All Episodes

June 3, 2024 51 mins

Why is North Korea sending balloons filled with trash and poop over the border? A new poll reveals most Americans consider fast food a luxury. A former mayor in South Dakota is charged with three murders. All this and more in this week's strange news segment.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies. History is
riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or
learn the stuff they don't want you to know. A
production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hello, welcome back to the show. My name is Matt.
Our colleague nol is on a grand adventure, but we'll
be returning shortly.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
They called me Ben. We're joined as always with our
super producer, like says code name, Doc Holliday Jackson. Most importantly,
you are here. That makes this the stuff they don't
want you to know. Now we hear and stuff they
don't want you to know. Are quite excited, fascinated by

several things that have popped into the world of the news.
Immediately after we record these things, other amazing or disturbing
events occur, and we can't wait to explore them with you.
We're going to learn about some former mayors. We're going
to learn about some weaponized balloons. We thought before we

get into any of that, that we might explore we
might spend the first part of tonight's program exploring just
various things that popped up that we thought were interesting. Yes,
the rumors are true. There is a group of one
hundred feral chickens terrifying a small village in Norfolk. There

are drones that are going to be first responders for
nine to one one calls at Colorado and Matt one story.
Maybe we begin here.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Well, can we begin with just a little bit more
about those chickens, because I want to know about these chickens.
They're feral. Does that mean they're like going around attacking people?

Speaker 3 (01:56):
It means that they are a out of control nuisance
in Sneededisham, Norfolk. They are apparently not owned by anybody.
We'll get to the slingshot guy in the minute, which
I think we both really identify with these This town, Sneedisham, Norfolk,

is pretty small. It's a village and they have per
an article in the Guardian made life quite difficult for
the residents of this small town of Sneddensham. I'm not
sure how to say it. What would you say, snetti Sham, Sneedtisham, Yes, either.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Snedisham, I don't know, Sneedtisham. That's how I'd say. No,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
So people have Let's go to Rod McKenzie, counselor the
parish who said quote referring to the chickens. They're a
pain in the butt. If they come into your garden,
they dig everything up. It's not food for the chickens,
it's every bit of detritus they can find, and that
brings rats.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Dude, shout out for detritis in a quote.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
What was it someone left the other week? A court
of pink prawns. The rats are quite sizable around here,
and they breed like hell. So probably there's a feedback
Blue created because people from round the land came to
see this roving band of this motley crew of feral chickens.

And when they do, just like people who visit Xingjing,
the one armed macaw monkey in China, when tourists visit,
they leave food for the chickens. Leaving food for the
chickens brings, of course, the rats.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
What kind of food do you leave for the robot
dogs with large assault rifles attached to them that China
just unveiled. They unveiled not just a couple. Remember we
did an episode where oh, look, this one company made
this one type of robodog that has a sniper rifle
attached to it. Well, they just unveiled basically a battalion

of these robo dogs with assault rifles.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
Which we immediately predicted would happen and be inevitable when
when this first came out, I would say, to answer
your question, there, Matt, the food you leave those dogs
is AMMO and batteries.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
Yep, these are little robo pause to somehow flip it
around getting in the right slot.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
So we wish the good people of Sneadisham Norfolk the best,
and don't want to sound too dismissive. They don't know
who owns the land in the forest where these chickens
appear too, you know that's their HQ. We don't know
who which human owns land yet, but we can say

you could always just eat them, right, they're chickens. You
can just kill them and eat them. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Oh yeah, I guess.

Speaker 1 (05:09):

Speaker 2 (05:10):
There's another great quote from that Guardian article. A dog
walker who quote did not wish to be named, said quote,
people in the new houses are moaning about them, but
they've been here such a long time, and they are
more important things going on in the world than a
few chickens. They should get a life.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
So maybe it's an hoa embellishing a problem which would
not be out of the bounds of Hams.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Can you imagine if that was just a thing like
local Hoa's would just go out and make a press
release about somebody's house that was just minorly unkept.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
Get it in Deadline, get it in Hollywood.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Neighbors are furious.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Next thing, you know, we've got the evening news pundits saying,
let's talk about the real issues. Walter Starkley's grass is
out of control?

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Has that dude? Yes, Ben, that's hilarious. Has there been
a sitcom that is just an hoa?

Speaker 3 (06:07):
That's a great idea.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
All right, we should cut that, just make the show.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
So without further a duel. Let's also move on to
a story that I think spoke to both of us
and hopefully all of us listening along at home. What
does it feel like to fight the power? What does
it feel like to be a real life Bart Simpson?

