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July 14, 2021 35 mins

In the Civil Defense Emergency Command Center, Wayne (Tim Habeger) reveals a secret weapon to TV personality Helen Huntleigh (Mary Kraft).

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The control group depicts a nuclear catastrophe and the complete
annihilation of the human race. Listener discretion is advised this
time of uncertainty, being confined to your home or or
maybe a public shelter is going to be especially hard

on the little ones. Sometime between now and my next broadcast,
try to do a little something special for them, would you?
And I'm not just speaking to the mothers out there.
This is advice for the father's and also the big
brothers and big sisters who can hear mothers. It's Helen

Huntley's Christmas is just around the corner. It can't be.
I've got an idea. Why not create a major scene.
It is whatever scraps of paper or pipe cleaners or
any items you might have hand. She's talking about shelter
and getting through this. The power of the Christ Child
is in his story, not in the decorations. Tell that

story to your family. It is good to hear her
voice again, isn't it. If you're one of our Jewish
families here in New Cannan. I know you're listening to
Helen Huntley is a lie. Of course she is. She's
here in New Canaan. I'd like to thank the Civil
Defense and Conald Rad for allowing me to give anything
to watch a cartoon right now, unexpectedly here. I hope

to spend more time with you in the hours ahead. Okay,
I just know it to the time when this is
all over, and I can come into your homes just
like I used to, and we can have a cup
of tea, share a laugh for two, and go back
to building the perfect home for ourselves and our families.

Give her ten seconds until next time. Ready, norm May
you be held within the protective embrace of our creator.
Three and cut nor. The following is an emergence. We
are states away, American and we will see you back

here into the today. Governor Shelton federal government officials within
a secure bunker at an under closed location and provided
them with assurances that the State of Alabama, while devastated

by the unprovoked atomic attack, was continuing to function through
the proper reallocation of its resources and the efforts of
state and local public servants as well as civilian volunteers.
Reports continue to come in from public shelters, with new
names being added to the list of survivors every hour
and transmitted via teletype or radio every six hours. Stay

tuned to this station for regular updates. November Golf niner
Romeo India Tango zero one niner one. We will have

the latest atmospheric report at the bottom of the hour.
For the next twenty minutes, we will observe radial silence
to obstruct Soviet efforts to track the location of our transmitter.

If nothing lives on this planet, are you ghosts if
you wish to cause that. My name is quasar One.
Welcome Quaid our one. If only you had come sooner.
I came as quickly as I could. He didn't expect

the end of the world to come so uckly. Who
could have predicted the fools with with their cook guns
They couldn't wait to use them. Do you have guns? No,
you were the scientific minds like you. Our mission was

to preserve life. That they would not listen. They'd never listen.
I wish there was something I could do to help. Well,
if you must know there is, tell me we must
turn off your radio. But why because they must not

know what it is we want you to do. If
they heard the shift, they would never allow it, and
maybe I shouldn't. It is a desperate mission. Never restore
life into Helios three. You, I will restore life to

Helios three, not just people, but the animals. The plans
you will leaves, sire, And if you want to to hear,
you must turn off your communicator. Are you hearing this? Yes?

And you are instructed to turn around, to get back
in your ship and prepare for return launch. I should
at least hear them out. Look around you, quays or one,
you are the only living creature on their planet. I
forbid you to turn off your radio. Return to your capsule.
Now tell her zeptron zeptron any time. Aren't you even

a little bit curious? That settles it? No, do not
turn off your communicator. Pois are one? Do you hear me?
I forbid you to turn off for I will do
as you ask, if you will reveal the mission to me.

In Emergency operating centers M some time is itytions. There
are no more than two thousand centers almost ten fighters
to go back to sleep. They're called authorities all the
civil defense activities. Yes, it's him, and everybody want to Yes,

will be the focal point for gathering all civil defense
information and more controlling and direct Miss Langford actions I'm here, basics,
Why are you sitting in? Becky was taking a nap
and I didn't want to waste candles. It's okay, sweetie,

just stay here. He still don't let him see your scared.
Get back outside, rass. I'm sorry about that. He's not
used to my having lady visitors up here. Don't be scared, Becky.
He just needs a little more time to get to
know you. He's half German shepherd, half pussy cat. I

promise you that. How are things in town? Not good?
Getting worse? I'm afraid? But is someone with you? Yeah?
I thought you too much like a little company. Uh?

This here is a low rang Hello Lorraine. And I
told you wouldn't be about yourself up het. I mean
this here's miss Langford. But but you can call her
Dory right of course. That's her little girl over here, Rebecca.
Nice to meet you, clean honorable women. Ain't that right?

Miss Langford? M yes, you want you want to sit? Huh? Don't?
Don't you want to sit? And she's a she's still
a little shook up. What happened to her? Do you know?

