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March 12, 2024 62 mins

The recent film Above Majestic is look at the origins, history and conspiracies behind the "Majestic 12", an alleged, secret group of military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. Join the guys as they interview the creator of the film, David Wilcock, about his theories, his beliefs, and the experiences that inspired him to create the film in this classic episode.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back to the show, fellow conspiracy realist. We are
returning to you this evening with a classic, a very
very wild interview that we did in two thousand and eighteen.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
My, how the time flies.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Jeez, what was that like? It feels like you're talking
about in the nineties at this point.

Speaker 4 (00:19):
But this conversation is about one of the things guys. Personally,
it's one of my favorite things. I'm kind of obsessed
with it. It's the concept of the Majestic Twelve. It's
a secretive, fabled group of people that's kind of close
to the Illuminati, but.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
With UFOs right right.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Majestic twelve the inner cabal of scientists and policymakers who
apparently figured out the aliens were real and proceeded to
participate in one of the greatest cover ups in human history.
In this interview, we speak with the author David Wilcock,

regarding his own his theories, his beliefs, his journey, and
how it pertains to his exploration of Majestic twelve.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Let's jump brid yell.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies. History is
riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or
learn the stuff they don't want you to know.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
Welcome back to the show. My name is Matt.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
Our friend Noel is on some adventures. All will be
revealed in time, but they call me Ben where with
our super producer Paul Deckett. Most importantly, you are you,
You are here, and that makes this stuff they don't
want you to know. A very special episode of stuff
they don't want you to know.

Speaker 3 (01:56):

Speaker 4 (01:56):
Yes, we had the opportunity of watching a document called
Above Majestic, and we got to watch it a little
ahead before it came out. And we are so excited
today to be joined by one of the creators of
this documentary, David Wilcock, who was a professional lecturer, filmmaker
and researcher. Please everyone, let's welcome David Wilcock.

Speaker 5 (02:19):
Well, thank you guys for bringing me on. It's an
honor to do your show. I had a career for
a while repairing electronics and I was intuitive with it.
I would take things apart and figure out how they work.
So seems like it's a good fit for me to
be on your show.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Yes, fantastic. So, David, we wanted to first thank you
for being so generous with your time today your name
is going to be familiar to a lot of us
in the audience in this episode, and over the course
of your career, you have delved into multiple different avenues

of research. Your prolific author, we've seen several of your books,
and we also, I guess to start at the beginning,
we were reading through some of your early life experiences
available on your website here, with some experiences that people

would call extraordinary, occurring as early as age two or five.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
Is that correct, Yeah, definitely correct.

Speaker 5 (03:27):
I started to have very strange dreams that had cylindrical
craft in them that did not have wings, that were
hovering over the backyard, and in some cases I was
there with my mother. It would appear that the craft
in some of these dreams had landed and that they

wanted me, or I felt compelled to go to the craft.
I still have not remembered anything as far as if
these were actual contact experiences, but there's a lot of
UFO contact ease and insiders who work in highly classified
government programs, and I have been consistently informed by folks

like this that sometimes these things that appear to be
dreams are actually screen memories or otherwise memories of things
that did happen. In other words, there are lots of
contacts happening. Lots of people are having contact experiences, and
it is not common for us to remember them. It

is very, very much more common that we don't remember them.
And there's also lots of other contact experiences that do
not involve the typical alien abduction from bug eyed to
grays as most people think. You know, the et subject
is far far greater in complexity than the idea of
gray aliens from Zeta reticuli.

Speaker 3 (04:52):

Speaker 4 (04:53):
So, just for some of the members of our audience
that don't necessarily outright believe in extra tra real life,
what do you feel is the most compelling evidence that
just aliens are real?

Speaker 5 (05:08):
Essentially, it's very tough to pick one thing when you're
dealing with a subject that is so vast in its
scope and complexity, But I guess we can take a
crack at a few things. First of all, back in
the day of the nineteen eighties, when I would watch
documentaries about UFOs on network or cable TV, they would

always have the skeptics in there. The skeptics would always
say all of this has been discredited. One of the
things they love to use. Was this so called Drake
equation that looks very complicated with all these factors in it,
And it was basically this scientist calculating that there's only
going to be two point seventeen civilizations in the Milky
Way galaxy. And I always wondered, well, what the heck

does this point seventeen civilization look like? Is it just
legs walking around with no body or what?

Speaker 3 (06:00):
I mean.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
It's a fascinating question too, because we know, statistically speaking,
just given the size of not even the entire universe,
just the part that we can observe, it's virtually certain
that there is some sort of other intelligent life, or
there was, or there will be. I think that's a

very I think that's a very interesting conundrum because we
run into what I would call sometimes the arrogance of skepticism,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 5 (06:33):
Yeah, Well, and the fact is skepticism is no longer
supported by the actual NASA data. And I say that
because when we look at how exoplanets are discovered, it
has to do with the occultation of the light coming
from the star, where there's subtle variations in its luminance,

and NASA has gotten to the point now where they
can detect very subtle changes, and they can detect the
mass of the planet, and they can also detect its
approximate distance from the star. And NASA has also announced
that stars are giving off hydrogen oxygen, which naturally combine
in atmospheres to make liquid water. Therefore, any planet that

is within what they're calling the Goldilocks zone, that has
the right size is going to have liquid water and
is going to be Earth like. So the official NASA
estimates now of how many planets there are that are
like Earth just in our galaxy alone, some of those
estimates are as high as eighty billion.

