All Episodes

May 30, 2024 47 mins

How have notable historic figures been affected by dangerous chemicals? Did the US really suppress secret goggles that allow you to see auras? Why has Pornhub banned itself in Texas? In Letters From Home, the guys learn more about the Food Cube Theory. All this and more in this week's listener mail segment.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies. History is
riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or
learn this stuff they don't want you to know. A
production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hello, welcome back to the show.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
My name is Matt, my name is Noel. They called
me Ben.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
We're joined as always with our super producer Alexis code
named Doc Holliday Jackson. Most importantly, you are here. That
makes this the stuff they don't want you to know.
It is time yet again for our returning listener mail program.
Thought we could shout this out at the very top here, Matt,

you and Doc and I were talking about this little
bit off air. Hey I'll see this shirt.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Yeah I do. Whoa yees killer.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
This is from our We're all family. Here is from
our good friends over at the legendary Atlanta restaurant ell Mere, who,
it turns out, are big fans of the shows, so.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Big fans of hell Raiser.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Yes, it is a hell Raiser theme shirt.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Me and your shirts are kind of on theme, Ben,
I'm rocking a Neil Game and Sandman shirt. Morpheus is
kind of a kinder, gentler pin head in some ways.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Right, that's not an off base comparison. I appreciate.

Speaker 3 (01:26):

Speaker 4 (01:27):
Similar to the earlier story this week about shouting out
someone at a bank, we wanted to shout out Sam
at el Mere. And next time you're in Atlanta, folks,
let us know. Maybe we'll go get some burritos or
a case of deal with you. In the meantime, we
are going to hear from some awesome people. We're gonna
have a great question about conspiracy theory that might be

unfamiliar to people outside of the realm of the military.
We're gonna hear some reactions to Facebook Pornhub Texas, Canada.
We're gonna learn about a very cool response to our
earlier questions about sandwiches. But before we do any of that,
we have a voicemail.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
And we are here with a message from D who
graced our voicemail lines not that long ago.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Here is D.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
Hi. Guys, you can call me the I've called a
few times before. But I was just listening to your
episode talking about Robert Kennedy and the brain thing, and
it got me thinking. I read an article yesterday that
they did some tests on Beethoven's hair and found that
a lot of his ailments, including potentially his deafness could

have been caused by extended periods of time of lead poisoning.
They also found arsenic I think in the hair samples.
Last week I watched the stand up that Shane Gillis
put out I think on Netflix show Ever, and he
was talking about George Washington's teeth and how there was
probably lead in them as well as unfortunately the teeth

of enslaved human beings. But uh, this got me thinking
about the potential of you know, other leaders who we
revere and we think about who've come to power or
shown greatness over time in tandem with potential poisonings. I mean,
I think of like Shanwan Di who was slowly drinking

mercury because we thought it would, you know, keep him
alive forever. I think even like Hitler, who was not
a great man but rose to power. I know he
was on a concoction of medications and things. So I
just it got me thinking of that potential and just
wanted to hear what you guys had to say about
it and see if you would explore. Have a great day.

Thank you as always for having these conversations. Look forward to.

Speaker 4 (04:02):
Fantastic question. Also nice references historically love Shane Gillis.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Too, yes, and he's mentioning George Washington's teeth as potentially
being from enslaved people. There's some you know, there's there's
some interesting something you find online about that that kind
of rebutes that and says it was probably like a
couple of different animal teeth, right.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
And yeah, they were called straight seahorse, they were called yeah, hippopotamus,
and it was the from what I understand, it was
the lower kind of bridge of the teeth that we're
from enslaved people's uh. And I think the the issue
was that lead was kind of the bracing or framework

for some of that.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Probably not great.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
No, No, there's an entire hypothesis, there's a surprising amount
of sand to it, arguing that lead exposure can partially
explain some rises crime over generations.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Pretty wow.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Yeah, because it does have cognitive effects, right again, just
like mercury does. That has had exactly because I swear
we've had an elongated conversation about this kind of thing
because I specifically remember mercury poisoning. Maybe it was when
we were talking about red mercury way back in the day,

and we like it was a tangent or something.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
Tis Ijuan was mentioned in episode we did on the
Quest for Immortality or several of those, because he essentially
ran his version of the known world and the boffins
that he paid to be on his court, or the
boffins that were forced to be on his court because
if they did not agree, they would be tortured and murdered.

They told him drinking mercury would elongate his life, possibly
to an indefinite degree. His seed bastards, History would prove
they were incorrect.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Well, do you think they knew they were incorrect? Were
they secretly just trying to poison him because he was
so awful to them?

