Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of Amelia
Petter Trends or The Bruda Geist. That one courtesy of
Vanadium Silver on the discord the brute Geist and then
Amelia pair Trends the other the other one that is
the most nominated movie. Uh, I think Amelia Perez is
the most nominated. Second like tiede per second most nominated.
Oh really, it's definitely yeah, yeah, they are there both
all time. It's tie. It's like up there was like
gone with the wind and ship insane. Yeah, uh, who's that?
You might ask? Who? Uh in our second seat, in
the Miles seat. Also Miles back soon everybody who's been
asking back soon. But yeah, appreciates all the love and
is you know, doing better?
Speaker 2 (00:57):
But yeah, much love, Miles, much love.
Speaker 1 (00:59):
Much love from us to Miles.
Speaker 2 (01:01):
I will yeah, I'm sorry for what I did.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
Yeah, and that is your fault and we'll get into
my fault. We are thrilled to be joined by an
award winning podcast host, writer, producer, comedian, actor, one of
our favorite guests, one of your favorite guests. It's Jackies.
What's up? Everybody?
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Let's talk some trends.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
That was was Max Hedroom esque well, welcome Jackies. It's great.
Have you pleasure on this Trends episode Tomorrow's full episode
as a guest co host also yes, well wonderful as always. Uh,
you will be at sketch Fest. There are four shows.
People need to go buy tickets. They're selling out.
Speaker 2 (01:43):
Yeah, dude, two Comedian Clashes was used to be known
as Comedian Feud.
Speaker 1 (01:47):
Speaker 2 (01:48):
We changed up the format some and got all new shit. Uh,
it's gonna be a lot of dope people I'm excited for,
like Lamar and Morris is going to be on the
show New Girl Fame, Paul f Tomkin.
Speaker 1 (02:00):
Tomkins, hear Him, Jeopardy fans. Uh, there's gonna be a
lot of dope people.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
And then I'm also doing Past that Blunt, which is uh,
you know all black improv show, we get high, we
do comedy. Uh, that would needs your support, you know
all black shows. So we need to come out.
Speaker 1 (02:25):
Come out. That sounds that sounds terrifying to get high
and then do improv.
Speaker 2 (02:30):
But uh, you can tell you all we do is
laugh on stage. Yeah, okay, yeah, which that sounds like
a blast. Yeah all right, Jacquise, let's tell the people
what's trending. Let's do it quick check in.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
Uh. You know, as we've been saying, it's hard to
keep up with all the bullshit that's happening. But just
like the things that are rising to the surface of
the Trump administration, one thing that's standing out, and it's
hard to stand out, but that there are a couple
of things that are standing out. I want. One thing
is in his attempt to end DEI, he is like
telling employees to report any examples of DEI that they see,
any instances of DEI programs, like basically trying to red
scare diversity essentially so that people can like tell on
diversity when they see it and be like.
Speaker 2 (03:23):
They hired a black woman and yeah, I think it
was because d I reports is going to eventually get
to is that I think it's there.
Speaker 1 (03:33):
That's what they've done this for, is you know, to
like it just feels like Brian the editor has been
saying like this is Christmas for racist, Like this is there.
That's what they're doing. That's the energy they have. They're
like we everything they're doing is like we can do
Nazi salutes now, uh, and we'll just call them Roman
salutes and wink at the camera and like the New
York Times will just be like, yeah, I don't know,
I guess likely that's what he said, so we'll go
with you know, and now like you can have fun
telling on your black coworkers for being black, like that crisis.
Speaker 2 (04:12):
Yeah so or it's just and it's so funny because
I mean we all know this, but I've not said
it on this show yet, Like DEI. The only opponent
to it is white people. Yes, like that's the only
opponent to DEI, like and mostly white men, because there
are some instances of DEI that help white women, but
white men are the true opponent of DEI. And they
and they basically now have a president who has been
boldened and helped roll back a lot of initiatives and
not only roll back, but made it so that like
all you have to do as a white man is
just be upset that you aren't getting your white man due.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
You can report it. That's all they needed was to
be further emboldened white man. Yeah, we we we're just
too timid and uh, you know, we keep telling up
and take more. Take charge, man, take charge more, assume
more that everybody wants to hear what we have to say.
Speaker 2 (05:20):
Hey, je, it's a strength space more Man, take space
more Jack.