Speaker 3 (07:38):

Speaker 5 (07:40):
So try to imagine that, like if you had if
you just went through our galaxy and you tried to
go to every inhabited or every earth like planet. Okay,
let's forget inhabited for a minute, every Earth like planet.
Then what's going to happen is every person on Earth

would need to visit what is it, like, twelve planets
just to even visit them. If there's eighty billion in
our galaxy, and then when they go into an estimate
of how many Earth like planets there are in the universe,
it would actually be one thousand Earth like planets for
every single grain of sand on the entire planet Earth.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Which is an insane comparison. You know, that's that's mind boggling.

Speaker 5 (08:27):
The idea if there's one guy listening on three hits
a acid and he understands this, but nobody else.

Speaker 3 (08:34):

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Please do?

Speaker 4 (08:38):
I think his name is Johnny Planet and he's awesome.
So if one of the big issues I guess with having,
even if we have this many civilizations and this much
intelligent life in the universe, traversing the distance that you
would need to just to visit even the next solar

system becomes a tremendous problem. How do you see that
actually working in in reality right now?

Speaker 5 (09:07):
So you have to understand that we are dealing with
a particular set of science which we now believe to
be sacrosanct and inviolable, and we take ourselves to be
a modern civilization where most of the mysteries of science,
laws of physics have been cracked and accessed, and it

turns out that this really is not true. One of
the most significant contributions I feel I've made to collective
human knowledge is to explore a lot of different aspects
of alternative science and to find out just how lacking
much of our science has been. So like, as an example,

there's this one Russian physicist named doctor Vladimir Ginsburg, and
Whinsburg went back and looked at Einstein's relativity equations, and
you will notice that the most common debunking that these
skeptical individuals would usually use about the idea that nobody

could reach light speed or even exceed light speed is
this concept of mass increase. So when you look at
the Einstein relativity model, one of the things that Einstein
says is that as you approach light speed in your velocity,
that your mass continues to get larger and larger to
such a degree that once you reach light speed velocity

that your mass would now be the size of the
entire universe.

Speaker 3 (10:43):
It literally goes to infinity. Wow.

Speaker 5 (10:46):
So, way back in the day in the eighties, when
you used to watch these shows, they'd bring this up.
Sometimes skeptics would and say, yeah, it's just impossible. Nobody's
ever going to be able to reach us. We're all
trapped in this slow morass and there's no way out.
So I brought up Vladimir Ginsberg. Well Ginsberg produced a
very interesting realization. The Einstein equation that leads to this

idea of mass increase at light speed velocity is an
equation that is based on a fraction. And the cool
thing about fractions is that you can manipulate them, and
that includes tipping them upside down, where the bottom goes
to the top, the top goes to the bottom. Speaking
in simple language now, but you get the point. And

when you flip the fraction of the Einstein equation, it
doesn't violate any laws of physics to turn it upside down.
Everything still works fine. All the equations we know and
love still check out. Everything plugs through in a proper manner. However,
now as you reach light speed, instead of your mass increasing,

your mass decreases. And so his conclusion, and also I
would concur with this conclusion, is that it's mass displacement,
and that means mass is displacing into an alternate reality
and alternate dimension as you approach light speed. Well, this
is very very useful, and I'll tell you why. And again,

I've done three books, you know, two of which are
New York Times bestsellers, and the total amount of academic
references in these three books is over two thousand. Okay,
so it only takes one hundred and twenty to one
hundred and fifty to do a PhD. So there's a
lot of stuff. There's a lot of scholarship I put
into all this stuff. So let's just say this. The

really cool part about this idea of mass displacing as
you go towards light speed is that matter as we
know it right now is already whirling around almost at
light speed inside of itself. So that means that this
is a secret where if you had a way to
nudge the velocity inside the atom over the light speed boundary,

which again traditional skeptics would say, oh that's impossible, that's impossible.
But the light speed that we've already had measured has
been proven to be quite variable. You know, it's not
a solid measurement at all. It totally has fluctuations, and
so the whole idea that it's a constant really was
just an assumption based on inaccurate observations that didn't have

the scientific precision we do now. So my point in
saying all this to you guys is that when you
get into the alternative science, when you get into the
alternative physics, you discover that there are ways in which
you can accelerate an atom over the light speed boundary.
And when you do that, you now have teleportation. You
can displace mass into an alternative reality, and in that

alternative reality, space works very differently, and you can traverse
much greater distances that speeds greatly in excess of the
speed of light. So this is a whole branch of science.
I mean, as you can probably imagine, I could give
you two hour discourse just on this little chunk of it.
But the idea is that just like the Wright brothers,

it took them four years to prove that they actually
had achieved powered flight, and they couldn't even get it
done in the US. They had to go to France
because people in the US were literally seeing the plane fly,
seeing photographs of it flying, and they still didn't believe it.
It's the same thing that's going on right now. We
think we're at the top of the ladder, and we

really haven't even started climbing.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
You know, I completely agree with that observation, David, because
one thing that we've learned, we being our species, of course,
is that the more closely we investigate a lot of
things that were thought to be constant, universal absolutes the
rules of reality. The closer we investigating and scrutinize these things,

the more we learn about our own current ignorance, you know,
like if you had, I believe like there's a terrible
example of this, which is the doctor who advocated washing
one's hands before conducting surgery. The man was driven out
of his profession for asking people to do something that,

even if it didn't work, was not an inconvenience at all.
That's ridiculous, right, And it's a yeah, that's that's the reenactment.
And so it's a dangerous assumption, isn't it that to
say that we do know everything there is to know
when the opposite is clearly the case. And to your point,
for something to traverse that cosmic golf, they would almost

certainly have to be using methods of transportation that are
unknown to our civilization. If we could talk a little
bit about how this relates to life on Earth, that'd
be very interested. I know our listeners would be very
interested in this too, in learning your perspective on how

extraterrestrial contact may have occurred in the ancient past and
whether it has occurred in the more recent past or
even in the modern day.

