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August 28, 2024 59 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Are you in are Chicago?

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Chicago? In Chicago?

Speaker 1 (00:08):
It looks like a Chicago apartment. I can already tell
that's crazy.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
That arch, yeah, a little door.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
I love that little arch.

Speaker 4 (00:14):

Speaker 2 (00:15):
How's the heat? Isn't it supposed to be like one?

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Ten fucking hot?

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Wrap it up? I gotta get out of here, Marcel
Marcel and kicks off the episode. I'm giving us the
wrap it up motion.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Yeah, I give you the last I'm not doing under
get to the end.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three fifty three,
Episode three of Daily's I Guys, a production of by
Heeart Radio. Something weird happened with my voice there. I
feel like I want RFK there. I was like, it's
like kind of weird. It happens to us all. This
is a podcast where we take a deep dive into
America's share consciousness. That is Wednesday, August twenty eighth, twenty

twenty four.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Yeah, it's a National Thoughtful Day. Well, yeah, I guess
it'd be a thoughtful here's the one that really, Matt,
National Red Wine Day and uh also National bow Tie
Day and National Power Rangers Day. So shout out your
bow tie, your red wine, or your red ranger.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
You can here you go. My name is Jack O'Brien
aka east Point Junior. An anagram of Jack O'Brien courtesy
of On the Discord Junior.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
Oh just jr.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Yeah you don't have a JR.

Speaker 5 (01:36):

Speaker 1 (01:36):
Got it? Got it? Yeah, yep yeah. Maniche hit us
with some some pretty good anagram so I'm just getting
them ready for when Caitlyn Dorante gets on east Point Junior.
Top three anagram of Jack O'Brien. Thank you, Maniche. I'm
thrilled to be joined as always by my co host,
mister Miles Gras, Miles Red. Yeah, I'm buyingm moldies.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Only got twenty dollars in my podcet, I'm hung looking
for a dusty.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
This is fucking moldy.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
Shout out Snarpyla on the Discord, Because Yeah, when I
go to a gas station and I need to break
change or something, I end up buying picking the dustiest
fucking item in the gas station market. I don't know
why I don't pick the normal things, but thank you.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
What do you mean? What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Like I'll be like, oh, there's ruffles, but then I'll
see like a pack of like spicy, like Mexican spicy
peanuts or some shit. I'm like, walk up with those
and I pick it up and there's no one has
bought them in like eight years.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
But I'm like, but I like this. Have you ever
had a powdered sugar donut where the powdered sugar doesn't
even come off on your fingers? That's sold like it's
whole stuff?

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Oh my god, like stuff like plaster.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
There are you shopping?

Speaker 2 (02:47):

Speaker 1 (02:48):
I want to go there? Is it a discount?

Speaker 4 (02:51):

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Yeah, Okay, I'm sorry, sir, this this is not coming
off on my fingers.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
The splashes, I'm throwing it off the wall like a racketball.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Nothing. Damn damn. Well, speaking of damn, we are throlled
to be joined in our third seat by one of
our favorite guests, one of your favorite guests, the writer actor,
one of the funniest stand up comedians doing it.

Speaker 2 (03:14):

Speaker 1 (03:14):
She has an incredible stand up special called Bitch Grow
Up that you must go watch on Max even if
you've seen it already. It's time for a rewatch.

Speaker 5 (03:22):

Speaker 1 (03:23):
It's the hilarious and talented Marcela ar Well.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
It's me, It's me, It's me, Marcella really I want
you guys to I want I need the producers to
include the AKA thing. I always forget that you guys
do that until I'm here, and I'm like, fuck, I
wanted to write one for myself.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
You know, zeke gag, let's do it. Yeah, I bet
there might be one in the.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Guess they just I mean, but like, why would they?
They don't know what I'm going to be on one
of these days. I'm gonna also shout out to the Zigang.
You guys are some of the best fucking listener fans
of porters. I swear to fucking god. I did a
podcast last week where the last time I was on
it apparently people made a Reddit threat about how unpleasant
I was, which was whole. I mean, you can go
read it. It's fucking to me. It's hilarious because people

are just too fucking sensitive, especially like certain listeners of
certain podcasts are a little more sensortive than, uh than
a normal person should be. And some of from the
Zeitgang went in there. I don't know what the fuck
the name is because I don't memorize the shit because
I don't actually care that deeply, but someone went in
there and was like, you know, Marcella's humor is not.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
For everybody, like broken down?

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Okay, Like yeah, broken down.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
Like That's why I know the Zeitgang is better people
than other people because they're not like she fucking sucks.
I mean, if some people don't like me, that's fine.
I mean, you guys know, at the beginning, people had
a hard time with me, but now I feel like
people get it and if they don't want to listen,
they just maybe skip an episode, that's fine, but they
don't make and make a whole fucking.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
Reddit post about it. Sure.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
Yeah, but one of your guys listeners was like, she
is not for everybody, but I personally enjoy when she's on.
And it was one of those things where I was like, yeah,
this is how normal person talks to a normal person,
because these people are so convinced that I'm just the devil,
right right right anyways, So Zikang, you guys are the
ship for real, for real. I know I always show
you love, but most of you are normal motherfuckers who

appreciate a crazy man.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
The love is there love, So there are there's there's
a Maroon five wake up call here ak for you,
Marcella somebody wrote down an umbrella Ella Marcelollo, Yella, Marcella
Ella here you want, you want to do one here,
I'll put it in the chat. You can perform it
because you know everybody knows that one boom. There, it is, there,
it is.

Speaker 5 (05:40):
Although we often work together, we still guys sell them
to never. I'm just anxious, fella, especially when I'm getting
bully Marcella hella under Marcella's umbrella boom.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
On the discord.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Yeah, and that went with the vibe too. That was perfect.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
That was perfect, and that I think that's the last
time you were on. We established that I have a
pay pig relationship with you, where every time you make
fun of me, I'm secretly really into it. You can
hear a little my little dick moves and you can
hear a pervert little exhale whatever she roasts me, your hope,

it's a little a little cough of dust. Yeah, ship amazing. Well,
there it is there, it is.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Thanks for having me back. I love being on here.
I haven't been on here in a while.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
You on post Chicago move you were still Cali based, right,
but yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
Yeah, I haven't been on here in a hyle.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Yeah, so now you're Chicago loving it, But.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
Yeah, yeah I am. I'm I'm I won't say I'm
loving it, but I am appreciating that things are working out.

