All Episodes

June 9, 2024 60 mins

The weekly round-up of the best moments from DZ's season 341 (6/3/24-6/7/24)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of The
Weekly Zeitgeist. These are some of our favorite segments from
this week, all edited together into one NonStop infotainment laugh stravaganza. Yeah, so,
without further ado, here is the Weekly Zeitgeist. Well, Miles,

we are thrilled to be joined in our third seat
by the host of the fascinating podcast Sea Change, which
is produced by New Orleans and Batmano's Public Radio. Please
welcome to the show. Carlisle Calhoun and Hallie Park.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Welcome, Welcome you, thank you, happy to be here.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Thank you so much for having us.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Yeah, of course, it's nice to have people who are
doing really good investigative podcasting, unlike us who are subjecting
you guys to try to figure out a food and wine.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
I was going to say, two peers in the world
of just doing important podcasting, groundbreaking podcasting. It's it's great
to be in the same room with some people who
I can just let my hair down and be like, I'm.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
With my people.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
We both get you know, we both we both get
it and are breaking new ground.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm loving it in the space
that you all are providing here.

Speaker 5 (01:27):
So thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Well, you're I'm already thoroughly entertained.

Speaker 4 (01:31):
Oh, thank you're too kind, You're too kind. I don't
know if our names will ever be listed or mentioned
by anything with the word pullets are in front of it.

Speaker 5 (01:38):
But probably not.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
We are we are definitively unassociated with anything to do
with the bulletsers. They were like, we just wanted they
issued a statement just making sure that everybody with just
for no purpose. Yeah, just to just to be clear.
We have nothing to do with that show f y.
I nobody suggested we did.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
But we just want to get we'll get ahead of it,
get ahead of any misunderstandings for sure. For sure, you
guys are both in New Orleans.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
Yeah, yeah, we're both based in New Orleans.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
How is New Orleans? Right now? This time? Here?

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Steamy put in a charming way, right, yeah, drenched in history.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
That grown from holly kind of I said a lot
for me.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
It's the time of year where it's just air conditioning
all day. You get to see the sun outside. You
want to touch it, but can't. You know you'll get burned.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
It's like the inverse of everywhere else Like the rest
of the year, everybody like looks at our zoom backgrounds
and they're like, where are you. God, that looks amazing, Oh,
New Orleans, and this summertime it's just us being like
everybody else is like yay summer.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
And we're like, yeah, just the deafening sound of insects,
like drowning in heat.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
Yeah, the muggy or the place I feel like, the
less enthusiasm from people who have to go through it
every year. They're like, no, that's fine. I mean I
have to bring seven pairs of seven outfits with me
just to go outside for ten minutes exactly.

Speaker 5 (03:09):
Yeah, I know that.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
I know that.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
Plate air conditioning huh what a what an innovation?

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Need to get the one in my car. Thick, it's
been a year, guys, oh wow, And it's crazy being

Speaker 2 (03:22):
That is not okay. That is not okay.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
So are you just like driving eighty down in a
thirty five just to get the wind airflow, to.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Feel a breeze and also feel some life.

Speaker 4 (03:32):
Yeah, just feel a lot.

Speaker 2 (03:34):

Speaker 4 (03:35):
When I had I had an all black car that
did not have air conditioning in the dry desert heat
of Los Angeles, and when I was in that phase
in the summer, I had no joke. I would have
a driving shirt I would wear because I like, when
I get to my destination, I cannot look respectable stepping
out of the vehicle like this that I had. I
had them on deck.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
But that's actually genius. I mean, ideally I'll get my
act together and just get my fix, but it's not
I can make sure great innovation.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
The way my problem solving works is especially at that time,
like is it gonna cost money? And I'm like, well,
what's the other thing I can do money? Yeah? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Oh man, the stands that would have grown out of
that thing.

Speaker 4 (04:21):
Podcast about another existential threat to humanity?

Speaker 1 (04:24):
Scientifically, what is something from your search history that is
revealing about who you are?

Speaker 5 (04:30):
This is a very specific to Ian Carmel right now
search history result, but it is best billed for Mage
BG three. I recently downloaded the video game Balder's Gay
three and it has it didn't even come out recently,

I think, I think it's come out in the last year,
but it has completely swallowed my life. I have I
have been lost in a world of dungeons and baggons
role playing. Yeah, for the last uh, for the last
few days. I'm currently unemployed. I'm about to go on
the tour for the book and everything, but I am
in this beautiful period where there's not quite enough time
to do anything constructive. So I am playing a video game,

a video game where when you're creating a character, there
are different options for what penis they have.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, can you get to see them?

Speaker 5 (05:23):
You get to see them. You get to cycle through
three different penises or a default or three different volvas
or the default.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
Okay, do you see it? Like?

Speaker 1 (05:31):
What what it looks like in action? What it looks
like just like kind of hanging out, only you never.

Speaker 5 (05:37):
See it erect And honestly, the biggest changes are in
pubic care, like the amount and thickness of the pubic
care that I've noticed. There are no I think, as
this is supposed to take place in sort of fantasy
world of the past, no circumcision. So it's huh, you're
hanging wind sock on every penis available.

Speaker 4 (05:57):
Can you can you like? Is that like an other?
Are there sliders for customizing the foreskin to be like
I would have more junk on that?

Speaker 5 (06:06):
There's not, there's not. They haven't gotten that in depth yet.
I'm hoping for a patch at some point or maybe
a mob that does let you get maybe a little
more involved in the foreskin.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
Dynamic full on wizard sleeve, Yeah yeah, I got it.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
Yeah yeah, full of hanging down wizard sleeve.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
I'd like piercing of age wizard sleep wizards sleeve.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
Right there? Is that mage just short for major?

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Is that major chips?

Speaker 5 (06:35):
R Ip the major chips. I'm hoping for some sort
of vascular content as far as the foreskin goes, if
you want to make a Vanny or less Vandy. But
again that's the boulders get for. It does have to
come out at some point. Boulders get for skin.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Thank you, You're welcome. Love that you're welcome. So Boulterers Gate.
I'm hearing a lot about I'm hearing a lot about this.

Speaker 5 (06:58):
Talking more and more about this game, what.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
It combines, like what's great about dungeons and dragons with
like are you fighting? What?

Speaker 2 (07:10):

Speaker 4 (07:11):
How is the game? What is the game play?