Speaker 5 (16:20):
Right, Well, this is another very valid subject to inquire about.
There are so many structures around the world that are
made of, you know, one hundred ton blocks of stone,
in some cases over a thousand tons, like with the
Trilithian in Balbeck Lebanon. You know, you have these slabs

that are literally the size of a city block, and
the heaviest.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
One weighs like one six and eighty tons.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
There's absolutely nothing on earth that we have that even
would remotely be able to manipulate blocks of this weight,
and they're on every continent except Antarctica that we know of, and.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Nobody can explain this.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
So it really kind of, to use a psychological terms,
it's a mass cognitive dissonance that we all have that
we assume that societies that are less advanced than we are,
societies where men are walking around wearing towels around their waists,
you know, and not even the kind of clothes that

we would have, that they're somehow gonna, you know, butter
up these logs and roll them up the hill and
roll the stones in a position. It's it's totally ludicrous,
and just to take that data point as something that we.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Know for a fact.

Speaker 5 (17:51):
And then you go down to Peru sac se Walman
and you look at these stones that are in some
cases a hundred tons five hundred tons, that are literally
pushed together as if they just melted together, and you
can't even fit a razor blade in between the cracks,
but yet there's no mortar holding them together. It's absolutely

in defiance of all of our logic and all of
our science. So the only actual logical choice left using
the principle of Akham's razor, which is that the simplest explanation.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
Has to be the right one. This is not the
work of primitive people. It can't be.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Therefore, it has to be the work of people who
came here from somewhere else, some type of intelligent life
that came here that or at least also some type
of civilization that had reached a level of advancement on
Earth that is greater than our own. So then you
cue the anthropologists, and the anthropologists are going to say, well,
show me one broken piece of pottery, show me one.

You know, where's the Chatalhoyuk, where's the ancient settlement that
we dug up that shows all the progression of the
technology up to this point, we don't have it. Well, yeah, exactly, dude.
So you have to have craft coming in here from
somewhere else. And then what are they going to do.
They're going to use the native building materials because they
didn't bring any building materials with them. And if you

want to build something that's going to last a really
long time, make it.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
Out a stone.

Speaker 5 (19:20):
So there you have it. It's so simple. And it
amazes me that government controlled psiof a psychological operation dating
back to the nineteen forties has created such an immense
aura of ridicule if you even dare to talk about
this and ask these questions that.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
Everybody just stayed quiet.

Speaker 5 (19:40):
Nobody dared to ask because they didn't want to be
ostracized by their peers and lose their job and lose
their lively.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
And with that, let's take a quick word from our
sponsor and we'll be right back, and we're back. So
speaking of perhaps ancient civilizations with high levels of technology,
in just the trailer, even for Above Majestic, there is

a quote in there from Robert Oppenheimer that I believe
from this same interview he gave where he said He
quoted the bagav Agita and said, now I am become
death destroyer of worlds when talking about the Trinity nuclear
weapon test or the Trinity test, and you mentioned something
in there, and I just love for you to talk
about a little bit about the other technology that seems

to exist within that book.

Speaker 5 (20:32):
Well, certainly, as you guys and your listeners may or
may not know, I'm one of the top repeating talents
on the Ancient Aliens show on History Channel. I'm in
approximately one hundred and twenty six episodes. Oh yeah, And
so anytime that you go to History Channel on a Friday,
from ten am Friday morning to one am Saturday morning,

that's all they air now all day long. So I'm
getting a lot ofsure on History Channel. And this show,
Ancient Aliens, incidentally, is the number one most viewed television
program in the country of India, meaning that out of
all the selections that are available on television, there's more

hours and more people watching Ancient Aliens than anything else, which.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
I find fascinating.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
And so on Ancient Aliens, we have very consistently returned
to the ancient Hindu scriptures because there is such a
wealth of bizarre and fascinating information in there, and even
what we cover on the show really only barely begins
to scratch the surface of how far you can take
that investigation. So let me just paint a picture for

you now of what you get when you read these texts.
First of all, we are looking at a society in
which there are very sharp, divergent types of human looking
people coexisting. You have people that look like we do conventionally.

You have people who are taller than those folks that
have blue skin, and we still see the depictions of
Krishna all over the place, and everybody just assumes, oh,
that's a mythology, that's got to be some kind of
artistic rendering, and maybe the blue indicates that he's so
highly spiritual. No, no, no, this is what they looked like this.

There were people in India that had a skin that
was blue. That's not a speculation. This is all part
of their documented history. They took it very seriously, and
the oldest artworks are thousands of years old that depict
people looking like this. Another interesting area that I do

say in that trailer you mentioned is there are different
types of beings that are referred to in the bagavat Gita,
the Mahabarata, and the other Vedic texts that they call
rock shassas or takshasas. Those are two different words. And
another colloquialism they use for them is snakes. And when

you read about these beings, it's clear, I mean they
have names, they have very strange names, and they appear
to look like a reptilian human being. So in other words,
they have the two arms, two legs, the head, two eyes, nose, mouth,
but yet at the same time they also look as
if a snake had.

Speaker 3 (23:35):
Been rendered into a human form.

