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August 22, 2024 • 17 mins

As her birthday approaches, Anney looks back at birthdays past and shares her gratitude for the people in her life.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Sandy and samanthaome stuff. I'll never told
your protection of iHeartRadio and welcome to another edition of
Happy Hour, my birthday edition of Happy Hour. Oh yes,

it's coming up as this comes out. As always, drink
responsibly if you choose to do so, Samantha, are you
sipping on anything? Uh?

Speaker 2 (00:35):

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Water? Mm hmm, I've got warm box red wine water.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
Warm does take two because I already did that once,
but I feel like I need to do it again.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Yeah. No, it's every time, every time because it.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
With warm instead of said what I develop it, you
mixed it up a little bit. And I'm real, real tired.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Let's go. Yes, And part of the reason I imagine you're
tired is because we do have a lot of travel
coming up. As this one comes out, we're flying back
from Podcast Movement in DC. We will be there. I
guess I could. I could plug it, but it's too late.
If you saw us there, I hope it was a

pleasant interaction. Yes, too late, Yeah, but if you saw
us there, I hope it was nice. And thank you
if you came to our panel. Also. Then I'm going
to Dragon Con. I'm going home for my mom's birthday,
potentially going to Seattle with Samantha for her birthday.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
No tell them why?

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Well, you said you asked me to dog sit peaches,
and I said, of course. And then you told me
you were going to Seattle, and I was like, oh,
the last of Us days.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
It was reenactment because it scared scared me was and
I said, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
She goes it's the last of Us day. She whispers
it because she realized she just got really excited.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
I got scared, so she whispered it to me.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
And then I was like, I always forget this, even
though I don't know how, because every time I say
my birthday is immediately followed by it's a loss of
us thing. And with that completely forgetting that, oh yeah, Seattle.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
So she got very excited.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
I was like, oh, that you should come, because of
course I didn't love traveling with any anyway, so but
completely forgot this was a thing. Well, I just didn't
think you would be interested at all, and then you
were like last of Us.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
It was very comical because when you first asked, I said,
of course, yeah. I I'll just watch a lot of
the Last of Us and I'll play the Last Bus too.
With Peaches while you're gone. And then you said you're
going to Seattle and I was like, what buttrail, Yes,

so there is that.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Well, and now I'm very excited that you are probably coming.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Probably yes, I feel bad. I don't want to oh,
which I feel like.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
I am also very straightforward enough, especially with you, that
I would tell.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
You you can't go, I hope, so, which.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
Is also I was like, you can come. Towards the
end of it, yeah, I was like.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
I just want that Seattle part exactly. So listeners are
hearing Settle tell us what to do, tell us where
to eat. But my birthday is happening in between all
of that, and I'm a little stressed about it. We
are trying to get a lot done and people keep
asking me about my birthday and wanting to hang out.

It's on Saturday this year, and so you know it's
it's a Saturday times. Yeah. Yeah, And I think that's too.
But people are like, well, what if we do this after?
What if we do this before? Which is great and
I'm going to talk about this more in a second.
That is a fantastic problem to have. But the problem is,

in part we're getting back from DC kind of late Thursday,
the twenty second. My birthday's the twenty fourth, So I'm
just not entirely sure how much energy I'm going to have,
and so I feel like I can't give a firm answer. Originally,
what I was saying was I'm probably just gonna hang
out and like chill and watch Star Wars or play

the Last Night or what a like favorite things. But
that's not always. I get it. People want to celebrate you,
and that again is a lovely, wonderful problem to have.
It's not even a problem, it's a great thing. It's
just that the timing is not great. I guess it
is the issue. And I, as we're trying to get
ahead a week ahead so we can cover while we're

at podcast movements, I was trying to think about my
birthday topic for this happy hour, what I do my
long lost Luke Skywalker thoughts from last year's botch session
where I had to re record everything. Oh after my
system crash. Ooh that was crazy. That was awful. That

was awful. And by the way, I know I've mentioned
it several times, perhaps too much in detail, my recording
studio closet during August is hot. I believe that day
where I lost everything. For my birthday, we recorded eight
episodes and I had to do them again, and I
had been in there the whole time and had to
do it again, but I made I was so bummed

that some of my Luke Skywalker thoughts got erased. I
wrote them in an outline that I have not come
back to yet. But I'm going to do that another day,
another day. But I really wanted to do something happy,
and this is probably gonna be a shorter one. And
everything I was thinking of was kind of making me sad.

