Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On the Bechdelcast. The questions asked if movies have women
and are all their discussions just boyfriends and husbands or
do they have individualism? It's the patriarchy, Zeff and best
start changing with the Bechdel Cast.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Hello, Bechdel Cast listeners, Kaitlin, it's me Jamie. So we're
taking a week off from our normal episode this week,
but we wanted to check in and do a few things.
First and foremost, we're gonna plug our little tour coming
up in January, and then we're also gonna do just
sort of like a year in review some movies we've
seen this year that we really enjoyed, some stuff we're
looking forward to in the coming year, you know, soliciting
requests from listeners, episodes we haven't done in movies you
want to hear us cover, you know, stuff like that.
Speaker 3 (00:53):
Okause, here's a little peak behind the curtain. We are
technically supposed to only make fifty episodes a year, but
we just simply really enjoyed making this show. So technically
this is our week off, but we also still wanted
to give you a little something to munch on, a
little holiday snack.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
Oh my goodness. So true, so true. Yeah, so starting
with our tour plug Yes, we have shows in January
in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland, and we're doing
something very fun. I think we're doing a combo of
a Shrek tannic Us tour as well as on January
nineteenth in Los Angeles, this show is also being live
streamed and it is a Bechdel Cast celebration Jamie, tell
them what it is.
Speaker 3 (01:42):
Yeah, I'm so excited for this. We have never really
gotten a chance to celebrate the show. I feel like
every time we've been about to do it, something happens
and we can't do it, such as a deadly pandemic
such as I think like a theater closure or something
like that. We wanted to to just put on a
show about the show and have all our favorite guests
and celebrate our fans and yeah, just have like a big,
fun beckda Le variety show for years. And so we're
taking the opportunity to do that at Dynasty Typewriter, where
we love Dynasty Typewriter, and it's a great chance for
you guys if you are not in Los Angeles to
watch the show as well. We want everyone to feel
welcome and to feel a part of it because we
love making the show and we want to celebrate the
show and ourselves and you guys, everybody. My mom's gonna
be there. My mom's gonna be there.
Speaker 2 (02:39):
It's gonna be so much fun. I can't wait.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
She's gonna act up. I can feel it so And
we will be announcing guests for that soon. But get
your ticket. All right, you're gonna be You're gonna be happy.
You're gonna like the way it looks, I guarantee it.
Oh oh, we're that come. It's like a men's wear
our house, not very bundle class.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Well, here's the thing. It's gonna be sexy as hell.
Speaker 3 (03:00):
I'm gonna wear something slutty for sure.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
Hell yeah, me too.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
I want to be perfectly clear.
Speaker 2 (03:04):
My titties might be out. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (03:08):
My titties will probably be in, but you will be
able to see my nipples. That's more my speed. Oh okay, yeah,
I'm like sheer top fives. I don't have enough titties
to really spill out. That's okay.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
Well, I mean, who knows how my titties out scenario
will manifest exactly. But you have to come to the
show to find out.
Speaker 3 (03:26):
Yeah, Caitlin's boobs never disappoint Wow, this is and we're
objectifying each other. Okay. So the first show Bechtel Cast Celebration.
Livestream tickets available Los Angeles, titties.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
Out January nineteenth, January.
Speaker 3 (03:43):
That's what I meant to say.
Speaker 2 (03:45):
Yeah, all equally important details. The second show on this
tour is in San Francisco as a part of Sketch Fest.
We love going to Sketch Fest. We go every year.
This is our like fifth or sixth time or so.
This show is January twenty third. This is a part
of our Shrektannic US tour. So famously we did the
Shrektannic UK and Ireland tour.
Speaker 3 (04:10):
Which I was 'tabled to be at. So this will
be my first Shrektannic tour. I'm very excited.
Speaker 2 (04:14):
I'm so excited for you, Jamie. It's a blast if
I do say so myself. And so this is part
of the Sharktannic tour in San Francisco. We are covering
Titanic and this is the only show that is not
being live streamed as a part of this tour. So
if you want to see us talk about Titanic, and believe.
Speaker 3 (04:30):
Me, you do.