Speaker 5 (07:12):
Like pretty fucking immersive? The storytelling is is the immersive
storytelling of our eminem Pumpkin launch was our goal everything storytelling.
Now that it feels corny to talk about something that's
actually telling.

Speaker 4 (07:25):
A story, actually storytelling.

Speaker 5 (07:27):
It actually is. Our menu tells the story of airloom tomatoes.
Underneath it's actually welcome to Panera bread, Today's stoop story,
soup stories are as. Probably it's just it's like fun.
It's corny. I mean it's it is like a corny
like Dungeons and Dragons video game. But it's just fun.

I'm playing like a fighter. You're you've got like a
brain maggot that is that gives you super psychic powers
that you have to like either remove or like it's
fucking ripped from the headline. You really do have a
brain work you literally. Balter's Day three is about having
brain worms, about this good kind, the good kind of
brain worms, and also a speech impediment that we're not

allowed to make fun of. Robert.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
That's the one we should be anytime it's a Kennedy like,
shouldn't we especially.

Speaker 4 (08:16):
Like a minion. I kept my powder for Susan Collins too,
you know what I yeah, he's got I wanted to
kept it dry, kept it dry for that one. Yeah,
well that was brave. A few miles we.

Speaker 5 (08:28):
Were coming back to her ten years later. We're gonna
do a Susan Collins.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
Oh yeah, dunk contest Vince carter Ship on her.

Speaker 5 (08:36):
We're just trying to negotiate it. So she somehow has
beef with Kendrick Lamar and we're gonna let him handle
the Yeah. Yeah every time. Maybe this is just being
a white dude approaching forty, but every time I even
reference Kendrick Lamar, I do feel like a white dude
approaching for it.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
I know people, I know white women who have gotten
into the beef because they're like, I can't believe what, Like,
is Kendrick Lamar about to like blow the lid open
on the entire industry. I'm like, hold on easy, Like, yeah,
this is I don't know about all of that.

Speaker 6 (09:08):
It's like I just think he's so brave if he's
standing up for the children, and I was like.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
Are we about to go to Qanontown.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Yeah, that's not what I mean.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
It's it's like a dose of Qanontown. And I think
these are already intersecting worlds. Anyway. There's also like a
healthy amount of true crime podcast in the Kendrick stuff
where it's like, yeah, it's like serial Kendrick Lamar, where
like he has like he's done research, they've got evidence,
he's breaking news, you know, Like in the third song,
it's like, oh, now we have receipts, we have mentions

of Ozemtic like all the It works the same way
a true crime podcast works. That was the Kendrick rollout.
But right, right, right, yeah. Anyway, I'm playing this role
playing game and it's just it's just but I'm also
I'm also so worried that I'm doing it right the
entire time because it is such an investment of time.
Like you play these games, they take like, you know,
one hundred hours or whatever to like complete. So I'm

like making sure I'm doing the right thing because I
don't want to be ninety hours deep. And it's like, oh,
you forgot to fucking pick you know, you forgot to
like throw this pumpkin at this wall two hours in,
and now you're going to lose to the boss. Like
whatever it is, so.

Speaker 4 (10:13):
I should have maxed out dexterity. Fuck? Is it multiplayer?
Is it open world?

Speaker 3 (10:19):

Speaker 4 (10:19):
What are we talking?

Speaker 5 (10:20):
You can multiplayer in this one. I am someone who
I've never liked multipl I've played this game called Ultimate
Online when I was a like between and a teenager,
I was heavy into it, which was an mm RPG.
Ever since then, I have stayed away from online games
because nothing scratches that same mitch. Nothing has ever quite

a sad.

Speaker 1 (10:42):
Requent Yeah, first time in there, I lost myself to it,
all right, amazing, that's I think that's our first baulders
Gate three search history, even though.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
I think we've had elder credible search histories. Yeah, yeah,
for sure.

Speaker 5 (10:56):
I think everyone I went through it and everything. I
haven't looked up one constructive thing. It's all like BG three,
Best Weapon, BG three, How do I beat the troll
Master at BG three? Just like every single one of
those things. And then like way down there, it's like
a mortgage. How to pay?

Speaker 4 (11:14):
What is a mortgage exactly? How how many months can
you not pay? Mortgage?

Speaker 5 (11:19):

Speaker 4 (11:20):
Roof hoole bad question mark?

Speaker 5 (11:21):
Question mark? Question mark?

Speaker 4 (11:23):
Second mortgage good? Right, the first mortgage good? Second mortgage?

Speaker 5 (11:26):
Why not first mortgage asap? Just like stuff like that, Yeah, yeah, RFK.
How to vote multiple times?

Speaker 4 (11:37):
How to use hee loock to buy Fortnite skins?

Speaker 1 (11:44):
What is something that you think is underrated?

Speaker 7 (11:47):
Dating without intention? Which is something I've been doing quite
a lot, and It's just it takes a lot of
the pressure off of dating, well not out here trying
to find anything. In particular, I'm not going in with
much in the way of expectations, and part of that

is because the bar for male behavior is low. But
you know, I go in with the expectation that I'll
be like treated well and.

Speaker 5 (12:19):

Speaker 7 (12:20):
But I it's bleak out there. Let me tell you. Yeah,
dating is maybe bleaker than ever. But I'm just like,
you know what, I don't really.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
Has that helped. I mean, like, are you saying so
the intent being I don't need to I don't have
to go into this saying like every day I go
on is to potentially find the person who I can
have like a meaningful long term relationship. You're sort of
switching gears. So like I'm meeting people I don't really
expect shit, and if I meet somebody that's cool, that's
a bonus.

Speaker 7 (12:51):
Exactly, Yes, got it. So not that I'm like very
like oriented toward uh finding like a long term monogamous
relationship like that isn't super my thing anyway, But I'm like, oh,
maybe one day I'd like to have some kind of companionship.
But now you ever, Like, well, mister Wright, I'm afraid

doesn't exist.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
So I'm just like, you're truly shrek brained. You're not
waiting for Prince Charming. You're waiting.

Speaker 7 (13:24):
It's and that that is an expectation, But I don't know. Yeah,
I'm just sort of like I'm gonna just have a night, yeah,
where I'm not sitting at home by myself, and I'm
you know, meeting a new person and it'll probably go
anywhere from mediocre to badly, but it's a way to

pass the time. So that's how I dating.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
Dating for yeah pretty much? Right, right right? What's a
non shitty date look likely not to say stellar, but
just not ship.

