All Episodes

August 12, 2018 55 mins

The weekly round up of the best moments from DZ's Season 43 (8/6/18-8/10/18.)

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of The
Weekly Zeitgeist. These are some of our favorite segments from
this week, all edited together into one NonStop infotainment last stravaganza.
Uh yeah, So, without further ado, here is the Weekly Zeitgeist.

So what happened over the weekend? I tried to keep
Trump news out of my brain as much as possible
on my vaca. So can you explain to me what
the latest is with the Trump Tower meeting? Okay, so
you've heard of you've heard of Donald Trump, yes, okay,
you've heard of Senior, thank you. And you've heard of
Dju Don Jr. Okay, so we know don Ju And yeah,

it's like from when they Homer thought that was a
content aggregator on Instagram. Uh and then so, uh, you know,
he's clearly over the last week. We were talking about
how how he's so transparent and signaling his frustrations and
how you can tie every single tweet back to a
specific news story that he's just addressing. It's not like, oh,

he's saying stuff again. It's like most of the time,
it's like you can attribute it back to a news
story that's been on this show. Within the last seconds,
by the way, is paying attention to his Twitter And yeah,
I think he definitely the internet right right investigation. So yeah,

there was a there was an article in the Washington
Post that sort of described how Trump is sort of
increasingly going from angry to more worried about Don Junior's
legal future since you know, up and done a spiracy
against Mirka. Uh and so they say, and from the article,
I say, quote, Trump has confided to friends and advisers
that he is worried about the Mueller probe and how

could destroy the lives of what he calls innocent and
decent people, namely Donald Trump Junior, who was under scrutiny
by Mueller for his role or organizing a June meeting
at Trump Tower with Russians promising dirt on Hillary. And
then they go on they said, he does not believe
his son purposely broke the law, but his fearful nonetheless
that Trump Junior inadvertently may have wandered into legal jeopardy. Uh.

That is very I like how the warding shifts there. Yeah,
that he did that, but may have even break the law.
But maybe by the end of this long sentence you'll
think about something else he done stumbled into a conspiracy,
like his car freezes jumping over it like God, Junior
done got himself into a whole message trouble and then
the car lands on the other side. But we have

both cars definitely have the rebel flag on them. But yeah,
you know, since the President is like the rapper bone
crusher and thus never scared, he fired off this tweet
just to prove, how, you know, so relaxed he is.
And so this is a tweet from I think yesterday
from five three in the morning. Uh, fake news reporting
a complete fabrication that I am concerned about the meeting
my wonderful son Donald had in Trump Tower. This was

a meeting to get information on an opponent legally, totally
illegal and done all the time in politics, and it
went nowhere. I did not know about it. Okay, So
here's the thing. It almost seemed like he gives a
ship about his son, which is the most striking things. Eric.
He wouldn't have said my wonderful son. Yeah, I mean
I think both stud have said my I think taller, Yeah,
I think other son. Uh yeah, so I guess he

cares about him. But the whole thing of you know,
like this happens all the time and it's legit is
total bullshit. I mean, yes, getting opposition research is you know,
a huge part of running and I remember one president
I heard actually broke into a hotel to do it. Yeah,
and it worked. Yeah. I mean, so the APO part,
we I think we all understand that you need that
to sort of create negatives about or pull out negatives

about your opponents so then the voters will be like, oh, Okay,
maybe he doesn't his voting record is this. But to
accept any help from a foreign national or hostile foreign government, see,
that is a crime. Uh. And it's a completely different situation.
And the whole thing of like well it went nowhere
and blah blah blah is like it's like not that
it's one for one, but it's like, well, yeah, I

hired the hitman to kill, but he didn't kill. Imagine
if Lee Harvey Oswald hadn't killed him, he's like, I
shot him, but he's not like dead. Well, and I
mean not that it's completely one for one like that,
but you've engaged in the conspiracy to commit this crime,
and you know they want to say like, well, there
wasn't even good stuff like isn't a real defense. It's
definitely shifted from this has never happened, This didn't happen

how you said it did. This happened, But isn't a crime.
This happened, but maybe as a crime and he got
nothing too. Now the next steps is this was a crime.
Like it's just slowly shifting, right, and you're running out.
And it's the same thing with like his talking heads
that have to go out. So like Rudy Giulian, he
had a terrible couple of weeks in the last two weeks,
or he was just going on like like literally breaking
news or then walking it back in a way that

he was confusing, like people on Fox who are trying
to like walk him through his logic. It's incredible to
watch Rudy Giuliani navigate any conversation that's not about an
eleven right or the Yankees. Yeah, yeah, that's only his
his two strong points. You know, I told you to
throw that pitch out, So that's me. Uh. And so
when he saw the last yesterday on the Sunday Shows,

one of Trump's lawyers, Jay Seculo, he went on to
George Stephanopolis show and even like you know, this week
was looking bad because there were also reports about like, yeah,
Trump knew about Flynn being compromised and still asked call
me to ease back on the investigation, thus creating an
obstruction of justice case. And even Jay Seculo, I think

he literally reached into his bag of like rhetorical rebuttals
and literally grabbed nothing and through this just weird argument out.
So this is his defense of the president's probable obstruction
of justice. Are you suggesting what would be a problem
if the President pressure James Comey to let the Flynn
investigation go after knowing that Michael Flynn was under criminal investigation. Well,

