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August 6, 2024 64 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
You needn't help dunk in that basketball on that hoop?
Did behind you? Do you have that set up for
your for your kids, dude, just to fucking go full
Anthony Edwards on them. I bring it out every once
in a while. Yeah. Then when there's yeah, when they're sleeping,
I put at the top of their bed and wake
them up with a fucking poster. Damn, bro, they're not

going This would be a closed casket. What I like, just.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
Waking up fan you got going on? That's the fan,
the type of fan that your your kids should be
able to convince themselves can propel them.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Oh yeah, yeah, put.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Them on a skateboard, put that behind them.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
But first put a series of thin objects in to
see just how powerful the fan blade is. As any
true fan, explore.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
An umbrella next to it.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Oh yeah, I would just throw toothpicks. I remember my
grandma would have him at her house. I would just
throw them into to watch him get fucking whipped out
like a crazy speed. Oh my god. Yeah, well, you're like,
you're learning cause and effect at a young age.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
This is what we had instead of smartphones.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Yeah, exactly, throwing toothpicks in a big ass blade.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Yeah, basically any cell phone game works like a fruit ninja.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Did you ever do the thing to see how much
you can handle, like put your fingers in to see
if you can stop the fan blade?

Speaker 3 (01:24):
Oh yeah, yeah, I've stopped. I've stopped fans with my tongue.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
I've stopped them all here, yeah for real?

Speaker 3 (01:28):
Like yeah, yeah, and I rocked them all, baby, to
send you a million open face fans, and I've rocked
them all. Hello the Internet, and welcome to Season three fifty,
episode two of Daily I Guys See production of iHeart Radio.

This is a podcast where we take a deep dive
into America's shared consciousness. And it is Tuesday, August sixth,
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Hell yeah, man, National Night Out Day? Why is there
hop in the image for this? Actually no, I take
that back.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
Night Out Day is like they go full staff on
like DUI traps, like it promotes police community. Oh boy, yeah,
compaganda day, Little night out you deserve it.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Hey, you know, hey, you know who else can pop
and lock officer fucking rivers over here? Why don't you
show them a little locking?

Speaker 4 (02:27):

Speaker 1 (02:28):
Yeah? There he goes Egyptian lover doing the most old schoolshid.
It's also National Fresh Breath Day, National root Beer Float Day,
National Wiggle your Toesday.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Wiggle them, okay, wiggle Yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
I'm at the point where my wife is officially like,
you need a pedicure like food.

Speaker 1 (02:50):
We're not.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
We need to take these out of your hands.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Wait, what is happening? What is going dry?

Speaker 3 (02:56):
You know?

Speaker 1 (02:57):
I mean my feed? I'm not. I'm acting like I
have like fucking award winning feet. I don't. I have
feet that have I think asbestos on the bottom. Because
I'm walking out here.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
Something for the This is for the people to decide.
You got to show got to show feet. Yeah, see
what happens.

Speaker 1 (03:12):
It's it's beyond that, Andrew. I can't. I mustn't put
many us. I mustn't. Definitely, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
This is this is me trying to create some demand.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
I mustn't. I simply mustn't. Oh me, Oh you caught
me as I was darning my stockings in the night,
and I guess my feet were uncovered. Yeah, wait are they?
It's just got like you got them dry pads and
ship like. I like you put the lighter underneath. Yeah,
put the lighter underneath. I feel that ship as a kid,

just to like kind of prove to myself. I was like, yeah, bro,
this ship is thick. I can like five seconds create a.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Nice little okay without anybody noticed feeling youmi, Yeah, get.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
The microplane out any.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Because I get the microplane out because that's when I
brainstorm in my foot cell storm. Anyways, my name is
Jack O'Brien aka Robert. Brought a dead bear cub. He
bought it for a dime. His sister had another one.
She paid it for a bike. He put the bike
with the dead bear cub. He put in New York City.

Put the bike with the dead bear cub. He put
in Central Park. He put the bike with the dead
bear cub. He put in New York City. Put the
bike with the dead bear cub. He called New Yorker
said write it up, and said New Yorker, that is it.
That is courtesy a Lacaroni on the discord. Great great job, Locarni,
What a time, A great job. Robert Kennett, Robert Afghnnedy Junior,

What a time to be alive you guys, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
It gets worse. I love it. It's probably going to
be a bad story. About me, and then the New
York or post the photo of him with the dead
bear cub, and.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
You're like, these haters, it's probably gonna be a bad story.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
You're holding a dead animal pretending like that's clearly been
like it's bleeding from its injuries, and you're like, it's
biting me. No, all right, let's let's go to Lugers.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
Huh, gotta go to Keynes by the way, when you're
up in Central Park?

