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April 18, 2024 32 mins

Don’t call it a comeback quite yet, but this seafloor-dwelling fish is doing well in some places across the North Atlantic. Anney and Lauren dip into the biology and history of the Atlantic halibut.

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Hello, and welcome to save our prediction of iHeartRadio. I'm
Annie Reech and.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
I'm learn Vocal Bomb, and today we have an episode
for you about the Atlantic halibate.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
And first off, thank you Lauren for specifying Atlantic calibt,
because I almost made a big mistake stuff about the
Pacific alibt in there, but I caught myself, So that's nice.

That's good. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Yeah, I learned early on from our Rice episode to
kind of to kind of narrow down, to do something
a little bit more digestible, if you'll forgive the pun,
and to make it yeah, just right, to not fight
off more than we can chew.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
Episode topic wise, wow, coming strong out of the gates
on this.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
I was trying to think of any other metaphor that
works there, and I was like, now just lean into it.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Here we are. Yeah, I think it's time. I think
it's time. Well, was there any particular reason this was
on your mind? Well?

Speaker 2 (01:14):
I had been out to a lovely dinner in Atlanta
and had there was a special of halibate, and I
was like, you know, what's up with that fish? I
had also, to be fair, been looking for a type
of fish and had entirely forgotten that, like two nights
earlier I had had that lovely halibate. But then as

I was like looking through one of the sustainable seafood lists,
I was like, oh, really okay, And because because halibate
is like, yeah, under certain circumstances, it is considered a
good catch always, always, these things are hyper local, so
you know, like like check resource guides in your area

for sustainability. But yeah, in in the United States, wild
caught Atlantic halibate are a good sustainable seafood choice as
of right now.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
As of right now. Yes, yeah, I can't say I
have a particular strong memory of halibit, but I know
I've had it. Seafood is like my favorite thing, so yeah,
me too. A type of fish or something is on
the menu, that's what I got. Yeah, sure I might
have had some in a white Oh.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
That sounds like a thing I don't know, Probably not
an Atlantic one, probably a one at that juncture. But see, yes, yeah,
I do associate it with like a with like being
like kind of a one of the specials on a
menu at kind of like a nicer restaurant.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
So yeah, well I'm going to keep an eye out
because I love seafood, I love fish, so yes, speaking
of you can see our past fish episodes. They're always fun,
also sometimes pretty sad, but fun. We were just talking

about this off mic, but I guess that brings us
to our question. Sure, Atlantic calibate, what is it?

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Well, the Atlantic calibate is a type of large saltwater
boned fish that is prized for its a firm, mild
sort of like sweet and buttery white and meat. It
is a big, fast moving predatory fish, but unlike some
other powerful predators that we've talked about, it's a bottom
dweller and uses this like kind of catlike like hide

then pounce strategy to catch other fish and other prey.
It's eaten, however, you want to eat a fish big steaks,
grilled or baked or broiled or sliced thin and served
raw or chemically cooked into a savice or something like that,
simmered into stews like chowder, or cooked and prepared and
like creamy fish salads. Yeah, it's got a good chew

to it.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
It's like a like.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
A more flaky tuna, or maybe like a like a milder,
less fishy, less fishy, less fatty salmon. It's like the
it's like the tenderloin of the sea. It always feels
like a like a steakhouse kind of fish. Yeah, eating
and just like seeing the ocean through the window of
a room that has like a good warm fire going.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
That sounds so nice right now, Yeah, that sounds nice always.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
I mean right, I mean heck oh okay, So taxonomical
name hippo glosses hippoglossis in the Atlantic. Calibate is a
type of flatfish or flounder, meaning not that they like
hang out with the Little mermaid, but rather that they
are a type of bony fish that live on the
seafloor and camouflage from predators by lying flat on one side.

All right, fish anatomy, So lots of fish have one
eye on each side of their face, so they've got
like good visibility to either side, and then a tall
dorsal fin on their back and a vertical tail fin.

