Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Annie and Samantha and well this stuff
I've never told you Production by Heart Radio.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
And welcome to another Happy hour. Y'all. Were in preps
to do the Sex and the City episodes coming up,
but we're taking a quick pause because technical issues and
trying to make sure we're all online and all the things.
So it has been a busy week. We've had really
great guests or friends coming to talk to us. So
you know, we're gonna make it a little simpler, and
I thought we'd take a minute to revisit our last
happy hour talk from Annie. But before we start all
of that, Annie, are you sipping on anything delicious coffee?
Speaker 3 (00:49):
I'm still in coffee coffee mode.
Speaker 2 (00:53):
Yeah, I am drinking a Seltzer water as well, just
regular bubble water. So it's kind of earlier and we're
jumping very quickly into recording. There's a lot to record today.
But all that to say is we are not necessarily
sponsored by anything like coffee, although that would be nice.
Speaker 3 (01:10):
Can someone from coffee coffee the generic?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
Can you sponsor us? I don't know whom, but uh no,
I'm just kidding. But yeah, and then if you are
partaking as you're listening, do so responsibly. You know how
it goes. Be a good adult. Try this is a
this is an easy adult thing, I say, dot dot
dot uh. But just take care of yourself. That's not
the easy part, though, but taking care of yourself that
I've noted. However, as I said before, I wanted to
kind of revisit because we were so excited and talking about
possible snow coming, all the disasters that could come with us,
everybody prepping for it, as well as like whether or
not we're gonna frolic and Annie, it did snow?
Speaker 3 (01:51):
It did it?
Speaker 2 (01:52):
Did it did? So I will tell you I have
been telling most people because I think it's hilarious. At
mid forties, I'm like, still very giddy about a good
snow day from Atlanta. You know, we haven't had snow
in a couple of years, really good snow. We've had icings.
Icings are common for us. Unfortunately, at least once a
year we'll get that to the point that people's pipes
burst and we have to figure out what's going on.
But I woke up, I got first of all, Before
I went to bed, I was looking out the window,
looking at the clouds, trying to feel the you know,
the air changes because the environment changes a little bit
and you can feel it. But the morning I woke
up at four am, I had a lot of things
on my mind, but part of that was also is
it snowing? Which is what I did all the way
growing up in school, because you know, the minute we
saw any snow actually hit any bit of it, oftentimes
it would cancel school. And although that's the day we
could sleep in, that's also day the day that we're
not at school and can play in the snow. So
I woke up at four am looking and y'all, there
was no snow yet. I was very sad about it.
I was like, oh no, it's going to be one
of those times. I remember waking up as a kid
being disappointed that there was no actual snow on the
ground and being like man, snow and like feeling really
let down. So I woke up at four am with
that experience and I was like, oh no. But I
went and did my thing in the living room, got coffee,
I fell asleep for like thirty minutes. I went back
to sleep for like a little bit. When I woke
back up, I saw the dusting as you call it,
and then the big giant flakes coming down. I was
so excited to the point at six thirty. I waited
till about six thirty to wake up my partner and
be like, look, it opened up the curtain and made
them look at the big pelts of snow because it
was so big the clusters, and then I just watched
it as it hit and then we got like, I
want to say, three inches. Everybody was saying one to
one and a half. I was like, no, this is
definitely thicker than that. What did you do? How did
you wake up that day?
Speaker 1 (03:53):
I think I also woke up at four, but I
didn't get out of bed until six. And it was
freezing rain at first, but then it pretty quickly became snow.
And the way my apartment is set up, I can
kind of sit and research, and I have windows right
in front of me so I can see out. But
it reminded me of what you were talking about in
the Last Happy Hour about snow, about the lamp post
that your family had. There was a lamp post because
it's still dark, it's like six right outside my window,
and it was so cool to see the snow and
like the light of the lamp post. But then you know,
as the light came out, I was like, oh wow, yeah,
this is a this is a good amount of snow
right and it's definitely on top of my car. It
looked more than looked like more than one and a
half inches. I'm not a great judge of but it
looked like a lot.
Speaker 2 (04:54):
Like my partner went out and like did a whole
little measurement, but it was on our patio furniture, So
I don't know how reliable that is, but I thought
that's pretty reliable because it's like a steady surface and
it was three inches so it felt like a lot
of snow. I will say I got very excited and
made him wake up by at least eight thirty nine,
because I know. I think I let him a sleep
till nine, and we didn't go out to like nine
thirty because I knew it was going to change. The
snow was changing to sleep, and I don't want to
play in sleep. I want the big chunks of snow
falling on you and feeling all like mystical because it's
melting as it lands on you. We are in an area,
though I will say that we don't get flakes, So
I'm very sad the first time I saw actual snowflakes
and realized that whole like a mat like paper cutouts
that we do as children, and I guess some as
adults who are still crafty, that that's what it actually
looks like. I really thought it was just a cartoonish imagination.