I want you to understand something. I mean, I know
this sounds remarkable to a lot of people, but if
there was investigations going on on Martin Luther King Jr.
And do you think if President Kennedy would have gone
to jed Gar Huber and said, hey, stop that that
that would have been an obstruction of justice coin and
of course not that would have been article to authority.
But none of that has happened here. There's been no

shutting down of any investigations, no shutting down of any inquiries.
That was I love the just complete silence on the
other end, and he asked that question. Incredible, Like I
think he's hoping the person would be like Republican. Yeah,
so he's on the penny. It's uh, yeah, the arguments

are getting thinner and thinner and worse and worse, and yeah,
this is just kind of again, I don't even understand
the logic there is that, like because Martin Luther King
was probably being harassed by the FBI because he was
like doing some because of his civil rights leadership, that
they identified him as like a threat for your stability
in this country. I think he meant today though, if
he had asked Kennedy today to slow it down, you know, Yeah,

I don't it's it's very It's yeah, I don't know.
I mean, it makes sense to me because that was
a corrupt FBI that was persecuting an innocent person and
trying to portray our FBI as persecuting an innocent president
and all of his innocent henchman, because innocent people have

henchman and he uh, you know, but it's just when
you find yourself comparing uh Flint or yeah, Michael Michael
Flynn to Martin Luther King Jr. Like that's the point
where you're like, oh ship no, no, no no, no, like
that that doesn't pass the anything test. Uh yeah, I

think you know, And it makes sense as the manifortual
heats up because like the other reporting, it really is
that like it's less anger now and it's a lot
more fear. That's from from people who are like talking
to aids behind the scenes. But again, who I mean scared,
but we're all scared. We're also living in the until
something happens. Nothing's going to happen, yeah, exactly, Like it's
hard look at what has happened right right. Yeah, And

just on the everybody else does this. A lot of
people are taking that meeting thing Trump's defense there. Uh
you know, we we've talked about this before, but Al
Gore in preparing for a debate with George W. Bush, Uh,
he was handed basically all of George W. Bush Is preparation,

like all of this whole coloring books, his study book,
like all the arguments, all the ideas. He was and
he immediately turned it over to the FBI, probably partially
because he thought he was just gonna roll over Bush.
And like I didn't think it was gonna be a problem.
But also, uh, you know, the thing that he was

afraid of was probably, well, what if it's from the
Russians or something, you know, like, how are we to
know who this the source of information influence saying an
American presidential like that's you know, want to be involved
in a vast conspiracy to throw this election? And now
he's an award nominated filmmaker, right, and but you know,

Trump in this case knew that it was from Russia,
and uh, you know, at least we know that Donald Jr.
There's some balls to the defense of Well, but it
was lame information. The idiots are lame. It wasn't even good.
It wasn't even like these guys suck. But yeah, like

a lot of people point out that, like this isn't
the first time Russians have tried to help a presidential candidate,
and they've all turned it down. Like I know, there
was they were saying in the eighties four Moscow was
like they offered helped to quote any candidate of either
party as long as they were against Reagan, and people like, no, dude, again,
he was definitely not touted by Republicans is the greatest

president of all time? Right, So Trump went at Lebron
James over the weeken. Yeah, because he was a black
guy who said something about him. And we know that's
you know, when you look at the criteria takes for
Donald Trump to come at you in a non politics
setting or even a politics setting, it's you should be
a person of color who says something about him. As
we've seen, like you can just like kind of has

any success. Yeah, as long as as long as Yeah,
but those are the people who really get something out
of him, like you know, other politicians like hold on,
what did what did Lebron's sake? So he was on.
Lebron was on did an interview with Don Lemon on
CNN to talk about his new school where he's you know,
creating a like massive opportunity for these kids in acreative
being like just another divisive issue, yeah, opening up schools. Yeah,

and being like, Hi, we'll pay for your school. We'll
get you a bike so you can get to school.
If you don't have food at home, will have a
pantry so you can eat at home. And the thing
you're talking about earlier, where you're talking about like underprivileged
people and people not having opportunities in downtime of school.
The school also has is a longer school year and
then offers up programs for and on top of it,
if you graduate, then they will pay for you to

go to college. I mean, God, what a fucking asshole
this Lebron issues. Yeah, and so again that was all fine,
but then it came to a moment where donal Len
was talking about how device you know, divisive the current
atmosphere is in politics right now in the country, and
what Lebron is doing is a great thing. And they said,
you know, Don's like, what would you say to the
president if you were sitting across from him, you know,

to talk to him? And Lebron was just very flatly
was like, I would never be sitting across from him
and que angry racist grandpa on his questions that is
giving a run for your not interesting to look at
as best specific because that's so specifics. But I would
never be across not I would turn down it's so specific.

I would never be in that situation. I would never
be in a situation to be here would put myself
at risk intellectually. So yes, then he fires off this week, Lebron,
this is this is from Donald J. Trump. Lebron James
was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon.
He made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do.
I like Mike Okay, So again Donald Trump does his

thing again where he tries to make people of color
be like as stupid people, uh, and painting the first
Don Lemon, who is African American, is the dumbest man
on television. That's actually you, my man. Uh, and then
going at saying Lebron looks smart. Even though in the
past Donald Trump was all about Lebron moved to Miami.

