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March 18, 2024 22 mins

Samantha does a check in with cozy gaming, and some games she's enjoying right now. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Annie and Samantha and welcome to stuff
I ever told your prediction of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
And welcome to another Monday Mini where I take over
and talk about cozy gaming. Yes, y'all is still around.
People still love it. We need to we need to
bring some experts on here. Actually, the creator of a
cozy game has been doing a campaign because her game,
I think was being released at the same time a
huge studio was releasing their stuff, so it kind of

like out coveraged her stuff to the point that she's
really upset about it. But she's got a one point
one million views and the game is named Potions Curious Tell,
which I am interested in looking at getting and it's
an indie game. I want to download it and I
want to get it. She's talking about how EA has

been releasing a lot of games at the same time
that she had planned, and she's been talking about it
for a minute, like I've seen this game. I've seen
her do really cute ads TikTok videos to try to
advertise it. She's done live action interpretations of what the
game looks like. So it's like a witchy game to Potions,
and I do want to try it, so I just
want to shut that game out there. I don't know

much about the developer. I don't know what about her.
I think her name is Renee, and I don't know
everything and the details behind it. I don't know about
much about the game. I do, like I said, I
want to look for it. It's available now, so I
will be looking for it. But you know, it does
make me sad when I see someone who's worked so
hard at content like this and gaming like this, especially

for an industry that is not welcoming to women or
marginalized people. So you know, I'm going to look into
it a little more. But just that put that on
so sideline as a beginner, because I feel like I
need to remind myself of going into.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
These games, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Mm hmm, yeah, okay, But today I'm pretty much just
talking about cozy games, not necessarily phone games, because you know,
I'm obsessed with phone games and I play that a lot.
But I've picked back up the switch, y'all. I'm not
gonna lie. My Island from Animal Crossing looks really bad.
Flowers everywhere, all the weeds everywhere. I here's the thing,

and I've confessed to this before. I've figured out two
things about my dislikes in video gaming and gaming in general.
You know, if it's too complicated and I have to
compete and have to kill things, I'm not good at it.
So I don't like that. If you don't give me objectives,
I'm not good about creating. I am not a very

creative person. Like there are things that I'm like, yes,
this is what I want to do when it comes
to speaking and writing that makes sense to me. When
it comes to actual like art visual arts, I am
not good. I really wish I was. I'll like some
of the pictures that I do as a kid probably
looked made me look like a manic uh serial killer.

But it's okay because I'm not just say that's how
bad they are or eccentric. They may seem to be
all of that to say. So, now that I finish
all the objectives with animal crossing, you know they tell
you to do this, they tell you to fill the museums.
So I've gotten all of the bones. All the bones
are there, I'm done with that. I haven't gotten all

the bugs, and I haven't gotten all of the uh
like creatures see creatures because you know they're seasonal, and
so since I'm not on it every day, like for
a minute that I was, I can't get to them.
Like we're back to the season I originally started with,
which I've gotten all of those things, so now I
could do the time jumping, which is a lot, or

I just have to wait. So like with that, and
then you're supposed to build the island and make it
look pretty, I don't know how to do that. My
friend shout out to Matt, he has the best island
I have ever seen, like it is, so I did
bust up his rocks and he got mad at me,
as he should, because I didn't know how to get

the material out without busting it because I didn't realize
when you eat the fruit, it makes you super strong.
I figured it out now, but like one of the
best islands I've seen, and then when you you know,
when you can go to sleep and go visit other islands,
they put my island to shade.

Speaker 3 (04:36):
It's so bare.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
But I don't want it to be too built up.
I wanted to be a retreated like island. But yeah,
so my animal crossing is not great.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
Danny, you should see my island.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
I need to come visit. Did you build it up?
Is it built up?

Speaker 3 (04:53):
Its built up? I got the five stars, I got
the flowers.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Yeah, five stars. You want to come build my island?

Speaker 3 (04:59):
It's Star Wars based island. Surprise.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
The only thing I have before I complete. I just
have four, no, three, three art pieces left. I've done
everything else you've done.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
I haven't gotten the art pieces either, now that you
say that art pieces take forever, yeah, because you have
to go buy the and then you have to, like
I do the cheating and try to make sure they're real.
So I go through the phone to find which ones
because I've been I've been duped, You've been. I've been
duped twice.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
It's not nice.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
It's not nice.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
You know if I ever told you this, but.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
One of your I never have had the heart to
kick someone off my island. One of your people that
you kicked off your islands.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Came to me. How did you find that out?

