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March 9, 2023 113 mins

Caitlin, Jamie, and special guests Dani Fernandez and La'Ron Readus stand out above the crowd on this episode on A Goofy Movie. Ah-hyuck!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On the Bedel Cast, the questions asked if movies have
women in them, are all their discussions just boyfriends and husbands,
or do they have individualism the patriarchy? Zef and best
start changing it with the Bechdel Cast. Hello Beckdel Cast listeners. Yeah,
it's us and we are bringing you a live show

that we recorded. Wow. I think those are very pragmatic.
Intro to the episode. Here's our dot MP three that
we recorded in front of a bunch of people. Now
we're this is the very very beginning of our most
recent tour. Started it at home base in Los Angeles
at the Allegian Theater. Ever heard of it? Ever heard
of it? Of either? And we wanted to start with

a fun, popularly requested episode with a fun, popularly requested guest,
And so that's why we covered a goofy movie with
fan favorite, our favorite, Danny fernand That's true. So for
the next hour or so, you'll hear that show that
we recorded live, and then you'll hear a conversation we

had with another special guest, laurn Reritis, where we talk
about more goofy movie things. So that's all in store
for you. Wow, what a treat. Yeah, yeah. So we
have a little bit on stage, a little bit of offstage,
and there's more tour episodes to come. We're gonna be
kind of sprinkling them in. And so again, if you're

at this show, or if you are at any of
our tour shows, thank you for coming. We had such
a great time doing this, and we're gonna be doing
more at a date, at on a date, at a time,
at a place any day now. So it could happen
at any moment. We could at least expect it. What
if we started doing living room shows? That is like,

I like that in theory, but I we'll never do
I would not do one. No, that does not sound
like a great idea for us. With all due respect,
I don't want to come over, but this is here's
a theater show. Enjoy cast. Welcome to the Bechtel Cast.

Thank you so much for coming, everybody. And I'd be honest,
I really thought you were going to start with like
a really like light sexy a hook. I'm gonna be like, babe, yuck. No,
you know that that exists in cartoon porn. You know
it does? Yeah, oh my god, A hook, like I

promise that's the first time I've ever thought that too
early in the show. Okay, welcome to the Bechtel Cast.
We should say her name. Yes, I'm Caitlin Dronte. I'm
Jamie Loftus and and this is our podcast about your
favorite movies. Yeah. We just were on a road trip

for like two weeks to get to LA and now
we're here. Yeah, I was driving. I kind of Actually
you were bothered by how Goofy drives. And I don't
have a driver's license, and I'm like, what's the problem.
Seems like he gets to where he's going. Doesn't seem
to be an issue. I've failed the driver's test three times.

He thank you, Thank you for your support. I'll never learn.
I think I think he killed at least two construction workers.
He drove into an active construction site, and the opportunity
was there for him to kill a cop, and he didn't.

And that is and that's that's a Disney issue. Is Yeah,
they're obsessed with cop It's just there were so many
opportunities to kill a cop, but instead they killed him
on the purest art form there. Well, this is the
Bechdel Cast. Thank you for being here. Give it up.
If you've been to one of our live shows before.

Oh give it up. This is your first live show. Wow,
pretty exciting. This is so exciting. Um. Yeah, so I
guess you probably don't know that we either do weird
causeplay or that. For example, I gave Jamie a lap
dance on this very stage for the Magic Mic live

show we do. I was hoping you wouldn't say the
movie and then I would get to be like, and
it's weird because we were covering Cinderella. They just kind
of started doing it and we rolled with it. No,
So anyway, I am. I do feel the need to
call attention to the fact that I am causplaying as
Max goof Yes Time, Yes Yes, And Jamie don't wear

a T shirt with the movie poster, which is not
no effort, thank you very much. I went out of
my way to order this one day ago. So no,
we're doing great. Oh my god, Okay, look we're fighting.
Um No, it seems like you wanted me to compliment

your outfits. I was going to it looks really good.
And also you pointed this out before we drove here,
before you I don't have a driver's loss, Caitlin drove here,
and that you bought a sweatshirt and defaced it to
I think you should keep wearing it like that. It
worked for him, that's true. He got the girl of

his dreams, you know, the girl with no personality. We'll
get there, we'll get there, and I know that. That's
I know. Sean's fired already and people are upset with
me and the right to be Um, real quick, who
has seen a Goofy movie? Is there anyone who hasn't
seen it? One for hers, the few, the prad you what,

how did you? It's like seventy minutes long, it's on
Disney Plus. What are you talking about? Look, it's it's fine.
We it's um. It's a beautiful and uncomplicated text. My recap, yes,

the famous recap, which we're about to do. But first
we have to bring out our guests. Yes, Oh, we're
so excited to bring this guest back. We have had
her on many times, um, and I believe this is
like the fourth time, fourth time, approaching the five appearance
Letterman jacket, Yes, exactly. She's a writer and actress. She

was a writer for Girls on the Bus for HBO,
Max and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy for DC. Comics.
It's Danny Fernandez. What hello, Hi, hi friends. Oh my god,

this is awkward. I'm way too short. Holy shit, I
do not touch the ground. Wow, it must be this
tall to ride. Okay, okay, So for the one person
in the audience who has not seen a Goofy movie,
could you take out of it? Oh? Um? Oh no,
this is just nineties. This is literally not in the film.

It feels power line adjacent could have worn it. Yes,
and I have my dare for all us millennials don't
do drugs. Kids, it worked out. Welcome back, Thank you? Yeah,
number four, number four. I'm so connected to this movie.

It like really brings a tear to my eye that
y'all thought of me. Oh my gosh, we're so happy
to have you. Yeah, tell your history, your relationship with it.
I watched it like every single day the VHS when
I was little. Someone said, ah, um, watched it like
every single day. I dressed up as rock sand like twice.

And then for a Goofy movie the twenty fifth anniversary,
which was at El Kappy Tan did anyone go to that?
By the way, Okay, no one? Wow, our audience just
told me hardcore. Um, I knew that everyone was going
to be dressing up as Rock Sande, so I actually
went as Lisa. So she's the one that's like, who's

that guy the hot blonde? And I won the costume
contest for her because nobody else was her, so very
well did fans of the movie? No, exactly, Oh hell
yeah yeah. Pick. That's my thing is pick the obscure.
If you're going to the twenty fifth anniversary of a

movie like Drassic Park or something like Titanic is about
to come out for if you have to be the
couple that's holding each other, can we would be so good?
You and me. We're just gonna be booning hopping around

and your clothes are just damp, like we would have
to bring a third person to keep spraying us like
a bad cat. Yeah, let's do it. You know everyone's
gonna be Jack and Rose, so you have to do exactly.
You'll win the costume contest, I promise. Or I could
be the propeller and you could be the guy that
hits us. I could just keep sneaking up on you,

you know, yeah no, and then I'll spin around and
yeah yeah, yeah. That would be really respectful to the
victims of that T So this was a big movie
of your childhood. Yes, yes, I was obsessed. Nice Jamie,
what about you? I worked backwards. I saw an extremely

goofy movie. Give it up for extremely I don't I
missed a goofy movie. I started on turbo mode. I
started with an extremely goofy movie. I really liked an
extremely goofy movie, but I was like extremely in comparison
to what you know. Sure, and I also rewatched an

extremely goofy movie because that I had a stronger nostalgic
attachment too, where I always think I was like, oh,
that's the one where Goofy follows Max to college. Because
of a lot of complicated societal reasons, but also because
of Goofy's boundary issues. So I was deep into the
extremely expanded universe hilarious, and so I had to work

my way backwards. And so that's why I think I
have like less of an attachment to rock Sand because
they act as if she has died. It's not cannon
to me, really, I mean I wouldn't. I'm not surprised
everyone is. I mean, like, there are several key characters
who disappear. But yeah, I saw extremely as we in
the community call it, and just like and and we've

been talking about I feel like Kaitlin and I joke
about that all the time, where it's like the sequel
to Doubt would be an extremely doubtful movie. Yeah. Yes,
it works for almost any really sad movie, and it's
almost always funny. Um, an extremely crashed movie like it

did keeps it keeps working. But I so I saw
a goofy movie second, and it is by far the
stronger movie. It is like, really really good. Someone just
choked on their own saliva. Wait, I'm sorry, is better? No? No, no, no,
the Originals Okay, Okay, she's right people. Yeah, no, a

goofy movie like from a story perspective, and what it
has to say is way better. I'm still more attached
to an extremely goofy movie, especially rewatching it, because on
the rewatch, for people who go back and watch an
extremely goofy movie, which you should if you had, it's
like three minutes long, you can watch it. But I

think it was fun because it's mainly it's it is
father Son's stuff in the way that this first movie is.
But it's also clear that Disney has just purchased ESPN
and they really want to advertise the X Games. Oh
my god, and that's most of them. That's why it's
extremely goofy. It's because they're skateboarding. Oh, extremely extreme games. Okay, yeah,

just PN extremely Disney merger is do you know that
Goofy is the only one canonically who's had sex? Like,
that's kind of Mickey can't prove it. He doesn't have
offspring Donald those are his nephews. Oh wait, it's not

a short where like Mickey gets a vasectomy or something.
He's Goofy is the only one. I mean, it's very upsetting.
But Goofy is the only one that has had sex,
So you know that's that we can prove. And and
but could Max have been adopted? Wow? Wow? You know

