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February 8, 2024 14 mins

There are a lot of holidays and events going on at the moment. We run through traditions (or non-traditions), and ask if listeners have any they want to share.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Annie and Samantha and welcome to Stuff
I Never told you production of iHeartRadio and today welcome
to another edition of a Happy Hour. As always, if
you do choose to drink or whatever you're doing, please

do so responsibly. Also, we're all sponsored by anything we've
mentioned in here. If we don't say we're sponsored by,
we're not currently sponsored by. So, Samantha, what are you
slipping on?

Speaker 2 (00:37):
I am keeping it real wholesome because again I am
older and a sleepier when it comes to adult beverages
in doing a cranberriage in drelle.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Oh that sounds nice, thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
What about you?

Speaker 1 (00:52):
I'm just doing a light beer. I told Samantha, I'm
trying to free up some space in my fridge. It
is very backed in there. It's kind of a whole thing.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
But I was gonna fly, But okay, it's a whole thing,
the whole thing. To leave it at that, gotcha? Gotcha.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Yes, this will be a shorter episode, I think, I hope,
because I actually planned this before I knew this. But
super producer Christina is going on vacation hopefully hopefully, and
there are a lot of events happening in this next
week a lot of events, so I thought we would

just do kind of a rapid fire check in you
have plans or not about them, don't worry, I'll we'll
go through it about it.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Do you see my face just getting real confused, like
we're doing things. I know we're doing things on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Yeah, we'll talk about it. Okay, Okay, we'll go through it.
I did want to start before we get into that, though,
with something that happened. I have a lot of friends
who have birthdays around this time, and I took a
good friend of mine, Katie, who's on the show Happy
Blady Birkey. Yes, I took her to a nice sushi

restaurant and we were waiting for this one very loud
patron to leave, and it was interesting to see this
in the wild. But he was like wildly and unapologetically
asking where he can find some MILFs in Atlanta, right.

Speaker 2 (02:30):

Speaker 1 (02:30):
I was like, oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. And
then he was like, well, I also like redheads and
my friend is redheaded. So I was like oh, and
he was like clearly making everybody pretty uncomfortable. Didn't seem
to pick up on it at all. So that was interesting.

But then me and my friend were so embarrassed for
him that we were trying to be like the best,
the best people that have ever come to this restaurant,
like we're not going to be annoying at all, or
not gonna to the point I think we like made
everybody was a little worried about us because we were

so like, thank you, yes, oh sorry, I'm so sorry.
Oh my god, they're like you. But then I ended
it by telling the chef because it was yeah, I
get a sushi restaurant that sea urchins wear hats, and
I think he thought I had lost my mind. So
I ruined the whole thing. The final we were right

at the finish. I just couldn't resist they wear hats.
I mean, I believe you, it's super.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Anybody knew it would be you.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
Yes to see our savorite episode or also just looking
up online it is really cute. So that was something
that happened. I also told Samantha I was at a
mingling event for work that I was very awkward at
as well. So clearly still trying to figure out how
to function in society after the fair enough. Yes, but

one of the things, as you mentioned in this kind
of round of events that are happening. Is Lunar New
Year starts this Saturday, the tenth, February tenth, and we
are going to hang out that day. Yes, your chance
to be like nope.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
Let's me back it up.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Just kidding, Yes, so what are you planning about that?

Speaker 2 (04:33):
So last year we ended up having a Lunar New
Year dinner with that combined with the last of us
watching It's where we had a lot of people for
and we was really excited to celebrate Korean culture. And
I made the Korean New Year's soup, which has the
book book that is a circle shaped like coins, and

I was very proud that I made that. So I'm
planning to make that again, and then all the traditions
with the noodles subject ja uh as well as bogo
gee probably and of course kimchi and all the bonchons
that I like to make to add to it, because
there's a lot of cultural superstitions with that. So we're
gonna do that. I was thinking of doing a little
bit of like the Chinese New Year tradition of getting

in the red envelopes with two dollar bills, but I
don't think that's gonna happen. Sorry, Okay, that's a lot
of work. I think we would also trying to do
a little bit of the Marti Gras by doing a
king Cake. I would really like to do that because
it follows very closely to that. So I was like,
mim as well, come buying the two.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
That's right, that's right. That's also on my list because
Marty Grass starts on the thirteenth. Correct, Yes, yes, so
I'm very excited about this. I always love when your
food and I appreciate it. My friends and I usually
go get dim sums sometime during Lunar New Year. Oh yeah, yes,

and they're yeah, their text me about it currently, So
that's exciting. There is Marty Gras. I normally make a
very easy version of gumbo during Marty Right, do you
do anything as the King Cake?

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Like you're so, I've never done things for Marty Graus.
That's not a thing that I have actually looked at
as a celebratory thing, so we probably won't outside of
I'm just doing that because that seems like a fun
thing to do. Never done it. Last year you gave
us a leftover king cake, which was rude. I'm just kidding.
That was exciting a baby. The baby had already been done.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
I think the first person who had a piece got it.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Yeah, but then he left it. So I claimed it.
And it's scary looking. That's all I had to.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Take it is scary looking. Do you think that that
the luck transfers in that way?

Speaker 2 (06:49):
I don't know. I feel like he at least forfeits
it if it's given away, right.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
I would think so.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
But he was a little upset, and then we had
it back and forth trying to try to steal it.
I said, don't know where did he steal it?

