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March 21, 2024 17 mins

Take a jaunt down memory lane with us as Anney reflects on the anniversary of becoming a podcast host.

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Anny and Samantha. I'm welcome to stephone.
Never told you but actually have iHeart radio and welcome
to another addition of Happy Hour. As always, if you're
choosing to imbibe, whatever you're choosing to do, please do

so responsibly. Samantha, are you sipping on anything?

Speaker 2 (00:33):
You know?

Speaker 3 (00:34):
It's been an odd morning full of stress, so I'm
keeping it with my water, but I'm also drinking a
little bit of coffee that I have left over because
I'm gonna need it.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
No, but that's it from me. What about you?

Speaker 1 (00:47):
I have my red wine. I have my red wine.
I'm also having a very stressful day. I'm having a
stressful light a couple of weeks. And today I was
thinking of all the topics I wanted to do, and
so many of them are sad, and I was like,
I cannot have that right now. Even my Star Wars
one bummed me out. I'm going to come back and
talk about that. It's like cool, but it's sad because

like the scripts of what would have been without Disney
kind of came out and I was like, oh my god,
that was so good. Anyway, I will come back and
talk about that later today. What I want to talk
about is something of a strange confluence is happening, Samantha.
I don't know if you know this. We have a
Monday mini coming up where we're going to be talking

about our anniversary of starting together as a host on
the show, even though that's not what we knew was
going to happen at the time. Turns out that happened
on March twenty seconds, twenty nineteen. That's when our first
episode came out. The first episode I did of Savor,

the other show I do, came out on March twenty seconds, wow,
seven years ago. So I thought, if you all will
go with me on this probably shorter trip, but I
was gonna look back at kind of me being a
host and Saver and Sminty, just a fond look back

seven years. So. I know I've told this story before,
but I started as a producer editor twenty ten. I
was hired full time twenty eleven. Our company is very
confusing in that I think we've gone through seven companies,
not exaggerating, I'm pretty sure at seven. So at the

time the company was how stuff works. A lot of
stuff has changed that since, but I've essentially held the
same job ish since twenty ten, and I was the
editor producer of Sminty and then we kind of moved
hands again, the company did and we became very video

focused and then I was like the video producer force Minty,
which those videos are still up on YouTube and still
find them. Those were all me. Those are all me.
But then when Kristen and Caroline announced they were gonna leave,
they told me in person, I was like, well, I

don't know what I'm gonna do then, And unfortunately, I
feel like a lot of jobs are like this, but
unfortunately in this job, there's always that insecurity of like,
well that's the end for me. I guess there's nothing
else for me to do. So I thought I might
like lose my job. And then I went to I'm

still not sure why, but I went to south By
Southwest as part of our whole company. That was like
a team of ten of us went and I was
making video editing video. It was a really busy experience,
and because I like planning things, I had planned like

months in advance all of these like We've got to
get this barbecue here and this here and do this
and this and this, and everybody wanted to go with
me because I made the plans. You can't just go
to Franklin's barbecue fools. So after that friend of the
show who's been on here, friend in real life, Lauren Vogelbaum,

she sat me down and was like, I think you
should be on a show. I've been thinking about starting
this food show, and I think you would be great
on it. And I really deliberated about it because I
was nervous. I'd seen the hate people got, I'd had
to deal with it as an intern, I had to

answer listener mail as an intern, and so I was
really nervous about it and I wasn't sure. I was like,
I'm not really qualified. But the more Lauren talked to
me about what she was seeing, I was like, Okay, yeah,
I could do that, and so I agreed to do it.
And the first episode we did was on Sparkling Wine,

and I still remember what I wore because I'm so nervous,
Like it's not like you could see me. I was
so nervous. I remember exactly what I wore. I was like,
audibly nervous. I will never listen to that episode again.
Like I it wasn't bad, but it was just clear.
I was so nervous and I used to edit them

at the time, and when you edit yourself, it's not fun. Yeah,
but I really liked it, like I liked because I
if you've never listened to Savor, which I would recommend,
it's a very I liked the history part. It's so
it's structured in that Lauren does like the science basics

