All Episodes

January 19, 2023 15 mins

In this edition of Jacinda ArTrend, Miles and super producer Becca discuss Jacinda Ardern stepping down, Alec Baldwin getting charged with manslaughter, Florida banning AP African American studies (for Florida reasons), Carol Baskin's husband being... alive?, Nikki Haley's plotting and scheming, and the Supreme Court's investigation of the Dobbs leak resulting in a big fat "Ionno"!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, what's going on the Internet? And welcome to this
Thursday edition of the Trending What what do we call this? Anyway,
it's a trending episode. Uh, this one today is called
just Sinda our trend because that is our first trend.
We're going to speak about the first Who am I?
I'm Miles and I am joined by superproducer Becca. What's up? Becca? Hello? Look,

we had to we had to do a couple of
re ups on the intro. I don't know where I
am and I'm not aware of Thay, it's a chaotic Thursday. Indeed,
let's tell the people what's trending. First is just Sinda?
Are turn the Prime Minister of New Zealand that many
I feel like many Americans during the pandemic, We're like,
why can't that lady run our country over there? How

do we get COVID? I mean much easier in an
island nation, in a smaller population, but still it was
like the she's relatable, and I remember whenever Guy Montgomery
would come on, We're like, yeah, it's pretty cool to
have Jacinda right now. But she's announced that she is
going to be resigning. Um, so she's going to be
leaving office by February seven, and a new Labor Prime
Minister will be sworn in until they have an election

in October. And get a load of this. Why is
she resigning? Why because she has sucking classified documents or
if she was just hiding Hunter Biden's laptop. No, she said, quote,
I just don't have enough in the tank to do
the job. Justice, honestly. That so respect, respect, so much
respect to know when it's time to resign, when it's

time to leave a job, because God forbid, anybody in
our government system isn't so fucking hungry for power that
they like actually just let a job go because they're
senile and cannot do the job anymore. Diane Pinkin, Uh, yeah,
that happens all over the place. And yet to go further,
she said, look, you know, I just I don't have

it in me and like some weird Oh, I want
to spend more time with my family and marry my
partner because I had to cancel a wedding because the
pandemics respect to our queen. Here there was already some
to Tucker Carlson like already was like like was she
a Chinese op? Oh my god, stop uh. And then

I think he called her the lady with big teeth
because yeah, misogyny cells because his wife doesn't have sex
with him. You know, it's fun. Does he even have
like is she? Is she like a projection? Like I
haven't even bothered to even search that as a human,
Like I'm so disinterested in But you know what, let's
see Tucker carlson wife, Susan Andrews. Is there not a
lot of pictures of her? Oh? Wow, Okay, it's because

he gives in cell behavior and I understand. Yeah, And
good for him, he got him a partner that Hitler
would be proud of. Um. All right, moving on, I
got to talk about Oh but also Sam Neil, who
I didn't realize was a Kiwi of Jurassic Park fame.
He was saying, like they just the treatment of her
in the past has been viled and disgraceful and embarrassing.

I'm like, yeah, man, all right, sam Neel, let him know. Um.
Alec Baldwin is also trending because he has been formally
charged officially been charged involuntary manslaughter for the shooting on
the set of Rust that took ended up taking the
life of Helena Hutchins, who was the cinematographer d P.

And then the armor, the person who was responsible like
the gun wrangler, is like more colloquially set on set.
The person who's in charge of the bang bangs and
ship has also been charged. So the first A d
the assistant director who handed Baldwin the gun, pleaded guilty
to negligent use of a deadly weapon as part of
a plea deal that came with a suspended sentence. Baldwin's

lawyers like, we're gonna fight this case, man, because he
had no reason to believe there was a live bullet
in the gun. And I'm sure they will figure out
how to, you know, masterfully argue that. So there's nothing
to do with anything. But um, there's also this thing.
I didn't realize that Baldwin's like initial defense was that
he didn't pull the trigger it went off or something

he was trying to say, I wasn't I didn't pull
the trigger, and the yeah, and then the FBI, once
they were doing their investigation, they found that the weapon
that was meant to be a prop could not be
fired unless the trigger was pulled. And then the lawyers
are saying the gun was in poor condition, etcetera. But
I think we knew about this though he Baldwin settled
a wrongful death suit with Helena Hutchins family, and like,

