay, it's been a couple of years for me.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
Yeah, Saint Louis, Yeah, no, it was. It was intense.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
So Buster's like, that's great, I'm gonna use the bathroom anyway,
and the man says, I'll be watching you, and so
Buster says, okay, maybe I won't go, and then the
man yells, I was gonna suck your dick. So I
think we've gotten a good picture of what's going on
with this guy. I'm not really sure why. It's interesting,

Like even the absurd he does have kind of its roots.
And you can see some of these this like everybody
is programmed, like saying the same script or whatever, like
they're the Like that's why these interactions seem weird to me,
is that like, this isn't real people talking to me.
These are people reading from a script. It's all. Yeah,
you can kind of tie it all back to some
of the delusional thinking I want cities.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
Are these like lawless zones?

Speaker 2 (35:23):
Yes, yes, there's bandits on the road and people just
getting machine gunned in there in their restaurants. Yeah, so
this book ends. One of the last chapters about this
is the FBI and the CIA electrocuting Buster and asking
him questions. They're making him specifically, they want him to
tell them their sins, right, because he's the second Messiah,
because he's the second Messiah, so one of the masks,

and they seem to know everything about his entire life, right,
which is again kind of ties back to the delusion.
So one of them is like, what about the time
you were drunken through a punching a guy who wasn't
looking during a group fight in college? Not really sure
what a group fight in college is, but we can
move right past that. What about all the cigarettes you've smoked,
an acid you've taken, and mushrooms in ecstasy and all
the other drugs you did. I only did them a

couple of times. It's not like I'm an addict. Still
serious damage to the body and putting your life at risk.
CIA is very concerned about his overall health.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
Yeah, the CIA famously on the edge about us things
like at Las.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
Yeah. So this goes on for a while and then
the CIA agent leaves and FBI agents put him into
a black suv and drive him to Andrews Air Force Base.
The FBI agents wheeled Buster onto an Air Force one
and Air Force one jet also air force is one word,
and got on board with him. Then the jet took off.
By the time the jet landed in Moscow, Russia, Buster

no longer shook constantly, but every once in a while
he had a full body jerk. The FBI agents wheeled
him off the plane. Two Russian FSB agents waited on
the bottom of the ramp. The FBI agents nodded to
the FSB agents, who nodded back. Then the FBI agents
got back on board the jet. The FSB agents wheeled
Buster to a black rectangular suv and put him inside.
Then they drove to the Krimlin. Buster sat in a

wheelchair In the Krimlin. He was motionless, stared off into
the distance at nothing, and his jaw hung. Suddenly his
entire body jerked, then he went back to being still.
The President of Russia walked up to Buster. King Moon
there is an uprising for more food in several parts
of Southeast Asia. The President of Russia said, Gohea. Buster chuckled,
but do you recommend Zig Global Communist Confederation. Due to

your majesty, The President of Russia said, go he he.
Buster chuckled. Buster stared off into the distance. Sill genocide.
The President of Russia said, yeah, heh, I love that.
Buster smiled. The President of Russia turned around to face
representatives from countries all over the world. Kills them all.
Orders directly from ze King of Earth, the President of

Russia said. Fighters, jets and bombers from the United Global
Force of China, Russia, America, and Europe flew over Southeast Asia,
dropping bombs on every country, destroying every main city, burning
forests and villages, and killing hundreds of millions of people.
And that's how the book ends.

Speaker 3 (38:01):
So I am fascinated about this middle chunk where he's
where he goes to Colorado and uncovers a satanic conspiracy
involving the Democratic Party. But that end bit kind of
got me thinking about there was all of these like
like all these like artistic things he was doing that

was almost preparing himself to do an acti violence against
a family member. But as much as that was the
future he was building for himself. You also mentioned that
he was being transported around by the FBI, and like,
I wonder how much that was a part of the
future he was building for himself. Like now that he's
arrested at a National Guard base, he's now being taken
from place to place by government officials. He's constantly now

surrounded by Feds, like he has he has built the
reality for himself that now he is actually always watched
by the government because he's been arrested for doing this
things like he is. He has created this fantasy world
that he can now live in forever. Yeah, whether he
goes to trial, he's probably gonna I if his defense
is smart, they'll do some sort of insanity defense. He'll

be sent to a psychiatric place. Like he's now always
going to be watched, he is being moved around by
government agents, like he is living the thing that he
was writing about. And I find that that second half
of like him being caught also a compelling like a
compelling thing that he was preparing himself for.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
And it I mean he is he expresses repeatedly variations
of like because the FBI and the CIA are constantly
in this book, and also like constantly just like people
coming into his life around him, which again is part
of this delusion. But also you can see how a
lot of these common right wing tropes about like everything
is infiltrated by the Feds January sixth with the Federal

op and stuff. How this is also going to feed
into the delusions of a guy like this, right, like
he's very much this is very much ripped from the headlines,
and that you can see how things he was encounter
and like conspiracy culture and popular media grafted themselves on
to the delusions that he had. Yeah, you can also
see I turned randomly to a page I haven't gotten

to yet in this book two sixty and the first
line I saw in the middle of the page is,
let's fucking kill them and then eat them a midget
and a wheelchair, yelled, holding an RPG.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
So there's quite a lot in this book, All right, Well,
well then I don't know.

Speaker 2 (40:28):
What the line of good taste and is, Like I
think it's I don't think we'll keep going back to this.
I felt justified and like, well, I want to know
what's in this thing once. It seems kind of bad
to keep doing that with this guy who murdered people's book.
But man, there's a lot in here.

Speaker 3 (40:43):
Oh, and there is a use in understanding how these
people think and unpacking the sorts of large, large swaths
of content that people that are doing these mass acts
of violence or very targeted acts of violence have been
leaving online because it allows you to actually get a
better look at overarching patterns. Specifically, his songs for me

are are very very evident of that. Yeah, Like they're
very similar to a lot of stuff you were you
were reading the book, like he has the The song
about him being tracked on his phone is called they
came for Justin Moan. Yeah, they found him all alone,
they tracked him on his phone. He talks about the
student loans that he couldn't pay off, the payments made

him grown, money controlled his life. They wanted him to
die just like this, all all of just all this stuff.
They said he was God. They came for Justin Moan. Yeah. Anyway,
it's it's it's it's it's it's not to like laugh
at him necessarily, it's it's about actually understanding this and yeah,

this is all fucked up. So a part of a
coping mechanism is kind of laughing at some of the
more ridiculous elements, but it's it is. It is an
attempt to actually understand this, this growing trend in American culture.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
Yeah, because you can't just like and this is the
thing that the right often once it wants to do
with this, is like, well, this is just a mental
illness problem, and like, no, it's not like you have
to understand it's American culture. Yeah, what's going into people's heads,
even if they also have, you know, are mentally ill,

what's going into their heads what they believe about the
world influences how they act on those delusions and the
nature of those delusions.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
This is what happens to your brain when it entirely
becomes corrupted by the culture of war like this is.
This has now taken over his entire method of thinking.
This is the only way you can see the world.
And there's people who are paid to get people to
be like this, like this is this is people's whole
job is to get more and more people to only
think in these terms. Yeah, and this is one of

the results of that, of that effort by elements of
the American right.

Speaker 2 (42:57):
Yeah, anyway, it's bad.

Speaker 3 (43:03):
That'll be a good book to explain to a young
child in fifty years. Why why is this on your bookshelf. Well,
let me tell you they've just in mode.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
If I ever have a kid, Garrison, this will be
the first book they rate.

Speaker 3 (43:17):

Speaker 2 (43:21):
Well, let's uh, let's be done, Let's let's go away, goodbye.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
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