Speaker 1 (07:04):
Oh, we have to do some investigations.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
We might have to.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Yes, so, Marti, gar usually happens during when all my
friends are having their birthdays. So we that's a big
tradition for us. As we get the kinkcake. I do
the gumbo separately. But the cake is a big beet.

Speaker 2 (07:23):

Speaker 1 (07:25):
Yes, so many of these are food based. I'm realizing
because the next one is the Super Bowl. This who
don't the Big Game? Don't see me? She don't really
watch anymore. I used to watch it, but now I
just eat the food. So chicken wings, chicheese.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
That's also almost like a chicken wings.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Yes, I used to do much more like I used
to do, like like walk them only and all the dips.
You know, you gotta have your dips.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
The what I know. Yeah, yeah, I think about a
spicy buffalo chicken dip. Oh, yes, I want to think
about that.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Oh it's so good. I went to one once where
there were like three versions of that a super Bowl party,
and it was the best.

Speaker 3 (08:14):

Speaker 1 (08:27):
Also, on the thirteenth Gallantine's Day, which I feel like
we used to Samantha and I we used to do
Galentine's Day Valentine's Day together pretty regularly. Normally, if I
am just by myself, then I like, maybe we'll make

a stake on Valentine's Day and that's it. But I
when I was a kid, my mom used to make
me these really nice like flowers made of like tool paper,
and so I have fond memories of Valentine's Day. But

I really the steak is nice. It's like a nice
excuses steak.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
We accidentally came together for Valentine's Day. I think we
try to make it a tradition out of that because
we were at the conference.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Yes, it wasn't purposeful, but right, which I still loved
and I was very excited about So don't get me
wrong about that.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
But yeah, a lot of the things that we end
up celebrating and ends up being tradition is up being
I don't think about it, but you think about it,
and I'm like, yeah, we did do that, and then
it becomes tradition because I'm not as sentimental because I
don't think about that, because like I don't do many
things for Valentine's Day. People send me gifts and I
send it bag. I'm like, yeah, that's right, and then

that's the end. But like I don't do much for
Valentine's Day either. Last year it was the first time
that my partner and I went to dinner. It is
because I just wanted this one place for dinner and
the like set menu looked amazing. So that was the
end of that. But like, outside of that, I don't
think I've ever celebrated. And because you were like, let's
do it, was like yeah, because I don't do things

on my own. Things like that, traditions are very odd
to me.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
I think that's interesting because to me, like it's all
it's like both I can see the sad part of it.
And the happy part of it, because it's kind of
sad that I'm like I can finally have a steak,
but a steak, you know, is kind of a special
occasion food. But it's also like I can finally go
to this restaurant. Like if you want to go to
a restaurant, you should go. It's it's interesting how many

things I've built up into a lass. Finally my time
to have this thing. Yeah, but it is also nice
because it kind of makes it special because I am
a very tradition like this is my pass time in
this way, I have on my calendar like by grol
tries for this, you know, on this day. Like I'm

just very in that mindset. And I've talked before like
dates are a big thing in my head, Like I'm
like this state. I remember this state and the state.
So it is interesting to me that you and I
are very different.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
And it's not a bad thing at all. It was
just like absolutely a thing like in my like I
this is my least attachment thing, Like it has a
lot to do with our childhoods that you thrived in
adventure and imagination, and the part of that is like
building in the traditions and the sentimentality as where I

grew up in survival mood constantly of like I got
a lie to get through this, and like I got
to make up just to be like I definitely had
a family. Yep, I knew that girl and I didn't
and I didn't like I did that in the orphanage,
but like coming out of that and then coming to
the US where they also had traditions and it was
very very heavily influenced with religion that I was like,

I don't know what's happening. And also this didn't exist
in Korea, so I did to exists here type of
thing because being in an orphanage and you get and
like like a lot of systems here, but you get
like yelled at that's part of your birthday, brother, when
maybe a cookie, Oh they didn't even celebrate your birthday
because they didn't really know your birthday and the story.

So stuff like that is just very much like huh
and which of like I try to rev myself up
in this inna mentality and then I get really disappointed
when it doesn't meet the expectations of what I thought
it was supposed to be. So I just gave up
which is really sad in itself, but like, but when
someone else does it for me, I am more excited
about their excitement than anything else. So that's why I

think i'd latch onto what you do. I'm like, yeah,
that's wonderful. I love this. Let's do this.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Yeah. Well it's funny too because so many of the things,
like again going back to the like it's kind of said,
it's kind of happy, Like literally, I'll be happy if
I have a stake amount as I say, like the
literal by myself, like leave me be. It would be
a great time. But it helps me. I think traditions
for me help me feel like I'm passing time. Like
it's such I feel like, okay, this is over now

I move on to this. So this is this week
is just a ton of them, like this whole coming week.
But I would love to know listeners, like, if you
have traditions, if you're celebrating any of this, if you're
confused by it's.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Like, what's wrong with you?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
All good? Just let us know. You can email us
at Stepania mom Stuff, iHeartMedia dot com. You can find
us on Twitter at mastuff podcast, or on Instagram and
TikTok at stuff when I've per told you, Uh. We
have a tea public store, and we have a book
you can get wherever you get your books. Thanks as
always to our super producer Christina or excactive producer Maya

and our contributor Joey. Thank you and thanks to you
for listening. Stuff Whenever Told You is production by Heart Radio.
For more podcasts from my heart Radio, you can check
out the heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or you listen
to your paper shows.

Speaker 2 (14:02):

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Anney Reese

Anney Reese

Samantha McVey

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