Speaker 5 (23:38):
And there are very intense wars that are described between
these reptilian types, the types with blueskin, the human types,
and these battles also are recorded as occurring with the
use of a certain type of craft they call the Mana,
and the craft are described as you know, there's no

visible sign of propulsion coming out of them. They have
advanced weapons technology, including what appears to be the use
of laser type weapons or particle being type weapons. They
have clear anti gravity properties. They have a humming noise
as they operate. They appear to be able to phase shift,

so they could fly right into the ground, or fly
through the ocean, or fly through a mountain, and the
wars that these beings are fighting with each other included.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
What appears to be the use of nuclear weapons.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
And so as we ask in the movie, how the
heck do you get such a precise description of the
exact nature and trauma of the nuclear bomb in a
text that, by anybody's estimate, is at very least three
thousand years old.

Speaker 4 (24:50):
So I guess the big question then is over time,
has all of that technology, if it existed, just been
buried to a certain point where it's in excess decade
or Yeah, what are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 5 (25:04):
Well, I'd like to answer that question in what might
appear to be a divergence, but it's not going to be.
It'll come back to the questions point really quickly, okay. So,
and I'm gonna come back to this thing called the
Siberian Roswell and you'll see why this is important.

Speaker 3 (25:21):

Speaker 5 (25:22):
One of the things we did cover on ancient aliens,
and as a consulting producer, I had a lot of
effect on what shows were chosen and what the topics were,
and this is one of the ones that I recommended.
So it's important to understand that the use of nuclear
weapons on a widespread scale, Apparently the electromagnetic pulse that

these weapons create and the amount of destructive force and
actual movement that these weapons create is sufficient to change
the energetic signature of the Earth so that it balances
on a different rotational axis. And so the real tragedy
of this civilization from the Vedic text, you know, conventional

scholars assume these texts are between three to five thousand
years old, but the actual texts themselves date themselves as
being eighteen thousand years old. And there are also very
interesting undersea ruins that have been found off the coast
of India of areas that are clearly built like the

temples that we see in India, many of which are
pyramid like in the way they're built. But then these
areas underground, underwater. They clearly we know they could not
have been above the water for twelve thousand years, just
based on stratigraphy and the natural progression of how the

ocean levels have changed over time. So we already have
archaeological evidence in which you have these temples. They're made
out of stone, they have the carving in them, and
the writings and inscriptions in them to correspond to what's
in the Vedic texts, and they are under sea in
areas that geologists will openly acknowledge have not been above

sea for twelve thousand years. Therefore, what we appear to
be dealing with in the records of India is one
side of this battle with an advanced civilization that has
been come to be called Atlantis. And Atlantis, remember, was
started by Plato, who actually had gotten it from the

wisest man in Greece at the time, a man called Solin.
And this Greek philosopher had actually been granted privileged access
to the Egyptian priesthood, and this Egyptian priesthood was connected
to the Pyramids, and they had told Solin about the
legend of a last civilization and that this civilization was

far more advanced than we were at that time, and
that there had actually been multiple civilizations had come and gone.
So this is where the Atlantis legend comes from. It's
from Plato's Timaeus and Critias texts. And it's very difficult
for people to take this seriously because of the alleged
size of the continent. You know, where they're saying it's

bigger than Libya, and it's in the middle of a
giant ocean. The big plot twist that everybody is starting
to see now is that Atlantis is what we now
call Antarctica. It's the same land mass, but that as
a result of this nuclear exchange, that the Earth's axis
changed and that land mass did flood, like the legend says,

but then the floodwaters froze.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
So it's very likely that if we.

Speaker 5 (28:45):
Were to go under the ice in Antarctica, if we could,
if we were allowed to, and that's another big thing,
that we would find a lot of very amazing ancient
ruins down there, and it looks similar to the stone
stuff we see all over the world. But then you
also have the idea that if Antarctica moved into a
cold position, then so did Siberia. Siberia was not the

cold wasteland that it is now. And so it's very
fascinating to note that in the nineteen forties Stalin had
heard about Joseph Stalin, the dictator of Russia, had heard
about the Roswell incident, and he was aware that the
United States had come into possession of some kind of

hardware from alleged extraterrestrials. There was a story about somebody
digging up a weird missile in the nineteen tens and
Stalin went back to that location and the person who
had originally found the missile basically like a steel looking fuselage,

they couldn't dig it out of the ground. They didn't
have the equipment, or the staff or the money. So
Stalin goes back there in the nineteen forties and finds
the location where this weird missile was located and they
dig it up. Now, this is where the story gets very,
very bizarre, because the missile was covered in Sanskrit. Now,

Sanskrit is the primitive language, which is really not primitive.
It's apparently an extraterrestrial language that was brought here from
somewhere else. But Sanskrit is the language that the Hindu
scriptures were written in.

Speaker 3 (30:21):

Speaker 5 (30:22):
So now you have this weird missile like object that's
dug up, it's got Sanskrit inscriptions on it, and it
has a level of technology that is way way in
excess of chemically propelled rockets that we have. Now, in
addition to this, they found a vault. There was a
vault down there and this is all documented by the

way this is accepted mainstream Russian history.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
I'm not making this up, and look it up. It's
called Russian roswell.

Speaker 5 (30:49):
They found a vault down there, and inside the vault
it was like some kind of a capsule or chamber.
There were a series of books, and these books were written,
in some cases in Sanskrit, in some cases in unidentifiable languages,
and it had pictures in them of things like spaceships
and space stations with detailed blueprint diagrams on how to

construct them. And so the Soviet Union got their hands
on this stuff, and that allowed for there to be
this covert arms race between the US and the USSR,
where both sides are using recovered technology to build these
unacknowledged anti gravity spacecraft. In this basically like a war
with each other over who can get this stuff the

fastest under the cover of national security, because as soon
as your enemy knows you have something, it's not going
to be a useful weapon anymore. So all of this
kind of history has been suppressed from the public unfortunately.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
And there's a very salient, i would say crucial fact
to add here. I want to go back just briefly,
there are probably some people in the audience who are
going to say, well, if there were some sort of
ancient nuclear war thousands and thousands of years ago, why
isn't there a higher amount of radioactivity occurring in some places?

