All Episodes

March 25, 2024 53 mins

In this edition of Hot 4 Gators, Jack and Miles discuss their respective weekends, Boeing's CEO Dave Calhoun stepping down (with a big fat payout, most likely), Biden signing a $1.2 trillion spending package for govt. funding (including a nice little bag for Israel to continue their rendition of Stage 9 of "The 10 Stages Of Genocide"), Trump getting a little more time to weasel his way of the trouble he's in, Kate Middleton NOT getting a BBL, a box office update (feat. Sidney Sweeney) and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this Monday Morning Trending
edition of Journally's Guy Say production of My Heart Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
This is a podcast where we take a deep.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
Dive into America's shared consciousness, and in this particular episode,
we tell you what's been trend in, what's been up
with us? Check in? It's Monday morning for us. My
name is Jack O'Brien. That is Miles Gray. Yep, yeah we.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Are Yeah, all right, so far back, so far okay,
yehack no lives detected.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
So this is an episode where we dig into the
things that we're trending over the weekend, that's right, and
also get to know you a little bit better by
telling you a little bit something about ourselves by getting
into a little overrated, underrated.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
So let's kick off.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Should we kick off with an overrated rated? Yeah? Okay,
you want me to start?

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Why don't you kick it off? Vinitary?

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Kick it off Vinitary style. So I was listening to
the Action Boys podcast over the weekend, and yeah, it's
the John Gavers podcast. It's a Patreon show. It's very good.
And like a thing that comes up a lot with
them is that these movies all like these eighties action

movies that I was raised on all have heiro cops
in them, Like that is a significant genre of public
figure and I was totally prepared for that, that that
would just be like all right, so, like of the
one hundred famous people I know, probably twenty of them

will be hero cops. Like a lot of the movies
just start off with somebody who's already like Tango and Cash,
I think before the plot of the movie even really
kicks in, they are both hero well known, household name cops, right. Essentially,

even the trailers revealed that with like Detective Blah Blah blah,
you know, one of the.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Most hard hidden detectives on the force, it's never just
like here's some schlub.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
Yeah, I know they think you're a real hot shot,
but you're still in my department pal, Like you know,
everybody knows your name, and it's just wild. Like this
is something we talk about on tomorrow's episode with Sarah
Marshall from Your Wrong About Like there, when there's a
movie myth that they like really want to be true,

they will usually be able to find a single example
in the news that they can then like blow out
of proportion, right, Like there's a robbery. Robbery is out
of control, you know, shopliftings out of control, the you know,
there's a crime ring that you should be afraid of.

But like we talk about it with Sarah in the
context of human trafficking. But it's it's also wild just
like that there are no like they want hero cops
to happen so bad, right, It's it's wild that we
don't have like any lasting hero cop figure, Like there's

no Sullenberger of the police force.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
I feel like the most well known police are the
disgraced ones.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Yeah, disgraced and you will hear like hero cop used
when there's like a fallen police officer. But there's nobody
who's just like this guy really like did an amazing
job of police work and busted the crime ring and
like did this really brave thing that we happened to
catch on camera. Like never or you'll be.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
The headline like Domino's pizza delivery guy, like saves child
from burning house, you know what I mean. Like it's
always like, holy shit, dude, what that guy hero Domino's
pizza delivery guy. But when we see the video of
the actual crises, the cops tend to be the ones
running the other direction. Yeah, yeah, there is no real

life John McClain, you know that, Or is it just
because I think we're so I have a feeling it
must be like the evolution of like the war hero
from yesteryear that we slowly morphed. We use that sort
of analogy or that example of like a violent man
who was heroic and then slowly mapped that onto the

police because back then, I mean, you know, there are
plenty of like war heroes. If you're like this one
guy fought off twenty Germans or whatever, and they're like
like they were household names to like our grandparents.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
It stands to reason that that would have translated to
back home. Unfortunately, the police force is a just rotten
to the fucking core institution, right to impossible to sustain.
Like it's just like, yeah no, every time we the
local news with like very little journalistic integrity, every time

we take a look at them, it like doesn't hold up. Yeah, right,
hero Yeah, the World War two.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
We're missing the World War two here. I was just
thinking of that guy Audie Murphy.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, like tiny guy who like took
out forty Germans.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Yeah, solo one guy on eighty Germans type story, and
that was I remember, like I remember an older guy
like shaming me for not knowing who that was.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
You don't know Audi Murphy.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
You don't know Audi Murphy.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
And I was like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? Man,
I'm trying to buy a book on tantric sex. Dude,
what the fuck is this?