And then when I went into a higher elevation where
it actually remains pretty pure, to see actual shapes of
the crystal of the of the flakes was as magical.
It is so beautiful you can hear the giddiness to see.
But in Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, like in
that city area, we don't see that. We see clumps
of white flakes that just that's already started to melt, essentially,
which is that conversation we had. But it was lovely,
so we went out. I made my dog wear hoodie
because in my mind, she is cold. Don't fight me
on that. I didn't make her wear booties because I
wanted her to be able to run, and in booties
she doesn't run well. When it got icier, because it
did it turned into ice later and it got harder
and like more difficult. I then put booties on her.
But we had fun. She didn't know what was going on.
She's like, what why. That's kind of the like initial like,
what's what's happening? Also her displeasure in the hoodie. But
then when my partner would be like, throw a little
snow at her, like, she was like, oh, okay, it
was the game. We're having a snowball, like we would
play a chase or she would play with the ball.
And it was the same kind of thought with the snowballs.
But then she would try to eat it, and her
eating would be because I don't like it. Oh wait,
what is this all? I like it? No, I don't like
it kind of reaction. We got videos. I'll post those videos.
But it was really fun. And then after we stayed
out for a good fifteen minutes because I got very cold,
I went inside. I had like sixteen layers on me.
I looked really fluffy myself. I was like, okay, I'm good, thanks,
I'm done now. I just want to see it from here,
and I wanted to keep the front yard. We kept
it pretty pure, like we didn't step in it because
I wanted that landscape. But it was so pretty and
a lot of you who are on our social media
got to see some of our pictures. I posted the
picture of the snow falling down outside of my window
because I was really excited. It was really lovely, So yeah,
I really I enjoyed my time. Did you get to frolic?
Speaker 1 (08:11):
I did frolic? I did frolic. I frolicked twice. So
I went out pretty early. It was interesting because I
think I went out around seven thirty and there's nobody out.
There was nobody out. I thought there would be more
people kind of playing. They might have been in some
other area, but I just walked around my neighborhood for
a little bit. And when I came back, I did
see these adults who were having like the time of
their life building snowmen, and they were huge snowmen, like
the enormous. And then I saw somebody who was driving
and her car kind of got stuck and all the
people came together to help her move her car into
her driveway because she was fine until she had to turn,
slow down and turn.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
So that was nice to see. And then I went
back out and frolic some more.
Speaker 1 (09:13):
I went to Feedmont Park and people were doing like
flooding and like the news was there, but it did
change to it did change the freezing rain and we
had to record that day, so I had to be back.
I wasn't there very long. I kind of just want
to see what was up. Yeah, but it was really fun.
It was really cool, and it was a Friday, which
I know, like some people, I didn't even tell this story.
I totally forgot about it. But I once had a
meeting and it was a guy. It was for this job,
and it was a guy kind of infamous who doesn't
work with us anymore. But he he was from New York.
He wasn't really from New York. I feel like this
was a power play. He actually is from Georgia, but
he lived in New York. But he called a meeting
one of those he called a meeting during this not
like knowing.
Speaker 3 (10:05):
We don't do this in Atlanta, and so I had
to drive on the streets.
Speaker 1 (10:11):
So all that being said, I'm very glad we didn't
have to We don't have to go into the office necessarily.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
It was a weekend.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
It was nice coming up because it did stay around
for a little while. But also like feel so bad
for the people who have to like find that way
to go to work because it was horrible and I
hated it and it was from a heartless meeting.
Speaker 3 (10:33):
Oh I'm still mad about it, clearly.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Oh yeah, I'm just thinking about the character bj Novak
in office where he went to New York for a
little while and be like, well, in New York, this
is what we did. Yeah, I mean, if you really
want to be in New York. But okay, yeah, that's
how I imagine him. But yeah, I think I just see
a lot of people talking about that. We just had
a conversation with Eve talking about how she was talking
to someone who was a student and they were like, yeah,
we still have school. I don't go in anyway, So
we still had school, and we're not watching to see
whether or not we go in. We're watching to see
whether or not we have online school or in person school.
I will say I did have a friend of mine
who was who is a teacher here in Georgia, and
she I think she's younger students, and they just canceled
school so she got to have an extra three days
and she really was grateful for that because that is
that was part of the fun parts of being in
school and seeing snow days for those who we don't
get snow days, and the state is very ill equipped
to handle snow days when ice is on the road.
