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December 14, 2023 81 mins

It’s recap o’clock! Having logged three trips to Vegas this year, Anney and Lauren (and Super Producer Andrew) sampled a lot more excellent cuisine than they’ve had time to discuss on the show. So that time is now! From seafood towers to steak basements, we chat through the dishes and drinks we shared during our Vegas visits.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Hello, and welcome to Saber production of iHeartRadio. I'm Annie
Ree and I'm.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Lorn Vogel Bam, and today we have a episode for
you that is just going to be a loose conversation
where we're doing like a Vegas wrap up thing.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Yes, yes, because we had a lot of good food
when we were there.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Oh yeah, in the three times that we've been there
in the past like six months, which is weird.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
It's a lot I have to say, like, I loved it,
but I am a bit vegast out for now. I think,
you know, just give me some time. But yeah, we
did go a lot in very intense short trips.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Yeah, we were never there for longer than like fifty hours.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Yes, which is a I mean it was It's lovely.
It's lovely that we had this opportunity. Yeah, this episode
is not sponsored, but part of this was a sponsorship
through the Wind, But it is something where like if
I was going on a trip, ideally I would spend

more than fifty hours in the location.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Right, Yeah, because at that point you're just you're you're
thinking about your next flight as soon as your first
flight lands, and you're just kind of like when you
are like the entire time.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Yes, yes, and this is a different podcast, but if
you want to look up all about what was going
on with a Formula one race, you can. But it
was kind of chaos we went there.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
Yeah, they were starting to prepare for for F one
in you know, like like shooting through the streets of
Vegas and which turned out to be an interesting cluster hug.

Speaker 1 (01:55):

Speaker 2 (01:55):
But but but yeah, even even when we were there,
like they were still arding to shut everything down, and
so just getting from the airport to the Wind that
last time was a little bit hairy.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
But yes, it turned off fine for us. Sounds so grit, Yeah,
but it did change the equation when it came to
when I'm going to get to the airport, So it
wasn't in the back of our heads the whole time
of like, Okay, I'm gonna have to keep this in mind.

But yeah, we did have over these three trips, many
delicious things.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Oh yeah, yeah right, And yes, again this episode is
not sponsored, but our two trips to stay at the
Wind and interview humans and eat their food was sponsored.
So we kind of went all out.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
Yes, yes, we did well one time. Not we didn't
even try to go all out. It just sort of
came our way because of.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
Kind yes, which is terrific. Well, okay, all right, so
let's let's get into it. So okay when we and
I think that we talked about this a little bit
at the top of our interview with Chef Sarah Thompson
from Kasaplaia at the Win Las Vegas. But yeah, so
like so like when we the first time that we
went in May, we had this dinner reservation at eight

pm local time, yes, which is like eleven pm to
our bodies from Atlanta.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Yes, And I believe we all flew in that.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Yeah, we had just flown in. We were like off
the plane and straight to the restaurant basically, which was
good because we were all starving. But so but it
was like it was genuinely some of the best food
I think I had ever had in my life. I
think that there was some like we got some oysters

and maybe some kind of like crudo like like just
sort of like like raw fish kind of situation, all
very simply prepared, but with such love and depth of
flavor and beauty. And then we had such a great
time talking to Chef Sarah that we were like we
have to go back to cassupply and eat more food there.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
Yes, and on our second trip through the wind because
there was another trip that wasn't through them in between.
More about that later, yeah, Vegas, Yes, more about that later.
Andrew and I came on the same flight. You came later,
and when we were stuck in this Formula one traffic,
you know, we're trying to make conversation. And Andrew was

eventually like, Hey, where are we going to go eat?
And I was like, well, and I was giving him
sort of the the reservation rundown of all the reservations
I had made on the plans I had and I
it was like, I thought we could go back to
Kasapli again. And he was like, oh, I was hoping.

And I don't normally, I told Lauren this a lot
of times when I go to a place that is
not my home, my home base, I like to go
to different I don't like to go to the same
places over and over.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
Yeah. Yeah, you're kind of a completionist, and so you
you want to try everything. You want the whole experience,
you want every piece of the experience, and you know, yeah,
that's that's what's about yes.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
But this I was like, there were a couple of
reasons for it. Ultimately, the food was delicious, and it
was in our hotel, and I was like, let's just
do it again. Yeah. Yeah, But on top of that,
and we're going to get into this in a second,
Not only do I not normally go back to the
same place, I don't normally order the same thing if

I do go back to the same place not in
my hometown. Again, in my hometown, I have my favorite
dishes and share. But like, if I'm going to a
restaurant that is not in Atlanta, I'm usually like, Okay,
I'll try something different. But there are some things from
Consuply I was.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
Like, again, I've been dreaming of that dish. I'm talking
about the tamal. I am specifically talking about this squash
tamal that chef Sarah makes that and they have that,
they have that home uh Masa program and so they
make their own fresh masa for this. Like I've never

had a tamaal this light and fluffy and just just
sitting in this pool of the most beautiful green mole
yes and with basil and just these little pieces of
squash inside, and it's just.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
It's so like a wonderfully salty but in a way
that's not over salty. It's just like savory and salty
but white at the same time. It's amazing. Like I
feel like a lot of times you go all in
on something like that and it is like too much
salt or too much of something, but it is like

the most wonderful light salty bite.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
Yeah, it's like a little like like cloud made of green,
made of everything green and lovely.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Oh, it was so good. Well, so we should also
specify before we get too much into this. We went
in with a plane.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
The second time.

Speaker 1 (07:32):

Speaker 2 (07:32):
That That first time we were all like high on
sleep deprivation and hunger and travel and the whole thing.
The second time we were like, okay, here's the rundown,
Like we can't fill up to like like we need
to save room for a couple of the entrees that
we haven't had before, but here's what we need to
eat and here's what we need to try that's different
this time.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Yes, yeah, so we had this this plan in mind.
We were like scoping out the menu, but we knew
we wanted the tamul and yeah, like that was going
to happen, that was going to happen. And we had
mentioned to the kind people at Blue Wire and at
Wynn who had made this whole deal happen, that we

were going back.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
Yeah, yes, so and we were because you know, we
were like we were like, you know, like like we'd
love to say hi to Chef Sarah if she has
a second to come out and say hi to us.
Like we know, it's dinner service, it's busy and everything,
but like we just you know, like we like, we'd
love to say hey.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
And uh.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
And she she she took that gloriously as an excuse
to shower us with extra dishes.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Yes, oh my goodness, yes, but we didn't realize this
until our plan.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
It was to really yeah, we had already our plan.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Yes, we'd already ordered all of these other things.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
We had ordered everything that we already wanted.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
And then.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Was it like three extra like two extra entrees, maybe
an extra app maybe two extra apps, and then like dessert,
three extra desserts, two extra desserts hit the table. By
the time it was the dessert course, those two extra
desserts hit the table, and I literally said out loud involuntarily,

oh no.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
And the waiter said, oh, yes, yeah, the weight stuff
is so kind. They knew all about it the whole time.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
Like dinnering, and.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
But it was great. So before realization struck, yeah, we
did order uh for kind of our appetizers. We ordered
this very delicious Hawaiian snapper.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Yeah, that's that's just like the this like crudo of
little like uh like like slivers or slices, like decent
meat slices of raw snapper with some some crunchy corn
nuts which are such a delightful texture. And then and
then how was the sweet potato there? I know that
there was sweet potato in there, but I don't remember

