All Episodes

March 26, 2024 20 mins

In this edition of Super Trendtendo Sega Trendesis, Jack and Bryan the Editor discuss Sean "P. Diddy" Combs AKA "The Diddler" getting his homes raided by Homeland Security, Trump claiming Joe Biden (or possibly Joe Budden?) "MISINFORMATES and DISINFORMATES all the time", Netanyahu being PISSED that the U.S. didn't veto the U.N.'s ceasefire resolution, a California law prohibiting law enforcement agencies from posting mugshots on social media, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of super
Trendendo Sega trend to.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Sis when I was dead broke.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Not picture this never happening to my good friend. That
is courtesy of Panoramic View on the discord. Shout out
to you X. Yeah timely. I think that was actually
submitted before. Yeah, that was submitted two days ago. So
Hanoramicview had their ear to the to the train tracks,

had a sense something was coming.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
He might He must have been listening to Kat Williams
or something. Cat. We're sorry, you were right about this
one thing, this one thing.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
So I am Jack, and that is, of course, Brian
the editor.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
It's me.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
It's me, Brian the Editor, killing him for miles miles
back tomorrow on assignment.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Yeah. He's hunting them.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Down on the train down Diddy.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Yeah, just him and Doug the bounty hunter, just out
there in a van.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Says he doesn't believe in GPS. He just has one
of the trackers from No Country for Old Men that
beeps faster when you get closer to ye as did
he flies overhead? Yeah, damn, it's not funny. I am Jack.

That is Brian the Editor. I think I already said
that the big news story the bridge collapse, will talk
a little bit about tomorrow. Just more cable news is
reaction and some of the conspiracy theories. But the other
big news story is Diddy's houses were rated by Homeland Security.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Yeah, like full on with armored vehicles and dudes and
fatigues for some reason, and just like very heavy duty operation.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
What fatigues do you wear to blend in to the
Los Angeles neighborhood of Homby Hills, Like do you have
to have some statues and fountains drawn into the fatigues
to blend in?

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Yeah? Like it was very when I saw the report
and they showed they just really made quite the show
of it. And yeah, you know, with with my hotep self,
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make any claims uh
oh about why that is. But you could probably.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Think you have to be a hotep to think that
the Office of Homeland Security might not treat everybody exactly
the same.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
I just found a little curious that they sent a
fucking tank to his house.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
So three different properties in Miami, New York, and Los
Angeles were raided in a coordinated raid. Reports Note that
it's quote not clear whether Combs was the target of
the investigation, But I mean.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Come on, come on, like, what are we doing here.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
I know we're all at bit. I know we're all
a little bit break pumpy after the Cap Middleton thing.
But I think we can like look at the tea
leaves here and be like they think Diddy might have
done some bad shit, Like it's so weird.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
They're trying to be like, you know, have some sort
of like I don't know, journalistic integrity or whatever, like
throw that shit away. People have been yelling about this.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
For years, Diddy being an abuse, so he.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
Knew he was a creep. We didn't know it was
to this level. Maybe sure, but we all knew this
motherfucker was dirty and the dirt that's that's washing off
of this. Uh, this nasty rag is is wild and
wide reaching.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Yes, uh what so who all like it's different people
in the industry. Obviously there was the civil suit that
was just launched that was pretty detailed and alleged a
bunch of wild shit. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
So yeah, this that I would say that kind of
opened the floodgates. Like there were reports of stuff for decades,
literally decades of like him, you know, violent stuff, sexual assault,
all kinds of stuff for decades, you know, way back.
You know, first time I heard about him doing something
wild was with the Gun and j Lo, like twenty

years ago. But this this lawsuit had a lot of
a lot of tea, a lot of It's always interesting
to me, like when the little details come out and
then you start seeing it, like, you know, she this
woman had told a story about how when you're like
a female protege of his, he likes for you to

wear white. I polish for reasons that I will not
get into, but she specifically, yeah, pointed that out. And
when you look at pictures of Young Miami and some
other female proteges that he's working with, they always have
white nails when they're out with him. So I'm like,

when you start seeing weird specific details like that, I'm
like that, it's just like, oh boy, yeah, this is
not looking good. And they're just like a lot of
a lot of people implicated because he's like he's the
type to apparently he has like a server full of
he's got cameras all over his houses. He gets people

in compromising situations and yeah, full team level stuff, which
is there's just so many people implicated. There's like, you know,
and connected and in the same ways that like people
are connected Epstein, where it's like merely knowing the guy