Speaker 3 (05:23):
Does this say at least the last time he was like,
last time there was a horrible picture of him with
a dead animal, he was pretending to eat a dog. Yeah,
this time he had the bear pretending to eat him,
which would be an improvement if his alibi was not.
I was gonna cut it up for meat and eat
it bear fur so that I could have like baby

bear meat and fur.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
Like No, one's really really kind of sussing that part out,
or it's like, hold on, so you just want to
eat dead bear cub meat? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (05:57):
Is this gonna be a big enough story though, Like
we don't even have to explain what the fuck we're
talking about, or do we need to tell people? I
don't know, I mean, listen, We talked about it on
Monday's episode.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
You can listen to it there. Look RFK threw away
a dead bear cub in Central Park, dead.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
Bear cub in his car first of all, threw it
away in Central Park. Big mystery for a decade how
bear get into Central Park? And he was like, out
of nowhere? Okay, it was me.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Ten years later, all right, my niece wrote that piece. Yeah,
that's a weird incidence. Huh. Okay, well I didn't.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
I didn't see anything besides the headline is he's he
was going to get caught, is why he came up
with or it was the New.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Yorker was about to report on it, and he was like,
I don't know, that's probably gonna probably gonna slander me,
you know, meant.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Feel like he he is kind of like in that
like Internet scammer territory where like like like the shit
with like intentional or who cares typo's which filters out
anyone remotely skeptical, So like anyone who's still on the
RFK junior hook is I mean those hooks are in
your brain.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Oh yeah, almost.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
Like the tentacles of a worm, like like this is
just like yeah, he got whatever.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
Like four percent of the population believes him, like really
believes in him. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, that's a potent group
though that are behind him. Yeah, Like they're like, Bro,
I don't care about the bear stuff or the dog
stuff or the everything stuff.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
I'm just saying, let's hear him Outston, what a cool guy.
He acknowledges the climate change is real. Let's hear him
out on everything else having to do with science, no
matter what he says. All right, I am thrilled to
be joined as always by my co host mister Miles
grad Ak.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
Heyvance, you don't have to fit in that glove time.
Those days are over. You don't have to about it
to the right. Hey, verts, you don't have to fuck
that couch tonight, struck. The same for money. You don't

care if it's swaying or corder roy hey vants. Okay,
shout out to Steaming Chuck on the discord for that
one of my favorite karaoke jams.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
So thank you for I was gonna say, shout out
to Steaming Chuck and shout out to uh Miles Gray. Yeah,
the vocal performance of of a lifetime.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Those beautiful The second verse two would have you can
hear him singing to a couch and he's like, I
love you since hog. Yeah, I wouldn't talk down to
ya because he's it's a sofa that he's you know, yeah, yeah, sofa.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
You're no to Web one point zero or did you
guys already talk about this? Like remember like like like
one of the earliest viral videos was those like fucking
six dudes like humping that autumn in the couch.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
Yeah pretty ricky?

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Yeah yeah is that not you know jd Vance's face
like not just like that video if you want a
quick viral video.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
I can't believe no one's put his face floating PG
or whatever. Yeah, yeah, I'm just surprised that's a automan humpers. Yeah,
he's probably gonna hit them with like a seasoned desist
like the way things are going, because he only knows
how to make things worse for himself.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
Super producer Justin did bring it right. Yeah I knew it. Yeah,
I knew I could feel it in the ether. We
got too much content to make without that having Come on, no,
I get it, I get it. I'm just cut his
own good joke.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Yeah, come on, justin humility, like we said, this is
the summer of humility. To see that humility.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
That's right, all right, Andrew, We're going to get to
know you yet.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
I just I got to We're always talking to each
other anyway, so it was like, yeah anyway, so oh.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
Yeah, anyway, oh yeah, this guy. Anyways, we are thrilled
in our third Yes, one of the very faces on
Mount Zeitmore a hilarious and brilliant writer producer. You know
him from the jos this racist podcast.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
It's Andrew t. M.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
I give it to you with much trivia, like hot
take straight from iHeartMedia.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
That was ten seconds before we started recording. I was like,
I think I could pull this one off. That was flawless.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
I could sense the COVID in your voice. The grave,
the grave.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
Still y'all keep it, keep it safe, maskop COVID. This
COVID is is as the realist. Yet I feel for
me personally. Wow, did you go packed LOVID for COVID?

Speaker 1 (10:54):

Speaker 2 (10:55):
I probably should have. I I just was like, I'm fine, right, uh, probably.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
I don't know that version. No one in particular. Yeah,
my dog mostly right, Hey man, who are you talking to? Huh?

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Mostly mostly my dog. I was telling these guys off. Mike,
my last screen time check in clocked in it. Hey, Andrew,
your screen time is a little bit up. You average
sixteen point five hours a day last week.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
That's we're gonna need you to check into some sort
of rehab.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Yeah, two full union shifts of being on YouTube per day?

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Right, what does that do to your soul? Like, how
do you feel?

Speaker 2 (11:38):
I feel? Well, we can talk about it because all
of my over under rate.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
History and like so deep and obscure.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
I guess I will just say, broadly speaking, I'm an
old man and I finally found like I finally think
I get YouTube for me.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
Oh okay, the algorithm has finally been bent to or
will I?