Speaker 4 (06:08):
What a cool question? I don't know, wasn't there at
the time.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
I don't know a ton about that guy, But just
if you want to search for him, it is Qi
N Space Shi Space Hua n G.

Speaker 4 (06:21):
Team Team Wong. We also know to your question, d
We also know that a lot of very very intelligent
people for their time did things that people in the
modern day might find dangerous and foolish. Right, but we
have to understand we have the benefit of retrospect now,

so a lot of those folks might discover something and
not fully know the physiological implications of interacting with that
substance or chemical or process.

Speaker 3 (06:55):

Speaker 4 (06:56):
Marie kri is one of the most famous examples. Her
groundbreaking work did not render her mad, but it did
expose her to very carcinogenic substances for sure.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Guys, let's get to the question of somehow this kind
of thing making people rise to the top. Do we
think it is potentially a cause and effect thing like that,
or is it somebody persevering against maybe lead exposure, Like
the episode a very recent episode of All Things Considered

from NPR where they discussed Beethoven's hair samples that de
mentioned in that message, where somebody, some so and so
out there owned some of Beethoven's hair, you know, as
you do and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, And this person allowed,
you know, a few strands of that to go out

to the Mayo Clinic for testing, and they looked at
it and they saw potential lead poisoning there. Of course,
it's not known whether lead was introduced at some point
well after Beethoven's death or after at least that sample
was collected, but it would maybe give some insight, at
least according to this episode, into the specialists that were

interviewed within it that it would gives them insight to
some of the maladies Beethoven suffered from, you know, including
some of the things that made him great.

Speaker 3 (08:21):

Speaker 2 (08:22):
When you think about Beethoven, I don't know. I always
think about the stuff that he couldn't hear and yet
somehow was able to make this incredible music.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
Just pure music theory at that point. And yeah, sensing vibrations.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Exactly, I mean, And to me, it's thinking about those
kinds of people who you imagine may kind of have superpowers, right,
and what if that kind of superpower is only born
out of the negative effects or negative situation that has
occurred before it, Right.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
The poison that makes the antidope. Yeah, I mean, it's
a to answer your general question, Matt, and to your question,
d it seems like we could find cases arguing for
both sides of that. We could find the heroic struggle
against medical condition. We could also find a malady that

in some way may have explained the later notoriety, prominence,
or success of a human individual throughout history. And that's
simply a matter of the huge sample size. Because so
many people have lived and died, we also, I don't
know this without waxing too philosophical early in this program.
I've always thought, you guys, tell me think about this.

I've always thought that the ability to become successful, the opportunity,
the luck, all of that together, it inherently bundles within
it this idea of envisioning a world in which your
position or your et cetera are different right than they

are at that present pre success moment, which technically is
the nice way to say it is an imagination. The
meaner way to say it is hallucination. So maybe you
do kind of have to hallucinate a little bit to
envision a different world and you having a different place
in it.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Well said dude, I'm into it.

Speaker 4 (10:25):
Let's go in jeez, I mean, let's not ingest lead
nobody jest led mercury is not going to help.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Or or we could listen to the doctors from I
don't know, the late eighteen hundreds, although up to about
nineteen twenty, and we could take this stuff called the
blue Mass that I had never heard of before.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
Is that the stuff that Ben a Jesra drink in
the Dune movies.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Maybe I still haven't seen the second one, but this
is a substance that is like used as a tincture, right,
or as a some kind of specialty medicine that you
would take that a doctor would say, Hey, Ben Nol,
I know you're feeling a little down with whatever. Why
don't you take some of those blue Mass. Well, what's

in it?

Speaker 3 (11:11):

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Licorice, root, rose, water, honey, sugar, and a ton of mercury.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
Mercury or heroine.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
I thought you might end with just orange extract. It
was like, wait, which one's the bad one?

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Yeah? Well so according to a couple of sources I'm
looking at right here, it was originally prescribed as a
cure for syphilis, ye old syphilis. But it was also
then used as like, you're sick, take some blue mass
it'll help. Sure, you got a toothache, got stomach worms?
No problem, Blue masks is here for you. Yeah. Allegedly,

Abraham Lincoln took quite a bit of blue Mass, but yeah,
probably not a great thing. But hey, Lincoln did some
cool stuff.

Speaker 4 (11:59):
Yeah, Juliam Luncheon to go team WOA. That part is
not proven, but yeah, Lincoln did some cool stuff. Noted
as an amateur wrestler, and I think he went on
to have another career as well, but that may be
lost to history. I'm doing ridiculous history references.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
Awesome, guys. I don't have a ton more on this one.
I think it's a fascinating topic.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
I think we might might have to expand on it
a little bit, but just to find some people who
were going through some kind of exposure to some kind
of chemical that could have maybe even changed the course
of history if they had not been exposed to it.