isn't damning, but you all of a sudden have eyes
on you. He just interacted with a lot of people,
and he tried to get a lot of people caught up.
It seems I'm hearing stuff like like crazy stuff about
Steve Harvey, about td Jake's.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Prince Harry heated and well then people, yeah, people were like, wait,
this picture that everybody's posting crupped the literal next person
in line for king out of the picture. Granted, all right,
I am gonna be break pumpy, not just with regards
to the royals, but with regards to all of it
that like, we don't know, no, this is all really

this is all alleged, but it's not just a lot
of shit.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
Good and uh yeah he did he he Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
It had the other ingredient that the Internet fucking loves
and social he loves is when somebody is like on
the lamb and you can like there's people like following,
you know. One of his plant private jets took off
for the Caribbean as the houses were being raided.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
But then in that hour, the same hour they're being raided,
he was in the air and it landed in Antigua.
Nobody knows if he was on it, but there was
some stuff where the transponder got turned off. He's got
two jets, mind you. Yeah, he's got two ghost streams.
But he was spotted in like Miami airport also, like

you know, looking kind of stressed. But the point is
he fled and nobody knows where he is. But yeah,
he led.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Yeah, we don't know that he fled. We do know
that he was. So he probably wasn't on that jet
because after it landed, he was seen at a Miami
airport looking stressed. So if that sighting is factual, then
he's in Miami. But people like see, so he's not running,
it's like he's at an airport.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
Well, maybe he didn't flee, but motherfuckers are looking for
him and they haven't. They haven't found him yet, they
haven't linked So I'll just leave it at that. I
don't know if he's actually fled the country. I don't
know if he's actually running, but yeah, black people, Twitter
has led me to believe that he is in a

white Bronco in the fucking sky right now.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
Yeah, you were saying that the memes have just been
the memes are NonStop, so wild, the memes are strong,
the internet is paying attention. We don't know where this
is going. It does seem like there are a lot
of very troubling allegations flying around. Yeah, and it seems

to be in you know, the idea that a mogul
in the entertainment industry could be doing just really awful
things out in kind of plain daylight. Is you know,
we've learned, We've known for a while now that that
is not out of the realm of possibility. Obviously, all right,

misinformates and disinformates are trending. These are just Trump blaming
Joe Biden or some mythical figure named Crooked Joe Buden.
In his social media post, yeah crook Crooked Joe Budden,

he claims disinformates and misinformates all the time. So just
I don't know, it does feel like he's just a
different kind of adult, But he does seem to be
getting more and more adult, and uh, you know, I
guess it's in keeping with a pattern we've seen with

him where he will go on weeks long benders of
just you know, Twitter rants and then like it'll quiet
down for a little bit. So he just seems to
be on one right now.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Well, look he's stressed.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
You know.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
I hear he owes some people some money.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
I guess, Oh is that true. Yeah, two consecutive stories
about people who seem stressed for some reason. We're not
sure why.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Yeah, he look he's a little on edge. So yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Anyways, Uh, just some new words for your vocabulary, disinformants, disinformants. Uh,
let's take a quick break and we'll come back and
talk about Chris p Creme donuts. We'll be right back,
my favorite, and we're back. And this feels like a

tectonic shift in America's health is about to take place,
and not for the better. Because McDonald's will begin selling
Krispy Cream donuts at its fast food locations this year
phased rollout that will bring the quote big goods to

its restaurants nation Why by the end of twenty twenty six,
I don't know why it's a two year rollout. It
seems fairly simple to be like, you know, how Krispy
Kreme are everywhere else that food is sold. Well now
they're at McDonald's, but it's a partnership that will bring

the glazed, the chocolate iced with sprinkles, and chocolate iced
with a cream filling to McDonald's locations each morning. Bad
news for my future health. I would say this is
where I'm at with this one.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
Yeah, not much to add here other than I love
Krispy Kreme and I do love a little egg mcmuffy.
And if I could maybe get go through the drive
through and have them substitute the muffin part with a
couple of doughnut a.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Couple of Krispy creams.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Yeah, I'm gonna see if I can get that going
for a nice, sweet little breakfast treaty to make my
teeth vibrates.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
You want your teeth to hurt when you're biting in it.
That's how you know a sandwiches my teeth buzzing.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Then yeah, what are we doing here?

