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February 3, 2025 58 mins

In this edition of Guess Who's Back, Back ATrend, Jack and the one and only Miles Gray discuss their respective weekends, that Luka/Lakers trade, Trump's very dumb trade war and much more!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Hold open, Hold open, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
I do like the first question I had for you,
because I know you've been like unplugged. I was like,
but like, do you know about the Luca thing?

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm not. I mean I'm unplugged
in the sense that I I can't. I have no
mental bandwidth aside from navigating the crisis, which sucks because
I don't know. I mean, I don't. I don't know
what sucks anymore. That's the thing. You don't know what
fucking sucks, what's terrible anymore? Right, But I mean, best believe,

like my phone was fucking exploding with texts. Second, yeah,
and a lot of stuff caveat. Hey Bro, I know
you're going through a lot right now. Hey ron Bro,
I know, shit, it's crazy right now. But just just
so you know, lucas a Laker now. I was like,
once I saw that the text coming from Jabari, and

I was.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Like, yeah, Javari was first, you know, is gonna be
the first person who tells us anything.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
It's our shams or no, no disrespect, he's our woch.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
That's right, Yeah, exactly, that don't disrespect Jabari like that.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
But yeah, that was just a fucking I'm still we'll
talk about it. What the fuck? This is? Maybe some
kind of lead conspiracy.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
But it's so strange, it's so strange. But you know
you've made a good move when every immediately people are
making up conspiracy theories about the trade you made. First
disbelief in every front, like both Lakers and Mavericks, then
exactly and.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Then check check check check.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
And then just immediate conspiracy theories, some of which I've
dove in on and seen.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
The most likely one is the horse trading behind the
scenes with Adelson. Yeah, and the and the move to Vegas. Yeah,
that just seems because like why keep it so secret? Yeah,
if they said, hey, Lucas for.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Sale, they would be blooded.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Aside from a D, we don't have anything.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
You don't have ship. We don't ship, man, we don't
got ship.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
With the amount of picks places like okay, see have Yeah,
we'll do it for a D, Max Christi and a
fucking pick.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
I don't know that. I don't know if anybody's gonna
know what any of this ship means, Like it sticks
like do it sings like it does it does sting
like doo dooo.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
In fact, but I mean, James Carvo Do Doo special.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
There's a James Covell do Do saying coming straight out
of Dallas Republican Doodoo. Hello the Enner, and welcome to
this week trend edition of Dirtily Like guyst Yeah.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Yeah, yeah yah yaes is me?

Speaker 2 (03:12):
Yeah? Is me?

Speaker 1 (03:15):
I'm me.

Speaker 2 (03:17):

Speaker 1 (03:18):
We have to already acknowledge the fure.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Yeah yeah, sorry, that something that's changed since you've been gone.
We do have to acknowledge my future up top. My
name is Jack O'Brien, and I'm thrilled to be joined
once again by mister Miles.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
House is just some rubble. Hey now, hey, now you're
co host back in the shower this morning. Sorry, folks,
it's gonna be real.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
Go from here, Hi.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Sh I mean I just up top, well fucking to
thank you so much to everybody, Jack, to you, to Brian,
to Victor, to Bay to Justin, to Catherine to Anna,
to fucking everybody at the network, to fucking Zeitgang. I
cannot tell you. I mean, I'm sure you guys can
imagine how difficult it is to have your material life

literally go up in flames, but the outpouring of love
and support both like emotional and material has been so overwhelming.
I'm like, I'm really at a loss for words. I
was like her Massey and I we were looking at

all the messages from the listeners and we were so
overwhelmed to just really get an idea of just how
big this community is that we've cultivated from the show,
like just connecting y'all to each other, you guys connecting
to us. I'm I'm so humbled and I never thought

in a million years that I would need this kind
of help. I would never be in a situation where
I was really needing to lean on people, and the
manner in which people have come through made it very
easy to do. And I'm still just in disbelief out
of everything. But I just want to say, zey gang,

whenever you see me, please come up to me, because
I love all of y'all. I know y'all love us,
but I want to be able to show that to
you too as much as I can, because this has
been the craziest fucking three weeks.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Yeah, man, you're just You're the other side of it.
You're loved and it's all well deserved, which I know
is always one of the hardest things to see from
your own perspective. But you know, just like.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
The crazy shit is like you know, your your house
burns down and you're kind of in like the craziest
form of denial over it. To start off, like I
was telling you when you're like hey, man, like you know,
we're thinking about like what's the best way to help.
I was like, we're good, dude, We'll be on, We'll
be on.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
I mean I was reaching out like day one though,
so like that's yeah, I think, And continually you checked,
you kept yeah, yeah, you're a good friend like many
of my friends do.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
Hey, dude, just checking. Is there anything how you doing?

Speaker 2 (06:22):
And we're gonna be We're gonna I don't know, man,
maybe a cast roll or something down the road a
couple of weeks right now.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Fine, I have no home, I have no childcare, I
have no hair, I have no hats.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Yeah, your hair did so I do want it for
people who don't watch the videos of the show. Uh,
just you know, my Miles had a gorgeous head of.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Hair, unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
It was like now it's all gone.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
Yeah, hairline was so strong. Across Jaalen Rose was asking
me what my exactly give me the miles is that
it's real, Jalen like you, but yeah, it's where was
I all that to say? This is crazy? Oh? And
just like the hell I mean, we talked about this
on the show a lot, Like it's very difficult to

ask for help a lot of the times, I think,
just generally and especially in American culture, like we're so
fucking bootstrappy in a weird way. But it's funny how
like the people who are in the midst of it
can't really see how intense the tragedy is, whereas everyone
from the outside could acknowledge it. Yeah, even if they
don't understand it like very innately, like they do understand

what the stakes are here. And yeah, like I mean
I was just in pure state of like shell shock
for probably like ten days. Sure you trying to figure
it all out, But anyway, I don't know what happened
the last three weeks. I know Elon Musk is trying
to blame autism on Nazism or there's a correlation there,

a laker.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
That one is that So this is our first recording
since that one happened, And truly that feels like the
most surreal story because probably just because of like it
says something bad about me that that's the story that
really fucking the most.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Hest deportations, the lawful roundups, the violation of even American citizens' rights.
I don't know, dude, but how the fuck how the
Lakers did they do that? That for that? So anyway,
it's good to be back.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
I am.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
I was gonna say this in the overet underrated. Please
bear with me, folks. I'm I'm trying to regain a
sense of normalcy, like amidst this crisis. Anyway, everything's just
up in the air. I'm I'm I'm trying my best
to be back here. You know. Every day. Yeah, I may,
I may. I may have to pop out every now
and then to deal with existential crises that do pop up.