Speaker 2 (04:32):
You have to come to San Francisco and be there
in person again. That shows January twenty third at Club Fugazi.
That's where we were last year. If you came to
our SF show last year. It's a beautiful space and
we're so excited to talk about Titanic. I don't think
we've ever actually mentioned Titanic on the show before, Jamie,
So this will kind of be a first.
Speaker 3 (04:53):
No, as I'm saying, to be my first time seeing
it the same. I hope it's good.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
I've heard good things.
Speaker 3 (04:58):
I hope it has an age like Milk. And then
we're going to Portland for the Shrek portion of our
Shrek Tannic Tour Portland, Oregon, that is, and that will
be at our beloved Curious Comedy Theater and we will
be covering Shrek very likely some surprise guests there as well,
and that will be a live streamed show. So if
you want to be at the Shrek portion of the
Shrek Tannic Tour, you are more than welcome. And we've
got links to everything on our link tree.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
Indeed, so the Portland shows January twenty sixth I can't
remember if we mentioned that or not. It's the Shrek Show.
It's being live streamed, so just a note about the
live stream shows in LA and Portland. If you cannot
watch the show as it's being streamed live, you can
still buy a live stream ticket and then you'll have
access to the stream for a week afterward, so you've
got plenty of time to check out the show on
the stream. So, like you said, Jamie, tickets are at
our link Tree, Link Tree slash backdal Cast, as well
as the description of this episode. So please please please
come to our tour. We'd love to see you. We
always do little meet and greets at our live shows.
We sell exclusive tour merch.
Speaker 3 (06:19):
Yeah it's fun.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
It's so much fun. I can't wait. So, yeah, that's
the tour. Let's plug our Matreon, shall we as well?
Speaker 3 (06:27):
Yes, I've really If you're not a member of our
Patreon aka Matreon, huge mistake. We've been like a big
fun year on the Matreon. This year. It's been one
of my favorite years on the Matreon because I feel
like it's been a good mix of crowd pleasing favorites,
movies that we just haven't covered for some reason that
everyone wants to hear about, and more priority on directors
who are not men, which has been I've had a
lot of fun with this year as well, So I
don't know, it's it's been a really fun blend this year.
Speaker 2 (07:01):
Did we kick off twenty twenty four on the Matron
with the Pinocchio Wars or was that last year?
Speaker 3 (07:07):
No? That was last year, But I still think that's
our best work today. I think if I had to
choose a favorite episode of really any that's so horrible,
but I loved the Pinocchio Wars. It was so much fun.
Speaker 2 (07:20):
It was a blast.
Speaker 3 (07:21):
Yeah, and this I think we had one hundred and
fifty episodes on the Matreon this year, which is wild
for sure. Yeah, we're having a blast over there and
we are trying to I mean again, we upped the
amount of community inclusion this year. So there's a lot
more polls. You will if you are a member of
the Matreon, you will have a say and what we cover,
and we almost always honor our word. Right now, as
we're recording this, there's drama. There's drama on the Matreon.
We are in a fifty to fifty deadlock of our
second December episode and very different movies. I'm thrilled it's
between the original Black Christmas, which celebrates I didn't even
realize celebrates his fiftieth anniversary this year. Yes, and a
movie that came out three seconds ago that's supposed to
be got awful called Our Little Secret, the latest Lindsay
Lohan effort on Netflix. Right there's about eight hundred votes
in right now, and it is literally fifty to fifty.
And to think you could be the tiebreaker if only
you remember the Matreon Yeah, so true. And this is
really obvious. I know we've said it a million times,
but if you want to directly support the show, that
is the best way, the best way, and it's kind
of the best bang for your buck as well, because it's,
you know, five bucks a month and you get two
bonus episodes plus one hundred and fifty.
Speaker 2 (08:42):
Other episodes, including the Pinocchio Wars.
Speaker 3 (08:44):
I was about to say, especially the Pinocchio Wars, our
best episode. It's pretty mean of us to have our
best episode behind a paywall.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
But that's capitalism in a society.
Speaker 3 (08:56):
We live in a society. I don't know what to
tell you.