Speaker 1 (05:31):
But anyway, yeah, that mistake. If you were Irish. That's
the first name they teach us when we were born,
Saint Patrick and Audi Murphy.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Yeah right, Oh god, Well, look, we all have cultural
blind spots, don't we.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
My Oberrated is one of my favorites.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
James Cavill old Cabo. Oh boy, he there's a there's
a headline here that he just gave an interview, and my,
my boy, he sat down with The New York Times
and I said.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
A bunch of old dribble out of his old snake spout.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
He said, A suspicion of mine is that there are
too many preaching females. Don't drink, people, don't watch football,
don't eat hamburgers. This is not good for you, he said.
The message is too feminine. Everything you're doing is destroying
the planet. You've got to eat your peas.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
This guy's lost the fucking plot because if you listen to.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
The Democratic elites, NPRS might go to place for that.
The whole talk is about how women and women of
color are gonna decide this election. I'm like, well, forty
eight percent of the people that vote are males. Do
you mind if they.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Have some consideration? Dude, this he goes on and on
and on about this shit.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
He's just it's just like, wow, I just again, please
y'all put put this old fucking creature to bad Stop
asking him questions.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
He is.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
He is a sentient alligator from the buskil that you
put in a mic in front of it. He's like,
I got some opinions on females in the podcast.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
Dude, get him out.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
Give him an animal Planet show where he's going around
on a fan boat just you know, describing nature yet.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Or just him on a fan boat describing alligators as female.
Oh that's a female that one over there. Yeah, look
right there, look right there. You can tell that's a
female by the way she's looking at me. Yeah, You're like,
what is this an animal show? Just sounds like he's
hot for gators. James Carvel's Hot for Gata's show. This

one won't tell me that I'm destroying the earth and
I need to consider them. It's like, dude, can you
can you actually look? Can you do you understand patriarchy
at all? Do you understand what like how set and
stone a lot of male voting patterns are. Do you
understand like how important the issue? Like I'm sorry, but
there are no existential threats in the form of bills
and laws that affect men as cisgendered men at the

moment to be like, can we get some consideration too,
like for what you're not oppressed, but when you're talking
about what's motivating, like he's so he's so upset at
the idea that there are motivating forces that would bring
women to the poles or uterus havers to the polls
that he's.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
Just like, Okay, who's gonna talk about us?

Speaker 1 (08:17):
What about the Hamburg agenda? It's like, what, shut up, dude,
under represented NFL enjoying beer drinking demographic, and when now
the only thing you need to do be someone you
could have a beer with, have a.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Beer with, and then you could do war crimes.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
That's all It took if.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
You could crack a beer, that you could strike fear
into the hearts of millions and take untold amounts of life.
But yeah, he said, like they're taking over the culture
of the Democratic Party. So again, this is like something
when as we get like you know, as we move
on and progress occurs and people are fixed, you're like, oh, right,
James Carvel's like at best center, right, you know, this

kind of take a feeling and.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
He's this clon Democrat.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
Yeah, and he's still people still point to him as
if like what he has to say is, yeah, okay,
he helped.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Clinton win in ninety two.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
Yeah, that's thirty two years ago. That's what we got about.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
Yeah, anyway, but that one's a female there, that gator
you could tell, you could.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
Tell jungle Cat that you're pointing at.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
I get it anyway.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
But yeah, as I said, lower the snake nipples that man,
and he just need to go slither away into his
little hottie hole.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Yeah. The New York Times still being like, what about
this guy, he might have something of resperspect upon things.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
We asked a horny old alligator what he thinks about
the state of the Democratic Party. Thanks Den and disray. Yeah,
and he knows they do love to talk about that,
and he's the one that'll give it to you every time.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
But again it's because that's like he's like a hater
on the outside and doesn't his opinion is irrelevant at
this point, and it has been for a long time.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
On the outside gate on the inside.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
But we need to put some limitations on how many
gator quotes we get from elderly gators. I think they
don't have much to add to the discussion or discourse.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
All right, my underrated Uh just keeping it very simple. Uh,
what kind of animal is this? Videos? Would you be
on like Twitter? Or is it particularly what kind of
fish is this? To always hit for me? Like you

know that I've I've linked one in the dock where
it's looks like a shark that someone has crudely you know,
used AI to photoshop like kissy human kissy lips onto
like person kissy lips and just like trying to like

but it's in fact a sturgeon. Their lips can do
for some reason is just like yeah.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Like like a mini mouth come out further.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Yeah, like it truly a lot of the ship that
you find with this or you know, it's just looks
like an alien symbiote or you know, a koy wearing
a skeletor mask. But that's just like what is printed
on a ped for some for some reason. But I
don't know, like that's nature is really like will surprise you,

especially if you don't. So here's my advice. Don't learn
about nature. You just go and counter it by going
fishing or you know, going on a wildlife tour. I don't.
I don't know, but it's I just remember fishing when
I was a kid and catching things that you didn't
know existed and didn't know like could exist, Like it

was like conjured from a nightmare. Yeah, and they're like, yeah, no,
that lurks at the bottom of the sea. That's just
what lives down there. Really, Like in in water, uh
is is where some of the wildest ship Like sometimes
there's just like a what looks like a puddle of slime,
but it's like crawling toward you. Like, yeah, the thing

that you see a lot, and uh, I don't like it,
but I do. It makes me feel small and makes
the world feel enormous and makes me be like maybe
we don't need to find aliens. I don't like they're here.
I don't like it.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
I don't like the animals. They freak me out.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
I remember seeing a mud skipper from the for the
first time, and like I only knew it from Ren
and Stimpy, like as a cartoon thing from like the
Ren and Stimpy show. And I was like, that ain't
a real fucking thing. And then I saw, like an
actual mud skipper. This is a fucking abomination.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
And it's with that can like crawl up into the mud. Yeah, yeah,
and skipper around, gaylic.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
Give around, kind of like one of Jane carvill favorite
kind of people to hang out with, just a whole
mud skipper, get mud skipper, getting rich, all that old
mudsk old mud skipper in a newborn mud skipper. What
newborn mudsk these are? These are colloquialism that only you