there's a whole I'm on Reddit way too much. There's
a whole thing about Goofy and Clara Belle the Cow,
which is inners special. See you know I saw you
shaking your head. You also were on that thread. Um. Yeah,
so there was a whole thing about is Clara Belle
a dog or a cow? What is her history? Could

she be Max's mom? What? Who's Clara Belle? Sorry? Okay,
I know a cow who's like you imagine a cow, okay,
but like goofified, and she's like in the original the
old like nineteen fifties Disney stuff. I think she might

have had something around her neck. I don't know what,
like feed is that what she would have had a
cow bell? Anyways, in my universe that is Max's mom,
but she gave him up because she just wanted a
different life. I see. I will say there has been

a I mean, I guess this is true of all
cartoons that people have since you know, fans have since
gone through puberty. But when I was looking for shirts
to wear, I wish I had thought to get a
shirt sooner, because had I had six more days, I
could have had a T shirt with Max spanking rock

sand Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, totty clear, she's loving it.
It's very consensual, it's very they're very I don't assuming
they're very in love. I don't. You can always find
someone you're in loving. Did you find this shirt and
it just wouldn't have arrived in time or was this
something you would design? Okay, yeah, I had I contacted

all these like screen printers, and they were just like
they called the police. There is that famous meme the
bitch you live like this? Yeah, yeah, yes, that's our
favorite couple. Okay, they're kind of like they're They're very
iconic for a character that is all but killed off

for the sequel. It's really wild, Caitlin, was your history
with a Goofy movie? I had not seen it before.
I really feel like I only knew about a Goofy
movie and from from your tweets, tweets and from the

bit that we have done on the show where we say, oh,
the sequel to Spotlight Spotlight an extremely spotlighty movie. But
then I was like, we make this joke so often
and we're probably going to cover one, if not both,
of the movies. So I will. I'll take it upon
myself to watch a Goofy movie, which I did like

maybe six months ago for the first time. And then
that's really it and extremely women talking. Yeah, it keeps
it just keeps delivering. I don't love it. It makes
me laugh every time, especially if it's not funny. So yeah,

I had I have no real attachment to a Goofy.
Did you like it like the first time you watched it? Um, Look,
I don't like how this is starting. I find Goofy,
the character and his antics irritating. Oh okay, literally, Caitlin

and I rewatch this together right before we came here,
and every time Caitlyn was like, why is he doing that?
I'm like, look at his ID. His name is Goofy Goose.
He's doing Goofy goof things because his name is Goofy Goose.

I spark at the guy. Be that doesn't mean I
need to like it, Oh my gosh. Never in my life.
I honestly, as I got older, Like being a teenager, yeah,
I was like Goofy's obnoxious as hell. But as I
got older, I'm like, this is just a dad who
wants to hang out with his side. That is true.

I appreciate that just wants to be a part of it.
But then when Goofy starts driving, Caitlyn goes nucle is
endangerous everyone on the road. So it's it's a nice movie, gosh,
I will say. Okay, so there are a few. This

movie is a spinoff of did you ever watch goof Troop?
I did? Did? Yeah, okay I did. I wasn't aware
I have watched the entire universe. It's like it's very
important to me. You won the costume contest at El Capitana.
That's huge. So this is a spinoff. For those who
don't know, this movie is technically a spinoff of an

afternoon cartoon with some of the same characters UM called
goof Troop and I was not aware of that, but
there's like some precedent for what's going on. I'm sorry,
I just thought of this, but I have to point
out Pete is also a cat that bothers me because
the cat. No, they're friend like they're alliant. No, actually

there they hate each other, so that makes sense. Never mind, Well,
I was more thinking the fact that they have like
the suggestion of the animal on top and then just
like a human face was more that. What bothered me
about them was that I was like, how would I
know this is anything at all? Like, as I was watching,
I was like, Okay, I understand, like, you know, Goofy's

a dog, but then as time goes on, you kind
of forget that he's a dog. He's just kind of
like You're like, oh, what a weird looking guy, you know,
But then when you're putting a world full of goofies,
they look less and less like dogs all the time,
like the poly Short character. What is that? What am
I looking at? Is that a naked mulerat like? And

then also listening to the poly Shore character after having
seen poly Short's Pinocchio. Yes, father, father, I just want
to be on my own. Did anyone else see Pinocchio story?
Or is it just us? Okay? Not right exactly. He's

a great advertisement for our Patreon where we watched. And
I actually would call the poly shot Pinocchio an extremely
Pinocchio movie because it's really not about Pinocchio. Poly Short
is a bad job and Napoleon Dynamite plays the horse
and you say, oh, the horse in Pinocchio not a

character that exists in the world. Well, anyway, should I
recap the movie? Yes's famous recap here we go Max
Goof has a dream about his crush Rock Sanne. Wet

or dry? It's a wet dream. It is is wild
that this children's movie opens on the main character having
a wet dream that ends on like a Kafka as nightmare. Great. Yes,
so he's having a dream at where he's about to

kiss his crush, Rock Sanne, but then it turns into
this nightmare because his teeth in his hands and his
feet become humorngous, and he turns into his dad Goofy.
Max wakes up and his dad Goofy comes in and
he's being so goofy. And then with you, it's like

parentheses pejoritis look a little too. It's not I don't
mind goofy behavior. I myself identify as a goof Then
why are you so upset? I don't like how little
self awareness he has. I respect it, okay. So he's

being very goofy and Max is like, Dad, you ruin
my cardboard cut out of power Line? There, father, I
just want to be on my own. So Max loves
power Line, the coolest rock star of all time according
to him, and Goofy ruins his like cardboard cutout of him.

Then Max heads to his last day of school before
summer vacation, and there's a song about how he's not
going to be a dork or a goof anymore. He's
cool actually, and he's going to talk to Roxanne. But
real in cell vibes, I gotta say, y'all were thinking it.
They've been laughing since I can remember. They're not going

to laugh anymore. Yeah, sir, that is the manifesto of
someone scary. Yeah. So he's like, I'm going to talk
to Roxanne. But then when the opportunity presents itself for
him to do that, he blows it and he goes
and then he runs away humiliated. There is a version

of this movie where rock Sand's like, yeah, that laugh
is really annoying. Sorry, I would have liked you but
for the yuck. But in this version of the story
it makes her excited. She goes o yuk, Yeah, I
want to do that at least three more times. Okay.

Max gets to school and he has something planned to
get rock Sand to notice him, which again in salvibs
yeah yeah. So with the help of his best friend
p J and Bobby this kid who loves cheese Whiz
Polly Shore voiced by Polly Shore of Pinocchio, a true
story fame. So at the pepp assembly, Max performs a

song dressed as power line to get Roxann's attention. It
goes well at first, and everyone thinks he's so cool
and Roxanne is digging it, but then Wallace Shawn Principle
puts an end to it. I think you mean Principle,
Wallace Seawan, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. He puts an end

to it and reveals that this person is Max goof
and everyone's like, oh, it's that goof kid. I love
shorthand for bullying, Like, oh yeah, that goof kid. I'm like, yeah,
he looks like all of you guys a game, not
really like a dog. Very chill out. Okay. So meanwhile,

Goofy is at work his boss Pete. He's he's a
like he works at Jac Penny exactly, Yes, Sears photo
department exactly. Can I just okay? In an extremely Goofy movie,
they don't address why his job has changed. But suddenly
he works in a dystopian factory where they it's like

two years later and he's working in this factory and
they're watching him on webcams and then he gets fired.
It's a nightmare for him. I don't know what happened
to the photo studio because Pete's still his friend. It's
unclear what happened. I don't know, maybe he got fired.
I feel like, are they Are they friends? In the

sequel they remain friends. Oh yeah, I guess. It's like
I don't even know, like why. Maybe it's just like
the sort of like small town vibe where it's like, well,
you live nearby, so I have to make this Workum,
but Pete, I guess like historically, Pete is a Disney
character that's existed longer than Goofy. He's a villain. Yeah,

since like the nineteen twenties. He was like in the
old like Walt Disney Alice in Wonderland cartoons too. He's
been around forever. He was in a Christmas Carol, Mickey's
Christmas Carol. He was um Ghost of the Future. M Yeah,
y'all are not real Disney fans. I mean I'm not
even a Disney adult well show on you all. No,

because I'm Wikipedia, I say this with authority. I'm like,
I learned this on Wikipedia two hours ago. But it
is true. It is true. Pete's been around, Yeah, has
been around. And in this version he's an antagonist neighbor
that might be an emotionally abusive father. Question. Also, Moms

are gone again. Disney hates moms. We'll unpack that because
I because I thought the way this movie like, it
wasn't even dealt with moms. It just like the moms
didn't come up. I thought it was interesting. Yeah, it
was just as if they produced as if Max just
showed up one day. Okay, So, so Pete is Goofy's

boss and he's also Pj's dad, and he's like, I'm
taking PJ camping for the summer because it's a great
activity for fathers and sons, and I've heard of them. Yeah,
this movie's about those guys, like most movies. And then Pete,
it's also like, and if Max doesn't want to spend
time with you, Goofy, that probably means he's in a

gang and doing crime. So back at school, Max and
Roxanne finally chat and he works up the nerve to
ask her to go with him to this girl's party
where sorry, Stacy, thank you, I'm so sorry. Who's dressed
as bloshing. Yeah, so she's having a party where she's

screening the power Line concert that's happening in LA in
a week Los Angeles, ever heard of it? But Max
is in big trouble with a principle for this little
stunt that he pulled at the PEP assembly. Also, as
you pointed out, Gamelin principal Wallace Shawan has like weapons

on his like on the wall of his office. Yeah,
he's got like like a cricket paddle with like spikes
to Principal Walashaan is killing these kids, these dogs or
cats whatever, And he calls Goofy and he's like, you
better get your son under control before he turns to

a life of crime and ends up in the electric chair.
That's a quote the quote from the Flimm. So Goofy
is now so scared about what might happen to Max
that he's like, Okay, I have to take him on
this fishing camping trip for the summer to Lake Destiny, Idaho.