what format it was in, maybe like little cubes.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Little cubes. And then there were like these super tiny
slices of palapinios. Right yeah, I was like, Lauren should
not have that, I will take.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Oh yeah yeah. But it was all in this lovely
uh like like sauce. That was It was great.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
It was great, it was And this is the part
where we were flying high, so because we didn't know
what was coming and we ordered we also got guac
and it came. It comes with these like I think
it's three sauces like sauces. Yeah, and it was Oh,

they were so good.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Yeah, and it's and again house massive programs. So these
tortilla chips are like the best tortilla chips we've ever
had in our lives. And the salsas are each delicious
and uh and then this was before the madness started, right.
I think we chose to skip the lobster toastata because
we had had that the previous time.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Yes, and it was delicious, like it wasn't a These
were tough decisions we had to make, yes, because Andrew
had mentioned it in the ride. He was like, oh,
that lobster's tostada. I was like, oh, yeah, I remember,
it was delicious. But we were trying to try the

like must haves, but also yeah, focus, let's not get
too full, let's.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Not make ourselves wonderable, yes.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Which we can we have been known to do. One
of the things that I really loved that one of
the waiters recommended was the my Taki mushrooms with white
some mall like moley blanco. Oh my god, yeah, it
was so good.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
Yeah, yeah that white moley, not white to meal, but
but white white moley. I had never had a white
molly before and it was so nutty and roasty, but
in a really light way. Yeah, I don't I don't
know how it's physically possible. And it just went oh god.
And that was the That was the dish with the
black truffle in it too. Yes, yes, all of these earthy,

earthy flavors just just warring with each other over which
can be most earthy but in a fun way.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Yeah. I was like subtly trying to just scoop up
the sauce, the moley blanco.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
I would drink any one of those sauces every day.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
Yeah, me too. It was so and I liked that.
I feel like the mushrooms had a pretty firm texture
stuff Like, the texture was kind of surprising for mushroom
dishes for meat in a in a delightful way. I
really loved it. Oh that was good. But then yes

we did we had I think we ordered one main course.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
Yeah, actually we ordered that. There was like a kind
of special I think of a dorado in banana leaf
of fish roasted in a in a banana leaf situation
that had some of that green mollet and then some
some squash and other stuff. Yeah, which was which was good.

M M.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Yeah, but this is the point where we realized the
kindness of the.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Eld rich kindness.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
She came out. It was so nice and so warm
and welcoming. And by the way, their restaurant had changed
since the last time we had been there. They had expanded.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Yeah. Yeah, they had opened up a new little wing
which we were sitting in, which was lovely.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Yeah, And so we were just talking about that, and
we were saying how much we love the food and
all this, and then this is when she reveals, like, oh, well, also,
I thought you should have these two other trains, which

are you know, some of our most popular is one
of my favorite, and it was one of the most
funny experiences of my life where I was so excited
and so scared at the same time.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Oh no, yeah, because these were two dishes that we
had had the first go around, and so the only
re and we hadn't ordered them again was because we
wanted to try new things. But they were probably two
of like, they were definitely two of our favorite things
we had that first go around, and they I know

that we talked about them, or at least one of them.
We talked about those crab esquitas, the skua dastes being
like a like a corn a corn situation, like a
like a kind of a savory corn salad, usually with
like a little bit of like like cheese, like salty cheese,
and usually a little bit of spicy something something. And

this one comes with like like a bunch of like
a really generous portion of beautiful crab like that really
plays like the sweetness of the crab plays so well
off of the saltiness of the quit dace. And that's
along with WLCE, which is like a like a fungal situation,

like a like a corn like like a corn yeah,
like like like yeah, like a like a beautiful corn
fungus situation. And I think I believe it has a
little bit of black mollet on the bottom of the dish,
I think. And so it's just this like almost almost

like a stew kind of situation. M And just so
every flavor it's like the five it's like the five
spice of corn dishes. You're you're kind of really playing
on every flavor coming together and melding in the exact
perfect way.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
Yes, it's like the most lovely, salty, sweet, balanced creamed
corn crab situation you've ever experienced.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Yeah, yeah, and then all of those different savory layers
from from the from the fungal stuff and the and
the molley. Oh it is upsettingly good.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Yes, And I think it was slightly different the second
time we had it, but still both were excellent. But
I think that we were like, oh, okay, yeah, we're
becoming supply of fishonados, right.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
And then the other the other main that we had
loved so much the first time is this short rib
that she does this uh, this just perfect short rib.
It's yeah, it's so tender, but also like it has
like a really great burnt ens kind of vibe to
it as well. If you've ever had barbecue that has

the burnt nds, just that really good char layer or
not even char but like crisp, Like it's like can't
like meat candy.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Oh it is, and it's like beautifully played it because
it also has avocado shashido to you, and they're all
like green around this, you know.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
Just perfect piece of short rib. Yeah oh yeah, and
all of those those like bright green flavors contrasting with
the richness of the meat.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
So at this point.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
We're like, okay, We're like, well, this has been insane,
but but we need we can't decide on one dessert.
We need to order too, because we obviously need to
order too because there are so many different desserts. And
I think I think we settled on the or Chatta
pudding because I was like, I love or Chatta, let's

let's do this. It also came with like a like
a hibiscus granada, which I was really interested in. And
then the the chocolate peanut butter one the kasaply of marigold,
which is like a yeah, like like chocolate mouse and
peanut butter, march pan ganash and carbl sauce, and we
were like, yeah, sure that sounds delicious, we definitely need

to order those. And then and then two more came out.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Yes, this is when Lauren had her like old no
moment that I have to say. They were both very good.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Yeah, and you're oh yeah, yeah, yeah, so okay, all right,
so the uh, the or Chatta pudding also came plated
lovely with them with this candy floss, with this like
ring of candy floss on top like pink, with these
pretentious flowers in it. It was great, difficult to eat,

so nice and and the grenita like really like like
the tart if you've ever had hibiscus tea. If you've
never had hibiscus tea, go go out and try that.
It's great. It's a it's sort of that that that
tart note that you get in Zinger teas from Celestial Seasonings.
It's like that.

Speaker 1 (19:55):

Speaker 2 (19:56):
But but anyway, yeah, paired so well with the with
the kind of warm cinnamon rice pudding vibes of the
or chatta that the marrigold dish was beautiful. I did
take a picture of that. I don't usually take pictures
of food at restaurants because I don't want to be
that guy, even though we're literally that guy, even though

it's my job. I'm just like, Oh, I don't want
to look like it's my job.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
I know.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
Someone will think I'm an influencer. It was. It was
marigold colored in fact, like like really gorgeous, really rich.
The peanut came through excellently, but then the other two, Oh,
I'm so glad that she sent them. There was this

there was this papia shaved dice, which was just the
biggest pile of papia shaved ice, Like we could have
sled in this like yeah, and you know, luckily it
was so light. It did have like a like it
had like it was just this mound of beautiful sweet

papaya shaved ice over like a like a scoop of
maybe just like vanilla ice cream or something simple like that.
And so yeah, so luckily it was so it was
like refreshing. I was like, I'm I know, I'm still
consuming calories when I eat it, but at least I
feel refreshed and maybe ready to take another bite of
something heavier, because the other one that hit the table

was was Flawn Carolina's Flawn Carolina Carolina, a specific flawn
that came that a was a perfect flawn. I'm picky
about flawn texture, and this was creamy and delightful and
not at all bouncy eggy, you know. And it came
in this pool of like kind of like lightly spiced