It's his year, It's his year, go Lebron, but he
had he had the audacity to basically be like, no,
you're the presidents discussing and I want to be around him.
I'm excited for Lebron James will be worth more money
than Donald Trump, like he definitely already is. And it's
it's it's so what an incredible thing to take any
time of your day doing as the president. Right of
a thing. And I love all the tweets that are

staring like Lebron puts kids in school, put three days
after the school opened. Now is the time come at
him in the finals. There's all these times where a
bunch of people be like, I hate you, but I
agree with you. Right, But now it's like Lebron James
Stock could not possibly be higher, right, Yeah, And you
know I like how because he said I like Mike

so que a fairy. Michael Jordan's response is just sort
of like, I support LJ. He's doing an amazing job
for his community, said yeah, but he meant Larry Johnson,
he supported them for being in space Jam. I support
Grandmama Larry and his all of his efforts for the
Charlotte basketball So one disclaimer, the react juice in those

converse sneakers aren't actual juice. But yeah, I guess the
whole that's also such an MJ thing too. He couldn't
have more, you know, he's a stand asshole. Yeah, Republicans
by sneakers to famous quote from Michael Jordan's Yeah, um, plus,
kids in cages make great shoes. Yeah, exactly, all tiny
hands to get those laces. I'm wearing Nikes right now,
and I'm like that hypocritical Michael Jordan. I thought Jordan's

I bought in Chinatown in New York. Like, yeah, the
money thing is something that I hadn't thought about for
a while. But the fact that, like the myth he's
most worried about people finding out about him is that
he's not as rich as he says he is. So
I do wonder, like, do we think all of this
is just a distraction so that people will stop asking

for his tax returns, like the Democrats might be seeing
those tax returns real quick. But I think the other
thing it's funny too, now that you say that, is
that there is a lot that I think that resonates
with a lot of Americans that do vote for Donald
Trump and a lot of Americans in general. And I
talked about this last week. It just sort of this
idea that a lot of people also spend money to

simply fight off the appearance of not of being poor
like and that's a lot of the situation when you
look at how the there's just a virtually no middle
class or whatever, and people don't earn enough on the
spectrum for the time that they put into their jobs.
Like Donald Trump, he's lying about what he's got. And
it also appeals to people who might be in denial
that their situation is actually a lot worse than it is,

and like, yeah, probably not like the most politically productive
line of attack, but it is the one that would
hurt him the most. You've never seen more people with
no business talking about it, telling me why bankruptcy is
a good move. You know what, what are you talking about?
We're all at Wendy's right now. Actually smart to go bankrupt,

it's smart, it's a it's a freaking bankrupt. You just
asked to dip your fries into my shape. Yeah. Uh, look,
we're all in this uberpool right now. I don't need
to be learning this from the driver. And then also
Melania even got messy too, because she just came out
of nowhere without without being asked for comment. She wasn't

at an appearance anywhere. She just had her spokesperson put
out a quote that just but was just It looks
like Lebron James is working to do good things on
behalf of our next generation. And just as she always has,
the first Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue
about issues facing children. I'm sorry, this is the biggest
I hate so much that people call people disagreeing about
facts open dialogue. Right, You can't when something's objectively true

or false. You can't have an open dialogue with both sides.
Freedom of speech. It's incredible. Just think about how I
feel though, But I don't. I feel like I don't
want to know what the truth is. No, no, but
the truth scares me. I think we we skim past
the fact that if Donald Trump's tax returns come out,
it's gonna be funny watching him try and remember his

turbo tax password, like the only billionaire who probably had
to file online, And it's like, what's the free version? Yeah?
Do I have audit protection? What is it? Thirty bucks more?
I forget it? Forget it. I don't have that. Forget it.
I don't have that. I don't have what do I look? So, Miles,
what's going on in the pump? I mean not much?
You know, we all know Paul Manafford is so guilty. Yeah,

and you know this is what they all the lawyers
call a documents case because a lot of it has
to do with a lot of his fraudulent claims about
his income and defrauding banks and lying about his money
and money laundering, etcetera, etcetera. So they're clearly a mountain
of evidence up against him, but they just need a
few witnesses just come through and be like, yes, that
it is what it looks like. So yes. Cut to

Rick Gates, who was Palm Manafort's protege and his like
right hand man when Paul Manafort was running the Trump
campaign and even stayed after Paul Manafort left. Was a
big figure on the Trump campaign. He's the number two
and then I think took over the Inauguration Committee after
after that. Um So, he took the stand yesterday in
the trial, and it essentially just boiled down to this

him going up on the stand just saying, yes, Paul
Manafort and I committed crimes, and I also helped him
commit crimes, and also I used to steal money from him.
It was so refreshingly plainspoken the way that I didn't expect,
Like reading over transcripts, you always assumed someone be like, well,
crimes are very it's it's all encompassing. At the time
what I was doing, this guy was like, oh, yeah,
I woke up and I looked at my schedule and

it said crimes with Paul, and and then I did
crimes with Paul, and then more criming at five, like yeah,
because I mean, as I've said on the show earlier,
to like that they're like, there's there's plain email threads
back to each other where he's like, help me doctor
this like PDF. I can't do it in word and
I need to make it look like I make more money.

And then he sends it back and then Paul Manafort
literally like, can you make this a PDF for me?
The bank needs it as a p and like it's
just all They're just all like, you know, so well,
I've got you. Hotmail is different right now the way
I like how to change the picture that come? Why
does my last name come up before my first name?
I don't like that. So yeah, it was very easy time.