Ever heard of that? I haven't. And so he's like, okay, Max,
We're going today. And Max doesn't want to go. It's
going to take weeks and he's gonna miss the party
with Roxanne. So they set off, but he stops at
Roxanne's house to tell her and she feels very rejected

that he can't go to the party with her anymore,
and she's like, I guess we'll just go with someone else.
So then Max no manipulative love. It see also to
be like no one in this movie can communicate the
one of the tropes that is in this movie that
like it's just like, yeah, it's nineteen ninety five is

going to be there where it's like she's like a
preteen girl. And so when her dad comes to the door,
he's like like, but he's like a real dog. He's
the only the only doge. He's a real dog. Really,
he's literally like he only barks and growls. Who's the

guy from a Mystic River? Is it Sean Penn? Who's
who's a horrible person? But like, but the guy's like
my daughter, you know, like that's Rock Sands. He's like
hulking over. Poor's a bulldog. She's a bulldog. I just
play that together. Oh yeah, okay, yeah, okay, hang on this. Okay,

so we're gonna get to a part where they're on
the road on the open road, and there they pass
a car where a woman is driving and she has
several pet cats in how are do those cats exist
in this universe? And then also Pete and Pja are cats. Well,
there's there are no rules when it comes to shaming

women for owning cats. It doesn't matter what species they are.
If a woman owns a cat, she's pathetic. Yeah yea. Anyways, okay,
so my cat starving to death at home while I
say this, Okay, so Roxanne is like, I'm going to

go to the party with someone else. So Max makes
up a lie that his dad is taking him to
the power Line concert in la and that Max will
be joining power Line on stage for the final number.
This is nineties teen cannon, where if there's a teenage
boy character in the nineties, he's going to lie for

unprompted to start the plot, like it's just what he's
gonna do. M So he has told this lie to Roxanne,
and then Max and Goofy set off with a map
of the route that all the places Goofy went with
his dad, because there needs to be another father son

dynamic layered into the movie. Is it weird that I
wanted to know? How and when Goofy's father died. They
referenced him many times, and then like Max was like, oh,
I guess you were close with him. Huh. I'm like,
did he die before you were born? Like? When did
Goofy's father die? You know that's wild. He probably died

when he was like fifteen, like dog ears, yes, dad
was his dad was like fifteen years old. That's the problem. Okay,
that was that was wigging me out for an extremely
Goofy movie, which came out in two thousand, takes place
in two thousand and then Goofy's like when I was
in college in the seventies and You're like, are you

a dog or not? What species are you? That you're
alive and in your forties? Like, it doesn't make sense.
I just thought, I like, was Goofy's down? Did he
die in a dog way? Did he or did he
die in a person What is that? Like? Hit by
a car? Goofy probably killing him? No, Goofy killed his

dad with his driving, his bad, bad driving. What if
Goofy's dead eight too many eminem's that's a dog way
to die. I would do that, chocolate. I couldn't do that.
There he got into someone's advent calendar. Yeah, yuck, mournful

of yuck, yuck. You know he you know, he says
that when he's coming again, canonically the only Disney character
that's had sex, he of our main five Goofy Fox.
It's true. I mean, well asked the internet. We can't know.

We can't know. Okay. So they set up on this
trip and Max is very resentful about being there. They
fight over what to play on the radio. They sing
a song about being on the open road. They go
to this roadside attraction, Lester's Possum Park, where Goofy embarrasses Max.
Then PJ and his dad Pete, because we figured out

so like Goofy's name prior to this franchise was like
goof is pe dog, which I think we can all
agree as innovative and fat, but in the context of
this franchise appears to be Goofy goof Yes, and then Pete,

according to the Wikipedia page we learned is named Pete
Pete yes, because PJ is called PJ Pete, which will
make him Pete Junior Pete. Yes. Okay, but this is
not that different for Latino families. I'm sorry, Maya, Bilo's

name is Fernando Fernandez, so okay, okay, conceited, So wow,
like Pete is Latino, I mean representation matters, it really does.
Pete also has Maybe that explains Pete's tail because I

was also like losing my mind over Pete's tail. Pete's
tail shows up at this sequence of the movie. We're
Pete now the dogtail. That's what a cat's tail. It's
like a little it could be a little catstail. Oh
you're right now, Yeah, what species are they? He's a
bob maybe a bob cat. Okay, in this world, can

you be half cat and half dog? Like I don't
apparely you could be half dog half cow. I don't know.
It's the world keeps it ambiguous, and I think for
the sake of pornographers everywhere, it should say that way.
It's perfect. I think that that's good. Okay, So PJ

and Pete Pete show up. They're also camping, but sorry,
they're glamping because they show up in like this huge
obvious way. He makes that much money working at sears
right right, he has murdered some people. He's in the mafia.
We're like, what did Pete's dad do for a living

that they have that kind of money? Nepo, baby, nepo.
Oh okay. So Goofy is like, oh, Pete, I feel
like I'm driving Max further away. Maybe I should back off,
And Pete is like, no, you have to be a
mean daddy. So I'm sorry. I was very sensual. I

think Goofy goes yeah, you know the fan art is
out there. Okay, Goofy and Pete forgetting in the Camper,
I'm sure. Okay. So Goofy is trying to be a
mean bad daddy now and and he's like Max, we

have to go fishing right now. And he shows Max
how to fish, and he keeps talking about the perfect cast,
and I'm like, the perfect cast? Is he talking about
the Bechtel cast? Okay? Literally fishing? Goofy taught me. Well,
my thought was, we're saying a dog knows how to fish,

but I don't know, you know, like Goofy, he's not
competent at many things. And so the fact that he
knows how to fish, I saluted him from on that
he well, he isn't very good because he accidentally catches Bigfoot.
Or he's great because no one catches Bigfoot. That's the
whole thing true. I see your point. Okay, So this

does happen in the movie. He catches big Foot. Big
Foot attacks and traps Goofy and Max in their car.
A what if Bigfoot is how dogs view humans? Like
what if that's the one human in this movie? It's
Jeffrey Katzberg. They caught him. He actually a human, doesn't

He have fingers? And they all have those like little
gloves They reference that in an extremely Goofy movie, when
PJ becomes a slam poet, he's like, are we always
wearing gloves? And you're like, wow, PJ really found himself.

Oh my god, I just wanted to take it off
and it's just bones. Okay, So there's humans canonically, that's us, okay,
yeah like that. Yeah, And this human slash Bigfoot, is
terrorizing Goofy and Max, and Max starts to realize that

Goofy is just trying his best and Max should go
easier on his dad because they love each other. And
then also Max can sitters writing to Roxanne to tell
her that he lied, but then he's like no, He's like, wait,
I'm a boy in the nineties. I would never tell
the truth. And then he does find the map, and

so while Goofy is sleeping, Max reroutes their trip to
la instead of them going to Idaho, and they had
the most heartbreaking moment the high Dad Sup hid. Somebody
in Rotten Tomatoes said this movie has no heart, and

I don't know I could tell they were like gen
X or something. That's so was like, that is like,
this movie's all hard, that's so wild. I feel like
their X has to be in it or something. Polly
Shore's X gave a scathing review to Courtney Love. Really,

I don't know, Dad. I'm sure he's did everybody who
is the nineties. It's true, everyone did everybody? Yes, yeah,
that high dad soup? Was that? Like? I mean that
makes me cry every time I see it for those
soup for you? Yeah, you're googling, Oh my god, that's

really nice. There we'll tell you, um or who did Danny?
Do you want to explain? Yeah, I'll cry. Okay. So
he has alphabet soup and Goofy says, oh, you used
to write like cute little things to me, like hi Dad.
And then when he and you know this is after
they have a big blow up, and so he taps
Goofy on the shoulder and he hands him a cup

and inside of it it says, hi Dad. Out of
the soup. I think about it when I need to
cry before an audition. Oh and Goofy does this thing
in the car because this is a big thing with
her communication, which feels almost like a little out of
character for Goofy. But whatever, But he's sort of like

he's like, oh yeah, and then you would say I
love oh, and like he like didn't want to prompt
his son to say I love you. And then you're
just like, men are so broken even when they're Goofy,

that's so upseting. Okay, so then Goofy, after this nice
high dad soup moment, Goofy's like, you know what, son,
you can choose the rest of the stops on the
way to Lake Destiny. And then there's this montage where
they go to an amusement park, they go to a
monster truck rally, there's a baseball game, they go to

a cave, they murder a mime, and Max and Goofy
are getting along way better then, and I like that
in that sequence there is like a split. It's like
they are coming together in that sequence because they dart
by just doing things that Max wants to do. But
then Max realizes that Goofy is not having as much