Speaker 4 (12:40):
Oh, I got one. Sigmund Freud and cocaine, I know,
multiple poets through the Victorian and the Victorian era in particular.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
And opiate laudanum. Yeah exactly. Yeah, and and and Hitler
and the Nazis were quite fond of of amphetamines. Kept
kept him going to the bitter end, and he was terrible.

Speaker 4 (13:06):
Sorry, hot take. I think it was kind of a
not a good job, not a good dude.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
It's reminding me of our episode on Presidents and Drugs. Yes,
we talked about all the amphetamines and barbituates and methadone
and what was it, demarol stuff. The JFK was just
on all the time for all his various However, he
needed to be there was a drug for that.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
I feel like.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
That might explain the race to the Moon a little bit,
you know what I mean, Like he gets his injection
or whatever it is, and then someone catches him at
the right time while he's super out of it and
he's and he's just like, we'll do it because it's hard.

Speaker 3 (13:48):

Speaker 2 (13:48):
They were gamma globulins, Gamma globulins. Come on, if that's
not like superhero Marvelly kind of stuff.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
What is sounds like you're saying, Gamma goblins.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
Gamma globulins.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
I'm on for both of them.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Let's do it.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Let's hang out with the gamma goblins and uh, let's
experiment college style with gamma globular Wait.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
Gamma gamma god blob. Yeah, it's fun to say. All right, well, hey,
that's it for now. D Thank you so much for
sending us that message. If you want to call in,
our number is one eight three three st d w
y t K. You'll hear how to do it at
the end, but you can just call the number now
if you want. But for right now, while you're calling,

I guess we're going to move on to a message
from our sponsors. Then some more messages from you, and.

Speaker 3 (14:44):
We've returned with the message another message in fact from you, Yes, you,
the public, the conspiracy public, conspiracy realists out there. Today
we've got a message from the very cryptically named seven. Uh. Okay,
this is a really cool topic, guys, one that I

was not familiar with, and I've done a little bit
of a cursory research, but I think this may well
be an interesting topic to go a little deeper on
down the line. And it also pertains to what we
were just talking about, Matt in terms of like the
effects that toxic substances can have unexpectedly. Perhaps here we

go from seven. Hey, guys, I love the show. I
just fell down a rabbit hole that I can't believe
you guys haven't covered, or at least if you have,
I haven't seen or heard about it. Don't think we have.
So we all know about how militaries around the world
have access to night vision goggles, night observation devices, and
other similar technologies, But have you ever heard of die cyanin,

a chemical that was at one point tested and even
used for producing lenses that would be used in night
observation devices. Die Sianin apparently allows users to see things
that were not really there, potentially seeing into other realms
of existence. Internet investigators and quote fingers there of the

subject claim Die sian In production is now illegal in
the United States and purer die Sion and die is
impossible to get a hold of due to the government
wanting to hide the powers that users get from utilizing
die sign and treated lenses. I found a few claims
of testing during the Vietnam War and soldiers reported seeing demons.

No official news on it, as it was easily accessible
enough for me to find. However, I found this to
be an exciting and interesting rabbit hole to fall down
and consume, and I'm sure many fans of the show
would enjoy it as well. It fits in well with
themes of hauntings and war zones, as I was previously
reading about paranormal activity reported by US service members in Iraq, Afghanistan,

and even Syria for delving into the die sign In situation.
Abu Grab Prison in Iraq is reportedly extremely haunted, and
US service members in Afghanistan I have reportedly heard old
Soviet radio transmissions as well as seen apparitions. Syria even
had a report of a gin being sighted near the

Turkish border. Thanks for your time, and I hope you
find this email interesting respectfully, seven.

Speaker 4 (17:27):
Oh buddy, written out seven or number seven, number seven.
That's why we ask. That's all I remember. Yeah, this
is uh, this is a doozy. I don't want to
plot twist this too soon. But Noel, what do you think?
What's your initial reaction?

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Well? I had to do a little digging, you know,
just to kind of wrap a head around what this
even was or is. And it seems as though die
Sign and coated lenses were at one point kind of
sold as like a novelty device, kind of almost like spyglasses,

you know, with the little mirrors on the side. And
I actually found a couple of listings for these vintage
uh they're called Aura goggles, and I've got two of
what looked like the same exact product. One on eBay
official die Sign and our glass is weird rare hunting
ghost Wicca psychic, and then another one that says I

Sign and Oura Goggles hunting ghost Reiki Crystal paranormal psychic.
One of them is eighty nine to ninety nine, so
the other is four thousand, ninety nine dollars. The second one, Yeah, yeah,
it says see it says die sign in our glass,
Di sign in. First of all, the trademark Aura glasses

trademark see Auras instantly works as described. I can even
see ghosts with them. Amazing glasses by Reiki. Students love them,
help full seller, saw my aura instantly in the mirror.
Thank you, fast delivery. Awesome product and they work just like.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
Okay, not to yuck anyone's young before we get into it,
but would it not be cheaper just to take some shrooms?