But anyway, it's going to be back. I'm done talking
about that for now. But guess what, it's gonna keep
coming up because that's what's going on with me and
again everybody. I cannot I just I can't keep thanking
the listeners enough for just checking in for all the
offers for like lodging places near and far, all from

Canada to the Midwest, to the East Coast to up
and down the West Coast. I'm just so fucking blown away,
and I'm so I'm just so happy that this is
like the energy of the people that listen to our show,
and this is the culture that we're cultivating through this
show because I see what's happening on some other fucking
podcasts nowadays and that I don't see empathy like that,

uh from from from those people, And like, so you
guys are fucking amazing.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
Yeah, thank you eternally.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Yeah, let's talk about some fuck shit.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
Sounds like a plant, all right. So this is the episode,
the Monday episode where we tell you what was trending
over the weekend. First, we let you get to know
us a little bit better by telling you stuff we
think is underrated, stuff we think is overrated. Why don't
I kick us off with an underrated? So, by underrated

is the idea of like having humility about how dumb
you are. This is like, this is the big idea
that got me into being into like philosophy when I
was a freshman in college and heard, you know, after
a lifetime of being around people with like really really
strong faith about big, very uncertain things, I you know,

intro to philosophy I hear this guy saying, brother, we
don't know shit, and that guy, little guy by the
name of Socrates, and yeah, I was like, that just
seemed like the truest thing, just the how little we
know being like the first thing that you're aware of,

like the mystery of it all, how little we know
about it all, making room for your own stupidity. And
I'm I'm seeing it slightly lacking in a couple places
these days. I'm seeing it lacking with like the accelerationists
who are like, yeah, let's just fucking tear it all down.

This is good that Trump is doing bad things and
killing people, because that will lead to a better future sooner.
It's just like, I don't know, I I guess, yeah,
you're just being really certain about some things you can't
be possibly certain of. And then obviously a huge problem
with authoritarianism itself, which like craves certitude over everything else,

just like big sweeping actions that knock down cities as
long as it like gives people something that they can
like be temporarily not uncertain about. But mainly I'm seeing
it with the Dallas Mavericks. Above all, the Dallas Mavericks.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
I'm seeing those fans. I am so sorry to you.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Yeah, I don't want to even say the Dallas Mavericks
their GM right, like the whoever made this decision for
I'm like having to jam this into my under it
like I I know, not everyone is an NBA fan
who listens to TDZ mostar statistically, Yeah, I went to it,

like my uh my kids and their friends all went
to dog Man, the movie dog Man last night, the Man. Yeah,
the dog The dog Man cinematic film just came out
and is doing By the way, bof o bo.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Wow, don't you have an album coming out under the
name dog Man X. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's dark
and hell hot, I think it is.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Yeah, it's the all DMX soundtrack to The dog Man.
It's really My kids came out with a lot of questions.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
Yeah, bitches want hit a little bit different when it's
an actual dog.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
So he's allowed to. Yeah, but yeah, so afterwards I
missed dog Man. My wife took took them to dog Man,
and then I came after and met up for dinner,
and I was just like going down the line two
different parents being like, do you like the NBA? Nope,
moving on, do you like the NBA. Nope, thank you

for your time. Do you like the NBA? Until I
found somebody who could, and I was just like Luca, right,
what what is what? Uh? Because I don't know. It's
a startling move, I guess for people who aren't I saw,
I saw it. Put in these terms, for people who
aren't NBA fans, it would be like if Destiny's Child

traded Beyonce to TLC for Chili like that, that's wow,
link off to the And that's nothing against Chili, that's
nothing against Anthony Davis, you know. Yeah, but like, uh,
it's it was just a very you know, Loop just
took the put the Dallas Mavericks on his back and

took them to the finals last year, and now they
just gave up on him halfway through this season. And
the question is why. That was the question that immediately happened. Yeah,
the guy at Dallas claims that he like made the
trade without asking any other NBA franchisees if they like

wanted to trade for him, Like he basically this is
a trade where he could have gotten so so so,
so so so much from like, yeah, he's he's the
best player, like everybody would want him he's like a
player that is called untradeable and they traded him for
like pennies on the dollar, and now the Lakers have

him and a lot of it. Just you know, you've
made a good decision when first of all, the first
response to the news breaking is everyone immediately assures each
other that the person reporting it has been hacked, which
was the first like just everybody being like, no, that's
not that's not a real story. And then everybody immediately

just starts trying to come up with conspiracy theories about
like why you would have possibly done this. But anyways,
back to my theme of like being so certain, you know,
like he was so certain that this made sense that
like he had some secret information that I guess Luca
is like hard to deal with behind the scenes and

is like not good at staying in shape.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
But like we saw that clip where Michael Finley snatched
that beer out of his hand, took.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
A beer out of his hands while they were celebrating
the ship.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
So it but just that's like some shit where like
in a you see that shit in a relationship where
someone's like, Babe, I'm not going to drink tonight. I'm
not gonna drink tonight. We're gonna go out. I'm not
gonna drink tonight, right, And then she was like, what
the fuck are you doing this beer in your hand
And they're like, oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Oh what I just thought. I just thought because we
were celebrating take you nowhere, that literally that was the
energy as they were celebrating going to the final. So
there was like trouble there. But like he he made
such a like an indefensible decision, like indefensible in the
sense that they're this produce, like what they got in exchange,