Speaker 2 (06:33):
For several years, Oh, I know what you're talking about. Ben. Guys,
there has been a serial slingshot sharpshooter that's been hanging
out in this little California town called a Zeusa, Azusa
for over a decade. There have been ball bearings just

flying willy nilly from somewhere nobody knows where, hitting cars,
at least to according to the reports in San Francisco Gate,
no human beings have been hit or injured by one
of these things. But imagine that you're just kind of
going about your day in your neighborhood wherever you live,
and every once in a while a giant ball bearing

zooms past you and impacts the Ford tourists that's parked
right on the side of the road. There. Not fun.
You feel like you were under attack maybe, but it also,
in a weird way, seems very Bart Simpson, As you said, Ben,
someone just doing some kind of what would you call that, Ben,
purposeful mischief? But it's not really, it's more of than mischief,

because that's.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
Dangerous grassroots activism. I'm kidding, I kid, Yeah, this this idea,
we could call it mischief Dennis the Menace style. You know,
look at this rascal. But this rascal in this situation
is very lucky that they have not caused a grievous
harm to a person.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Agreed, But they could have, and maybe they would have
if they were escalating. Though ten years is a long
time for a serial slingshot or to escalate, you know,
what I mean. Usually that would be like first couple times,
then you move on to what aiming at those rope
what are those robot delivery things that George Washington saw
not too long ago, start knocking those Anyway, we have

good news. This serial slingshotter has been identified and apprehended.
His house has been searched, the ball bearings and the
slingshot have been recovered, and he's he's in trouble. Mister.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
Does he have to go to slingshot Court?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
Yeah, he does, dude, of course he does. Guess what
his name is, Ben Neil. You saw his name. It's
it's an epic.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
Name, okay. Prince Raymond King, Yeah, dude, maybe one years old.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Dude, if only there was an L in there. So
it was Prince l ray King. So he's just like
this guy's.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
Royalty Prince the King King, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Exactly, the King King. Amazing. But yes, he and all
of the ball bearings were found and he's in big,
big trouble. According to San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Yeah yeah, shout out to Nathaniel Percy, the journalist reporting there.
On May twenty fifth of twenty twenty four, as we record,
he was apparently not a super mobile operator. A lot
of the ball bearings shot via his sling shot appear

to have originated from his house yep on North Enid Avenue.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
Just slang in him. Well, here's maybe why he wasn't
so mobile. At the time of his arrest. He was
eighty one years old. He is eighty one years old
because this just happened. But yeah, he's in jail now
for doing that, and he's been doing it for ten years.
So I guess once you hit like around seventy, the
thought of a slingshot pops into your head again at

some point. If you're Prince King and you're like, man,
slingshots were cool, I should get my hands on one
of those. Got all these old ball bearings from. But
do you have old ball bearings from? I don't even know.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
Well, he got a deal on him somehow. He either
had them or went to a costco or something like that.
He's about twenty three miles east of La So West Coasters.
This could have been you.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
Exactly, But I think what happened is you have that
idea of the sling shot, you find something to sling,
and then you let one rip right from your back.
Porch or something from your backyard, and you just wait
and then you hear and it's becomes addictive. I think
you just want to keep hearing that ding sound of
it impacting the side of a car or a house.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Yes, perhaps they also they also over at San Gabriel
Valley Tribune, they spoke to a police lieutenant, Jake Bushy,
who said, who confirmed most of these ball bearings were
launched from the King's yard. We're just gonna call him
the King. And one thing stood out to me here, Matt,

which is in Bushy's interview with the San Gabriel Valley Tribute.
He says, Look, we don't know why he was shooting
at some people or properties versus others. We're not aware
quote of any kind of motive other than just malicious mischief.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
That's the term malicious mischief. If it was malicious, we
don't know why. Maybe he was compelled to do it
for some reason, and.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
Maybe he knows something respect your elders. Maybe he knows
something we don't.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
Oh. Shoot. NBC Los Angeles has an image of the
ball bearings and they are sizeable. These are they're they're
of different sizes, but some of them are very large,
and some of the impacts on windows appeared. It looks
like a bullet hole like small arms, like nine millimeter
bullet holes. That's intense. Wow.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
It could definitely harm someone if you had a good
aim and you were looking for their throat or their head.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Yeah. Geez well, hey, that's one Cereal slingshottest behind bars.
What else is going on? Ben?