But we have to remember that the fact is that
some of the most dangerous substances of this nature are
like caesium one thirty seven strontium ninety and they both
have half lives of only thirty and twenty eight years.
So a nuclear a nuclear war, nuclear exchange could occur,
and with so much time passing, we can't assume that

we would run into someplace with fantastically high radiation, which
makes it more plausible than some people might initially believe.
But this when we're in the modern day. What I
love what I love about you exploring the concept of
secret technological wars is that it's it's absolutely no secret

at all that the US military has a massive, gargantuan
black budget, you know, funds for Class five purposes, But most,
if not all, of what that money pays for is
a secret. What do you think happens with those trillions
and trillions of dollars spent by the Pentagon. Do you
think any of that goes into programs similar to what

you just described between the Russians and the US.

Speaker 5 (33:19):
Yeah, absolutely, unquestionably. I have one of the insiders who
has not come forward yet but has said that he would,
is a guy who actually worked at places like Area
fifty one, working directly in concert with human looking etcraterrestrial beings.

And they talk very matter of factly about this. When
you get to this level of the military industrial complex,
they have open relations with a wide variety of exeterrestrial beings,
most of which look like us or approximately similar. In
fact that the gray type is about as dis similar

as a lot of them end up looking. They most
of them look a lot more like us than you
would think. And this is where you.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
Get the ancient legends of gods and this kind of stuff.

Speaker 5 (34:08):
But before I go further down that road, I just
want to loop back to something else you said, because
there was an implicit assumption that you made, which is
that there is no evidence of a nuclear exchange that
is actually not true. The very well known geologist Robert Schock,
who has always been a fixture in the ancient alien

community going back to the nineteen nineties, with his speculations
on the water weathering on the backside of the sphinx,
and how you see clear evidence of erosion on the
back of the sphinx that looks like many thousands of
years of water running down and carving these smooth curves
into it. That's what he's most known for in our community,

the ancient astronaut community, but also Robert Schock's latest work
is owing that throughout the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth,
if you go back through the geological layers and you
go back to about twelve five hundred years ago thereabouts,
there is a five inch thick layer of black ash

all over the northern hemisphere. Ooh fascinating, And it has
micro crystalline spheres in it. It has these microtechtites, as
they're called, these tiny little crystalline objects that basically represent
the super heat of the nuclear blast taking all these

pieces of dirt and immediately turning them into little glass.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
Balls that are microscopic.

Speaker 5 (35:44):
And there is that stuff, literally five inches thick layer
of this black ash all over the northern hemisphere. And
then also we've discussed how there are actual still existing
radioactive hotspots in various places in the northern hemispherecluting an
area around the Great Lakes that is exactly exactly the

type of radiation that you would expect after nuclear exchange.
Another great example that we talked about on ancient aliens
is in the Sahara Desert where you actually have this
green glass that people were picking up and they were
getting radiation poisoning from it. And this is what happens
when a bomb goes off over like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

People were picking up these pieces of glass and then
they were dying from them because it looked beautiful, but
it was highly radioactive. So the proof of that ancient
nuclear exchange is easy to make. It's just that it's
not popularized. It's something that's been suppressed from us. And
this gets back the second part of what you said,
which is this national security state and the suppression of

where all of our money is going. You know, why
is the Pentagon saying that they're losing trillions of dollars
they can't find it. And so getting back to my
friend who worked on eight different types of anti gravity
that he learned from actual extraterrestrials, teaching him this and
then doing the engineering work.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
Is that babblezar Oh no, no, no, okay, okay.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
This is a guy who's never come forward. He may
want to come forward. We've talked about it. It would
be fascinating if he did, because he would be saying
a lot of the same things that others have said.
He is one of the people I know who visited
our covert bases in Antarctica. There are hot spots geologically
down there from volcanic activity where the ice melts and

it's like a cave. And the Germans discovered at first
with their submarines they could sail into these caves, and
then they find out that there's land in there that
you can walk around on and if you light it
up and take a look at it, you can actually
wear a T shirt in there. It's nice and warm
from the volcanoes. So there's ruins down there, there's actual
pyramids and stone structures and all that kind of stuff,

And there's a huge, huge, covert presence down there, and
I have been given various code names of what it's called.
That's one of the ways that I figure out who's real.
There's things that I don't disclose, but I've spoken to
lots of different insiders who have actually been down there,
and they've been under the ice in Antarctica. And the

really really amazing thing, of course, is that there is
a gigantic three mile wide spaceship that they found under
the ice in Antarctica. It crash landed before it was
all covered with ice. This thing is totally amazing, and
they've been inside of it. They've seen the rooms that

people live in. They had a very interesting system where
all the waste from the bathroom is then pumped into
Everybody had like a backyard inside the ship, so it
appears that you're outdoors. There's like a holographic project where
it looks like the sky, and then your own bodily

waste is used to funnel into the growth of trees
and grass and all the stuff that you have in
your yard inside this mothership. And another thing that was
fascinating was they found many smaller craft inside the large craft,
and those craft look exactly like the ancient Hindu depictions
of the Vimana. So wherever these people in the Vedas

came from the Hindu Vedas. It appears that our government
has found their ship in Antarctica, and there's been investigations
where they're analyzing the debris and the wreckage all the
way back to the nineteen fifties. There's some very strange
stuff this stuff does. You can sing to the metal

and it will change shape and form. You can tell
it what you want to do and it will do it.
So it's way way more advanced than the stuff that
we have now. And I've had various insiders tell me
that they are really jealous that I've been briefed on
this stuff and that I'm allowed to talk about it
right now, because they are planning on telling us about

this stuff in the future. But there's a lot of
guys that wish they could talk about it right now,
but they're not authorized to yet. They're jealous of me
that I get to talk about it. On how stuff works.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
This brings us to something that may be a little
bit of a personal question, but we know tons of
people in our audience are wondering this. Have you or
your associates ever been threatened or harassed or intimidated, or
have you ever felt that you were not safe due
to the nature of your investigations.