Speaker 4 (06:55):

Speaker 2 (06:56):
Sure, well you only two months in, you know what
I mean? So yeah, yeah, like a state like California
where you're fing.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
I was traumatized. The move was traumatizing because I had
I had a hitch a trailer to my little mini
suv and it was not I drove the whole way
and it was really stressful and traumatizing and I almost
hate a deer. After like two other back to back
incidents on the freeway and then like I was like,
I need to exit because I'm I have so much
anxiety and stress from this, like whatever. I think. It

was like a thirty minute thing of just insane traffic
and construction and I was like, let me exit right here. Yeah,
and there's there's a first of all, there was another
car that was merging back onto the freeway, but they
were like parked, So I was like, you know, when
you see she'it like that, you're supposed to fucking keep
your eyes open, like whenever you see a parked car
that and they're not supposed to be parked there. You're like,

what's going on? I couldn't see. I slowed down a
little extra more, which shout out to that because I
think that definitely saved my ass. I think I went
down to fifteen miles per hour because I think the
exit was like twenty five miles per hour or something
like that, and I went down really low, and glad
thank god I did, because yeah, the deer, I would
have hit that motherfucker, and like, I that just a
it got so close that it was one of those

things where as soon as I parked, I fucking started
crying because I was like, shit, so we're just too
much back to back ship. It was so fucked Yeah,
I was literally traumatized from driving across the country.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Yeah you're there. I had a long drive a couple
of weeks ago from Vermont to New Jersey and the like.
We hit a rainstorm probably in like our two of seven,
so it was so gnarly, like all the all the
cars had their hazards on where we're going, like fifteen
miles per hour even like at a certain point even

the yeah, exactly, it turned into la when it's when
there's a light sun shower. But even the like big
tractor trailers started like slowing down, which usually they are
like scoffing at you as they like go bye, but
they had their hazards on. And then I still had
like five hours of drive left, and I was like

drenched and just like my fucking nerves were jangling, and
I was just like, yo.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
He just passed out the second you put it in park.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
Yeah yeah, And then like all my kid my kids
are just like you know, looking at their iPad or
like napping in the background. They're just like, why are
you going so driving a breakdown?

Speaker 6 (09:15):

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Did you call me Jack?

Speaker 7 (09:18):

Speaker 1 (09:19):

Speaker 7 (09:20):

Speaker 2 (09:20):
Jack's crying?

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Why is Jack crying?

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Is Jack crying?

Speaker 3 (09:23):

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Is Jack crying? Mom?

Speaker 3 (09:26):
Why is Jack crying?

Speaker 1 (09:27):

Speaker 8 (09:27):

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Mom? I'm your father, and I'm pretty sure Rain's getting
in the car.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
That's what's losers. But yeah, that ship, there are some
drives that are just Yeah, I get that the human
body and brain was not built for this sort of Yeah.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
I definitely the trailer really fucked everything because I couldn't
see behind me being dick heeads was it was really heavy,
So I was like, I can I can only go
so fast guys. I don't know what to tell you.
It was really I think what really bummed me out
was how many this is going to sound so ignorant,
but how many trucks drive were such sticks to me
because I make such a point to be nice to

fucking truck drivers, Like I always let them in.

Speaker 8 (10:07):
I always, I don't do that.

Speaker 3 (10:13):
You can't be a woman and do that. You think
you're trying to give them a I.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Want to jack you off in a really weird way.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
Wait wait, you're like very like you let them in
your mind.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Always, I'm always like building my truck driver karma because
I just don't like believe in like passing them and like, no,
I don't believe in that, like bus buses too. It's like,
you know, let them in. But these motherfuckers were fucking
dick heads, especially like through Nebraska and Wyoming. It was
like I was like, what the fuck? What did I
ever do to you?

Speaker 1 (10:48):

Speaker 2 (10:49):
Yeah, yeah, you're you're on the road to the trailer
not going slow or faster.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
I know, didn't they know? Yeah, what other job can
you do that? You can just like push people out
of the way and scare them a little bit. Oh
my god, you're no one cares.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
Like a security guard for like Taylor Swift or Beyonce.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
Yeah, but they would get repercussions if they hurt someone.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
We've said, you can kind of do a little light
face mush.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Yeah, but I've seen it where Selena Gomez what flipped
out on a security guy because he fucking was too
aggressive to a fan. Yeah, so I don't know about that.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
One can win, driver's got it. Yeah, so I guess
struck drivers stay out, stay on top.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Almost kill you, and they just drive away later.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
All right, we are going to get to know you
a little bit better in a moment, Marcella. First we're
going to tell okay, we're not good. But first we're
going to tell the listeners a couple of things we're
talking about today. We're talking about the latest right wing
Tim Wall's conspiracy theory.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
They got a jinger required.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
They required a whole thirty seconds of googling to debunk,
but you know they're they're just grasping for straws.

Speaker 5 (11:57):

Speaker 1 (11:58):
We're going to talk about how the anti choice advocates
are dealing with the new Trump vance policy of being
pro choice no ish. Uh, So we'll talk about that
we'll talk about how there's just like buying ads to
make Trump feel like they're doing something. He wants to

see himself on TV.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
He wan't say that too much to ask baby wants
to be on Blueie? Can you put blue on for baby?

Speaker 1 (12:25):
All of that plenty more, But first, Marcella, we do
like to ask our guests, what is something from your
search history that's realing about who you are?

Speaker 3 (12:34):
You know, what is it my search?

Speaker 7 (12:36):
I could.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
I was like trying to go through all my safaris
and I was like, what the fuck I've been doing shit,
I haven't been researching anything, but I did. Last week
during the DNC, I googled Kamala's dad because I was like,
because everybody talks about I don't know if they did
anything on her dad. I don't know if I missed it.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
I feel like they he was very I don't. I
don't feel like he wasn't mentioned.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
No, he wasn't mentioned from what I saw, and I'm
pretty sure I watched most of it, and they do
the whole like it's too bad her mother won't be
here because she's dead. Make she rest in peace. But
I googled the dad because I was like what the fuck.
You know, what's his deal? He's still alive? Like do
we not? He's not getting a shout out?

Speaker 2 (13:14):
And oh no, she did mention him in her speech.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
Actually, but I'm.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Saying like a background, yeah, you know, like a profile.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Yeah, sure, I think her.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
I think that moment when she mentioned him is when
I was like, let me google this motherfucker.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
Because I was dead like, no, he's not.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Yes, So I was intrigued. And what was funny to
me is that both her dad and Obama's dad are
both like economics whizzes, and I just found it very
interesting and uh, because I mean, they didn't really talk
about they don't really talk about these deadbeat dads, and
these guys aren't deadbeats at all. They're fucking intelligent. And

the reason that these these politicians are thriving because they
got that weird math brain. And I just I just
found him interested. He a Stanford and that's that's that's
what I googled recently.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
He's a economist, economist and emeritus. I'm so smart. I
don't know how to pronounce that professor at emeritus professor
at Stanford University, who is, of course, and I'm not
reading this off of Wikipedia, known for applying post Kansian
ideas to development economics. Ah, so that that actually placed

him for me. I was like, Oh, he's that Donald Harris.
He's the one who's for applying ideas to development economics.
I always get him confused with a different economist who
applies pre Kynsian ideas to development economics. That's cool. Yeah,
I feel like I don't. I don't know why he's
not a bigger part of the picture, but that's that's

a cool dad to have something.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
Yeah, there obviously is something contentious, but I definitely was
impressed by what I did see about him, and I
was like, yeah, he's probab an aggressive piece of ship,
like most dads.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Too much, just way too much.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
Yeah, too too logical to the point of you know,
he's dead inside. That's that's how I which explains a
lot about her personality.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
He's an economist, and like economists have been such bitches
about her economic policy, like they've been like price controls, Yeah, okay,
let the market decide around here. It's like, how's that
working out for you?