know when you hang out with Cavil.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
But yeah, no, I I I don't know.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
There's sometimes when I see it, like I do like
the majesty of the Animal Kingdom, but I it is
it's sometimes like the visuals of them to give me
a bit of creeps.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Yeah, yeah, no, no, for sure, there's a couple that
I've been enjoying in the past week that are I'm
not sure I ever got a consensus opinion on what
it was, but they just like cast a some bait
into like a little mud hole on the side of
a river, and just a fucking beast the size of

like a small Honda Civic just swims out of the
hole and like gets hooked on. And then there's another
one where it's just looks like a catfish, but then
you get to its face and it's just got like
the net like fifteen fangs like poking out of its jaws.
Is just wild. Yeah, And then there's like some good
Jaws style like shark videos that I'm starting to see

that I don't know.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
You're just coming full circle. You're you're embracing your inner
child again.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
I am. It's it's making me feel young, which I
need at this time.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
Have you gone to the Aquarium of the Pacific with
your kids.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Of the Pacific in Long Beach? Yes, we've been there
a number of times. The blast.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Yeah, I feel like you'd probably like you just go
and like knock on a door and like, is there
something I can talk about? Like sharks kind of tell
me about shark stuff really quick.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Is there anybody here that Uh? But no, I don't
want to hear what you have to say. I just
want to like talk about sharks like yeah, yeah they are. Yeah.
I have about thirty questions that are all. Have you
seen this video? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Well you keep showing me like handheld camera phone footage
that you took inside the theater when you're watching the
mag But I'm sorry, what what is your question?

Speaker 1 (15:14):

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Where is this thing? How do you get one?

Speaker 1 (15:18):
That aquarium tank? Is that big one when you walk
in and sometimes they're cleaning it and you can see
like what how big the fish are next to the
humans inside? And it's like, oh, that sea bass could
swallow away human if it wanted to. Fucking doesn't make sense.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Easily eat your leg very casually.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Yeah, how about you, moles? What's something you think is underrated?

Speaker 3 (15:41):
I think we're underrating people who don't know a fucking
thing about sports.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
In a few brackets from Madness, there's there are a
couple where people are getting absolutely pieced up by people
who are like just pulled in like last minute, who
were like even admittedly their team names, like for their
bracket is I don't know sports.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
Another one's like I've I never watched college basketball just
to like rub it in, and these people the accuracy
of their brackets is unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Yeah, like the upsets.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
That they somehow picked and then like just if they're
netting out like ninety eight percent accuracy.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
Yeah, it's blowing my mind.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
And I feel like there are there aren't enough studies
as to why someone who can just look at a
like a fucking bracket know nothing about anything, just like
maybe essentially like they've heard of these universities and then
pick just accurately pick the winners of them. I don't
know what it is, if there's like a wisdom of

the uninitiated or someone who is not like, you know,
weighed down by like not like seeing too much basketball
or like reading too much analyzes about basketball. But there's
something magical that happens, I think. And every person who's
ever been in like a bracket, like in an office
pool or something or like, there's always the person's like yeah,
I just kind of I don't know, Like I just

like this state. My grandma is from there, and my
uncles from this went to this school. So I just
kind of rode them to like the end, and you're like, how,
how is there a way to replicate this or is
this just some kind of weird phenomenon in our society
that we have to deal with. Yeah, it's that, I
feel like the Partially it's explained by the fact that, like,

there are way more people who don't know shit about
college basketball, especially now than before.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Like I used to be a college basketball fan. I
don't know shit. Now I'm just just vibe.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Yeah, I vibe mine out and I'm doing okay.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
Admittedly, but there are people who are like, I've never
I don't know that I had never heard of North
Carolina as being a basketball university and my.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
Life Yeah pretty holy shit. Yeah yeah that was Yeah.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
I think everyone has has heard that version of like
I'm just picking off the uniforms that I like, and
maybe that is a better version. But anyway, all that
to say is I I salute the people that engage
with these things, and like I'm I don't know if
it's driving me up mad, but I'm more amazed at
how consistent this phenomenon is. Whenever it's like than a

world cup pool, fucking March madness pool, anything like that
where people who are like, I don't know anything, but
like this this is my these are my feelings, and
they're accurate.

Speaker 1 (18:26):
Yeah. I mean everybody talks about that octopus that was
always able to pick the World Cup, but that octopus was.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Actually a huge football fan. So yeah, that massive football fan.
And I'm also massive gambling debt.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
That octopus is fucked.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
Yeah, there's a reason we don't we don't hear from
that octopus anymore.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Yeah. I am ninth out of fifteen in my office
pool right now.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
So in my hilling performing pool, I'm in fourth, but
I'm tied with like sixteen people in fourth.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Wow, it's a big pool.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Yeah, a little over twenty something.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Okay, I'm not mad. I'm not mad that I fucking
this up so bad.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Hey, are you just supposed to know some about basketball?

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Dude, dude, shut up.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Man, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Do you have like a podcast or something? Nonba not
this crap? Okay, yeah, this crap. All right, let's take
a quick break and we'll come back and talk news.