And I guess you know when you think about why
it was so clean in terms of him when the
prosecution was talking to him or what do you call that? Uh,
that they were cross examin a cross examining, thank you
U that. Yeah, he was just up there because he's
he's got a plea deal with Paul with Robert Mueller. Uh,
And it's essentially you know, he's looking he was looking
at ten years for lying to the FBI and conspiracy

against the United States. Probably not a good thing. You
want any record. Uh And because he's cooperating, I think
they're knocking it down. But yeah, it's clear that he's
just like, yes, whatever you need so I don't have
to go to jail for ten years, I will tell you.
Because the evidence is so damning, they really allow them
to bring out like the c squad of lawyers come now,
did you do crimes? Yes for the question. Yeah, like

it was almost like that. Uh. And you know, good
luck to Paul Manaforts defense team because I mean, you know,
there's a chance that maybe the jury could be convinced
that Rick Gates isn't reliable because he's also a criminal.
But I mean, like most cases where you have someone
snitch on the other person, you have to kind of
be like, well, he's pretty credible, like why he's doing it.
But yeah, I mean even if a lot of a

lot of pundits are saying like even if uh Rick
Gates didn't take this stand, the fucking documents are just
all they're already so it's it's it was more just
for them to like really underline and underscore like, yeah,
these guys there, this is what they did. And again,
this is the guy who was in charge of the
inaugural committee for the president. He would he played a
big role, Like whether you believe that he uh, any

thing he says about Manafort, He's like, I do crimes.
I steal from every everything from my own worst I
am bad um and people. Yeah, it's it's amazing how
far we've come in terms of like what we're used
to him, what we're just like dismissing, like this is
a you know, just weak, defining news story in any

other time, any other administration. The first Trump campaign official
who has in court admitted to committing crimes. We you know,
used to talk about like, wow, what if this thing
goes as deep as like water Gate? What if this
is our water Gate? Like this is like Watergate is
nothing compared to this guy. Morton Halperin, who was like

he was on Nixon's enemies list and he was a
you know, he helped write the Pentagon papers and then
served on Nixon's National Security Council staff and you know,
actually criticized him. He was like one of Nixon's like
Mueller's basically, And the New Yorker interviewed him and was like, so,
how do you think like this compares to Watergate, and

he was just immediately like, oh, Trump's way worse. He's
far worse than Nixon, certainly as a threat to the country,
which like you would totally expect him to be like,
you know, I stopped the worst person, but he's just like, no,
we do not hold a fucking this ship. Yeah. Yeah.
So Also I think, just for a timing perspective, because
John Lovett tweeted this this morning, if the Trump presidency

is a marathon, we have just passed mile ten. That's
where we're at timing. And Jack and I we have
both run marathons. Yes, we know there's quite a bit
more after that two miles. Uh, the last six miles
are like you know, they really say that in your brain,
the first twenty miles are only the halfway point. As

as a fellow marathon or Daniel, you would you would
get that. I agree with that. Uh was a marathon
technically the distance between the town of Marathon and like
Athens or isn't that why the distance is twenty six
point something like that. It was sometimes in mythology. Well,
we don't only need to flecks. I was feeling good
about my marathon, dumb and small because people as have

those thirteen point one or twenty six point two bumper stickers.
I'm like the twenty six point two so specific, Like
like when people like, yeah I r in a ten
K or twenty five K or whatever, like jerks t
K Jack. We're driving and you see someone with a
thirteen point one sticker, do you like ram them a
little bit that all the time? Well, I just feel
entitled to cut them off because they're less than me, right, like,

clearly don't want it is bad? All right, We'll be
right back and we're back. Uh. Well, another name is
John Hot Transition Wow John, and Papa is one of

the John's. All of this was written out of Papa.
John's is not doing Wellcome they aren't? They just? Uh,
of course they're not, because you have a fucking wacky
avatar owner or founder who refuses to go away and
blame everyone but himself. Uh. And they just reported their

earnings fell by another six percent this last quarter because yeah,
Mr John Schnatter or whatever, he's getting too messy out
here in the streets. So they have a new plan,
which is to spend fifty million dollars and hire an
army of quote advertisers and consultants to basically scrub old
Papa John's existence entirely from their marketing universe and be like,

we are this whole other thing. I mean, unless you
fucking change your name to just like not fucking Papa John's,
I don't know how you're gonna distance yourself from This's what. Yeah,
these pizzas will have the pizza is okay, but yeah,
so right now, They're current CEO is sort of saying

like their whole strategy is, like, you know, millennials and
gen z ears, they've left us for actually good pizza
or just not eating as much pizza. So their whole
thing is to try and bring them the young uns
back in uh, and they can avoid total destruction. And
like they're even talking about pivoting to sort of like
a more quote purpose driven model like Chippotle is talking about.

So I don't know if that means, like what does
Chipotle doing that has purpose? Besides they have like short
stories on their bags. I think, oh yeah, I remember
one of the first times I went to Chipotle, there
was like a George Saunders quote and I just but
it just made me concern for George Saunders I'm like,
does he need money? Is he poor? Yeah, there's like
a Neil Guimon or whatever the funk that guy's name.

I like that story on there. I guess their purpose
driven thing with Chippotle is like being like Tom's or something.
I'm not sure. I'm excited for like Instagram and influencers
to start schilling for Papa John. Yeah, like a really
hot seventeen year old just like eating a slice and
being like, it's not your mom's John the way your papa's. Yeah,

that makes the way Chipotle has talked about they say
they've demonstrated a little bit of our personality and our
sense of humor. And they said the commercials they feature
close ups of their fresh ingredients and quippy voiceover uh,
and the CEO wants customers set Chipole is a purpose
driven lifestyle brand to help people think. I don't just
like it's more than just a place to eat, so

but is a place to have diarrhea, right to have
frank Zapple's shar sharts Yet. I mean we go to
Chipotle occasionally, but I've I've definitely fallen off that band.
Like there's a while when like my blood type was
Chippole but when we do go to Chipotle, it's because
we identify with their quippy voiceovers a millennial. I'm like,