Speaker 1 (12:32):
These teeth aren't buzzing. Don't come knocking all right? Uh
bb neck yahoo? Uh seems piste babe. So you cut
for him, I know, but that's that's how That's how
he gets away with it. Same with like Diddy, the

d the l the E the R. It's the hitler
bb uh is mad at the US because the US
abstained from the UN Security Resolution vote. But let it
go forward, big change in policy.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
I thought you guys might ride or die.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Yeah, And so obviously, like it seems like Biden is,
you know, at least publicly and rhetorically, losing some of
the writer dietness of his relationship to.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Israel, said packaging.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
I know that's where it's really like, who has to
be like wait, what the fuck? Like I could definitely
see him being like Biden. People are speculating this is
all his plan to be like and the reason we
haven't been able to, uh you know, get absolute victory
in defeating Hamas is because of Biden. But now even

Trump has said that he needs to wrap it up right,
which is.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Like that sketch on Chappelle's show, like he pulled out
the little clock. Yeah, yeah, you gotta up.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
He yeah. Is a bad situation for him and his
relationship to the US, and hopefully it changes anything at all.
But uh, we we shall see. He seems to be
just digging in more.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Yeah, are just fucking they're they're lower than snake nipples.
As we like to say on the show.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
Lower and Snake Nipple, that boy bb bb does seem
like it might have been a nickname that James Carville
came up with him.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
Huh, you have to look into that, all right.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Let's talk about mug shots real quick. Earlier this year,
a new long in California went into effect prohibiting agencies
from posting most mugshots on social media.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Is hot like that one guy.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Right, that's our of entertainment. One police department in Murrietta,
California reacted to this in the stupidest way possible by
protesting that law by continuing to post mug shots on
social media, but with Lego heads like Lego minifigureheads to
obscure the suspects faces, because who wouldn't want to be

publicly ridiculed on the worst day of their life. So
they then had to halt that gimmick, not because of
a sense of good taste, but because Lego threatened to
take legal action, which.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Probably they never realized this. They're always using copywritten works.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Yeah. The Celbeach Police department was like, I guess at
Lego doesn't like fun cool? Yeah, they I'm sure Lego
wants to fucking align themselves with fucking police forces, shaming
potential victims of police brutality. But yeah, now it seems
like they're just going to find a new de humanizing

loophole that won't piss off any Danish toymakers, such as
putting it on Facebook, which hasn't outlawed the posting of mugshots.
But yeah, I don't know. Mugshots are just like a
huge problem right now in the Internet age because they're
just made public in a way that reinforces racist stereotypes

and regularly ruins people's lives.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Yeah, certain states, like my family is largely from Georgia,
is huge, huge, huge thing. In the South. It is
in every local, tiny local paper. It's got a whole section.
Whoever fucked up, got a duy, or did a horrible crime,
they just end up right there in the paper for

everyone to see. It's like it's like a town square pillary. Yeah,
for everyone to laugh at you and and have their fun.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
But they're there forever, and in the case to Facebook,
they are being tagged with your information.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
You have no say in the matter.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
The police love to do it because it makes it
seem like they're really busy like they're and you know
that they're solving problems and that the world is a
scary place. And then like there's also you know, there
will be these comments under the videos that are there
will be these comments under the mugshots that are like

racist or threatening, and like sometimes they will publish mugshots
of children. In one case, Lee County and Florida published
one of a twelve year old boy that was posted
along with a caption containing his home address, and they
haven't like taken it down.

Speaker 2 (17:46):

Speaker 1 (17:47):
The system also allows for a scam in which mugshot
sites create online databases of mugshots because the mugshots have
been made public and the site supposedly protect the public
by warning them against potential criminals, so they're are allowed
to operate, and then they make money by charging people
to have their mug shots removed from the database, which

is just blackmail.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Like yeah, yeah, yep, that sounds about right.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Yeah yeah, So, I mean in recent years there have
been some positives with people successfully suing those websites, and
some police departments, like in San Francisco, have been halting
their policy of publicizing mug shots even before the legislation,
But it's Uh yeah, like everybody should be doing that.
It's fucking horrifying that it's just a thing that can

be posted regardless of like what is found or you know,
like it's just all you have to be is suspected
enough to be arrested and then you are forever, you know,
on the internet on the worst day of your life,
like after being arrested, and you know, it's not like
the police are biased in any way. Like all this

is is proof that the police were suspicious enough of
you to arrescue, which is obviously gonna definitely uh yeah, yeah.
So anyways, band fucking mugshots. Uh, just on the internet,
for god's sakes.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Yeah, grant people just the modicum of dignity.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
Maybe maybe, yeah, I don't know. It's crazy idea. Thank
you so much, Brian the Editor for joining and co
hosting this trending episode.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
It's my pleasure.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Where could people find you? Follow you?

Speaker 2 (19:39):
I'm on Twitter at I don't know my Brian the editor,
but Brian the Editor really fuck off, truly fuck off,
and don't follow him. Don't follow me. There's nothing going.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
On there, all right. You can find me on Twitter
at Jack underscore O. Brian. Uh that is going to
do it for us this afternoon, back tomorrow with a
whole last episode. Until then, be kind to each other,
be kind to yourselves, get the vaccine, don't do nothing
about white supremacy, and we will talk to you all tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Bye. All right,

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