orange sauce with fresh figs. It was like a dream
that a cheesecake would have of being more perfect.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
Likes a picture of the Flaw inspiration board one day. Yeah, Like, honestly,
I don't normally go for desserts. It's not that I
don't like it.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
It's just like not, it's not why you're there.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Yeah, But and I thought it was interesting because these
two that they sent us kindly for free were not
I would never have gotten them.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Oh really, yeah, I would have ordered the Fly in
a heartbeat. But but I would not have ordered the
Papie shaved ice, I don't think. And I'm so glad that.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
We had it was it was so good and Okay,
I also have a funny here Andrew super producer Andrew,
and we'll talk about this a bit more later. But
when we arrived before Lauren did, so we had a
dinner without Lauren. I'm sorry, No, it was.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
My own fault. I decided that I needed to go
to Write Club Atlanta and I could not miss it.
It was the first time back after a long period
of being off, and so I was like, Nope, I
need to go to my live lit series and I
can catch up with you the next day.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
And that you did, and that you did. But we
went to this dinner, which we'll talk about. But at
the end of it, we had over ordered. And these
hotel rooms don't have many bridges, they don't have they do,
but they're stocked, so they're not yeah, anything.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Yeah, it's a mini bar. This is like a new
trend in hotels that I strongly dislike where you do
not have access to your own mini fridge unless you
pay for one. Yes, And on the one hand, I
get it, it's a business whatever. But you know, like
on the other hand, like like that, and heck and
coffee makers. I just need a coffee maker in my room.
Just give me a cure, eg man, Like, I don't

want to talk to someone before I have coffee. That's
the point of coffee.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
That's the shirt, the shirts everywhere about it. Yeah, there
aren't coffee machines. And most of the hotels I've.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Stayed in, yeah, yeah, or any shmancy hotel these days
has these things. We're right, there is a mini fridge
in the room, but there are notices all over the
place that if you actually put any of your things
in the mini fridge, they will charge you for it.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
So so Super Producer Andrew was like no, and he
went and rented a mini fridge for his hotel room,
which he said he was going to expense. I hope
you did. Super Producing should absolutely, But I remember we
had told our waiters this at cassapliath. They were like,

here's what you need to eat first. Then yeah, here's
what you gotta eat. That one and the other ones
can last.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
But that was gonna be the is gonna be fine
tomorrow that if you're on your own with the shaved dice. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
Yes, it was a delicious, delightful time. And we also
got some cocktail.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Of course, of course, Marina's lovely, lovely cocktails.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Yes, so I got one that I had definitely had
her fingerprint clearly on it, which is the obsidian because
it has the the kind of it was like black glitters, salt.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Sea salt, Yeah, black sea salt on the rim.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Yeah it was.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
It was basically a spicy margarita, but but like you know,
just to the nth degree because of course.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
Of course, and it was lovely and it was spicy.
I did enjoy it. And they are I mean, they're
very visually instagrammable.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
That's what it's there for.

Speaker 1 (26:06):

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Yeah, I got to say Angria, which isn't usually my
go to, but I think I had already had a
glass of wine before dinner, and I was like, let's stick,
let's stick with wine based things tonight. So yeah, but
it was, it was really it was a really interesting.
It also had blood orange in it, and I blood
orange is one of the like keywords that will get

me to order something on a menu. I love blood orange.
But yeah, it was just like Merlow and blood orange
and this this cinnamon fig li core that just really
added like this note of of of richness to it
that I'm not, like earthy richness that I'm not that

goes so well with the wine and the orange. But
like I was not expecting she's she's a wizard.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Yes, yes, And then both Andrew and I got the
La Santa Old Fashioned and it comes with a presentation.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
That's a smoked one, right, Yes, I love a smoked cocktail.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
It's a whole thing.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Yeah, you know, one of the one of the they
bring it over on a tray with a with a dome,
you know, with a dome of glass over over the
cocktail and they release the dome and then the smoke
comes billowing out and uh and so yeah, it's like
a little old Stuffini spa day if you've never seen it, Yeah,
it's great. They like things on fire in front of you,

aces all around.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
I have to say, I have kind of uncharitable is
the word that's coming to mind, that charitable. But I
have a thing where I observe people in vacation situations, okay,
and I just try to figure out what's going on.
And the table next to us, whoever you are, if
you're listening that the woman at the table was jelly

of what was on our table. She was like what desserts?
What is all of this? And whoever she was with,
for whatever reason, was like not into He was like,
I'm done. And I almost like, if I was a
different version of me, I would have invited her to.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Yeah, like hey girl, yeah, come on, come on.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
But I remember when this cocktail came out. She was
just what.

Speaker 2 (28:33):
Yeah? And then I was trying to remember the first
time that we went. It's not on the menu anymore,
and I like a fool, I haven't been taking photos
of the menus. That's usually how I remember what we had,
because especially at these hyper seasonal places, you know, like
by the time you do an episode about something, it's
maybe not gonna it's probably not gonna be on the
menu anymore. These things change over so frequently. But yeah,

that Marrigold cocktail that we had the first time. I
think that we talked about it previously.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
We did. I did take I was thinking I took
a video of the dessert they made that was a
whole thing, like with fun, so we could share that.
But that's not on the menu anymore. Because I looked
because I thought they were going to bring us that.
I sound so spoiled. Now spoiled me with this wonderful experience.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
Oh the oh the one with the with the melting
very very like very like eighties but in a good way,
with like a melting chocolate ball that that yeah, that
like dissolves into like a second presentation of a dessert
right in front of you.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
It's gorgeous and it was delicious. And we also said
that time, please give us no more food, and they're like,
no more food. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
I think that at that point that that first time,
we had told our waiter that we were there to
interview chef Sarah the next day and she was like, what,
that's awesome, Sarah is the best You need to try
a dessert?

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Yes, And we were like please please, okay, great, thank you,
and then it was good, so good. Correct. I did
take a picture of the cocktail, but I did take
a picture of the the menu. So it was good,
it was very and that was right after we had
done our miracled episode.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
So I right, yeah, yeah, right absolutely, Oh goodness. We've
been talking for a while though, So so what do
you say we take a quick break for a word
from our sponsor.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
Oh okay, yes, and we're back. Thank you sponsors, Yes,
thank you, And yes we are continuing our look back,
our retrospective of our time in Vegas and all the

delicious food we have, Like this is punishment in the
nicest way. Yeah, all the times you listeners write us
about things about delicious, delicious things. Yeah, so here you go.
And this one is from our first trip to Las Vegas.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Yeah right. I wanted to touch briefly on our visit
to Lake's Side because we went there our second night
that we were there in May, because we were going
to be talking with Chef Dave the next day, who
is the chef of that restaurant. And this one is
a little bit more Kasaplaia is a little bit more

of like a lounge vibe. It's a little bit more chill.
You won't get in trouble for vaping there. Lakeside is
a little bit a little bit fancier, like a little
bit a little bit more more white tableclothee about things,
and and I cannot remember everything that we ate. I
know that there was a Buoya basse because we have
done an episode of the so of course we ordered it.

And it was with the fish of the day. And
it was so good. It was so good. And I
have never had Bulliabase before. Oh really that was your first.
Oh what a lucky first that.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Was, I know, but I feel like and we talked
about this because I've always thought that it was going
to be a more like tomatoe thing, and this was
a very savory, like thicker bulio base. Yeah, and it
was delicious. You know, I love a good I love
a good soup stew, whatever it is. And it had

so much fresh seafood in it. We were sitting right
next to where we could see them working with.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
Yeah, there was there's a little bit of an open
kitchen vibe and yeah, it was really cool.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Yes, but it was so good.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
The other things that I definitely remember, the cocktail that
I ordered, I'm not totally positive what it was. It
was very tart. I remember it being very tart. But
but it came in this beautiful blowfish like pufferfish shaped
cocktail glass, and I was I was like, yes, like,
I'm so into pufferfish. They're so weird, They're so weird.