Speaker 1 (05:09):

Speaker 2 (05:11):
Some fish, like a goldfish or swordfish, are a round boys,
but others are are pretty flat. And halibit are quite
tall from back to belly, but pretty flat from side
to side. A halibit that's a couple feet in length
might only be a few inches wide, just a just
a big old flat oval. And yeah, they spend most

of their time not upright, but laying flat on one
side on the ocean floor.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
But this does not mean that they have like.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
One eye scraping through the sand all the time. They
have evolved so that as they grow up, one eye
migrates to the other side of their skull, so that
they can lie flat on their side with both eyes
looking up.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Wow. In the case of the Atlantic halibate, the left.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Eye always migrates to the right side of the head.
I don't I don't know why.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
That's so cool.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
It's so cool, and they look so dirty. I deeply
need you to go look up pictures of halibit because
they're they just little buddies. Just they look so smooshed
in such a weird way, and I'm like, all right, okay,

oh so cool, which then reminded me that I have
indeed seen like illustrations of what a anatomically correct flounder
from The Little Mermaid would have looked like. And it's
very creepy.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
Oh I almost got a founder once. It was the
one that got away fish story. Well, yeah, but he
those they looked at me and said not today, and
no one believes me, but I swear.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
They're they're apparently powerful fish and like we'll fight back.
So this is this, this makes a lot of sense
to me based on what I've read over the past
twenty four hours.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Thank you, thank you for your support.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
But okay, uh, they are not born with with both
eyes on one side of their head looking real dirty.
That happens during a metamorphosis stage. But before we get there,
all right. So Atlantic halibate are a spawning fish, meaning
that male and female fish each release their reproductive cells
into the open water like usually out in the deep ocean.

They're they're they're sperm and eggs respectively, and just kind
of like hope for the best. You know.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
It's like, all right, go ahead, do it or don't.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
The bigger ladyfish can produce like over two million eggs
a year in several batches during their spawning season. If
the eggs are fertilized and survive, the fry will be
about half an inch long when they hatch and will
mostly drift with the currents for a few months inward
towards shorelines, and they'll start moving toward the seafloor, where

they will go through that metamorphosis and then start swimming
and ranging further back out to sea. They develop pale
coloration on their bottom side and darker gray a brown
on their top side. They feed on invertebrates when they're younger,
and on other bony fish like cod and haddock. As
they get older and bigger, they'll also go from like

speckled coloration to more solid in color. They reach maturity
at about ten years, which is a long time, and
live at least fifty years. Their strong swimmers, and yeah,
do sometimes range toward the surface in order to catch prey.
They are in fact the biggest species of flat fish
on the planet. The female fish, which are larger than males,

averaged like one hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds
and somewhere around four feet in length. That's about forty
five to seventy kilos and over a meter long. But
they can be four to five times that big.

Speaker 1 (09:14):

Speaker 2 (09:16):
Yes, yeah, They range from like from like vaguely flat
person sized to like vaguely flat grizzly sized.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
So yeah, oh no, that would scare me if I
saw one when I was swimming about No, yeah.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Luckily the big ones are more likely to be further
out and deeper down, so yeah, okay uh. The Atlantic
calibate does, yes, live in the Atlantic Ocean in the
cool to cold northern parts along the coast of the
US and Canada up and around through like Greenland and Iceland,
and the coasts of northern Europe. Preferred commercial fishing methods

are with long lines and rod and real. These are
least likely to damage the habitat and least likely to
catch other species, though recreational fishures do sometimes accidentally hook
one while going for other bottom dwelling fish, like the
aforementioned cod and haddock. We both like eating the same things,
so makes sense.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Yep, yep.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
They are also farmed in some areas where the populations
are risk and in some new areas like Chile. Atlantic
calibate are often butchered into four large filets like top
and bottom, left and right side, that can then be
cut into steaks or smaller pieces. The flesh is like
translucent white when it's raw, and we'll cook up to

a snowy opaque white.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
I have seen.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Recipes for raw hab dishes like crudo or carpaccio or
sushi style preparations. I don't think I've had it raw,
but I understand it's firm and a little chewy along
the lines of like a red snapper or I guess
sort of like beef kind of.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
Yeah. When it's cooked, it's.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Sort of meaty tender with large flakes, the way that
salmon or swordfish are, but again, like much more mild.
It's great for delicate sauces or due to its texture,
can stand up against like strong fun flavors.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Yeah, yes, Well what about the nutrition on its own?

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Halibate has a lot of protein and a pretty great
smattering of micronutrients. What little fats it does contain are
the good ones. As with other types of large predatory fish,
there are concerns about build up of stuff that you
don't want, like mercury in Atlantic calibate. In general, i'd
say that fish like this are like a sometimes food. Okay, yeah, okay,

