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August 29, 2024 • 21 mins

Now that we're back from speaking at the Podcast Movement conference in DC, we do a check-in on how we feel, and how it went.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is any and samanthacome stuff I never told
your production of by Hurt Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
And we are back with another Happy Hour. And yes
we are still pausing on the watching of Sex and
the City because again, it's kind of busy month, busy
two months. There's so many things happening these like August
and September we're always in a whirlwind, and half of
October as well, and then it comes like holiday seasons

and then we're like, oh my god, what the end
of the year already. Yeah, so the last about last
five months, it gets hectic for us. Just a peek
behind the curtains there. But with that, I did want
to come back with kind of a follow up episode
of my original Happy Hour, which I was distressed and
unhappy and very sad. Apology that was a very unhappy

hour that I had. With all of that, I didn't
want to kind of follow up because I feel like
what we went through recently was a success. So this
is a Happy Hour update, happy happy happy Hour update.
So I don't know if we need content warning, maybe
just aging and uh probably again yeah, body issued body dysmorphia.

Just just some content warning, not real, just mentioned brief
mentions if there is any, but before we started, because
it is a happy hour, Annie, are you partaking of anything? No,
that sounded really ominous.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
No, it's been a whirlwind because I'm about to go
to dragon Con. That's correct, So I'm doing a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Are you kind of like detoxing without anything so that
you could jump in? Is that?

Speaker 1 (01:52):
I just we recorded or earlier than we normally do,
so I've just been all over the place.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
If you're finding your boundaries with that right now, I.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Just have to do anything because I stand to the
late last night, so I've been kind of like running around.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Trying to get it together. I understand. I understand because
we were again whirlwind, and no matter how much you prepare,
things happen. So I'm just drinking on water as well,
because you know, again it has been earlier, and we've
all talked about my intolerance as I am Asian and
growing older. But with all of that, if you are
taking partaking, please just do so responsibly. We care about you,

care about yourself as well, And if we are mentioning
anything specific, we are not necessarily being sponsored by them
dynamic ads that happens and all of that, So at
this point in time, we are not having any current
sponsors of those natures that we speak on. But so
we did attend podcast movement, did a whole panel. We
did a lot of things, and I would market as

a success. Annie, would you marked as a success?

Speaker 3 (03:01):
I would, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
I think we did a great job. We had the
fearless leader of ease, who is you know, a part
of our family. She has been so for a long
while and is now coming back on reoccurring segments with
Female First, which we love and appreciate so much. That
she's an amazing storyteller, she's a amazing historian. But like
I initially going in, my anxiety was through the roof

to the point that I told you I was getting
ready to be medicated to certain degrees. That was like
I need a doctor, worth my doctor, And we did
get it all handled before on our way. It was
really funny because I think I've just noticed the last
three years how increasingly worse my anxiety has gotten. I'm functioning,
but I'm making people uncomfortable. That's an obvious note. Did

I get to the airport ridiculously early? Yes? I did.
Did I give any step by step instructions of things
to a certain degree with leaving some parts out in
her misinterpreting some of my texts. Yes, I yes, did
I have any issues about like my clothing and my makeup?
So I told y'all, I was really struggling with that

aging process and my face really started to like look
like I'm aging. Turns out I had retin al burn. Y'all.
I didn't know that was a thing, and it was
legitimate because I was overdoing it. And I'll know, like
I have a feeling many of my like older thirties, forties, fifties,
y'all know, y'all know what I'm talking about, because you
freak out and you do all of these things in

preparation and you overdo it. And in that all of
the puffiness that was happening to my face, not all
the a chunk of the puffiness and like extra things
that looked like I was like, oh no, what's happening
to me? Was because I wrote like I like my
face up. That's the best way I could put it,

like just being very blund about it. And with that
that realization really helped me. I was like, oh, my
face is burning. I'm like, wait, that's not aging. Face
burning is not an aging thing. When that moment happened,
I realized what was happening. My niece, adorable niece, shout out.
She doesn't listen to the show, but shout out to
her who is a part of the makeup artist and
it's actually a social media manager for one of the