I love them so much, and so I was immediately enchanted.
It could have been it could have been anything in
that glass, and I would have been the happiest.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
Well, I'm pretty sure, hilariously enough, many pictures exist of that.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Oh yeah, pictures like anything else. Oh yeah, I think
that I've already posted one. Yeah, but we'll we'll have
to we'll definitely do do a photo do some photo posts.
But uh yeah. The other the only other thing that
I definitely remember is that the pastry chef came by
the table, uh to talk to us about his menu.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
Yes, and he it was so sweet because we had
gotten something which again their menu has changed, so I
couldn't find exactly what it was, but it was kind
of a like a lighter fruit based pastry thing and
we didn't know it was the chef, the pastry chef

when he came up to his but he was so
excited about it and when he was like, oh, it
was me and it was this creation and I love
this ingredient and I was thinking about how it could work.
Like he was just so excited about it, and it
just made it so much better to be like, oh okay,
wow really because it was delicious anyway without him, but

him come over and be like so honestly excited, yeah,
that we liked it and that these ingredients were in it,
and he was like, this is where I got the idea.

Speaker 2 (34:53):
A really really dear human person. And no, and I
love I love it when when a chef comes to
the table that I'm always like like really like blown away,
Like it has exactly the intended effect on me where
I'm like, whoh, I feel important now, thank you, thank you.
I feel like a fancy person.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
And they definitely didn't know we were podcast talking to
some of the people who worked there, so it was
kind of an interesting like oh, this is so this
is just so dear. Yeah, it's so sweet. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
Yeah such oh my god. Also, like I will say,
like super solid weight staff at literally every place that
we went to the entire time that we were there,
every single hard working service industry member was a delight
to interact with.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
Yeah. Yeah, and they were very patient with her. I
mean patient's almost not even the right word. They were
just like, yes, we've heard this question before. Your answer,
Oh yeah, you'd be like, oh I kind of like
this or kind of like that, very null and patient.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
Yes, absolutely, absolutely, Oh. I did want to talk about
the one brunch that we had together because usually usually
in the mornings we were either still full from the
previous night or like kind of like like like scrambling
to get ready to go do an interview or yeah,

just like trying to get our in room coffee to
wake our brains up. But one time, one time we
went for brunch together to a place in the wind
called called called Hardin, which is in this bizarre little
atrium of a room with these disco ball columns like

Greek columns covered in glass bits. Vegas is so weird.
Vegas is such a strange town. Everything is meant to
sensorily overwhelm you constantly, and I'm like, a good job,
I am overwhelmed. Great, that's cool. I don't know what
to do with all of this information at all. This
is terrific cool.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Yes, Yeah, And that was another instance of definitely having
a very busy staff, but a very like intentive and
helpful waiter that we had who was like, okay, I
think you should get this. Yeah, okay, you should get this,
okay cool.

Speaker 2 (37:23):
Yeah, yeah, it was nice.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
I accidentally ordered because I was trying to go for
something like because I was still full and I knew
we were going to be eating more later. But I
love tuna and I wanted to get these tuna fin tacos.
But they were an appetizer, yellowfin tacos. Yeah, yeah, yellowfin tacos. Yes.
And I was like, okay, so I'll get two orders

of that and that'll be a meal. And it turns
out that was false, that was wrong, was way too much.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
One order would have been a meal for you. But
Andrew and I were certainly glad that you had the
second order of them.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
I'm very glad. I was panicking. I remember, I was like,
should we get his attention? I can't do this. When
I realized my mistake I had made.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
It was a terrific mistake. It was lovely, yeah, just
just just really good. Maybe it was seared, maybe it
was just just raw, but yeah, just just lovely tuna.
It had some tahini on it, which was really so
just so fresh and light and lovely I had an
avocado toast because I'm totally I'm totally that guy like

I will I will order. I am the millennial who
will order an avocado toast, thank you.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
But it was so good.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
It was on like a great sour dough and of
course I got the smoked salmon on it too, and
there was like there was like some some some like
radish to really set it off. Just great, just great.
Oh and then Andrew predictably, we all ordered very predictably.
And Andrew ordered the main lobster benedict. Yes, that lobster

was beautiful. I'm not always a fan of lobster, Like
I feel like lobster is like over hyped.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
Oh Andrew's gonna come for you.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
Just it's not always good, like I mean like if
it's not prepared well, then it's like tough and kind
of flavorless, right, But if it's like fresh and good,
then it's hecking lovely. And this was hecking lovely. I'm
like mad.

Speaker 1 (39:29):
About it, Oh my gosh. And if it's not clear,
we are definitely the bunch that we all are like
have a taste.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Oh yes, yes, food is always a shared experience for me.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Yeah, please try this. Yeah, so we tried all these
things and oh so good, and there was definitely some
lovely light mimosas. Andrew got a smoothie perrupt smoothie.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
What was it called the muscle hustle.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
The muscle hustle. Yes, that is such an interesting thing.
Also happening at hotels now, where it's like stay in
shape while you're eating everything. We have not I'm not
casting judgment on you. Listeners are Andrew, I do it too,
but it's just funny to me, the marketing junctas.

Speaker 2 (40:27):
It's like indulge but in a fit way, like yep,
you're right. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
I also want to quick note here we never did
the traditional Las Vegas brunch. This was like the buffet brunch,
which is a whole thing. But this was delightful, wonderful. Yeah,
maybe one day.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
Yeah, I'm if we hadn't been so if I, if
I can't necessarily speak for you, I think you had
the same experience. But if I, if I had not
been so absolutely stricken with nerves. Yes, on our second trip,
which was for the iHeart Music Festival, where they put us,
I think we talked about it. They put us in

this weird like life size action figure box and made
us podcast outside of the concert hall where I could
hear the food fighters when I'm trying to talk about
this fish that's endangered. Oh and they didn't make us,
they invited us. And it was lovely and I'm so
glad to have had the strange experience of doing it.

It was great and it was very it was very odd.
But but if I hadn't been so terror stricken at
the idea of doing that later, I would have loved
to have gone to a breakfast buffet that that morning,
that would have been the perfect time to do it.
Just just really really fill up on like all of
the whatever you know.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
Oh my gosh, there, it's hard to describe how decadent
they are. And I'm the same, like if we had
been there for longer than we were there, Yes, but
I was so worried about these interviews and conducting myself
at all that I was like, Okay, I don't think

I can absolutely die while eating so much buffet that
I can't like get up out of that out of bed.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Yeah. Yeah, you don't want to have nap brain when
you're trying to run an interview or run a run
an episode. Yeah, that's not that's not ideal.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
It was not ideal. It wasn't the right time.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
No, no, but I were you just gonna we're gonna
have to go back. We're gonna have to go back
again when Collis call us we had such a nice time.
We obviously had a nice time. We're still talking about it.
Uh okay, okay. So I want you to tell me
about that dinner because y'all went to that the night
that I was not there because I was stubbornly going

to a social event in Atlanta. Y'all went to one
of the steakhouses at the in the Sw' Steakhouse.

Speaker 1 (43:03):
Yes, we did, and that was part of I mean
I wanted to go, don't get me wrong. But it
was also like they have a huge wine program. We'reeing
the person in charge of that, Jeff, about all of
the wines, and so I was like, here, we're gonna
go here, And it was it's right next to like side,

so you can see the like light show and the
whole thing. Oh we again, Andrew and I tried to
be conservative in what we ordered, but we failed. I
will say all of these places are very, very pricey.