Speaker 1 (05:24):
Thank you. I'm gonna do my Superman post like that.
Ted talk talked about. Uh. He's also declaring an emergency, uh,
an energy emergency, which is based on the idea that
America is like our cars and other exhaust spewing vehicles
are like out here starving on the streets. So it's
basically so he can ram through as much like oil
drilling and you know, pipeline construction as possible, just as
many earth fucking uh, you know, money making projects as possible.
This despite the fact prices are at their almost exactly
average for the past four years, like at the gas pump.
So it's just you can't even say they're too high
or too low. They're just like exactly average. And America
is currently producing more fossil fuels than any nation at
any point in the history of the world.
Speaker 2 (06:15):
So insane.
Speaker 1 (06:16):
Yeah, it's hard to see how where the energy emergency
is coming from. And this just just a reminder that scientists,
the scientific consensus was that like we need to do
I mean, we've needed to do something unprecedented for a
while now, but we definitely need to now that we're
seeing apocalyptic weather everywhere, like we've needed to do something
unprecedented to curb greenhouse gases by twenty twenty nine to
avoid living the rest of our lives in unending climate catastrophes.
Now the biggest economy on the planet is going to
be sprinting hard in the opposite direction of what they're
saying we need to be doing. So yeah, yeah, that's
worth noting. Just feels like time to panic a little
bit of that. Also, you know, I keep bringing it up.
I don't know, I guess I'm weird. But Elon Musk's
full Nazi salute is continuing to get outraged reactions in Europe,
mainly where like people art students filled a dummy with
trash and like with his, it was like a trash dummy.
I hung it right, yeah, with Elon Musk's face on it,
and hung it in effigy in the square where Mussolini's
body was hung upside down. Germans projected an image of
him doing the Nazi salute on a Tesla factory with
the words Hail Musk on it. And in America, I'm
now starting to hear people say it was taken out
of context, so sure, yeah, you know he didn't say
Kyle Hitler, so you know.
Speaker 2 (07:55):
Yeah, of course not. I've been what I've seen the
video obviously, like all of us and all the mini pictures,
which you know, listen, we could talk about it. We
need to talk about it, we need to denounce it
and everything, but you know, I don't have to keep
seeing the actual video of it, you know, like you're good,
but I'm okay, I got it the first time. But
and I haven't heard what he said about it. But like,
the one thing I noticed is, like, you know, Republicans
are trying to show other pictures of other people with
their hands kind of raised, but then you watch the video,
the video out of context, and then his video is
it isn't even that his heart his hand was raised
like this dude did it with fervor like he had
like his face was all like like he did he
felt that shit, And that's not from the bottom of
my heart.
Speaker 3 (08:52):
Get the fuck out of it, like that your heart out,
like like what you're talking about. Like so it's it's crazy, man,
it's crazy. And sometimes I don't tell.
Speaker 2 (09:02):
People this often, Jack, but today is the trending episode
and I want this to start trending. I wish some
of us had had dragon ball Z powers, you know,
like like we was Goku, you could be vegeta jack uh.
You know, you know, somebody could be Piccolow. But like
in dragon ball Z, the rest of the planet doesn't
know that they exist for the most part, and so
like so that's what we would be. Nobody would know
what we would exist and I would keep that the same.
But the few people that I would let know I
exist are Donald Trump's and Elon Musk, and I would
go scare the ship out of them and telling me
the change of ways or I'm going to kill.
Speaker 1 (09:39):
You, like I would do that. That would be what
my would what I would do.
Speaker 2 (09:43):
And you know, I want, I want, I want, I
want like dragon ball Z power death, dragon ball Z.
Speaker 1 (09:50):
Death threats highly fantastical and obviously satire. I don't know, Yeah,
I feel like I see people like there does seem
to be a reflexive stance in the mainstream that doesn't
seem to be like quite recognizing things as being as
extreme as they are. Like that that people just seem
to think it's going to fix itself somehow. I don't know.
Speaker 2 (10:16):
Like you mean, you mean on a side of people
who don't want things to be as bad, or just
the median.
Speaker 1 (10:21):
People, just a media in general, like the centrist media.
You know, the quote unquote liberal media just seems to
be I don't know.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
They treated like we're all over reacting, yeah.