Speaker 3 (12:35):
Oh gosh, Well, there's a question for the crew, Matt
alexis everyone playing along at home? When is the last
time you ate something that you would consider fast.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
Food Friday or no Saturday? My son and I had
chicken that was fast food.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
All right, Doc, will will hold, We'll hold for your
contributions here, we can statistically apparently agree with a recent
poll that found inflation is hitting everyone. Nearly eighty percent
of American residents now consider fast food a luxury due

to these skyrocketing prices.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
I would agree with that, especially if you're talking about
a five guys or something that's selling a lot of beef.
I noticed those beef prices are insane.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Remember when you could go to Taco Bell with like
a twenty dollars bill and they would essentially ask you
if you wanted to own the place. You could live
like a king.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
They'd be like, hello, Prince King, welcome to your domain.
Please have whatever you would like.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
Yeah, you can't just buy the drive through intercom if
you don't want the crunch wrap. This leads us to
something that I think is of growing interest to many
residents of the United States, regardless of political ideology or
demographic divide. People are noticing the American dollar does not

appear to go as far as it once did post
pandemic or during the pandemic. And everybody likes to say
post pandemic, but it's still happening.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Yeah, the plan deemnic Now I'm just joking. I'm just joking.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
I mean, but there is a conspiracy afoot. I would
argue there is a plan because when supply chains were decimated,
I'm using that word correctly. When when supply chains went sideways,
cost of goods and services, products, whatever, naturally arose. However,

as those supply chains recovered, some boffins and some sharks
in the boardrooms realized they didn't have to bring the
prices back down. Not right yet, you know what I mean.
If we've normalized paying you know, five dollars for something
that was three dollars that maybe we'll just keep going

until someone says something.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Yeah, and even when they do, what are they gonna do?
Not eat a whopper? Come on, come on? Did you
hear Morgan Spurlock, the guy who made Supersize Me just
passed away from cancer. I think today as we're recording this,
or yesterday.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
He passed away. I thought he passed away earlier.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Oh okay, maybe I just read about it today.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Yeah, the Supersized Me guy unfortunately has passed away, and
later later investigations would conclude that it was it was cancer,
possibly due to some lifestyle choices he had made that
were not the focus of Supersize Me.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
I didn't know that. I just heard that he passed
away from cancer, though.

Speaker 3 (15:47):
And any number of things can cause cancer. You know
what can't cause cancer? Sling shots?

Speaker 2 (15:53):
You say that, I say that, maybe I haven't.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Maybe I'm not read onto the full capacity slingshot technology.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
What if you're singing lead or mercury ball bearings. I'm
saying maybe they only cause cancer, but not to you
the user.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
Yeah, I don't know. You should at least wear gloves.
So we're talking about this price, height and this ongoing inflation,
which does seem to be manufactured and not necessarily an
end result of the hard math of transit. What we
saw is a recent survey conducted by an outfit called

lending Tree, and they found that seventy eight percent of
consumers have clocked how expensive fast food meals have become.
The day of the dollar menu appears long gone, and
now fast food is a luxury purchase. This is especially
true amidst American residents who make less than thirty grand

a year, people with young children, and folks that we
would call generation Z. Finding show about three out of
four Americans typically eat fast food around once a week,
but sixty two percent of people that were asked about
it said obviously not I'm just gonna cook at home now,

or go to the mom and pop place. You know
what I mean, Go to your local go to your
local restaurant, and you can feed a family of four
for far less, apparently than one could at your McDonald's
or your Burger King. I don't know, man, I don't
know how long people are going to keep buying whoppers forever.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
Come on, man, don't believe the hype? Well, what is this?
Lending Tree out there talking to people and getting opinions.
Our Burger king will live forever. I hope I see
again when this gets analyzed by AI and then translated
into German. Nobody's gonna understand that I'm being sarcastic, but

that's what it's supposed to be.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
They will now because we've explicitly said so. We we've
got to pause for word from our sponsors before the
nine to one one drones of Colorado come to find us,
even though we're not in Colorado. A lot of stuff
can go wrong with with large language models and AI

as they call it. Just ask Google and tell us
what it tells you when you search. We're gonna pause
for a word from our sponsors, and maybe we travel
to South Dakota. What do you think?

Speaker 2 (18:28):
I guess. So, yeah, it's gonna be somber when we
get back, but not too bad. Actually yeah, pretty bad.
So just hold on to your horses.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
No. Nine one one, This crunch trap is five dollars.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
All right, We'll be right back, and we've returned and
we are going to Turner County, a very small town there.
The former mayor of that town is currently charged with
three counts of first degree murder, which you know is

a headline that catches our eyes for sure. There's a
lot going on with this story that we do not
have the details of, but we can give you at
least a little bit. Here's some reporting coming out of
the Argus Leader A R G U. S L E
A D E.