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Yes, sort of, I need to get forty hours of
non stop watching. I think it might have an idea
of what I mean.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Well, I think what happened was I just like hated
the idea of YouTube stuff, and so when I like,
don't like engage with it, YouTube would just keep like
suggesting to me, Okay, well, the average person who likes
quote unquote YouTube likes this stuff, which is all like
right wing garbage.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
So I was like, oh, I hate this, I hate this,
I hate.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
This and then I finally watched enough of the Internet that, like,
I found people who un ironically call themselves YouTubers and
call the product that they make content and who I
don't hate. Ok So I started watching some of those folks,
and then it started suggesting me more of that, because
I assume YouTube is internally incentivized.

Speaker 1 (12:52):
To who's a creator? We like to use the term
creator exactly. Yeah, yeah, he's a creator. Who like who
Who's Who's Who's one of the creators that cut your eye?
That's gonna come up?

Speaker 2 (13:01):
And now I think the first one, Oh my god,
what's his name is? This is a very very famous person.
It's just new to me. But this guy, Jarvis Johnson, Okay,
who it's close enough to the circles of like people
who have been on Daily's guys have been on his

show before. But he is just a you know, fucking YouTuber,
talks to the camera, hota knows everything about YouTube. But
he's he's like mixed, and he is by virtue of
not being white. I feel like has at least like
takes that I can understand. And I'm just like, oh,
this is like much better. This is what I assume

people like who just watch like fucking mister Beast or
whatever without thinking about it, like get out of it anyway.
I was just I was like okay, and then once
I start on that train, the algorithm was like, Okay,
he finally has engaged.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
With YouTube without it. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
So I've just been hit with a like a you know,
and it's good.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
You know, I'm glad.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
I'm glad I figured out a piece of this like
ecosystem that I can stand.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
But yeah, that's how That's how sick I was. YouTube
video That's how sick I was, and YouTube videos.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
I feel like the second so I went to his
Twitter and he's got like some something going on with
Cody co Like yeah, you know, and it's just immediately
like there's a beef with somebody who I'm not familiar with.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
It is all internal, It is all part of this
like ecosystem that I don't know. It is interesting because
it's like I don't know any of the people he's
talking about except for like the most famous breakthay to
the household name ish people. Yeah, and I'm not gonna
learn probably, but it is like I'm like, Okay, this
guy at least has the right opinions on the basic

social things.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
So I'm like, Okay, I can engage with this person. Yeah,
it's not going to say turn into like yeah, some
weird genocide apology or something. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
We were in Boston stand with some friends last week
and their kids are like from say eight up through
like eighth grade, and they their mom was like, they
live in LA They've probably seen like some famous people,
do you guys want to ask them? But we were like, oh, yeah,
we saw Tom Cruise and they were like, oh my god,

that's so cool.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
Did you see mister Beast?

Speaker 3 (15:28):
And then like asked us if we'd see mister Beast
like five more times after we'd said no, they're like,
but what about mister Beat?

Speaker 1 (15:35):
Like an actual famous person?

Speaker 3 (15:37):
So you haven't you you haven't seen a famous interesting
you see Elon Musk? All right, let's uh, we're gonna
get to know you a little bit better in a moment. First,
a couple of things that we're talking about in today's episode.
Kamalin now leads Trump in the national polls. Trump continues
to still he's finding his footing finding well, we'll see,

And then the beepstakes is should be today and people
probably know by the time you're listening to this who
the heap is. But there's been a bit of a
controversy around the leading candidate, Josh Shapiro, and the mainstream
media always talks about it as like due to pressure

from progressive wing of the Democratic Party, he's got some
got some doubters, but they're they're very vague about why
that is, where that pressure comes from in some cases.
In some cases they're just like the left wing is
bad and scary, and people will be scary. Anyways, we'll
talk about that. We'll talk about the market correction that

is happening around AI might be upon us. We've been
talking about this for a while that a lot of
the stock market is puffed up on like AI hype
and what they think AI does doesn't seem to be
in line with reality, and whether they're would be a
market correction. The stock market is taking a ship, and

at least one of the narratives that's being spun around
that particular ship is that they have lost patience with AI.
So where's my money, says the shareholders? Right, AI peor Hey,
I I know it's like he's just having a tough one,
but we've all been.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
You know, you know what that's like, Like we're talking
about practice. That's what I say.

Speaker 3 (17:31):
All of that plenty more. But first, Andrew, we do
like to ask our guest, what is something from your
search history?

Speaker 2 (17:39):
My my search history again fever dream for the last
two weeks, although you know, I don't think I should
had a fever anyway, My search history is did they
make that Korean sharpshooter into a Fortnite skin? Which seems
like the most obvious, like money on the table, Yeah,
thing I've ever and they did.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
Not given so many billion dollar ideas, right, I know,
did they do that?