Not exactly fellas she was in the car with he
he was killed, but I wasn't there when it happened.
My gracious, she must be in shocked. Yeah, I bet
you're right. Maybe hearing friendly ladies voice will make you
feel better. Speaking of which, we heard Helen Huntley on

the radio today. Do you watch Helen Huntley? Lorraine? Um, Mom,
I don't think she watches Helen Huntley. No, uh, Becky,
I'm sorry, Angel Blondie didn't mean to scuse you know.

It's fine looks so I'm heading back. You're going back again?
And then, please, you gotta get some rest. Can I
get you a cup of coffee? It's only freeze dry,
but it's pretty good. They got coffee and food at
the guard station, so I can always swing by there
if I, you know, if I need to be careful noon.

And I know you want to be everybody's hero, but
sometimes you need to take care of yourself. Okay checks
mss lame for Dory, Dory, Thank you for you can.
You're quite welcome. We may run short of supply from
time to time, but kindness is one thing we should

never run out of. Mr Langford, Yes, oh please Wayne,
come in, have a seat. I wanted to apologize for
my little show of emotion back there. I'm sorry the

staff had to see that. I'll be fine for my
next broadcast. No more tears, and you won't see a
spectacle like that again on or off the air. We're
gonna get through this, I give you my word. It's
difficult to remain hopeful not knowing how long this might

go on or how much worse it could get. Surely
you're not hopeless, your Helen Houtley. Oh, I can hang
a happy face on just about anything, but hearing those
words coming out of my mouth words I had trouble believing. Well,
you may be in a shelter, don't take that to

mean that we're down for the count. Consider it more
of a standing eight, standing eight. What's that you see?
I'm an idea man. I've developed a number of programs
that have more strategic value than mere survival. Well, I'm
not sure I understand. It was my dream to take

something that would seem to represent defeat and turn it
into a symbol of strength and resilience, to weaponize the shelters.
You're going to you're going to tell me about this
weaponized shelter concept. Better than that, I'm gonna show you

several days past and still Nightingale received no communication from
Quaisar one, marooned on the lifeless planet known as Helios
three until one day, Capsule and open your highness. Someone

is climbing in the quaiser wise consul? Is it her?
I still unable to reach her space suits communicator? Once,
she sayside, she should be able to hear me through
the ship's radio. Quaisar one, can you hear me? Nightingale
to Quasar one, Please respond, I hear you, mother, It's

her exeptron. Assume remote navigation now, Quaisar one. We thought
you were dead. What happened to your suits communicator? It's
been reprogrammed by home, by the ghosts of Helios three.
Have you gone mad? It's a miracle you survived. Strip

yourself in and we'll bring you home. Uh er, what
is it? Remote navigation appears to be disabled, quays Are one.
I'm not coming home, mother, not coming home. I will
eventually after I've completed my mission. But my dear you

arrived too late. You did everything you could. Now there's
one more thing I can do. And what is that?
Answer me? Quays are one, Just a little detour control
panel to change the course of Helios creal. Where are
they sending you? Not where? When I your reaers in

return for no plays are one? No no, no. Time
is not blast. You cannot reshape it to satisfy yours.
So the arrangements have already been made. It won't take long.
I'm going back to Helio's three, before the devastation. I
won't permit you to throw your life away to save

a planet too foolish to save itself. It's so side.
I'm sorry, mother. The decision is mine and it's been made.
Think for a moment. If you're going into the past,
how can you possibly return? You might be going to
a time when the technology does not yet, when the
planet is saved, I can modify my ship to relaunch
and return to the present. They programmed all the technology

into my space suit. Wait, you allowed them access to
your suit? Yes, stand by. That's not good. They killed
an entire planet, and now all they can think of
doing is killing one more. Mother. They explained everything to me.

I trust them completely. Everything made sense. I want to
make you proud, mother. Prompt ready for launch, Come home
quais are one? Simply aboord the launch. Stay inside the
capsule with the hatchet closed. I'm sure within an hour

or two Zeptron will have figured out a way and
allow my first mission to end in failure. I don't
want your life to end in failure. Quais are one?
Do you hear me? Abort the launch? Hi? Quais are one?
Please do everything you can. Try to reach the capsule.

If we can get access, we could reprogram everything while
she's in flight. How long will her journey take? She's
already there, already there, well, she never left Helios three.
She's there now. She um she got there two d
fifty years ago. We can still talk to her a

quarter millennium in the past. How it has to do
with the protonic energy It would take me too long
to explain it. I recommend we just try to reach
her now, go ahead. Nightingale to quais are one our communicators,
and I've often wondered if we could one back in time?