Speaker 2 (08:58):
Yeah, some possible themes, Oh, yes. Do you have some pitches, Well,
there's some ones that we've kind of teased or kind
of joked about doing, but I think we actually should
do them. And then I have a few pitches as well.
Oh okay, so we I think very recently we're just
talking about doing Rodent Tober, in which we.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
Will oh yes, Mike's Mike inspired.
Speaker 2 (09:20):
Theme, Yes, ratituy, and then something else, some other rodent movie.
Speaker 3 (09:26):
We could do flush the way we could do I
think we should do Alvin and the Chipmunks. No, Alvin
and the Chipmunks too, because that has the chip Pets.
Speaker 2 (09:34):
Wow, feminism.
Speaker 3 (09:36):
The chip Pets are feminist cannon, in my opinion, incredible.
Speaker 2 (09:42):
Another one we teased was Insect Tober, in which we
would cover b movie and The Fly.
Speaker 3 (09:48):
Our feminist podcast. We really love the Matron is fun,
kay I do? I God, I really want to watch
The Fly again. I don't know why I was so
serious when I said that, but I really do.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
Well, Well, you're gonna it. Like came in number two
in a poll we did recently, and it seemed like
enough people were interested, So I think we should do it.
Speaker 3 (10:09):
I was going to pitch that as a potential month
is movies that have almost won previous May tramples, because
I feel like there's a few movies I'm trying to
pull an example, but like, I feel like there's a
few that have we've almost covered like multiple times over
the last decade, and it's just like, well, I guess
we'll never know if in Brus's feminist or whatever.
Speaker 2 (10:34):
So we've got rodent Tober, Insectober, a few other animal
themed ones. I don't know why, but they're just they're
such fun movies. Because you've got Dog December, I would
like to pitch Airbud and maybe like Beethoven or something
or something like that. I would like to pitch Snake September,
in which we were all animals, and then there's another
one too, but it's look, animals are an important part.
Speaker 3 (11:00):
No I know, I show up empty handed. I show
up empty handed with pitches and then I started yelling
at you. Yeah, it's just interesting, it is.
Speaker 2 (11:08):
But Snakes September would be snakes on a plane and anaconda.
I think it's important that we discussed those. And then
I'm still gunning for Mask March, in which we would
cover Jim Carrey's The Mask as well as the Mask
of Zoro. I think, oh wow, I used it.
Speaker 3 (11:26):
You know what's really funny to me, yeah, is that
I watched the Mask of Zero in eighth grade history.
Speaker 2 (11:35):
I'm like, what, That's probably not historically accurate.
Speaker 3 (11:40):
It was just it just made me laugh. For the
love of God. Yes, I have a lot of Yeah,
I have a lot of uh proposals. I'm trying to
pull them. I wanted to do a Corely month on
the Matrear where we covered both the substance and revenge.
Oh yes, French Diva month, really yeah? Or we could
do French Deva Month and do the substance and anatomy.
Speaker 2 (12:02):
Of a fall.
Speaker 3 (12:03):
Oh right, the French gals are having a big moment.
I also, I don't know how fun this would be,
but so stay with me. But I would really be
curious to do a post me to Autur month. That's
a clunky name, and I've brought it up a lot
of how there was like a whole slate of male
auteurs attempting to make a feminist movie and I think
they've all been forgotten. I'm thinking about what was that
movie about, Like Megan Kelly.
Speaker 2 (12:37):
Oh bombs?
Speaker 3 (12:39):
Yeah, like that sort of genre of movie where it's
like man trying to be ally failing and yet winning
an award for it. That's what I would call the month.
Speaker 2 (12:49):
Yes, yes, yes, yes, Alex Garland's Men.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
I didn't see that. I know you didn't.
Speaker 2 (12:56):
No, I didn't see that. I would never watch.
Speaker 3 (12:59):
Oh okay, I just dive. I imagine that that is
a title that has to be screamed. Man.
Speaker 2 (13:05):
Yeah, it's like his wife man.
Speaker 3 (13:10):
I mean, there's so many options, and then there's also
I mean, on the main feed, we want to cover
or continue to cover, really a wider slate of movies.