just like doesn't doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense
that he would keep it a secret. He was like,
thank you to the Lakers for like keeping this on
on the low with us for some reason, Like what
why would they Why would you think that was the
right thing to do? Keep it a secret. It's just
so confusing. I wish he had read a little Socrates

for the for the sake of the Dallas Mavericks and
just been like, maybe it is I who is wrong
and not literally everybody else in the world. You know,
maybe maybe focus group this one with just a handful
of NBA fans before concluding, Nah, it's this it's the

kids who are wrong. Mm hmm, it's everybody else. Yeah,
we just I think it's valuable to have people with
a healthy skepticism about their own ability to know.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Well, that's the thing. Sure, Just generally, I feel like
in a social dynamic setting, the people who are a
little bit more thinking, who are more contemplative and aren't
jumping to conclusions immediately typically don't get like the momentum
of people getting behind them right way, or someone goes,
You're like, no, man, when need doing this this? Tear
that down, destroy that, take that shit, turn it into

the color blue that that's no longer as Yeah, that
should be a mouse running everything. That kid back there,
that's my smartest employee from another company I have now
running through all the fucking payment systems of the goddamn government.
That kind of shit allows like it's quirk that deficiency

you have. Oddly enough gets the people who are thinking
a little bit more sometimes like, well, it's better I'll
just outsource my decision making this person. It seems that
they yeah, figured out, I mean they're saying it so confidently,
and yeah, and look at us now, could just.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Be growth incompetence. H This is the guy who apparently
so the GM of the Dallas Maavericks, is also a
former Nike executive who has this legendary story where everybody's
always like, why is Steph Curry signed with under Armour? Like,
that's not even a shoe company. That's like a company
that makes golf shirts for middle aged dads in the Philadelphia.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
Area, Camo hoodies with the pink breast cancer logo. That's
the weirdest combo of whenever you see the under Armoured
Camo breast cancer awareness. Ay, I'm like, that's America though.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
And now they're a shoe company because Steph Curry signed
with them. And if you want to know why Steph
Curry signed with them, one of the stories is that
he had a legendarily catastrophic meeting with Nike when Nike
was like, we want to make you your own shoe
and uh, a former Nike executive who is now the

Gem of Dallas. I think God his name is he?
The one him Stephen Seth called him Seth Seth, which
is his brother's brother.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Yes, who's not even close to being this the talent
that Steph is, which is so crazy to me that
you go in there, just like, just like you had
a medium. Michael Jackson like, hey, Tito, Tito, like the
fuck you know who the fuck I what are you
talking about?

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Okay, they called him Seth showed him a presentation that
was clearly designed for Kevin Durant's, like one of the
other sweat under Armour, because that's a Maryland company and
they were they were trying to work there.

Speaker 1 (19:42):
Maryland cred with Kevin Durant at the time.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
Anyway, It's yeah, hey, you can might just might just
be gross incompetence, but it also just feels like, I
don't know, let's be less certain of our of our
bad decisions running up the chain. Folks just might move wrong.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
What's odd enough? This has been one of the few
times I've been ashamed as a Laker fan for getting
a player.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Yeah, I'm like, oh man, yeah, usually this is what
Laker fans expect. Laker fans are just like.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
If you listen to Boosy's last season, I was like,
come home, Luca, come home Luca, right, but you were
saying it as a bit I mean, I say that
as like with my Lakers arrogance. But then I'm like,
now I sound like homegirling matrix because I'm like, no,
like this, not like this. I didn't I don't want
that for y'all. No, no, no, but anyway, yeah, here

we are.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
Anyways, you'll be enjoying it for the next decade. Yeah yeah, yeah,
I don't know, like something like it. But like even
the question, like people are like, all right, if he
has a terminal illness, this makes sense. But then like
you'd have to go through a physical Yeah, you go
through physical, the trade will be ruined, like the trade

wouldn't actually happen, so like that, even that doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
Look, this is I'm I'm guessing there's gonna be some
textures that emerge from this that will be very very
eye opening. Or we'll also see that casuals everything around us.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
Yeah yeah. One of the theories is the Andlesen family
who took over ownership last year. Basically they want to
turn the Dallas Sports Arena into a casino and they're
having trouble getting it through the Texas legislature. And also
Dallas is too good to like threaten to move them,
and that's like one of the ways that people leverage

professional sports franchises, being like well, we'll move you to
a different place. And so they're threatening to move them
to Las Vegas. So the theory is that they're just
doing the plot from Major League and yeah, you know
Tank god job.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
He got blown out by I think forty three points
against the Calves. Yeah too.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Yeah, it was crazy. They're down like sixty at one point.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
Yeah, oh that halftime score. I was like, yeah, oh
y'all they already have ninety points.

Speaker 2 (21:56):

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Well, also something he thinks under it under raided pop corners.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
Ever had corners?

Speaker 1 (22:04):
And they're like they're like rice cakes flattened into like
Dorito's style triangles.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
Oh yeah, I have had the kettle.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Corn flavor specifically. So I got a bag of these
as a part of Sorry your House Burned Down gift
bag shout out to the That was a great gift
bag though, because I don't know if it's the trauma
or the flavor, but I love these things now. They
are fucking so good. I bought the biggest fucking I
went to the store about the biggest fucking bag, and
I got through half of that so quickly. I almost

felt like someone who like turns into a werewolf from
like I need to chain myself.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
To a radiator, so I get away from these things.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
Yeah yeah, like like Seth Green and Buffy the Vampires
Layer like this.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Yeah yeah, I can't.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
Like I can't like when I when I, when I
do the thing where I'm time traveling through snacking, I'm like, oh,
something's up, something, let's not let's.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
Let's in here for forty five minutes.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Yeah, and then to bring it back to the fire again,
just underrated. How intense the trauma of your house burning
down is. I must say, the whole moment is surreal. Okay,
I'm not the same. I don't know when I will
be the same. My assumptive reality, you know, the presumed
future for my family has completely is in literal ashes.