Speaker 1 (10:33):
Or that, Like I don't know, Like the adult thing
to do is to be like, where where's he going
with this? Like I just saw an article being like
Elon Musk's days are numbered, and like, you know, Mega
is actually so mad at him for like doing the
Nazi salute because that was actually like a bad look
for them, and like, so he's actually not going to
last very long in Washington. It's like he's gonna last
as long as he wants to in Washington. He's so
powerful right now now what he's doing is like a
fucking tenilarm fire. This whole thing, like all of these
like everything that this administration is doing is a tenilarm fire.
Speaker 2 (11:11):
I don't like until he pisses off Donald Trump.
Speaker 1 (11:16):
But even if he does, like what I'm.
Speaker 2 (11:18):
Just saying, in this administration, the only way that like
he will be out of the White House. But even
if he does, like you said, he still has positioned
himself that's so influential in the world of politics, because
basically politics is the tech world now and a billionaire
class for now it is. And so yeah, he's not
going anywhere unless somebody goku's his ass.
Speaker 1 (11:45):
And that's all we're saying. All right, let's take a
quick break, we'll come back and talk about some other
stories and the Oscar numbs. We'll be right back, and
we're back. And I don't know, like you have to
squint to find the silver lining, Like one of the
January sixth rioterers who got pardoned got immediately arrested again.
And I feel like people are like pulling that over
them like a little threadbare blanket. But yeah, a guy
in Florida who prosecutors alleged attacked police with an explosive
device on January sixth, was just arrested on federal gun
charges because a gun was found during a search of
his home in twenty twenty three, which he wasn't allowed
to have that due to previous convictions, including domestic violence,
battery by strangulation.
Speaker 2 (12:45):
So do people who get their records or get pardoned,
do all their records get this sponged as well. Yeah
know that they did. I actually know that is it
just like they is it just like the clock has
been turned back and they are like nothing happened, Like
as far as records go, I don't know, I should
find that out.
Speaker 1 (13:03):
Yeah, the whole thing does feel like a wish fulfilled,
like a Genie wish. People you know, like, uh and
actually you're good now crazy, pretend none of this ever happened.
I will say, Joe Exotic having a tough time because, uh,
he released a statement from prison because he was expecting
a Trump pardon and it didn't didn't happen. So you know,
we get the word.
Speaker 2 (13:29):
According to Google AI, you still have a criminal history.
Speaker 1 (13:32):
You still have a criminal history. All right, good, yeah,
just so we can rest on our laurels there, Joexotic,
I will just say yet another uh, you know, victim
of the task rabbit assassin rule of thumb, where Brian
the editor talked about how task rabbit assassins are, you know,
not to be trusted. That assassin probably a cop if
you're finding your assassin on a task rabbit where they're
not going to be good at the assass.
Speaker 2 (14:00):
And wait there, wait a minute, there's assassins on task rabbit.
Speaker 1 (14:05):
I mean, just like anybody who you're just finding through
like it. Oh, okay, you know, I don't know that
they're rabbit, but they say.
Speaker 2 (14:15):
That is that is a wild thing that nobody's talking about.
Speaker 1 (14:23):
That's very funny. That's more like yeah, telegram or something
like that.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
Okay, like I got you, I got you, I get Yeah.
Speaker 1 (14:28):
Assassin's just like not not really a real thing to
be hopes you.
Speaker 2 (14:32):
Would listen, I had one finger on the app store.
Speaker 1 (14:37):
All right, let's talk about some stuff from the world
of entertainment.
Speaker 2 (14:40):
Let's do it.
Speaker 1 (14:41):
So there's a new TV show that is somehow real.
It's called FBI Colon c i A.
Speaker 2 (14:50):
So assuming it's a Dick Wolf show, you got it,
you know it.
Speaker 1 (14:55):
It's a Dick Wolf show. So there there's a Dick
Wolf show currently called f BI, and now they're doing
a spin off called FBI Colan Cia, which people have
been making fun of as like the most CBS show ever.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Yeah, it also logically just doesn't make sense. That's like,
especially because all you had to do was just like
change the fucking punctuation, Like you can make it a
slash and it would make more sense, but having to
be a colon yeah, somehow indicates that the CIA is
a part of the FBI.
Speaker 1 (15:30):
The CIA is in the FBI, it is not because
at all this point like this, the shows that do
this are like c s I and then CSI Colon Miami,
CSI New Orleans, Chicago, Fire, Chicago whatever. What are the
other Chicagoan's.
