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July 21, 2021 23 mins

An idealistic Noonan (Keith Brooks) shares with Dorrie (Tess Malis Kincaid) his dream for a better world, even as New Canaan descends into chaos.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The control group depicts a nuclear catastrophe and the complete
annihilation of the human race. Listener discretion is advised. Oh,

you say anything to you about painkillers? There's aspirin in
the first aid kit. I'm not talking about aspirin. He
didn't leave some medicine or something. No, not that I
know of. Your bag of things is there here? It is.

I'm just just in vain. Can I get you some water?
It would be great. Are you from around here? Oh?
I was just passing through. You're from outside the valley?
That's right before the accident. Did you hear any news

about the attacks? Do you know if Atlanta was hit?
I don't know anything about that. Jimmy doesn't have a
radio in his truck before yesterday Monday. Did you hear
anything about it on the news on Monday? Did they
show pictures? I don't even know what day it is now,

so how would I know? Come on, Mom, give her
some time. It's just that we still don't know if
for sure, how bad things are in Atlanta. What do
you care about Atlanta? That's where my husband is. Wait.
Noonan's not your husband. Were you you his daughter? No?

He just brought us here. Noon, and brought you here too.
That's right, speak of the devil. Act like I'm still unconscious.
Don't let him know I'm awake. But why would we
do that? Mom? You are you ladies decent? How's our patient? Fine?

I think she's woken up? How to drink of water?
She'll tell you anything. No, she's you've finally realize you
need some rest. Your cod is all made up? Will
be as quiet as possible. Actually, I'm not gonna stick
around noon and I just come back to see if
you like to take a little ride with me, Dory,

Is it safe? I'll take Carey well, okay? Is it
okay to leave? Becky here? Becky? You look after low rainforest,
won't you. I guess that's a good girl. Quite a
girl you got there, door. Yes, I'm truly proud of her.

We will you be gone long? I don't know, maybe
maybe an hour, Becky, Rebecca? Do you We'll be back
in a little while, okay, Mother? So how will you

know this nooning character? We don't know him at all?
I just met him yesterday. M hm. You keep any
money in here? Any weapons? Not that I know? Of food?
And water? A radio? Now, before we begin today, I

have a special favor to ask. What's that I think
we don't know the world of good? Is there something years?
Is there some reason to think? And what about this noon?
And I want you to trust him and show your parents.
My mom thinks we can trust him. And what about

you doing this in a public you trust him? Or
if you're by yourself in your own seller not hokey?
To the many thousands of men and women who are
bravely serving in our armed forces, not just the soldiers,
but the hard working nurses, maybe you and me and
government officials, we need to think about getting out of here,

all of them working hard. What do you say to
that these united I say, yeah, I've been repeating these
words for years, but I'll be honest with you, these
words never failed to touch my heart. And every great
recite the pledge. Did you hear that? She said it right,
said what touch my heart? So what's the big deal

about saying touch my heart? That's a cute. That's a
phrase she uses when she's trying to send us a message.
Let's also do it for ourselves. What's the message? I
don't know. Touching heart just tells us there is a
message over your heart, and so we begin. I pledged

allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic, for which it stands, One nation
under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I'm
I'm sorry. I don't mean to get emotional. This is corny,

even for Helen. You know what. I'm not sorry. I'm
gonna see if I can get to the e o
C and talk to her emotions as much as Jesus Stanley.
If you can't go outside, durn't sure. If you, I'll
take the eyewitness news car. Don't don't let me through,
and I'll be joining you throughout the day, doing what

I can to touch your heart the same way that
you my broadcast family touch my heart. Any idea what
she's talking about, But now let's check in with the
Connal rad desk to get our radioactivity update AH. The

following is an emergency alert bulletin from the United States Army.
The American Meteorological Society is forecasting a warm frock from
this up that may out from the YAH under the
why are we stopping stations operating? You just need to

rest my stations is on the air. Alternately for a
few simes. Have you gotten any sleep since Monday morning?
About me? As the broadcast passes for Wednesday, It's strange

to see the streets so empty. Never in my life
could I have imagined it. It's almost like the bombs
have already gone off. This is all that's left. I
keep thinking, maybe there's something, someone somewhere I could do

to stop it. I can't stop something that's already happened.
Bombs will follow, there's no going back. Jesus he will.
I know he will. I can feel his hand upon

us already. He's guiding and protecting hand You you want
to know what I believed or yes, nitting. I think
it's all part of God's will. I mean, if you
are the true believer that then it can't be nothing
but right, I suppose, and knowing that He's in command.