I didn't realize that part of that was adding the
widower as an executive producer to the movie, which a
little grim was like, sorry, now, yeah, anyone wants to
see this movie? I don't know. Look, I get it,
and I'm sure in a way, that's probably a way
to ensure that there's like back end money if the

film does come out, that there is funds flowing to
the family. I didn't even realize that the movie is
report to be about a character who goes on the
run after being sentenced to death for an accidental killing.
Oh my god, a little too method sucking wild. You know,
the fact is stranger than fiction, it seems sometimes. And

then before we go to the break, Florida is back
in the news because I didn't even know there was
an API African American Studies class. Yeah, maybe not offer
that in my school. I don't know if this is
like based on this New York Times article, it seems
like it is a new AP course being offered throughout

the you know, AP program. For schools, right, Okay, so
schools can elect I think to offer it because I mean,
for my understanding, my mother is a teacher. She has
taught ap Spanish in the past. But the only way
that you can get certain AP electives because it's an
elected course, because some of them are upgrades from regular courses,

like you can take you know, regular you, sister, you
can take APU, sister, but you have to have teachers
that are certified in teaching those courses. So I'm sure
a class like AP African American Studies you have to
have a teacher who is a certified and be like
enough staff to even and like people who have elected

to take the course to even offer the class. Like
that's why certain languages aren't taught in certain schools, Like
which is not enough kids signed up for German to
be teaching a peacher? Right? Um? So I'm sure this
is almost like silly that it's a news story in
the sense that like, I'm sure there's a lot of
schools not offering to teach this, but it's you know,

the reasons in Florida, though, are very different. Uh. They
said that the course content was quote inexplicably contrary to
Florida law and significantly lacks educational value. The study of
enslaved people in the in the this country has no

educational value, which is I mean, I think anybody who's
used to this kind of racism when you can do this,
roll your fucking eyes again, because this is another denial
of humanity or that anything that has been experienced by
African American people has no significance or educational value aside
from maybe explaining a lot of our societal ills today.

But yeah, and again they just go on to say
that it's just not historically accurate, which is crazy because hey,
they're not teaching the course to be able to tell
you it's historically accurate or not. And it says be
it violates state law, which is crazy because that's that
anti world. It's that and it's that other regressive ship.
You don't say race, are you? I hope you say

Rachel Green from friends. Hope you didn't say racial right now?
Or racial dolige. Well we don't use those words in
this school. But yeah, I mean, this is precisely how
you raise an ellect drip that is completely ignorant of,
you know, the oppressive forces at work. So when they
are old enough to go to the ballot box, they

might just take hook line and sinker the nonsense that
is historically inaccurate that you're peddling as fact um, because yeah,
what's just again they're projecting, because what their whole you know, curriculum,
their ideal curriculum in that state would be to be like, oh, yeah,
the slaves were. They were chill man and they loved
they loved it. They had all those songs and stuff. Jobs,

they have properties. How many of how many you guys
have unemployed family members right now that you know about
Think about it, folks, if you had it now, everyone
could have a job. I'm just saying, all right, this
is the last class I'm ever teaching because I've just
been fired. All right, let's take a quick break. We'll
come back to talk some more news right after this.

We're back. Baby. And so as Carol Baskin's husband apparently,
and I had no idea. Anna was like, oh yeah,
they she talked about this like last year or somewhere
two years ago. I was like, wait, what was everyone
so hell bent? I'm just saying that she's a fucking
like cat lady murderer. That yeah, were you not there
during the craze that was Tiger King. By the end

of it, everyone was like, that woman murdered her husband. Yeah,
it's this it's this white guy who was somewhat not
somewhat predatory and loved shooting things. That's the guy I'm
going to back, who also loves Trump. That whole like
Tiger King was such a like a fever dream, right,
Like the the moment of Tiger King, I just remember,

you know, it was like we just got into the pandemic.
Like everyone is like, you know, having uh whatever, cabin
fever from being home and like havn't ever been home
this long. It was also winter, and everyone is on
their little corporate zoom jobs talking about Tiger King because
it's the only thing we've been doing. Just such a
fever dream of time. Like the content of it, it

was like like the last I feel like crazy thing
Netflix released, Like it was like no rules, Like everyone's
just like we're just watching Netflix record these absolutely predatory,
insane people. Not only did this woman apparently acute, you know,
murder her husband, that's everyone assumed, but also this man
definitely was a predator and like praying on young and

the other guy to remember the other like cat dude,
the other big and they found out. They're like, yo,
this guy's got like a cult or some ship, and
they're like, let's just let's just skim over that completely.
But anyway, I didn't know this, but like people have
been playing this clip where she's saying like, yeah, you know,
like Department of Homeland Security they located him and coach