Speaker 5 (40:41):
Absolutely, without question, there are very powerful groups that have
kept this information hidden from us for a variety of
different reasons, and I'll give you a couple examples of
why they would want to keep it secret. First of all,
if you guys have ever done examinations of how stuff
works in history, right m hm, and you got into

an examination of how war works, then you would know
that if, for example, you look at the period of
history where everybody has bronze weapons and then somebody comes
out with steel, the steel is going to destroy the bronze, right,
So everybody with those steel swords is going to destroy
the bronze. Similarly, if you go back to a time

in history where everybody is fighting with bows and arrows,
and then somebody comes out with the crossbow, the guys
with the crossbows are going to completely devastate the people
with bows and arrows. Whoever has the most destructive and
effective technology in a war is the winner, right, agree.

Speaker 3 (41:44):
On that absolutely. So.

Speaker 5 (41:47):
Therefore, if you are a national security state, if your
goal is to make sure that your position of power
is not threatened, why in the world would you want
to tell the enemy w this case is the mass
public and therefore anybody who could start to do things
at home, Why would you tell the enemy that you

have a superior weapon.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
That's a good point.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
It's a great question because we know that we know
that there's solid, there's solid, compelling evidence that, at least
in the case of the US military, they are in
possession of technologies that the average public is unaware of
and doesn't have access to until years after their invention.

And let's pause there just for a moment. We're going
to hear a word from our sponsor and won't be
right back.

Speaker 4 (42:43):
You know, personally my I oscillate between some skepticism and
then like full on believer of things. And in this case,
when we're talking about that massive spaceship down beneath the
ice in Antarctica, I what makes you personally believe through

the accounts of others that this thing is real?

Speaker 5 (43:07):
Well, I understand the difficulty that you're facing, and it's
a difficulty that I've faced as well. I'm standing on
the mountaintop now and I get to look down at
the whole path I took to get here, which has
taken me thirty thirty five years, and much of this
information came to me after many, many years of not
having it and working very hard and risking my life.

As you were, just talking about to get this information.
Then when you actually can stand on the mountaintop and
see the whole road and talk about it in nice,
concise information chunks like this, and on a radio show,
it would appear completely fantastic and completely ridiculous. And so
I empathize with you because I am also a skeptic.

I actually it's so funny because when I do public events,
people come up to me and they get wild eyed,
and they have all these amazing and fantastic stories that
I know are probably not true in a lot of cases,
but everybody assumes that I have this gapingly open mind
and in fact, as weird as the things that I'm
saying are, I wouldn't ever want to bring something up

to you guys on the show like this if it
wasn't something I've independently heard from four or five different
insiders who have proven to me that they worked at
very highly classified levels for the military industrial complex. In
other words, I've seen the documents. I've confirmed that they
did serve in the military. I've confirmed I've seen pictures

of them with you know, very significant governmental figures. In
certain cases, there's no doubt in my mind. And you
when you start to have ten, fifteen, twenty different people
that you can talk to who all have similar stories,
and then when you're talking to one of them, it's interesting.
I just brought my wife in on a call the

other day with one of of my old insiders who
I hadn't spoken to in a while, who we call
Jacob in my book Ascension Mysteries, and we actually ended
up talking to him for five hours. And the scope
of the conversation, the level at which Jacob and I talk,

the speed with which information comes out, the complexity of
the information, how interlocking it is, how amazingly deep and
complex it is. It's impossible that somebody could make this
up as performance art. It's literally impossible. So we have
had several different folks who independently had the same code

names for these programs. They were aware that this ship
is down there, they've actually put their hands on it,
they've seen the inscriptions, they've gone inside, they've been down
in Antarctica. They've talked about how they got there, they've
talked about the protocols, the procedures, and there's just so
many things that they say that overlap with each other

without them knowing what each other actually said to me,
and as I've said before, either I'm the victim of
the greatest, most sophisticated disinformation campaign Earth's history.

Speaker 3 (46:12):
But this is actually true.

Speaker 1 (46:15):
This is very that's very well put, and we want
to thank you so much for your time, David, but
we feel like there's still just just a few questions.
It's weird. Matt and I were talking about this before
we got on Aaron. We were thinking, there's no way
that we're going to get to all of this stuff
or to give it, you know, give it anything more

than a sort of broad scrutiny or a broad introduction,
because many people will have been somewhat familiar with these
concepts on a surface level.

Speaker 4 (46:50):
And hopefully they'll want to go see Above Majestic.

Speaker 1 (46:53):
Right right, That's one of the questions that we wanted
to end on today. It's sort of a two part question.

Speaker 3 (47:01):
The first is.

Speaker 1 (47:05):
What has inspired you to create Above Majestic and what
do you hope the audience, including our audience, learns from it,
what changes after they have after they have watched the work.

Speaker 5 (47:22):
Well, again, we're you guys are double clicking on something
that has ten references. How much of a cosmic download
of plate spinning do you want me to do? And
how many plates do you want spinning? Or you've had
enough and you you say, yeah, I'm full, I gotta
go now I guess, buddy.

Speaker 3 (47:45):
Well, so we didn't really start to.