I don't think that we would have ordered even the
even the relatively conservative way that we did if it
was our own money. We had.

Speaker 2 (43:52):
We had a we had a quite generous per diem
from from the win because yeah, they wanted us to
be able to talk about all this stuff, but but
they they give you like, although it is pricey, like
we never encountered the like I'm still hungry. The worst
part is I'm still hungry situation, not even not even
a whisper of it.

Speaker 1 (44:12):
No, it was more like I'm going to go rent
a may fridge, which super producer Andrew did after this
first meal that we had.

Speaker 2 (44:22):
Okay, okay, but tell me about it.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
Yeah, okay, So we got We did get some lovely wines.
We had this smalling egg come by. It was it
was wonderful. She was super nice and we talked about
that in that interview where I was like, I'm always
nervous about this, but she was so nice and she
never made me feel like, oh, you don't know what
you're talking about. She was just like, oh, what do
you like? What about this perfect awesome? Yeah, But for

our appetizers, we got this short rip ravioli. Oh and
it was so decadent. It was so good. Oh my god.
Like the sauce again, it was another like I'm just
gonna eat this sauce until it's gone.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
Can I drink the sauce? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (45:06):
Yeah, I situation.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
Yeah. I love it when when places know this and
they bring you a spoon. That's one of my favorite yess.
I'm just like, thank you, thank you, mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (45:15):
They knew. And then we got the main a Maine
lobster and yoki, which had like shape like truffle on it.

Speaker 2 (45:22):
What what?

Speaker 1 (45:25):
Oh no, it was so same thing, and we had bread,
so we were like scooping up, like give me everything.

Speaker 2 (45:34):
As one of ki is one of the other like
keywords that I will usually order on the menu.

Speaker 1 (45:38):
Oh my god. It was so good and I did
appreciate this because I feel like sometimes at restaurants they
don't always do this. But we we asked and we
were like are we like should we get more? And
she was like no, you're good, like you're gonna be
fine because they were very comforting, like warm, savory, bright

dishes is. And then we got this dry age steak
which you're supposed to share. I think it could have
fed four people. It said for two I think it
could have been for four h It was delicious, but
we definitely that was when Andrew was like, I think
I gotta get this mini fridge.

Speaker 2 (46:19):
Yeah, that's legit. That is the legit problem, you know.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
Yeah it was, and we did not finish it at all,
and in fact, I ate it for several days, perhaps
before after I should have, but.

Speaker 2 (46:36):
It was take it with you.

Speaker 1 (46:38):
Yes, he took his half and I took my half.
I did not rant so many fridge and he did.
So what's dry age, It's fine, That's what I kept
telling myself.

Speaker 2 (46:52):
Well we're both fired.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
Yeah, yeah, sorry so nice? Yeah yeah, I yeah, I
uh I we well, okay, we we did wind up
getting our own.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
I did wind up participating in a stake situation the
third night for you and second night for me that
we were there when we went out to to Old Vegas.

Speaker 1 (47:23):

Speaker 2 (47:24):
But but do you wanna do you want to run
through some of the cocktails that we had on the
wind campus first before we get to there?

Speaker 1 (47:32):
Yeah? Sure.

Speaker 2 (47:34):
Yeah. So again, these menus do change quite frequently. But uh,
but you know, like we were, we were like kind
of generous as they were. We were like low key
scrambling to to use these uh these per diems, and
to and to try as many things as we possibly could,

right and so, and they have all of these. The
wind has all of these little beautiful themed cocktail bars
scattered throughout the resort. One that we went to that's
overlooking Annie you mentioned earlier, the light show. Yes, this
is a whole thing. This is a whole thing. They

have this like this like pond and and waterfall and
light show, and this animatronic frog puppet comes up out
of the forest and he's a Frank Sinatra themed frog
and he sings at you. And there's all of these
lasers and like projections and like fountain things happening. And

it's again again like the whole point of Vegas is
to just overwhelm you into spending money. And it worked.
It worked again. It worked this. Yes, So this one
cocktail bar that we actually went to when we got
back from Old Vegas that night is called the Aft
Cocktail Deck. And it was a little bit chill that night,

and a lot of their drinks are very very like
cool refreshers, so it was a little bit of a
vibe mismatch. But one thing that I'm a sucker for
on a cocktail menu is like a riff a clever
riff on on a groany. And another thing I'm a
sucker for is she's so leaf. She's so leaf. If

you're unfamiliar, is it's what we'll have to do an
episode about sometime. It's it's in the mint family. It's
kind of that, like that like bitter pretty leaf, green
leaf that comes with sushi a lot of the time.
And yeah, so so this this like this had like
gin and like some light chi and some some like

like like bitter like like wine, cordial kind of thing
and remouth and bergamont and and she's so leaf. And
I was like, this is perfect. This is like what
a perfect little nightcap kind of cocktail.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
It was nice because we got to sit out outside
and see everything. It was a little chili, but we
got these cocktails. Lauren and I were kind of complaining
before about how we're cursed to certain glasses because you
can always order the same things like family of drinks. Yeah,

and I do appreciate this. Most of these drinks come
in like a sturdy wine like what I would call
a wine glass.

Speaker 2 (50:32):
Like a goblet. Yeah, like a like a legit, not
even a wine glass, but a heck and goblet. Yeah,
I think I think Vegas knows. I think Vegas understands
what it has going on, and it doesn't want you
to spill their lovely cocktails like Marina wants you to
have a better time than that. Yeah, because you are
cursed to coop glasses. M every drink you order comes

in a fragile, spillable little coop m. M's the curse,
the curse. It is the curse of the coupe.

Speaker 1 (51:02):

Speaker 2 (51:02):
Yeah, I'm cursed to getting weirdly shaped ice cubes smacking
me in the face when I try to take a
sip of something because it doesn't come with a straw
and it comes with giant ice.

Speaker 1 (51:11):
So indeed, yeah, whoa, But.

Speaker 2 (51:19):
I wanted to mention it. The second time that we
went to the wind we were staying over in the
Encore side of the resort and which is just like
a slightly different vibe, but right downstairs from the hotel
room elevators, there are like two little lounges, one called

Lobby Bar, which has this weird beautiful tree nymph art
piece in the center of it that's gigantic. It makes
you feel a little bit luck you're about to get
crushed by an ent.

Speaker 1 (51:53):
Yes, it's very like I'm in an eight twenty four
horror movie and I just don't know quite what's going
to happen yet.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
What the twist is yet? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (52:03):
Yes, is it like go women twist? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
I'm not sure yet. This might go very poorly for me.
But the drink that we had there, first of all,
all of these all of these delightful little bars all
have the same little like Chex mix blend of peanuts
and seasoning and stuff, and they're so good. Heck, yes,

as a bar stick, I'm sold. I'm sold. But the
drink that I most remember from from there, because we
went a couple of times when we were just like
in between in between Aaron's that we were running, was
this one called the Kissmet that had like a it
was like some kind of flavored like like like melon

flavored vodka, and then some champagne, a little bit of Bergamont,
and then a little melon skewer, this beautiful little melon skewer,
and a shes so leaf. I was like, okay, it
sold me on that she's so leaf. In the champagne,
but that melon skewer was heck and delightful. I'm not
usually a fruit a fruit skewer kind of person, because

I feel like it kind of like gets in the
way of my drink, right, Like I'm not here for
a fruit salad. Like if I wanted as angria, I
would order its angria. But this was delightful and those
melon pieces were great.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
Yeah. Yeah, And I'll say, like, there are a couple
of ingredients that I just feel are very that I
don't run into a lot in my like common haunts
in Atlanta, but in Vegas or everywhere, everywhere one is
lightchi like everywhere. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (53:43):
Yeah, that was fascinating and like not even like like
not even just like a Marina shtick, like because you
can tell, like like especially having spoken with her a
little bit about her process, like you can tell like
some of the things that she enjoys incorporating into different concepts.
But uh yeah, big Lichi town.