Speaker 3 (19:18):
Well, hey guys, you get book savings here. If you
buy it just one, it's only it's forty nine to
ninety nine even, But if you buy two, it's forty
four ninety nine and ten cents. So last bit, SI
pass on the savings, No I digest. But it's pretty funny.
This is not actually a vintage thing. This is clearly

a grift, you know. And that's the thing about stuff
like reports of aura, of being able to see auras.
You know, we do have some folks that do it
very good naturedly. Of course you have. There's actually a
pretty cool local person here in Atlanta who does aura photography,
which is really cool and I'm not really up on
the technology or how that works exactly, but it does

seem to whatever type of photographic techniques are used create
a varying colors depending on the person and the idea
of an area. Of course, is this internal energy. I
guess that expresses itself in color. And the thing that's
interesting about Diecian then is my understanding that what it

does is it kind of allows allows you to see
more colors. Because the typical human eye has three cones,
and the cones or what allow us to see color,
one of them that a lot of people don't have
is the one that allows you to see red, and
if you don't have that, it leads to color blindness.

And I, Ben, I believe that's that's what you have, right,
So you if you would be lacking that that red.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
Cone, just winged it traffic lights. It's surprising so few
people have died.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
Well, I trust you, Ben, I know that you've got
it down pat at this point. But here's the thing
that's interesting. The typical human being has three different types
of cones that divide up visual color. This is from
a health Line article Information into red green and blue signals.
These signals can be combined in the brain in a
total visual message. There are, however, folks that have an

extra type of cone that allows them to see a
fourth dimensionality of color. This results from a genetic mutation,
and these individuals are called tetra chromats. And guess who
are more likely to be tetrachromats, guys.

Speaker 4 (21:34):
Female identifying.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
That is absolutely true. Okay, sorry, then scooped you man, Yes,
female identifying individuals with containing two X chromosomes, because that
is a genetic condition that tends to make that mutation
more likely.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Oh right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry to interject here. We
shouldn't say female identifying, just people with two X.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
Chromat people two X chromosomes expression. It is about the expression, yeah, specifically,
and oftentimes individuals with those two X chromosomes, they tend
to be identified as more likely to have psychic powers
or the ability to see beyond the veil, you know, witches.

That's exactly what.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
We also talk about. Tetrachromats in depth in our previous episodes.
Are real life superpowers.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
Exactly right, that's a real thing. Well, and that's the thing, guys.
There are ways of like, I think there are a
couple of tests that you can do to quote unquote
try to see your aura or the aura of others.
And there's two very distinctly different ones. One is like
holding your hand up in front of a white background,
and one involves holding your hand up in front of
a black background. And the supporters of each of these

tests claim theirs is the best. But it's sort of
about looking past your hand and into the kind of
middle distance, almost like you're trying to solve one of
those magic eye pieces that I've never been very successful
at doing, so I kind of have a have a
feeling that I would not see auras either. But you know,
we also know that if you squint your eyes real hard,

you start to see crazy colors, and if you focus
on things long enough, you get eye fatigue that starts to,
you know, make things get a little psychedelic looking. So
the question then becomes, is this a real energy that
is being perceived by those you know who maybe are
blessed with this with this additional cone or not, Because

there certainly are people that can claim to see auras,
claim to be able to see into other realms without
the benefit of these these aura goggles or this you
know di cyanin coded lenses.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
Yeah, he well, yeah, I mean the first part of
your question there is U. I think pretty pretty on point.
Human beings, all living things, do emit various sorts of energy.
Some of that energy could be heat, right, and animals
whose vision ranges into the infrared would be able to

perceive that. However, humans in the grand scheme of things
have a fairly limited spectrum of vision. Also, the idea
of documenting it, we've got to say it before the
emails get to us. Conspiracydiheartradio dot com. Curelean photography is
considered one of the old school proofs of auras or