Speaker 2 (15:50):
Hospital me deep mad or whatever?
Speaker 1 (15:53):
But I think it should be called Chicago Colon Hospital,
Chicago Colon Hospital. But yeah, this would be like if
the Chicago spin off was like Chicago Colon New York.
You say, yeah, it doesn't. Yeah, it offends me more
as somebody who you know, took a logic class in college.
Like it's just like it should be like the easiest
answer to dismiss on a multiple option logic test. You know,
it's like, well it's clearly not FBI Colon CIA. That's
definitely not the answer.
Speaker 2 (16:25):
These are the people. This, This is where entertainment is
going right now, which is why I feel so dire,
like where a show like this can get made. And
like grammar errors, yeah are not just like on a
commercial or in a script. It is literally the show's
title is a grammatical error, like yeah, and that means
one of two things. It either means you were too
stupid to fix it or you actually think this is
going to make sense, and which is even scarier.
Speaker 1 (16:55):
Yeah, also a missed opportunity.
Speaker 2 (16:57):
Like I would like love if it was like called
the Federal Bureaus Central Intelligence, Like yeah, it's a cool name,
like yeah, and like you know maybe, because then that
that indicates, like there are some people in the FBI
who might also have a little hand in the c
I A. Sure, No, it's our it's our own central intelligence.
Let me write this, Dick, what are you at, Dick?
Speaker 1 (17:24):
What the fuck? Dick? Turn turn turn your turn, your
volume up to eight, hire me. You could just do
it with the like with the same font, just do
the same. Like there's a show called FBI. Now there's
a show called c I A and you call it
from the creators of FBI, CIA, from the creators of FBI.
You know, yeah, crazy, we should write TV jack, FBI
CI or c I don't know. There's a way to
write it that I feel it could be fun, but anyways,
it can't. You can't do the calling. Guys. We'll put
a writer's room together and get you a new title
by Monday if you just reach out to us.
Speaker 2 (18:01):
You see the tweet with all the different uh FBI universe. Yeah,
FBI s a FBI d m V.
Speaker 1 (18:12):
Yeah. People are pointing out it really feels like a
thirty rock joke, you know. Brian has suggested FBI DEI
as like a really interesting one. Briand the editor on
a roll. All right, speaking about a roll, the Oscar
Noms came out, and as I had predicted, Amelia Perez
is cleaning the fuck up. It is like just I
don't know. The second I saw I was like, oh,
the Academy is going to fucking love that, and it's
going to be very embarrassing for a lot of people.
So both it and The Brutalist are like the top
non generating films of the year, and they're both somewhat Yeah,
Wicked's right in there.
Speaker 2 (19:00):
Listen, I've not seen Amelia Perez. Yeah, I didn't even
really know what the fuck it was about. I'm seeing
what it's about now. Mexican cartel leader who gives gender
affirming surgery. Yeah, it's like makes it sticky to say,
it looks like a piece of shit.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
It's a musical it's I wouldn't say it's like a
piece of shit. It is like a big, messy, complete mess.
It's a movie about an important issue, made by and
four people who have thought very little about that issue,
that which does seem to be something that the Academy
seems really interested in, Crash being the number one example.
But you know Driving with Daisy, green Book, you know,
Driving Miss Daisy won Best Picture the same year that
Did the Right Thing came out. Green Book won against
like Black Panther and Black Clansman, And I don't know.
The music numbers are wild.
Speaker 2 (20:03):
Every single clip I've seen for it, I have thought
it's been a joke. I'm not even gonna lie to
every and like and I'm a look listen. I grew
up in theater. I love Wickeed, I love the stage play.
I enjoyed the movie. Whether you like it or not,
I'm not here to argue that. But if you put
a song from Wicked and put it side by side
to a song that I've seen, at least, I've not
seen a movie. And I'm sure somebody out there may say,
Jackist the movie is actually good, and maybe I'll give
it a chance. But the clips I've seen you put
them side by side, and to say that that one
at the Golden Globes over Wicket as far as best
musical in comedy was insane to me. It looks wild
and like you said, a lot of people, I've heard
no nothing good about it from people like us.