Speaker 1 (54:01):
Yeah, And so I would I would often be like, Okay,
I'll get that one. And it was always lovely. It's
always like a nice kind of lightly sweet thing, but
it was just sort of it was one of those
things where I was like, oh, okay, like you yeah.

Speaker 2 (54:15):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (54:20):

Speaker 2 (54:21):
And one other place that I wanted to shout out
because it was kind of our home bar while we
were there, like like it was where like if I
had homework to do before we went off to an
interview or something like that, Like there was no cafe
really immediately available, so I went to this bar called
the east Side Lounge that was also kind of right
downstairs from our from our rooms, and uh, and they

had like a little bit maybe things that were a
little bit sweeter on on the like like a little
bit more like tropical, Uh what's the word I'm looking for,
like touristy cocktails. But it's still very nice, very nice. Yeah.
I also had an excellent you know, six dollars sparkling
water one time.

Speaker 1 (55:06):
I remember that. I think the day we were going
to the airport. Andrew was like I'm at the bar
and I was like what. And I came down and
he was drinking coffee. He got it from the bar.
I was like, they have coffee. I have coffee, yes,
but it was not Yeah, they had And that was
right outside where you could see like the beach, the pool, beach,

no beaches o't I guess no not usually no, they
try to convince you there there but yeah, yeah, but no,
it was it was nice. It was a very nice bar.
We heard a lot of funny conversations with the bartenders
who were very kind. Oh yes, nice, yeah, yes.

Speaker 2 (55:52):
And and then the cafe. We did go to the
cafe right before we went to interview Jen, who is
the pastry chef for the resort and so, and we
had not ordered. We weren't positive that we had like
experienced her work yet at that juncture, so so we
made sure to stop by Cafe al Tiatro uh to

grab a pastry. And yeah, we we mentioned it briefly.
It was this like line curd pastry, just like like
really really nice, like like really nice, delicate laminated pastry
dose shell with a little bit of line curd filling
and then like really pretty poofs of whip cream of
contrasting with these like crunchy meringue bits and pretentious gold

leaf topping. So so nice.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
It was beautiful, yes, very beautiful. We had a lot
we struggled to decide what we were going to get.

Speaker 2 (56:48):
We did. The lady at the pastry case was like
looking at us like, like really, she was very nice,
but she was like she was like yeah, and like
no one else was in line, so it wasn't like
really immediately, but yeah, but we were like, okay. I
also got a ham and cheese bag gette that I

think saved my life that day because I needed a
calorie that was not pastry. I would have died if
I had not consumed food, So it was good that
I didn't die.

Speaker 1 (57:24):
Oh, definitely, very important, very important. Well, we do have
a little bit more for you.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
Oh heck, we do. This is going on way longer
than we thought it would, but as it turns out,
we like talking about food. So we are going to
take one more quick break for a word from our sponsors,
and we're back. Thank you sponsor, Yes, thank you. Okay.

So we wanted to kind of kind of wrap this
up with a few of the place is that stood
out when we actually got off campus from the Wind
and went elsewhere. One of them was the bar at
the Cosmopolitan, which is this like three or four layer

chandelier designed bar. It looks like you're in a chandelier. Yes, again,
just overwhelming and uh and different drinks at these weird
little bar situations and like we kind of snuck through
a party to kind of get to the top and

we didn't mean to. Yeah yeah it's I don't know,
but uh yeah I I Yet again, making making this
list made me realize how predictable I am. I definitely
got a drink called Squeeze My Lemon, which definitely had
a Sheisa leaf in it. It was like in pink

grate fruit licor Menzania sherry, which also caught my eye
because we did that sherry episode. Yes, some like lemons,
some yusy bitters, and the shes so leaf. I was like,
of course I'm going to get the one with that
she so leaf. I just want to eat shees so
all the time. Those drinks were so good, they were lovely,
they were great. I a lot of the other places

that we went to. That was the night that Annie
kind of dragged us around the New Vegas strip and
like took us into all of her favorite spots, which
is a really eclectic mix of spot. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (59:37):
Yes, I would be like, look up at the ceiling,
all right, we're moving on.

Speaker 2 (59:42):
Okay, that's all I wanted to do.

Speaker 1 (59:43):
Let's go, let's go.

Speaker 2 (59:44):
Just want to show you this yeah, yeah, right, and
like it's it's so funny going into all of the
different Vegas is such a weird city. Like it's so
funny going into all of the different resorts and like
seeing just what the what they're up to. You know,
like there are a bun of places that are as
fancy as the wind and like like like very new

and flashy and updated and a big art everywhere and
stuff like that, and then there's maybe like a slightly
more outdated layer that's a little bit maybe run down,
like a little bit what's a word for trashier that's
not trashier, like you know, but like maybe a little

bit trashier kitchen trash here is what I mean. And
and just right like maybe it's like pirate themed or
you know whatever it is that it is.

Speaker 1 (01:00:39):
How dare you call out Treasure Island?

Speaker 2 (01:00:43):
Apparently there? And like seeing the crowd in all of
these different spots and kind of like Vegas is very
much a city where you have to vibe check constantly.
I felt like I was I felt like I was
rolling for perception about once every twenty minutes, because like
what you order, what you try to order from a bar,

like just walking up to any individual bar and being like, Okay,
am I actually going to ask for one of the
fancy cocktails on this list? Or am I going to
ask for like a Gin and tonic? Right? Because that
is a bit There is a big difference in vibe.
What what's the what's the place that we went to?
You wanted to sit in the atrium, which was lovely

so that we could kind of like see just like
the people and the in the dome.

Speaker 1 (01:01:33):
It's in like a dome, the mirage, the mirage, it's
like not foliage, Yes, clearly.

Speaker 2 (01:01:48):
And there was a bachelor party there. There's a bachelor
party at who was who had sidled up to the
same bar in the in the hotel lobby that we're
dressed as like they were like dressed as like centurians,
like they were like Roman military vaguely three hundred vibe
kind of kind of situation.

Speaker 1 (01:02:08):
And I was like, I can only assume they were
at Caesar's Palace, right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
I nobody knows. We did not inquire, No, we did not.

Speaker 1 (01:02:19):
We were trying to definitely not interact.

Speaker 2 (01:02:23):
Ye yes, specifically, Yeah, yeah, that was not that was
not a fancy cocktail bar. Still delightful, lovely experience. But okay,
we also did. One of the very fancy things that
we went to was when we were there for the
iHeart Music Festival, our boss Will Pearson, who is a

terrific human person, took all of us podcasters who he
had like swindled into coming out to this thing, out
to dinner at one of the like fancy reservation dinners
that iHeart had set aside for impressing fancier peace bull
than us. But he took us because he likes us, and.

Speaker 1 (01:03:03):
Or that's what he said.

Speaker 2 (01:03:04):
Anyway. It was a place at the MGM called the
bardeaux Brasserie, and it was so nice. It was it's
like a French if you couldn't tell from the term brasserie,
it's like a French steakhouse theme. He ordered us not one,
but two shellfish towers.