And we're back and uh Boeing finally, you know, a
victory for the little guys, except not quite the Boeing
CEO Dave Calhoun announced he is stepping down for reasons
that should be pretty obvious. And you know, this is

might remind you of when this exact same thing happened
in twenty nineteen, when the Boeing CEO stepped down in
disgrace after their plans started falling apart.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Yeah, the beginning of the Max seven thirty seven drama.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Yes, we first entered our minds.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Yeah, so they were like, we better get this Dave
Calhoun guy in here to fix this thing up, get
things run in ship shape. If the ship is the Titanic.
You know, did a good job. But he claimed in
an email that the Alaska Airlines incident was a watershed
moment for Boeing and said the eyes of the world

are on us. We're going to fix what isn't working.
We're going to get our company back on the track
towards recovery and stability. And therefore him leaving, Oh oh really,
that would not That's actually not my thing. I'm more
of a like kind of leave a thing broken. That's
all right.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
On the way there, some people took some cash, some
people made out with some cash, but yeah, and some
people crashed.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
It's the other hard part.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
It's kind of what so. His predecessor, Dennis Muhlenberg, was
also forced to resign in disgrace following two crashes in
twenty nineteen. At one point, it was believed that his
compensation would total thirty nine million, or roughly two hundred
and seventy times what the company is paying out to
family members who lost a loved one in the Max

seven thirty seven crashes. But it's not enough. Yeah. Once
people like caught on to that, yeah, it, things changed
and he ended up walking away with oh shit, sixty
two million dollars more somehow, because Boeing is just unaccountable
to anyone.

Speaker 3 (21:55):
The shareholders are like, hey, I don't know, I don't
know if we need to give that guy fucking sixty
two million dollars.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
Yeah, yeah, why not?

Speaker 3 (22:01):
One day it could be me and I want a
golden parachute to sale back down to Earth.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
On As for the ones that could actually be US
did a little math based off of the thirty nine
million being two hundred and seventy times with the company's
paying a quick maths, and that means that people were
paid one hundred and forty four thousand dollars for eight
people dying for Yeah, yeah, they're incompetence.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
Can they They should be. They should come out and
explain their math.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
Here they're like, okay, a victim of our negligence, that
one life is worth one hundred and forty four thousand.
Now me, the person who is responsible for the untold horrors,
I get sixty two million dollars to go away.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
And I took the risk of taking this really difficult
job and in which there's absolutely no liability for me,
only for the corporation that I am now leaving and
getting paid extremely well. But to leave really interesting. Only
took the risk of, you know, possibly dying in the plane.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
H exactly.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
But anyway, check my boat out, the seven thirty seven
Max a little bit tongue in cheek, but I figure
I got to give it up to the source of
this boat.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
But I like how the outgoing CEO is.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
Like the Alaska Airlines sing was a watershed moment for Boeing.
And then you find out the FBI has been contacting
passengers on that Alaska Airlines flight and say, quote, I'm
contacting you because we have identified you as a possible
victim of a crime.

Speaker 1 (23:35):
That first of all that sounds like a scam. Uh,
I'm just like it's not. But like if I got
hell from the FBI, I'm contacting you because we have
identified like they need to work on their copy h
to keep it like one step ahead of whoever's writing
the savam emails. Yeah, but uh yeah, So the Justice

Department has opened to criminal investigation into whether the panel
blowout violated terms of a twenty twenty one settlement that
let Boeing avoid prosecution for allegedly misleading regulators who certified
the seven thirty seven macts. So there were rules from
the previous fuck up that led to their previous CEO
getting ousted, and those rules that were put in place

might have been violated in this instance where the fucking
door blew off.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
So jikes, well, yikes, yeah, yea god. I've always like, yeah,
maybe there's some there's some kind of karmic debt here,
and it's like I don't know, Yeah, here's here's millions
of dollars to just leave and the merry ground continues.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Yeah, it's h one like the payout though, to the
to the victims, to the families of the victims. Crazy
crazy that it's that much smaller.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
I've also read things like Boeing might not survive with
out help. It's like, then that's their fucking fate.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
Yes, don't fucking don't dip into our fucking pockets, being like,
we gotta prop this fucking company up.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
Yeah, no, you don't. Yeah, let them fall, and then
you know, prop up other non monopolistic companies that haven't
captured regulators.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Yeah, but I think it's and but who knows.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Because it is one of one of two major airline manufacturers,
like and the other being German, they're gonna be like
a man, We're gonna have to kind of fucking keep
this fucker up man, fun boy or no French, I'm sorry,
Airbus is French?

Speaker 2 (25:37):
Pardon me part do name wa Actually is what I
should have said, all right.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Over the weekend, Joe Biden avoided a potential partial government
shut down by signing a one point two trillion package
of spending bills, which included more money for cancer research,
mental health funding, an expansion of access to childcare, and
sounds pretty sure no reason to do keep going. Oh wait,
also three point three billion dollars for Israel.

Speaker 3 (26:04):
But they were just saying that they they said they
better watch out or they're not gonna be so nice
to Net and Yahoo.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Yeah they said, uh, Net and Yahoo was cruising for
a bruising while winking at him and uh yeah and going.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
No no, no, no no no, put them be like oh,
shaking his fist.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
Yeah yeah man.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
And also the other really fucked up part about this
was that they're banning funding for the UN Relief and
Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees as we always say UNRAW
or U n RWA.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
You probably see that abbreviation until twenty twenty five.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Yeah, and this when the when the stories first came
out about how they were going to pull funding because
Israeli intelligence had determined that a group of people working
with that agency had participated in the October seventh attacks.
Like that, that was a huge blow to the people
that are in Palestine right now because they that those

are the only people that are providing EID essentially, like
they most of the population relies on this group for
food for aid, and if there's no funding going there,
that is going to be catastrophic. When already, even prior
to this, people were saying, dude, we've never seen famine,
the likelihood of famine ramp up at a pace that

we're seeing right now in Gaza, and.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
This seemingly as the engineered famine. Like it seems like,
how is there not going to be famine if this
is the plan.