That's very jarring and in a way, I don't know
it like it's hardened me in a hopefully the right
ways to sort of face the challenges that life is
going to be, you know, throwing our way just for
the coming decades. But like the part about like you know,
moving to a place like obviously my kid grew up here,
maybe kids who knows whatever that to for that that

vision to be completely wiped out of your mind completely,
because look, alta Dina is gone, like it's gone. The
blocks around me are fully flattened, Like you can look
your line of sight uninterrupted because of the lack of
structures there is. It's fucking it's freaky. So that's just
been a huge mind fuck. I don't recommend it if

you if you can avoid it, please do.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
It ranked pretty low on trip Advisor for things to
do in Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Right, yeah, b present for l once in a one
hundred years windstorm that then exacerbates wildfire. But anyway, I
will say, but the other part of that too, is
just amidst all of that. Like again, like I said
up top, what we've been shown is so wild, like
it's it's just I'm feeling like both extremes at the

same time, like of extreme loss and extreme gratitude for
what I have that I'm just trying to I'm trying
to get to the middle ish. But yeah, it's just
a because like you always see shit like this and
like the movies, you know, this is us that TV show, Yeah,
you know that famously burnt their house burned down a
crockpot fire. But there's like a I don't know, they

don't even know how to articulate it. It's just crazy.
It's crazy. It's crazy, But I'm just glad. I'm like trying,
like I'm We've got like a place to stay, thank god,
and we're not getting price gouged, thank god. Because the
fucking LA is filled with pieces of shit and also
the greatest people at this I feel like any place

in America, it's simultaneous as like some of the biggest
pieces of shit and also mostly the nicest human beings
I've ever been around. So those things are like settled,
and now that like we have a sense of like
stability to operate from like shelter and like childcare, like
you know, the guy's child is now in a place

where he can go and like sort of build new relationships.
Now that those things are there, like I feel like
I can really put my feet down and start doing
this shit again. But anyway, and so I am so
feels good. Feels good. It feels good, and I look,
I'm sorry, I'm gonna make weird jokes about my house
burning down because that's how I process things. I don't know,
if you listen to the show. I've never been able
to hold my tongue, and I make bad timing jokes

as it relates to trauma. That's just how I process things,
and hopefully it makes a little bit easier for y'all
because it makes it easier for me. It will allow it.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
All right, let's uh, let's take a quick break. We'll
come back. We'll do our overrateds and get to a
couple of new stories.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
We'll be right back.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
And we're back, all right. Uh so we did our
underrated right. Underrated was humility trauma of having your house
burned down? Yeah, powner, sorry, sorry, it doesn't mean to look.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
At pop corners houseburd down trauma. That's right, all right?

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Overrated. Uh. I gotta give it to my skills as
a man and as a father.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
Op rated.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
I had the Pinewood Derby for my youngest kids cub
Scout Troupe on Friday night, and he just like really
last year, I forget what happened, but he didn't. You know,
he just takes this event for whatever reason very seriously.
He's an artist. He like has a vision, you know.

Uh it was it was a dragon flame themed car
this year, like you know it was. I just was
working with him. He was art directing me, not like
in the shape, but it was it. We just like
got decals and shit like it's not don't be because
that's the other dynamics. I'm showing up. Yeah, I'm showing

up like real proud of the work we put in together.
And there are people there with like dragon shaped cars,
like they're like truly like the finest works of craftsmanship
that I've seen, Like just these fun like some of
the parents are like just art, you know, the artists
who work in physical like work with physical things and

like they create great ship Like what what was a tiger?
What was a shark shaped thing? Just really rubbed it
in my face as a Jaws head.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
You went to the toy store and got like the
fifty decals that you like, I got the cow like, ah,
we got elephants again, Hold on the next one, probably sharks.
Want to give me fifty more fifty more cents? Ah,
why is it so random? Get the one you want?

Speaker 2 (28:32):
The stickers and the little thing outside of.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
The little cardboards.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Yeah, yeah, exact Kroger Parking. Anyways, you know, we worked
on it together. I watched hour of YouTube videos on
like how to you know, not not I won't say hours,
but polished some axles, gave them a little bend, which
is something that you're supposed to do. Uh, and I
fucked it up his his car. The back wheels fell off.

How exactly that's a great question. Miles overlooked my skills
with the glue gun and did not glue gun the
axle on hard enough. And so my strategy going in was, Hey,
we might not win this thing, but the important thing
is that you now have this cool car that we

built together, and you'll have that for the rest of
your life. And immediately second heat, the car's fucking wheels
fall off. Hey's sobbing. I'm sobbing. It was. Yeah, it
was not exactly.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
I'm the one who took l so publicly. O poor kid,
My god, next year.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Next week, exactly this. My older son cares much less
about it. His car like came in third in his
race the next day. So it's just I think I
wanted it too bad, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Yeah, that's what happens. Also, you know, it's just don't
you know, let that be your child's experience, you know,
that's right. Maybe you inserted yourself a little too much.
Jack made it about yourself.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Yeah, I did.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
I was like, you're crying, crying, he's trying to.

Speaker 2 (30:20):
Cheer me up. No, it's no failure.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Mister Jack, Like, please don't swear in front of the kids.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
You too, Miles, not that far energetically from what was happening.
It was definitely like me taking it as hard as him,
Like you're smoking his cigarette and ship it was like, man,
Jack really seems like he's on edge.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
Where do you get those cigarettes?

Speaker 2 (30:50):
Yeah? I am always quick to apologize whenever I fun.
I'm like, look, man, sorry about that. That was That
was no good. So hopefully that works. I don't know,
maybe it just makes them be like Dad's unstable. But
every time I suck up, I'm always like, all right,
so daddy got got in a weird place there about

the Pinewood Derby, and I apologize. But anyways, we'll get
him next year.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Hell yeah, Hell yeah you will.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
What's uh? What's something? Miles? He thinks over at him,
stuff just having stuff? Stuff? You know what? Do not
study for?