energy emanated. And I think also, isn't there the thing
where all human beings their skin is actually sort of
zebra like and they do they do glow in the
dark just a little bit. I can't remember. I'll have
to find it. Well.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
I do want to shout out a podcast that I
just discovered called Planet Weird, or maybe that's the network
and the pod. Yeah, the podcast is called Haunted Objects
Podcasts on the Planet Weird network and they actually are
on YouTube and the host, one of whom identifies as
a which talk extensively about this stuff, and I really

learned a lot from listening to their conversation. And they
reference the something that came up for us very recently too,
the John Carpenter film They Live, where when the person
puts on the glasses, he all of a sudden sees
through the veil of what's being you know, like the
wool being pulled over our eyes or whatever, and sees
the truth behind it all this like species of whatever,

like zombie alien stand in for you know, bad invaders, overlords,
corporate monsters are actually who are running the show. And
also you know, things like money, all those like catchphrases
like what is it we own you or something like that.
I actually that's right, obay of course. And Shepherd Fairy

the artist took a lot of that imagery and ran
with a lot of his work.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Money is so hot, right.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
Yeah, money is how I like money. I watched Idiocracy
the other night, does not hold up? Did not age?

Speaker 4 (26:03):
Well, you didn't like it?

Speaker 3 (26:04):
I like parts of it. But they say the F word,
not the fun one, the not so fun one a
lot in that movie. And I found it a little
little cringey that there are things about it that are funny,
but overall it is a pretty stupid movie, which is
sort of the point. And by and by the F word,
I'm referring to the one that is a disparaging term

for for the queer community. And I don't think they
meant any harm. It's it's it's it's meant as a satire.
It's it's meant to be depicting stupid people who are thoughtless.
But when you see it thrown around like that a
bunch and I'm also watching it with my kid, who
is you know it identifies as as queer. Uh, it
kind of rubbed me the wrong way a little bit,
But anyway, that's neither here nor there. This is not

a soapbox time for Noel Brown.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
We do have an answer for you seven and we
can trace a little bit of this so uh the
die signing concept, the idea that exposure of human optic
capabilities could increase the amount of the spectrum a human
can see. It's actually it's pretty ancient. It got pop

or pretty old. It got popular I think due to
TikTok conspiracies fairly recently. And the idea of the cover
up is amazing and does sound worth looking into because
Uncle Sam gets up to all kinds of creepy. The
answer is it dates back, in my opinion, to nineteen twelve.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Oh okay, I didn't want to add maybe before you
give us the juice. It's not illegal to own or
to possess. I do think it's not manufactured because it's
really toxic. It was used as a fabric dye and
industrial processes. But I was looking on some Reddit threads
discussing this very thing, and some very helpful chemists went

on there and told you how you can make a
batch up yourself if.

Speaker 4 (27:55):
You want to, because it's like coal tar, right is.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
That's why we're going it's certainly not scheduled or something
or some somehow illegal to manufacture in your own personal home.
It's just no longer made because it was, you know,
pretty pretty deadly, much like mercury is no longer used
in curing. You know the felt for hats.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
Well, it's just from the name it sounds deathly. Familion.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
But ben, what happened in nineteen twelve?

Speaker 4 (28:24):
Oh yeah, so back in nineteen twelve, there's this guy
named Walter John Kilner k I L n e R.
And he is in London. He was in charge of
electro therapy at Saint Thomas Hospital and he was super
into auras. He published one of the first Western medical

studies of what he called He called it, I think
the human atmosphere, and he said that if he treated
His argument was that if he treated certain interfaces or
like kilner screens, with this substance in particular, then you
would be able to perceive radiation outside the normal spectrum

of light that's visible to humans. And he got a
lot of attention for it until wait, he published the
study in like nineteen eleven. In nineteen twelve, the British
Medical Journal comes out and they say, this absolutely doesn't work.
We can't prove this is an oric force. And maybe

the reason he also to your point noal he said,
he said, look, we can't look at these screens too
long because it will hurt our eyes. But if we
look at them after a regular pattern of viewing, if
we get our ocular reps in, then we don't need
our screens at all. We've been exposed to this die
so hard or these substances that we can perceive what

he called the N rays. N rays come from another
French scientist like the letter in for Moto or North
in rays.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Guy, I thought in my head it was like aura
is the outrays and then that's way.

Speaker 4 (30:11):
Cooler, that's way cooler.

Speaker 3 (30:14):

Speaker 4 (30:14):
But it looks like what it looks like what happened,
And you can read the British medical journals approach on
this or their conclusions. It looks like Kilner was not
able to convince people that his methods were real or
that you could see auras. And it's tough because there's

not There wasn't at that point a way to really
measure it. We also know that's a heck of a
campfire story for sure.