where's the quippy vot? I honestly, I'm like, I lost
my library card. Where can I go to get some
literary mind? Are seven like? Oh, I'll just go to
chipole and and take a giant dump while reading that.
That is nice that the one of the puppiest restaurants
in the entire world provides you with reading material while
it exits you. Um, I don't know. I say, don't

sleep on the other Papa, sweet sweet little Gino. Do
you ever go to Papa Gino's an East Coast pizza change, Yeah,
it's don't sleep on Gina's. I hope that Gino is.
I used to date the assistant manager of Pappa Gino's.
Not to anyone's disclosure, I haven't in it Papa Gino's
or I did in the late two thousands. So I
think that Ginos takes this opportunity to be like, there's

a vacant Papa throne and he's like, okay, so here
And so Gino's is a cutie pot. He's a little
cartoon who looks like the drummer in the Chuck E
Cheese band ak pasqually there you go. Yeah, and this
is basically a mainly Massachusetts based pizza brand because when

you when you think of pizza, you think the Commonwealth
of Give. I mean they could change their name of
sucking Papa Smurfs, and I think even Papa Doc or
p Yeah, I mean fucking Papa Shango. I don't know anything,
but yeah, well Papa himself, John Schnatterly whatever the his

name is Snatter He was saying that the reason their
stock is actually down is that they're chasing these millennials
by and they changed their colors and the color change
is what has them. It's not blaming, it's not blaming
people protesting police brutality. All these people under thirty don't

understand the colors. So that's because of that. Interesting of
him to make a color based argument. Fucking idiot. Yeah,
So the thing that people don't understand is the thing
people want with their pizza is the same colors as before,
and like, that's what you want to associate with your

pizza eating experience. So now this brings me to the
story that has made me the most skeptical that there
is a blue wave, or you know that any rational
thing will happen in the future of America. Ha goes
by is uh so that there was a USA Today

survey that was based on twenty two thousand customers in America.
They were asked about the quality of products, services, and
satisfaction with more than three hundred eighty companies and industries. Uh.
And the limited service restaurants list, I'm going to give
them to you in order. This is fast food, yes,

a limited services fast food? Right? What a euphemistic term.
Top of the list Chick fil A. I'm okay with that.
I mean politically not great, but very polite. I understand
where they're coming from, and like their food is satisfying. Uh.
Panera bread is confusing to me. I like Panera, Yeah,

it's it's nice that they just let you chill there
for hours where you eat a Yeah. I used to
always eat the Asiago roast beef sandwich. College. I was
the broccoli cheddar and a bread bull if I could
afford it. In college, that's where all the mom's got
a gossip. Oh yeah, yeah, that is right. It's always

like a Panera nera like a gym or yoga studio
where next door to a nailsal lot, Like, yeah, fully
the mom's it's the last. So Panera makes sense because
that's where we're gonna have our town hall meetings going forward,
Like that is the town meetingful discourse Number three Papa
John's number three, the highest rated pizza restaurant, the third

highest rated fast food restaurant before Dominoes, before Way before Dominoes.
Next one is Pizza Hut somehow what and then subway.
It's like subway, No subway, they fucking suck. I love
the cookies. I occasionally heat the sandwich, but you know,

the people at the subways I go to, they act
like I'm fucking bothering them. Every time I ask for
just anything. I'm like, oh, can I get a little
more of this? And like I've had some good discourset subway.
Really yeah, I asked because I always ask where the
seafood sensations? That like when they when they bring them
back the seafood sensation and they're like, oh, it's good
that they took it away. It was really bad, right,

It's like that a seafood salad, like mayonnaise seafood. What
was the jar of mayonnaise with some invitation crab inside
of it, and it costs like ten dollars. It's really bad.
I used to love the seafood sensation. It's a young buck. Wait,
and weren't you also the tuna fish eat or a
dunkin donuts? I was? I was young tuna. So you
just with the fast seafood ship. I like the gnarliest

mayonnaisiast most dangerous food, honoring your Bostonian roots, just embracing
the sea. Just mayo based meat dishes. Yeah. Is Long
John Silver's even a thing anymore? Do you know what
that is? Yeah? But I feel like they just crop
up occasionally a fast food Yeah. Are are they doing?
Like the food combination pizza hut? Long John Silver type thing?

Are they? They're their own company? Oh? In eighth grade,
when you won the award for being the student of
the month in your grade in lexing in Kentucky and
the public school I attended, Uh, the reward was going
to Long John Silver's corporate headquarters and getting a tour,

all right, because they're based in Louisville. Yeah, was it cool?
It was so cool, really till I go in their
test kitchen and eat really gross fuit um. But month
by thank you I had mentioned that I'm really sorry
all around about way letting you know in eighth grade,
I was got it. And you've been to the l

J s h Q exactly good on. You been looking
for a way to Yeah, Dominoes they should be up
there a little bit more. Yeah, Domino's is way the
funk down there. Dominoes, Little Caesar's is down there. Wendy's
is way down there, like Wendy's is, and McDonald's and
Taco Bell are like way down I don't know, but

it's just it's confusing to me. I don't know a
single person who likes Papa John's, so it suggests to
me that there is You're in a pizza bubble? Yeah,
are we in a bubble? Are we in a completely
different reality? Like? Have I not been to real America
since I was a child? The leading fast food pizza right,

and you've never had like a good pizza? Of course,
Papa John's is the ship this much in the same
way when I first encountered Papa just like, yo do
garlic sauce burn there? Like I was like, this is
next level service or whatever the funk but then as
you you explain your horizon and you're exposed to different
kinds of pizza, I'm like, wait, this fucking sucks. Is
this a good time to say I've never been to

a Papa John's in my entire life. No, it isn't
a good time, and let's edit this out. I'm sorry
right now. Everything you said has no weight. I grew
up Gina's. I grew up Gina Pig. I think people
know that they should respect your food opinions since you
shared that you like Subway fast Subway and Mike's harder blood.