Speaker 1 (31:25):

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Part? Sounds like an answer I would give.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
I believe stuff is overrated. To burden oneself with physical
items can lead to a disconnection from what is actually
the most valuable in couin greg human existence if I may, Yeah,

I mean it's just like the weirdest thing about this
is like the grieving period for my physical possessions was
maybe the shortest m Like, yeah, I got over that
a lot quicker than I did the everything else. Like
the displacement is like the hardest fucking thing, and like
the loss of your concept of community and home.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Yeah, Like you're in a community one day and then
the next day you're just in.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
It doesn't exist. It's not like and it's different when
you're like, oh, we had to move out of that
neighborhood because of X, Y or Z. It's like, you know,
the neighborhood is no more, and the people there are
displaced also and also shaking their fists at the sky
trying to figure out what's going on. But I also
felt like oddly liberated from not having a bunch of shit. Yeah,

even though many of those things had very deep meaning
and value to me, Like I lost all of the
music that I made, I lost all of my instruments,
all of my beloved Arsenal and Lakers jerseys, my fucking
photos and weird videos I made throughout my twenties that
were on hard drives. Like that's all gone, and like

when those things are taken away from you, you emerge
with a much deeper sense of like the overall concept
of what you just call value. So I have no
hats anymore, so I won't be wearing as many hats.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
You had an incredible clicktion.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Oh, really incredible, And when you start adding up the
money that you spent on it, then you start going,
what the fuck?

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Uh, mister is here on this insurance form the thirteen.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
Thousand dollars in hats? Yeah, dude, and not upside down
on a lot of them. Man. I still I was
taking out loans to get some of these hats, my
hat loans. Oh boy, I'm fucked, babe. We are fucked
for these hat loans. But it's just also interesting because
I'm taking this also as like a punctuation in my life. Obviously,

how could I not. Yeah, but I'm definitely in the
process of gaining an intense wisdom that I'm still processing.
And as I've told people, I basically did the most
wild version of Marie Condo. Uh does it spark joy
that you've ever done in your fucking life?

Speaker 2 (34:02):

Speaker 1 (34:03):
But yeah, I don't know, like it was kind of
for all this stuff, like all the family heirlooms, like
handwritten things that like my grandparents had, and like those
kinds of stuff you start to realize too, like you
have to kind of think to yourself also, like if
my grandparents were alive and I told them I lost
that note that you wrote, you know that that burned
up and I felt so terrible about it. I had
to really kind of like try and tap into that

wisdom of what they would say to me, which is
like you're alive, Like you're surviving. Like the whole point
of what I toiled through and what I had to suffer,
what my grandparents had to suffer, what their grandparents had
to suffer, was to get to a place where the
descendants live and can thrive. Those objects that is not

that isn't that doesn't define my relationship to my family.
If those things are much deeper, it's the memories that
I have, because those are the most intense things. Those
are just merely objects that can help resurrect these memories.
But those memories are contained with in me, and I
can imbue that same sense of value into other things
that aren't necessarily like the literal objects that they handled.

So yeah, I mean like there's just there's just a
lot like uh, but yeah, the stuff part of it,
it is what it is.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
It is, Yeah, passing those stories and memories and values
on to you know, other generations, and you know, I
feel like you know, and those values in particular come
across and who you are you know.

Speaker 1 (35:26):
Yeah, but I mean again, like it forces this very
intense process of like introspection that I'm also grateful for
because before that they're just merely thought experiments. A lot
of the times you do think of things like what
if I to leave, Like what would I take or whatever? Yeah,
and what what how what would I do if it
didn't a lot of people? Or like I don't know

what I would do if I was in your position.
I mean, human beings are very resilient, and I think
at the end of the day, we weren't wired to
fall apart when our trink gets vanish, right. It's our
sense of commune unity, our sense of belonging like love.
Those are the things that are that kind of make
our human existence really meaningful. And what I've gained in

those aspects are tremendous and completely offset what I even
felt the value was of, like the physical objects that
I lost. So I'm in the process of being very
trying to be as grateful as possible for that, although
not not the ideal way I would arrive at that,
but but I do.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
I would have written it.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
But you know, like a couple of notes for you God.

Speaker 2 (36:38):
All right, let's uh, let's take one more break, we'll
come back. We'll we'll dig into some stories. We'll be back.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
And we're back.

Speaker 2 (36:56):
And what the Wall Street Journal has deemed the dumbest
trade war in history is upon us. But before we
get into all the trade ship the tariffs, you know,
because we're we're big Episode one Phantom Menace fans, so

we we love talking tariffs and trade routes and trade wars,
trade federations, trade federations can't get orientalism. Also thing for me.
But uh, before we get into I guess like, so,
you haven't had a ton of time, but you've been

like viewing the events of the past three four weeks
from a distance. I'm just curious.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
It's like doctor Manhattan to exist. I've gone to Mars
to sort of take a take a quick five minute
breather but I've been viewing things from Mars with a
hydrogen atom uh emblazoned on my forehead.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
Yeah, and it looks good by the way you're pulling
it off.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Thanks, it's marker. Still, I didn't have the courage to
actually burn it into my skin, but I'm thinking about it.
It could look cool. I just don't know if it'll
turn to a kiloid or not. But anyway, yeah, I have.
I've heard tell of the of the tariffs, and then
I heard of the retaliatory tariffs, and then I saw
headlines from Republicans are getting a little weak in the
knees now because they're like, oh, like this hurts like

rich people too, and like it turns out like the
gas could also directly hit my community the hardest in
the Midwest. Well, it's just funny. Yeah, So I've I mean, yeah,
I guess in that sense, I'm probably still more informed
than the average Trump voter.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
Any anything, because you miss I mean, you missed the inauguration,
and you missed Elon Musk Hling Hitler, and just.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
I didn't miss actually any of that. I didn't miss
the back to back. Y m c A performs his
from the Village people, Oh I saw it's weird, even
though I'm like, I don't even know what the fuck's
going on. I I have this terrible habit of having
to want to know what's going on, even though I'm
also trying to figure out the value of an old

jacket that is, like spoke from the fifties that the
grandfer known.