Speaker 3 (19:20):

Speaker 2 (19:21):
It's written by Trevor Mitchell and here's the title. Former
Centerville mayor charged with triple murder in Turner County. This
is this just happened. So on the night of Monday,
the twenty seventh of May, this person was apparently involved
in some kind of shooting that killed three people. He

was booked into the local jail there on Tuesday morning
in connection with these shootings. And it's very strange. Let's
go down here. There's a person named Zach Francis who
says that his brother had been shot and killed by
a man with a shotgun at that the shooter had
returned to his home. Documents say that after some time,

Franke has told the dispatcher that he himself had been
shot and he eventually stopped speaking with that nine to
one one operator. And that's when this person, this former mayor,
his name is j. Austrom OSTRM happens to be sixty
four years old. He was seen leaving the home and
was identified at the scene of the shooting. Apparently, this

guy appeared to be intoxicated, at least according to some
of the local reporting there, or some of the witnesses
who were there, and somebody who's getting leaked information, it appears,
but he ignored the commands to stop, to put down
whatever he had in his hands to lay on the ground.
He was apparently bleeding from his left hand, and you

could smell the alcohol on him. According to officers who
first responded there, he had a handgun and an ar
style rifle in his possession. He also had shotgun shell
casings and a spent rifle casing just on his person
when he was stopped by these officers. When those officers
then went into the home where this guy had just left,

they found three dead men, Zach Frankes, the person who
had called nine to one one to report this happening,
Paul Francis, who is twenty six, and Timothy Richmond, who
was thirty five.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
And of course, it's often easy for people to read
a story and dismiss it when they hear alcohol mentioned, right, like,
this guy got drunk and shot three people. However, we
have a context as to what appears to have informed

the former mayor's actions and heads up, folks, it is
an unpleasant thing.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
Yeah, okay, So these are neighbors, these three younger guys
and then this older guy who's accused of killing them.
According to the story, Jay Oustrom was told by his
spouse that she was hanging out having some alcohol with
one of the one of the three guys in that

house that is now dead. And according to the story,
this person, Paul Francis, forcibly kissed her and exposed his
genitalia to her, and she then told her husband about it,
Jay Oustrom, and Jay went raging out of the house.

He didn't say anything about where he was going, what
he was going to do. He did not leave armed,
according to his wife, but she knew that he or
she was aware at least that he had many weapons
inside the home and possibly inside his vehicle. So it
is possible that he went directly to his vehicle, got

his weapons, and then charged over to that house and
murdered three people.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
And apparently there are live reports of the shooting or
reports on file You can read this in affidavits reported
by Sioux Falls Live, wherein people called it a guy
called in and said, yes, I have been shot. That
is Francus, and Francus most likely died on the phone

or at least lost the ability to speak. We know
that there is, as you said, blood on his left hand.
I appreciate the note about being charged with but not convicted,
of killing these three pretty young people. We also apparently

have a question about the nature of former Mayor Richmond's
relationship to the Franks brothers. Do they just live in
the same area or to what degree did they interact?

Speaker 2 (23:57):
I don't know. Do you have more info?

Speaker 3 (23:58):
So I'm looking at a couple of different stories. Daily
Beast has an article by Josh Fiallo. As we mentioned,
Sioux Falls Live has some information on this. It's not
quite clear, but we can say one thing for sure. Centerville,
South Dakota is not the biggest town in the United States.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
No, it's pretty tiny.

Speaker 3 (24:22):
Less than a thousand people.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Oh wow, less than a thousand people, Smaller even than
I knew. So it should be noted that this person
in Jay Austrom, who is accused of doing this stuff,
is a He's a former sheriff's office investigator. He was
a deputy. I guess according to Argus Leader archives, I

don't know. He's done a lot of stuff for that
small town. He assisted in a trial in twenty ten
of this guy named Ethan Johns who was convicted of
killing a sheriff's deputy there. He also apparently was involved
in some kind of sexual harassment lawsuit where it was
a lawsuit levied against him, and that's while he was mayor.

I guess the stuff that happened while he was mayor.
I don't know. This one just stuck out to me
because it is somebody really high up that appears to
have gotten super upset about something and then went off
the handle and chose murder. I don't know it does
I guess it worries me. As you said, Ben, somebody

might dismiss this completely. Oh, somebody was drinking and they
weren't thinking or whatever. But somebody that has that I
don't know, that thing in them that's willing to go
and kill somebody over something horrible, right like if that
account is true from his wife, is horrible, but just
willing to kill somebody that's.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Also the sexual harassment case. For further context, that was
a two year legal battle, and the person filing the
sexual harassment lawsuit was the former chief of police.