And so with all of this, like finding myself more
stressed about hanging out with people than not, I was
feeling bad about that because I'm so lucky to have that,
and I was just thinking about all of these. My
birthday used to be such a big production and that

was a part on me, and I think now I'm
just sort of I got Dragon Con coming up, and
that's taken over my birthday pretty much. And I think
that some friends of mine I'm seeing like the other
ways that they show their love, which I kind of don't,
and it's sort of a strange, not even a disconnect,

it's just like now I feel that I don't get
you a gift, but some people like the gifts is
really important to me. I'm much more if I see
a gift that I know you love. That's what I'm
more about. Food. That food is one that I do
have like a list of foods I try to get
around my birthday every year, but you know I don't.

I'm not gonna eat the cake probably, like you know,
those kinds of things I do like the you know, hey, happy,
like just recognition, that's right, right, I like that. And
then kind of because it's a Saturday, feeling the pressure
to throw a party or feeling the pressure to like
do something or host people. But again it's like, if

that's not what you want to do, then you shouldn't
have to do it, right, And going back and forth
in my head about is this selfish or is it normal?
I think people just have different different ways of they
like celebrating, and that can change from your to year.
I used to love like the big thing, and I
still do. If I'm a surprise party. Last year, when

I didn't realize a suppress party for me, it turned
out great. I thought I wouldn't like it, but it
turned out great. I didn't know it was for me,
and I was stressed, and then it was for me
and it was lovely. Maybe that makes me a horrible
person with that, I did want to just do kind

of a warm thanks uh two people in my life.
And I was telling Samantha before this, Oh, but I
get all teary just because it's happy. It's happy tears.
So I wanted to just think, go through some things
I have to my friends who have come out for
me and supported all kinds of things that I've done,

all kinds of shenanigans. I wanted to do skating rink
parties and SpongeBob tropical parties, my sixteenth birthday where we
had a pillow fight and watched Predator. Of course, a
Green Day concert, messy top golf, Billiard's bowling party I
did once, my nerd party, which was also pretty busy,

My sad soup weekeed with Samantha pretty musted. And I
love all of my karaoke nights. All the people who've
gotten me thoughtful gifts, who went out of their way
to make sure that I got them, like even traveling
very far to give them to me. All the people
who have checked in who have taken me out for

drinks and for food, even just bringing me, Like I
have fond memories of someone just bringing me a donut
on my birthday, or somebody who bought me a light
beer I'm known to drink and sat with me outside
on the steps and we just talked, Like those things.
I really appreciate those things, and did the people who
have really taken the time to get to know me

and be like, you know what she would like, it's this,
I love it, and yeah this I may. I am
talking about my birthday, but it doesn't just have to
be birthday. Thanks, it's all the time people who are like,
are caring and know you and check in on you
and do those small things are big things that just

can be so meaningful. And then also all the friends
of my life who I met and were so important
to me at critical times because I can be kind
of clingy and I want to stay friends forever, Like
I just want to stay friends forever, and I will
fight like hell to stay friends forever. But sometimes it's
just not meant to be. Sometimes it just fades off.