fun going to monster truck rallies because he's a fucking
square and and so then Max is like, let's kill
him im, which is one of the things Goofy wants
to do, is see He just wants to see am im.
But then he doesn't seem upset the lifetime, But like
I thought, it was that that was like a really

because this movie is like truly two minutes long, and
the ways that they save time but still like effectively
build the relationship was like, oh, they start by just
doing things that Max wants to do, but by the
end they are, you know, kill building Goofy's enemies. I
love that this movie keeps getting progressively shorter and you
keep looking at like, literally this movie's thirty seconds. I

blinked it was over, but I was crying. Um, okay,
so what happened? Sex they link up with Peach and
Pete again. Pete overhears Max tell PJ that he changed
the map to take them to LA, and so Pete,
because he's a narc, tells tells Goofy about this. Goofy

sees the map and he is so sad that Max
would deceive Goofy like that. But Max keeps navigating them
to LA and Goofy is still really upset. They have
this big fight as their car is careening down a hill.
They end up in the river. They're like saving time
like wild in this movie because the climactic action scene

is also the climactic resolution between father and son where
they're screaming over this like VW that's crashing, and they're like,
but June didn't listen to me effectively at school. It's awesome.
It's awesome, And so they make up finally, and Goofy

is like, oh, I understand and that you're growing up,
but I just want to be a part of your life.
And Max is like, oh, Dad, maybe I take your
love and affection for granted. And then he tells Goofy
about Roxanne off screen, which sucks. Well. Then Goofy's like, well, shit,
let's get to the power Line concert because we have

to maintain this lie that you told God good dad, which,
to be fair, yeah, that is the greatest gift a
parent can give their lying child. Has I have either
of your like, have your parents ever helped you maintain
a lie before? Like that? Um? Okay no, I feel

like my mom kept it a lie that I wasn't
a virgin. Probably okay, Okay, there we go. They also
found this, Oh my gosh, this is so two thousands.
They found my mom I think found a smear and
off ice we had probably just one. Isn't that sad
that we probably like cycled between the four of us

in their glove compartment. And she also kept that from
my father, so that's powerful. But he kept that he
had multiple other kids, So you know who was really
good at secrets learned from the best. Yeah, okay, okay,

Caitlin's overriding the question. All right, we cut to a
oh okay, So Goofy's like, oh funk. We got to
get to this concert. And but first they have to
escape from a waterfall and they save each other with
fishing lines via the Perfect Cast, the Bechtel Cast once again,

they start streaming our Armageddon ephisode and all of a
sudden they yeah, and it's a very tender moment. Cut too.
They have snuck backstage at the power Line concert in
La Roxanne is watching the concert on TV. Everyone's like,
where is Max? And then he shows up on stage. Max,

Goofy and power Line. Wait they also killed another person? Wait? Yes,
the crew guy that was just trying to do his job,
which he probably got paid like minimum wage and has
a family. He flew into the television. He at least
was hospitalized, well I will say at least. Teamsters are

usually unionized, but he did die. And then when that
happened in Phantom of the opera, it was a really
big deal. Yeah, it doesn't really matter how much health
insurance you have when you're dead, um, when you get
killed by Goofy. But also everyone cheered he had coming. Okay,

so Powerline is totally fine that these two strangers are
on stage with him now and they're all doing a
dance and it's awesome and the people watching on TV
are loving it and everyone's friends back at home. So
like Roxanne does that thing, the one face that she
makes where she's like, oh, yhuck, you know, like she's

doing that little face she does, and then and then
Polly Short goes, that's my friend or like whatever he says.
But I love that's like one of my favorite moments
in the movie, when like, because that's like your dream
when you're a kid, to like do something and then
have your friends be like they were cool actually and

have someone make the little face at you, Like that's
the best. I love that part. Yeah, it's very nice. Okay.
I have to say at this point my theory that
I think that power Line and Goofy are related because
when Goofy gets on there, Max says, do the perfect cast.
His dad starts to do the perfect cast, and then
power Line, seeing it, jumps in and finishes it with him.

How does he know the super secret Goofy family recipe? Whoa, whoa?
All these dogs are related? If that's true, power Line
is a terrible relative for letting Goofy work at that
factory in an extremely movie and also just not hooking

them up with concertating. I don't think they're related. It's
like my dad's kids and ah Okay. People have literally
argued with me about this, like, no, he's just a
quick learner. He just saw what Goofy was doing and

then he I was like no, he literally finishes the
cast with him. It's true unless he like uploaded it
to YouTube or something. But alternate theory. Um, you know
how some animals just have instincts. You know, geese just
know to fly south for the winter. What if all
dogs know how to do the perfect cast instinctively? Okay? Whoa?

Like all dogs that are whatever the breed that is
like a dog top of head, but a human bottom
of head, like Goofy and power Lines and also the cats.
For some reason, I don't nobody asked for this, but
I really want a live action version of this movie.

Let's stay with me. And it's Jim Carrey's grinch, like
that make up that would actually be great and shave
that's brilliant. So the only thing just like, don't give
it to Robert Zemeckis. Yeah, you just cannot give it
to him. But yeah, you could give that to Ron Howard.
He's done it before. He did Jim Carrey grant not

to bring up Shrek, but bring up Shrek. Thank you.
I will um has differing Katzenberg factors into this movie. Yeah,
a live action Shrek. Well did you did anyone see
the like AI rendering of like what Shrek would look
like if it was like a nineteen eighties fantasy live
action movie. Yes, this is some good we're getting. I

was expecting that's we've really cultivated a toxic fan base. Anyway, Okay,
we need to move on. All right, they're dancing at
the concert. Everything's great. Then we cut two Max and Goofy.
Arriving back home, Max goes to Roxanne. He confesses that
he lied that he didn't ever actually know power Line,

and she's like, why did you lie to me? I
would have liked do no matter what, And he's like, okay,
do you want to hang out Google and she's like yeah,
and then and then I forgot to keep writing the recap,
so I forget. But that is kind of abruptly there, right, Okay, Yeah,
Goofy blows up. Yes, this car explodes, and that's kind

of the end of everyone makes up and everyone has
a great relationship. The end they don't even do that,
like Goofy blows up lands in Roxanne's house. Then her
Max goes, Babe, this is my poppy and like that's it,
and then it's like dinner or whatever. However, that movie
is um all right, So that's that's the movie. Cover

it up for a Goofy. Well, where do we want
to start talking about this? I mean, Danny, what stands
out to you right away? Who do you want to
talk about? What do you want to talk about? I

love Max's style. I was so That's how I knew
I was by though I was like, I the biggest car.
They purposely made them hot. That Lisa girl has tits.
I mean a lot of the dog girls have tits.

And in an extremely Goofy movie, Max goes to college
and then every dog girl has like tits. It's like, oh,
you know, who else you could be? The goth girls
on the bus, Yeah, I really loved them. They're not
like the other girls. They're no, they're listening to the
the Goofy Cure. They like they pierced each other's ears.

They're listening to bright goofy eyes. They're having a lot
of fun. No, but his style clearly he was like
mold after JTT, like that was the nineteen ninety five
Like yeah, I mean that totally. Like I think it's
so bizarre that, like when a character exists for this long,
eventually they become relatable in a very like generational sense.

It's so bizarre that Goofy was able to become yeah,
a boomer dad like so, but there is I feel
like it was like best illustrated in the like a
very like I don't know, like maybe like an obvious way,
but like when they're switching the radio back and forth
and it's like, oh, it's like Bill Clinton Kid and

JFK guy like are all he's literally turning on high
hopes that like JFK ran with that song and he's
like what about this look? And then he's like no,
I like, you know, a good economy and a bunch
of fucked up stuff. You know, Max is gen X
and we have to sort of grapple with that, you know,

are you sure? Yeah? He was listening like van Halen
in there. He's fifteen in nineteen ninety five. You know,
it's like he's he's like kind of you know, he
was like seven dog years. Oh well, yeah, canonically Max
is dead. Max is like on the cusp of jen

X and Max was born last year. Yeah, Max, I
mean either way, it's a non issue. He died opening
his eyes. Max died, So if he was fifteen and
dog years, he was alive for less than for like
a little over two years, which means he would have
been born in nineteen ninety three. So we're like Max

and I are actually around the same age. He died
a long time ago, because then he would have died
latest two thousand and eight. We can't do math. Well,
when was long? They made a goofy movie? Not past
two thousand mates, because Max died of all dame. What

should we talk about? How this is a story about
fathers and sons. Yeah, that's a good story about fathers
and sons. I don't mind it. It's a nice one.
I wrote that, and I said, but a nice one
in my notes where because I mean the characters have
to learn and grow in order to be able to

understand each other and like maintain and strengthen their relationship,
which is usually not what father's son narratives are about.
So that was nice. You have like goofy he needs
to learn to except that his son is growing up.
He needs to learn to respect his boundaries and learn
the best approach to parenting Max and then Max, I

don't know, he just like needs to stopping a little shit. Yeah,
basically I feel like I do. I do like that.
I feel like a lot of the traits that Goove
he has in this movie are normally attributed to mothers,
and like that he's like overbearing, He like is really
emotional in the way that he deals with his son,

and it's like not that just is like who he is.
And I think it's like, I don't know, I thought
it was like a really like smart decision on the
part of I guess also the writers of like goof
Troop who established this. So shout out the writers of
goof Troop and of this movie. But because it like
it works really well with a character that is supposed

to be kind of all over the place to make
them like a very emotionally driven parent who doesn't quite
get it, but like really really cares, because I feel
like fathers are really often characterized because of society reasons
and as being very like distant and cold and unkind.