Can you hear me? We just had no one on
the other hand to talk to? Huh, Quais are one?
This is Nightingale. Come in, Quais are one? Nightingale to
quays are one? Can you hear us? Will ways are
one successfully traveled back in time? And if So what

will she find when she travels to the helios three
of the past. Can she affords the destruction of life
on the planet, will she ever be able to return
to Nightingale? Or the answer to these and other questions.
Tune in for the next exciting episode a Marakulk production.

This is the communications room at the e o C
where someone sits at the short wave radio twenty four
hours a day, usually in three shifts. Hi, what's your
name on Broadney Blundin's And what do you do when
you're not operating the radio? I work in a hardware
store here in New canaan Ham. Radio is just one

of my hobbies, so when they were looking for volunteers,
it was pretty easy for me to get the job. Now,
is the radio your only responsibility, No, ma'am. I also
manage our educational materials. Now what sort of materials would
that be? Some of the equipment, like the decimeters, have
their own operations manuals. Plus there's a shelter operations manual,

and there are some sound recordings as well. UH music
if we need to calm our nerves, some nursery rhymes
for the children, and UH instructions for some of the
more advanced shelter functions. Could I hear one of those?
Of course? I just place the disk here. M H.

Wind the gramophone? Now why is it hand cracked instead
of electric? So it can still be played if we
lose electrical power. Collect here, I'll play a little Civil
Defense audio disc series c h A V disc two
side A mother goose rhyme Old King Cole was a

merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he.
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
and he called for his fiddler. Three. So these are
records for children with me? This one is, but not
all of them. King Cole was a merry old soul,
and a merry old soul was he. He called for

his pipe, and he called for his bowl, and he
called for his fiddlers. Do you have any Elvis Presley
or rolling stones in there? No? Nothing like that, Thank
Heaven can excuse me. And she's doing such a good job,
isn't she ever thought I'd see her working in person?
So here's one of the records for adults, Conflict resolution

and compromise. Oh that sounds terribly interesting. Some of the
fens audio instructions. Can I get the keys to the
EOC storage room. Oh it's unlocked. No need to prop
out the vent under the circumstances. But do you have
the key to lock it? But the storage room is

mentor in limited? Sorry, I have the key topics. I
have it for the proper management of I suppose is
there some reason you don't have key? Please? Okay, well here,
I'll take the key off and you can return it.

It is important that ideas be shared in a calm,
rational way and that there be an impartial arbitrator to
help settle these disagreements. Fascinating, just fascinating. Thank you for
taking the time to show us your office. It's been
a pleasure. The communications office is only one of the

many ways that the Civil Defense is keeping our community
united and functioning during these uncertain times. In my next segment,
i'll find out what's for dinner as we meet the
crew in charge of keeping the shelter residence well fed.
Thank you again for allowing me into your home, and
I look forward to spending more time with you, whether

it's here in the shelter or once we're safely back
at home. And now I returned the microphone to Connell
Rad for the latest bulletins and advisories. Hello, can you
hear me? You don't have to wake up if you
don't want to. We just need to make sure you're okay.

Mm hmm, Mom, she's looking at me. Hi, Lorraine, I'm Rebecca.
This is my mom, Doris. We we just wanted to
say hello and make sure you're okay. Okay? Are you injured?

All ranna truck off the road? Do you need to
go to a hospital? I just came from the hospital.
Is that how you came to meet Mr noon In?
Come on, mom? What well you're in the hospital? They
s tissed me up. I said, it wasn't serious concussion

And your boyfriend she's stole there. I guess did he survive? Beky?
I think so. Nobody's told me other wise. I never
saw him once we were inside this morning. They told
me I needed to leave the hospital because I had

to get ready for all the wounded, all the wounded
from this war or whatever it is. Did you see
any wounded? Was it people from the outlaw? I told
me I needed to go to a shelter, and Noonon
was there and he volunteered to take me. Volunteer to

take you to a shelter. Yes, and he brought you
here instead. That's right. The shelters are too crowded. Listen
that I need to sleep. You're sure you okay, I'm sure,

I'm okay. I just really need to close my eyes.
I guess it's okay, mom, Sure, thank you? So Mr Langford,

do all government idea men keep their secret weapon hidden
in the supply closet? Should I be concerned about what
skip it? So? These are core supplies, backups of backups,

and when I'm looking for is usually placed in a
box in the deepest corner. So it's one of the
last boxes opened. And what is inside this secret box?
If you whould be able to work my way all
the way acts should be? Yes, there it is right

where I told them to put it, all right here.
I lift it out and you pull okay, sure, just
slide it over there. Okay? Can we open it? And
it won't hurt us to take a look. Now I'm

allowed to see it. It was put there so it
would eventually be discovered to open it to see what's inside.
The first case contains the instructions heavy instructions another record player.