Rica and I'm like, hold on, now we're talking about
the absolute wrong person. Now, like where is this don whatever?
Donat was? He was? He last name, basking to whatever
his name is? What his backstory? I want to know
this story about. He's like, why my own death to
get up out of cat world? No, probably he was

like this ship like after the Netflix documentary, he was
like this, it's wild. I gotta go. And I'm not
even sure, like I'm having trouble because I'm so like
Tiger King brained from the pandemic. I'm like, there's no
way that guy is alive. No, That's how I felt too. Yeah,
so he is alive. We're saying that. I guess, So, yeah,
he's alive. Oh my god. She was like thanks to

Homeland Security because because of Tiger King, Homeland Security got
involved and was like, Okay, let's find this man. And
then they found him. So she was like, thanks to
Tiger King and Homeland Security for clearing my name. But
in the court of public opinion, I don't think she'll
ever recover. No. God, the brand tarnished. And it's not

the outfit choices either, Carol. Uh. Let's see what else
is trending, Oh, Nikki Hayley, she's trending the form or
governor of South Carolina. Believe she is in the I
guess some pages of Mike pomp Poe's new book called
Hey Hey, Remember Me? I might run for president please,
But in it there is an excerpt that people are

pointing out that says, according to you know pomp Eas
that Nicki Haley and Javanka we're scheming behind the scenes
about secretly gonna they were gonna, not secretly, it's secretly
scheming to replace her or replace Mike Pence with her.
As how would you even do that? How do you

ouse the VP? I have no idea. I mean, i'ven't
even heard of anything like this, So would your resignation?
Is there like a twenty seventh Amendment like vote of
no confidence for the the vice president too. Yeah, it
feels very hard. It feels like that is something where
the checks and balances, I guess somewhat work. But you
can't just like ouse the VP because you don't like them.

But I mean, look in that world, they do are like,
well why can't I They're like, this is no legal
way of doing it. They're like, do it overturned the election? Yeah?
Oh shit. But anyway, that's the level of strategic thinking
we're dealing with over there. But hey, Nikki, you still
got a chance. You can run for president too, um

and get absolutely vaporized by Trump's hate speech. And then finally,
the Supreme Court is trending because okay, remember the whole
uh you know, Dobb's decision leak disgraceful and also people like,
what the funk is going on? Who leaked it? Is?
It was Clarence Thomas, was as simple as it. One
of the like liberal justices staff Supreme Court came out

and they're like, look y'all, we don't know what the
funk happened? Is apparently their official stance. They said, you know,
they followed all their leads and conducted a forensic analysis
to no avail, and they said all nineties seven employees
of the Court they denied leak. In the draft, the
official statement said, quote, the team has to date been
unable to identify a person responsible by a preponderance of evidence.

I wonder if they have a good idea though, Yeah, maybe,
but I don't know. Do they think it was a hacker?
I don't know. I'm not that I want to, like,
I know, but getting into like the weeds of it
at this point, it's like, I don't know how useful
it is because the fact is they them releasing this info.
I'm like, how useful is it for you guys to

tell us that you did a whole investigation as to
who release the documents saying women are going to lose
their rights, to tell us that you found nothing right, right? Right? Yeah,
I don't know. I look, I have no clue what
that means. But we'll see. At the end of the day.
The fact remains that, you know, the justices in the
Supreme Court don't believe that abortion is healthcare. So it's

up to the everyday citizen to be extra vigilant locally,
uh and to provide assistance if you're able to. So yeah,
we'll see what happens with them over there. I mean
there's already stuff about Jenny Thomas this week that'll Yeah,
I get it. She's a fucking vile creature. Please, Like,
if you're not gonna do anything, don't stop. That fels
like you're going to be like ha ha, what you're
gonna do? Now? You still can't do anything about this?

This is even worse. Um so you're like, I'm tired.
I'm alright yo, all right, folks, thank you so much
for listening to us. Becka, thanks so much for stopping
through and joining me on this trending episured. We'll see
you tomorrow. I got a whole episode before the weekend. Weekend,
please come along, uh and I'll be here because I'm

yet to be daddy. But the countdown still continues. Uh
So until then, man, take care of each other, take
care of yourself. Get the vaccine if you're apparent to
be get that te tap shot like I did a
couple of weeks ago, you know what I mean, So
you can can protect them kids from Protestants and all
them things. And also what else, Oh, I don't do
nothing about like hate speech or any kind of hate

rheter to be a good person. All right, we'll talk
to you later. By

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