And it's like Goofy is not even a great dad really,
but he is a bad dad from a way that
we don't usually see. He's like really emotionally it's like
the Goku of the Disney Universe. Yes, yeah, there's like
in the nineties always had the dumb dad trope, you know,

like Home Improvement and The Simpsons and Family Guy and like,
but he actually is doing the two parent role. He's
both Lois and Peter. Yes, that's wild. He's stupid and
he's overbearing. I love it and it like and he
is like I mean even at the beginning, he's like
doing chores, like he does like maintain their house as

though he has titties covering them up. He has like
six nipples, well probably eight. That's just dog facts. With Caitlin,
thank you could be sex could be eight, you know,
depends on the dog hardness. Say yeah, we don't know
what species Goofy is because he's just scary looking. But yeah,

I mean, at the end of the day, it's both
characters needing to learn how to communicate their feelings in
a productive way, and that's not the story for male
characters usually. Yeah. And and instead of like this movie
doesn't really have a clear cut villain, I feel like
Pete because like you're saying, Danny, like Pete has a

history of being sort of a villain, but like it's
more just like there's two sets of fathers and sons
fucking it up in different ways, and Goofy and Max
figure it out and Pja is just fucked. I suppose
it's just gonna have to like go on, you know
ssrse like the rest of us, do they have like

I don't know who you would call, like the SPCA
or something I called the SPCA, oh myself. But I
mean what we do know from the sequel that he
gets really into poetry, which actually does make sense for
him as he get what everyone was like. Well as
if that made we all have trauma to unpack and

we've all done it via poetry. Um, yeah, but I
do like that in the absence of a clear cut villain.
We have like two very different kinds of like unhealthy
father son dynamics, and then we see Goofy and Max
figure it out and like create a healthier dynamic and
meat in the middle, and Goofy is able like to

in spite of the fact, according to Caitlyn being too
damn Goofy, he is able to buy observing how Pete
treats PJ, which is a very like domineering. Like there's
a scene where Goofy and Pete are in a hot tub.
If you were there, you were there. They were in

certain fan arts. More happens in the movie. It was,
you know, like Pete is like, you know, you're you
want your son to like you. I want my son
to respect me, which are like two you know, different
toxic approaches to parenting. But but I think like Goofy

learns sort of in that moment that it's like, oh,
being a domineering parent isn't going to achieve a healthy
relationship with my son, which is what I want, so
I have to try something different. And then also Max
is a fucking liar, so it's complicated. He can't stop lying. Max. Well, hey,
you get single dad representation. I'm starting to think they

must raise their kids like seahorses, because the women even
rock sand Oh yeah yeah. When you go to her house,
her dad like, I'm starting to think they have a pouch,
and so women just leave at eighteen the way those
dogs come, I'm out looking. I would not disbelieve anything.

I was like, are they coming out of eggs? Like
that is happening with these damn animals. I don't know.
Something happened between the Pluto to Goofy line and they've
what it was. Something something went very very past birthing them. Yeah,
they're doing something else I did. I mean, it's like

that is like kind of a double edged sword, and
it again it's like a binary double edged sword too.
But it's like what because at this same time, because
this movie comes out ninety five, which is like squarely
in the middle of the Disney Renaissance, or I guess
towards the end, and you have this series of mostly
princess protagonists who rarely have a mother. It's always addressed

in a vague impactful way, usually like your mother would
have blah blah blah, and you're like, who where is
yet we don't know she ate too many M and
m's and she died. That's what happened to all the
Disney moms. Um but and but like, even though it

is such a Disney trope that the mother is presumably dead,
like it's always this looming bizarre thing over the story.
But in this movie, you're totally right, Dan, like they
it's like they never were because Goofy talks about his
father and that's kind of it. And what happens is

that means that there's like no women in the story,
which is like, well that I don't love that. But then,
but how did rock Sand get there? How did rock
Sand show up? How did any of them? You say
that Goofy has had sex, but I still talked about

the fan art, Okay, I don't know. Now I think
like I don't know, they like take us out back
or something and like after you know, we're obsolete. Yeah,
I mean that was sort of because there were Caitlyn
and I know we can't go there. Do dogs put
other dogs down? A lot? A lot of I had

a lot of like what happens to the women dogs?
Like what happens because there are a few of them.
There's like, for instance, the Wallas, Shawn's secretary has lived.
But it's like, is it like fucking Nuremberg? Like what
did she have to do to survive? There are so
few this is women, Dogy darling, there's not a lot

of women who appear to survive to adulthood. I will say, mysteries.
Let me need the movie All Dogs Go to Heaven
is a sequel to a Goofy movie, or or maybe
we're oversimplifying it by being like, oh, like women are
inherently good, We're Goofy, you know, like Goofy's wife is

in hell. She I just realized what it is. One
one of those women can have like six puppies. So
it's kind of like y'all know when the lion king,
I know, mind blowing, you know when the lion King
how Mufassa is actually Simba and Nala's dad And we
know that, Yeah, because that's how prides work. There's only

one male in the pride, so all those little kids
are actually all of his siblings. Um, so that's the
same with this, so Roxanne and yeah, so the mom
actually had six puppies. Yeah, as I would too, So
that does so that would mean so if goofy is
everyone's dad what No, way, no, well one makes sense.

Way wait if goofy if wait are you saying I'm
getting confused? Is goofy fas? She's it works scoofy. No,
she's at a puppy mill. Like that's what's happening. When

they've had several litters, they all owe them. Oh okay,
and then they killed just one of them. There's just
one mom for the just don't have a panic attack.
Oh my god. Okay, So but there's no so magasin
rock sand related water egg Okay, probably, Okay, it makes sense.

Someone's really upsesed. I'm so goofy is the moo fass.
I was like the goofy umseex with every other you
know what told me that? My sixth grade science teacher. Yeah,
she got up in front of her class and was like, actually,
simbonala are related? Yeah, it had an ax. Now I'm
going to learn about periods. Yeah she did. She was divorced.

I love. I was like, if you're a teacher, and like, okay,
teachers with my whole family a teachers to teach between
sixth and tenth grade, you gotta have an axe to
grind or you're not gonna find like the thrill to continue. Yeah,
you gotta say something really fucked up every year? How

can I unnerve these little fuckers? Yeah, something unhinged. Yeah,
she was like Neil de grass Ties. That's something he
would say amongst other thieves. Okay, okay, shall we talk
about rox Hands? Yes? Yeah? Why was she so hot
in the beginning because he's having a nocturnal emission? Um,

I was seeing me and Caitlin's her band is goofy neutered.
Oh okay, we i um, we couldn't so wait that
whole that totally undermines the move facea thing. No, he
you know, after he had a few letters, after he

he looked a time or two. Wow. So anyway, rock
sand as a really so she's in the story because
she was the love interest of Max and then there
are basically no other women in their like female characters
in the movie. Uh, there's Stacy, sure, but she could

be kind of taken out of the movie and not
much would change. But we love that she's there. Of course,
as far as like the romance goes between, we already
stated that the whole story is built on a lie
that Max told, which he maintains and which Goofy helps
him maintain. But then he does come clean at the

very end and he says, Roxanne, I lie to you,
and she gets upset with him, calls him out, says like,
why did you lie to me? You did not need
to do that. I would have liked you no matter what.
But then she says she literally does. She does, and
he does not apologize. He admits to lying, but not

he doesn't really apologize for it, and then he does
surprise kiss her at the end. Yes, he definitely surprised
kisses her. The way that the apologies you're dealt with
in the movie at that were bizarre because it was
like no one explicitly says I'm sorry, but it felt
it did feel like apologies were given. I don't know,
like in the scene where there's a long scene where

Goofy and Max are at sea on their are that's broken,
they don't seem that worried about where they're going. At
one point, the car heads into a cave and they're like,
we should duck. It was like, you don't know what's
in this cave. That's really scary. But it's a movie,
so fine. But they like. It's it's bizarre because they

seem to like emotionally hash things out and be honest
with each other. The words I'm sorry or I apologize
aren't spoken. But it felt like that was a chief.
I don't know, like I guess it like it maybe
like sort of wonder like well, especially in a movie
that came out in nineteen ninety five, I felt like
it was a pretty decent apology for someone who didn't

say I am sorry, true, you know, I'm sorry. The
whole time you were talking, I just was thinking of
Goofy slipping him a rubber. I'm like, I'm you were
like you were late? What you said? Oh yeah? This
so like he helped his son like carry out the line.
I could just see him like, here you go, kid,
you know, like be safe. Goofy does love safety except

for when he's driving. Um, oh my god. My dog
has never apologized to me, So I don't know if
it's in their vocabulary, that's right, Like maybe they have.
We also never saw them sniff a single butt, so
it's what are they Goofy's been alive for a hundred years.