M hmm, you must have gotten a deal, Grandma phone.
They were my idea. They run on the spring that
crank and instead of electric g amplification, that uses a diaphragm,
a dia am in case is no electricity. Yeah, clearly
you didn't tune into this afternoon's broadcast. And here's what

I've been telling you about. Mm hmm mhmm Elmo l
m o E l m o E pronounced Elmo. Civil

Defense Audio Instruction Series disc l m o E A
if you were listening to this disk, and what does
ELMO do when the l m O Elmo launches full
scale nuclear owner attack. This l m o E device

only by the highest rank sends every remaining the listric
missile in America is the nuclear arsenal and the one
way flight over the Iron Curtain then devastated by nuclear attack.
You see, l m o E. Project ELMO stands for
last Man on Earth. It is intended for use if

you believe you are either the highest ranking or perhaps
the only American alive at this moment. You see, the
United States is a government. Are you telling me that
it's a most important? That's genius of Project Elmo. There

isn't just one button there's one in the white huts.
Several desks of generals about two spread across the country,
so they'll be accessible to the better bid in the
event of an emergence. You know what, I'd rather we
didn't open that. It's okay, it's not gonna go off. Still,
I'd feel much more comfortable if you see that switch

right over there. You have to open on an interval
dial in a code number. But once you do that, yeah,
that little switch would wipe out the Soviet You are, China, Japan, last, Europe,
pretty much every recording. But don't worry. Even if you

flip the switch, it wouldn't work. Hold on, hold on,
let me try to follow you on this. You have
two hundred missil anchers hidden embasements across the country. That's right,
don't work. They weren't worked now, but on the proper circumstances,

wipe that. The Eastern Humistry Operations l m o E.
The Last Man on Earth program was designed on two points.
One did every American should have the authority to launch
a full scale retail editory strike if there is no
longer an armed forces chain of political command has been

a ematicated. This average American would have the right to
make that decision work. Until that's supposed to work, the
unit transmits a signal that is picked up by air.
Those signals are retransmitted up the existing chain of command.

There's military base. If they receive a launch code and
know that there's no attack coming, they just kill the
signal fells alarmed. But if that base has been hit,
then the signal automatically bounces to another military base and
another Everyone has the opportunity to cancel. But if no

one cancels, if the network goes down and the signal
was allowed to travel all the way to the top,
then the missiles well fired. Eventually the missiles will find
of the US armed force. What's the second principle if
none of these offices is available, that the Russians don't
want to die any more than we do. So if

we get bombed in Colorado Springs and Cheyenne Mouth, it's
rather saying I'd say you're the acronym will be mutually
assured construction personal we prefer the term automatic mutual annihilation.

American submarines off the coast of Russia, armed with nuclear
warheads will be given the attack order and they will
be compelled by duty to carry out the command. What
I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential the E
l M. And I'm sharing this information with you. We
encourage you because I believe the moment can be industry

or in actions and how this information is sharing a
prayer and received. The fate of humanity, the average American
very well rest in your hands. Yes, what if I
told you wish to continue that America has not for
instructions on how to m What if I told you

that it was all an elaborate exercience designed to test
our readiness and expores any weaknesses in our defense. Wait? Wait,
cities have been destroyed. Have you seen it with your
own eyes? No, because it's too dangerous to A military

plane crashed into Baker's Ridge, a decommissioned B five heavy
which the Army was planning to scrap. I convinced them
to agree to a controlled crash landing in an unpopulated area.
The US Army, Army, Air Force, National Guard, Office of
Civil Offense, it goes all the way up. They're all

part of this conspiracy exercise, or if you want to
call it by its official name, OPAL. All contained within
the valley where the military has set up communications blockade,
the first of its kind. My idea, why are you

sharing these secrets with me? In three days, we're going
to sound the all clear. And since you've become such
an impressive communicator keeping the world calm during an apocalypse,
we would like for you to continue being the face
of civil defense and to continue carrying our messages preparedness,

defense and a means of retaliation. So this, this whole
thing is a big commercial for the Last Minute on
Earth program. Just think of us as another one of
your sponsors. So three days from now, wouldn't you sound

the all clear. I'll be the one to stand in
front of a camera and explain that it was all
an exercise. People will respond to the announcement more favorably
if it comes from you. I mean, the character you play,
an enterprising woman like you, should welcome the chance to

get out of Eden Valley. What's wrong with Eden Valley?
Nothing much. I'm sure there are benefits to being cut
off from the rest of the world, But once cable
comes over that mountain, New Canaan won't even be a
small pond anymore. Time for us to get out the

control Group is a production of iHeart Radio, written and
directed by Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob Gall,
featuring Tess Malice Kincaid, Alexandra Vicken, Hannah Bierman, Minka Wiltz,

Mary Kraft, Tim Habigger and Keith Brooks. Music composed and
performed by Rob Gall. The executive producer is Ben Bolen,
Supervising producer Paul Deckett.

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