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Because it said they came from there.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Now I did kick them off. I think it's like
they are asking. I just want to try. I just
wanted a grand adventure, and I didn't know what that meant.
I was like, yeah, go for it. Because that's that's
the way you respond and like it's an encouraging thing.
And I didn't realize what it would do.

Speaker 4 (06:15):
And she left.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
I'm like, oh, damn, I did kick off a wolf
because he was mean to me.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
It was.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Like just criticizing me.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
I was like, damn, what's wrong with you?

Speaker 2 (06:29):
I will not have that on my island, bad energy.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Going, You've got some standard, You've got some standards.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
You can't be mean to me on my own island.
How dare you? So?

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I did?

Speaker 2 (06:40):
I think I kicked out two people, and like one
of those on purpose. One was on like, oh, I
didn't know what this does type of moment.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
So it sounds like the one you didn't know what
it does?

Speaker 2 (06:51):
Is it the dogs?

Speaker 3 (06:53):
No, it's a oh would that be sheep of some kind?

Speaker 2 (06:58):
I'm trying to remember.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
Maybe you've kicked out more people than you know.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
I didn't really.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Well, that's what it said when she showed up, like this, Wow.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
They're telling on me. You know.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
That was the thing.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Now that is like a whole shape factor.

Speaker 5 (07:15):
Okay, okay, okay, Well.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
So that is my animal crossing update because I'm really
I'm really bad about trying to build up the land
and island and creating things and pathways, like I have
random things just hanging about. There's a locker in the
middle of nowhere because I just give me things. I
just want to get rid of it. There's a table
with a book on it, like I was like, I
don't know what to do with this, just why so
we have that on my Island's.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Funny because when I visited your island, I was like,
I'll never be I still but memory I have of
your island is better than my islands.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
No that's not true. I don't know why. But it
is sparse and all a little bit sad. I like
it that way.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
That's why.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
Well, I liked it too.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Maybe I would be motivated one day, but like, it's
just I'm bad. Like there's a game that I played
on my phone that you also build your island and that,
and it's just crowded and it makes no sense. But
I have to have all this stuff on there so
I can get points. It makes no sense, but it's okay.
But here are some of the favorites that I have

been playing recently, and one of them is called Lemon
Cakes by Cozy b Games. Super Cute, super cute. So
this is the description that they have about their game.
It says, while the bakery might initially be broken, and
it is broken, overgrown, and even haunted, don't worry. You'll
be able to repair, furnish and decorate every room in

the bakery. Gather honey from your beehive, raise a cow
to collect fresh milk, and adopt a few chickens to
add eggs to your rest. You'll also be able to
grow trees and plants to harvest a variety of fruits,
mix ingredients together to prepare all kinds of recipes, including
baked pastries, candies, and frozen desserts. Be sure to serve

your customers quickly and keep your window displays well stocked
so you don't miss out on any order. Serve coffee
to impatient customers to keep them around the bakery a
bit longer, and build an adorable cat cafe to make
everyone's day brighter. So I have been playing this game
essentially every day. It's like you quickly wake up, you

quickly bake things, put things in display, and try to
keep up, and it's pretty hard. I definitely had my
thumbs sore trying to keep up with all these, but
there's really cute cats that you can pet. I do
have some plants in a very broken greenhouse, but you
know it's working. You have to, like you don't get
a lot of money, or maybe I don't get a
lot of money because I'm not good at it. This

is about based on the sale of the day, so
I don't like I've gotten four Like I've just gotten
four recipes that are pretty well done, two ovens that work,
and then like two ghosts that come to see me.
One ghost is the former owner Bond Bond, I believe,
and one ghost is a is an inspector and health inspector,

and he often tells me to catch bugs, and I
have to catch bugs, and I'm not really good at
that either because my aim is off apparently like what
I think I'm supposed to be aiming, I'm not supposed to.
It's kind of hard, but it's really cute. It's really
bright game. It has a daily objective for me to
like give out, so it's kind of like could be monomonous,

except you do get to buy cows to do like
the milking and such, and then you have the fruits
to add and then having the customers come through. It's
quite cute, and the thing is just mindless enough with
just the of activity that it's fun to play, So

it's not as it's it's Overcooked without partners and as
much stress I every time I've ever played Overcooked with
my partner. Thank goodness, he knows he's trying to make
me like games, so he would never be mean to me.
But because I'm like, I'm done, I'm over this.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Once when I was I was hanging out with you both,
it came up that you might play it, and I was.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Like, wow, because that's that's a game that can't get Really.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
I got so mad about the other game. What was it?
The robot robots one Florence.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
Oh, Portal Portal. Yeah, Florence.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
This is the name of that robot that's mean to me?