Speaker 2 (25:59):

Speaker 3 (26:00):
So there appears to be again quite a bit to
this story, and we can only imagine that there will
be more forthcoming as court cases proceed. Whatever the circumstances,
they cannot replace the lives of the three young men

who were murdered, because this is what we will call
extra judicial killing. We also have to wonder with this
guy's experience, did he feel correct in taking what he
saw his vigilanti action, you know what I mean? Because
of his time and law enforcement.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Who's to say what's going through his mind? I would
quick correction here if I said it incorrectly or confusingly.
The incident that allegedly occurred between this person who's accused
and the neighbor happened on the twenty third of May,
and then this shooting occurred on Monday, the twenty seventh
of May, so there was some time there, which maybe

is why it's considered first degree or why he's charged
with first degree murder, because it does seem like if
that's the inciting incident, he had several days to either
plan or you know, think about his actions before taking them. Well, Ben,
I don't have much more on this one. It's not
even really one to keep an eye on. I think
it's just an anomaly and a strange thing. Some of

these true crime stories are just kind of like that,
just weird. If you don't mind, I'd just like to
point this out because it's something we've talked about before
on the pass as a completely separate story. This is
regarding MH three seventy. That's that Malaysian Airlines flight that
went missing and has been sought since twenty fourteen. Still

no wreckage recovered, no sign of the two hundred and
thirty nine people who went down with it. There's some
new attempts to find the wreckage wherever it went, and
it has to do with explosions, which is kind of cool.
And some of the underground micro phones that we've discussed
in the past that are just strown about in the
ocean that can listen to all sorts of things. One

of the things they're good at hearing are large explosions,
right listening for nuclear weapons that have been tested underneath
the sea, which is something the US used to like
to do quite a lot near a toolls especially. They're
going to use this technology to attempt to basically recreate

I think, at least if I'm reading this correctly, they
want to recreate the sound of this plane hitting the
water and or get as close as they can of
like hearing basically with those microphones what it would sound like,
and then also taking into account everything that's been recorded
right around the time that it crashed, and try to

use the sound to pinpoint where it actually entered the water,
because that's still an unknown right now. And they're recommending
that authorities conduct what they're calling controlled underwater explosions, which
is really I don't it's an interesting thing.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
It's important thing. It would bring a lot of closure
to hundreds of families. And we have an episode coming
out later this year which is an update on the
planes that have disappeared. We've been pushing this one for
a while because, like many people, we are hoping that

there will be good news. You know, when we do
this episode, we it would make our evening for there
to be a plane mystery solved such that we can
remove it from our episode. But the ocean is big,
you know what I mean, there's it's no surprise that
things get lost. Conspiracies proliferate for a reason. We do

know that assassination as plane crash has been deployed in
the past. That is a true story. Look up what
was his name, Matt Dagg.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
That's the one.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
Definitely assassinated via plane crash. And in this case, you know,
it might surprise some of us tonight to learn that
even after a story fades from the headlines, the research
and the investigation continues. So I'm really glad you brought
this story up tonight. We're hoping this hydrophone technology, right,

is that what it's called. We're hoping this hydrophone technology
can at least help people get a fix on where
the breadcrumbs of the crash begin.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
Yeah, and again it is just theoretical. Now, it's just
like a recommendation. The thought is just using signal strength
at the various locations. If a big splash occurred in
one area, you could test, Hey, there's certain level, like
very precise level of decibels that this one microphone picked

it up, and it's x kilometers away from where the
explosion occurred, right, and then you've got another one that
same explosion measured at why decibels when the plane hit
the water so or when the explosion occurred, I guess
in this test, So you really could pinpoint if you
had three or more. Potentially if you got all of
those numbers correct with the data of whatever the splash

and explosion sound when this plane went down, you could
you could try and find it. Yeah, exactly in the
same way you use the you know, a GPS signal
that's going to various towers or to various satellites.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Yeah. Maybe a layman way to think of this would be,
all right, the old concept of a needle in a haystack, right,
we think of that in English because it's very difficult
to find a needle in a ginormous haystack.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Never tried, actually, but I would.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
Yeah, even something that can help you find just the
quadrant of the haystack it's in this twenty percent, or
it's even in this fifty percent of the haystack, that
will fundamentally change the nature of the investigation. And while
it can seem hopeless, it is important to try.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
I think so too. So let's keep an eye on that.
It probably won't happen because it's going to be expensive
I'm sure, and everybody's just like, well that was a
while ago, guys, which is an unfortunate thing for the
families of the two hundred and thirty nine people that
are still missing and unaccounted for. Well, hey, that's a
bit of a downer, but we will be right back
with more strange news. After a word from our sponsor.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
We take you to Seoul, South Korea. What's that up
there in the clouds? Is it a bird? Is it
a blade? No, it's a balloon. What's in the balloon?
This takes us to one of our final stories for
this evening's program. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRK,