Another male name is Devon Miles take it away. Wow,
thanks for that, Brian Shaw. Now Shaquille O'Neal, throw it down.
My man is going to be so yes, and boy
named Devon uh. He spoke at a fundraiser in Washington

State for Kathy McMorris Rogers Roger, who is the number
four Republican in the House, so very up there. So
she's she's the pizza Hut of the Republication exactly, and
Paul Ryan is Chick fil A. She is the pizza Hut.
So the event was meant to be like a private fundraiser,
meaning like no press just only wealthy Republicans who are

all the homies. So you can talk loose in there
because ain't nobody listening, and we can just tell our
secrets because we're all paying so much money to be there.
But FUSE Washington, which is like a progressive sort of
watchdog organization, they basically had somebody pay them pay the
price to get in here and just record the ship
to hear how what they were talking about. And so

we all know about you know, Devin Nounez and his
love for Trump and how he'll fucking do anything to
come up the whole investigation, whether it's the Muther investigation
or the House Intel investigation or fucking Investigation, Discovery Channel,
whatever it is. Yeah, he's just a fucking you know,
he's a lackey and guy who hopped out of his
black car in the middle of traffic to go visit

with the President when he got a message from him.
I would love to call him a loser to his face.
I think it really it would really hurt. Yeah, it
would be devastating. Uh, it would be devastating. Uh. And
if you saw the photo of him in high school,
he's got the sickest mullet, it's it's pretty chill. He's
got like a turtleneck with his turtleneck sweater Mullet combo
that only someone from the Central Valley carrocks so seamlessly.

But anyway, so suffice to say, he is totally all
in for Trump and will do what anything and anything
it takes, including completely sacrificing his own morals and just
giving up his ability to feel shame. So during this
recording he said a few things that were very interesting.
One of the first things that like they were this
is all Rachel Mattow because she exclusively got the tape

and aired to last night. One of the first comments
was pretty standard stuff like not totally surprising, where he
was sort of saying, like, you know, the president tweets
some good stuff sometimes and sometimes like makes you want
to cringe and blah blah blah. Just a little interesting
because normally, in his eyes, Trump can do no wrong.
And also, Devin Noon has has repeatedly been on like
the nicer end of Trump's Twitter more than once because

he's always been just like, all right, good boy, thank
you for doing what I need. Uh. And so then
he got he got a little bit more and more honest,
and some more points came out that are unsettling but
makes sense given his behavior. So one of the first
things he says, Uh basically admits that if, like a
in a hypothetical world, if you received something from a

foreign government and used it an election that was hack material,
that would be criminal. So listen to this recording of
him sort of basically admits that he knows better about
what collusion is my ches country. Good pass from the

court step side. Just well, that's basically describing what is

happening right now. Did he not know he was doing that?
I don't know. I mean he painfully he did a
lot of work to not say Russia. He was like,
maybe it's the Chinese or Portuguese, because I'm Portuguese. If
they gave her hacked emails and she released him, that
would be criminal. Okay, it sounds like he sounds like
a high school or trying to impress his friends by

like all but saying it just in kids. It gets
hack zeros once. But you know, it's like when you're
at the lunch table, you're like, guys, you know, like
you know, we're talking. It's like, no, you're a dork.
Shut up. I like that. You can hear in that soundclip,
you can hear all the tinkling of works and nine
and people been like, it's like people who have are
like have like really impaired motor skills, are using silverware

because it's so loud. People for example, Yeah that if
you told them Donald Trump wasn't handing something die in
front of you. But it is nice that they subway
catered it with all seafoods. So yeah, it's again, it
just shows you how how blatant he is in his
actions where he knows what is that, he's basically trying

to obscure criminal behavior by hamstringing the investigations in any
way he can. But we knew that, you know, like
obviously he knows better, and but he and then he
just shows everybody, Yes, I know that if you received
hacked information and you used it from another and it
came from a foreign government, that is criminal. Thank you
for putting on your hacker glasses shaming I just on
behalf of the community. We of course we're at there

hacking stamp it. We've always been hacking zeros one clicking delete.
Thank you you're in now. Then he moved on to
talking about Rod Rosenstein and essentially how you know it's
not that they you know, like I think someone asked
in the in the fundraiser, like, oh, what's going on
with that? And he was sort of spraming and sort

of like, well, it's not because we don't want to.
It's just like it's more of a timing thing. So
in this he's going to speak a little bit about why,
you know, impeaching Ron Rosenstein would interfere with confirming Brett
Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Uh, and so they can't
confirm him and tear down our democracy at the same time, guys,
is sort of what he's saying. And so listen to

him explain sort of how he sees the sequence happening
if they're going to impeach Rod Rosenstein, so we actually
impeach what that does well, and you have to decide
what you right now because only has so much time
everything and not contro the sprame Coortlaster. So that's part

of why I don't think you're you're not from I've
said the Rosenstein deserves to be a peach I mean,
so I don't think you're gonna get any argument from
most of our colleges. The question is the timing of it.
Right before the elections. The sin would have to start.
The sinner have to drop everything they're doing and start

to start with the pat of Rosenstein and then to
take the risk of not getting not getting capital. So
it's a it's not a matter of Rosest, it's a
matter of it's a matter of time. Okay, Wow, did
you hear someone choked to death there in the middle