Speaker 3 (11:48):

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Why are robots? Why are these games mean to me?

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Annie? Oh? Wow, that's a great question.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
You know.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
I think you need that.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
You need a villain or someone to to.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
Be to someone else, not me. But yeah, so that's
one game that I'm playing. Portal is not that game.
I will never play with Wortal again. I'm still angry
about it. I hated with the passion you know what
I've discovered between this game and a Short Hike, which
I highly recommend to me and I did play on
the on the Steam deck. It's games that where I

can fall off that I really hate because I'm really
bad at it. So for the beginning of the Short
Hike goes fine, find these things you have to jump here,
I'm like, I'm pretty bad about figuring out how to
jump because I don't understand the dual usage, the multi
usage of all the buttons, and I'm like, why am
I doing all these things that if there's a chance

that I can fall off of a thing, I'm gonna
fall off of that thing, and it's gonna take me
forever to get to that objective to not follow that thing,
and I'll figure it out. I don't like that because
it makes me very angry and impatient and so ill
off of it more, which we've seen in our Mario

party ate that that game, well, yes, Mario Carto, Annie, sorry,
you know where that one objective you have to co
cross the way.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
To exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Every time I fall off, and I hate it so much,
and like my partner and you because you're used to
like just being able to go fast go and I'm
like inching, like not even inching, like just tiny steps
a time to try not to fall off, and I
still fall off.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Yeah I have I have another friend who has made
this exact same complaint about jumping and the falling off,
So you're not alone.

Speaker 4 (13:46):
I'm not good at it.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
But another game that I do like that I don't
fall off, thank you, is a Cozy Grove by spry Fox,
which I feel like I may have talked about before.
It's actually one of my favorite games. I did start
playing it at the same time that I played started
Animal Crossing, so it's similar in that level of like
you have to get the fish you can get, but

the collection is different, so there's no museum. And this
is how they describe the game. Spry Fox says, Welcome
to Cozy Grove, a life sim game about camping on
a haunted, ever changing island as a spirit scout. You'll
wonder the island's forced each day, finding new hidden secrets
and helping soothe the local ghosts. With a little time

and a lot of crafting, you'll bring color and joy
back to Cozy Grove. So the ghosts are all bears,
but they're like themed bears, so like they'll dress up
as other things. So I think one looks like a pelican,
but it's still a bear. That makes sense. So one
looks like a daisy, but it's still a bear. But

you know, I was trying to recommend cozy games to
my partners co worker for their kids, and this game
came up in my head because it's super cute, Like
the whole scenery is really cute, the music's fun. I don't.
I feel they have like objectives per game, and you
have to get like the spirit logs to give to

your campfire and it tells you like where to go essentially.
But the stories about these bears that died, they're intense.
Like one of the stories had talked about how he
was being blamed for his family's death and like that's
always haunted him, and I was like, what the hell. So,

like I took a moment and I was like, do
I recommend that to kiss?

Speaker 4 (15:45):
Is this for like? Is this?

Speaker 2 (15:47):
I know some games are just for adults. Is this
game for adults only? Like it doesn't the coloring, the
animation wouldn't imply that to me. But at the same time,
these storylines of some of these bears aren't really intense
and sad.

Speaker 3 (16:04):

Speaker 1 (16:05):
I won't go into my whole tension about this, but
I feel like a lot of stuff we enjoy as
kids does involve death, and when you look back at
it as an adult, you're like whoa. But when you're
a kid, you're just sort of like.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
OK, because you can skip over these stories. But as
I was like reading some of them, I'm like, dang
when Bear got killed for his treasure and I was like,
that seems really intense. But I guess you're right, like
a lot of our animated films and like, I'm still
traumatized by Land Before Time and I'll still will not
watch that or Bambi. How dare you?

