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July 28, 2021 33 mins

Becky (Allie Ficken) and Loraine (Rachel Frawley) attempt to escape from the bunker on Cross Mountain.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The control Group depicts a nuclear catastrophe and the complete
annihilation of the human race. Listener discretion is advised. We
are receiving early warnings of a cloud of radioactive particles
heavy with strontium ninety located in the southwest and drifting

northeast across the United States. We will update you on
the location and severity of the cloud as we continue
to bring you bulletins from the National Office of Civil
Defense at Connell rad It is now believed that Montgomery,
already devastated by atomic radiation, has now fallen under the
control of rioters and looters who seem determined to burn

the remains of the city to the ground. Residents within
Eden Valley may notice the glow of the fires in
the southwest. We urge our listeners not to attempt to
leave the valley to aid family members or rescue personnel
in Montgomery's The fate of the city and its people
would appear to be sealed. I've never seen that. We'll

sit on fire before you heard what they said. Fallout
is coming noon and and your mom are out driving
around in it. How harmful could it be? Come on,
It'll be like looking at fireworks. You've got to stay close.

We'll take the radio. And if they say anything about
fallout being detective. It's such a Gemini. How how did
you know that? Forget it? Do you see it? Yeah?

How could you miss it? You have people in Montgomery?
Not really, I think there's any way to climb up
the cross that thing from up there? I bet you
could see the city in flames. There's a ladder around back.

Should we do it? I'm right behind you. Can you
see the city? No? Not really, I can see the flames.

They seem much closer than Montgomery. You think they're moving
this way? How should I know? Turn on the radio
for starters. Here your ticket, Keep hold of the ladder
so you can use your hands. If you feel me leaning,
You're fine us turn it on, saying old announcements. Stamm Guial,

Wait a minute, I had been company. I'm here. I

think I'm here, Nightingale calling quaisar one. Can you hear us?
Come in quasar one, I'm here. I'm here. Uh, something
must have gone wrong. I heard a stud but nothing happened. Oh,
something definitely happened. Zeb Tron says, you're there, I'm where

still on Helio's three but two hundred and fifty years
in the past. Look out your window, I can't there's
a layer of ice. Oh, that's a good sign testing
atmospheric conditions. Now, since you're determined to mother, how am

I able to talk to you? Zemtron will explain it,
But we don't have time and getting a signal from
her capsule and downloading everything I can, or her to
remain in the council so that I will have time
to no point on one, remaining in the consul allowed

time for the ghosts to recount. We won't be hearing
anything more from the ghost What does she mean by that?
The details of the mission are in my suit all light.
But promise me you'll remain in constant communication with me.
Fan Yes to few. It's important that you keep your

suit communicator on at all times. Okay, so just closing in,
tell me what you see three two one h This
is definitely a different place than where I was before.

There's atmosphere. Obviously, it's twilight, so the sky is warm.
I see bosings in the distance. You see lights, so

there must be people here. The destination is close. I
have the coordinates. I'm going to start walking towards it.
What is good? There's a large gray building, looks like

it's made of smooth stone. The windows there appear to
be bars on the windows. Whatever they have inside must
be very precious. The entire area is surrounded by a
tall fence, the fortress of some sort a treasury. How

will you get through? I am through, I landed inside.
I'm headed to the corner of the structure where an
opening is supposed to be. H. I don't think the

bars are for keeping anyone out. What do you mean
they're for keeping people in? It appears to be a prison.
I'm on the lower level. It must be a dungeon
of some sort. There are several barred cells, people sized cages.

I heard something. There's something in here with me. Stay still,
don't move. Mm hm oh what it's It's a small

it's a child. How can you be sure? I'm going
to try to talk to it. Hello, a little one.
I'm a friend. I don't mean to frighten you. No, no, no,
don't be frightened. I'm just like you. You want to

see okay, let me show you. Okay, I want what
are you doing? I want him to see my face?
So we won't be frightened. Here, not to remove your helmet.
It's funny. Feel It's okay, sEH, you mean me no harm.

I'm a friend. I come in peace. Friend. Do you
understand I'm going to reach out. Don't do that. I
wouldn't do that. That's it. You want to shake hands? Yes,
there you go? There there. Okay, I'm backing up. I'm

I'm backing up. Slow getting out. I'm going back to
the capsule. I'm ready. You're gonna back. I'm good. I
think I can do it. No, no no, no, no, no no no,

I see just get back inside. Belong to win? Where
is it? What? Where's the castle? There's more of them.
I can out fund them and find I have kicked
around me. I common peace, I mean you no harm.