It's because I think every time Goofy kills he gets
the remain time. That's why he can't That's why he's like,
oh I can't drive. You know, he's killing people all
the time. He's killing different dogs all the time, so
he can tuck everlasting them, you know, absorb their shit. Damn. Yeah, yeah, no,

that's that's why they pay me the big pups um.
But but yeah, I don't know, Like Roxton, the thing
is the scenes where we get like a little glimpse
into who Roxanne is. I really like her, Like she's
a really really sweet and likable character. The scene with
her and Max when they're like awkwardly kind of tripping

over each other in this very like teenage way. I
thought that scene was really sweet. I just like wish
you got more of it. I guess it's like you
get to know that, like she does clearly have a
crush on Max and has for a while. She's really
excited to go to this party with him. We see
her talk to Stacy a little bit, and like, you
get these glimpses into like a fun teen character. But

then she just disappeared for an hour. Because the movie
is about fathers and sons and that's what happens all
the time. Like, I feel like there was room in
the movie because it's only one second low like blinking
you miss it, but like there was room in this
very short movie to like cut back to what was

happening and she's just like hooking up with that hot
Varsity Yeah. Like I I like the glimpses we get
of rock Sand, but I feel like we more often
see her in Max's fantasies than we actually see her
in real life, which is a bummer because like when
you see her being a like, I don't know what

to call her, a dog, question mark, I don't know
what is she? She's a dog, right, I can't. I
need to see the inside of her house. I just
like we never get to see it. We always just
see like a peak with her dad, Yeah, what's framed
in there? And also have she and her family had

their picture taken by Goofy at J C. Penney. It's interesting.
I don't know, like with roxand I really like her,
but I feel like there's just like I just wish
there was more of her, and it makes it and
it's like a bummer because it makes it really easy
to extremely Goofy kill her off in the second movie.

Um because I feel like you didn't get enough of her,
because all like, Polly Shore and PJ come back in
the second movie, and they're big players. PJ gets into
slam poetry, Polly short he kind of stays the same,
but they're they're both there. But rock Sand is gone.
It's a bummer. Um, okay, since we're wine, we're running

out of time. Yeah yeah, yeah, let's, uh, you know,
figure out does this movie pass the Bactel test. I
don't think so. It's actually a hard no, it definitely doesn't. Um,
but but but but um, I would be curious, and
then we'll give our ratings. Dan, I know you have

to get going, Danny. So, um, you are familiar with
our nipple scale. Um, you know, one to five nipples
based on how well it sort of fairs in terms
of intersectional feminism. So you don't want to skill and
one to five nipples? What would you be giving a
goofy movie? Do you think I have to give it
like eight nipples? Is that how many of you said

they have eight nipples? Yeah? Often? Yeah, okay, often. I
don't know how how do you know that? I haven't
looked at my dogs nipples? But I'm going around second.
The second I get home, I'm going to count them.
Get it and please actually let us know so you'll
give it eight nipples the movie, you know what the

I like the diversity, which yeah we did. We didn't.
We ran out of time to talk about it. We'll
record a pickup or we will. Yeah. Yeah, it was
like this movie has been like lauded for its diversity,
which is complicated, but it truly like a very true thing. Yeah, yeah,
we should we give our nipple skills or do we? Right?

You gotta go all right to the show. So okay,
thank you for having me. Yeah, give it up for
our She's amazing. Okay, So that's where we are going
to transition out of the live show because so after
this we pretended that Danny had to leave for another show,

but then she came back out and we all did karaoke.
We sang stand out. Danny really like pulled some moves out.
We have we'll close pictures of it. While we released
the episode, Yeah had, but but it doesn't really unfortunately,
translate to the audio medium. It would just be us
using audio that's illegal to use the show. But shouts

out to Juliet and Gianna who came on stage with
us and saying champion. I believe it was them who
won Danny's prize when she did a trivia question also
something that didn't translate well to the audio medium, so
you won't hear that in the show. But but we
but yeah, I mean it was It's I love when

audience members come in to dage. It's so excited. But
because it's a live show and it's a limited amount
of time and kind of a looser atmosphere, we didn't
have time to touch on everything that we wanted to,
and so that is where this next segment comes in.
That's right, and so we want to introduce he is
the creator and host of the YouTube channel rid Us

one oh one. It's Lauren rid Us. Thank you so
much for joining us. Thank you so much for having me.
Oh it's our pleasure. We're soaked to have you. We're
a huge fans of your work, and specifically your work
on this exact subject. It was truly fortuitous. Oh man,
I really you think that be doing this for so

long that I'd get used to people saying that I'm
a big fan of your work. I'm never used to
hearing that it's simply the truth. Yeah, and we I
mean like in particular for this episode, we're huge fans
of your It's from last year, I believe right your
video essay about how a Goofy movie connected with Black

millennials specifically. Yes, yes, I released the February of last year,
specifically for a Black History Month. The video was I
was planning on releasing it like years ago and started
working on it, work on it years ago, but I
never mental things in my own head. But then last

year I was like, you know what, I'm releasing this video.
The time has come. The people needed pretty much, we
specifically needed. You explained this beautifully in the video as well,
But for our listeners, could you give us a little
insight into your connection to a Goofy movie? When did
you foresee it and how did your connection to it
kind of change over the years. Oh? Sure, I saw

a Goofy movie years ago during during my childhood early
elementary school. I think Leaving Fifth great because, as everybody else,
I assume, even though I didn't necessarily have the Disney channel,
I was aware of goof Troop and I knew I
knew the correlation between a Goofy movie and Troop because

Max was in it and it was a bit older,
he had a deeper voice, so I immediately was able
to tell that, oh, this takes place in the future,
so I wonder if Pete and PJ are in it.
Things like that and watched in theaters when I was young.
Of course, it wasn't necessarily one of the biggest things
that Disney promoted. I can't remember what other the animated

feature came out around that time, but it was definitely
a Pocahonnas versus Lion King type thing that came to
a Goofy movie. It was like, yes, it was. It
was one of the Disney films that was released this year,
but they were probably busy promoting something else because it
was like, we put all our money in this one,
and it was just like you released that, but yeah,

but it clearly it became a classic among not just
not just like black millennials, but just like millennials in
general from different walks of life. Like once I released
a video, of course, I received multitudes of individuals who
had the same background as I did comment and let

me and let me know that they also felt the
same way. But also like white millennials, Hispanic Latino millennials
from the backgrounds and everything like that, just letting me
know that a lot of the things that I related
to it as I got older, so did they nice.
So I want to go through the reasons that And

I watched a few video essays on this exact topic,
and a number of people cited certain specific reasons why
it why this movie resonated with them in particular as
far as like how this movie connected with their experience,
the reasons that you cite in your video essay, perhaps

the most obvious and superficial reason being that powerline who
is a dark skinned goof character being inspired by real
life black pop stars, namely Prince, Michael Jackson, and Bobby Brown. Yes,
but then there's also a number of other kind of
like socioeconomic cultural reasons, such as the way that Max

tries to impress Roxanne at the beginning, that being kind
of like a power fantasy for a lot of black
kids attending underfunded schools because of redlining, and you know,
those kids not having access to the elaborate way that
Max puts on this big show to impress Roxanne. It
becomes this like escapist fantasy exactly. I didn't know schools

in general had AV clubs until oh god, damn. I
think I only learned that a V clubs existed when
I got older and watch stranger things for the first time.
I had a similar I thought that AV clubs only
existed on TV and yeah, which sucks because I was like,
I think I would get along with these these kids,

oh yeah, oh yeah, which was because we definitely I
definitely had like clubs in like high school and college.
A lot of my very good friends I met my
freshman year of high school and my anime club. Um,
but every experience an AV club or the closest thing
we got to was like qualifying to like, say the

morning announcements if that was a if, if if they
didn't like have somebody already doing that, but uh, and
then whatever performing arts we would have to either audition
within or go elsewhere. If there wasn't any in the
school or the school wasn't providing enough, I would have
to seek it out. Like there were a lot of

other extra activities I would have to define that have
been funded outside of like this public school system and
everything like that. So it's just like seeing how easily
accessible Max PJ. And I can never remember his name.
Cheez whiz Kid. Yeah, yeah, it's the character's name. Yeah.

It was like, well he was only introduced in the movie.
It's like I don't know him from truth. It was
like I kind of have more familiarity with the once
an extremely cool movie came out, but that's about it.
They did. They did plunge the depths of the poly
Shore character for something. But yeah, it was just like
it's like you only ever saw like seeing that having

an access and how they planned everything. The only piece
of equipment I was able to relate to was the
television on the cart because that was how you knew
that we weren't doing anything but watching a movie in
school in class that day. And I was like, and
the way they elaborately set up the situation at the

at the PA meeting, it was just like, man, you
can do this. And then as I as just like
doing research and everything, And what really started me down
that road was being introduced to how redlining was handlishly.
And I was initially introduced when I first watched the
original Candyman movie because they explained the Cabrini Green situation

between Helen Lyles condos versus the Cabrini Green apartment and
how they were both created and they were able to
pass her building office condos because it was on the
other side of the bridge. And that's how I learned
about redlining and researching that then also seeing how it
affected the public school system, especially here in Detroit. One
of the examples that I made, it's like and depending

on some suburban schools, they don't necessarily have to raise
funds in order to have their scholastic book fair, but
we had to sell a little Caesar's cookie dough in
order to do that, and it was like definitely meant
to the majority of my elementary schools were pretty much
down the street and around the corner. The prestigious schools