Speaker 2 (39:21):

Speaker 1 (39:22):
So, yeah, I guess it's like it's just more of
the oh, you know what it really is. It's the
I just wasn't on social media. I think that's the
biggest thing, and it's good and bad. I mean, like
I've I definitely like since using Blue Sky, I read
that I get to read the stuff that i'd want,
like I hear from the people i'd want to hear from.

Speaker 2 (39:38):

Speaker 1 (39:38):
So I guess it's like the commentary around the headlines
that I've not really seen much of. But also like
every moment, like for example, when the fucking Hyle Hitler
shit happened at the inauguration or on an inauguration day,
that was definitely a moment when I go, Okay, well,
I don't have time for this shit. I got to
figure out where the fuck my kids can go to school, right, Yeah,
I definitely would like I would see I would brush

up against reality and go not today, Satan. No, I
wasn't joking. When I saw that clip from the video
episode if y'all talking about the Roseanne bar wrap thing,
I was like, yeah, this might be it for me.
I don't think might have to be. I'm fully off
this now because I have to do other things. So yeah,
it's like it's a weird relationship with reality. I haven't

quite gone full ignorance is bliss, because ignorance is not bliss.
So as much as I've I'm not. My heads weren't
in the books like they normally are when I'm doing
the show all the time. It was enough to still
augment the sense of terror that I had from dealing
with the fall out of a terrible wildfire.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
Oh good, Yeah, well, I just wanted to make sure
that you had that drip, that ivy drip of terror.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
Yeah you got to go.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
Yeah, all right, So we knew the Trump two point
I was going to be bad. Purposefully torpedoing the economy
while planes are literally falling from the sky is probably
worse than people imagined. Again, the accelerationists might be like,
oh I didn't see this particular version of things going

this direction, or maybe they didn't think it's worth it.
But he followed through on threats to hit the countries
to top trading partners Canada, Mexico with a twenty five
percent tariff and a ten percent tariff on China. And
you know he's in trouble when the Wall Street journal
is calling it quote the dumbest trade war in history
in headlines. Yeah. Just feel like we've talked before about

how tariffs are a blunt instrument, Like you get a
response from tariffs, like one specific response from tariff, but
it's like trying to fix a complicated machine with only
a hammer, right. You know I do tool metaphors now
that i'd time on a Pinewood Derby car.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
What about glue gun metaphors?

Speaker 2 (41:58):
Yeah? I mean this guy doesn't even have a guy
damn glue gun.

Speaker 1 (42:00):
Yeah, he thought he could go and heat up the
glue stick enough that it would stick. Wait, does that
not how those work? Okay? I got another YouTube video
for it to wash. Yeah, Like it's one of those
things where it makes sense on paper if you strip
out any context or nuance, and like much like your

hammer metaphor, it's like, yeah, I don't know, like banging
the shit out of it like with a TV like
back in the days, like it might work. Yeah, you
might also fuck it up worse. But I think they're
they're living off the well it might work. And I
think that's what kind of brings me to like what
the fuck is he actually doing here? Because I don't
believe that this heat his America for that's all bullshit.

He's not interested in making anyone's fucking life better except
for his own. So this is all like rhetoric for what.
And you know, like like the one thing from just
his own words is that he's deaf into like being
like the second coming of like William McKinley, who was

like the last president eident. And we ain't doing income tax.
We ain't doing an income tax, right because like in
the nineteen hundreds, federal income tax, like federal revenues were
coming from tariffs and that's and like and then then
and like you know that that was sort of like
the main way to raise revenues for the federal government.
So then this feels like a long term way to

make the conservative wet dream of no more income tax
or reality. But then if that's the case, what's going
on with these tariffs? Because we saw what happened, Like
the reason the Wall Street journals like this is the
dumbest trade wherever, it's because look, the stock market took
a shit last week, okay, and this is clearly that
all of this is having to do with the tariffs now,

is that it looks right now that the wealthiest are
the hardest to be hit because they love the stalks.
Normal people they're not as tied up in the stock market.
So really that pain is going to come from inflation
and diluted purchasing power that comes as a result of
these tariffs and higher prices. But because he doesn't give
a fuck about anyone except himself, that Timothy Noah the

New Republic raised an interesting point that this has the
trappings of a very trump asque shakedown of other billionaires.
So Trump has money problems, right, and he's currently pushing
a meme coin with many people holding lots and lots
of millions of dollars in this coin, which is basically
like a fun way to get Trump little little payments,

little thank you gifts, right, And I think just it's
looking like this whole thing with the tariffs and like
certain industries being protected over not is also just like
a pseudo mafioso tactic of a sort of like nice economy,
you got here, be terrible if tariffs fucked all that
up for you, and then from there get people to
fall in line. But I don't know, like that's that's

one dimension of it, because like when people are like,
this is not how he's gonna change things things better,
Like that's not stop acting like he's doing it for that.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
Yeah, that's not his motivation at all, not to make
things better for people. And it does feel like an
opposition that makes that point repeatedly would be helpful. I
don't know how that's going, but it does feel like,
I don't know, the things are getting really bad. He's
doing things that should be wildly unpopular with people, attacking medicare, medicaid,

you know, fucking do just making everything more expensive, and
even if it fucking only hits Wall Street, you know,
corporations love to, you know, send that pressure downstream to
people and like fire people take away for a one k,
you know, all all the all the shit that people
are going to feel that there's no corporation. That's like, well,

we're just gonna have to tighten our belts up here
and not down below, like that tightening belts means they're
going to fuck people. Yeah, it's just and like right now,
like there's just more INFI James literally James Carvell, the carle.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
Why is he still talking. He's like the fact that
they the fact that you put a Kamala Harris the
road for the president. There's like playing in a sun
string quarterback in the super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (46:14):
He said that.