Speaker 7 (15:28):

Speaker 1 (15:28):
Yeah, exactly, And that's why we have so many of
these fucking problems, So maybe that's it. Maybe he's just
one of those Well, actually, guys, he probably is. Yeah,
what what's something you think is underrated?

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Okay, these are I usually do underrate over kind of
like same same whatever, the same side of the coin,
wherever the fucking expression is. But I something I'm noticing
And this also happened last week when I was on
those two podcasts. I was on, people are so fucking
condescending about political discussion, and I'm just finding it so frustrating.

It also makes me like really realize why people are
not communicating very well with each other is because people
are so quick to cut put someone off that they
just they just think that they're dumb or they think
that they haven't you know, they're not you know, their
thoughts aren't well thought out, and people will like undercut

people just because maybe they're vocabulary is limited, maybe they're
their concerns are not the same concerns that the person
that they're discussing politics with, right, or you know, they're
not the same, They're not having the same kind of needs.
So I just wanted to mention, like to people to
not be such condescending pricks when talking to others about politics,

especially your loved ones, because that's insane. Well, I don't
know why you're being condescending about politics when you're talking
to your loved ones, but it happens. And then, uh,
you know, when you're having political conversations with people, let
people have their thoughts, let them think, think their ideas through.
Don't cut people, you know, like, let people express themselves,
and you know, that's how we have real conversations. And

I also wanted to give a shout out to you
guys both because I think you guys are both really
good at that. I think that's why your friends really
dig you guys, because you guys aren't uppity about a
lot of shit. And some shit you are, but we're
not gonna get into that. But you guys are really
good at having a normal conversation with wherever someone's at.
And I want to commend you guys for that because

it is pretty rare, I think, because this is the
first time in my life I've ever been like, I'm
an undecided voter, and that's obviously because the genocide that's happening.
And also I feel like Alma's gonna win no matter what,
and I'm very much like she's gonna win, What the
fuck do I care about, you know, voting for her specifically.
But so often am I getting into these conversations people

for the first time because I am kind of in
that undecided space. People are being such dickheads to me,
and I'm like, and I actually hit up my homegirl
Alhandra because she's always been a third party before.

Speaker 4 (18:02):

Speaker 3 (18:02):
Yeah, And so I just want to reiterate, you know,
that we need to make sure we're having normal, healthy,
not dickhead conversations about politics, because it's just such a
it's obviously such a contentions subject.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, I think there's a lot
of like, like you said, not everyone's calculus is so different,
and what how people arrive at a decision, especially for
like who they will vote for.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
It's based on so.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Many different things, like, yeah, how a person who has
not had a lot of interactions with police or things
like that, it would be very different than someone who
has like a lot of wealth in their family, and
their political calculus has always been about like how do
they maintain their wealth or protect their wealth or maybe
their middle class and they're they're like they they don't

have this say, face the same existential threats as other
people do. And I think, yeah, the most important thing
is really to understand, like what is an existential threat
to someone, and and that's and to respect that to
someone that's different. Like I may not be an immigrant,
but I understand what immigrating to a different country is
like through my family, and so I can see how

certain people have different sort of like lines they just
can't cross with immigration or if you are seeing people
that look like you get killed indiscriminately, whether here or abroad,
that affects you in a way that might not affect
another person. And yeah, people really do just have to
have the ability to like just try and first understand
it's not because someone's being like I'm fucked up and
I hate the world, So this is why I'm voting

like this, Like I think that's how a lot of
people are treating each other too, without saying, Yo, how
many times am I going to be told by a
politician we're going to do something about police violence, or
we're going to do something about inequality, or we're going
to do something about our terrible foreign policy, but nothing happens,
And then you have to understand some people have a
human reaction to be like, I don't want to keep

getting played, And part of that get people arrive at
the whatever conclusion they need to to feel like they
can exercise some form of power or whatever. But yeah,
I don't think. Yeah, it's definitely not useful to just
jump down fucking people's necks because you end up.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Like Kamala's dad excommunicated, not even on camera, as.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
As your daughter is.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
Yeah, my father who's a post knees and everyone's like
fuck this guy. Yeah, I feel like the wildest dumbest
shit I hear in politics is usually people describing why
they think the other people that they disagree with like
believe what they believe, you know, like their justification for

being dismissive. And it's always like it's like they just
want attention or something. Yeah, so you go with like
four year old logic, four year old psychology logic on this.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
Like if you don't let someone's you know, condescending fucking
tactics get under your skin, you can kind of push
them enough where you find out that maybe they're not
as smart as they think they are, or maybe they're
not looking at things the way that they should be
looking at things and they're you know, and to your
point of like, you know, not seeing where people are
coming from. It's just it's just it's just wild. I
just I just don't get it. I've just never been

that way, and I don't get it.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Yeah, I was having a conversation with somebody like that
I went to school with who was talking about They're like,
you know, like I think RFK might be a good
pick or whatever, and I was like, are you for real, like,
and they were doing like, well, you know, both parties
are like like everything's messed up, blah blah blah, and
I just think this might be a better choice.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
I'm like that I don't know about that.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
But I also told them they're like, I don't know
how you can vote for this or why people are
getting so like drawing a hard line over things like
what's happening in Gaza or whatever. And I'm like, well,
here's the thing I feel like you should understand about yourself.
You are a white male who owns a business, who
owns multiple properties, like you have multiple like plots of

land that you own that are paid for, and I
think for you, no matter who's president, the quality of
your life might not change much, and I think you
have to understand that that's where you operate from. And
I get that for you, because nothing might change much
from your perspective. That doesn't mean that's how everybody else
sees things, right, Not everybody else has that sort of

level of stability that you do or are you are?
Can you know, avoid a lot of oppressive bullshit because
of your class and race and things like that, And
that was like a moment They're like, oh, yeah, I
guess that is true, and I'm like, for me, I
try to keep I try and keep everyone's existential threats
the top of my mind because if you don't take
everybody's existential threats seriously, then how the fuck do you

expect people to take the ones that are threats to
you seriously? And I think that's a right there, No,
but for real, like that's you have, it's like anything,
It's true. It's it's all intersectional, you know, like if
you really don't understand that shit and be like no, man,
like this is fuck because if it's happening to them,
it will happen to you eventually. And it's already happened
they already. You don't need more examples of who it's

happened to. So I think that's another part too, is
to be like you have to understand how so intertwined
it is. And I think that's a hard part because
a lot of people are grappling with like, well, how
are we going to move past this form of capitalism,
this form of like imperialism, Like what's the next step?