Instead of fighting against his will, we should look for
better ways to go along with it. Don't don't give
up hope. It's sorrd for me to see happy ending
in all this. That's cause you're looking at it all wrong.
Instead of thinking it's the end of the world, think
of it as a chance for a new beginning. The

Garden of Eden all over again. Yeah. If things are
bad and the worst of it ain't ain't even here yet.
Any day now, there's gonna be a blanket of radioactive
fallout that covers the ground like snow, killing everything it touches.

But we saw this day coming, We was prepared. What
if we hunker down, hide like rabbits and our little
warring up on cross Mountain, and we abide until come
the spring and we step out, you, me and Becky,

like Adam and Eve into a new paradise. We'll rebuild
this country and make sure she don't get broke again.
Thank you for sharing that noon. And really, your faith

is so strong it makes me dare to want to
hope again. And uh what and we gotta repopulate it too, right,
so you understand? Mm hmm, you see what I'm saying. Mmm,

I'm not sure I'm saying. We Uh, those of us
are still alive. We're gonna have a responsibility to rebuild
the population of this country. Is going to be the
duty of every man and woman. I mean right, Yeah, dude,

I'm a married I'm a married woman. I don't know
where my husband is, what might have happened to him,
But until I know for sure, I have to continue
believing that he's still alive, and that means I couldn't
begin to think about I'm sorry, I guess I guess

I should have been more clear. I'm talking. I'm talking
about Becky. Becky. Yeah. Wait, you thought you thought I
was gonna pull some kind of oh, miss Langford. No, no, ma'am.
I'm an honorable man. It's the way I was raised.
I wanted to talk to you alone so I could

be a proper gentleman. And you barely know her. Well, well,
we're about being close quarters together, so there'll be time. Becky,
my fifteen year old daughter, Becky. Now she's fifteen. Now,
she won't always. Please just do me a favor and

don't say anything not to me, and for God's sake,
don't mention anything of this to Becky. Thank for. I've
been thinking long and hard about this, and I've been
doing some praying. My Bible. Then right there in Genesis,
God said be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

She's fifteen. That means legally speaking, we could have gotten
married a year ago. That's what you're asking to marry her.
Not exactly, not exactly. She's a little girl. Maybe to
you she is. She'd probably always be a little girl.

If you want to court someone, court Lorraine, who's to
say I can't court Boe? What if we're going to
replenish the earth, then it's gonna take a lot stop it.
I'm giving Becky a wonderful opportunity. Ridiculous, don't you be stupid?
You're not exactly in a position right now to be

high and mighty. Now, if I pro create with Becky,
i'd respect for her. Since you're her mother, I'd allow
you to live in the shelter with us. And if
I don't give my permission, well we couldn't rightly have

you there unless you two believe in what we're doing.
And what if I don't believe? What are you not believing?
Not much of anything right now? This little mission it's

full believers. Oah. So if you ben Becking are part
of the mission and we gotta leave you behind, we
can't let this world get contaminated by skeptics all over again. Broadcast.

Hear that theards, the looters not on my ward. Now
we don't have time together. We have to go there.