big colleges in Georgia. She came and helped out with
some pointers and we went shopping. We had a great
day together because she helped me with this, and we
sat and talked and had some good drinks. It was
a wonderful day and she really helped me figure out, oh, yeah,
that's what's wrong with me, okay, and trying to find
the confidence in that, and trying to figure out I

need to calm down like this says I will say,
because I did talk about perimenopause like that is the
up and down, this emotional factor of this impending doom
that you don't know what to do with, the anxiety
that goes on top of the fact that you may
already be prone to anxiety. Not helpful, not helpful, and
sometimes you need help, legitimate help, whether it is through therapy,

through medication, through legal channels. The things that I get
are not like classified significantly. It has to be under
lock and key type of things. It was just like, Okay,
this is nice. And to the point that, like the
performance anxiety, which we were all kind of freaking out about,
I think we did well. I think we did really well,

to the point that people are still contacting us trying
to find us on LinkedIn, like all these things, the
pictures that were sent. I was like, oh, we look cute.
I was actually really proud of those pictures. Look at that.
I had a really cute outfit. I am leaning back
into the world of wide legged pants.

Speaker 3 (06:34):

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Game changer for me. All of that today is like
learning to figure out Okay, that and we've talked about
this before, that was anxiety. That was anxiety that wasn't

necessarily the world falling apart. And I think we talked
about this with depression as well, like that is a moment,
is a moment, and if you can if you can
struggle through it or like get the help that you
need during that time or just lets time pass, it
oftentimes comes to that was a moment, not always please understand.
We know that there's a bigger cases and there's some

bigger conversations and that's not necessarily what I'm talking about,
But like for me, it was the moment the anxiety
was overwhelming. The depth of dread that I had was overwhelming.
Being reintroduced to society, which is what it felt like. Yeah,
is a process. But with that again, knowing that my

hormones and my mental health is different from where it
was five years ago, my body is different from what
it was five years ago. So though those are the
facts that come along, but it wasn't as dire as
it felt at that point. Did I truly believe it
at that point? Yes, yes, it really like I was

in a hurt place today coming out of it, kind
of really prepping for what I knew I could help,
what I knew I could control really helped as well.
Having Annie be a sounding board of me to be like, Okay,
you can do this, but you want to that's necessary.

I got you, like all of these things. Having that
was a really nice sounding board. Eves, who I've learned
as one of the most calming spirits ever in situations
like that, was really an amazing sounding board. We actually
connected with a server on our first day that really
I really didn't think about. And then we met her

again a few days later, and having her remember us
so distinctly and welcoming us, I don't know, that really
put a spot in my heart. Like I was like,
I don't know why, but this is significant. I don't
think you understand because we were there with thousands of people,
hundreds of people, and she he was like, welcome back,
you know, remembering our orders. Of course, I could be

another implication to that, but the fact that she had
only met us once and remembered us so vividly was
really welcoming. Having connections with strangers who really were listening
to our content and was welcoming to our advice and
our information really helpful us being able to prepare together.

I felt like it was really really helpful and just
reconnecting on a professional level, but also like a friendship
level with those people that we might not see. One
of our old co workers who left before we could
really say goodbye was there and so being able to
connect with him again was so lovely, Like it was
so genuinely see them happy. So genuinely see them happy

was such a like amazing tone to our conversation, Like
it really was a great like platform as we trying
to reconnect and have a conversation about their next steps
and what that's going on with them. It was lovely
to have all those things. And then again like I
had a person who hopefully will have on this show, yeah,

who is in the podcasting world now come up and say,
you know, I understood that episode like being validated, and
I think we all know that. It was like, oh
my god, good, good good. So I'm not over the
top about this.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
It does feel this.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Intense sometimes, and having validation and that all does help.
But again, like having time to pass by it, I
don't know if it had gone to be a disaster,
like if I had if we had frozen up and
not had any answers and just mumbled through, that could
be a whole different story. I would be this would
be a completely different episode where I'm like bowing out