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Turkish dude? Dude, that's the one who he was so
cat someone was saying, like he was explaining, He's like
I like to use both eyes open, so I don't
like that kind of stuff. And then a lot of
people are like, that's how like military people talk like
about shooting people Like that's sort of like yeah, I mean,
I don't know if that's a direct line, but they're like,

that's that's like the kind of training you get when
you're using like arms for hurting. But I think that
was also part of like the hyperbolic excitement around the
guy who had his hand in his pocket while winning
a silver medal.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Yeah, people were trying to like hate on it, and
they were like, this is actually a very normal way
to aim, and there are some people who aim that way.
It's just very uncommon. But everything they said still made
me be like, the guy's kind of cool, Like that's
kind of I like, I liked that dude.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
He did as this morning just before we logged in
tweet very earnest fanboy stuff to Elon Musk that I think,
which if you if you rewind and just even look
at him, like if you showed that image to someone
and just like yes or no, this guy loves Elon Musk. Yeah,
before you you know, knew what under that this guy

wants to drive a Tesla. Yeah, the answer is so
we're just that's just he's just regressing to the obvious
mean he presented.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
Yeh, look, we contain multitudes, you know, That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
Though I don't he doesn't contain multitudes. That guy just
nail the gun. Guy who looks like that, it acts
like that. Of course the guy loves Elon Musk.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Yeah, the guy who got stuck on his dick while
pole vaulting actually just came out as big Trump supporter.

Speaker 1 (19:57):

Speaker 3 (19:58):
What is something you say is underrated?

Speaker 1 (20:01):
Andrew underrated?

Speaker 2 (20:02):
Okay, this was my other fever dream in COVID, I
genuinely started like outlining this as an essay that I
think I'm not going to do so Silicon Valley. I'm
sure you guys have covered it in some level, but
but there's been a broad spectrum of like failed or
failing AI wearables. Yeah right, that like humane pin and

this this new thing called friend and that's like the.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Little speaker you wear on your neck, right.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
Yeah, my friend called it the AI amulet, and I'm like, yeah,
that's basically what it is.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
And I think.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
My my like thesis, that my quarter baked thesis is
that like Silicon Valley, because it has been emptied of
anyone normal or middle class lower middle class, there is
not enough like street social pressure to have these people
realize that they are like unpopular dorks like the in

an AI amulate seems like a good business idea to
a Silicon Valley person is because they live in a
bubble where conspicuously participating in Silicon Valley shit is cool
and they don't realize that humanity does not agree with
them anymore, and so like, yeah, so underrated is bullying

dorks for their own good because they have no like
like there's no like actual focus group more real than
like a bunch of fucking teenagers on the corner. And
if someone had, like if there were normal pockets of
normal people in San Francisco and Palo Alto, if you

walked around with an Apple Vision pro, your industrial designers
would quickly realize, oh, this is not going to work
as a consumer product or a cyber truck or any
of it. Right, But there's I think the market, like
really cheap market testing where your new wearable tech to
public high school when it gets out of there PM, Yeah,

stand outside and just hear the kind of flaming you
get from.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
An actual public high school.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
High no public high school where the property tax is
less than whatever number would make a normal high school.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
Sure, sure, sure, yeah, yeah exactly. But I think, yeah,
it's true, there is like so many of the ideas
are like this only sounds good to like y'all, Yeah,
like you're not in the whole thing is like, what
problem are you solving with this? Because it's not like
I wish Star Trek was real. That's my problem that
I need solving, like which, I get that part, But

aside from that, that's not the kind of thing where
suddenly it's like you get that kind of ubiquity where
it's like, well, now everyone needs the aim.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Yeah, well, or like, like I mean, the problem doesn't
have to be a technical problem. You know, it can
be I'm a fucking wristwatch guy. The problem can just
be I want a piece of jewelry that shows that
I'm part of this group. They just don't realize their group.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Is not cool. An our group was cool for like, you.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
Know whatever, a small window from like twenty eleven, maybe
for like a year, because it's like, oh, you can
be rich and you're not.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
You're not. It's not obvious to everyone that you're evil yet, right.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
We actually wrote don't be evil on our letterhead, so
where it.

Speaker 2 (23:23):
Worked, Yeah, as long as that worked for people, But
it doesn't work anymore and they don't realize it.