Speaker 3 (27:34):
Right, especially with a new announcement of like their policy
that they're saying, we're not going to allow any food
in right, Oh for what reason?

Speaker 2 (27:44):
We don't not none given at the time of the reporting.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
Yeah, I mean the reason that they've given is they
claimed that the UNRWA had like members who participated in
the attack, right, that logic and like so first of all,
like that quote about like this is the only way
for people to get aid to get food right now,

like the whole population is relying on that, like comes
from the Guardian, you know. Yeah, there's this article about
that claim that un RWA employees participated in the attacks.
There's an article in the Wall Street Journal that is like,
oh no, but US intelligence reports assessed low confidence that
a handful of staff had participated in the attack, indicating

that it considered the accusation to be credible, though it
could not confirm their veracity.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
Yeah, that's a big issue, especially when the reports that
we did hear about when they said, well, how did
you find how do you know that these people participated?

Speaker 1 (28:45):
They're like, oh, they they admitted to it for being tortured. Yeah,
it was torture. They used torture in the interrogation, which
isn't that and that doesn't work? I heard I was.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
I was alive for the War on Error and the
subsequent fallout around CIA black sites and the use of
torture and what was the assessment that even the CIA
gave It was a counter productive tactic and was not
an effective means of intelligence gathering? Right, and we're still
but we're using that and I'm not you know, potentially

there may there could have been people that did that.
But does that actually mean that the entire group as
a whole now saying oh yeah, yeah, Because if we're
doing the one bad apple thing that we got a
lot of, we got a lot of things to throw
out with this logic, right, if it's really like, oh yeah,
a couple people, couple people, but the whole entire organization
that's been providing aid since nineteen forty nine has to

now completely like be gutted of funding. That does not
make sense. But yeah, I mean and now the latest
thing we've heard is now I think Kamala Harris said
something to the effect of, like, you know, if they
if they go through with like an invasion or like
attack in Rafa like.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
That, you know, consequences. We haven't ruled out any all.

Speaker 3 (30:02):
We haven't ruled out consequences or kinds of consequences if
the Israelis follow through with that threat. But I don't
I'm not sure what those consequences are. They haven't really
been articulated. And when you see aid packages still being
pushed through and funding, I'm hard pressed to see that
these are this is like, these are tangible consequences or

at least it's just it's just purely rhetoric when it's
fucking disturbing. This is well, we're talking about fucking famine
and people are blocking aid trucks from going in, and
it's just like, I don't know, that's yeah, that's the
stance of this.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
Specifically said they're not letting aid in and this is
the only way, like, based on credible reporting, this is
the only way the people inside Palestine are getting or surviving.
And Israel has openly said that they won't allow the
aid in it's a true fucking crisis.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
Yeah, and yeah, we're just still getting rhetoric, just little
shifts in rhetoric rather than like real tangible things.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
And it's just like weird.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
Because even in like the like the last like over
the weekend, like Yavin Newsom's like suddenly like I'm actually
for a seasfire, and like other people are being like
I'm actually for a seas fire. So it's it's just like, really,
it's grotesque to see politicians playing politics.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
When they see that, they're like.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
Oh, that's not a it's not a popular stance to have,
which is to be like, I don't know, let let
them do whatever they want, even if it's at the
expense of innocent life.

Speaker 2 (31:30):
Like yeah, all.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Right, let's uh, let's take a quick break and we'll
be back. And we're back, and uh, today is a
big day for Trump. He's doing court in the New
York hush money case, where jury's selection was supposed to begin,

but kind of everything's up in the air following a
massive document dump belatedly delivered by the Feds. But in
addition to that, one Trump's four hundred and fifty four
million dollars is due and if he doesn't pay up,
Attorney General Letitia James will be cleared to start seizing
his assets and but his lawyers have said it won't

be delivered up right.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
Yeah, But here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
Just now, it's been reported that he got a bit
of an extension. What he got ten more days. He
just got from an appellate court. He was just granted
a ten day extension as long as he puts up
one hundred and seventy five million. First you can get
a ten day extension and then you do have to
follow through with the appeal or else no go. So

I don't know a bit of a lifeline. I was
it's my friend's birthday, and I was like, oh, your
birthday's the same day as when Trump might have to
give up all his money.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
And now, like god damn it, they just put there's
everything a fucking joke here.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
Yeah, yeah it is. Oh yeah, I mean honestly, yeah.
I mean, like I was just reading about that. I'm like,
what the fuck? But I thought we were anyway. But
I shouldn't be surprised because he's a he's a little
snake man who's able to wriggle and writhe his way
out of things.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
This has been his entire career is like doing wrong
and then just screaming at the top of his lungs
at anybody who's thinking about showing him consequences. He spent
Sunday railing about judgment from a morning post about how
he should have zero fine because Judge Arthur anger And

is grossly incompetent and corrupt, to bashing Fox News obviously
the liberal Fox News for not discussing the ridiculous nature
of the ruling, to whining whining after midnight that the
state shouldn't be allowed to take away and sell off
very successful properties and assets that took me years to
his own build and nurture into some of the best

of their kind anywhere in the world. When I have
done nothing wrong, nothing, why should I be forced to
sell my quote babies, yes called them his babies, which,
oh my god, like real kids are real disappointed, They're like,
you've never even referred to me. You referred to me
as some kid, but your your inanimate objects or babies. Yes,

let's be real, they have more value than you ever will.