Speaker 1 (01:03:24):
I wish he had said he was going to do
that again.

Speaker 2 (01:03:27):
We have planned our ordering differently.

Speaker 1 (01:03:31):
I would have not gotten my ultimately very delicious main course.
But I if I had known, there was an whole
section of oysters that I was just staring at, like
no one's eating them because they're all so full. We're
also oysters.

Speaker 2 (01:03:46):
Yeah, Like we had already ordered apps and Mainz and
then these two two. I mean we were a table
of maybe like a dozen people, but heck very good,
even like the for terrific with lobster around there. Man,
it was great. There's some clams. I'm not used to

seeing clams on a shellfish tower. It was terrific.

Speaker 1 (01:04:11):
It was, but I my heart broke.

Speaker 2 (01:04:13):
Yeah, my heart.

Speaker 1 (01:04:14):
I was like going off. I can to wave my
white flag.

Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
Yeah, yeah, I had. I had also ordered they have
they have on the menu and it's a different version
of it now, but but I think it's like a
seasonal changeover of like the presentation basically or like the
the like accoutremole. But they have this foy gras parfait
that they do as an app which is like like

this like whipped full gras that's almost like a cheesecake
and it's it's sir, it's slightly it's slightly sweet. I
mean fu gra tends to be a little bit sweet
sort of the nature of the thing, but like slightly
sweet and like played up with a with the version
I had had a berry saw like like a blended

berry like cold soup kind of situation at the bottom
of the plate. It was so good. It was so
rich and so good. It came with like perfect little
sour dough bread bits that really set off the whole
sweetness situation. I was like, yeah, but I was overwhelmed
already before the mains had even hit the table, and like,

and it was so much of it, and I was
just walking. I literally got up and was like walking
the plate around the table. I was like, eat some
of this, yes, please. They were like everyone was like,
what is this thing that are you do? You work here? Now?
What are you offering us? And I was like, it's
it's foot gruh, It's a little bit sweet, it's great.
Try some and like a lot of people foo grass
one of the things that especially, I think people are

reticent to try if they don't like different, if they're
they don't like different foods, or like they've heard that
it's produced in an irresponsible manner all the time. I
my like line by the time I got all the
way around the table was like, if it makes you
feel better, geese are asked, Still not a lot of takers.

Will did try some, which I really respect him for.
It was delicious. Yeah, the main that I got was
another short rib thing. I ate a lot of short
rib in Vegas. Yeah, yeah, it was great.

Speaker 1 (01:06:20):
I got a swordfish right.

Speaker 2 (01:06:22):
Because of the episode because you hadn't had it right, No,
I had never had it.

Speaker 1 (01:06:28):
And it was delicious. It was really good. But this
was another instance where I was like, why do I
not have a y?

Speaker 2 (01:06:36):
Do I not have a fresh right?

Speaker 1 (01:06:40):
I can't eat it all? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (01:06:41):
I ate like four bites of that hecking short rib.

Speaker 1 (01:06:45):
Terrible. Yeah, it was delicious. And then I had a
meal by myself where I had these hand rolls and
it was really really good, really really it was actually
a nice experience because the chefs were just talking to

me about it.

Speaker 2 (01:07:09):
Oh that's great, like a hat a sushi like at
a sushi barn.

Speaker 1 (01:07:11):
Yeah, but they weren't. I don't know. It was just
kind of interesting because it's it was more like they
were bored almost and they were talking to me instead
of like a sum like, I don't know, let's impress her.

Speaker 2 (01:07:24):

Speaker 1 (01:07:24):
It was sweet. Yeah, but I did want to say
I noticed when I was like, where can I eat
for lunch? I noticed that the MGM had kura buddha
pork kudha I think would be the Buddha. Yeah, yeah,
everywhere everywhere, and it said it was the Wagu of pork,

and I was like, why is this. I've never heard
of it. Why is it on literally every menu at
the MGM. I think that's a future episode, yeah, to
talk about absolutely.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
Yeah, yeah yeah. I mean Buddha just means like black
pig in Japanese, so so I'm sure it's just a
specific breed a pig that someone at the MGM clearly
has been like, no, this is what's up, this is
what is up. Yeah, you're definitely like that. Yeah, I
think I think that day I was again so nerve

wracked about the idea of going into this action figure
box of a podcast studio and making literally anything happen
that I was just like in my room being anxious.
So I think I just like did the classic classic
vogel bomb and just ordered like smoke salmon bagel room
service and was just like, don't talk to me.

Speaker 1 (01:08:39):
I figured it because like I feel like I sent
a text to like a bunch of people and they
were all like swats and I was like, understood, I
shall go and get my hand through. Yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:08:55):
But but Okay, okay, we we saved perhaps the weirdest
and most lovely or not most lovely, but like most
Vegas experience for last because Annie took us out to
Old Vegas the last night that we were in town,
on our last trip there, because neither super Producer Andrew

or I had ever been before. You know, like these
were the first time so we had ever been to
Vegas ever, and you know, we had been staying in
New Vegas and New Vegas is on like one side
of the airport and Old Vegas is kind of equidistant
on the other side of the airport because apparently in
the history of Vegas, they ran out of Vegas in
the Old Vegas and so they started building the New Vegas.

It's all very political and interesting in a weird, like
mafia tized kind of way. But so you have a
favorite restaurant in Old Vegas.

Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
I do.

Speaker 2 (01:09:55):
I do.

Speaker 1 (01:09:57):
So if you've never been to Vegas or have only
been to New Vegas, yes, yes, there is very fascinating
history here. But if you go like ten fifteen minutes
away from New Vegas to Strip as they call it,
that's where Old Vegas is. There's a bunch of the
older casinos there. There's also a lot of cooler new

stuff they're doing there. But I love this restaurant that
is located in I believe it's called Four Roses, called
Hugo Cellar, and it's like you go down into a cellar.
It's old school.

Speaker 2 (01:10:34):
It is oh yeah, so old school. It's a steakhouse.
It's a it's a basement steakhouse. And this is actually
one of my very favorite types of restaurant because I
was born a sixty five year old man and so
I love stuff like this, Like all I want is
to go into a basement and eat a giant steak.

Like that's great, Like that's perfect.

Speaker 1 (01:10:58):
When you told me that, I were being like, oh good,
because it was one of those things where I was like,
I don't know if they're out, they're going to feel
about this, like this is a really it's it's a thing.
It's a specific experience.

Speaker 2 (01:11:11):
Yeah, yeah, I love it. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:11:14):
And then you said that, I was like, oh, I
think I think this might.

Speaker 2 (01:11:18):
Be for you. Yeah yeah, Like and I want it
to come with like with like like blanched vegetables, like
I maybe want to eat a Caesar salad, like I
want a shrimp cocktail, and I want a cocktail to
come in a table side shaker that you pour yourself,
or like maybe like a side car of this. Like
they couldn't fit the whole cocktail into your silly martini glass,

so they're going to serve you a side of your
own cocktail on ice in an ice bucket so that
you can refresh your own at will. That is all
that I want. It's what happened, and that is literally
what happened. And I was like, yes, yes, this is
exactly what I wanted.

Speaker 1 (01:11:56):
Great, it was awesome. It was so funny because I
didn't know that necessarily, but then when the cocktail came
out and I was like, oh my god, that's exactly
what you were exactly it.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
Oh heck yeah, yep, yep, yep. Yeah. So right, So
it's so Hugo's cellar. It's in the basement of this
of this old casino, and Old Vegas is definitely like
less expensive than New Vegas and and a little bit stickier.