Speaker 5 (47:48):
Get into the topics that above Majestic covers yet in
our interview here, and that would be the central glue
that holds the whole film together. Is this idea of
a secret space program or a secret NASA? And how
long this has been going on for? And this is
another area in which, like many of the things we've

been talking about, it does require a very flexible mind
to properly appreciate what's going on now. Now, I will
say this, even if a person is a skeptic and
they are inclined to think that this stuff is not true,
there is a pretty extraordinary learning curve just to familiarize

yourself with what the insiders are saying is really going on.
In other words, if you wanted to debunk this, if
you wanted to discredit this without just making blanket generalizations,
which is usually what they do, where they will attack
the character of the speaker like myself, and by making
some kind of rude character assault they feel that they're

invalidating all this hardcore evidence. But if you actually wanted
to go beyond that and try to take a legitimate
skeptical inquiry of the data, first you have to become
aware of what the data is. And that learning curve
has taken me years, and this is with multiple insiders
who I would speak to sometimes two hours a week

for years on end, and every single conversation, I'm learning
all this stuff that I didn't hear before. So I
would say the first step to understanding what's going on
is that it is vastly, vastly, vastly complex. It's so
much more complex than people could even imagine that it's very,
very tough to give people a sense of how much

they've been lied to, because that in and of itself
is a huge violation. We have been given a construct
of reality. We believe that we understand reality when the
actual greater reality around us is vastly larger. So if
you go back now, and I would say most of
your listeners could accept, at least on principle, that the

Roswell crash may have actually been some kind of exterrestrial
advanced craft. That the evidence for this is irrefutable. There's
you know, our former NATA astronaut, doctor edgar Mitchell personally
interviewed over seventy different witnesses to the Roswell crash. Who
saw this thing, who saw the bodies, who saw it

being hauled onto low Boys and you know, driven to
Right Patterson Air Force Base, the people who checked it
into Right Patterson, the people who saw it in the hangar,
the people who saw the bodies inside these tubes filled
with blue liquid. I mean, it's it goes on and
on and on. So let's just say, as stage one
of our philosophical premise we're building, Roswell really happened. Okay,

Roswell was nineteen forty seven, that's seventy one years ago.
So if we are then saying that our military industrial
complex got access to fully operational hardware that could be
used to traverse our galaxy, and they had this seventy
years ago, don't you think maybe they figured out how

to build it, how to get it working again, how
to jump start the car, jump start the engine. And
even back to nineteen ninety seven, we have Colonel Philip Corso,
a witness who came forward and said that many technologies
that we have developed came from the Roswell crash, and
he mentioned fiber optic cables. He mentioned computer chips because

remember we go from vacuum tubes where like the Univac computer.
The reason why the word bug is used, right is
one insect got inside that thing and it broke the
whole computer because its little body hit the glass on
one of these vacuum tubes and it melted the glass.
And then they have to go through this massive basketball
court sized room of vacuum tubes to find which one

got the bug. And then all of a sudden, we
get solid state transistors in nineteen forty seven from Motorola,
and then very shortly thereafter we start getting computer chips
where the transistors are printed onto a way of silicon.
Now what's so crazy is that when Corso came out
with the fact that it wasn't just you know, fiber

optics and computer chips, it's also led lights, it's lasers,
it's velcro, it's kevlar. And he says this in nineteen
ninety seven, I had already gotten the exact same information
and the exact same pieces of technology disclosed to me
that they came from Roswell a year before from an

insider I met at a UFO conference, and then even
before that, a buddy that I had in college had
gotten this from his physics professor who was the head
of the department in nineteen ninety three, same information again,
and then it comes out in a book five years after,
four years after I first hear about it. So to me,

the concept that Roswell really happened is irrefutable because I've
been sitting on this knowledge about computer chips, led lights,
infrared night vision, all this stuff being reverse engineered from
exterrestrial technology. I'd had this for years, and then it
comes out from a new witness. Well, then the questions
I start asking this is again back in ninety seven,
is well, oh my god, if they have interstellar craft

seventy years ago, what are they doing with it? Where
are they going? And obviously, now the idea of NASA
Apollo missions to the Moon it's a laughable joke. They're
way way, way beyond that. So now you have to
kind of double click on that and say, well, my god,
if they've had these craft, if they can build them,

if they can fly out of our atmosphere and flish
that the Solar system, flash of the galaxy. What haven't
they done? How many bases have they built? How many
locations do they have where there are people working. Then
you start hearing from insiders like Pete Peterson, who actually
worked with the Reagan administration. They called him Doctor Do
because he was the leading expert on classified technology for

the Reagan administration. And he came forward to me in
two thousand and nine. Peterson is saying, Yeah, we've had
Americans all over the galaxy. There's like thirty five different
bases we have all throughout the galaxy with Americans working
at them today. And he talked about how in the
nineteen fifties they did this thing called the brain drain,

mostly from third world countries, a lot of people from Brazil.
And what they did is they recruited millions and millions
of people. They estimate something like fifty five to sixty
five million people that were brought out in the nineteen
fifties from a lot of They were very the cream
of the crop, you know, the most educated, the most intelligent,
the most savvy technology experts. They brought them out into

this world world that they were building in space, and
they've never come back, and they have a mandatory breeding program,
they have to have children, and they live a very
regimented life. And most of these people have been told
that the Earth was destroyed in the nuclear war in
the nineteen eighties, so they don't even think they can
come home. And so there's literally what Rich Dolan is

called a breakaway civilization. There's a whole separate world that's
going on out in space, and they are not allowed
to have any contact with us, and we are not
allowed to have any contact with them. And this is
just some of the amazing stuff that we get into
and above majestics. So it is a film really about
the secret space program, which has never been done before.