Speaker 1 (46:14):
That's what he just said. This is a fucking quote
from him just now from this morning. I just read.

Speaker 2 (46:20):

Speaker 1 (46:21):
And then he goes back, he's like, well, yeah, President
Biden is to blame. Okay, first of all, assholes, all
of you fucks are to blame. So miss me with
all this ship and get to the fucking point where
you actually stand up to this ship. Because man, to
all these Democrats, they're still worried about their fucking careers
in Congress rather than doing the right thing. That's what's

the most terrifying thing to me. These people aren't willing.
Most of these people are not willing to fight. There
are something that clearly are, but most of the people
in leadership, they're still thinking long term. They're like, how
do I fucking how do I duck this ship? How
do I bob and weave? When it's like, bro, you
need to fucking stand up and do something. But again, please, people,
please keep this in mind as we try to rest

control of whatever progressive minded people want to have as
representatives in Congress, because these people are not going to
fucking do it, and they're continuing to fucking disappoint. I know,
Hakim Jeffreys just introduced some kind of ten point battle
plan to fight Trump. I'm sure we'll talk about that later.
But yeah, it's just we're just we're looking at a

very very unwilling opposition party in the Democrats.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
Yeah, I feel like tariffs might be the one place
that they get their shit together on because the Democrats
are the party of corporations, and corporations stand to lose
so much here that, you know, whereas well.

Speaker 1 (47:42):
They are the party of the status quo. It's certainly
certainly a threat to the status quo. Not in the
positive direction, but it's a disruption. And yeah, maybe they
maybe they'll get their marching orders from the donor soon enough.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
But There's this one like exchange where people asked if
he was going to impost Harris on the europeinionion. He
was like, am I going to impost Harris on their
European Union? Do you want the truthful answer? Or should
I give you a political answer? Absolutely? Absolutely? The European
Union has treated us so terribly. It just he seems
like he's so like that is also a big part

of the story is him getting to be up there
and act like a king tough, you know, like act
like should I should not? I don't know, so you will,
I won't. I let me put it this way.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
Yeah. Famously, I walked out of Anger Management because the
movie was so bad. I couldn't even stand it. Oh
so you're a tough guy. Huh.

Speaker 2 (48:38):
Yeah. It feels like his reason for doing it is
getting to give that answer and feel powerful. In a
lot of these cases.

Speaker 1 (48:48):
Because it's so disjointed from anything, it's like, oh God,
the senile old man from the campaign is the president
and now doing senile fuck shit. Yeah, and just being
like yeah, everybody, everybody can come get it. And then
when shit actually happens and he's like, oh, wait, they're
gonna there's more countries than the US that would band
together to try and fucking fight US. Oh and now

that we're seeing like all of these in kind retaliatory tariffs,
like he's been starting to fucking wobble.

Speaker 2 (49:17):
Yeah, it's funny. The one thing we've been noticing is
like the way the media covers the other country retaliates
or you know, pushes back or his fucked up policy
has like terrible effects and people, you know, like with Columbia,
it was like the price of coffee, like shot through

the roof, and like, right, he finds a way to
be like they actually gave in, they were scared of me.
They big win for Trump, and like the media just
kind of goes along with it. And that feels like
what's happening with Mexico pausing, Like they said that they
would put troops on the border to aid with the
and I don't know if they if Shinbaum did this
in scare quotes or not, but it was like to

aid with the sentinel trade.

Speaker 1 (50:02):
No, I don't think she's scare quote. She did the
jerk off motion.

Speaker 2 (50:04):
Oh yeah yeah, well put ten thousand at the border.
Yeah yeah, yeah, there you go, And uh, anything else Anyways,
he was like, we want we can lower the Mexican tariffs,
but it's also probably because the stock marker was taking
a ship, and that is truly who he answers to.
Like all American politicians like the thing that people who

elected an authoritarian like a lot of this energy for
people being like, we need an authoritarian, somebody who's outside
of the mainstream, who's not a career politician. What they
mean is like, we need somebody who's going to stand
up to corporations and like that is not him. Yeah,
that's that's not going to be him. He can do

shit that like is wild and scares them, but he's
also I think going to back down quite a bit.

Speaker 1 (50:54):
I mean this this happened a lot in his first administration.
There was a big swings and he's like yeah, well
and then enough time passes and then he just doesn't
acknowledge the l and he's like yeah, yeah, yeah, I
mean it didn't matter if everyone's against me, and they've always.

Speaker 2 (51:08):
Been flooding the zone with shit, yah, flooding it.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
And I think that's another thing too, is this is
all It was very disorienting to check in the news,
like every two day three days. For me, that's about
the pace I was doing while I was dealing with
everything else. My god, the amount of times I'm like,
holy shit, what okay, holy shit? What Elon Musk is
kicking people out of their offices and like physically removing

people so his goons can get access to computer systems.

Speaker 2 (51:38):

Speaker 1 (51:39):
What? All that stuff too is meant to overwhelm us,
and suddenly, in the midst of cash like, just please
settle onto something so I can deal with that. And
I think that's one part that we should keep in mind,
is that this is very much meant to try and
get us off of our our sense of like footing
here and knowing that fair is there is something normal

that we actually need to be holding onto. But at
the same time too it all of that happening too
just kind of remind me of the whole process of
like losing your house and a fire, where you're kind
of it's such an extreme new normal that you're suddenly
in the first stage of it is you're in denial
about it. You're like, what the fuck's going on? There's
no way this is happening. There is no fucking way,

And then very quickly you have to get to the
acceptance phase, because it's not as empowering to say this
can't be happening, This can't be happening, this can't what's
at least that's how I felt in dealing with my
own crisis, was not going like, this can't be happening.
What the fuck's going on? To it's happening? Now? What
the fuck am I gonna do now? To fucking make

this okay? Make this easier for me? Build for the future. Yeah, create,
you know, more scaffolding to make myself more robust to
defend myself from these things in the future. And I
think that's where we need to get to collectively as
a country, is to get off the like, what's going on?
Is this serially? Yes, it's fucking here, It's serious, it's here.