Speaker 1 (23:25):
And how do we grapple with that?

Speaker 2 (23:27):
And a lot of people are sort of maybe in
their early stages of realizing how it all works, and
they're still kind of reflexively doing the well, as long
as you know, as long as these two things happen
and I don't care about what happens to the other people,
then it's not really a problem for me. It's like, no,
you have to make you have to treat everything like
it's a problem, because that's the only way we're going
to realize a world that feels fair. And if we

keep falling back into this shit to be like, well,
you know, miss me with like their concerns over there,
then that they don't like That's what I'm saying, Like,
that's what really bugs me out about what could happen
with climate change when people really need fucking help, Like
they really need help, really need someone to be like, yo, come,
we are opening our doors to you because I get

that the peace of the earth that you are on
is untenable.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
You cannot live there anymore.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
And if we're so used to being like, yeah, well
those people are like, this is not really my problem. Man,
It's gonna be such a fucking the world is already
filled with enough pain. But like, at least that's how
I try and make sense of everything. It's like, well,
if I want at least try and uphold values that
feel like every single person that you know is receiving
a modicum of respect and we acknowledge their humanity, because

I don't want to live in a world where that
isn't the case. So I at least in practice try
and do that for myself. But yeah, it's it's wild
because yeah, a lot of people, there's a lot of
all everyone's threat assessment is different and it makes people
react in different ways. But I think at the same time,
for those people who react very you know, reflexibly to things,
you take the time to understand that someone isn't just
trying to fucking shit on your party and your parade

and like we're having a good time until you can
brought all this ship up and really understand where people
are coming from and what like educate yourself on what
the forces are, what forces are at work that makes
someone feel like that, Yeah, damn bars, bars.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
Drop drop the bomb right there. Yeah, when we're at
the Canadian border and.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
I'm saying that with my hat and they're like, yeah,
these motherfuckers. Wait, I thought you guys were polite, you
dirty burger eaters, like they call this burga from the US.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
That's the only way I can make sense of it
is like, what about me in a hundred years, you know, yeah,
what if they're mean to me?

Speaker 2 (25:42):
But I think and it's also too the world's so
fucked up, like some people really don't want to acknowledge
how the like the darkness of it. I get that
it's so much more comfortable to be like little John
did fucking turn down for what at the d n
C roll call. And then at the same time you
I'm also seeing in real time a lot of bad

shit happening around the world where it feels like our
country can do something different, and part of me has
to like witness that to sort of understand the fucking
situation I'm in and then you know, and live with that.
And but again I get that it's a lot for people,
but unfortunately there are people most people around the world
do not have the privilege to be able to just

fucking turn that part of their brain off or ignore
that kind of suffering. And yeah, it's it's it's very
difficult times right now.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
I would say that that was the thing that stuck
with mate from the trump coin that did you see
the ad that just dropped for his legs batchelaying card
or Trump cards sorry trump cards? Yeah, And he was like,
and then you get to like come to maur Lago
and we have a really good time, we have a
like he's just yeah, selling a fun time hanging out
with him.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
Yeah, firefest, Yeah, Oh, Florida is great. Don't talk about
how insurers are like leaving in mass because of they're
worried about what climate change is gonna do. Like that's
but that's fucking real. And like when the ship hits
the fan, don't act surprised suddenly, just you know, it's hard.
It's hard to Yeah, it's hard, but it's necessary.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
All right, let's uh let's take a quick break and
come back and find out what vice presidential candidate and
occasional Chinese sleeper agent Tim Walls is really up to.
We'll be right back.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
I cut you off.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
You can tell when you take that breath, just like
a fucking linebacker waiting to pick that.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Thank you for bringing us back. We do, of course,
have to talk about Tim Walls, who has been displaying
some suspicious being behavior, let's.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
Say, super suspicious.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
So the Fox newswoman Oh my god, oh no.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Thank you, Allison. Uh, she's just there to.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
Freaked out, right.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
So and Minnesota GOP strategist Dustin Grage. Dustin Grange, notice
that Tim Walls once posted two separate pictures of his dog, Scout,
but they're two completely different dogs. What yeah, yeah, yeah,

this guy's weird. I don't know what the like. I'm
trying to figure out what the version of the story
is in their brain.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
That he's a fucking pacological life.

Speaker 5 (28:50):

Speaker 2 (28:50):
I can't even keep his dog straight, and he's just like.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
Going around taking pictures of the other people's dogs and
being like, here's Scout, Like that's weird or did they
think it was a Do you remember did you guys,
watch The Jinks. The first season of The Jinks, do
you remember that was like one of the most unnerving
parts of the show is he had he kept having
like identical husky dogs and he would just give them

the same name over and over again, and they kept
dying under mysterious circumstances.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
You know who does that. Mariah Carey.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
She has a Jack Russell Terrier. She named it Jack
back in the nineties, and she every time the fucker dies,
she gets a new one yo.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
And you see her mom and her sister died on
this crazy d.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
That memoir is crazy. That memoir is crazy.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
And that was the memoir. Okay, yeah, I was like
I just saw that headline come out, but I was like.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
That's no that they just died.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
But the memoir was so crazy that when you're what
when you're reading that story, I was like, that sister
did something to herself because I don't know what the
fuck that family is fucking kray wow, up, they're fucked up.
She even Mariah has said that she has a she
keeps her She kept her space from her siblings physically,

emotionally was not safe. But oh yeah, that but I
brought up her because she does the same thing, and
I just think it's so funny.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
It's a level of like narcissism that's compelling to me.
Like it's just like kind of haunting a little.

Speaker 3 (30:22):
Almost like it's like your own PTSD, Like you know
how like you want to stay in a moment. You
know how that people when they have PTSD, they relive
the moment by playing a song or doing whatever. They
don't even sometimes realize they're doing it. Yeah, but it's
almost like she's like, no, but that was back when
things were good, So I'm gonna just keep this dog
the same. And then because she also like doesn't celebrate

her birthday and doesn't say her age and she doesn't
acknowledge that, So I feel like that's just her verse around,
which is so narcissism.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
Yeah, because of powerful narcissism.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Yeah right, Barbara Streissan cloned her dog twice.

Speaker 4 (31:00):

Speaker 1 (31:01):
Yeah, but at least she did science to get it.
You know, it wasn't just like and your new dog,
and I'm gonna pretend you're saying it's like fifty how
would you improve that? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (31:12):
How do you know that they didn't just like get
a dog.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
That's imagine ya, yeah, give you like three weeks. Let
me give like three weeks.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
And I was like, okay, you gotta you gotta fucking
beat off or whatever. But the thing with this News
Max though thing, or on the Tim Walls thing is
the I think the way they covered it on Newsmax
is jack to answer your question, how they want people
to perceive what the fuck happened? Mm hmm, because it's like,
huh yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just sort of like this

guy is a fucking liar.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Humph, folks.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
This is the Newsmax take on the clone whatever dog situation.