street named North Korea, has been accused of sending balloons
carrying poop across the border across the DMZ into South Korea. First, what, second? Why?
These are some of the questions.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
I think those are the primary questions. Well, the next
one for me is what were they contained within? Was
it just like a plastic bag or was it.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
It also wasn't just poop, there were cigarette butts, miscellaneous trash.
Let's go to the Guardian and the New York Times,
So shout out to Justin McCurry writing for The Guardian
based out of Tokyo, who says South Korea has warned
residents living near the border to be on alert, and
the South Korean government, the Republic of Korea r OK,

has accused North Korea of sindy balloons containing feces and
trash into South Korea, and if you look back you
can find this with some cursory digging. The South Korean
military just this past Wednesday released photographs of what appeared

to be to answer your question, Matt, plastic bags tethered
to balloons, just hanging down like a gondola from a
hot air balloon, and there was trash around these. Somebody
wrote the word excrement on one of the bags that
had come down to earth, just to drive the point home.

According to the Yadhap Dews agency in South Korea military sources,
more than one hundred and fifty of these balloons made
their way south. Some were still in the air, some
had traveled very long distances, reaching southeastern provinces of the peninsula.
They had plastic bottles in their batteries, shoes and or

parts of shoes, parts of shoes, not the whole shoe,
and then manure woah.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
Hight soil. I can really identify with this. I've been
leaning out cat litter for the past week or so,
and just the sensation of gathering poop into a bag
that I did not but probably should have labeled feces,
just doing that over and over again, and then hauling

that bag down to another bag so that it can
get out of my house and not smell like that anymore.

Speaker 3 (35:23):
And they're wondering, wading, who really is in charge of
this tidy government of my home? Yeah, I'm pretty sure
that cat's not take it out your poop.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
No, it's not. And it really doesn't like it when
I pet it, unless it's tired. Then it's like, all right,
we're cool.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
It takes time. Yeah, yeah, it's true. Man, Like, okay,
So imagine the panic I think it was. It was
not too long ago.

Speaker 1 (35:50):

Speaker 3 (35:51):
I was off on a thing recording remotely, and we
were recording the week that the Chinese government sent some
altitude surveillance balloons into US airspace. And if we think
about that in that context, this story seems way less funny.

Right at first, It's like at nineteen eighties Revenge of
the Nerds comic book kind of prank, like, we'll show them,
We'll send poop balloons. What a what a rip. But now,
if you're the South Korean military and you are pretty
much waiting for a possible attack, full scale kinetic war

from the northern part of the peninsula, then when you
see stuff you cannot identify in the air, your first
assumption has to be it is a weapon.

Speaker 2 (36:45):
Oh yeah, you know what we need? Oh god, I
wish we had this some kind of slingshot sharpshooter that
you to hang out. Yeah. Yeah, So you're you're not
getting the retort of firing a weapon in that very
you know, contentious area, but you just, you know, just
a little funk.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
And keep it clean too. Like he's clearly we'll make
him a tourist. He's clearly not working with the South
Korean military. He's just a guy, Yeah who got a
deal on ball bearings.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
Just give him a porch, that's all he needs.

Speaker 3 (37:22):
Give him a porch at a yard to tell people
to stay off of. And I think I think we've
got our candidate. I think we got our operator. Yeah.
The military, though, they did freak out because all they
see over the DMZ one of the most hotly contested
parts of the world as we know it. All they
see is small unidentified objects, which you know, sadly they're

not UFOs. I think it would be funnier if aliens
were real and they were just carrying poop around the
world and no one knew why.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
They're just sending their their feces to Earth.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
Yeah, they're not even like saving the poop, they're just
moving it around to different places.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
Imagine. Okay, so there's this huge UFO that's sited by
everyone in London. Everybody. Oh, Alexi says, what makes you
think the aliens poop?

Speaker 3 (38:13):
Yeah, that's right, that's a good note, Doc.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
Yeah, if I've learned anything in this life, it's that
everybody poops. You know. That's like probably if.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
They don't, they're an android exactly.

Speaker 2 (38:25):
That's lifeless and number one for me. Okay, but listen,
there's this huge UFO. It's coming through the atmosphere. Everybody
in London's freaking out. Everybody's got footage of it. It's
going on TikTok, it's going everywhere. It's wide. This thing
flies through and then lands in the Thames or the
Thames or however you say that river and the military's

out there, everybody's surrounding it. They're ready to just whatever
comes out of this thing, we're gonna fight against it.
And the hatch just goes and it's just alien poop.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
Which would be amazing. We would keep it, uh, like
the civilization would be super into it. Also, talking with
Doc in the chat here, the question is if aliens
maybe they excreet something that they think of as poop
and humans think of it as a massively precious resource,
you know what I mean, likeum yeah, unobtainingum the ultimate mcguffin.