If this is it the beginning of the end. You
gotta believe in something, something besides smashing. When does the
skin in applying something? If you're jealous, somebody's gotta better
be it. Well. Nobody never gave me nothing. You don't
see me ride and do no? Why not? Because I
believe in something I seem a good Excuse me, miss Huntley, Yes, gentlemen,

to see you Stanley. Oh, thank you Bergerie. Of course
we got your message. You cued us right. You sent
a message that you haven't got a story, a story,

a news story, hard news. Late bridey wait wait started
to beginning in Langford. Paraded me through the whole EO CNE,
showing me everything, all their operations. He left me in
the office by myself for a couple of minutes. I
saw glassified Miranda here, what'll I figured you wouldn't believe me,

so I brought you a souvenir Opal sixty five sixty
five Operation Alert Jesus. But the point is life is
going on as usual outside Eden Valley. You don't know,
sty I saw it with my own eyes. What if
the Soviets have taken what are you suggesting we do?

Let's pretend we're real journalists just just for one day.
Good ideas. I'll get Vance Norwood. What guys says my story? Oh,
come on, Helen Vance as a journalist. If this story
is really as big a journalist, don't get liberated on me.
Helen didn't, would get inside the e O C. No,

damn writing didn't. It's my story. I'm going to be
the one to tell them from here. Hell, on the
minute you say one word that they don't like, they're
gonna pull the plug and send you straight to go
back on the air Channel twelve. Channel twelve would lose
our license in nuclear goddamn emergency. Stanley already calm down,
don't hell me to calm down. I'm not telling you

to calm down, right, I should be overcasting the test pattern. Yes,
and and radio Hell, if we start broadcasting on a
non emergency channel, feed you the information and and you
go back to the station and put together a tape
package with me telling the start. I'll get your photos, documents,

a five minute piece and you can run it on
a loop. Well, how will anyone know to tune in
a Channel twelve or eleven sixty. It might take a
while for people to notice. I got it. During my
Civil Defense broadcast tomorrow morning, I'll just tell people to
change channels. What could be something? Oh you have to

do is press play. All right, ladies, you know the drill,
only this time. Do it right so we don't have
to come out here a third time. No more pushy
footing around. Whoa look all you see? Who's coming? Who's

this guy? Is that? You guys know this clown? A
little pet? You can be anything I can do to
help out? What kind of uniform is at r O?
Kish caring fire milicious? Second amendments put the British on

the top, put it back. I'm not suiting any housewife today.
I'm block market with the hooking ladder. I reckon they're
gonna cool things down, showing the hydrant. Call he knows where? Hey,

Shay Henry from Nooning, Sir, are you ready to earn
your stripes? Don't serve me. I'm a sergeant. You think
you can help us clear the street, but I think
big show, Sir. I got a dog. If you won't
grab him, he's a cure sheepherd canine police trained should

not bring him on a double. Get your back here
before the fireworks start. Ah, sir aye aye, Sir God,
would I give for some soldiers everything okay? Not okay,

but but they're about to be great. Why are you
taking that? No? No, no, no, no, you can't do that.
These are our neighbors, they were given. These are friends
of mine. My daughter and her school friends were there
on Monday noon. At least leave me the keys and
I'll monitored radio. We say, start reporting fall out. We'll

need to get back up the mountain. Good here that
roll off the windows while I'm gonna lock the doors.
Don't let nobody take those keys from you. Hear me? Yes,
yes or lots opinion on that truck. Be careful, keep
your head down. Shouldn't take home, go back to Russia. World?

Are you play? You can ask all the questions you
want with a death sergeant books you and answer a
few while you're out. Hands off me. Don't you touch
our emergency supposed to get through here trouble. This is
a pease action ship on peace ready on the hose,
standing by, Open the hydrant, Open the hydrant? And what

do you waiting on? Baptized? Bad ship and your street
two days as are all going on against the window.

I got the hell they are shot. Anybody close to
that windows when you and Becky no, no, this has

to stop, This has to stop. This is made O K. Carry.

The Control Group is a production of My Heart Radio,
written and directed by Brett Would, recorded and mixed by
Rob gal featuring Test Malice Kincaid, Alexandra Vicken, Hannah Berman,

Minka Wilts, Mary Kraft, Tim Habigger and Keith Brooks. Music
composed and performed by Rob Gaal. The executive producer is
Ben Bolin, Supervising producer Paul Deckett.

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