of that. It's tough when your audience is entirely tobacco
executive her So yeah, when when you hear that one,
you're like, oh shit, Okay, clearly he still has his
plan or agenda to try and impeach Rod Rosenstein. Again,
if you don't know Rod Rosenstein is, he's the Deputy
Attorney General of the Department of Justice, and he is

in charge of the Mulleer investigation because Jeff Sessions recused
himself as he should have because he has, you know,
conflicting interests when it comes to this investigation. So their
whole thing is, well, if the Mueller investigations started getting
too hot, we can impeach Rod Rosenstein and then put
someone else in there that will basically either end the
Mueller investigation or just kneecap the things, so it can't

really do functionally anything. Uh So, when you listen to
it as little and I was having, we're kind of
talking about, like what's going on here, because on one hand,
you have people like Paul Ryan and other top Republicans
being like, there's no reason to impeach Rod Rosenstein or whatever,
like it doesn't make sense. It's just not gonna work.
So on one hand, I was like, well, maybe he's
telling these donors like he's trying to protect his ego

about like, oh, I didn't really take that l like that.
It's not like they don't back me, like it's just
a timing thing, like we're gonna get around to it,
which makes sense. But also when you listen to his
the next thing, he says, I can imagine a world
where a lot of leadership on the in the Republican
Party is secretly on board with that because their endgame
is sort of becoming a little bit clearer. So this

is now, uh nonas sort of basically admitting that if
the government functions properly in the Department of Justice does
what it does, which is, you know, make sure there's
no laws being broken, then Trump's presidency would effectively end,
and they that's why they have to funk around so
much to keep the president. And so listen, this is
this is him sort of showing his hand in terms

of what the endgame could be there. I mean, we
have we have to keep we do not those are
the stakes of the mid term election. Yeah, so again
he says, quote, if Sessions won't unrefused and Muther won't

clear the president, we are the only ones, which is
really the danger. That's why I keep and think you
for saying it. By the way, I mean, we have
to keep all these seats. We have to keep the majority.
If we do not keep the majority, all of this
goes away. So they know that if they lose the majority,
that means Democrats are in power, and now they can
really set the agenda of like what what Trump's future

is gonna look like. And that's why they're like, we'll see,
that's why you know, if we hopefully we keep the majority,
so we don't have to fully burn the fucking House
down and impeach Rod Rosenstein and tear the d o
J down and turn like in that sense, to keep
the heat off the president. Uh so there's you know
that that that's why we have to do this, guys,
because it's just us now, it's just us, it's just
our thin majority and the just to be clear and

put this all in context, the so they're basically saying,
our last option is to use the Republican controlled you know,
Congress to uh, you know, shut the investigation now because
the Trump appointed Deputy Attorney general like won't shut it down,
and you know, they can't get any other way to
shut it down. So this is what they what it's

come down to. And he's like one person left who
still wants to shut it down. I hate to bring
it back to the forks, but I can't hear anything
on that tape other than forks. So there, as that
tape goes on, you'll notice the fork sounds diminish, and

it does remind me of something else that sounds a
lot like, uh my not Uncle Mike's Terrible Republican Band,
which is the Jonestown tape where you know it's like
it gets quiet as the tape goes on, and that
is kind of what the whole the whole New Nez
Dinners from like expiring at the table, so so that

the hacker news on this is that the seafood sensation
everyone was eating was poison. So as Devonias is talking,
everyone is slowly dying and so a bunch of tobacco
gods are dead now. Well. The thing the other thing
to notice is Kathy McMorris Rogers. So she had a
primary in Washington and and she like barely eked got

out of there like alive, like she'll because they also
have a jungle primary like in California, where the top
two vote getters face off in the in the midterm
election in November, she barely got in. And for being
that high up, and I think she's I think she
was first, but like not in a way that like
an incumbent should normally win, uh, which is yeah, which

I think is another indication too, because this was before
the primaries happened, that she was clearly feeling the heat already,
and they were kind of in this thing where like yo,
even the number four Republican like it's it's closing in
on them too, like people are just sort of getting
a little bit weary of their fuccory who she almost
get beat by? Was it a Democrat or like a
further right Republican. No, it's a it's a Democrat. Yeah.

In her primary, she had a lead of a little
more than a five votes. Another tape news and Rosa
was apparently taping the President during her time in White House.
We don't know what is going to be on that tape.
I'd imagine it won't be much good, but who the
fund knows. Yeah. I read an article where someone was

saying like they after speaking with people had who had
heard the recordings, it wasn't really that great. It's like, oh,
you you recorded him. But I don't know. Maybe she,
maybe Alma Rosa isn't. She's only letting people know, Like
I have tapes, but I showed you the bangers on
this album right right right right to the album Bangers
by Mine. These signs one of the great. Uh. Yeah,

and her book might have like some Fire and Fury
style fun that we can get. Yeah. I mean also,
I mean, like what a blatant cash crab to like
if Sean Spicer's book wasn't enough like hers? Just called unhinged,
I think all I do. I do love that titles.
It was someone whose book i'd want to buy. I
called unhinged. It might as well just be like, like

I go back to Big Brother tape often in my
mind just being like it's not so bad, just exactly
what I think everybody was assuming. But to see somebody
who was previously a big supporter of his be that
terrified is yeah, it's still scary. All right, let's take

a quick break and we're back. And I think it
was last night on Kimmel Kanye Kanye showed up, showed up,
and he ghosted some other shows, so they they've had
a feud in the past. Oh yeah, remember remember well

on Twitter, remember they were going back and forth and
like that's when like Virgil Ablow was helping him make
memes like flat back in him where it was like
like it was like SpongeBob SquarePants and he's like Jimmy
Kimmel's face looking motherfucker like it was this weird. It
was like right around the yes this album. I remember
when they were fucking want at and then they squashed
it or whatever. So yeah, when he showed up yesterday,