Speaker 3 (30:42):
But if the.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
US government had any kind of perceivable edge in that
any government had a perceivable edge in that kind of pursuit,
they would have done it. You know what I mean.
Nuclear weapons can end the world, and we still a
ton of those, so why wouldn't they mess with some
contacts that could save you some money on night goggles?

Speaker 2 (31:09):
So dope, just put that right in your eyes.

Speaker 4 (31:13):
Just finally, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
Just stick it right in my neck while okay, just
put it right in there.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
And this is not again. We never want to be
the people who come in with this, like wrecking the
fun of a good story. But to the point you
made earlier in this conversation, die siding is dangerous for people.
So it's important to know that if you genuinely seek

night vision at this point, you're probably better off just
buying the goggles.

Speaker 3 (31:46):
Yeah, only only five grand or eight email listing Actually
night vision goggles okay? Sorry? Sorry?

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Which are in the hundreds and thousands, absolutely good will?

Speaker 4 (32:00):
Does TIMO have them? Does tim have no? Oh?

Speaker 3 (32:03):
I hope so. I'm sure they probably are made with
the cyanide stuff, though I didn't want to add the
ben You mentioned certain animals seeing was it infrared?

Speaker 4 (32:12):

Speaker 3 (32:13):
I believe there are also like butterflies have something like
six cones and they can see. They can perceive a
world of color that is unknown to any of us.
And I do love this idea, and it really is
a good thing to always kind of ground yourself to
not be skeptical of people perceiving things that we can't perceive,

because we know that that's very real. You don't have
the equipment for this stuff, And it really does make
me continue to kind of believe that there is something
out there that we can't fully wrap our heads around.
And I am always annoyed when people when people are
like I can't see it, therefore it's not real.

Speaker 4 (32:55):
I find that to be a realism.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
Yeah, it's just it's just to cop out and it
is just it's kind of what's the word just arbitrary
kind of I don't know, negativity. It's just nagging. It's
yucking the yum and trying to act like you're It's
a very egocentric view of the world and I think
that's maybe the best way to put it.

Speaker 4 (33:15):
Also, animals can see an ultraviolet right. Look, humans are
behind It is a vision game.

Speaker 3 (33:22):
Have you seen that? Predator?

Speaker 5 (33:23):

Speaker 2 (33:24):
I mean, holy cow, guys. I have a way for
us to get ahead on this game and a challenge
that I think we can we can make happen. They
sell on this Amazon site that I just found for the.

Speaker 3 (33:37):
First the same as Timu.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
I think so or wish. Maybe it has diffraction glasses
like prism glasses that you can buy for fifteen dollars
or sixteen dollars excuse me if you have prime Also
two day returns of whatever it says on here. It's
a weird website. It's got all kinds of information.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
This episode brought to you by Let's.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
All all get a pair of those Alexis. You're included
on this. Let's all get a pair of those and
then just wear them out somewhere socially publicly and see
if we can function while all the light we encounter
is diffracted as though we are on some kind of substance.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Those are called rainbow goggles, and I'll be there with you,
but I'll be wearing my gooner goggles aka the Apple
Vision pro Nice. Surely there's a diffraction setting on that thing,
right for however, many thousands of dollars that costs? Well? Hey,
thanks number seven seven, the number seven written out as

a numerical form. We appreciate that one. That was. That
was That was some cool food for thought. Let's take
a quick break. We'll come back. We'll have one more
piece of listener, ma'am, we've returned, skirt.

Speaker 4 (34:55):
Skirt can take it a record, scratch, doc terfect, thank you.
We've got a couple of pieces of correspondence. We've got
one from the Maiden Fair, which goes into bacteria phages
but talks about something else at the beginning. So let's
go to that. Let's go to that now. Oh and
we're working live. Got a correction. I can't remember which

show this is odd or we'll call it correction. Helping
hand from our pal small Box Games. The stubby tailed cats,
the ones they're born without tails. They are the Manx cats.
So thank you small Box Games. Just got to us
on that one. And now we go to the Maiden Fair.
The Maiden Fair says, hey, guys, it's the Maiden Fair.

You can use my name if you'd like, if you
did want to share this. It's very relevant to your
recent show on porn Hub, which, by the way, Maiden Fair,
I think was very difficult for all of us. Very dark,
dark subject. So Maiden Fair says, I live in Texas.
I just listened to your episode on primarily Pornhub and

Adult Entertainment.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
And wait, she listens to us on Pornhub.