Speaker 2 (34:27):

Speaker 1 (34:28):
We're seeing him get back to that schedule that he
was on, where like you could see the gaps where
he would another person would be sleeping, and they're getting
like smaller. He was up after midnight railing about this
and then just like woke up at seven am and
was once again railing about this. But I just went

into shut down mode for a few hours to get
some let one half of his extremely smooth adult brain
to get some rest. But yeah, I don't think this
is gonna like sink him in any way. Like I
don't think he's actually going to like be poor after

this is all sudden done. I probably not going to
change many people's opinion of him. But it does seem
to like bring out the thing in him that I
don't think is like his supporter's favorite thing, like the
you know, like there's the like I'm a billionaire, I
like I'm above it all type shit, and then like

when he's able to bully other people on their behalf
like that, I think that is the calculus that like
gets them excited in their mind. But when he's just
like being like whining about being victimized like it, yeah,
and the only anger is about his own money, Like

I feel like that can't be the thing that gets
them excited to like vote for this guy.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Know it'd be more effective to talk about how it's
preventing him from making the country great again or something right,
but he keeps hard, like I have to say, my babies,
they want my car, they want my golf. Course you're
just like you just sound like fucking I don't know.
Like it's like Steve Martin in the Jerk.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
It's like I don't need anything except for this. I
need this lamp, and I now I need.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
This too, Like you're just it's it's hard to relate to.

Speaker 3 (36:26):
And again, Donald, you gotta know this as an America,
as a I guess you know, outwardly perceived wealthy American.
If America doesn't think something, the one thing America doesn't
think is cool, it's being broke.

Speaker 1 (36:41):
You know.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
That's like, let's woven into our fucked up culture is like,
oh my god, you're broke. No, like, don't talk about that,
Like I don't want to hear about that.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
And I don't know.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
Yeah, again, I don't know how motivating it is. It's
again like to your point, it's not going to change
people's opinion, be like oh no, but it's it's you're
you're losing momentum by keep talking about like wham my
millions of dollars when but I'm a billionaire.

Speaker 2 (37:08):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (37:09):
It's just not effective, not going to be effective. But
we shall see. I mean, I mean, like we talked
to like I think last week, you know, the small
dollar donations are drying up. Yeah, and so that on
some level, that does indicate that people are less likely
to be like when he goes out with you got
to help me, they're trying to ruin me. I need
your money now, and they know that this guy owes

like almost a half billion dollars and like, yeah, probably not.
It's just like that's not I don't know, I'm seeing
that as that's not motivating people. If suddenly there were
all these small dollar donations, I'm like, holy fuck, these
people are fully in on this, like they don't like
they see exactly the world as he does.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
But yeah, tough to tell if it's that it's drying
up because he's actually already taken them all for everything
they're worth or yeah, but yeah, all right. So Kate
Middleton appeared on camera in a video statement on Friday,
I Believe, revealing that cancer was found during her surgery.

So as we talked about, you know, she announced early
on in this whole saga, I'm going into the hospital
for a surgery and I'll be in recovery for like
some time, and like out of the out of the limelight,
that surgery apparently found cancer, and so she's been undergoing

preventative chemotherapy. She did stop short of looking directly into
the camera and saying I didn't get a Brazilian butt lift,
you motherfucking ghoules, but the implication was clear, and also like, uh,
you know, we should point out that she doesn't have cancer.

It's just it's kind of a technical thing. They discovered cancer,
it was removed, she's being treated preventatively. But all the
headlines are like, she's been diagnosed with cancer. And that's yeah,
totally true and probably not the best thing for her
to be reading in a bunch of headlines.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
Right right, oh right, Because at first I was like,
what does that mean? But I understand that there's a
technical nuance there, rather than be I have been diagnosed
with this specific cancer versus we saw something we've had
to remove and now we need to take preventative measures. Yeah,
but I mean yeah, it's I remember when I saw
that headline or like first come up. I sent it

through to our like group chat like for everybody who
works on the show, and I was like, oh boy,
well yeah it was the most human thing that it
could have been.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
Yeah, can I remember early on it.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
Was just sort of like it's it's something, it's maybe
it's salacious or it's something to do with her health,
and but my god, I mean it's the like for
the people who are like out there peddling sort of
these like full blown like I've got all the tea, like,
this is exactly what's happening.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
This is There's a lot of revisionism going on too.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
There's also more op eds that I've than i've can
remember seeing where people are just straight up like I'm ashamed,
I fucked up. I'm sorry, I'm embarrassed.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
I mean to a certain extent, I am too, like
just by thinking of like because at first, you know,
it's like this fodder you get and we have this
thing with being humans and like where people we perceive
as being quote unquote celebrities that they're like I don't know,
I'll do like whatever. It's like they're they're for us
to fucking talk about whatever it is. Yeah, and then
it like as it narrows in, it's like it's clear,

like she the announcement wasn't coming out because there was
something to do with like how she wanted to relay
that to her kids, and.