of it is, and I do the history, and there's
some like it's not super strict, so sometimes she'll put
in history notes. But I liked that I got to
research history. Even though a lot of times people will
joke with me and they'll be like, I bet that
show is so much easier than Sminty is, and a
lot in a lot of ways it is. But food

is political and there's some dark stuff with food. You
don't want to leave that out. And that's you know,
looking back over, how I think I've improved from when
I started. Those are some of my biggest regrets is
I don't think I was the best at like really
searching for that stuff when I first started. But it

was really scared, Like I was scared. I used to
joke that I would it was like I was on
a plane in turbulence when I would record, and in
the first few episodes, if you listen to Stuff you
Should Know, Jerry, who's like one of our big bosses,
she sat in on them like right there, like in
the small studio Savampa where she was sitting right there,

and I just she was the one who hired me,
so I knew her, like I was so nervous, and
it's been a huge learning curve. And Lauren was very
helpful with that. She would send me kind of kind
but clear, Okay, we don't really do this, we don't
do it this way notes. That was really useful, and

especially in the beginning when I felt so like inadequate
and incompetent. And one of the things our company often
does are used to do. I'm not sure how much
they do it now, but what used to do is
when a new show starts, they get shows other shows
that are established to do ads for them to get
like attention to know that it exists. So a lot

of those ran for the show at the time it
was called food Stuff. I'll get more into that in
a second, but a lot of those ran on Stuff
You Should Know, which is our biggest podcast in what
we call the stuff brands, like the first kind of
how stuff works podcasts, and we got so many you

know what, I have never proven this is where they
came from, but we got a lot of sexist comments
from people that I think we're expecting stuff you should
know and then listened to us and like the one
that I remember most wasn't even that mean. I just
remember it was that you giggle like two girls who
got into their dad's like our cabinet. Well damn yeah,

And I do giggle a lot, Like I know I
do that. I do that in real life. It's not
something but it made me really anxious about it, and
I was like, oh, I shouldn't laugh at all, and
you know we're going to talk about this. I'm sure
when we do our kind of look back, but when
you're sometimes it becomes when you're trying to hold back

so much that it's obvious too. Like sometimes like if
I just giggle naturally, but I'm trying so hard not
to giggle, that becomes something that we will consense as well. Right,

Food Stuff is one of the last Stuff shows, and
I think we benefited from that because it's really hard
to launch a podcast, especially now when there are so many,
and I think we did benefit from that, and we
were pretty we were successful, but it was it was
like trying to find a completely new formula. Stuff I've

never told you. Spenty was a different problem, and that
there had been other hosts, and then it was finding
your voice within that right savor was sort of like
make this thing to something people like, it's just interesting.
I both were hard, but it was going on well,

and then I believe it was I don't know, dates
of meaningless. We were told we were told to rebrand,
basically because they wanted us to be cooler, I think,
which I'm like, why did you have you ever listen
to the show We're big nerds.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
That's funny.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
Yeah, they wanted us to be cooler, so they wanted
us to travel, which was great, but it was really
stressful to travel. I don't want to make it sound
like I was so lucky. I got to go to Hawaii,
I got to go to New Orleans, I got to
go to Ashville, I got to go to all these places.
It was great, but it was very stressful and it
was something we were kind of told you have to do,

and that was another changing of Okay. Well, then what
is the formula of the show now then? And so
many great experiences about it, but there's so many times
I'm like, I wish we had like one more day
we spent that city, where we could have done a
better job if we'd had more time. I'm really proud

of what we did, don't get me wrong, but it's
just one of those things where like, if you're taking
other people's time for interviews, which is what those shows
mostly are, I would have loved to have given them
more space. But that was a huge learning curve to
you because I did most of the producing on that,
and like finding the who we were going to interview,

which was great because everyone we've interviewed has been really
kind and really giving. And also it's cool because a
lot of times they would call other friends while we
were there and be like, you should talk to them.
They're good, which is great. That's a great side when
people are like okay, because you know, sometimes like the
media comes in and you're expecting some kind of gotcha