Speaker 1 (01:12:29):
Yeah, everybody we told we were going there at the
wind We're like reading.

Speaker 2 (01:12:36):
Yeah, come on. But also like like a lot of
it's it's a lot more I don't know, uh like vibrant.
I want to say, like there's there's a lot more
like kind of there's a lot of like local bands
playing and and kind of that kind of vibe, which
I really enjoy art show stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (01:12:56):

Speaker 2 (01:12:56):
But but okay, so so Hugo sellar. So yeah, so
we so we go down into the cell or they
give all the ladies a fresh cut red rose. Uh.
I'm pretty sure they thought that we were on a
date with Andrew that. Yeah, we did get a shrimp cocktail.
It was hecking glorious. Uh I got I got a

uh Manhattan because that's what I do with these places.
But okay, so so so this place, the whole theme
was like way too much food again, like and again
like like we weren't even trying. We weren't even trying.
We were attempting to be reasonable. But like so every
entree there comes with like a bread and cracker basket

to start you off, and then this table side salad
that they come They come with a full salad bar
to your table, like a salad bar on wheels comes
to your table, and this guy is just shouting ingredients
at you and you say yes or no, and he
and he tosses your salad and then hands it to
you and like and I I could swear that there
were more ingredients than this, but the ones that I

pulled from the menu online are baby tomatoes, marinated artichokes,
hearts of palms, sliced mushrooms, blue cheese, croutons, wristed pine nuts,
chopped eggs, red onions, and tiny little bay shrimp. And Annie,
I think he said yes to all of that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:19):
I did. I was like just saying yes. He was
like okay, And did I finish the salad?

Speaker 2 (01:14:28):

Speaker 1 (01:14:29):
Because it was way.

Speaker 2 (01:14:30):
Too bad, because it was a full it was a
full dinner worth of salad. We're one and a half
courses in and like, we're already full, and I'm like,
oh no, at which point they hit you with a
little intermezso of heck and raspberry sorbet in a tiny
little cone, which is delightful, But I don't need more

food at this point, because okay, So we knew that
we were in trouble, and we attempted to split a
prime rib because I wanted the prime rib, because of
course I wanted the prime rib see abovey Born a
sixty five year old man, and I just want to
dip my steak and horse radish sauce and I want
to eat my really bloody steak. That's what I want
to do. So we attempted to split the sixteen ounce

prime rib and the waiter was like, of course, we
can do that, no problem. I'm pretty sure something got
lost in translation. Maybe they thought they were being nice. Yeah,
I agree, but that was a full that was not
a half portion. It's like we got too We definitely,

we definitely each got a full sixteen ounce prime rib.
And I was like, I'm going to die. I am
going to die. This is going to be where it
ends for me.

Speaker 1 (01:15:44):
We tried so hard. We were like, look, we cannot
eat this much.

Speaker 2 (01:15:48):
We can't.

Speaker 1 (01:15:49):
Will you please?

Speaker 2 (01:15:49):
Will you please be honest?

Speaker 1 (01:15:52):
Of course, of course, and then he comes out these
place and I remember being like, there's no way, there's
literally no way.

Speaker 2 (01:16:00):
The six half.

Speaker 1 (01:16:03):
It's bigger than my face.

Speaker 2 (01:16:05):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh.

Speaker 1 (01:16:11):
We tried our best.

Speaker 2 (01:16:12):
We did it, and again, like we were gonna be
wandering around. We couldn't. We don't have we don't have
many fridges. We couldn't take it with us.

Speaker 1 (01:16:20):
Oh there's garlic mashed potatoes involved too.

Speaker 2 (01:16:23):
Oh yeah, oh those were great. Yeah. And then and
then there's also included in this whole thing. They bring
you out a plate of like chocolate dipped like fresh
strawberries and dried fruit and uh. And then they're like,
do you want dessert? And we were like no, please,
We were like stop, what are you talking?

Speaker 1 (01:16:45):
Was like on each of our plates. I did the
best I could this like oh I feel terrible about
oh god, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:16:56):
And and then like I was trying to make things better,
so I I do love an espresso after a meal,
and so I ordered an espresso and like I was
so full. I was like, yeah, make it a double.
And and the and the cup, the cup of espresso
that came out was a coffee cup. It was a
coffee cup full of espresso. It was the size of

a normal It was easily six to eight ounces of
espresso easy. I'm going to say eight. I'm going to
say eight.

Speaker 1 (01:17:30):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (01:17:32):
I was like, how did you just overwhelm me with
the digestif? Like what?

Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
But I was awake for the rest of it. It
was terrific for Halloween band we stumbled upon later. Yeah, yeah,
people ziplining above us, right.

Speaker 2 (01:17:52):
Because so part of the shtick in Old Vegas is
they've shut down one of these old streets and like
turned it into its own life, little weird theme park.
It's got like this led screen domed above like like
above the two rows of buildings that the street goes
down through the middle of, and you can zip line

because of course you can. You can zip line through that.
Everyone's like, did you do that? I was like, no,
I did, just eat.

Speaker 1 (01:18:23):
You don't even want to know how much.

Speaker 2 (01:18:26):
Completely ludicrous amout of stake. I'm not gonna zipline after that.
But yeah, it was right before Halloween and there was
this Halloween themed band that was playing for free, just
out in the out in the public square, and they
were Halloween themed because of their song choices, I guess,

which included like war Pigs, I don't know, that's kind
of halloweeny, the time war time, time warp, time warp, Yeah, sure, sure,
from from Rocky Horror. Yeah. But the members were each
dressed in were dressed up as like spooky characters, like
the front man was Jack Skellington, the lead guitar was Beetlejuice.

He was really good he was rock and he got
so bored during time warp that he started playing the
fret upside down. I was like, all right, man, I've
never seen that, but that's that's aces. That's terrific.

Speaker 1 (01:19:23):
Good for you. It was great. It was such a
fun thing to stumble upon.

Speaker 2 (01:19:28):
Yeah, yeah, that's guy in the Beauty of Vegas. Is like,
you don't know, you never know, you never know.

Speaker 1 (01:19:37):
It was lovely.

Speaker 2 (01:19:37):
Thank you so much for taking us there.

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
Thanks for going. That is a good time. They're like,
let's go on my favorite places store, which was very
very random. Oh but yeah, we had clearly a lot
of delicious food, a lot of delicious tread too much.

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
It was lovely. It was lovely, but I'm yeah, really
was Yeah. If anyone else in Vegas wants to invite
us to come to interview people and eat their food,
oh man, it's maybe maybe not three times a year
for like less than fifty.

Speaker 1 (01:20:13):
Hours actually in that yeah, but short time frame. But yeah,
it was great. And and thanks to everybody who made
it happen. And oh my god, who sent us food
or suggested food or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:20:27):
Yeah, yeah, so so grateful to everyone for all of
these opportunities and they if you're if you're still listening
to this, thank you for listening to us just ramble
about food for for a very long time.

Speaker 1 (01:20:40):
Look, it was delicious, And like I said, this is
somewhat of revenge for all of the jealousy I have
reading your emails. Yeah, please keep them coming. Yes, oh
oh never stop, never stop or ever stop. Well, speaking
of if you would like to contact us, you can.
You can eamil at Hello atsavorpod dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:21:02):
We are also on social media. You can find us
on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at saver pod and we
do hope to hear from you and to post some
pictures for real, for real this time. Savor is production
of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from my Heart Radio, you
can visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
listen to your favorite shows. Thanks as always to our

super producers Dylan Fagan and Andrew Howard. Thanks to you
for listening, and we hope that lots more good things
are coming your way.

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