Speaker 9 (31:47):
Finally, exactly another day, another Tim Walls lie. During his
two thousand and six congressional run, Walls claimed he was
given an award by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for
work in the business community.

Speaker 2 (31:57):
Oh it's a lie.

Speaker 9 (31:58):
It was actually the Junior Chamber of Common.

Speaker 1 (32:02):

Speaker 9 (32:02):
My god, it's about everything in his fairly mediocre life.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
It gets weirder, though, gets weird.

Speaker 9 (32:08):
Nameless Scout a happy birthday. But then just a few
months later, somebody discovered another tweet about another dog named Scout,
except it's a totally different dog.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
So which one Scout?

Speaker 2 (32:22):
The campaign had no answer for us. The campaign had
no answer for us. Wow, because it's confusing because it's like,
what the fuck are you talking about? And like you
said at the top, just a little bit. I mean
at this point, I think the Twitter notes even like
was like, y'all, this is so.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
The rumor was picked up by Charlie Kirk, who shared
the post and commented Tim Wallas as an all time
legendary liar. His like mouthful of baby teeth.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
As opposed to the rapist fell in their supporting.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
Right, Oh yeah, god, look got it. Twist the brain
up into that pretzel baby.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Then Eric Schmidt, who is a US editor, was like,
why would Walls do this? It's creepy and weird because
they're like trying to like play reverse Whuo with the
reared allegations.

Speaker 3 (33:10):
I just love that they had to go back two
years to find a lie for him, and you can
go back like two hours with Trump and it's like, bro,
he's lying right here.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
What are you talking about? Like I can hear him
in the background as you're making this allegation, and he's
lying and trying to like launch a scam around Crypto.
So in case you're wondering if the answer to this
mystery was morons who don't know how to use Internet,
you would be right. The second photo of the light

brown dog was just a stranger's dog that he met
while walking Scout one day. The grammar makes sense when
he just said he's like at the park with Scout,
and there's a video on Instagram from the trip to
the dog park with both dogs. So it's just they
just like didn't bother to do yeah, thirty seconds a

follow up Google before launching their journalism.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
But I mean, like it's so wild though, too, that
they would even try to do this right when on
the other side, to your point is like you have
a convicted like a like a felon who has rape allegations,
epstein allegations of every kind of fucked up thing under
the sun, and they're like, but this dude may be
lying about a dog, And it's like you think that,

like the what about isms aren't even hitting like y'all are.
It's they're not even on the same level. And again
you're just being purposely obtuse just because you're like, well,
that dog doesn't look like the black lab that you
had in the other photo, and what else does that mean?
Does that mean Donald Trump is better? I don't Yeah, maybe,
who knows. I don't know, Yeah it does. I think
dogs it's different.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
Dog doesn't mean fucking shit. Well, they'd rather focus on
that than Trump and jd Vance over the weekend not
backing a federal abortion band, which was like, kind of
they're like one of the main reasons that I think
they got into this in the first place, the reason guys,
I thought, what wait, what this was our whole thing, right, wasn't.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Yeah, wait, Gop, We've we've had this in our official
party platform for like fifty years now about being anti choice,
because so right, clearly this one and eighty that they did,
like in the last week it has to do with
getting voters interested in his death spiraling campaign. But like
it's also really beginning to stress his relationship with the

evangelicals and anti abortion crew because since the Dobbs decision, right,
these people were praising Donald Trump. It's like the most
pro life politician of our lifetimes in the history of
America type shit. But like, despite their diabolical victory in
the Supreme Court, the anti abortion, anti choice movement is
not getting stronger. Like the polling is only going up

on the pro choice side, pro healthcare side.

Speaker 1 (35:59):
And like the other.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
The irony too is since the Dobs decision, the number
of abortions have actually increased, so contrary to what their
movement is aiming for, the results are not actually you know,
coming out in.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
The way that they had hoped for. So you know,
like part two, phase two of the plan right, like
that they had is like overturn Row that you can
do global ban, and then you.

Speaker 2 (36:24):
Can do IVF, then you can do methropristol, all the
other all the other way, like just every way you
want to exert control over ul Handmaid's Tale. Yeah, they
just had to open that door with the Dobs decision,
but it's not clearly the momentum is completely against them.
But now they're looking at a party that Donald Trump
has just basically transformed, like their GOP into like this

pseudo pro choice party ever since, Like we talked about
this when the RNC was happening, these evangelicals and like
hardline Christians were so pissed that while they were putting
the party platform together, they removed all the pro life
language from it. They're like, what we're we're getting sambagged here.
This is so fucked up. It's like, yeah, I mean,
I think maybe he got what he needed out of

y'all to get into office the first time. But yeah,
now are these people are very much in a state
of shock because they were only able to hold their nose.
I mean, they would say like they could get past
the immorality of Trump because he at the very least
was down for abortion bands. But it's like, well, now what,
he's not even doing that for y'all, Like, at least
on paper, I get Project twenty twenty five and all

the other things indicate because I don't believe when I'll
never believe anything Republicans say about fucking healthcare. Ever, it
doesn't matter what the fuck they're saying. But it's clear
that this was a very cynical political move obviously the
one person. So right now people are starting to get
kind of up in arms. Lila Rose, who leads a
group called Live Action, pretty vocal since the no federal

abortion ban comments, said quote, if you don't stand up
for pro life principles, you don't.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
Get pro life votes.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
Due to their increasingly pro abortion position, Trump and Vans
they are stretching the lesser of two evils, voting strategy
to an untenable position, whether the voting it hits both sides. Baby,
these are universal truths.

Speaker 9 (38:08):

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Without some indication that they will work to make our
nation a safer place for preborn children, they're making it
impossible for pro life voters to support them. So this
caused a lot of fucking angry comments on Twitter, et cetera.
One person was like, this is like, you should take
this down, delete this.

Speaker 1 (38:27):
I'm a pro choice Catholic, but Trump is only option.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Another person called her comments voter suppression by saying something like.

Speaker 1 (38:34):
They've been doing that lately. They've been calling things voter suppression,
election meddaling. They called like a poll that was negative
for Trump. They were like, this is election meddling because
they're just taking the language of you know, the left
or just even you know, democracy and being and using

it to which is like kind of what fashion them
always like, takes the language of the left and just
appropriates it so that it becomes meaningless, so that like
when there's actual voter suppression, when there's actual election medaling,
which they were both guilt they're guilty of voter suppression.
Basically every election, but election meddaling, Like they straight up

had the President of the United States calling someone being
like I need one hundred and eighty two hundred and
thirty four.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
Was twenty it was twenty eight something. Look, that wasn't
that many.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
It wasn't twenty eight votes, it was twenty eight thousand.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
It's wild to be like, yo, these pollsters who are
asking people a question and telling us via pole that's
voter that's election meddling. That's like accusing the weather man
of being controlled the weather Yeah, that's what they said.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
They must be controlling, right, accusing the mail man of
being controlled.