interview or something, but we're just really curious. And then
I believe at the same time, that's when I was
asked to be a host on Spin Team, and that
that was a really that was also something I deliberated
on for a long time. And when I did that,

you get a balance, you know, two shows and figure
all that out. And then after a Bridget left, there
was only me and that was a real stressful chress
full time. But then you came to Samantha.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
And I made.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
Which I love going back over the outlines because I
want to talk about it.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
But I was like, oh, yeah, I just kept saying,
I'm staying.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Yes you did, and look, I'm glad you did, but yeah,
I just I'm I'm I'm excited to for a mondayment.
I mean, we did start with a fair very tough topic,
but I am excited to revisit that in Monday many

But I just thought, how interesting that these two things
happened on the same date, kind of a couple of
years apart. New Beginnings for you twenty two is my
favorite number.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
It is.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Yeah, I didn't I didn't plan it, obviously, but hey,
look at that. The universe new, the universe new. And
I have been feeling weirdly, nostalgicallyly. I'm not sure why,
but so I've been thinking about this and yeah, if
if you haven't listened to Savor, you can't. We do

talk about a lot of feminist stuff over on there.
There's a lot of crossover there, there really is. And
you've been on Savers.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
And Lauren's been on here for a few a few times.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Yeah, it's always a fun, fun crossover.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
We still haven't done our supernatural one.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Yes, that is hilarious to me that both you and
Lauren during the pandemic.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
We found ourselves.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
You went on a supernatural journey my friends, which we
did talk about odd Smitty a lot when you and
I first started, Yes, but yeah, yeah, And we just
recorded our Savior anniversary episode with super producers Dylan and
Andrew who used to be producers of Sminty, and we

talked about that for a little bit. But that was
one of the things I was thinking about too, is
sometimes we'll get questions from people just you know, asking
curious about why.

Speaker 3 (14:37):

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Sometimes people ask me like why do you do it
this way and Savor and this way and Spinte. One
of the things that I find kind of humorous is
that on Savor, Lauren does the big thing at the end,
the social media thing, and then on Spinty I do
it and it's sort of because I was so like,
I was the newbie when I was on Saver, so
I was like too afraid to do it, and then

when you started.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
It right.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
The very few episodes that I've ever been by myself
and I've done it, I make sure to have your
script up because it makes me so nervous.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Yeah, it's just funny because it's sort of like these
artifacts of things that I'm sure a lot of people
don't understand, but to us, it's just like, oh yeah,
because I was doing it when Samantha wasn't there, so
I just kept going. But yeah, I'm so glad that
you and I found each other for this show, and

you helped me out both on this show and on
the Savor by having some support. So thank you well.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
Happy anniversary to both ye, Happy anniversary podcast aniversary.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
I'll take it. I'll take it, yes, And happy podcast
aversary to you too, well. Listeners. I hope that this
was in any way relatable enjoyable, but I appreciate you
letting me go down memory lane. Yes for seconds.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
I love it. Thank you for sharing.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
I still have so many things from that south By
Southwest trip because they give out so many free things
there you know that. I just I'm looking around like,
oh yeah, I remember when I wrote that faris feel
and they gave me this. South By Southwest is a scene.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
It is a scene.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
It is It's like a theme park at one section. Wow,
one day we should go.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
I want to go.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Well, I kind of there's a whole lot of uh
controversy right now.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
But then also like, yeah, poor Texas.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
I know Texas is trying though, are people in Texas
are trying?

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Yes, we support you.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Know, we do. We do support you. We do absolutely well.
Cheers to you, listeners, Cheers to you, and I to us.
If you would like to contact us, you can Our
email is Stuff Media mom Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com.
You can find us on Twitter at mom Stuff podcast,
or on Instagram and TikTok. It's ephone never told you.
We have a tea public store, and we have a

book you can get wherever you get your books. Thanks
as always to our super producer Christina, our executive producer Maya,
and our contractor Joey. Thank you and thanks to you
for listening. Stuff I never told you. This is production
of iHeart Radio. For more podcasts or my Heart Radio
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Samantha McVey

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