Speaker 2 (40:45):
You're like, oh my god, this is like the most
human shit ever.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
Yeah, yeah, and yeah, and like as fun as looking
at photoshops and things where you're like reminded again, you're like, nah,
like this is just it's a combination of this person
having real life struggles and also the palace not knowing
what the streisand.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
Effect is right or some particularly bad at pr the Yeah,
I mean we both called it out as like a
possibility is like, well, it seems like there's a health
thing happening, and she asked for some time and then
nobody is granting her that time. And then I also
was like, but this, like this feels like the Zapruder

film the way people are treating this photoshot or like
got sucked in, So like, yeah, I'm ashamed of the
way I got fucking sucked in, and like, you know,
it just feels like like we talked about the Otani
thing I think in one of the trending episodes, but
everything feels like in the absence of like all the details,
the Internet will take it to the story that would

be the most like mind blowing, like move the most clicks,
you know, right right, Like that just becomes the reality
until you fill it in with all the details.

Speaker 3 (42:01):
So yeah, and also like how how movies informed that too,
like like even being like, oh, yeah, this thing, it's
this movie, like that's what's happening. The thing, the plot
of this film is what's happening. It's a gone Girl situation,
or it's Dave or it's this other thing.

Speaker 1 (42:16):
Yeah, and yeah it's.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
But again, it's like, really it's interesting because with Charles,
they just.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
Put an announcement out there, like the you know, the
King has can they've been diagnosed with cancer. Yeah, And
so like I think there's so many people being like, well,
why didn't you just do that with Kate whatever and
blah blah blah.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
It's like, well, where she's at.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
In her life and what she was probably again trying
to I couldn't even begin to try and understand how
like how you want to delicately explain that to like
your young kids is one thing, but then like once
that fucking photoshop fiasco went down, Yeah, it just like
intensified things to a degree that truly like, yeah, we

left Earth.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
We did leave Earth for a little bit. And I
think that is probably part of the appeal, is people
want to leave Earth right now because it's uncomfortable here. Hey.
Another way that people like to leave Earth is by
going to the cineplexs. And they went this weekend in
slightly higher numbers than expected to see Ghostbusters Frozen Empire,

which made forty five point two million dollars. You know,
we all know that the real money is in the
acto cooler sales, but that's not bad for you know,
for for this particular movie and based on expectations, although
it should be noted that it's actually like our writer
Jam was pointing out that that all female reboot of

the of Ghostbusters.

Speaker 3 (43:44):
That all female reboot, at all female reboot.

Speaker 1 (43:50):
That actually did better than this but right, and was
treated as a complete bomb, and this one is being
treated as like, wow, it's better than we expected. Pretty
good job, guys.

Speaker 2 (44:02):
Oh wow, Patriarchy's a hell of a drug, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
Yeah, Oh yeah, this one with with my with my
don't don't slot, don't slack off my dan Ackroyd. Now, yeah,
I a friend of mine went to go see it
in like the that like four d X have you seen.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
One of those?

Speaker 2 (44:17):
Have you seen a movie?

Speaker 1 (44:18):
And then she like spit on you a little bit.

Speaker 2 (44:20):
Yeah, yeah, like the fucking seat shake. She like sent
me like a selfie video like as she was watching.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
It, it was fucking throwing her ass around like wow,
and She's like, it's fucking snowing now in here. There's
I was just getting a play by play like it's
all smoke, and I'm like, maybe that's one way to
watch it. But again the but even her review is
tepid at best of the Yeah, she see.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
It's pretty mid Yeah, there haven't been a ton of
great Ghostbusters movies at this point. Feeling yeah, it feels
kind of like Terminator in that, like we had a
couple classics and then and has really quitted. Yeah, just

can't quit.

Speaker 2 (45:08):
They just can't quit the g Busters.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
The other movie that was released this weekend that didn't
do quite as well. It only made five point three million,
but it won the internet was this new Sydney Sweeney
religious horror film Immaculate, in which she plays a nun,
and the reason it got so much attention obviously anything

Sidney Sweeney right now is blowing up because like her
being attractive has like some somehow become a internet or
like a political issue where like feel I can't quite
get my head around like what the right wing take
on this is. It feels like they're like, yeah, you

don't even want us to look at her boobs, but
then like they're also there's like some weird white supremacist
stuff that's like you actually shouldn't be into her, and yeah,
it's it's really confused, like they just go to bed.

Speaker 2 (46:10):
Right wing.

Speaker 1 (46:10):
Yeah, they really need to take a nap. It feels
like because I remember they're like, oh, yeah, the boobs
are back in town, and they're like, and we're back, baby,
Conservatism is back because finally the blue, blue eyed, blonde
haired buxom actress is what is normal and.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
We don't have to look at these other freaks anymore.

Speaker 3 (46:32):
I remember that was sort of like the initial take
after that SNL appearance.

Speaker 1 (46:37):
Yeah, so this movie really received a lot of attention
because the role is could be read as sort of
upsetting to the right, intentionally attacking right wing values. And
there was this tweet from at Aurora Faced who tweeted
lib saw how the anti woke crowd embraced Sydney Swing

as their new darling and right away had to shove
her in this blasphemous satanic feminist, pro abortion, anti life
movie degrading Christians. This movie also debases Mary, mother of Christ.
Don't bother watching and so it just assumes a level

of like that it takes like five days to conceive, produce,
edit release a movie, but it's it's working as marketing.
The Neon, the distributor released a T shirt with Sidney

Sweeney's face and that quote down the side of it. So,
I mean, is her Is she Okay?