What if it's something like cobalt or what if they
just what if they poop those over somehow, those overpriced
scented Yankee candles that are like unreasonably twenty five dollars
or eighteen dollars at the store. I would steal that poop.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
Like in various cents plas.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
Yeah, different sense, oh maze, And the aliens don't like
them because to them it smells like poop. But to us,
we're like, ah, lavender.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
Tight, we set this on fire, dude.

Speaker 3 (39:53):
Let me set this on fire.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Well, back to.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
The Korean Peninsula, the South Korean government deployed biological chemical
warfare response teams, explosive response teams. Imagine if you have
that level of training and you have to go find
the poop balloon, and because of your training, because the

hot war could pop off, you have to pretend it's
not hilarious and you have to say, Okay, we got
to run through the checks. That's clearly a balloon of manure.
But let's send out the robot and see if the
robot explodes. And then who draws the short straw to

have to actually go up and take the bag of poop.
This is so weird, man Like, what is the point?

Speaker 2 (40:47):
I really don't know. Is it a warning?

Speaker 3 (40:50):
We have one statement from Kim Kong Il, who is
a defense vice minister in North Korea, who says this
was who said that the DPRK is going to retaliate
toward some propaganda war stuff by South Korea. So South
Korea for a long time has been sending leaflets about

like anti North Korean leaflets, thumb drives that allow people
access to news stories or literature or ideologies that you
couldn't normally access in North Korea, and so per the
official North Korean News agency case NA, Kim Kong Ill

said the following quote. Tit for tat action will also
be taken against frequent scattering of leaflets and other rubbish
near border areas. Mounds of waste paper and filth will
soon be scattered over the border areas and the interior
of the ROK. Again that South Korea and it will
directly experience how much effort is required to remove them.

Kim so there. I think the idea is without escalating
toward that war that no one really wants except for
defense industries. I think the idea is, Hey, we're going
to show you what it's like to have to deal
with this, right, so now we're sending a bunch of balloons,

just like the stuff you sent, and just like the
stuff you sent, our balloons transport trash. Because North Korea
is the best.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
I think they solved it. I think that's it unless
it's coming from further north. What if it's coming from
I don't know, the city in China just across the
border of North Korea and they're playing, they're playing both.
They're just like, ah, let's send this over there. They'll
both blame each other. It'll be a hilarious.

Speaker 3 (42:48):
Oh gosh. And if it's a if it's a big
enough Chinese city, they're they're thinking, we got to get
rid of this poop somehow, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Let's just we've got all these balloons. We've got deal
on the balloons.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
We keep making poop. You know. Yeah, we put out
a notice, we asked people to stop pooping, but they
keep going. So we've got to do something.

Speaker 2 (43:12):
There's a clear answer here. I'm just I'm not seen
it yet.

Speaker 3 (43:15):
Point said, Ah, geez, we need top men on this one. Also, also,
it makes me think the idea here is clearly propaganda.
Right is that seem to say? So they're not trying
to upset the grand balance of the armistices?

Speaker 2 (43:34):
I don't think so. I don't know. Wasn't there a
very recent missile failure or a flight test that North
Koreo just conducted where they were going to send it
was either a satellite or another one of those. It
was a test of a rocket and it failed pretty
pretty horribly.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
Yes, thank goodness, I'm.

Speaker 2 (43:54):
Sure they get panned, if you know. I don't know
if there's a DMZ like newspaper or something ben or
just something where it's just like they tease each other
from the other sides like ha ha ha, rocket failed,
great job, and there's like oh yeah, oh yeah, Well you.

Speaker 3 (44:11):
Know what doesn't fail, our poop balloon Armada, which it
will be deployed. Whoe betide you for mocking our attempts
at ICBMs. It's true. There's a larger context too, because
we mentioned it slightly in a previous recording. Uncle Ji
and Uncle Vlad did have a very public pinky swear

recently creating a troubling partnership of convenience or escalating and
troubling partnership of convenience between China and Russia. And now
this poop balloon stuff comes on the heels of an
earlier report where Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong un, the

current leader of North Korea, agreed to a pretty troubling
deal or a deal that has NATO and the West
kind of upset because the problem is, all right, North
Korea has a nuke, Right, they have nuclear capability in
a weaponized fashion. What they don't have is the other
side of the equation, which is getting the nuke to

the place they want to hit. They don't have that yet, right,
they have the engine, but they don't have the car,
and if they make a deal with Russia, Russia could
give them ICBM or reliable ICBM. I mean, North Korea's
previous designs are already old Soviet tech. So the United
States is currently quite concerned about the possibility of someone

giving North Korea this car such that it could drive
to the West coast of the United States. It's a
real concern. But also also man, how much of it
is warmongering on both sides, Like if you want more
funding for the Eastern Theater, you say that a nuclear

response is eminent, you know, or not even a response,
a nuclear action is imminent, and the wallet just opens
up and everybody votes in your favor.