Speaker 4 (36:06):
Yeah, well it's a gig economy, okay, So she says,
I was waiting for you all to talk about the
new self imposed band porn Hub has inflicted upon its
users in Texas. I don't know if you were aware
of this. She basically says, I will attach screenshots I
took from what I could see when I try to
go to the site from my phone without a VPN. There,

the Maiden Fair concludes, And just to give some context here,
Maiden Fair, in that episode, we had to explore some
very troubling things. I think we published that on the seventeenth,
and maybe the porn Hub Texas band came into effect
on the fifteenth of May, a couple of days before.
But have you guys heard about this one?

Speaker 3 (36:49):

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Yeah, that was just a piece of like random news.
I guess when we were researching that episode. Well, it's weird.
I think Maiden Fair is talking about a VPN, Like,
if we put our like, used a VPN from here
and selected Texas, could we still access.

Speaker 4 (37:06):
Pornite right, you're you're a spot on dude. Yeah. Porn
Ub is also blocked in Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Virginia,
and Utah.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
I didn't know that individual states could block websites.

Speaker 4 (37:21):
No, No, it's the private company blocking access to.

Speaker 3 (37:24):
It because of the laws being to so stringent there
that they're afraid of correct, OK, got it?

Speaker 4 (37:32):
Yeah, the requirement, at least in the case of Texas,
it's a bill called HB eleven eighty one requiring adult
sites to verify that visitors are of age.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
And it's you know, it's very telling, isn't it of
porn hubbs policies that they would just say, you know what,
better safe than sorry, let's just pull the whole thing.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Just turn it off right there?

Speaker 3 (37:55):
Yep. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (37:56):
And porn Hub's argument there is interesting because they're saying
this type of legislation will only drive people to less
scrupulous sites, which quote put minors in your privacy at risk. Yeah,
but it's a for profit company saying that.

Speaker 2 (38:10):
Yeah. And as we said, it's one of the biggest,
if not the biggest, distributor of lapron.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
Lapro and okay, old school, old school internet language. I
love it. We're so lat right now. But you make
an excellent point there, Matt, because porn hub is, of
course one facet of a much larger company. And we
go into detail on called a low which was formerly
called mind Geek, And this is something that I think

more people should be aware of. We talked in our
previous Strange News earlier this week about VPNs in general,
it is good to have a VPN. You don't need
to rationalize it by saying you're looking at untoward things,
unclean things. It's just a way to protect yourself against

the growing erosion of privacy. But also I don't it
might being a jerk. I would question some of their
motives in this.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
In this, Oh, you think porn hubs motives in the
question dear No, Yeah, definitely, by the way I mean
the VPN thing. One thing I think people forget is
like there are all kinds of hacking scams out in
public Internet that are disguised as other things. If you
log into that without a VPN, you are exposed. But

if you do it through a VPN, you got that
extra layer of protection. So there are many completely legitimate
reasons for using a VPN.

Speaker 4 (39:41):
Well SA. So this leads us to another conversation and
something that this show and Civilization, I think more importantly
is wrestling with in the human world, which is the
idea of anonymity or perceptions thereof in the online landscape.
Right Whenever, whenever there is a move against privacy, it's

often going to be packaged and presented as protecting the innocent, right,
protecting the children. You need to have your government ID
on record to use the internet, because if you don't
the terrorist win stuff like that?

Speaker 2 (40:21):
But sure, it just stinks that I can see the
argument for it.

Speaker 3 (40:26):
Yeah, I could see the argument too.

Speaker 4 (40:28):
I'm just saying I can also see how it is convenient, crooked,
and easily weaponized.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
I'm right there with you too.

Speaker 5 (40:35):
I Uh.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
It just thinks that we can't have it both ways.
I can't stop the really truly evil stuff that's happening
unless you have something like that. But then the rest
of us are. I don't know, I don't like it.

Speaker 4 (40:52):
What if people were just less crappy?

Speaker 2 (40:54):
Hey, you think we could make that happen?

Speaker 4 (40:57):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (40:58):
I think that ship might have sailed.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Ben Right, you need to get the lead out of
our water sources.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
Remember that's Oh my god, you just gave me a flashback.
On my local classic rock radio stations may have been common.
They always had a block of led Zeppelin music called
get the lead out. Nice.

Speaker 4 (41:17):
Oh well, what if we just, you know, as corporate
America says, and obviously corporate America never makes mistakes, what
if we just lean into it. What if we get
the lead back in the pipes? What if we get
the mercury back in the.

Speaker 2 (41:29):
Hats and the microplastics out of our balls.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
It's just man, maybe it'll give us superpowers, you know.

Speaker 4 (41:38):
I mean, if pissing plastic is a superpower, so is that.