Speaker 3 (23:28):
But then they all got so rich from that that
they were able to just expel literally everybody else from
the city in which they live. So now they're just
all by themselves. Being impressed by each other and while
doing things that believe you get your ass kicked for
doing something like that. Just Cincinnati, Ohio.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
I mean, I know enough people in the Bay that
are are very sufficiently outraged enough by tech people. So like, yeah,
y'all were counting on you, really make go harder on them,
go harder on them. Let them just normal roast.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
Just you know, you don't have to you have to
beat anyone's ass. You don't have to not feed anyone's ass.
But you don't have to be or just say, oh,
so you're a tough guy. Huh, and that's it. Just
say that and let it keep it moving. So you
tell me what what and then they'll be thinking about
that all day.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Anyway, Hey, I wear a bolt.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I watched I watch I have so many images saved
for a again, like a substack that I'll never write
of people wearing a couple visions.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
And I did see somebody with the glasses again, glasses
that are like the camera glasses like glass the camera
on it, and they were like bragging about how good
the quality of the video is.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
So for what though, Like what do you what are
you surreptitiously videoing exactly. You know, it's better because then
no one knows I'm taking video. Pretty cool. I'm just
a guy with sunglasses at a at a volleyball practice,
that's all. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, do you guys just
like spend.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Ten minutes thinking about the worst use case of this
before you fucking release it and spell Nope, nope.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
I'm gonna stop you right there.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Nope, we do not and ten minutes talking yeah, Like honestly,
like like every tech company just needs one hater.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
They don't have any haters, and like, just one. Listen.
I don't want to be Silicon Valley's hater, but someone
needs to be the Silicon Valley. Can you imagine from this?
They're like, Andrew, we'd love for you to come up
to Palalo, right, We'd love to show you sort of
like the new line of products we're thinking about and
just fucking go to rip our heads off. Dude.

Speaker 3 (25:36):
It's much It's much cheaper than sending the street teams
that we usually do out to Louisville, Kentucky to get
made fun of.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Truly, like, like someone there just needs to be like
a consumer focus group company said, this is this is
my actual billion nine dollar idea someone else could take
in the Bay Area, which is like just like like
your focus group is just like twenty diverse teams from
lower middle.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
Class background ryes. Yeah, not people who like it's in Like,
price isn't a barrier, like the people they talk to.
Price isn't a barrier to like ninety nine percent of
the products that they're hawking versus other people are like,
first of all, do I even want to aspire to that? No?

Speaker 2 (26:17):
Or But even even if they're not representative, what they
can do is find your vulnerability quickly.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Right right right, Like ooh, so these they call these
pedal goggles these yeah camera, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Oh if I saw someone wearing these, I would call
the police. I would like to make sure I know
why because my high school is, yeah, weird.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
They're weird. Okay, good to know, Good to know.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
Trying to think of, like what the other than the smartphone?
What have been the successful products out of like that
have like broken through the main stream that you like
see on a regular basis out of Silicon Valley. The
only thing I can think of is those hoverboards, But like,
are those even out of Silicon Valley?

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Like those are everywhere they are.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Out of shin in China. I'm pretty sure that's because
that's like a gyroscope.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
It's not like that's not even the from yeah yeah yeah, right,
aside from making like little gimb like stabilizing gimbal arms
for like cell phones. That's like something I always see
people hawking online. I feel like, honestly, I feel like
the tablet was like the last thing that was new,
and everyone's like, oh ship, yeah.

Speaker 3 (27:25):
Tablets not cool to walk around in any way, No,
or take photos of at a sporting event.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
I would say Apple Watch kind of yeah. Yeah. It's
like mainly known for being a gift people return, Yeah yeah,
yeah yeah. Is it well, it's it's like attack. I
feel like yeah, because.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
It's like it's like, you know, this couldn't really count,
Like like there's no reason a kid needs an Apple Watch.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
People need Apple Watch other people who like need their
fucking like steps measured and hearts. I was saying, my niece,
my niece, if she get my knees, got an Apple Watch,
so she so they didn't have to get her a phone, right,
and so that way there is a way. I was saying,
like it looks like the twenty twenties version of like
when a kid got a pager back in the day,

right right, which is sort of like, yeah, you really
can't do much dirt on this thing, but at least
we can like talk Nokia bricks.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
Those are coming back in a big way with the kids.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
I've been on.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
I've been on a wired on my my my barely
surviving constitutionals, evening constitutionals.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
I switched back to wired headphones. Oh yeah, yeah, which ones?
What do you got?

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Just the regular ass because I just have an iPhone,
so that came to the phone.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
Well, when you're marathon and like that, the battery can't
keep up with your lifestyle. Andrew sixteen hours on the
fucking block. No, bro, I know that you understand.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
Yeah, how my my phone battery like doesn't exist anymore.
It's just a suggestion. It's just been like power all
the way up and down.

Speaker 1 (29:00):

Speaker 3 (29:01):
That means, what's something you think is overrated?

Speaker 1 (29:05):
Andrew overrated once again? Format purity Okay.

Speaker 2 (29:10):
As someone who was like, Okay, I found some YouTube
I like or like, I mean, it's just like this
kind of thing, like I've been like thinking about this
for someone, but like, like the people who like I'm
a fan of YouTube or like, like you know, the
prior version of this was like streaming, Like, oh, streaming

is materially different. Netflix is different than fucking broadcast TV.
And it's the thing that like I remember when I
worked at Comedy Central, I worked in the digital department,
you know, years and years and years ago before Netflix
was a huge thing, and I remember all of those
people being like, one day we're gonna run this place.

The whole and company is going to be Internet, and
like they're like worship of like the fiber optic cable
or the different fiber optic cable. I was like, this
is fucking crazy, Like you just don't know shit about
like developing TV shows, right, Oh, I remember you're saying that.
I'm like, they're just gonna push you out once the
medium is like lucrative and yeah, oh okay, yeah yeah yeah.