Nobody's ever made a film like this, and we certainly
did not expect that it was going to debut at
number one on Apple and Amazon. But I think that
shows how amazing the demand is for people to hear
about these out of the box alternative concepts.

Speaker 4 (55:57):
Oh yeah, man, it's a fascinating why. You know, even
the most hardcore skeptics, as you say, are going to
find things in there that's it's going to blow their
mind a little bit.

Speaker 3 (56:08):
And at least I don't see how and at least.

Speaker 4 (56:10):
Send them down rabbit hole after rabbit hole of their
own research, which is I think one of the best
things you can do for someone is just send them
on their own journey.

Speaker 3 (56:19):

Speaker 1 (56:20):
And I do want to point out to everybody listening
that in the film, several of the people that are
that are speaking about this or that have, as you said, David,
come forward with their identities. They they are people who,
as you said, have been vetted they did actually work
in the military. They're not. I guess what I'm trying

to say is it's not just some random person from
across the streets.

Speaker 4 (56:46):
Not just a blogger or something.

Speaker 3 (56:48):
It's Yeah, it's not at all, not at all.

Speaker 5 (56:50):
Anybody who made the cut and got into that film
did so because they had proven themselves to the authentic Wow.

Speaker 4 (56:57):
And and like you said, it is available now on
Apple and on Amazon. I'm looking at it on Amazon
Prime right now. You can well I won't say how
much it cost because it might change when you're hearing
this or whatever, but it's available right now as this
is being recorded.

Speaker 3 (57:12):

Speaker 5 (57:13):
And what's also amazing is that it started out as
only a purchase where you have to actually buy the
movie for fourteen ninety nine when its first debuted, and
now we have it available as a rental, So if
you have a casual interest you just want to watch
it once you can rent it. However, buying it does
include a treasure trove of special features that I'm speaking

in where this kind of level of conversation we've been having.

Speaker 3 (57:40):
Just goes on and on and on for hours.

Speaker 5 (57:43):
So it's definitely worth it to get the whole thing.
But yeah, if you have a casual interest you just
want to rent it, your bored and you got a big,
big bowl of popcorn, You're probably gonna end up eating
the whole thing and have indigestion because this is not
a comfortable film to watch. It's a very thought provoking
and in some degrees an anxiety provoking movie. And you know,

if I could go back and do anything differently based
on some of the feedback we've had, I would just say, people, yeah,
we kind of break the shell of the consensus reality.
It is a little shocking, it is a little disturbing,
but the good part is that this stuff is true,
even if maybe certain aspects of what we think we
know turn out to be incorrect or need to be

modified somehow. The overall investigation is extremely sound and the
real spring loaded fascinating thing for humanity is that once
this stuff is declassified, we immediately go into a star
trek reality. We will be able to visit other planets,
we will be meeting extraterrestrials, we will be working on spaceships.

There's an extraordinary amount of extraterrestrial ancient ruins that they
simply don't have another people to explore right now. So
understand that the amount of archaeology that has been found
because our Solar system is actually in a very popular
part of our galaxy, right next to a big stargate

that goes to other galaxies. It's something I talk about
in ascension mysteries. There is good NASA science that proves
that it's there. Okay, so we are a very heavily
trafficked solar system. There's lots and lots of civilizations that
have come and gone from here going back more than
two billion years. So as a result, there's an incredible

amount of archaeology that needs to be done. There's entire cities,
entire ruined bases that have never really been explored, that
have unbelievable significance in terms of archaeology. I mean absolutely
utterly dwarfing the disc of King Tut's tomb and all

the cool stuff that was in there. We're talking about
cities that held millions of people, with their own technology,
with their own writing, that are literally sitting there abandoned,
and we know where they are, and we have the
technology to get there, but this secret space program doesn't
have anywhere near enough staff to go and explore them.

Some of them are on the Moon. There's a lot
of them actually in the Earth. There are plenty of
them on Mars. There's plenty of them on other moons
in our solar system, the moons of Jupiter, the moons
of Saturn. They are loaded with this so called cosmic junkyard.
And this is some dumpster diving that I would be

very happy to do, because you might find dumpster treasures
in there like you can't even imagine.

Speaker 4 (01:00:50):
Well, thank you again so much for joining us and
speaking at length with us about this. It's really been
our pleasure, and you know, it just keeps our mind
going and we definitely want to believe and want to
explore all this stuff further.

Speaker 5 (01:01:08):
Well, I appreciate that, and again, this is something that
you can see in a movie. It's a nice two hour,
twelve minute download that we really put a lot of
time and energy into. It's got a lot of great
graphics and effects, and it is well worth the time
invested to see. You don't have to believe that it's true,

but even if you just look at it as sci fi, it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
Is a very entertaining rollercoaster ride. That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (01:01:39):
Yeah, I was going to throw in the same thing.
It's a wild ride indeed. David Wilcock, again, thank you
for coming onto the show and introducing our audience to
some mind blowing concepts here. We do also want to
mention that if you would like to learn more about
David's work outside of Above Majestic, you can visit his

website Divinecosmos dot com.

Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
That's correct. Thank you, guys. I really appreciate you bringing
me on.

Speaker 4 (01:02:06):

Speaker 1 (01:02:07):
All right, thanks so much. That's all for us today, folks.

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
We will be here and that's the end of this
classic episode. If you have any thoughts or questions about
this episode, you can get into contact with us in
a number of different ways. One of the best is
to give us a call. Our number is one eight
three three st dwy TK. If you don't want to
do that, you can send us a good old fashioned email.

Speaker 2 (01:02:30):
We are conspiracy at iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 4 (01:02:34):
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