Speaker 7 (14:00):
I mean someone who can carry a conversation and who
I don't end up arguing with, because the past few
dates I've been on, I have like gotten in a
fight with them, and like a date I went on recently,
he was like carrying on about how it's pointless to protest,

and he was specifically talking about like pro Palestine protests,
and I was like, what the fuck are you talking about?
And he was like annoyed at the like effects of protests,
and he's like, oh, people are trying to get places
and they're blocking stuff off, and I'm like, yeah, that's
the point, is to disrupt like the status quo and

get people to notice and pay attention and do something
about it.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
He was just like, it's just annoying.

Speaker 7 (14:48):
And I was like, okay, well I have to leave now.
I hate you and I never want to see you again.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
Kaylan is currently like five seconds from punching this person
in the note, just based on the.

Speaker 7 (15:00):
Yeah, yeah, it got very heated.

Speaker 4 (15:02):
So yeah, I mean I get, yeah, it's fucking wild, like,
especially when you're looking for someone to potentially like relate
to that they're so far off with something where they're
like honestly like people being up in arms over a
genocidal campaign happening some places, not even here, Like it's annoying,
and if you're like, oh, that's your fucking worldview, then
we have nowhere to fuck truly.

Speaker 7 (15:24):
I was like, there's no world in which we would
ever have anything to talk about or get along about anything, And.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
So who do you have empathy for those people who
are trying to get places? Dude?

Speaker 1 (15:37):
People sitting in traffic, like traffic sucks.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
And while I get to like, yeah, you see things
or people like I'm legitimately having to go, I'm gonna
lose my Like I get that there are all sorts
of extenuating circumstances that make that disruptive. But yeah, to
to say things like and because it's annoying, don't fucking
do it.

Speaker 7 (15:56):
Yeah, he's like, what about the people at Starbucks who
like have to get to work. I'm like, well, that's
a problem with capitalism, not a problem with the protesters,
Like do you not see any see the world?

Speaker 4 (16:07):
What do you like? What are these antifas?

Speaker 1 (16:11):
What is something you think is overrated?

Speaker 8 (16:14):

Speaker 7 (16:14):
Sorry to start screaming on the podcast.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
No, no, get it out. I like, like, I'm someone as
someone who's so ignorant of what the modern dating world
is like. And I mean I have single friends who
everyone says the same fucking thing. I'm like, what I mean, vackup?

Speaker 5 (16:29):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (16:29):
I don't know what the difference is like. And that's
like the hard thing to wrap my head around is like,
is it that it's too many options? Because for me,
I was like, I'm going to sea of loneliness. I'm
just looking for some drift wood also out there, and
we can hold on to each other till the rescue
boats come, and that's how you made a relationship work.

Speaker 7 (16:46):
Who many options of the problem. I think it's more
just the quality of the options that are available is
kind of at an all time.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
You're too high valuable, right, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.
That's a yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
I feel like I've seen an unofficial trend online of
people being like it's really hard for guys on these
dating apps. Like I just helped my roommate with like
his dating profile and he didn't get any bites and
he's good looking and like he's awesome, so what's going on?

Speaker 7 (17:16):
And people have standards.

Speaker 1 (17:18):

Speaker 4 (17:18):
Someone had a theory though that because of like the
frequency of new dates, you can get to that like
the Again, this was someone's take on Twitter that I'm
not entirely sure is accurate or not, but that it's
different than like when before pre app dating, like you
meet someone and just you try to make it work
because you're like, I don't know, let's see, let me

try to make it work, and then from there you
either adapt to someone or don't and move on. But
now like it just feels like it's easier to just
be like ah, I'm not feeling it time to move on,
and I don't know that that feels like a little
bit fatalistic, but that that.

Speaker 7 (17:53):
Well, that's something I now do, like immediately in the
middle of the first date. I'm like, if I sense that, like.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
Right, but you should for something like that, that's disqualifying
for sure. Yeah. Do you always tell them you're leaving?
Or do you ever just like pretend? One time?

Speaker 7 (18:08):
I did consider, uh, just walking out the side door
and running away, but I didn't. I was like, I
just like sat back down. I was like, so I'm
gonna leave now. I don't think we're connecting at all
and I have to go. And he's like, oh, all right,
well we can't all be for everybody. He took it
surprisingly well, and I was like, so true, so true.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Are you mad that I again? Are you mad that
I insisted on this date being at Lappoo Belle. I
thought it's cool that this is where Danny Masterson always
used to hang out. You really, Yeah, there's like a
huge thing because the owner of Lapoo Belle is also
like a big Danny Masterson defender.

Speaker 7 (18:47):
And a lot Yeah yeah, wait, that's that French restaurant
near uc B. Yeah, Frank, okay, never go there again.
I've only been like once or twice, so yeah, yeah, yeah,
but never.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Master saying you go into the poobe later. What are
we talking, man, LPs dude?

Speaker 4 (19:06):
Later? All right? What's something you think is overrated? The primary?

Speaker 8 (19:10):
Well that was kind of in there is overrated primary?

Speaker 4 (19:12):
Primary? All right?

Speaker 8 (19:14):
Red, yellow, blue, especially like for little kids and stuff.
I feel like they're like, you guys are too stupid
to understand secondary colors. Here's a bunch of primary colors
for you.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
Yeah, yeah, no, for sure.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
Wait what's the RGB scale like for projecting video and
things like that?

Speaker 8 (19:33):
That's why I was That's why I was saying, maybe
they're teaching your kids to make television because it's different with.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
Light, right right right yeah, Because like in my weird
la brain, I was about to be like red, green,
and blue because I was always us to seeing those
three lamps like on a projection TV or some shit
or a projector back in like the eighties and shit.
But anyway, let's move on. Now I know what it is,
and I can keep my child from being ignorant about
primary color. Breaking the cycle, breaking the cycle, you.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Know, hanging out at the school being like talking you
know Green, You've got an AirPod in where we're like
telling you what about the colors.

Speaker 8 (20:08):
On the playground, Like y'all heard about Green?

Speaker 4 (20:11):
Yeah, they're like, I think that man is trying to
sell the kids cannabis over there. You don't know about
that Green. Green. HiT's different. Green is way different nowadays,
you feel me?

Speaker 1 (20:23):
All right, let's take a quick break and we'll come
back and do some overrated under it.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
And we are back. We are back, and we are back,
and we're back.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Hallie, Carlisle, Carlisle or Carly, what do you prefer?