Well we do have some numbers for you. Yes, So
the largest specimen ever recorded was caught in nineteen seventeen
off of Cape and Massachusetts, and it's thought to have
weighed about seven hundred pounds and that was alive. Oh
my god, that's a large fish that is a very

large fish due to overfishing during the nineteen hundreds. There
are a lot of regulations in place about how much
Atlantic halibate can be caught wild. In the United States,
it's just one fish per vessel per trip out into
US federal waters, and there is a minimum size limit

to make sure that young fish are allowed to reach
maturity and spawn. In twenty twenty two, though commercial fishers
caught about sixty thousand pounds worth a little under half
a million dollars. In some other areas, populations are apparently okay,
like off the coast of Norway. There is a sport
halibit competition there every year, with prizes of over five

thousand pounds for the largest single halibit cot and the
longest accumulative length of halibit caught over two days. It
is a catch and release competition though, yeah, and farming
can be a little bit difficult due to this complex
life cycle and the and the sheer amount of movement

that they do. But production in Norway reached about sixteen
hundred metric tons as of twenty seventeen, so there's it's
a thing that people are working on and that's shown promise.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Yes, but that has been quite an up and down journey,
oh yeah, over the years. Yeah, and we will get
into that after a quick break for a word from
our sponsor Airbag. Thank you sponsor, Yes, thank you. And

we are back with the disclaimer because this is going
to be mostly focused on North America. That's the infation
I could find. I did specifically try to dig into Norway.
I see you, Norway, but I couldn't find too much. Historically,
there were some things that was saying like a similar
thing was happening in Norway, but it didn't go beyond that.

So if listeners you have any resources or anything to add,
please let us know. Absolutely. Yeah, I know there's a
big a lot of people really love smoked Talbot Norway
from what I read, so yes, let us know. But okay,
the first written record of harvesting Atlantic halibut in North
America dates back to sixteen twenty four when they were abundant.

I believe that record was They're everywhere, but of course
people were catching them before then, especially indigenous people near
waters where they were found. Of note, though, because they
are a bottom dwelling fish, they might not have been
a key species for these peoples. This is supported by
the lack of how bones at archaeological sites and places

like Maine, even when there were plenty of bones from
other fish. So hard to say, but people were catching
them and eating them, yes, And though they were abundant,
they were not at all preferred in the US and Canada,
with many fishers discarding them all together, seeking out more

valuable ground fish like cod instead. Sometimes fishers would even
string the halibt up until they finished for the day
so they didn't catch it again, so it wouldn't try
for the bait again, which I feel is a particular slight.
People did eat it. People did eat it, but sometimes
they only consumed the head and the fin because it

contained more fat. People just weren't into it.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Yeah et homology note here. English speakers called these fish halibit,
based on experience with similar fish in Europe. The word
halibit in English dates back to the thirteen hundreds and
is from Germanic root words for flatfishes called butt and
possibly roots for the word holy, ostensibly because these flat

fish were eaten on Catholic Holy days. There are a
few similar terms throughout Northern Europe for other halibate for
these and other halibate.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Yeah, please forgive my childish chuckle at the word butt.
I it's cool.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
I also I have to say, like I had a
good cackle about holy butt earlier today.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
That's pretty great.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
That's pretty great, especially in the context of this amazing
quote from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is pointing out
that there was circa the thirteen hundreds and an English
word for a fish wife that was just butt woman.

Oh my, And when you get into the puns with
fish manger and this is just there layers and it's beautiful,
and I really appreciate our language.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
It is beautiful and many layers, indeed many layers. Indeed,
well before we get derailed completely. The first fishery specifically
targeting this fish opened in the US in the early

nineteenth century. However, from a lot of what I read
at first, Atlantic calbot wasn't really in high demand in
the early eighteen hundreds. It was still somewhat looked down upon.
Certain markets really dug it, though, including Boston, where the
demand for Atlantic calbot led to the increased fishing of
the waters around Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bay in the

eighteen twenties, in the eighteen thirties, fishers in Massachusetts started
experimenting with salted smoked halibate. Halibit had proved to be
trickier to salt and preserved than other fish in the
area because its flesh was thicker. So a lot of
times when you're looking at you know, making a fish lass,
that's what you do, and halibu was being a bit

tricksy about it. The introduction of key railways and refrigerated
railcars allowed for fishers to further commercialize their hall of
halibut and ship these fish to where the demand was,
and it also helped shift preferences away from canned and
preserved fish, which was now becoming viewed as a food

for the poor, to fresh fish. Yes, this gave halibate
an advantage because it could withstand being iced and shipped
while maintaining its quality better than a lot of other fish.
This is largely what catapulted it from a fish that
fishers were discarding to a highly profitable and sought after fish.