This was like but I think that to me, it's
the same thing that I was like, I don't like YouTube,
and I was like, I do like some YouTube. This
was my like same revelation.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
It was like right ready to come around. Yet it
doesn't like mean anything, like it's just like.

Speaker 3 (30:32):
I mean, everything in his content is what you're seah,
I get it.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Yeah, I feel man exactly.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
But also I will say this, this was my like
first like like realization that like the cool thing of
being like like gen Z millennials like just like and
ironically using marketing speak to like describe themselves used to
bum me out so much. And now I'm like, yeah,
we all make content guys, Yeah, creators, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Get in on this synergy. Man. Oh god, So.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
You're saying like format purity, being like, oh, I I
only write for TV.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
Yeah, yeah, I don't care for you too. I love right.
I'm just like really like music on it's really all
the same. Yeah, and it's all your heart. Your heart
is opening. I like to see that. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:29):
And again that maybe because of cardiovascular damage, but we'll
find out.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
We will find out. Report back.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
All right, let's take a quick break. We'll come back
and we'll talk about some news.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
And we're back.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
We're back, and all right, let's check out with the polls,
because they are in no way indicative of what's going
to happen in the election, but they are indicative of
which side is freaking out.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
We got some we got some intel. Yeah, yeah, she's up.
Now about three points. I believe Kamala Harris. Yes, yes, yes, yes,
she's up. The polls nationally have swung her way forty
six points to forty three points. At the beginning of
January when it was Biden Trump Trump had a four

point lead over Biden. So that's pretty substantial. Like a
lot of people are like, oh it pretty much. Her
entry into the race has negated like all the negatives
that Biden had or lack of enthusiasm. So in a way,
like a lot of the map looks different, more states
are in play than previously believed. So yeah, a lot

of confidence for Democrats, for Republicans at mainly Trump, a
lot of freaking out. Trump is like, these polls are fake. Okay, dude,
And he's like he chickened out of like debating her,
and he's like was also using logic, He's like, well,
I lead in the polls, so why should I even
have to debate. It's like, I'm sorry, when was that
a condition of having a debate based on who was

up or down in the polls? But okay, even people
in truth social were calling him a coward for trying
to avoid this debate with Kamala Harris. Which is a
bit weird for them. I don't know if that's like
also just people like having a you know, coordinated troll
effort on truth social but like a hashtag was trending
about like Trump's a coward, and I'm like, that can't
be their people. Then he had a rally in Atlanta

over the weekend, complained that I could have had a
bigger crowd as Kamala, but the school organizers they're trying
to shut us down like a bunch of communists. Like
he had this whole thing about how they could have
had more people in there, Like he was really fucking
kept talking about how many more people could have been
in this arena. And also like he added a new

bit of like flair to the rally in the form
of like these like gas air cannons that blew up
on the side of the runway, like it was some
kind of fucking WrestleMania entrance. I think this is clear
He's like, we need better vibes. Do we have making
the stat why do we have Amber Rose? Boy? All right,
get the air cannons. So it looks like something is

fucking excited. Are exciting about this? You know, these appearances
but he continues now to just like still slur his
way through speeches. I will play some clips from this
Atlanta rally because you know, our man is still having
the trouble with reading and words.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
It was wild, Like we talked about this last week,
but it was wild how quickly when Biden dropped out,
he was like, I don't have a cognitive defect.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
You do?

Speaker 3 (34:39):
Like yeah, he immediately got so insecure about that.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
It was also like Biden wasn't too old to run
and you're like, sir, yeah, yo, bruh, shut up to me.
Another eight year old Trump slurs at the rally. This
is by far the most version. Exactly they aren't. They're
just messpeech an area. But yeah, this is when where
he does this thing though too, where it's like half

year old but also half so insecure that like when
he fucks up mid sentence, he completely pivots to try
and make another point rather than be like, oh, sorry,
did it like correcting anyway. Here's an example of this,
when he says national wrecting anyway. You'll hear it, appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (35:22):
Together, we will stop Kamala Harris's nation wreckting. I'll tell
you what when you see what she's done.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
To our nation.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
She's wrecking our nation. The radicalism will take back our
country from the worst administration in American history.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Uh huh nation wrecked. Yeah, i'll tell you what. That
didn't happen. You did. Yeah, what do you think you
are proud of himself? On the second on the second
take wrecking. Yeah, I'll tell you what. Yeah, yeah, wreck
I've got an erecting. Here's the other thing. He also
goes in on her saying something about violent marbs or mobs.

I don't know, you should not stop.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
She said she was endorsing to fund the place and
the police, and she said violent mobs. Let the violent
mobs keep going.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Okay, he need another one, he need another stab at
that one.

Speaker 3 (36:16):

Speaker 1 (36:16):
Yeah. It's such a stark contrast, Like even from that
rally that Kamala Harris had, like it was like wow, man,
like they're saying there's like there's real political messaging in
that speech where it's like they got the marbs, I
need the mobs, and they wanted to fund the place
in this place, I mean police just yeah. So uh.