I was like it was like a twenty two minute
interview total, and I really loved Jimmy Kimmel lots interview
were actually like he's never run me the wrong way.
He's always really nice and like he's still it's funny
without being obnoxious. Um, and I really like the interview.
I think, I mean, Kanye is just a character. But
because I don't know, I liked how Jimmy spun it

all because he always was like underlying like Donald Trump
sucks h and Kannie didn't really have anything report, like
he didn't have a rebuttal to any of that, aside
from like he would just say his point, like I
had to build up a lot of confidence to put
that Maga hat on. It wasn't because of that, it
was just it was more of a symbolic moment for
me to like taketl yeah, or just be like I'm
going to do this thing I want. I don't care

what the repercussions are. I want to wear the hat
or whatever. And sure, but there was one moment that
was so good where you could tell Kanye doesn't really
he's not in the ring with intellectual heavyweights too often
trying to defend his position because Jimmy kim Yeah, Jimmy
Kimmel just melted him with one question basically, So I

think We're playing a clip of Kanye kind of talking
about his love for Trump, health, love and just can
solve everything, and then Kimmy, Jimmy, Kimmy gets them real good.
But I see people just even like go at the president.
It's like, why not try love for one person, to
stand up against all odds and just hug somebody the

way that Alice Johnson hugged her family when she got
out of jail. That one by one by one, we
can defuse this nuclear bomb of hate that we're in
as a society by thinking of everyone is our family,
and how are we treat our kids? How are we
treating I think that's a beautiful thought. But just in

literal terms, there are families being torn apart at the
border of this country. They are are literally families being
torn apart as a result of what this president is doing.
And I think that, you know, we cannot forget that,
whether we like his personality or or not, his actions
are really what what matter. I mean, so famously and

so powerfully said George Bush doesn't care about black people.
It makes me wonder, what makes you think that Donald
Trump does, or any people at all? Why don't we
take a break we'll come back and Kanye. Every time
Kanye gets nervous in this interview, he crosses his arms. Yeah,

you go, he's so transparent, you know, I mean, like
his you know, the few times where you can read
someone's body language is Kanye because he's signaling great, like, Okay,
let me close off to what you're saying now, and
then okay, what do you so what you can't see
because this is an audio podcast, is right after you
ask that question, Kannie like he takes it in, he
leans back like he's about to say something, and then
just kind of goes right. And then Kim will just merciful.

He's just like, Okay, let's take a break because you
don't need to take that much of an l on camera.
And then but the thing that disappointed me a little
bit is when they came back, they just kind of
went back to other topics. Yeah, and I think you
need to, you know, hold this man's feet to the
fire because he he doesn't even really know where he lands, uh, Kanye,
cause he didn't really thought about any of this ship.
And also when he said Alice, when he brings up

Alice Johnson, that was the woman that Kim Kardascian caped
for and then got the pardon, right, he was like, well,
why can't when she comes out and hugs her family,
like blah blah blah, that's love between a family where
there is love that exists. That is not a supported her. Yeah,
that is not an adversarial relationship. So what the funk
are you? Like? That's where you're like, oh man, you
are you just so detached from reality? It's yeah, well

you know, but I do like Jimmy Kimmel and how
he handled it though he's he's a smart man. Yeah, yeah,
he didn't. I mean, he didn't get real messy about it,
but he just brought up a few things like Okay,
I'm gonna leave that there. You that so split that
marriage and his points, his views are very obviously shown,
you know what I mean, Like he's he's not going
to just like jack him off as it's like interviewing him.
I like that about Jimmy kill He's not like Jimmy
Fallon is just like laughing at every joke, jacks everyone off.

Yeah yeah, most people who don't live out here don't
know that. But he's constantly jacking guts off, just especially
little known fact. You don't see that's actually a that's
your name, That is true, constantly called jack off when
I was when I was a kid. Yeah, sweat rolled
down his face. He's not crying, Okay, No, these are

tears of laughter called courage water, and he's my courage
is so much it's coming out my floors and my eyes.
I thought it was really smart that he pointed out
that he was like, yes, you're viewing that as a
completely personality based, right, And that is true of narcissists.

That's true Trump, That's true of kind of it. It
seems that everything is just personality based. And I think
it's also true of our media that we tend to
just you know, when more viewing elections or these stories
were just like are you into world rest? Even with
the me too stuff, there are people who like some people.
If you're a fan, like there's that first layer of like,
but that person is cool? Right? Am I willing to

like like remove that from the like observing this situation.
So yeah, I think it's interesting that you started out
talking about like not knowing the difference between a character
and a nonfictional thing and a character and a fictional thing,
because I think that that kind of breaks down for
us a lot of the time, that a lot of
these celebrities are just kind of fictional character. Uh. You know,

Kanye is not a fictional character though, right you called
him a character. You know, he's just he's a real person. Yeah,
oh yeah, I did like. I did like when Kimmel
when he brought him out, he described him as like
a very talenty musician, whatever, whatever, and the last thing
was shoe salesman and you brought him out. All right,

that's gonna do it for this week's weekly Zeitgeist. Please
like and review the show. If you like the show,
uh means the world to Miles. He needs your validation, folks.
I hope you're having a great weekend and I will
talk to him Monday. By h st

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