But the more people that understand the assignment, which is
no longer head scratching and being like is this guy
for real? And being like, this guy's for real? Now
we need to also think about what we get behind
and what our strategies are to defend against this. It'll
it'll make it slightly easier. Yeah, Yeah, it's it's extremely
extremely destabilizing and chaotic, and yeah, like to the what

they always say, flood the zone with shit. It's a
shit flood.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
It is a ship flood of Noah's proportions. Yeah, but yeah,
he he, he really went from I'll lower the price
of eggs to You're gonna have to deal with some
pain in a shockingly short period of time because he's
he's being like, yeah, prices are going to go up,
but uh, tough shit, it takes for me to swing
the big hammer.

Speaker 1 (53:52):
And I'm sure you've seen these things where people like
clip out Twitter interactions or like you know, truth social
interactions where small business owners are actually kind of realizing
how this is going to end their small business. Yeah,
and like because you'll see people in their replies like,
christer President, I've been a fan. I've been a very
loyal supporter of you since, you know, since since day one.

And I just want to say that some of these
things will raise the cost of materials I need for
my business to the point where I may no longer
be able to run my family business that I've had
for fifty years. And then you have other people be like,
shut up, you fucking lib and they're like, it's man,
I don't know but this shit will probably touch more
people in a way that they weren't expecting. And I'm

sure that's the part that the one part accelerationists people,
people who are celebrating were like, well, yeah, man, now
everybody's gonna fucking get it. And I mean, yeah, that's true.
But what do we what do we do after that?
Because it's one thing if people, you know, feel the
pain of what this terrible leadership is like, and it's
another if like they just don't do anything about it
and or just continue to just be like, yeah, well,

I guess I'll just get in line because he beat
the shit out of me with his tariffs and stuff.

Speaker 2 (55:00):
Right right, all right, we'll leave it there for today.
We're back tomorrow with no no. I want to keep
talking about what's wrong. We got Yeah, and if if,
if you got somebody to get behind by all means,
I would love to. Let's find that motherfucker.

Speaker 1 (55:18):
Let's just run for office, you know, let's do it.
You know, yeah, you run for Congress, I'll run for
and I'll run on a platform. I don't give a
fuck what they say, go ahead, primary, I don't give
a fuck. But I'm here while I'm here, I'm here,
Good fucking luck trying to get me to vote with y'all.
Fuck no, that's we need. We need that energy out there.
That's the energy that I think people are going to

respond to. That also could just be me and my
mid traumatic episode days, but hey.

Speaker 2 (55:45):
Yeah, no, I think I think we need Yeah, somebody
who is outside of the current system as it's existed
for the past. I don't know, lifetime, my lifetime, and
isn't using that power arbitrarily, you know, right, but is
using it to challenge the things that are making people's
lives worse.

Speaker 1 (56:05):
We don't need people who want to be in Congress
who come outside of the typical group where people come
from that are in Congress, right. We need people who
are completely disconnected from the same value system as the
current like that the current Congress subscribes to, which is
do whatever you can to stay in office. If that
means getting in line and completely going against your beliefs,

then I'll do that because I want to be in office,
like you need people to be Like, no, bro, use
your time at the wall to fucking do good and
then maybe if your shifts up and then so be it.
And then you send up the next people to do
their shift at the wall. And I don't mean the
fucking border wall. I'm at the Knight's watch Bro game
with of.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
Course we're all Game of Thrones.

Speaker 1 (56:46):
I think the only reason I said that I was
at a farmer's market yesterday and I overheard this dude
bragging to another guy about how he was an extra
and Game of Thrones. Wow, really big dick in this.

Speaker 2 (56:58):
Here? Wogni from uh I was.

Speaker 1 (57:01):
One of the walkers.

Speaker 2 (57:02):
Yeah, like, what are.

Speaker 1 (57:05):
You for real?

Speaker 2 (57:06):

Speaker 1 (57:08):
Yeah, I was like, I wasn't the night not the
It's funny because the guy goes the fucking like the
Night King. He's like, noah, no, no, He's like, but
I was near the Night King so earnestly, and I'm like, bro,
they shoot that ship in Europe.

Speaker 2 (57:23):
Yeah, so you're.

Speaker 1 (57:24):
Just flying out there to do extra work and then
you first class. Okay whatever, man, that's cool. It's good
to be back in the valley.

Speaker 2 (57:33):
Oh man, I was one of the walkers.

Speaker 1 (57:36):
I was one of the walkers. We I'm sorry, who
are you talking to?

Speaker 2 (57:40):
That's incredible. Yeah, I just want to follow those people
around for the rest of the day. See what kind
of ship.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
I wish I could derive a sense of satisfaction from
something like that that I completely made up in my mind.
It would be things would be so much easier. Instead,
I have to walk around denying that I do a podcast.

Speaker 2 (58:00):
It no, no, I don't know no podcasts.

Speaker 1 (58:03):
I'm ashamed of this podcast. I don't like the conversations
I have to have with people who are into.

Speaker 2 (58:08):
Like who are like, oh, Joe Rogan, you.

Speaker 1 (58:10):
Work in podcasting? Yeah, you know flagrant the Flagrant podcast? Like, No,
never heard of that. But anyway, I gotta go now,
just say.

Speaker 2 (58:20):
Advertising there you hey, in a way, we do, we
really do. All right, That is going to do it
for today. We are back tomorrow with a whole last
episode of the show. Until then, be kind to each other,
be kind to yourself, get your vaccines, whay you still
can't get your flu shots, don't do nothing about white supremacy,

and we will talk to you all tomorrow. Bye bye,

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