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Well, on sea change, I'm Carlisle, but my friends call
me Carly, so please car Carly's great?

Speaker 4 (20:54):
Or are we are? We? Are we familiar? Oh?

Speaker 2 (20:57):
We we're on Carly terms.

Speaker 4 (20:58):
All right, Carley, Well, all these familias like that. You
broke it into New Orleans pology. Amazing.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
So your show is based out of New Orleans, and
I've heard you as mentioned that like living on a coast,
and particularly the coast of Louisiana is kind of the
front lines of global heating, and so I just wanted
to he guys talk about kind of what you see
there that we might not be seeing elsewhere right now,

but might be a preview of like where we're headed.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Oh, such a great question. I mean when I was
thinking about this, what really stuck out in my mind.
I was here twenty twenty one, Hurricane Ida came through,
and that was a storm that strengthened really fast, rapidly
intensified as we say, and then after it blew through,
it wasn't really like a rainstorm. It was more of

like a windstorm. It caused kind of damage, especially closer
to the coast. People I think we're out and you're
out of power near the coast for over three months
for some people that were really far down there. Yeah,
it was crazy. But then not only that we got
hit by a hurricane, but then immediately after that hurricane
goes through, we then get hit by a giant heat
wave and so people don't have power. It's I didn't

have power for a week, and I couldn't sleep because
there was just this extreme heat going on. And so
for me, that's like the picture of what climate change
means and what we're facing. It's one hazard after the other,
you know, having to deal with all of these different problems,
all at once.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
Yeah, And I mean that's just to just to keep
like the cheerfulness of what's coming for us all going
that the other thing is a.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
Worst case scenario.

Speaker 5 (22:50):

Speaker 2 (22:51):
I mean, seas are rising across the South and across
the Gulf faster than almost anywhere else in the world,
so already so many people are having to move from
from where their families are, from where they live in
South Louisiana, and like across the southeast coast you're starting
to see that too, with like more sunny day flooding

and just like the seas are rising, and it means
houses on the outer banks in North Carolina are falling
into the ocean, and it means that people have who
have lived for generations in Southern Louisiana are having to
think or already having to move. And it's pretty intense.
And that is like that is around the world. Seas

are rising, So it is definitely something that's going to
change like what our coastlines look like and where people
can live, I think, pretty like faster than we're planning
for for.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Sure, right yeah, right, It's one of those things that
is already happening, but we it feels like the mainstream
kind of consciousness, Like that's kind of what we chart
on our show, and it feels like people have a
fairly easy time blocking out when it's happening to other
people as long as it's not happening to them or

possibly like to their neighbor, than they're.

Speaker 4 (24:08):
Going to such a shame what's happening there. Yeah, like
that's sort of a level of earth. And yeah, I mean,
I'm really I mean, I think about just the what
the NOAA was saying about this season's hurricane season and
how they're like, this could be one of the worst
ones we've seen in a long time in terms of
like the something like potentially twenty eight named storm systems

in this season, and that's a huge uptick. And the
other part that was really to your point about these
sort of like compounding natural disaster events, is like FEMA
and other disaster relief agencies can only handle so much
that if you have like storm after storm and then
God forbid another thing over in this part, supply chains

get strained, and we truly are looking at a thing
where like they'll be like there's there's literally so much
going on we can actually not really do anything right now.
We're spread so thin. And I think that's an other
real dimension of like sort of like the bureaucratic part
of it too that you I think people always presume
they're like, no, they're there, they'll be okay, they'll be
ready for this, where even for the experts who deal
with this or saying this, like we're trying to figure

out how we can even like simulate how we wrap
our heads around multiple storms hitting multiple places with you know,
the kinds of devastation that require our assistance. And yeah,
it is definitely we are going to begin really seeing
it in a way that we're going to be even
harder to deny. I mean, I think people who live
in these areas already see it, but yeah, we're we're

definitely the messages are there that we need to do
something about it, which is why liquid natural gas kind
of comes into it. And the whole impetus for this
is to talk about the expansion of liquid natural gas
or I guess we shouldn't even that's like euphae, that's
like a euphemistic term.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
I mean it's natural. So I feel like we're good here,
like yeah, yeah, natural, right, I do that shit worked
on me like when they first were like, well, guys,
we're like moving over to natural gas, and oh that shit.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Is natural that's nice.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
Yeah, and we see it on our buses and like
Los Angeles are like, oh, all, like either it's CNG
or LNG and you're like, don't worry, this is this
is cleaner now because it's operating that and you have
these like subtle messages around you that reinforce the sort
of like non threatening nature of this of natural gas.
But yeah, what what is it? What should we be

first of all, what should we be calling it so
we can use the right terminology when we sort of
think about when we get all these stories hitting us,
like what should we be calling like liquid natural gas
if you want to honor what it actually is.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
It's something Halle and I talked about a lot as
we were writing this series, because everybody knows it is
natural gas. So like us all of a sudden just
using another term, people be like, what are you talking about?
I'm already first of all, you're already trying to tell
me about liquified natural gas. Now you're now you're talking
about some other term I've never heard about, right, So,
I mean, we did call it natural gas in our

in our series because that's what we all know it as.
But I mean, a lot of experts are saying we
should be calling it methane gas or fracked gas because
we get it from fracking, which explains, yeah, fraggy guice.
But it's mostly it's mostly methane. Natural gas is mostly
made up of methane, which is like, in the short term,
way worse for our climate than carbon dioxide. So we've

all been like talking about, you know, carbon emissions in
this kind of thing, which is like really a serious issue,
we should be concerned about that, But methane in the
short term, it's like I had a scientist described it
to me as like carbon dioxide is like wrapping the
world in a blanket. Methane is like wrapping the world
in eighty blankets. Like it's eighty times more potent at

heating up our climate in the near term.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
So when at least it's bad.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
You know, I thought it was good like eighty percent,
Like if you had told me, guys, it's only eighty
percent is bad, I would have been like, damn, like
they lied to us, But eighty times worse is yeah?
So wild that I can't believe it.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
What are sort of the benefits that have, Like when
you see a municipality be like, we're going to change
our entire bus suite to LNG or whatever, what what
for them? When they're like it's better. What's like the
very tenuous data or argument they're holding on to to
be able to say that out loud in public and
not get laughed at.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
Yeah, So, like very simply, methane does burn cleaner than
like regular gas fleean or something like that. But that's
only when it's burnt, like when it's actually being burnt
by those buses, that it is cleaner. But the whole
life cycle, you know, happened to get it up out
of the ground, all of the gas that goes out
transporting it, all of those different pieces. Yeah, you add

that all up, and it's not yet. The leaks, right,
it's not good.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
You know.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
We hear from climate scientists like that. There's been a
number of like reports where they're like, guys, it's going
hotter faster than we expected in our some of our
worst case projections. But I've not heard it connected to
liquid natural gas until your show that Like that's one

of the theories as to how we're we're getting there,
how it's getting so much hotter, so much faster. So
that's just I wanted to make sure that we made
that connection too right.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
And what kind of kicked off the LNG boom Like,
is was it like a green washing thing where the
emphasis on oil created like a lane for like LNG
to move in the shadows because everyone's so focused on oil,
or was there like a pr moment where proponents were like, Okay,
we can claim that this gas is different, let's do that.