Speaker 1 (39:49):
Not even yeah right, yeah, or accusing Apple.

Speaker 3 (39:53):
Because say, the term preborn children breaks me up. Children
as I call them wishes.

Speaker 2 (39:59):
Yeah right, preborn Yeah, and that's look, they got to
stretch their brains to try and get that sort of
emotional appeal. Yeah, but it's more just confusing because like
when you hear that, like when preborn hit children hits
the brain, you're like preborn, what's pre born anything? Right?

Speaker 3 (40:17):
But it makes sense to them, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
Of course of course, just.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
Like yeah, yeah, well yeah, and that's s buzzword.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
That's clearly you know, like with what we see what's
happening in Georgia and with their election board changing the
rules and now getting sued over that. And even Trump
said it himself. He's like, we don't need to worry
about voter turnout like that. We're not worried about getting
out the vote. We're worried about making sure the election
isn't stolen. We have the votes, So they're definitely they're Yeah.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
It's like he actually believes that shit, right, which is
probably good for anybody not wanting him to be elected.
Like that, he thinks that he actually won the twenty
twenty election like that. He's wied about it long enough
that he just like leaves that shit. So he's like,
I don't we don't need to campaign.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
I mean, I think the heart he truly doesn't understand.
I think he truly does not understand how the shit works. Yeah,
do you know what I mean? Like you could one
person could tell him, well, you won, if you don't
you know whatever whatever however they explained it to and
he was like, that's it. I won.

Speaker 2 (41:17):
Oh here, I did win. So I just need to
do these things to make sure everyone knows it. Uh yeah, sure,
but yeah, that's I mean, I think obviously the danger
is I think he with like all the stuff that's
happening with people in different voting boards and things like that,
they're going to do everything they can to slow down
the results of whatever happens in favor of, you know,

creating some kind of new fucking huge, big lie to
kind of fiasco like they did in twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Yeah, oh that's definitely happening.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
Oh yeah, I just love that every time they talk
about election meddling, when it gets fucking researched and they
cracked down on it, it's always their team.

Speaker 2 (41:54):
Yeah right, yeah, the meddling.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
Everybody accuse you of doing the bad thing they're doing.
That's their whole strategy, and it fucking works. Unfortunately, it
does work.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Yeah, and like yeah, you'll find like these like women,
like Republican women. I think it's Arizona. Someone got caught
like voting on behalf of like relatives, like just truly
being like the real kind of shit, Like, well, I'm
submitting your ballot because yeah, maybe I get four more
for Trump if I get in the way.

Speaker 3 (42:19):
I mean, that's why it's also important for people to
fucking use their mail in ballot when they get it,
because I've definitely thought about it with my brother's ballot,
because I'm like, you're not gonna vote she you better
get that shit out of my sight.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
You're seeing them like McDonald's monopoly pieces. Take coffee cup.
There might be a free hash brown there. Okay, no,
but I had to look.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
I had They should get free hash Browns with votes,
you know, like something.

Speaker 3 (42:44):
Dude, imagine if you could vote at McDonald's. Fucking voter
turnout would be fucking crazy.

Speaker 2 (42:49):
Yeah, but they'd have to bring prices down first. They've
like nobody went in there for an eight dollars quarter pounder.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
That's true. You got to use the app.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Yeah, The app is like their whole giving info. Yeah,
tell us more. Let's take a quick break.

Speaker 4 (43:04):
We'll be right back, and we're back.

Speaker 3 (43:16):
We're back and started cut that other ship out, trusting
to cut out the right ship though that's the real problem.
How quickly I did that?

Speaker 1 (43:30):
Trust? I trust with my life to cut out the
right ship every day.

Speaker 3 (43:34):
Get my life in two paces?

Speaker 1 (43:37):
What a song. Let's uh, let's talk about the Trump
cards they just dropped yesterday. Is trading cards their n
F T s, their NF yes, yes, he's still doing
cards and it truly it like it's one of those
videos where I saw it posted and I had to
wait for somebody to like write an article about it

because I couldn't tell if it was real or that.

Speaker 2 (44:04):
Oh like trumpy trout. Yeah, there's so many Trump Trout fake. No,
it was real. But it's like one of those things
they're all like a lot of these videos have a
caveat like this is an actual, real commercial. I'm not
fucking wa, this is a real Yeah, this is trumpy trout.
This is the new fucking real commercial about digital trading cards.

Speaker 1 (44:24):
Yeah, so we should just play it because Marcella, you
haven't seen it.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
No, I haven't seen it when you guys said it
was news to me.

Speaker 2 (44:31):
You know, there's a lot more. I think this also
coincides with a lot of the stories that have come
out that again, surprise, surprise, Trump is using campaign funds
to like enrich himself and fight his legal bills and
they're barely going to like any campaign stuff. And also
at the same time.

Speaker 3 (44:45):
God bless him, I sink we should all take a page.

Speaker 2 (44:47):
On the come up scam.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
That is like one of the things that people respect
about him? Who do respect him? Is that like we
are a nation of scammers at this point, Like most
successful people are just finding a wrinkle to like enrich
themselves and that's that is the game. And his willingness
to say that that's the game, I think is like

something that people admire about him. Yeah, but yeah, it
is just so shameless at that point.

Speaker 2 (45:18):
Yeah, and I think this also coincides, like too, you
think about what Kamala raised five hundred and forty million
dollars or something already.

Speaker 1 (45:26):
This motherfucker's selling POGs eighty.

Speaker 2 (45:29):
Four million just from the DNC, and You're like, what
the fuck? Anyway, So Trump's like, I need to be
fucking making money to fire up the photoshop and make
me look handsome. So here's the very real commercial for
the new Donald Trump Digital Trading Cards.

Speaker 6 (45:44):
Your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, with a very exciting
news by popular demand, I'm doing a new series of
Trump digital trading cards. You all know what they are.
Oh yeah, had a lot of fun with him.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Lot of fun.

Speaker 2 (45:57):
Okay, So this one is I think I don't know why.
It's him next to a roaring lion.

Speaker 1 (46:02):
Giant roaring lion head behind him, another one he also
looks like twenty years younger.

Speaker 2 (46:07):
Is like a space halo. And this other one here, yeah,
I'm not sure what it looks like.

Speaker 1 (46:11):
It's Heaven's gates. It looks like a halo mixed with
a mushroom cloud behind him.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
Oh, maybe that's his penis. And then this one is
him wearing American flag boxing gloves or hockey gloves. They
look like individual fings.

Speaker 1 (46:26):
Yeah, the fingers are articulated.