I would love to cover more movies from trans directors
in the coming years. We have in the works some
episodes covering Palestinian films, and if you have any recommendations
for guests for those episodes, we definitely want to hear.
I would. I just I'm excited for the coming year
because I don't know you would think after after eight
years that we would not still have so many movies
to cover, but we simply do.
Speaker 2 (13:45):
I also also on.
Speaker 3 (13:47):
The Matreon, I would love to I mean it would
be a little heavy, but I would love to have
like a women's mental health kind of theme.
Speaker 2 (13:56):
This is a theme we pitched years ago.
Speaker 3 (13:58):
Was it? It was a girl inter and maybe like
a woman under the influence something like that. Like I
there's nothing but options, but I would love to do. Yeah,
like a focus on and hopefully movies from different eras too.
They don't have to be good, they just have to
be influential, you know the rules of the show.
Speaker 2 (14:17):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so many good themes, listeners. If you
have any Matreon themes you want to pitch, or just
regular main feed episodes that you'd like to hear us cover,
please let us know. We have a request form that
you can fill out. It's on our link tree and
so you can submit requests. There a lot of people
like dm us on Instagram. You know, whatever way you
want to tell us, let us know. And Jamie, you
and I we both went to the movies this.
Speaker 3 (14:54):
Year, actually we both did it quite a bit, quite
a bit.
Speaker 2 (14:57):
Did you have any favorite movies that either you I
saw from twenty twenty four or that you just happened
to see for the first time in twenty twenty four.
Doesn't need to be a new release from this year.
Speaker 3 (15:09):
There are there are a bunch of movies that I
saw for the first time this year. Many of them
were for this show, as is always true. I'm gonna
try to think of movies I didn't watch for the
show specifically. I mean I, as loyal listeners will know,
I was with my dad a lot this year before
he passed, and we watched a bunch of movies together,
and that was like so many really nice memories. So
not first watches, but like really nice final watches of
some of me and my dad's favorite movies together. So
Pee Wee's big adventure was a big one. He watched
a School of Rock with me. I would not say
that's one of his favorites, but one of your favorites.
It is my very favorite. We watched The Wizard of Oz.
We watched, and then just like a bunch of like
old we watched Monty Python, Holy Grail, like nice, just
dad core favorites. And then I watched a few movies
for the first time with him. A little earlier in
the year. I saw The Original Manchurian Candidate, which was
actually very good.
Speaker 2 (16:10):
It is very good.
Speaker 3 (16:11):
The Long Goodbye, which I is one of those movies
and I'm like, I know it's good. But I don't
really want to see it again. We watched a documentary
about Paul Robison, which was really fascinating. My dad's a
big documentary guy, so yeah, that'll be my first chunk
of special movie experiences was watching stuff with him earlier
this year.
Speaker 2 (16:29):
Lovely thank you for sharing that. Of course. I, on
the other hand, just went to AMC theaters by myself
all the time.
Speaker 3 (16:39):
I mean, I can't tell any of that too, for sure.
Go to that place.
Speaker 2 (16:43):
We come to this place for magic. We come to
this place to laugh, to cry, to care, of course,
and the movies that I watched at that place were,
for example, some of my favorites. The Substance, which we already.
Speaker 3 (16:54):
Met, absolutely one of my we Oh god, I love
what we emphatically agree on and it's so good.
Speaker 2 (17:01):
We will cover it sometime soon for the listeners who
want to hear us cover and I know we've gotten
many requests already.
Speaker 3 (17:09):
I saw The TV Glow was another that I really
enjoyed in theaters this year.
Speaker 2 (17:15):
I lo Ke loved the movie Heretic.
Speaker 3 (17:19):
I still haven't seen it.
Speaker 2 (17:21):
I don't know if it's good or not, but I
loved watching Hugh Grant be basically the same villain character
he is in Paddington II.
Speaker 3 (17:31):
But this time he's Mormon.
Speaker 2 (17:32):
Question Mark, No, he's not Mormon. He well, you know,
I'm not gonna get but he's critical of organized religion.