When is stepping out from he has a wandering club
of some sword. Peace, I bring peace. One is carrying noisy.
It's making my hair stand up. Touch you please don't

make me hurt. Please? What happened? The suit suffered a
severear electrical shock? How serious? Bad? If it reaches the
suit central processor it's skirts, How will we know the

suit will clear the stag and then automatically we start?
Can we read her vital signs. Not yet, Come on one,
someone's coming down. Go down, go down. UN's back. Hurry faster,
stop pushing. You're gonna make me fall. I don't see

the dog. It's just my mom. Noon's not with her.
I don't know, Mom. We're over here. What are your
girls doing? Where's noon Na? Go inside, get our things
and bring them out. Listen to me, mother. I took
the radio and I climbed the top of them to

listen to the news, and we started to pick up
stations outside the back. Don't have time for that right now.
He's flying. They're all lying, lying about what. There's no
emergency outside the valley. Columbus, Montgomery, Atlanta, Birmingham. I heard
them all. Difficult for you, mother, It's not real. They
are killing people downtown. I heard the guns. We'll go

back up to the cross and you can listen to
it yourself. I don't want to listen to you want
to What do you want me to say, Becky? What
is it you're asking me to accept that The authorities
would tell us the rest of the country has been incinerated,
and and and and poison. But it's all just a joke,
a drill. You tell me and your father, Becky. Maybe

Daddy's not dead, Darling, Is that what this is all about?
He could be alive. You don't know that. You don't
know that, don't you? Dare pretend to know that he
works for the Civil Defense. If he's alive and well,
why wouldn't he say something? Why would he leave us

alone like this, letting us believe that he's dead. I
don't know. You guys need to stop arguing. You've got
bigger things to worry about. God, it's probably Munon. Does
Noonon know know what what we know? If he knows,

why wouldn't he tell us? What do you think, Mrs Langford?
Why would Noonan want to keep three women chained inside?
His basement? Was chained? I'll have to sleep. Maybe I
didn't see me. Don't let On get us back to me.
If I get a chancel, grab for his gun. If
I can't get it, something we gotta do this. Mother,

Just keep talking to him. Don't pretend to be asleep.
I don't want to be a Hello, Dory, Oh thank
god you're safe. I thought someone had hijack the truck.

Or are you okay? I'm fine? What are you doing
back up here. I I was worried about Becky. I
heard gunfire in town, and I panicked, and I thought,
I'm backing up your stuff. What it looks like you're
back your stuff? You want to leave? You don't have

to run away. No, if you want to leave, just
ask me. I'll take you where you want to go.
Please put down the gun. The gun. Oh no, no, no, Dory, Gosh,
you misunderstand I was. I was worried about you. I'm sorry.
I didn't. I thought someone, it's on the truck and

you in it. And then I get up here and
I see the truck, and I figured that I only
took my truck. And how they're taking over the bunk
or get shot and if anything happened to me, Becky
would be left all alone. What did what did you
expect me to do? What was you planning to do?

I came to get Becky and take her home. We
don't feel safe here safe. There's six inches of reading
forced concrete over our heads and and six inches of
sword on top of that. What do you mean safe?
It's safe from you? He's lying for When was I

anything but a gentleman? Uh? I asked your permission to
pay court to your daughter. I would I would never
do a thing to her, would you? And what did
I do? Ain't I been respectful? I know I ain't
much to look at it, but I am a good person.
Isn't that what matters? What's on the inside, Becky, Tell

her and make her understand that y'all need to stay here.
The fallouts coming down. We're inside now, that's it, noon
and we leave now, and you won't make it home alive.
We'll take her chances. So that's how it is. You'd
rather be dead than stay here with me? Gathering? No, no, no, no,

hold on a minute here, Becky. She don't have to
go if she don't want to. What it's her decision.
You're not serious, Becky, Come on now, maybe instead of
telling her what to do, you should let her make
her own. She's fifteen years old enough to choose. For
she's a child. I am not a child. Mother. It's
what I've been telling you for months. I'm a woman.

Shut your mouth with that kind of talk. You shut
your mouth. Let her choose. I'm her mother. Let her choose.
I would rather cut my own throat than stay here
with you. Noon In and Lorraine. I think now would

be a good time. What it is? So you put
them up to this? Shut up? I should have known
you're no count. Sit down, Dorry, give me the keys
to his truck. Mom, do it, I'll drive. Come here, Becky,

you hold the gun. No are you gonna shoot me? Becky?
If he moves pulled the trucker, don't hesitate You ever
shot a pump action twelve games before? No? Is it? Carton?
Is Sarah? Is there a shell in that chamber? Is

a safety? Own? Please stop talking. I'll go stare at
the truck. Never point a gun in a man now
head you make your call her, call him off his chase.

Don't know the funk? You don't. Blondie, come, gon't leave us.
I got hard. She's bread one. Can you hear me?