It took Canada a bit longer to go through this shift.
I feel like I read something that they were confused,
but we're like, all right, let's ship it down. To
Boss Street. You want it, You're gonna pay us for it? Great?
Weird but great, Yes, so they were. They were catching
it and shipping it to the US, largely According to

the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known use of the
term Atlantic calbot was in the eighteen eighties. The catch
of atlantic calbat peaked between eighteen forty five to nineteen hundred.
No surprise, though the rise in commercialization coincides with the
beginning of overfishing of the population of the fish in

North American waters. The numbers started to drastically decline with
the introduction of commercial industry in the eighteen forties.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Yeah, like, by the eighteen fifties, it basically wasn't worth
small fisher's time to even go out looking for halibate
in Massachusetts Bay.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
Yep. By nineteen hundred, landings of halibut had already declined
by ninety five percent when compared to the numbers from
eighteen seventy nine. Apparently, landings of halibut became so rare
in Maine and Massachusetts they were newsworthy. People were reporting
on it, despite some people and organizations raising the alarm

for decades beforehand. By the nineteen forties, the commercial halibut
industry pretty much collapsed.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Even in areas that had maintained populations up until then,
like the outer banks of Nova Scotia, catches dropped from
like three point four million pounds in nineteen thirty four
to less than one point four million by nineteen forty six,
just super sharp drop off. European catches hit their height
in the nineteen fifties, but also started dropping pretty sharply

after nineteen sixty five.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Yeah, and in the immediate aftermath of that collapse, there
was no plan put in place to recover it. Especially
the US was kind of slow to get around to it.
It wasn't until the nineteen eighties some of the first
US regulations around Atlantic calibt were put into place.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
Canadian regulations were in place starting in nineteen eighty eight,
and catch numbers were actually reduced a couple times over
the next decade. But then as stock like since then,
as stock has slowly increased, catch allowances have increased again.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
As well, And this has been ongoing. Efforts to recover
the population have been something that have really changed, and
the progress has been uneven. In two thousand and four,
the National Marine Fishery Service or n MFS, listed the
Atlantic calibut as a species of concern. Previously, in nineteen

ninety six, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
listed it as endangered. And as always, climate change is
a concern too.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Yeah, since they are like a cold water cool to
cold water fish, and part of the problem in the
United States may be that since we're further south, they're
just not coming here anymore as our ocean's warm. Meanwhile, though, yeah,
back in nineteen ninety six, Chile started up aquaculture for
Atlantic halibate. It took them about twelve years to get

off the ground, and there's just been some really interesting
research like tagging programs and other stuff into how these
fish live and how to help them do better, which
has found some fascinating stuff, including that Atlantic halibate move around.
A couple of the fish that they studied in the
early two thousands migrated some two six hundred kilometers over

the course of a couple of years from Canada to Iceland.
That's like one thousand, six hundred miles.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
A long way. Yes, yes, and that was one of
the fascinating things. A lot of these fish episodes require,
which I love, but trying to take trying to understand
very in depth research papers, and I found one that was, like,
you know, we know climate change is a problem. We
know over fishing is a problem. Also. They just move

around a lot and kind of kind of unpredictable in
what they're doing.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Yeah, and they write, and they live on the bottom
of the ocean, which is sometimes deep, so it's sort
of it's hard to it's hard to keep track of them.
They blend in on purpose. They're evading us.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
Our new Atlantic calibate.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
But but all right, So in some areas of Canada,
populations were certified as sustainable by twenty thirteen, and currently
in the United States, populations of this fish are considered vulnerable.
But right there are some really solid programs in place
to rebuild stock, with a target date of sustainable populations

by twenty fifty five, which is creeping up on. US
regulations are designed to write both limit purposeful fishing and
accidental bycatch, and in a roundabout way, commercial fishing is
part of that conservation, you know, like humans are more
likely to protect something if it's tasty or has economic value. Yeah, So,

as I said earlier, US wild caught Atlantic halibate is
actually considered a great sustainable seafood choice because it is
so successfully regulated right now, but right if you live
in other areas, check your local sustainable seafood guide.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Yes, I'm definitely gonna I'm going to be on the
hunts and listeners. If you have any recipes, yeah resources,
As I said, please please let us know. But I
believe that's what we have to say about the Atlantic
halibut from now.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
I think it is. We do already have some listener
mail for you, though, and we are going to get
into that as soon as we get back from one
more quick break for a word from our sponsors, and
we're back Thank you sponsors, Yes, thank you, and we're

back with no.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
I really I've got to look up pictures of these
halibit I saw some in my research, but I don't
think I gave it the time that I should. I
think I passed over it too quickly. These images, Sara
and I want to I're.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Real sweet looking, are like real kind of creepy, but
like in a sweet way.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
I don't know that's they.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
Do have like feeling big, weird, sharp teeth, so that's
a situation. But yeah, pretty cool nature, y'all.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Pretty cool? Pretty cool. I mean, I feel like you
and I are on the same page of like, look
at that gnarly thing. It's adorable.