We'll say that.
Speaker 3 (17:42):
What a diva. Yeah. I also loved Oh. This was
an under the radar movie that I hosted a Q
and A for, and I thought it was just like
so so good. Would hugely recommend for any body horror fans.
If you enjoyed The Substance, if you enjoyed Night Bitch,
you will enjoy Booger by Mary Dotterman, about a woman
who is slowly turning in to her recently deceased friend's cat.
Is awesome. She's a first time director.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
Does she grow extra nipples? I CAUs she starts oil it?
Speaker 3 (18:16):
Okay, but I will say it's like, I don't know,
I feel like on the body horror spectrum, it is
like between The Substance and Night Bitch. Okay, So it's
a good it's a good feeling. I highly recommend it. Yeah,
that was another fun one from this year. Very cool.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
I'll just rattle off a few of my other favorites
from twenty twenty four. I really enjoyed Thelma.
Speaker 3 (18:41):
I still need to see it.
Speaker 2 (18:42):
It's so fun. It's very funny. I really liked Addie Kneecap.
I did enjoy Mowana too. The songs didn't quite slap
as much as the first one, but I had a
good time. I enjoyed the movie Wicked Little Letters.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
Oh. I enjoyed the movie Wicked. Oh well, I enjoyed
that too, Wicked, Wicked fun. It's the it's that it
looks bad, but it sounds amazing. I love it.
Speaker 2 (19:11):
Also, this obviously did not come out in twenty twenty four,
but I saw and I already talked about this on
a recent episode. But I saw Gremlins two for the
first time, and wow, is it my new favorite movie.
I had a blast.
Speaker 3 (19:24):
I can't we're going to cover that for their birthday. Yeah. Probably.
I had not seen or heard of that was I
don't know. Sometimes those Delta flights, they're like, Jamie heard
of this one, haven't. But it's a movie that came
out in twenty twenty three. I don't know if it
was released in the US ever in a formal way.
I hadn't heard of it. But it's called Monster. It
is a Japanese film. It's like a queer coming of
age psychological like drama. It's hard to explain, okay, but
I thought it was really, really good. I've seen it
twice now. Because you know when you see a movie
on a plane and you're crying and you're like, was
it the plane or the movie? It's in fact the movie.
I would really recommend it. I didn't hear very much
about it in the US, but it seems like it
did pretty well in Japan. And yeah, it's a really
sweet and sad story, so I would recommend it lovely.
Speaker 2 (20:26):
There's some movies also that come out in twenty twenty
five that I'm very much looking forward to, natally Paddington
in Peru, which was supposed to be released in the
US back in November, that got pushed to January. Now
it's pushed to February fourteenth, which is like, why is
that coming out on Valentine's Day? And that's a weird choice.
I don't know if it's good or not, and please
don't tell me. For those of you who might have
already seen the movie, because it was released in the
UK in November already, Oh my gosh. Yeah, So, I
don't know why the US release date is so far away.
Speaker 3 (21:07):
I'm nervous.
Speaker 2 (21:08):
I don't know if it's bad. Don't tell me. If
it's good, I guess tell me. I don't know. I
just I want to experience.
Speaker 3 (21:14):
It for myseln't go too far.
Speaker 2 (21:16):
Nervous, but I'll see it.
Speaker 3 (21:18):
I'm excited for Wicked Part two obviously. Yes, other ones
Mickey seventeen. They found. I'm very that really. Estate also
keeps getting pushed back in a way. That's because I
think it's now coming out in April or something. I
don't know. They keep changing it.
Speaker 1 (21:34):
Speaker 2 (21:34):
Yeah, we've got Megan two point zero.
Speaker 3 (21:37):
I know we gotta go together. Yeah, Matugantu, Yes, with
Threegan two.
Speaker 2 (21:44):
I'm excited for Love Hurt, which is that action movie
starring Kik Kwon.
Speaker 1 (21:50):
Speaker 3 (21:50):
I haven't heard of it.
Speaker 2 (21:52):
Yeah, it's uh it looks fun based on the trailer.