Speaker 2 (46:16):
Very true.

Speaker 3 (46:17):
I don't know. Maybe it's also just humans are humans.
Maybe the poop bags are just a fun prank.

Speaker 2 (46:23):
Ben, you said something pretty hilarious. I put it together.
I don't know if anybody else did those listening You're
talking about poop on the heels of Putin, which to
me is really funny. Thank you, thanks, because there's something
about your Putin. But then poop, I don't know that
it's on your heels. This seems messy.

Speaker 3 (46:42):
Oh, North Korea and Putin are definitely. North Korea is
definitely Puutin on the ritz. And I don't know how
much more there is to this story, but we do
know that in the larger context, the government of China
and the government of North Korea have a rare, a

rare disagreement regarding nuclear weapons, because China is asking to
pump their breaks and they're saying all gas, no breaks,
poop in the balloons. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (47:17):
Yeah, I do know what you mean.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
Great, that's why we hang out. That's how that's how Matt,
Doc and I talk when we're off air. We have
so much stuff. We didn't get to this evening. We didn't.
We didn't really get the chance to talk about Papua
New Guinea. There's a failed coup on the African continent
that's not getting a lot of Western press. We have

cop city stories we have to cover. The new Windows
AI is going to record everything you do on your
personal computer.

Speaker 2 (47:49):
What's so wrong, sweet man?

Speaker 3 (47:51):

Speaker 2 (47:52):
Always forget what I've been doing on my computer seven
months ago?

Speaker 3 (47:56):
Yeah? Good, No, we can finally have a snap shot.
Now I can finally confirm that I wanted to buy
but did not in fact buy those construction boots with toes.
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (48:10):
Thank goodness, man, because I forgot if you did that
or not. What was I doing on November fourteenth, twenty
twenty three. Oh it says here. Yeah, I opened my
notes app I typed. Oh it's got an entire log
of everything I typed into my notes app.

Speaker 3 (48:28):
Oh, I'm sure it's gold.

Speaker 2 (48:30):
Oh boy, that was a bad day. Jeez. Oh man,
that was a Tuesday. We were getting ready for strange news. Oh,
it's got all of our search history has been fantastic.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
I stick by what I searched.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
I don't know if I do all right.

Speaker 3 (48:46):
Well, it takes it takes a team, right. What's the
old proverb. If you want to travel fast, travel alone.
If you want to travel far, travel together. So here
we go. Maybe one day Google AI search will also
scrape our own search histories to provide us unhelpful answers
to all sorts of questions. But we want to provide

helpful questions, answers and dialogue with you friends of the show,
fellow conspiracy realists, Thank you so much for tuning in.
We will be back later this week with even more stuff.
They don't want you to know. In the meantime, join
the show. We try to be easy to find online Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
all the hits, all the good ones, Byspace, Farmers only,

you know, and and of course you can always send
us an email or give us a call.

Speaker 2 (49:37):
Is there a drummers only? I'm going to look at you.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
Gotta be a change.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
If not, we're going to start one.

Speaker 3 (49:43):
You got to be the change, all right?

Speaker 2 (49:45):
Yeah, Hey, do you want to call us? We have
a phone number. You may have noticed it was down
for a little bit. It is back up if you're
hearing this, so please do call it. The number is
one eight three three st d w y t K.
Call in. Give yourself a cool nickname. Then you've got
three minutes. Say whatever you'd like. Make sure you let
us know if we can use your name and message

on the air. That's very helpful for us. And if
you don't want to use it, say it explicitly. Please.
If you've got more to say thing and fit in
that tiny little voicemail message, why not instead send us
a good old fashioned email.

Speaker 3 (50:18):
We are the entities that read every single email we get.
Send us your bags of thought poop across the borders
of the Internet. Let us know what the best fast
food is, what the worst fast food is, whether these
allegations of manufactured inflation are real. Thanks also to Darcy,

who sent us the winning picture of the funniest reptile.
No spoilers, we may mention it in a future episode.
All you have to do to be part of the
show is drop us a line. We are conspiracy at
iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 2 (51:11):
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