Speaker 1 (20:49):
Yeah, it is mind boggling. I think it's worth watching
for anybody who's curious because it is like a type
of musical that I've not really seen before. It is
a wild swing at like addressing something that they just
like haven't thought through enough. The filmmaker, who is French,
didn't research much about Mexico before starting production, even though
it's like a movie about Mexico and Mexican characters. He said.
He said, what I had to understand I already knew
a little bit.
Speaker 2 (21:23):
Oh man. What I needed to know about Mexico I
already knew was just going off VI baby. They like
tacos and the flag has three colors? What else do
you need to and also guns.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
He did the same amount of research that somebody who's
like researching the production of a taco bell commercial would
do in Mexico. Crazy, but the brutalist is getting we
talked about how The Brutalist is getting some pushback for
it like basically corrected a bunch of the accent work
in the movie, specifically like Adrian Brodie's Hungarian accent were
get like fixed it with AI, and people are like,
isn't that supposed to be like acting's job. They also like,
the movie's about an architect and like the architecture consultant
used Generative AI to create three buildings that are used
in the movie that were then like redrawn by an illustrator.
But it's just I don't know, there's a backlash to that,
which I feel like that's where I like I would
focus things like there are people whose job that feels
like specifically a job is being lost. Like there's so
many great artists and illustrators in Hollywood in the film
industry that could have drawn that for you, and instead
you like hired a consulting firm that used AI to
just like fire up three things, yeah, and then like
you redrew it, which feels like exactly what writers and
you know, other people were worried was going to happen
with how scripts are and where you just like have
AI do a draft and then instead of hiring like
a great artist. You hire some writer just out of
college and pay them very little to do a polish
on the script. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (23:14):
I mean, hey, man, listen, I don't know what you're
talking about.
Speaker 1 (23:17):
Speaker 2 (23:17):
The reason I struck for all those months was to
just hang out in the sign with my friends.
Speaker 1 (23:22):
That's what I heard. Yeah. And then the reason it
ended was because you were just you were like, oh,
I kind of want to get back to work.
Speaker 2 (23:28):
I love working so much work. And also that you
know the saw was going down sooner. Yeah, so it's
not as fun in Daylight Savings.
Speaker 1 (23:37):
Yeah. So I don't know, but anything else jump out
to you. The substance is like a movie that I
did not like this year, but I'm happy to see
get nominated as much as it did because it's not
the type of movie that usually gets nominated by a woman.
But yeah, Anora did well as well. Yeah, Wicked did well.
Speaker 2 (23:58):
I've not seen many of the movies ever nominated. I'm
not gonna lie to you, and I will. I'll watch them.
I'll watch a little, I'll watch some more. I should say.
You know, I saw Inside Out, to and Wild Robot
and Animated Field. Yeah, those were fun. But like, I'll
watch a couple more, But as far as the nominations go,
nothing is really standing out to me outside of just
my favorite the thing that I saw that I liked
the most out of all of those, which was Wicked,
which I know is not gonna win.
Speaker 1 (24:30):
But yeah, shout out to.
Speaker 2 (24:31):
Cynthia and Ariana Grande or getting their noms. John Chu
should have been nominated for Best Director for that. Yeah,
and we'll see. I am off the train that they
should not hold the Academy Awards this year since you know,
over forty thousand acres of our city has burned down.
But if we're gonna hold it anyway, we'll see who's
gonna win.
Speaker 1 (24:53):
Yeah, it seems like they are. It seems like they
were like, sh we're we're not talking.
Speaker 2 (24:57):
About don't tell anybody, don't tell anybody, don't I'll all
your body. The city is still on fire.
Speaker 1 (25:02):
Yeah, and it is a big, big fire burst out
in north of Los Angeles.
Speaker 2 (25:09):
Yeah, just yesterday, last night and one earlier in the day.
Speaker 1 (25:13):
Yeah, all right, those are some of the things that
are trending. Go buy tickets to Jaquise's shows at SF
sketch Fests this weekend, and Jaquith, thank you so much
for joining us.
Speaker 2 (25:26):
Go tell Jack how great he is in his DMS.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
Yeah do That's sounds like a great use of your time.
All right, that's gonna do it for us on this
Thursday afternoon. We are back tomorrow with a whole ass
episode of the show. Until then, be kind to each other,
be kind to yourselves, get your vaccines, get your flu shots,
don't do nothing about white supremacy, and we will hockey
all tomorrow. Bye.