Come in? Ways are one. I'm inside of building, activating
me down a long corridor. If you can reach a
chest place and protect the hoobas but he died. I
don't think she's feels you were headed by Elden. There
nothing we can do. I'm trying. I'm trying to do

a thing to understand. I need no harm. Please, please,
I want you don't need to find my arms. I
am not your enemy. They have me strapped to a bed.

H Now they're pushing the bed, pushing me through your door.
It's a large there are other people here. Now wait
remember you turn animated a much smaller roam. I'm a

mathematical Supplisa's thanks, more serious. Thank we have any day?
Will you see your mother? Can you let me speak?
Will you listen? Allow me to wait? Mother? Mother activated
the translator, child sucking play, I'll be don't sin thinking

at amos samsa. My name is quiz all wine. I
come from another time. Wirrel that way. No, they're putting

some pa on my head, one side, one head, and
that they have what is wanted. Okay, caps they have tasing.
When my comples require require copy electrical. Give me a

chance to cool now that you're weird, give coming. No
one kill me. I don't want my baby. I don't want,

not even one year to hear me. No food that
your poor arms. You're gonna be fine, trying not to
touch your face. Now I have to get you to

a hospital. I want to go. Oh baby, I don't
think I need to walk. The family has painkillers. Take one.
That's it. Guess with here you're tune for you mm hmm.

Open your mouth until your head. Yeah. Can you swallowed that? Oh?
He swallowed m hm m hmm. Your house is still there,

the sweet We can't trust anything, he told us. How
we can't there. Well, I'll put you in my neck
and I'm care at least until we get to a
first aid station. H here we go, now ready? Oh

maybe you can do it. No you can't. You on
and leave it. Then lean over me. I don't care, babe,
I'm just like this. I'm gonna figure it down next
to mine. Let me carry you. Oh are you called sweetie? Yes?

I could never be women there eat sleep? You want
to sleep in your own bed, so he said, yeah,

I don't see why not like that. I think it
would do you a world of good. Do he to
be back in your bad hand, in your room, just
like before, like happier times. Oh we're home. I'm gonna

I'm gonna try and get you up the steps and
into your better Okay, just hold on to me the
best you can. I'm gonna take it nice and slow. Okay,
I'm gonna be easy. I'm gonna easier. Back onto the

bed and lie you back. This may hurt a little bit.
Ah your home, baby, you're cold. I'm gonna I'm gonna

make you a cup of tea if the guess is
still on them. Thank you a nice warm a cup
of tea with honey, and you can get a good sleep.
How does that sound here? Put this pill under your tongue.

You don't have to swallow it, just just let it dissolve. Now,
I'll bring a washcloth and get you cleaned up. I'm
gonna make a nice cup of tea for both of us,
honey and I. The kettle warms, I'm gonna I'm gonna

sit down and put my head down for just a
minute and close my eyes. I'm gonna rest, but only
for a moment until the water boils. Ah ah ah.

I'm Helen Huntley, and I thank you again for letting
me visit in your home, your community, shelter, or automobile.
A lot of you know me from my daytime talk
show that was broadcast every morning on w e A
l t V twelve right here in New Canaan. And
I've also been a radio personality for years on a

M eleven sixty. That's where you could always find me
when there wasn't a national emergency. Remember that, because this
will all be over soon. And when it is, I'll
expect you to change your dials to a M eleven
sixty and if you are fortunate enough to have a
working television channel twelve and this will be over soon.

I promise you that no bombs have been dropped on
American soil. It is all a hoax perpetrated by the
US government to test your what the hell and dangerous
experiment performed without your consent and at great personal riff.
Come m did you hear what she said? She said

there are no bombs something do such a thing? Will?
Would you be illegal to tell everyone? Test us? Quiet,
both of you. Let's listen channels. Do you think it's
true what she said? Do you really think there's no something?
Something's happening? Now? This is Johnny Cage. I'd like all

of you to remember that America can withstand enemy attack
community and learned the hip hours. It concerns a top
secret government operation that's being run by the Office of
Civil Defense and Connell Rad, the U S military, and
state and local government. They are all all right. I've

had about enough of this horse ship Robert soundly all
clear apples, wait and get the power back on. We
can't just stop it. Tell Connell Rad to sound the
all clear. The full scale evacuation to its that were
held in major cities. This is ex is h m hmm.

Can I come in? I made us some tea. Princess
Baby made you some tea? Do you want to try it?
Let me now, let me just just hold the cup
up your lips. See if it's something you'd like a

little taste up you. No, No, it's cold, baby m m.

The Control Group is a production of iHeart Radio, written
and directed by Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob
gal featuring Tess Malice Kincaid, Alexandra Vicken, Hannah Berman, Minka Wilts,

Mary Kraft, Tim Habigger and Keith Brooks. Music composed and
performed by Rob Gaal. The executive producer is Ben Bolin,
Supervising producer Paul Decade.

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