Speaker 3 (46:29):
Might give someone the finger punching them out.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
Oh yes, yes, yes, there's another one with a bison.
Let's see. This one is just a gold it's him
raising his fist while f sixteen's fly overhead.

Speaker 3 (46:42):
While taking a zempek.

Speaker 1 (46:44):
Right, yeah, he is.

Speaker 2 (46:45):
So thin and all really yeah, yeah, all right, we'll
let the continue, the commercial continue trading cards.

Speaker 6 (46:54):
It's really something. These cards show me dancing and.

Speaker 2 (46:57):
Even they just got that's been They show me dancing
and even holding some bitcoins, some bitcoins.

Speaker 1 (47:08):
Bitcoins, the coin iron Man. He is dressed as iron Man,
and then there's just like a bitcoin on his shield,
but he apparently thinks that's what bitcoin is.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
I need James Austin Johnson to replicate this on SNL.
This is so funny.

Speaker 1 (47:22):
It's so wild.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
Also, like I like that he thinks, like you again, motherfucker,
these aren't These aren't tangible objects. You can't hold a
bunch of bitcoins.

Speaker 3 (47:32):
I also think it's funny that earlier you guys were like,
did you see that Trump coin? I mean Trump card
and none of that ship. It's just air.

Speaker 2 (47:40):
Yeah, exactly, like at least a coin you can Well,
these are real.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
So these cards are real?

Speaker 2 (47:46):
Oh, these are cards that you buy.

Speaker 1 (47:47):
These aren't just And this is where you find out Marcella,
that this episode is sponsored by that This has all
been a long wind up for us to tell you
that these are real cards, and you're about to find
out how real they are with a pitch about what's
in those cards.

Speaker 2 (48:02):
I hope you're not undecided committed to buying these cards.
They're ninety nine dollars each. I mean, that's that's a
fucking steal. I mean, I'll let the man go on himself.
Per card, Yeah, per card, perk card.

Speaker 4 (48:16):
Here's the best part.

Speaker 6 (48:18):
I'm doing great things for my Trump digital card collectors.
First there's the real physical Trump cards.

Speaker 3 (48:25):
I feel so bad that people that are buying this
are poor. Yeah, that's what's such a bummer.

Speaker 6 (48:31):
Physical Trading Card has an authentic piece of my suit
that I wore for the presidential stake, and people are
calling it the knockout suit. I don't know about that,
but that's what they're calling.

Speaker 10 (48:41):
Okay, that's what is going on with his energy in this.
He's like being like cute kind of he's like a
knockout suit. I don't know if that's what i'd call it.

Speaker 2 (48:53):
I'm pretty sure that's what they do call it though, Yeah,
it's sick man, but yeah, knockout suit.

Speaker 1 (49:00):
They go on to like show his suit from the debate,
like him in his suit during the debate, and then
like trace an outline around it to like make it
like shot off his body into your trading card.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
Yeah, the griffs continue, I mean they just I think
it's always good to know that he's still his his
his same habits are still here, that hasn't changed about him.

Speaker 3 (49:25):
I feel like he could sell snake oil and people
would buy it.

Speaker 1 (49:28):

Speaker 2 (49:29):
I mean he sold a Bible, you know what I mean?
And I was like, yo, how are you going to
top the Bible? You know what? I mean, it's like
this is actually the official Trump Bible and you're like,
the official Sure, yeah, go ahead. I mean, but snake
oil would be funny, But what would he say? It
does like helps you knock out Joe Biden rhetoric in
a debate.

Speaker 3 (49:46):
He does everything you needed to do, does everything you
needed to do.

Speaker 2 (49:50):
My hair back, very strong, very strong. My son talks
to me now, Baron, I loved him. He's you a
nice natural blow m Max morny, very long.

Speaker 1 (50:02):
But yeah, they're back by his stamina.

Speaker 3 (50:05):
The stamina you have all the stamina, Your stamina will
be huge, which but which.

Speaker 2 (50:09):
Is wild though too, because this was clearly recorded before
he got all super sleepy leapy on us and you
started checking out, Yes.

Speaker 3 (50:19):
They can't yeah, ship, Yeah, they're punching.

Speaker 2 (50:24):
In like it's a fucking YouTube vlog and ship and
you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
I get it.

Speaker 2 (50:28):
You couldn't nail. You couldn't say a forward sentence in
one take.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
We see you.

Speaker 2 (50:32):
But like because like recently, like again this last speech
he made and for like the National Guard Association, it's
nothing really remarkable was said. But again I was just
checking to see like how his energy was and it's
still like very it ain't it ain't like the like
when he's trying to sell somebody some ship that he
can you know, make money off of. This is him.

I don't know what the he's talking about here, but
here here he is low energy man.

Speaker 7 (50:56):
Moment, and it's so easy. It was so easy because
we were getting out, getting out with strength and dignity.
Think of it.

Speaker 2 (51:03):
Eighteen months now he said, Digny, no dig no, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
Yeah, you're getting out with no Digny.

Speaker 2 (51:12):
Goes on to talk about like Ukraine because obviously he's
got a cap for his boy Putin. But then this one,
like he sounds so dejected at the end. It's again
very very low.

Speaker 7 (51:22):
On right now with Ukraine, they're surging into Russia. Okay,
he ended up in World War Three. That's going to
be a bad one.

Speaker 1 (51:34):
Okay. He's mad that they're surging into He's like, look,
we can't what are we going to do?

Speaker 2 (51:39):
We got to stop this. In Ukraine they were invaded
by Russia and now they're invading there. I mean, this
is a mess. Folks who would have thought so strong.

Speaker 3 (51:51):

Speaker 1 (51:52):
Right, he's like making me sleepy, just watching Oh yeah,
do this ship.

Speaker 3 (51:56):
I'm just like, yo, just fall asleep.

Speaker 1 (52:00):

Speaker 3 (52:01):
Can I just say I got my Twitter got hacked
a while ago, and I haven't been on it because
I can't get it back to Twitter's a mess. Nobody
responds to me, so I've just let it be what
it is. That when you were selling laptops, that's when
I was selling laptops.

Speaker 2 (52:14):
Yeah, oh yeah, you and lazy Mote. A lot of
a lot of my friends are selling laptops. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52:18):
Well lady got her account back. I never gotten my
account back because that happened to her when when she
was still okay over there. But yeah, I haven't been
able to get it back. I have stopped trying because
it's not like there's no way to get it back.
But anyways, I really appreciate you showing that screen because
I haven't been on Twitter until long. I was like, oh,
there it is.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
That's when it's dumping ground there.

Speaker 1 (52:36):
And then I do have to say the laptops you
were selling were pretty good. Yeah, thank you so much. Yeah,
appreciating that. Yeah you got Yeah, it's a great deal.

Speaker 2 (52:44):
Yeah, MacBook Pro for that little Yeah, let me get
in here. Marcella selling laptops should get the kids.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
Fucking fire sale.