in the Detroit which are cast Technical High School where
I graduated from, Martin Luther King Junior High School, and
Renaissance High School, the big three you had to test
in or audition in. Through the arts, and of course
there is Detroit School of Final Performing Arts, which is
when in midtown, where you also clearly had to audition
there because it's a performing school. Everything else was like

you would have to be considered, you know, not as
I'm not going to say they weren't also like pretty
pretty much in the same boat despite despite me looking
out and being in one of the Big three, um
and just just experiencing that. So I know, I know
individuals who didn't go to those high schools and went

to other ones around like I think Coolly. I think
we had our we have our own, had our own
Cooley High as well. Experiencing that and then and seeing
how it related to a Goofy movie and seeing how
people saw what Max was willing to do and everything
like that. To mention the fact that it's one of

the only pieces of media, which is something I also
say in my video say that has been successfully written
by a gen xer that has allowed millennials to relate
to it. One of the writers for Bill, the Bill
and te Trilogy helped write a Goofy movie, and I
thought it was very well done. I thought, I thought

he really did his homework as far as like taking
what he experienced as a gen xer, seeing how it
applies to millennials and making it more and making it
relatable to that target demographic as opposed to just recycling
his own experiences and hoping that there's something to latch onto. Yeah,

of the many great segments, that was one that honestly,
I had not really considered because I knew his history,
but I wasn't super familiar with Bill and Ted or.
I just think it's fascinating when and like encouraging when
a writer is willing to grow, because most don't seem
interested and like that is why euphori. Yeah, Yeah, that's exactly. Yeah.

And I think one of the ways that this is
most obvious as far as the writer being willing to
understand the millennial experience is in another observation you made
about a Goofy movie, which is the differences in the
way that Pete raises PJ versus how Goofy raises Max,

and how the kind of like quote unquote under the
thumb approach to parenting that Pete takes feels very familiar
to many black millennial kids whose parents learned this kind
of parenting style from a religious Christian context. Plus generational trauma. Yeah,
it's very much a passing down of let's just be honest,

everything resorts back to white supremacy in one way or another.
It's generational trauma that started with the slave trade. And
depending on how one has interpreted religion since then, has
allowed it to take heed of how they identify to
raise their children. And that's partially the reason why there's

kind of like a disconnect between how some black individuals
view white individuals raising their children and how the difference
is between as of course, we've all heard that. We've
all heard the jokes about how, like, you know, black
family will watch a white family and a target let

their kid run rampant and not do any disciplinary things
and be like, that wouldn't be my child. We've all
heard those jokes and sometimes and of course we've all
have we've all experienced their very white privileged kid being
able to like freely curse of their parents call them

by their first names, and have black individuals and individuals
of color look at that situation and see the blatant
disrespect and be like that ship wouldn't happen to me, though,
it's just like at the same time, we also tend
to look at individuals in slightly healthier relationships with their

parents and their child had that type of like respect
that also promotes like mutual friendship with between the parents
and the child, and also see that as just as foreign.
And it's mostly because we've never experienced that, and because
we've seen how they are willing, like because of how

they were raised, they aren't willing to give that same
amount of respect because they don't they've never known how
to do that. Like one of the biggest, one of
the biggest jokes within black community, within Black starting Black
millennials and you know gen Z and everything and everyone
else younger than boomers lately have then the main way

a black parent apologizes to their black child is to
ask them what they want to eat. It's never the
best way a Black pararenologizes to their black child is
to say I'm sorry. It's doing everything else. The fact
that we have at least two to three generations of

parents never acknowledging that they were wrong about something, or
that they were sorry about something, or that they should
have done things better, and that us now that we
are at the being parents are just now making the
active decision to actually like break that like line of
generational trauma. And I mean gen xers have done it before. Also,

I wouldn't know my parents. My parents are boomers, So
I have to look at my sisters and see and
see how they have decided, and even they mess up
as well, and they take things out of situation because
you have some of those gen xers that they understand
the rebellion of dealing with their boomer parents. They still
have some aspects about their parents that you know, they

still hold on to because there's most beaus of the
set in their ways. So it's just like exploring aspect
and seeing how that projected with Pete and PJ and
Goofy and Max, and just seeing how weird it was
to see that relationship play out with Goofy and Max.

It reminded me of a lot of the FOREI reality
of how some black parents look at not just not
just white parents, but just parents that have a mutual
respect with their children to the point where it's just
like they were able to have this relationship. And of
course it doesn't really help that you have like the
party moms like Amy Poehler and fucking mean girls to

have that type of physical representation depending on what you're watching,
but at the same time, it does exist, and it
all goes back to the intersectionality aspect that I explained
to the video. I think that was one of the
reasons why black millennials seeing the world trip that Goofy
and Max went on was so inspirational because it allowed

them to see that it was possible for both parents
and children to trust each other and see us in
the road. That would happen because of how things have
played out between the two, because of because just like
I said in the video, none of this would have
happened if Goofy just sat down with Max after school

asked what the fun happen? Just believing the principle and
just thinking that he's as a fucking gangbanger. It's just
like the principal, Wallace Sean really fucked up their family
like it was. It was bad. Yeah. And that's the
third main observation you make in your video essay is

the lack of communication between Max and Goofy feeling very
close to home for many black nineties kids because of
this generational gap between kids and their parents. And as
you point out in your essay, and not to quote
your own words back at you, but I loved the
way you put this, so I'm gonna quote you. You say,

despite multiple people being able to relate to this experience,
this is something that can be one hundred percent understood
and relatable to black millennials who felt the pressure of
growing up being pleasant, hardworking, and unthreatening in order to
thrive in a world that, while still mirrors the one
your parents did grow up in, is making strides and

getting better in ways to allow yourself your freedom of
expression as much as it allows your white counterparts. So
sound familiar. Yeah, did you say that already? Yeah, yeah,
it's It's definitely along the lines of the code, the

code for that as far as the black lexicon is. Hey,
sometimes black kids want to do white people should too,
and sometimes and I've seen this, I've seen this play out.
A proper example was being raised to believe that not
necessarily believe, but race is see because of who your
parents are, that there are just some things that we

as African Americans shouldn't really do because of the fact
of we see everything going on in the world. We
see what our parents dealt with, and we see what
we have to deal with now. But at the same time,
we also grew up with Power Rangers, and we saw
the Power Rangers movie, and some of us want to

fucking skydive, and and some of our black parents it's like,
why the fuck would you want to skydive, that's some
white people's shit, and it's just like, but they made
it look so cool and I hate was doing it.
So there are black people's skydiving and it's just like
And it's very much along the lines of like. The
lack of communication definitely drolls back with like black parenthood

and black children, with the children feeling like because the
parents are so set in their ways, they can't rely
on them to talk about anything. The closest thing I
can come to compare it with is like a queer
child who wants to let their parents know that they
are queer, but doesn't know how they would react if

they tell them. And I definitely experienced that. I didn't
come out to my mom until I was like like
thirty one. But the lack of not necessarily communication, the
lass of trust, and that lack of trust is present
because the children have seen how the parents react to
everything else in the world. See how they react to

something that they have done when they were younger, See
how they react to their older or younger siblings, See
how they react to news outlets like one of the
reasons why it took me so long to come out
to my mom was because the year that I planned
to come out to my mom, my sister came out

to my mom as bi curious not to say that
Will and Grace is right about certain stereotypes, but ohn Christmas,
and it was just like, oh, if she's doing that,
then I'm just going to I'm just going to back
up here and wait until that colds down, and um
maybe and maybe maybe just wait a bit. But yeah.

So it's like that that lack of trust and while
it's definitely relatable regardless of your ethnicity, um, it's me
as black individual and seeing other black individuals experience that
same aspect and then seeing it play out. That lack
of communication and that wants to tell your parents about
something but not being able to because you know, I

don't know how they're going to react was definitely relatable
and I love that. Like in this movie specifically, it's
I don't know, like hopefully parents can get a lot
out of it too, of just like watching a communication
issue be resolved in like a kind of messy but
kind of loving way. Yeah yeah, and hopefully not having

to ruin the auto insurance of your car by having
it go down a fucking waterfall were we were talking.
We didn't mention that live show, but like, yeah, the
car falls down a waterfall, and then Goofy's like, well,
we got to get to this damn concert, and then
cut to the car is pulling up to the concert.
I'm Michael. I guess they figured it out and then

drove all the way back across the country to exactly
the east coast somewhere is and then explode. Yeah. I
think Ohio, the map said they started off. Oh okay,
I couldn't tell. Something so fascinating about movies and just
storytelling in general is how, based on an individual viewers

experience and circumstances that they can watch something and observe
and interpret things very differently from how someone else of
a different background would experience and interpret the events of
the story or just the relationship dynamics of the story,
which speaks to a bigger problem in media, which is

just the lack of representation of visibly seeing black people
on screen, or visibly seeing any marginalized group on screen,
because so often marginalized people have to take media that
is sort of just like by default or assumed like
the assumed default situation for the characters is that they

are cis head, white, probably middle class, able bodied, neurotypical.
The list goes on and assuming that oh yeah, most
audiences will be able to relate to that, and it
leaves marginalized viewers having to follow the crumbs and be like, Okay,
here are the ways that I can see myself represented

in this media that is clearly not written with them
in mind right, And I feel that with a Goofy
movie they were able to successfully they and by they
I mean African America, We're able to ide ideally identify
successfully with it all of these aspects about it because

well subconsciously of course, and then of course there's visually
a power line. But one thing I failed to mention
in my video say that my friend and fellow YouTuber
Ed Bowley aka Eddic also noted in his video about
exploring what is a goof is that in a way,