and resigning.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Unfortunately no longer with us.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
She just walked out. But to have that was really
really nice to know that we could do that, you
know what I'm saying, And not that I didn't think
we could. I knew that the three of us all
gave a good balance in this conversation. So that was
nice to have as a as a as a group.
Like this is where I think true family is versus

just a workplace. And I'm not saying this as in
like your family, our work family. It is a thing
that's not a thing. That's not a thing we know
when it comes to higher ups using that language, this manipulation.
What we're talking about is that correct connection between co
workers who are in similar situations and instead of having
to compete with each other and instead of having to

put others down, we actually help each other and balance
each other out. That's that family that you know you're
going into battle together and coming out together, surviving and thriving,
And that's that level being able to be a part
of a crew like that really does feel fulfilling, you know.
So in all this bragging, I just want to let

y'all know that I am okay first and foremost, because
that was real. It was really intense, uh. But also secondly,
like this is a growing, still growing experience, like I
am again in my forties and growing into this learning
about myself, learning about how I handle things, relearning myself
in new or forgotten environments, and I think it's been

amazing and really any thank you for putting up with
all the anxiety in which I'm like, you need to
get here, where are you type of conversations. Did I
get to the airport four hours early?

Speaker 1 (12:45):

Speaker 3 (12:46):
I did.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
Did we consider holding back so we could get a
thousand dollars bouture? Yeah we did.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
Yeah we did.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
We would have both been like check, give me that money.
But also like it was it was a good trip.
Came back home. Did a COVID does because I was like, oh,
I feel kind of weird, said negative? Is that negative?
But coming back getting back into like work realm, knowing
that we're still in high gear, trying to prep forward
things in the future.

Speaker 3 (13:14):

Speaker 2 (13:15):
So in the end, this updated happy happy hour, We're
in a good space and all the patients in the
world from you listeners and all the good advice I'll
always get from the listeners as well as to the
new listeners or to the new people who are a
part of that panel. If you happen to have caught that,

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Just seeing
the faces and yeah, that was things our audience. They
were so supportive. It was like we had one where
we were talking about how you know, people kind of
wanted to control us this one. Everybody was just smiling
and nodding and answering back. I was like, so, this
is what it feels like when people are paying attention
for real, for real, for real live audiences and being

here on purpose because we have people accidentally show up
in past panels are like, this is not what I wanted,
and make sure we knew it. But having people who
attended this, who were truly interested and who were truly
engaged was another plus. Uh and an added reminder of like,
this is a great community.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
And just a couple of things I want to touch
on is one. I think, Samantha, you you've done well
with like finding tools that help you. And so you
had a you had a lot of anxiety, but you
had plans. You had like plans, You had plans and

it went well. We did practice before with Eves, and
Eves is a very complex steady yeah, steady really because
I was really nervous and I was shaking, which is
just something that I do. But having the two of
you was great. I also want to kind of paint
the scene. So we got there before Eves and it

was a huge like Exhibit Hall and it had just
like a bunch of chairs in front of various stages,
and then people would put on headphones. Yes, and so
we were panics about that as well, because we're like,
this is chaos behind us. It's an open hallway like
open hall, and people were wearing headphones.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
I'm not gonna be able to hear. I don't know
what it's going to go. I'll go on.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
But it turned out to be great, and then the
audience was very supportive, and I wish we only have
thirty minutes. Our topic was better banter. I wish we
had had a little bit more time so we could
have done more Q and A, which we didn't know
if we were.