And then also there was like this moment too where
Kyle Rittenhouse was like I can't support Donald Trump anymore
because he's not about the Second Amendment. And then very
quickly he like had a Maya kolpa and it was like,
I'm I got some bad advice from people. Obviously I'm
going to be voting for Trump because they came for
his ass when he tweeted that. So there's a lot

unsure sureness happening. But you know, we'll see because there's
a there's a there's a real good chance that a
lot of the enthusiasm could be just erased with the
wrong VP pick, at least from my perspective. Yeah, I
did most people. But yeah, the VP pick is really
the next like I said, that's the final not one

of the final things to put the ticket together where
either people go or.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
Yeah, so it's I will just say like it. It
does make it clearer and clear, Like, how what a
weird position the Republicans are in. And there is a
lawnmower just going outside my window, just going off, so.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
I can't can't even hear it sounds good and that's.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
It might be a riding mower, all right, John, I
can't see it, but I just hear it. What a
weird position The Republicans are in because both parties had
this same terrible problem and that their candidates are like
way too old and kind of losing it, and the
Democrats had it worse, and then like one one of

them fixes the problem. It's just like, really, and like
all their talking points were drawing attention to that. It's
just a weird I don't know. I guess everybody's like
pointing this out already, but it is just I don't know,
like they both have the exact same horrorfule problem happened,
and one of them just magically fixes it and he

obviously can't fix it.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
I mean, Nikki Haley was like when I remember in
the primary, she's like, the party that's gonna win is
the one that ditches their elderly person, which you know
when now that you look at you're like, huh, well, yeah,
I may have had. I know, you were saying that
in the process of a primary to be like get
rid of Trump and that's how we beat them. But
now it really does feel like, oh yeah, just whoever
gets real about like the leadership, it will help in

terms of support, but we'll see.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
It's I mean, they were just so certain it was
not gonna happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and and
pretty rightful. I like the fact that it happened at
all is like fucking amazing.

Speaker 1 (39:09):
It is really amazing.

Speaker 3 (39:10):
And yeah, they I think it's really hard for them
to them to imagine h Trump doing it because it
could never possibly ever happen. Like, just trying to imagine
him being like, I'm gonna do it's best for the
country is like makes you laugh.

Speaker 1 (39:27):
Like if he does that, it will be from a
jet like en Root to Moscow. He's like, and I'm
doing the best thing, which is I'll never come back
because it's so quickd there, and I'm now kicking it
with Steven Sagal, one of the coolest guys ever, so
I know he's also like if he didn't, he for
sure would then defer to or like like nominate fucking

Don Junior. Right, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you think that
would be incredible? Could you imagine that debate? You know
how much fucking blow that guy would probably be doing
to be like, I gotta be confident there man for.

Speaker 3 (40:03):
The smallest appearance, Ye mar A Lago an interview with
jd Vance before jd Vance was like a VP like
that's but yeah, all coine, the VP race, it's really
it's still it looks like it's down to Shapiro, Waltz
and Kelly.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
There was something with some speculation when Mark Kelly tweeted
something and deleted. I didn't read the headline. People oh
my god, maybe they've had something to do with him
being picked. Whatever, you know, I think there seems to
be a lot of talk about who it should be,
and right now I'm seeing more about who it shouldn't be,
which is Josh Shapiro. And there are a few things

happened towards the end of last week. There was a
woman's group that's like advocates for safer workplaces like urged
Kamala Harris to reconsider like picking Josh Shapiro because of
the way he handled a sexual harassment case like within
his own office and like paying this woman like a
two hundred nin twenty five thousand dollars settlement from like
public funds. And people were like, are you kind of

like backing up, like your your homie that was perpetrating
this stuff, which wasn't a great look. The UAW, the
United Auto Workers, they said we'd rather not have Shapiro either,
they said, uh, Kentucky Governor Andy Basheer, in Minnesota Governor
Tim Waltz. Those were the top choices for the union.
They pointed at. One of the big things was that

Governor Shapiro is like big on school vouchers, and you know,
like Sean Fayn was, like public education has been under
attack for like from a Republican administrations forever. Like having
somebody who's like less in on public education is a
no for US dog Bernie Sanders and other unions with
like Tim Waltz as well for his like working class

cred you know, like Waltz like joined the auto workers
on a picket line. People just like that. But it's
interesting to see that like the establishment pick seems to
be Shapiro, or at least a lot of pundits, both
like the you know, center right and center center right
ish like Republicans that now speak on places like MSNBC

are also being like, obviously the the person it should
be is Josh Shapiro and using the same sort of
debunked logic we talked about last week, which is like,
well he's from Pennsylvania. You need Pennsylvania to win. And
because they like him in Pennsylvania, he can win Pennsylvania.
And a lot of research shows that that the VP