What sort of like what what were the what were
the building blocks to kind of get us to this point?
Now we're like, y'all, we are absolutely destroying our planet
like one of the worst ways possible, and we're barely
even talking about that dimension of it.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
I mean, what really kicked this off was like, don't
remember the fracking boom, Like it was really took off
like under Obama's time, where like the technology for fracking
got so good that all of a sudden, these oil
and gas companies like out in West Texas and New
Mexico and like the areas where there has been a

ton of fracking, like they got so good at it
that there was a surplus right of all this natural gas,
and they're like, okay, we can only sell so much
of it domestically. Where are we going to sell all
this stuff? And we went at that time like there
were the first correct me if I'm wrong on this alley,
but I think the first LNG terminal on the on

the Gulf coast was for bringing it was for importing
LNG because at that point we didn't have that much.
And then it goes, you know, in a few years,
and went from that import terminal becoming an export terminal,
and then all of these plans for all of these
this rollout of the like this huge expansion of LNG
export terminals because we just have that much natural gas

that you know, the industry is like, well, let's sell it,
let's lipify it, ship it everywhere else and sell it overseas.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Yeah, and we know that natural gas well hm hmm.
I was about to saying, no, natural gas is cleaner
than coal, but you know, again that's like a big
question mark. Not necessarily, but that was at least the
argument that was grasped by the pr agencies, by the
oil and gas industries that they promoted that gas is cleaner. Right,
gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, And so when you

make people think that, they're like, oh, aren't we already
doing the cleanest that we can do?

Speaker 4 (31:36):
You know, right? Right? And would I be correct in
assuming that when Republicans and some Democrats tout the benefits
of LNG expansion, like new jobs, increased revenues for the community,
the opposite is happening? Is that is that? Is that correct?
I mean, like it sounds like locals are not benefiting
and the environment is absolutely taking an absolute care in

the teeth because of it. But I don't know, maybe
there's maybe these people that live in these areas are
shareholders because those people seem to be getting value. So
maybe the a lot of the shareholders for these companies
live along in the Golf coast or this is all
just pr spin.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
That's a really good question. I think like they're for
sure supporters on the ground in these communities because there
are some jobs the whole Like you know, how many
jobs are construction jobs so around just during the construction,
and then how many are permanent and how many jobs
are actually in are the people in the community getting

those jobs? Like all of that it gets a little
more nebulous of like how many jobs are really how
many good jobs are really? You know, is are these
new export terminals providing? But like on the other side
of it, for sure, the impacts of the environment are crazy.
I mean the amount of pollution that these communities are
having to live with are pretty extreme. So like, yes,

there are some benefits, but to they outweigh the other
and then at right, yeah, and then a lot of
these companies are getting massive tax breaks as well, so
how much money is coming to these communities. So there
are a lot of questions like that.

Speaker 4 (33:12):
But the share but the shareholders, right, they are winning.
The shareholders are winning.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Shareholders are doing gang bus Okay, great.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Thank god, Okay, I was worried. I told you Jack,
they seem to stay winning. It turns out shareholders yeah, yeah,
and yeah, I I like there there's a recent I
forget which episode it was, but just talking talking about
how as long as it remains business as usual, they're
going to keep finding ways to do this. Like the

natural gas starts as this like buzz term that's like
this is the future of energy and like it's cleaner
and it's a bridge fuel to like a cleaner tomorrow
and then it becomes enscounced and like, you know, the
second that something is making money, it becomes more powerful.
And it brings me back to this, Like I remember

an article in the Wall Street Journal that was talking
about how DEI and like environmental justice initiatives like were
like they were like, you know, these once had momentum,
but now they're a bad word on Wall Street because
they've been like determined to be less profitable. And it
just it feels like the way the system is set up,

like you really can't use the logic the internal mechanisms
of like hypercapitalism to fix this. It feels like it
has to take into account that they are going to
find a way to keep things the way they're going
for as long as possible, Like they're going to go

down kicking and screaming.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
But I don't know what.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
Like does that does that seem true to you? Do
you like, you guys do a good job of highlighting
things that make you hopeful? Are there examples that kind
of contradict that of what where people you know, where
BP is like investing in clean energy in the future
or something, you know, like what just how do you
guys think about that.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Big question, Jack, I know, like the role.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Yeah, just like specifically the ability of like entrenched power
to ever be like part of the solution.

Speaker 3 (35:23):
I feel like. And Carly, I'm so curious about what
you think here too, Like you know, I don't I'm
not sure if you guys are familiar or if your
listeners are familiar with the IPCC report. It's a giant
international report that's basically a collection of all of the
latest and greatest climate science that's summarized by you know,
all the big climate scientists out there working together on it.

And when you look at those projections, they always have
this one option that's business as usual. And so that's
of like, we kept doing the same thing that we're
still doing, still rule our society the same way that
if you look at those projections. Obviously this is audience.
So I have to explain my hand gesture here. The graph,
the temperature graph just keeps going up. It's just an

exponential graph to the top where our planet just kind
of burns up. And I think that that says that
we should not continue business as usual. We need to
find other ways to do our business.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
Okay, so your anti planet burning up Okay, interesting, that's Europe.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
Yeah, not going to come in with the counterpoint to that,
but but I am going to bring in the hope
that I think you are looking for, Jack, which is
like renewables are also doing gangbusters, and like the solar
installations and wind capacity that we're adding every year is
like we're doing better than expected. And so like renewables

are taking off, they're getting everybody knows, they're also getting cheaper.
They're becoming the cheaper option. And so yes, entrenched power,
an entrenched industry is really hard to like dislodge from
their place of power. Of course they want to keep
doing business as usual. But when the market keeps saying, yeah,
but this is so much cheaper and better for the planet,

then there's only so long you can you can fight that,
So right, I mean that's really hopeful. It's just how
much renewable energy is taking off around the world.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Yeah, just to bash capitalism a little bit more though there.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
And then and then right after that, Carly with a counterpoint.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Last year, I was talking to this like retired like
longtime environmental lawyer, and he I don't know if I's
have heard of the rights of nature movement, it's basically
this like push by different indigenous groups to be able
to steward these different pieces of nature and give them
their own rights, almost as a person, like a river
could be have the same protective rights as a person.