Goofy and the goof species is pretty much a reclamation,
as an African American reclamation of like a very like
slur of a race, because there was a period where
individuals looked at goof as like the stereotypical, like post
slavery depiction of a of a free African American, and

I feel it was a subconscious reclamation, just like we
reclaimed the N word. So that's why you have individuals
who are all like, you know, every goof pretty much
every goof is black. And at the same time, once
you see that reclamation and then once you apply it

to how we as African Americans see ourselves, it's pretty
much the snow brainer. And this aspect was also explored,
surprisingly enough in the Atlanta episode. Yes that that did
the mockumentary of the quote unquote first black Ceosney that
made the Goofy movie, and and that everybody immediately just

saw my video about it and be like, yo, did
Donald Glover watch this video? But while he was writing
this script, I went back and watched that because I
went back and watched that section of the episode to
be like, wow, this is it's it? Does I feel
like someone watched it to miss quote Wallace Sean, it's conceivable. Yes, yes, um,

but yeah, they also they also touched on because that
is actually one of the aspects about Goofy as a character,
and then that has translated onto the the goof race
in the Disney verse or whatever. As far as the
reclamation we've I've whereas I've seen us reclaim the N word,

like consciously. It really does feel like claiming Max and
the entire world of goof Troop as ours feels like
a subconscious reclamation of it considering what the original like
translation of it was as far as like the menstruls,
like slacker or like the lazy good for nothing that's

usually like picked it with black folk after slavery, and
I so attracts it tracks, And I didn't realize until
after Ice. Until after both I saw ed Boli's video
about exploring that and then seeing how that was used
to like quote unquote explain the piece of Goofy and

a Goofy movie in the inlant episode. So it's just like,
you know, every everything tracks absolutely. I also saw from
the YouTube channel Black Nerd Problems saying that this is
the blackest Disney movie of all time, citing how Max
is a black nerd, how he was judged and misunderstood

by the principle based on his baggy clothes. He cites
the casting of Kevin Campbell's powerline and the performance at
the end of the movie. Writer Austin Williams, who wrote
a piece in Vice called the enduring legacy of Disney's
black Millennial classic, A Goofy movie brings up similar points,
such front up the fact that there that Bobby Brown

did record music for this and then they just made
it be sides on his next album, And so there
is like proof that Tevin Campbell was the correct choice
because you can hear what Bobby Brown recorded and it
just doesn't compare, doesn't quite hit the same way. But yeah,
Austin Williams cited the white boy Bobby that's the poly

shore cheeways kid getting in just as much trouble as Max,
but somehow feeling way less worried about his parents finding
out the part where the principal calls Goofy and says
that you know this teenage boy sent his classmates into
a quote riotous frenzy dressed as a gang member and

advising Goofy to get a handle on the way he
raises his son. And then Austin also says that anyone
who claims Max goof wasn't an early depiction of hashtag
black boy joy is either a liar or a white person.
I thought that was funny. Why not exactly, do you

have anything else you would like to add to this discussion.
Laurun Goofy movie is a classic, and it definitely holds
up even now. It's still one of my favorite go tos.
Whereas I'm happy that we received an extremely Goofy movie
and we see a continuation, I'm not going to just

say that because it's focusing on completely different than it
doesn't hit the same because it depends on your background
and everything like that. Like, there was definitely an era
of my life in which all that was on my
television was like like MTVFS Network when I first left
home for the first time, because I wanted to explore

a lot of things that you know, I couldn't necessarily
explore him under the roof of my parents. But at
the same time, I always end up going back to
the original movie and just being comforted by slight how
many aspects about my life are properly displayed in the film,
and I know a lot of other people do as well. Amazing,

and that's a beautiful thing. And now we all start
doing the dance. Yeah, pretty much. Also good on power
Line for allowing for allowing two random stranges on his
stage and not having them having security merely tackle them,
really dealt with that so smoothly. He was like, all right,

let's let's see what they have to say. I was like, Wow,
what a nice a nice guy truly so accommodating to
Max and Goofy. Goofy did kill that mine though. We
can't forget that. You can get away with the Laddin
New Orleans. It's fine, Lauren tell us. Where our listeners

can check out your stuff, follow you online, anything along
those lines. Well, I mostly ammactive on YouTube. I have
my YouTube channel YouTube dot com h slash rid Us
one on one that's r e A d Us the
number one, the number zero, the number one, where I
deal with a film and TV analysis surrounding queerness, blackness,

social justice. I also just launched a new YouTube channel
called us two oh one where I talk about movie
critiques and everything like that, where I talk about movie
trilogy critique on full fledged reviews on movies and television
shows and everything like that. I do written editorials through
my sub stack, which you can find read one on

one but everything pretty much you can find me on
Twitter mostly that's where all my links, tall everything is.
And that's R E A d Us underscore at the
number one, of the number zero, the number one because
somebody took rid us one on one straight up and
hasn't done anything with it. And I've been trying to
get that handle ever since. Oh my god, they're just

like peccable. Yes, absolutely disgusting behavior. Ron, Thank you so
much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thanks so
much for having me. This was really fun. Okay, and
that's uh, that's the episode. Although we have not yet
given our Nipple ratings, you and me, we we just

got so damn excited and um, Caitlin, now that we've
we've had some time to really cook on this. Yeah,
what are you? What are you? What are you? Given?
A Goofy movie nineteen ninety five, I'm going to give
it to Nipples because the movie, while it does have
a more positive representation of father son relationships, which famously

all movies are about. But this movie, as we've discussed,
has I think a more nuanced and compelling version of
this relationship dynamic, which I appreciate. It does really fail
to include women in any meaningful way except for a

love interest who is mostly off screen and who Max
goof lies to the entire store. Okay, yeah for roxand
justice for Roxanne. Oh maybe she's in the sequel. Oh
wait she's Oh she's not. Oh wait, she's written out
of history. But as we discussed with Laurn, this movie

having such a huge legacy among black millennials, and like,
that's something that I also appreciate. So I don't know,
maybe i'll bump it up to a two and a half.
I'm gonna go two and a half. Okay, I'll do
two and a half, and i'll give them too. I'll
give one to Roxanne. Yeah, I will give one to

the woman in the car who is like coded as
crazy Cat lady Yes on the open Road montage. She's
a legend, she is all she's It's like the Ariana
Debaus lady in the car. You are all of us,
she is, Yes, So I'll give one nipple to her,

and I'll give my half nipple to the nice relationship
dynamic between Max and Goofy because yes, again it's it's
a better version of that than we generally see. Yeah,
so there that's who gets my nipples. I'm going two
and a half as well. I think this movie, as
we've discussed with both guests, have a has a really

unique legacy, um and I don't want to you know,
discount that or downplay that. And also I am glad
that you know, over time there are now you know
there there's uh more, there's just more in general, I
think for nineteen five and better exactly, there's better movies

than a goofy movie series. But yeah, I mean in
terms of representation, I think it's like a really fascinating
kind of flash point that so many black millennials saw
themselves in this movie. And I also am glad that,
you know, like young black viewers now have a lot more.
They they still should have more on top of more,

but it's like more and more more. It's a yeah,
technical term called more and more in terms of we
are in terms of how this you know, we've talked
about it. There's Roxanne is a likable character, and I
still really like that scene where she and Max are
trying to flirt and they're just like awkward kids. But

that's kind of the most you get out of her.
You don't get anything outside of that, and then she's
disappeared in future installments, which is a big old bummer. Yeah, Yeah,
I'm going to give it two and a half interesting legacy,
a romp and a half. Sure this is actually a
movie about fathers and sons that I'm like, you know what,
we can keep fine, we can put it fine, fine, fine,

And with that, I think that's our a goofy movie.
Saga has this this episode we've been recording in segments
over the course of over a month, now months, in
multiple states. I think, so here it is a goofy movie.
Saga has come to a close, and I feel good
about it until adel an extremely goofy movie. The episode.

Oh my god, that that one is going to be
so we should do that on the Matreon or something,
because that whole movie is like a weirdly like long
promotion for the fact that Disney at the time had
just purchased ESPN, Like it's so weird. Anyways till then,
uh yu yuck. Well, just once again, thank you to

our guests Danny and Laurn. Yes, thank you to the
folks who came out to the live show. So much
fun And if you were like, wait a minute, you
saying karaoke on stage, Wait a minute, you did all
this like fun trivia games and stuff. Yeah, that's the
kind of stuff you'll see it a live show. So
if you're ever thinking, should I go to a beactelcast

live show they're coming to my city, the answer is yes,
because even though you'll hear the episode later, the energy,
the activities, everything that happens on stage, you just for
God to march. There's what isn't there. This show has everything, truly,
I mean like every time. I mean, we love doing

this show, and I think especially when we get to
go on the road and actually meet people who listen
to the show, it's like the best experience in the
entire world, so wonderful. We hope that if you've come,
you've enjoyed as well, and we hear you that we
never come to the middle of the country. We are
going to. We have plans to just please bear with us.

We just get so tired and we'll be there. We'll
be there soon. We'll be there when yeah, when we
get off our fainting couch or whatever it is we're doing. Um,
we love you so much and have a good night
save morning. I don't know why

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