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Going to be a new search term on port hub microplast.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
Oh boy, oh boy, these are too deep.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
We have we do have one more piece of one
more piece of corespond and it's here. Just as you know, folks,
we like to end the show with the letters from home.
And there's something that's very important to all of us,
both making the show and more importantly, all of us
listening along at home wherever in the wide world we
may be. This comes to us from uninformed Burrito, who says, hey, guys,

just listen to strange news earlier. Is it possible that
the burrito taco ruling you mentioned was made for tax purposes?
I live in northwestern Ontario and our province has rules
about what taxes places can apply based on if the
item can be considered a meal or just a snack
and ding dean burrito, you are correct.

Speaker 3 (42:41):
No, that's exactly right. That's exactly It was a designation
of like fast food versus like a sit down thing.
It was about zoning. It was something I read that.

Speaker 4 (42:50):
And that's exactly that's in the article. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
there's also there's also a cool thing here, Like usually
when we hear those fun, viral late night news fodder stories,
usually there is some real, often financially motivated reason behind it.

Speaker 3 (43:08):

Speaker 4 (43:08):
That's why certain products have weird qualifications as foods in
the United States. It goes back to how they're taxed.
So kudos to Burrito. I would say you are not
uninformed different, you are a very informed Burrito. You also
hipped us to something called the food cube rule. Have

you guys heard of this?

Speaker 3 (43:31):
Have you seen this? It's the food cube like the
new food pyramid.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
I'm looking at it right now.

Speaker 4 (43:35):
I don't know about this, so I'll share a picture.

Speaker 2 (43:38):
First thing I'm seeing. I just had sushi the other day.
Their depiction of sushi is right and wrong. It's right
and wrong because you can get sushi with the toast
situation too, where the rice is just on the bottom.

Speaker 3 (43:53):

Speaker 4 (43:53):
Yeah, it's like a heuristic, right, So it's not it's
not in depth, correct, but it's the food cube rule
or the cube rule of food is premised on the
idea that one can identify dishes based on the location
of the starch. And you make an excellent point, Matt.
Not all sushi is cubed up, right, Sashimi, I like

a hand roll, hand you love a hand roll.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
I love a handrel.

Speaker 4 (44:20):
And the calzona corse, there are six in the cube
rule of food. There's one toast or an open face
sandwich as someone call it a pizza. Yeah, a pizza.

Speaker 3 (44:31):
Well, see, that's the thing. One one could argue that
a hot dog is an open faced sandwich.

Speaker 4 (44:37):
One could one could, especially depending on like when I
was living in Central America, there are often hot dogs
are often served like on a.

Speaker 3 (44:46):
Pa or a.

Speaker 4 (44:50):
Taco. Then is number three, well, number two sandwich stars
on bottom and top, taco starch is on the bottom,
and then the two vertical sides sushi cube. That's a
as we said, it's heuristic. It's not entirely accurate. But yes, exactly,
oh yes, thank you.

Speaker 3 (45:11):
Yes. But is it a hypercube?

Speaker 4 (45:13):
That is the question. The calzone also could have further
cubes of food within it. The mystery continues, and we're
glad you're here for it, folks. We want to hear
your in depth. Beat me here, doc, you're in a
depth opinion on sandwiches and foodstuffs in general. We're big

fans of food. Hope that's not a hot take. Thanks
to d Thanks and seven is.

Speaker 3 (45:44):
A salad with croutons a sandwich. Sorry, my head's all mess.

Speaker 4 (45:47):
It depends on the size as cube. It's one big creuton.
I would eat a creuton bowl salad. Thanks also to
the very Informed Burrito. Thanks to the Maiden Fair. Thanks
to everybody who has tuned in and joined us. We
cannot wait to hear from you. Get in contact with us,
let us know what's going on in your neck of

the global woods. We try to be easy to find
in any number of ways.

Speaker 3 (46:12):
Correct. You can find us at the handle Conspiracy Stuff,
where we exist on Facebook, YouTube and xfka, Twitter, on
Instagram and TikToker Conspiracy Stuff Show.

Speaker 2 (46:23):
You can call us. Our number is one eight three
three td wy t K. When you call in, you've
got three minutes. Say whatever you'd like. It's a voicemail.
Do let us know if we can use your name
and voice on the Old Listener Mail episode. If you
got more to say thing and fit in that voicemail,
why not instead send us a good old fashioned email.

Speaker 3 (46:44):
We are the.

Speaker 4 (46:45):
Folks who read every single email we get. Send us
the pictures. Send us the most interesting sandwiches in your
neck of the global woods. Furthermore, send us ideas for
future episodes you think your fellow conspiracy realist will enjoy,
no character limit. Send the links. We read every email
we get. The well aware folks the void may write

back conspiracy at iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 2 (47:27):
Stuff they don't want you to know is a production
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