And that's actually moving forward. In South American countries, that's
moving forward. It's actually been ingrained and a Latin American
country's constitution, and it's moving forward in places like Europe,
areas that are more socialist. That moves forward. And when
I was asking him, like, is there any hope can
we get that done here in the US, He's like,
I mean we could, but capitalism.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
Yeah, it's like how many guillotines you got? Counterpoint, that's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
The only thing that should have the rights of people
is corporate.

Speaker 2 (38:23):
Corporations capitalism yea burnt Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
Sorry, I could tell you. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
No, I mean there there was successful legislation in Where
was it? It was in a US state? I want
to say Minnesota maybe, but where like a group of
kids basically and keep it. I don't know enough to
finish this sentence.

Speaker 4 (38:55):
Minnesota Timberwolves or something. I was thinking of.

Speaker 1 (38:57):
The Minnesota Timberwolves had a good run in the NBA Playoffs.
I'm sorry, Yeah, you mean the kids lawsuit, like the.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
Yes, that's the one I was thinking of.

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Yeah, seeing companies for our future.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
Yeah yes, yeah, yeah, a question like oh, all right,
all right, let's uh, let's take a quick break and
we will be right back. And we're back, and time

to discuss one of my favorite ridge farms, Pep Ridge Farm,
makers of goldfish, who recently unveiled a new flavor, spicy
Dill Pickle, which isn't the first time that they've released
a different flavor, but it does seem they got old Bay,
they got old Bay, they got flavor blasted goldfish. Flavor

blasted goldfish are fucking incredible. I got it's too much.

Speaker 4 (40:03):
It's a hat on top of a hat for me,
No sore.

Speaker 7 (40:05):
The ones that are like that have like a powder
on them right now, Yeah, they have like dorito dust.
I don't want that.

Speaker 4 (40:11):
That's why the originals to begin with, they were they
weren't a finger altering substance. Yeah, yeah, no, the originals
are probably the best.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
But of the additional varieties, I do think flavor blasted original,
you know, like you blast it with the original flavor,
you doubled down on what was working in the first place.
That is what I'm talking about. None of this fucking
parmesan stuff.

Speaker 4 (40:36):
Yes, that's gross.

Speaker 1 (40:38):
I better stop here before I start saying stuff about
Italian people that I'm gonna regret. But Jesus, let's just
say I did say parmesan in a weird way there.

Speaker 4 (40:48):
That sounded more hateful than it. Okay, wow, okay.

Speaker 1 (40:54):
Parmijeon spit on the ground.

Speaker 4 (40:59):
I only like the crack ship in the green can
the fake stuff?

Speaker 7 (41:02):
Yeah? Give me that American cheese.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
You don't actually put American cheese on my pasta When
I'm at an Italian restaurant.

Speaker 9 (41:13):
Individuals, I would like cheese, not that ship. Though I
have my own what you call them bread. You please
take this plastic sleeve. I don't eat any singles.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
That gros.

Speaker 4 (41:27):
That's how we had lasagna. I remember at my school
cafeteria it was all American cheese.

Speaker 7 (41:32):
Yuh that grows. American cheese is objectively the worst of
all the cheeses you were alive.

Speaker 1 (41:38):
Is incredible, like what we ate growing up, It's unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (41:43):
Do you aw expensive American cheeses? Though?

Speaker 7 (41:47):
Is like the price does not make four for.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
Like a thirty pack, but each pack is individually each
piece is individually wrapped, so it doesn't it doesn't go bad.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
Like there was like yeah, like one of those little
half sacks was like on par with buy like legit
just cheddar cheese, And I was like, what what the
fuck are they trying to do? Like why are you
charging this much for just water and oil in the
shape of a cheese.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
Whatever oil is, it has to be made in a machine,
has to be drilled out of the earth miles.

Speaker 4 (42:17):
It's made with crude petroleum.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
That American cheese point like doesn't make sense from a
physics perspective.

Speaker 4 (42:27):
American cheese is made with jet fuel, crude oil, and bullets.

Speaker 1 (42:32):
But anyways, Goldfish taking a big swing with a spicy
dill pickle. There is a like market research firm somewhere
that has been like, guys pickles the wave of the
future because like that, the city of la is covered
in billboards for like pickle companies and like the pickles

that are coming out, and now Goldfish is like getting
in on the pick craze. That was congratulations to them.

Speaker 4 (43:03):
Yeah, about eight years ago there were like people around
here like dude, I'm starting to make pickles, and I'm like, okay, sure,
like thanks whatever.

Speaker 7 (43:13):
I make pickles. Whenever I bought buy a jar of pickles,
I eat the pickles. There's a lot of pickle juice
left over. And then I buy a cucumber and I
wow it up and put it in the pickle juice.
Let it sit, let it, you know, fester for a bit,
and another jar pickles.

Speaker 4 (43:32):
Yeah, and they're all in the cookbooks.

Speaker 5 (43:39):

Speaker 4 (43:40):
That nice, Just you can you really do that? Though
I legitimately do that.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
That is the most sustainable ship I've ever heard of.

Speaker 7 (43:47):
Because it feels wasteful to dump out all that pickle juice.

Speaker 4 (43:50):
That's a lot of pickle juice, or use it as
brining liquid. Yeah, exactly like chicken thighs and like really
grind that ship in pickle juice, because you know, that's
what they say about. Like the rumor was like a
Chick fil a or whatever that you nkle brine or whatever.
But I think in general, like it's a good salted

brinding liquid.

Speaker 1 (44:12):
It was that.

Speaker 4 (44:13):
Or I would just buy a bottle of whiskey and
just do a bunch of picklebacks.

Speaker 7 (44:17):
That too, Oh Okay, wait, wait you say it.

Speaker 4 (44:22):
You're in recovery and you never were drinking picklebacks. No,
drinking tequila with tabasco sauce. That was my like, oh
I don't like this, but I can't stop drinking casco
tabila casco.