Speaker 2 (26:11):

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Okay, So we have a message from Chad about the eclipse,
and I have to say, ever since we did our
marketing around the eclipse episode, We've gotten a couple of
notes about it. But I've also heard from a lot
of friends about it, and I am loving what people did.
Oh I'm loving it. So please keep those coming. Yeah,
I know we're into it. Chad wrote fun episode on

eclipse themed food. I'm in Texas and drove with a
friend to see the total solar eclipse. We had moonpies, sonships,
and Caprice sun While enjoying totality, I also made a
total tea blend of black tea, black strap molasses, vanilla,
and red pepper. I experimented with a clipse skits eclipse biscuits.

My goal was to represent the eclipse over the Sun
by having something round and savory with the black layer
over a yellow layer. I tried a thick black bean
puree on corn biscuits, but didn't nail it in time
for the eclipse. Oh well, here in the US. I
have twenty years to work on it until the next one.
I love this.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
Yeah, not think of tea, total tea. Oh, it's right there, right,
it's right there. Also that sounds like a delicious tea.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
Yes, I mean this sounds like a lovely feast.

Speaker 2 (27:40):

Speaker 1 (27:40):
And I have complete faith at over the next two
decades you can figure out this eclipse clips skits, clipskits. Yeah.
I love it. Yeah, I love it. Did get a
really funny headline the other day on my phone that
was like, you have to stay alive until the next

solar eclipse. And I was like, okay, that's a lot
of pressure. Also, I wasn't what I'm like worry. Yeah,
also okay, but sure, okay, I'll do Yeah.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
Oh heck oh someone should totally make black and whites
like the cookies that. Yeah, with the amount of eclipse
that your areas exist is existing in Oh I like that.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
Yeah. Man, Okay, Well we got some time we do
we do solid solid twenty years.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
I've joked before about savor and never ending because I
don't think I can retire, but you know, yeah, it's
absolutely If y'all are still listening in twenty years, I'm
still down's there's lots of food out there. Let's go Absolutely,
my voice is only going to get better. Taylor wrote
A big fan of the show and first time writing in.

When I was listening to the Baklava episode, it made
me think of a store near where I live called
the Baklava. I saw it in a mall and didn't
have time to go in, but after the episode, I
was determined to find.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Out what they're all about.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
Sadly, it was too crowded to order anything when I
went back, but the flavors looked delicious, walnut, chocolate and
lots of pistachio. One type is even shaped like mussels
and is called drum roll Mussel BOKLEVA quick pivot, but
on the topic of goats, I also wanted to tell
you about a coffee shop near me called Moon Gooat Coffee.

It's a tiny drive through spot and the coffee is delicious,
but more importantly, the cup is adorable. It has goats
all over the design. I touched a picture from yelp
because I forgot to take my own.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Lol. That's interesting because we also have goat based coffees. Oh,
they're all goat goat based. It isn't often.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
It is a frequent coffee thing, because the story goes
that some shepherds, or and not she some goat herds
in Africa originally discovered coffee berries because their goats would
like eat berries from this certain bush and get all
heck and peppy and crazy and and so yeah, so
so Dancing Goats is a local brand that also takes

its name from that. Yeah, apologies for my use of
the word crazy. I think in the I think in
terms of goats. It's in terms of humans that's that's
kind of offensive. In terms of goats, I think we're fine.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Goat's got a lot going on. They do, they do
as we have discussed. Also, I love this buck of
the I love that it's so popular. I love that
it's so popular. That's great.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
Yeah, And I have seen right, yeah, like like some
of the y'all y'all like like look up photos or
if you've ever seen some really fun shapes because right
people make them in these wildly beautiful, intricate shape and
it's so cool.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
Yes, I love it. I definitely want to look that
up too. I love I'll speak you to the end
of the episode. More work, more fun to be done. Yeah,
I'm a big fan of it. Yeah, oh yeah, this
is the best kind of homework. Come on, oh absolutely

absolutely well. Thanks so much to both of those listeners
for writing in. If you would like to write to us,
you can. Our email is hello at saborpod dot com.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
We're also on social media. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook,
and Instagram at saver pod and we do hope to
hear from you. Savor is production of iHeartRadio. For more
podcasts from my Heart Radio, you can visit the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Thanks as always to our superproducers Dylan Fagan and Andrew Howard.
Thanks to you for listening, and we hope that let's
work at things are coming your way.

Speaker 1 (32:00):

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