Speaker 3 (15:49):
Going to get any questions. So that's always right.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
People care, Yeah, exactly exactly. But it was cool and
it did make me realize we both need to update
or buy I've been doing this for a long time.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
Listeners, I've been here.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
This was hilarious, y'all because I would mention how long
of an experienced she had, and everybody was like God,
because everybody essentially was newer, Like I think the oldest
outside of people we knew like podcasters or people in
the industry, was like five years at most and eighty
over here sitting at fourteen almost like.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
Yeah. So it was just kind of eye opening.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
I don't know why I've never sometimes when you get
in your life, it's just like but anyway, that was cool.
We need to update our bioso, because I was looking
at other people's bios and I was like, oh, yeah, okay,
ours are like two sentences like oh she works here.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Like what it feels like when you were updating an
old resume, and like this is all unnecessary? Why is right? Right?

Speaker 3 (16:53):
So next time, next time we got this.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
But also the person Samantha mentioned earlier that came up
to talk to to her afterwards was specifically mentioned the
happy hour where you were freaking out right and was
like I related so hard, right, I was like, thank god,
yeah right. It was comforting and it was cool to
we got to interact with people who were at the

panel afterwards and answer some questions, hopefully give some good advice.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
But it was me.

Speaker 1 (17:23):
I guess a lot of times it's just me and
Samantha laptops in her closet, and it was nice. It
was a nice feeling for me to feel like, oh,
I actually do know about this. Yeah, I do know
about this. I've got some experience with this, which.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
I think I just don't think about it a lot.
I just had to get my work done. And a
lot of our colleagues came to our panel and they
were so support us.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
That was really appreciated.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
And if we were on if we were there for
four days and we were on the second day, that
was nice. We were towards the end of the second
But I'm somebody I I call it my dark side
of procrastinating. I can't do anything else if I'm worried
about that thing. That's all I can do focused on.

Speaker 4 (18:10):

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Yeah, So until that point, that's all I could think
about was better banter. What are you gonna say? I
was planning my banter too much? She had a whole
section about where we talked about that. But yeah, I
thought it was nice. I felt good after it. I
felt like we did a good job and we did

provide those different experiences. And I guess I hadn't realized
how much I'd kind of been missing that feeling of like, oh, okay.

Speaker 3 (18:39):
Yeah I do know some stuff.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
This is I am good at my job.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Oh yeah, oh.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Yeah, but yeah, there were There was somebody from Getty
who was taking pictures and she we ran into her later.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
She was super cool and so we found some pictures.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
Of us and I, you looked amazing, and I was
just like, I rolled out of bed.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
I did that per I was trying sweat shirt.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
No, you look great.

Speaker 4 (19:06):
Our personality yeah yeah, oh I'm not ashamed of it.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
It's just kind of funny because I was like, I'm
just gonna wear this old shirt here.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
You know, you show slow key cosplaying. I was, yeah,
it's a spider Man here. That's what helps me. Yeah,
you know exactly.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
It gives me some confidence. But yeah, it was a
good It was a good experience and we did network some.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
We did We talked to people at the very lead.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
We got a few of free T shirts.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Yeah, I got my couple of feets. I'm wearing one now.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
We talked to NASA.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
That was Yes, we're hoping to an episode with one
of the people from NASA. But yeah, so thank you
to anybody who was there. Thank you to the listeners
for standing with us during these odd times in our life,
during these different stages and giving good advice. Yeah, just listening.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
Yeah, Yeah, we really really appreciate it because again, it
can feel very isolating. It's just us talking, so hearing
from you and having that support is amazing.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
It is so valued.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Thank you so much, Thank you.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
We love you.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Oh and speaking of Samantha and I are going to Seattle,
Oh soonish soon, within a month's ish as this comes out.
So if you have any recommendations food places we should go.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
I know some of you are from Seattle. Let us know.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
You can emails at Stephanie mom Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com.
You can find us on Twitter at mom Stuff podcast,
or on Instagram and TikTok at stuff I've Never told you.
We're also on YouTube. We have a tea public store,
and we have a book you can get wherever you
get your books. Thanks to Always Too, our super producer,
Christina Are executive producer and Chili Yes.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Thank you for making us sound so good.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Yes and for helping us get through these stressful, stressful conferences.
And thanks to you for listening. Stefan never told me
the production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts on my heart Radio,
you can check out the art radio app. I have
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