Speaker 5 (44:36):

Speaker 7 (44:37):
No, you take a shot of whiskey and then you
chase iti with pickle juice.

Speaker 4 (44:42):
Goddamn. And I was drinking. I was hooked because the
way it neutralized that alcohol flavor in your mouth and
gave you a little bit of that like briny like ah,
I thought it was a health food for a while. Yeah,
I was like, it's vegetable water. Yeah, this is basically
what they used to drink, and lethal amounts of salt.

I'm drinking.

Speaker 7 (45:03):
But okay, I you know vinegar, which I'm sure is
the main ingredient in pickle juice. Yeah, it's it helps
with your digestion. It's good for you.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
Yeah, so there, so there. Yeah, I just dumped my
leftover pickle juice and my gas tank and Jesus does
not go well that smell. Yeah that's not bad?

Speaker 4 (45:27):
All right.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
So you know, some theories have it the Pepperidge farm
is looking to distract from the fact that they recently
got sued for allegedly misleading customers with claims that goldfish
crackers contain no artificial flavors or preservatives. It's wild because
that phrase artificial flavors was invented to be so broad

as to resist like definition at all. Right, Like they
were like, yeah, we're gonna the food industry is going
to create this as a thing. Nobody knows what an
artificial flavor is, but we can pretend like the food
is somehow more pure than other foods by just claiming this.
And they even got caught using that, Like why, I

mean this could by no definition? Are these not artificial flavors?

Speaker 4 (46:22):
I am so fucking stupid that you saying that just
fucked up my entire worldview. It's crazy out here being like, oh,
no artificial flavors, Yeah, except for industry is straight up
some fucking blacking combo that doesn't exist in nature and
would have to certainly be artificial. I like, but they

said no artificial flavors, but they said yeah, wow, wow,
wow wow.

Speaker 1 (46:48):
Which brings us to our random aside. Apparently, the origin
of goldfish crackers. They were originally created by a with
a machine built by a World War Two Nazi code
breaker who was instrumental in convincing Hitler that the Allies

were set to land in Kala, not Normandy. Wow, so
we have goldfit and that so retired from being a
Nazi after World War Two, and like somebody was traveling
around and was like this guy makes cool fish shape

him cranked crackers, and they like sold it to Pepperidge
Farm and that's how we have the goldfish cracker today.
But that person basically was so bad at their job
as a code breaker that they allowed the Allies to
win the war.

Speaker 4 (47:49):
Wait he no, no, no, he's a Nazi coach. He was
breaking Nazi code he was breaking That.

Speaker 7 (47:55):
Was my question. Was he a Nazi?

Speaker 9 (47:57):

Speaker 7 (47:57):
No, he was breaking Nazi code breaker?

Speaker 4 (48:00):
Who is He's good guy, He's Jack. If I can't
I can't in one go, I can't learn that artificial
flavors is bullshit and I'm eating NTS goldfish crackers, man,
Like that would have been such a blow to my
entire identity.

Speaker 7 (48:15):
Oh wow, Okay, yeah, okay, so he on purpose wrong,
like convinced Hler the wrong thing. So he was like
fucking undercover.

Speaker 1 (48:25):
Good for him. Yeah, I'm back on board. Oh I
gotta go fish so many bags of goldfish crackers out
of my garbage.

Speaker 4 (48:35):
Not eating this fucking third Reich bullshit.

Speaker 7 (48:41):

Speaker 1 (48:42):
So anyways, though it ties into D Day, yeah, you know,
shout out to that. I also just think it's funny
that like that was like an invention goldfish shaped crackers.
They were like, you hear about this guy over in Germany.
Crackers are shaped like little fucking goldfish. Like they had
to hire him to Like it feels like it should

be easy.

Speaker 7 (49:03):
But well it makes you wonder about like who invented
the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets?

Speaker 4 (49:10):
Right? And I don't want there, I don't want.

Speaker 7 (49:14):
It'll break you, you can't.

Speaker 4 (49:17):
It was Oppenheimer. I'm like, no ah, goddamn it.

Speaker 5 (49:25):
I mean these I.

Speaker 4 (49:26):
Just want to resist saying that this is the bomb,
but it's damn close, damn close. Yeah, who invented dino nuggets?
Because those aren't. That's also I feel like we do
need to know the history of the dino nugget there.

Speaker 7 (49:41):
I haven't had them, you know, since I was a kid.
But they're delicious, yeah, probably, and probably terrible for you.
But then that's fine, and that's.

Speaker 4 (49:49):
Fine, and that's fine pissed.

Speaker 7 (49:51):
So who am I?

Speaker 4 (49:54):
I'm watching it down with a forty Shrek piss Okay,
that's the of my words. Oh shit, amazing. Should we
do one more? We got we got a couple kind
of media ones. All right, Uh, did you guys read
the three M story that I remember it was getting
teased out last week or the week? Yeah, f three

ms got forever chemicals problem.

Speaker 1 (50:20):
It's bad, man, it is so I so I finally
read the three M story.

Speaker 4 (50:23):
We'll link off to it in the footnotes.

Speaker 1 (50:25):
It's a collabo between Pro Publica and The New Yorker.
I've always resented three AM a little bit for being
the company that actually invented post it notes and not
Romeo Michelle, you know, but the business press like also
trained me to like the business press like has a

crush on three AM. They've always been like, like they
love to tell the story of like how they came
up with the post it note, Like they like came
up with this glue that was two weak to be
effective for anything, but then they put it on the
post it and realized it could be. Like they there's
so many like Gladwell Light writers who like love to
tell the story of how it Riam is this little

place for like ingenious little tinkerers, and you know, so
they started with I think their first invention was like
masking tape. But then they like, now they make a
bunch of the different kinds of bandages and sponges and
all sorts of shit. Scotch Guard the thing that like
makes various papers and packages waterproof. And that's the one

that got us in trouble because so one of their
scientists in the late nineties was given a weird assignment,
very foreboding, where they're like.

Speaker 5 (51:40):
Hey, weird.

Speaker 1 (51:41):
They take this broad cross section of Red Cross blood
donations and start looking for our chemicals in these blood donations.
And she was like okay, and she found she found
these pfos, the things that are in Scotch guards, in
every single sample, every single way.