There's still snowmen around. Are those snowmen still up? I
see a lot of snowmen still up.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
They might be like the bottom part of that snowman
was almost the size of like an average sized adult.
It was insane, Samanth.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
It's probably still around because it's still been pretty cold.
It hasn't gotten really above forties, and the sun has
been out, but there's enough shading and it goes cold
enough at night that a lot of essays, I just
have a little pockets of snow in my backyard, which
is surprising. We may get into second snow. I'm not
going to be as excited. I'm going to be excited.
I still want to see it, but I don't like cold. Yeah,
but being inside, being able to stay inside, being fortunate
enough to stay inside, having enough food in the house,
and like being with my partner and having a good
time with him. It does feel nice, but it doesn't
really change our days. It just means I can't go
out and about, which is fine because I don't go
out and about too often. Anyway. Yeah, so we'll see,
we'll see if the second one hits us and how
we feel about that.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
Yeah, it was kind of like comical.
Speaker 1 (12:54):
It's not really, but it was kind of comical how
hard I found to find how hard it's to get groceries.
Speaker 3 (13:01):
Yeah, like I think even now.
Speaker 2 (13:03):
It's still had. Yeah, those trucks that hadn't come until recently.
I actually asked about that. I was like, is there
something going on because is it the Avian flu? Or
is it because Georgia people go ham when it comes
to joyles, stuck up on the unnecessary stuff that is
necessary to their heads.
Speaker 1 (13:19):
I think it's that, But it's also like the reason
we talked about the snowpocalypse, One of the main reasons
it happened is that those big trucks aren't supposed to
go through Atlanta unless they're stopping in Atlanta. They're supposed
to go around we call it to eighty five around
the perimeter. But a lot of them go through. And
I'm not going to say because I know being a
trucker is difficult and there's a lot of right bullshit
that happened, so, but well, those trucks get stuck and
then we all get stuck. But yeah, it was there
was like nothing. It was crazy. So we'll see to
have one so close, I'm worried I'm going to have
to rely on some Well.
Speaker 3 (14:03):
I love eating ramen, so that's okay.
Speaker 2 (14:04):
But yeah, it's perfect weather. I made four different types
of like stew or soups in the last week and
a half. I'll want you to know those two weeks.
Last night I made a hefty potato soup with pretty
much a lot of bacon grease.
Speaker 3 (14:25):
Sounds delicious. I also want to just say some of
you listeners wrote in.
Speaker 1 (14:34):
About your experiences with snow days and how you've tried
to kind of maintain the snow day and from a
bunch of different places, So thank you for that. But
I really appreciated that they were generally non judgmental. They're
happy for us, though.
Speaker 2 (14:49):
Yeah that was so many people. There's different people on
like online that do understand that excitement and felt the
joy with us, So that was nice to see.
Speaker 3 (15:00):
It was we really appreciate laughing.
Speaker 2 (15:02):
At us or some of the antics that we had.
But I was like even I was like, why Atlanta.
Speaker 3 (15:07):
Stop that.
Speaker 1 (15:10):
It's yeah, but it was much appreciated that you all
shared your stories, but we're also like, good for you.
Speaker 2 (15:20):
Go have fun, don't bring it to that.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
So well, we'll see, we'll report back. I guess if
it happens.
Speaker 2 (15:30):
Again, Yeah, we will.
Speaker 3 (15:32):
The weather changes so rapidly, though, I'm like, I have
no idea.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
Sous predictable. I'm not putting too much into that.
Speaker 1 (15:39):
Yeah, either, But at this point it says two inches,
and I'm like, what I saw?
Speaker 2 (15:43):
Yeah, I saw three inches.
Speaker 1 (15:44):
I was like, oh my goodness, Okay, I gotta go
back to the store.
Speaker 3 (15:50):
I be part of the problem.
Speaker 2 (15:52):
You're part of the problem.
Speaker 1 (15:54):
Oh my goodness. Well, thank you so much listeners for
sharing your stories with us. Please continue to do so
because it was really interesting the different series based on location.
Uh and yeah, we hope that you all are well.
If you have any super recipes you'd like to share,
we'd love recipes. So you can contact us in many ways.
You can email us at Hello at stuff Whenever Told
You dot com. You can also email us at Stuff Media,
mom Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com. You can find us
on blue Sky at mom Stuff podcast, or on Instagram
and TikTok at stuff I Never Told.
Speaker 3 (16:32):
You for us on YouTube.
Speaker 1 (16:34):
We have tea public store, and we have books you
can get wherever you get your books. Thanks as always
to our super producer Christina, our executive ducer and.
Speaker 3 (16:40):
Our contributor Joey.
Speaker 2 (16:41):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (16:42):
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