Also fun based on the trailer. Is one of them
days that Kiki Homer and Sissa movie that comes out soon.
Speaker 3 (22:03):
I didn't I'm seeing this for the first time. Del
Toro's making a Frankenstein movie. Yes, starring Oscar Isaac. Hello, Okay,
say no more, excuse me. Okay, I'm putting that on
my watch list. Thank you Letterboxed for that information. And
will I see Now You See Me three, which is
not called now You three Me? Yeah, I'll probably go
will you see it?
Speaker 2 (22:26):
Okay? Well that brings me to a list I have
of unnecessary movies and sequels Now You three Me? I
did put now You three Me on there, along with
Zootopia two.
Speaker 3 (22:39):
Oh my god, yeah, the Revenge of Coppaganda Animals.
Speaker 2 (22:43):
Yes, speaking of which, the movie Den of Thieves is
getting a sequel and that comes out soon. For reasons unknown,
why would they make a sequel of that? Another unnecessary sequel?
Jurassic World reb Birth?
Speaker 3 (23:01):
Does anyone even care about that anymore? I just like
they're determined to I. And if Freaky or Friday is
on this list, I'm going to cut my own head off.
I'm excited for Freaking Friday.
Speaker 2 (23:10):
I'm excited for it.
Speaker 3 (23:11):
Okay, Okay, just letting you know.
Speaker 2 (23:15):
We do have two snow White movies coming out, and
I was going to pitch the snow White Wars. But
also one of them has Zionist Galgado in it, so
I will not be watching that.
Speaker 3 (23:25):
Watch it. I justugh, I that looks stinky, and I'm
I'm a Rachel Zegler fan. I just am like, oh god,
why it does not look good? Yeah, there's going to
be a this is sort of entry. Did you read
had a Gabbler in high school? No? I didn't. It's
a European like proto feminist play. Okay, Norwegian Norwegian by
Heinrich Ibsen. I had to read it in high school,
and I want to revisit it because I really liked it.
I feel like it was in my like my high
school English teacher was big time like we're gonna read
women nice. Yeah. So. But Nia DaCosta, who in the
past has I mean, she directed the Marvels, she directed
Candy Man. I'm really excited that she she's adapting had
a Gabbler starring Tessa Thompson, which I think sounds really good.
I'm excited to see her because I feel like she
has like low Keepen, like sabotaged with like franchise stuff,
and I'm excited to see her do obviously had a
Gabblers and adaptation, but it's I'm excited to see that.
Speaker 2 (24:34):
I will definitely go see the letter Cook is there
anything else, Jamie, you'd like to share.
Speaker 3 (24:41):
I'm gonna see Avatar three. That's why I like to
I'm gonna see it.
Speaker 2 (24:45):
It does sort of go without saying our King James
Cameron three vutar precisely, I would like to personally plug.
I teach screenwriting classes, as you may or may not know,
with the master's degree that you may or may not
know that I have from Boston University in screenwriting that
I've of course never mentioned, but I do use it
to teach both an intro to screenwriting class, so that's
you know, suitable for beginners or someone who needs like
a refresher or any kind of introductory screenwriting class. And
then I also teach a workshopping class, which allows students
to bring in material that they have written or ideas
that they want to develop further, and you workshop that
with your peers and you get feedback from your classmates
and from me. So those are classes that I teach
and you can find more information about them on my website,
Caitlin Durante dot com slash classes. Wow, Jamie, do you
have anything you want to plug?
Speaker 3 (25:52):
Yes, I have. I'm excited for this cover of year. Yeah,
I don't have a master's degree and I never will.
But well, I hate debt and you can just google things.
I'm not.
Speaker 2 (26:06):
That's why you should take my classes instead of going
back it.
Speaker 3 (26:11):
Save yourself six figures and take Caitlin's class.
Speaker 2 (26:14):
Speaker 3 (26:15):
But yeah, this coming year, I've really been enjoying working
on sixteenth Minute. If you're listening to this when it
comes out. We just finished a three part series on
the Manisphere, which was really stressful to finish. But I
think if you're not familiar with that space, I would
recommend checking out this series. It's intended to sort of
be like an explainer of what this space is and
what we can kind of expect to see from it. Unfortunately,
in the coming year now that it has been very
much empowered by Trump, so we're working on that. Other
recent subjects I really enjoyed were The Wicked Witch of
the East bro Guy, if you have ever seen that clip.