Speaker 2 (47:52):
She's in back to back bombs right now?

Speaker 1 (47:56):
I know?

Speaker 3 (47:57):
Yeah, I don't I know that that People were saying that,
like actually the Madam Web thing was actually very shrewd
on her part.

Speaker 1 (48:04):
Because she was basically Madam Web. Yeah really, yeah, as
I did not realize that.

Speaker 2 (48:14):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's in Madam Web too.

Speaker 1 (48:17):

Speaker 2 (48:18):
That's that's how hush hush the whole thing was. She
was one of the characters in Madam Web and a
lot of people are like, why why do that? Why
are you doing this?

Speaker 3 (48:28):
And then but the people were saying like it was
like a career move that basically like getting closer to
Sony pictures. I think she's gonna be Barbarella and she's
gonna have like some other like really big leading roles,
like like you gotta you gotta fucking eat one, you know,
before you can take the big the big swings up there.

Speaker 2 (48:45):
Yeah, I capt you just memory.

Speaker 1 (48:48):
Whole day like she was was you were. I just
sit there like, huh, I just had I I had
totally missed her in the supporting role. And maybe that's
because I've been brain woke media to not appreciate how
hot she is and notice her, you.

Speaker 2 (49:04):
Know, mm hmmm hmmm.

Speaker 1 (49:06):
I think that's probably what happened. So I blame I
blame NPR.

Speaker 3 (49:11):
Yeah, but I blame PR. But yeah, she's like she's
a setup move. I mean, I guess, yeah, I think
I think if yeah, Barbarella was like one of the
bigger upcoming films.

Speaker 1 (49:21):
It's kind of funny that there are like all these
headlines that are like Sidney Sweeney says, it was just
a business move that she was in Madelmore like that
she needs to explain, like yo, immediately that tanked so
hard that they're like yeah, hey, so like why did
you do that movie? Explain yourself?

Speaker 2 (49:39):
Right, yeah it sounds don't don't say that.

Speaker 3 (49:42):
During the press tour for the film, Oh yeah, just
first of all, I was only in this shit for
my career, Like this just sucks.

Speaker 2 (49:49):
But yeah, Barbarreall's coming out. You heard about in twenty
twenty two. That's just coming out.

Speaker 3 (49:52):
I'm gonna be in it, so you know, keep your
eye out, like II captain anyone.

Speaker 1 (49:57):
But you I think did pretty well. The yeah. Yeah,
so that with the Glenn Powell with the video where
they're like being cutty about like it's my movie. No,
it's my movie. That was brutal that that movie made
two hundred and fourteen million dollars. Oh my god. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
So hey man, you're up, you're down, You're up, You're down,
And I'll tell you that. But yeah, Sidney, yeah, I
take it. You're gonna be fine.

Speaker 1 (50:29):
Just hope.

Speaker 2 (50:29):
The Barberella thing does make me a little bit hesitant
because we're so we're doing so many reboots, so many
fucking reboots.

Speaker 3 (50:38):
Yeah, that I don't know man, like the ghost people
can't even get jiggy with the Ghostbusters anymore.

Speaker 1 (50:44):
You know what, I think, I'm so taking it back
to the beginning of this episode, I think I'm so
eighties movie brained. Brian the Editor was pointing out that
in the trailer Sidney Sweeney is wearing like glasses and
plays kind of like a nerd, And I think my
brain is so affected by like those movies that in

the way that you know, take the glasses off and
they're like.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Whoa, she's pretty.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
That actually happened to me with her. Wow, I'm sorry.
I'm gonna need glasses removed and a shake of the
hair to confirm that that is Sidney Sweet.

Speaker 3 (51:19):
Yeah, the hair has to be in a bun of
some kind. Bold back the glasses come off.

Speaker 1 (51:25):
Whoa. I always the people in the Superman universe for
not recognizing Clark Kent as Superman, But you are doubt
I would be the first person to be like, it
can't be him. He's glasses and his hair is parted
on the other side.

Speaker 2 (51:42):
Oh, so sheet a spider Man.

Speaker 3 (51:45):
Yeah, you're watching the movie friend, Okay, yeah, watching the
movie out loud?

Speaker 1 (51:54):
Oh, Sidney sweety. I do every time she appears on screen.
I have to point her out, like you're driving and
you see a cow, you know, or like a punch buggy.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
Yeah, people still do that punch, but I don't know
punch punching each.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
Other in the backseat of a car because we saw
a Volkswagen.

Speaker 1 (52:11):
So the thing on road trips. I mean, I'm trying
to keep it alive with my kids. I punch them
every time.

Speaker 3 (52:15):
Yeah, they punch you and ship while you're driving, Like, hey, hey,
not in the ear.

Speaker 2 (52:18):
Don't o what I say. Don't open hand slap me
right on my ear. That's very dangerous.

Speaker 1 (52:23):
Kid went through her heel the other day while we
were driving, like on January sixth. All right, those are
some of the things that are trending on this Monday,
March twenty fifth. We are back tomorrow with a whole
last episode of the show, talking to Sarah Marshall from

Your Wrong about a really fun episode. So we will
talk to you all then. Until then, be kind to
each other, be kind to yourselves, get the vaccine, get
your flu shot, don't do nothing about white supremacy, and
we will talk to you all tomorrow. Bye bye. Factory

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