Speaker 2 (52:55):
Yeah, she says she just came up on a bunch
that she didn't need anymore, so she's believed it.

Speaker 3 (53:01):
Some people believe that I was selling laptops. I was like, Hey,
if you bought a laptop off me, that's on you. You
were fucking dumb if you think I was selling laptops, Like,
I don't even feel bad for you. You're dumb.

Speaker 1 (53:14):

Speaker 3 (53:15):
I had people message me, hey, are you really selling
laptops from people who never respond to my ship, never
are like I got DM Some people who follow me,
you know how, like on Instagram it says has been
following you since twenty whatever. They say, I'll be like,
this person has never interacted with me, and they really
think I'm selling laptops.

Speaker 1 (53:34):
They were waiting for you to find your true calling.

Speaker 3 (53:36):
Laptop funny so funny.

Speaker 1 (53:39):
Yeah, man, comedy is dead man.

Speaker 2 (53:40):
Comedy is dead man.

Speaker 1 (53:43):
Yeah, it's all about laptops.

Speaker 3 (53:44):
I moved to Chicago's playing laptop.

Speaker 2 (53:47):
There's a whole laptop ring of He's like, they don't
know what we got that shit.

Speaker 3 (53:52):
It's hoping it's with the laptops out here.

Speaker 2 (53:55):
Play boy, marcel U.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
What a pleasure as always to have you on the daily.
Where can people find you? Follow you, experience you.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
You can find me at marcella comedy dot com. I
was gonna say on all social media, but don't follow
me on Twitter anymore, that she's locked and I can't
get a really good deal. But I am new to Chicago.
So if you're a Chicago and listening, I have a
new monthly show second Thursdays at the Lincoln Lodge. The
next one, September fifth, Lady of Popovich will be there.
It's all true here. Hey, really fun line up, so

come through. It's only ten dollars amazing.

Speaker 1 (54:30):
Is there a work of media that you've been enjoying?

Speaker 3 (54:33):
Yes, there is this TikTok account a chick named Nina Pool.
I think she goes by Nina Goolina, Google Lina, and
she's always finding dupes of products that are very very
like they're expensive and you want you need them, but
she finds them at like the Dollar Tree or the
Dollar General. She'll fine because she's reading ingredients really quickly

and comparing them really quickly and seeing what's it actual
replicate duplicate.

Speaker 2 (55:01):
Oh right, So.

Speaker 3 (55:03):
She does these really cool and I know everybody's on
a budget these days, I certainly am. So yeah, she
has this really cool account, and especially the women. She
has like all these makeup dupes that she finds. But
there's all these like beauty products and other cool shit.
I mean she does skincare and but she finds all
these She'll read the labels and go, this is actually
exactly the same as this one, or this is like

this has twenty out of the twenty five ingredients of
this ingredient. Right, It's a really cool account for everybody
that's a bitch on a budget. If you're a bitch
on a budget, to check it out. I love it.
It's just like this cute voice. She's very for the people.
She has a very supportive husband. They're a really cute couple.
But yeah, Nina Pool on TikTok okay.

Speaker 2 (55:40):
Yeah, that's like it's wild too, because like it's like
when you look at shit on like any any products
that are made, it's usually made by like the same
four factories in China, like whether it's like a phone
case or like a phone charging cable and shit, and
people just put a different brand on it. But I'm glads.
People are out here just doing the like, no, this
is materially the exact same thing.

Speaker 3 (56:00):
Yeah, And I was like, oh cool, because there's some
shit that I'm just like, I don't want to spend
twenty dollars on it for my fucking bacnee, you know,
like I don't want to miss fucking you know. And
she she found the set of phill is an exact
the dupe at the Dollar Tree as an exact replicate
of the set of phil that's in stores, and I
was like, oh, I'm gonna get that from my back boom.

Speaker 1 (56:18):
There it is, Miles. Where can people find you as
their working media.

Speaker 2 (56:21):
You've been enjoy Yeah, Twitter, Instagram, at Miles of Gray,
Jack and I are also on the basketball podcast Moods
and Jack Madam Boosties and you can find me talking
ninety day Fiance on four to twenty Day Fiance. Some
tweets that I like. First one is from at Coral
Underscore do It's as parenthetical optometrist interrupts me, the bigger

letters aren't louder, cracked me up. I can see how
that could happen. And then another one is just funny
at Underscore gun Tar Underscore it said, walk to a
polls and vote on that bang, which feels like something
we're probably like the Democratic Party might unironically tweet very yeah,

yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (57:11):
The day before the.

Speaker 3 (57:12):
Election, Kamala HQ tweeting that ship out.

Speaker 2 (57:15):
It's Haley, Well, it's gonna pop up. She's gonna pop up.

Speaker 3 (57:19):
Jack O'Brien, where can we Where can you?

Speaker 1 (57:22):
Thank you so much for asking you can find underscore O'Brian.

Speaker 2 (57:28):
I don't think I don't know where.

Speaker 1 (57:30):
To find him tweet. I've been enjoying from False Rocks.
He tweeted. This is an advanced stone thought. But I
think if my eyes were closed and Kermit the Frog
walked into a room, I'd be able to pick up
on his energy and just know he was there.

Speaker 3 (57:43):
I saw that one. I thought, that's funny.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
Watch the Muppets movie with my kiddos this weekend. I
don't know if it was because of that tweet, because
that tweet was last week, but might have been so
might have been just slightly influenced by You can find
us on Twitter at Daily Zeigeist. We're at d Daily
Zeitgeist on Instagram. We have a Facebook fan page and
a website. Daily zekeeist dot com, where we post our

episodes and our footnote.

Speaker 5 (58:09):

Speaker 1 (58:10):
We link up the information that we talked about today's
episode the Fox newsgirls here today's episode, as well as
a song that we think you might enjoy. Miles, what
song do you think people might do?

Speaker 6 (58:21):

Speaker 2 (58:21):
This is like okay, so I heard on SoundCloud like
two years ago a remix of Magnolia by Playboy Cardi
And but it's like had like this like really nice
like Spanish guitar underneath it, and I just heard the
actual what the sample is from. And it's from this
Italian composer named Piero Umeilani and the track is called

I don't know what that means. I know madi means c,
but it's spelled c r p U s c O
l O s U l m A r E. And
it's just such a nice It's like it's clear it
must be like a school or from like a movie
or something, because just it's purely instrumental. But the guitar
picking is so nice, and like the tempo is kind
of like undulating back and forth, faster, slower, just a

great relaxing track in our unrelaxing time. So check this
track out by Piero Umilani.

Speaker 1 (59:15):
All right, we will link off to that in the
foot note for Daily Zeitgeist is the production of iHeartRadio.
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio ap Apple
Podcaster wherever find podcasts are given away for free. That
is gonna do it for us this morning, back this
afternoon to tell you what is trending, and we will
talk to you all then Bye bye by

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