Speaker 3 (16:39):

Speaker 1 (16:40):
I'm also interested that you've two of the games you've
listened have got haunted.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
I don't know if that's a theme with cozy games. Uh,
I don't, because I feel like there's a lot of
games that are like haunted or this thing or like
dark dark past that you need to unravel.

Speaker 3 (16:59):
Huh. I guess you would have more knowledge than.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
That, or you know, trying to find people, find things,
uncovered mysteries.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
Yeah, this is we should come back and talk about
this later then, because now you've got me really interested,
because a lot of the ones you've suggested to me,
now that they think about it, do have pretty like
adult mystery murder.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
You've like put like asterisks of like this might be
we need to come back to that. Okay, But another
game which is kind of that same level, and we've
already played the first one, which is the Coffee Talk
uh episode one. I have gotten into Coffee Talk. Episode
two just started, so it's called Coffee Talk Episode two,
Hibiscus and Butterfly. So I'm only in like chapter one

or two. Still great, the animation is wonderful. I just
started the dialogue. So we had that big mystery unravel
in the first one. I'm guessing there's something similar to
that on this one.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
This time.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
The it's already kind of eerie. There was a thunderstorm happening.
There's a dude who is an influencer that has an
agent that's coming on. And then this siren I think
is what she is, comes in and she is not
a happy person thus far, like something is to hap happened.
I think she's I think that's the whole thing about
like cyberbullying. I was like, oh, okay, okay, they've introduced

pea flowers or pea flower tea, and I've already messed
up a drink. I was already told but I did
not get the drink right. It was not good, and
I was like, okay.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
So for listeners who don't know, we have talked about
this in previous episodes, but essentially coffee talk is like
you're making drinks while people tell you, and there's like
vampires and wear wolves and yes, and you're just making
drinks and you're trying to get the drinks right while
they talk to you.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
So huh, right, messed up a drink.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
So I feel like I'm going to go back. But
also it's supposed to like cover present day Seattle. It's
around my birthday actually, and I think the last one
was around my birthday too, and uh like twenty twenty three.
And then this is a very like obvious take on like, uh,
racism and prejudice in general, except we have yes, different species,

so we have like again, last time, we had vampires,
we had ware wolves, we had aliens. On one real
alien dude like who was trying to pretend to be
human so he could mate we all need to go
back on our last episode because this does not make
sense outside of But yeah, so I've started that and

it's definitely like has like eighties nineties vibe of animation
and the way it speaks to you. It's like typed
out and such. It's really fun. It's very relaxing to me.
This is one of those games that I can sit
in my bed getting ready to go to bed and
play and not be over the top about it. But
it has definitely come up as one of my favorites,

and I'm really glad they did have a second rendition.
I'm hoping that it continues because when it ends, it's
not one of those replayable games. I mean it is
because you can try to figure out the drinks, but
you're not discovering anything new, essentially. But I think it's
interesting that these games are developing and it's still coming out.
But like I said, because Coffee Talk one was so successful,

they came out with the second one again. I'm hoping
that it will continue on and I'm still looking for
other games to try again. I want to try that
one we talked about at the beginning of the episode
because we want to talk about indie creators, and I'm
hoping that we find more indie creators and especially those
from the marginalized communities being a part of this and
that they aren't going to be overshadowed by the big companies,

although inevitably it does happen, but that maybe we can
shine more light on that. So with that, as you
can tell, now you kind of have a better feel
and I have a better feel of what I prefer
in cozy games. Is there suggestions or people out there
or games out there that I need to be finding
and playing and loving and putting on my lists.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Yes, you know listeners. We love those suggestions. I have
a bunch of board games that I'm dying to play
that I got based on listeners suggestions, So we really
do take them into account. If you have suggestions for
Samantha or me, or both of us, please let us know.
You can email us at Stuff Media, Momstuff at iHeartMedia
dot com. You can find us on Twitter at mom

Stuff podcast, or on Instagram and TikTok at stuff. I've
never told you we have a tea public store and
we have a book where we do talk about video games.
You can get it wherever you get your books. Thanks
as always to our super producer Christina, our executive producer Maya,
and our contributor Joey. Thank you and thanks to you
for listening stuff I Never told you. Disrection by Heart Radio.
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