I tracked him down and he's he's a weird guy.
We also did a series on Tessica Brown, the Gorilla
Glue Girl. We did William Hung, we did the Tumbler
Bone Witch, and we have Taizon Day coming up at
the beginning of the year. I also produce We the Unhoused,
which is a show very close to my heart by
my friend Theo Henderson, who is a formerly unhoused man
who is now an advocate for the unhoused. It's a
story by the unhoused for the unhoused, and we've been
covering a lot about the Supreme Court decision that happened
earlier this year, Grant's Pass, which essentially makes it illegal
to be unhoused at all. And so Theo has been
covering that really, really thoughtfully, and I would recommend checking
that show out. And also I will be on tour
to some extent this coming spring because the paperback of
my book Raw Dog is coming out.
Speaker 2 (28:01):
Speaker 3 (28:02):
So I went to I think eight cities last year
when the hardcover came out, and I'm going to go
to I think five or six more that I didn't
go to last time. I may made to go to Seattle.
I may made to go to Philadelphia. I'm just if
there's a city that you think I should go to,
I would love to see you on my little spring tour.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
Oh my gosh, that's so exciting.
Speaker 3 (28:22):
Yeah, and uh yeah those are Oh and I have
a special coming out next year called The Tiny Man
is Trying to Kill Me. I'll let you know more
when I know more. I think we should cover Leprechaun
to promote them. We should just find a tiny Man movie.
Speaker 2 (28:39):
Have you ever seen Leprechaun? No, nor have I, but
I know enough about it that I think that would
be a hilarious choice.
Speaker 3 (28:47):
Supposed to be gnarly right, yes, yeah.
Speaker 2 (28:49):
There's also some sequels that are very wild as well.
Speaker 3 (28:52):
From what I understand, that's like the Jennifer Aniston's first
movie was like Leprechaun too, right, Yes.
Speaker 2 (28:57):
I think so yeah wild? So oh yeah, we'll do
Leprechaun to promote your special Yeah. I can't wait for
all of that. Also, Santa University.
Speaker 3 (29:09):
Santa Universities, it will be out by the time you
hear this, I believe.
Speaker 2 (29:12):
No, it won't, No, it won't.
Speaker 3 (29:14):
It'll be out on Christmas Eve.
Speaker 2 (29:15):
Okay, so you've got that to look forward to.
Speaker 3 (29:18):
Listeners, Santa University eight if you can believe it.
Speaker 2 (29:22):
Wowie wow. I will be reprising my role as Sully,
the Boston local who is the manager of the store Lids.
Best character ever written, best character ever performed by me.
Speaker 3 (29:39):
Oh I've got E got for you.
Speaker 2 (29:41):
Thank you, Yes, thank you so much. So yeah, there
you have it. Listeners, thank you so much for feedback
and suggestions and recommendations and for just being here with us.
We love you, We love you so much. We're excited
to be on tour. We're excited to see hey everybody, and.
Speaker 3 (30:02):
We're gonna watch rattaitoeing on Christmas together. Sorry.
Speaker 2 (30:05):
Yeah, if you don't know what that is, look it
up and then grow up. You can thank us later.
Speaker 3 (30:10):
Ye. Thanks for hanging out with us for a half
hour of enjoy your holiday if you are celebrating, and
enjoy your week. If you're not, we love you so
much and we'll see you next week. Bye bye.
Speaker 2 (30:27):
The Bechdel Cast is a production of iHeartMedia, hosted by
Caitlin Derante and Jamie Loftis, produced by Sophie Lichterman, edited
by Mola Board. Our theme song was composed by Mike
Kaplan with vocals by Catherine Vosskrosenski. Our logo in merch
is designed by Jamie Loftis and a special thanks to
Aristotle Acevedo. For more information about the podcast, please visit
Linktree slash Bechdel cast