That's just how it goes. That doesn't mean our friendship
wasn't important to me and didn't change me. But I yeah,
I think those people too. Thanks to my mom, who
goes out of her way to make it special and
write me cards that I always keep, who facilitated all
my birthday parties when she could again let me just

watch Predator. Okay, my sixteenth.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
Birthday plasticks out to you.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Of course it does, because I had a group of
like fifteen people in front of my small TV in
my room, sitting on the floor watching Predator. That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
Girls get scared.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
See some people left. I don't know if they were scared.
I just didn't want to be there anymore. I did
have one girl too, and I appreciate this, but she
kept shushing everybody who was talking during it, and so
it became a more like intense atmosphere than I was
really intending. I thought we could like kind of joke

around and talk about it, but it.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Was like all of those people who get real serious
about the movie watching.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
I think she thought I was real serious about it
though she was doing me. Yeah, I think so, It
was not on her. That's nice. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks to
my dad, who I do miss, and he also helped
some of these birthdays and two the Spiny team who

I am so fortunate to work with, Christina and Maya
and Joey and of course Samantha, who is one of
my best friends who has made some of these birthdays
so special.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
And I was not at the sixteenth birthday party, probably scared,
to be honest, So that'd be really awkward for me
to show up to your birthday party while I'm like
graduating college.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Hey kids, I mean here, and you're the one that's like,
this is too scary for me. I gotta get out
of here. I love Jesus too much. I gotta go
fair fair enough. But yes, you've made some wonderful memories
for me, and thank you so much for that. Thank
you to Eves and Bridget and Kristen and Caroline, Dylan

and Andrew are past producers, because I would not be
on the show without all of you, and my cost
on save or Lauren because I had never hosted before
and she was really patient with me and also has
had a hand on some of my fonder birthdays. And

or just every every day when you're reminded somebody cares
about you, and it's just a nice reminder. And to
the listeners, I cannot express enough how terrified I was
to take on this show, and you've all been so
welcoming and warm and patient even when I got something wrong.
I feel like the first time I started getting social

media messages or emails, I would have like a panic
attack every time. And it was just so nice then
that so many of them were kind. They were kind,
and I really really appreciate that. And we always love
hearing from you and the time you take to share
stories or give us ideas or just listen to us.

Thank you, And of course yes to the fandoms and
the fan fiction that have gotten me through some tough times. Yes,
and have made some birthdays pretty spectacular. I've had some
pretty good fandom based birthdays at a Star Wars one,

the SpongeBob one that was a good one. I had
a few. I've had a few. I would say the
Sad Soup one was the last of us, pretty pretty
heavily last of us based.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
Yeah, you had my partner play, so y'all can watch
and cry about it.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
I have that ado you do. You were bringing out
like the birthday pie and I was crying a debate
about this.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
I'm sure it's happened twice now it has it is.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
I think I'll always get you pie, don't I.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
I love well, you know, I love pie way more
than cake. I'm way more likely to try pie.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Than I because the original one of our original that
was cheesecake, and that might have been for my birthday.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
That was your birthday.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Yeah, we also did the last of us and you
were crying in the cheesecake.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Crying in the cheesecake sounds like like a little modifying
and I want that on a pillow that is that
feels appropriate.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
Just let me cry my cheesecake.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Just let me cry my cheesecake. Yeah. So just from
the bottom of my heart, very warm thank you. On
his birthday. I had a friend who used to do
this where on his birthday he would like give other
people gifts. They were small, but it was really sweet,
and so I was just thinking about that, and I

appreciate all of you so much.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
Well, we all love you and enjoy those times together,
and we're glad you here. You're one of the whites
who have helped me in this podcast journey and brought
me on to this podcast journey. So we're I'm more
than grateful, obviously, and we love you and you are
worth celebrating.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
Oh just as a reminder, yay, Thank you so much
and here's to our travels. May they go well well. Listeners, Yes,
thank you so much for listening. If you would like
to contact us, you can. Our email is Stephanie mom
Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com. You can find us on

Twitter at mostup podcast, or on Instagram and TikTok at
stuff We've Never Told You. We're also on YouTube. We
have a tea boat store, and we have a book
you can get wherever you get your books. Thanks as
always too, our super produced Christina, our executive producer Ma
and your contry Joey. Thank you and thanks to you
for listening. Steffan Never Told You is production by Heart Radio.
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