Speaker 5 (52:02):

Speaker 1 (52:03):
And so they were like, well, this must be a
mistake kept because they were like, okay, well here take
this blood sample. She was like, yeah, it's in there too,
and they were like, well, that's my pet horse, so
you must be lying. And then they realized, oh no,
it's like getting into your pet horse's bloodstream through like

fish meal because like it's so pervasive in all water,
like it's in all the fish, it's in everywhere, it's
fucking everywhere. They realized like that all their readings were
accurate when they finally like found a blood sample of
like people who died before the invention of these chemicals

these pfos and found and find that was the first
sample that they tested that didn't have these pfos in it.
And it's like gotten more and more over time because
it accumulates, like our body has no way to get
rid of it, and it just gets more and more.
So like at first they were like, well, this is
no problem though, because even though the chemicals are in

our bloodstream, like they're not that harmful, but they accumulate
and get more and more, so we actually don't know
what's going to happen. And now some people are speculating
that it has it's like the cause of some types
of cancer, and it's the cause of lowering like sperm
count and lowering reproductive rates around the globe. And it's

just a again we'll likek off to it. It's a
must read, but it's really you know, we present a
lot of reasons on this show that unregulated hypercapitalism doesn't
seem to work as the organizing principle for all of
human civilization, all of humanity. But this is like maybe

the biggest and scariest that I've ever encountered.

Speaker 4 (53:52):
Like, we have.

Speaker 1 (53:53):
These companies steering the ship who have nothing but short
term profit in mind, and they will poison us all
to death if the poison is slow enough that they
can get enough of our money before we die. Like
that's essentially Like so she discovered this in like the
nineties and immediately started getting like frozen out by her

like co workers. She was asked to present the findings
to the CEO of the company. The CEO, like all
all of the head lead executives, like higher up executives,
started attacking her and being like who told you to
do this? And like what what is your motivation for?
Like doing this research that like tears down the amazing

inventions that people at this company have done. And while
they were doing that, the CEO fell asleep and started
drooling on his dress shirt like in that meeting, and
then she got like reassigned away from that and then
like this article, as this article uncovers like they had
known about it, for like twenty years before and like
there there were various executives who were like, this is

really bad, but they basically like laundered the findings through
her because they knew it was going to be bad
for whoever's career like was associated with it. Jesus, it's
this fucking bonkers thing. But it doesn't like it just
feels like how every single corporation that you read about

like operates they you know, it's just they are hostile
to whatever is going to prove counter profitable. You know,
if it's going to slow down profits, it's going to
be wildly unpopular.

Speaker 7 (55:32):
Okay, first of all, sounds like we need a sequel
to Aaron Brockovic.

Speaker 1 (55:36):
Yes, yeah, I mean I think Darkwater is somehow related
to these chemists.

Speaker 7 (55:41):
Dark Darkwater is the all male reboot of Aaron Brockovich.

Speaker 4 (55:47):
Aaron Brockovich.

Speaker 7 (55:48):
I don't know if anyone saw that movie, but I
did in theaters. Brag and there you go. I forget
what company. It's not three a M. It was a
different company that Mark Ruffalo's character was like learning that
like all this like lun or something is in drinking water, Yeah, DuPont, Yes, yeah,
and a bunch of people were being poisoned by their

drinking water in a certain region, and so I guess
we just need another movie to complete.

Speaker 4 (56:17):
Yeah, that's what it takes. Like did you see the
movie about three of It's like that pro public article
came out seventeen years.

Speaker 6 (56:23):
Ago, right, and you're like, oh no, yeah, but the
movie's great. Anya Taylor Joy is fantastic as the human
manifestation of one of those p Foss.

Speaker 4 (56:33):
Chemicals Powerhouse Performance, Powerhouse Performance.

Speaker 1 (56:38):
It is wild, Like how like there was a part
of me like I had been incepted with goodwill towards
this company by like articles that were just yeah, we're
just like and we think your stuff ingenuity works, and
like yeah, we're just like kind of the people behind
the people. And like once you read about them, you

start looking around you see like, oh three M is
like their labels on everything. And for me that was
like a fun discovery back back in you know, ten
years ago, it's like, oh this here's a company out
of like the humble, you know, state of Minnesota who's
secretly like doing all this good work. And now it's

like fucking terrify. It's like the end of usual suspects
where it's like three m is everywhere and they don't
give a fuck about your health at all, and even
like some of the stuff, like now that they've been sued,
they have like a ten billion dollar settlement that people
are saying it is just the tip of the iceberg,
but they are like even the they've like made a

big show about like, you know, we're evolving with the
new scientific findings. That was before this report came out,
proving that they like had had the findings before any
of us, and like now even now like they're wording
around like what they're actually agreeing to do, it's still
like very hedgy and like we're gonna we are going

to get rid of these things as long as we
can find a profitable replacement.

Speaker 4 (58:08):
Too, you know, like.

Speaker 1 (58:11):
Right, yeah, yeah that literally one of the things that
they started replacing the p fos with was like pfas
and like or pfbs and that scientist who is now
you know, a whistleblower and like the main source for
this report was like and I knew at that time,
like those are also going to be bad and accumulating

in people's bloods through So it's just a crazy story
but shout out to pro Publica. They do really great work.

Speaker 4 (58:40):
Yeah. Damn, it was wild too, because I remember they
like a few years ago, like right before the pandemic,
they were trying to get legislation through that three m
was fighting hard about designating these chemicals as like fucked up,
and they were successful at defeating that legislation. And now
we're like, yeah, because it's so fucking bad. Cool cool,

all right, Yeah, I mean yeah, so need a new
system anyway, That's what I'm saying. Just take eat a
handful of goldfish, wash it down some Shrek piss.

Speaker 5 (59:11):

Speaker 4 (59:12):
I might just have to get out there and like
help people with the misinformation. Like this is the only
way we're gonna get through folks.

Speaker 1 (59:17):
Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 4 (59:18):

Speaker 1 (59:20):
But yeah, drink your Shrek piss, eat your gold fish,
dr fish, you take down three.

Speaker 4 (59:27):
All right, that's gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (59:29):
For this week's weekly Zeitgeist, Please like and review the
show if you like.

Speaker 4 (59:35):
The show means the world to Miles.

Speaker 1 (59:38):
He he needs your validation.

Speaker 5 (59:40):

Speaker 4 (59:41):
I hope you're having a great weekend.

Speaker 1 (59:43):
And I will talk to you Monday.

Speaker 4 (59:45):

Speaker 1 (01:00:11):
Nothing sp

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