pick has really very little impact on something or like
that logic really isn't born out in the data. Yeah,
but here we are today.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
I saw a stat probably on Twitter somewhere that was
like part of his big approval rating is because Mega
people love him, like a third of He has like
approval from like a third of MEGA voters. And it's like, hey, guys,
those people are not going to vote for kawbo Ara, Like.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Yeah, to happen. Well, it's like this goal with him,
yeah right. And it's the same way we have these
other sort of purple states where like you'll have like
a Democrat win the governor the governor's mansion, and then
down ballot they're like yeah, but Republicans for other stuff,
you know, like where they're like between the two, I
can make this choice or whatever. But the deep steaks,

it's very touch and go. I mean, I think it
feels like you're gonna you're gonna gain more or they'll
be less hand ringing and less fracturing if you go
as someone that is in Shapiro, when you already have
people that are part of the coalition of voters Democrats
recording like coming out and being like explicit and being
like maybe not him, maybe not him. Yeah, Like there

was another thing like people are pointing out Like when
he was in college he wrote this like paper talking
about Palestinians like being unable to like self govern, very
very fucking backwards take on Palestinian people. His office was
like he was twenty one in writing that. Also, don't
ask him to comment on what is happening there now.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
But he is different, right, he is a different age now. Yeah,
and that is indisputable.

Speaker 3 (44:06):
He did compare student protesters to the KKK, but otherwise
it seems to be seems to have both feet on
the ground there.

Speaker 1 (44:13):
Yeah, yeah, he does seem to.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
So according to odds makers, who are true overlords can
take bets on this, they said that he was he
was like way out in front last Wednesday, but due
to the pressure from some of the progressive wings of
the party, Tim Waltz has been the betting benefactor of

that push, going from plus fourteen hundred at UK book
maker bet three sixty five to plus two seventy five
on Sunday. So in a matter of like three days.
He became pretty close with Shapiro fairly rapidly. I feel
like gamblers are pretty good at like getting inside information

on shit. So that's the one thing that's giving me hope.
The history of the Democratic Party, like tacking towards the
center is the thing that is not giving me hope.

Speaker 1 (45:04):

Speaker 2 (45:05):
The election market, though, is such a like like the
election choices market.

Speaker 1 (45:11):
Yeah, it is wild.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
That this is because it's like, like why, it's not like,
you know, there's like a like a like a like
a player's association or something like what is to stop
someone from the Kamala Harris administration to just put a
bunch of money into this market because they know the answer, right.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
So I almost like, yeah, like we're seeing some betting
irregularities around the VP pick Like why wouldn't like this
just feels like whoever it is, including Kamla herself, just
fucking clean up would seem odd because it's not something
that's I guess, you know, like an athletic competition seemingly
up to chance or whoever the best performance zuro chance

involved here? Who knows what this person is thinking except
for maybe forty people who know was what she's thinking,
maybe you tell people, but like it's.

Speaker 3 (46:02):
Interesting, amazing if Kamala was just in it for the
action the whole, just like trying to get an edge
on the betting markets.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
Murray, shit, yeah yeah. But the other thing that's like
seeing like the like sort of center right punditry talk
about it like they've they've said again they're like one
of her vulnerabilities, like this is obviously coming from a
center right perspective. Quote is the multitude of leftist positions
she foolishly took in the twenty nineteen campaign. A Shapiro

selection unambiguously moves the ticket to the center. Then they
all go on. It's like and if Harris pulls back
from Shapiro after the campaign against him from the left,
it will look weak. Huh.

Speaker 3 (46:49):
It's it's the standard Democrat and mainstream media narrative that
the Democrats have to It's the same thing that every
time what's his name was writing about the saying that
they should nominate Mitt Romney, It's like the Republicans, but say,
you're Democrats. How could that ever backfire?

Speaker 1 (47:11):
Right? Right? Right?

Speaker 2 (47:12):
Yeah, I mean I will say like that though, was
also the train of thought that was like, stick with Biden,
stick with Biden. And I'm wondering if the very short term,
like hey, not doing what these dummies always suggest, it
seems to have worked.

Speaker 1 (47:26):
Yes, right, finally think in yeah, I mean in a way,
it's like, I mean, we thought this was an l
going into it. But do we do we do we
keep going against what accepted wisdom is that should be
all this time? Do you guys want to try to win?

Speaker 2 (47:42):
I'm just I'm just fucking around here. Call me crazy.
Maybe we should try to win the selection this.

Speaker 1 (47:47):
Time, but hey, give me some of whatever Andrew's smoking.
I don't know. Do we want to win? Thought, he's try,
let's try. Let's just try. I don't know, Miles, who
am I? Do we want to win? You're some guy
who's all fucked up off whatever Andrew's smoking. This guy's

high as a kite.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
All right, let's take a quick break and we'll come back.
And we're back. We're and we've been talking for a
while to the delight of our audience. Some of our

audience are like, we get it. AI is bullshit. Stop
stop talking about this. But we have been talking for
a while about how much of the mainstream media narrative
around AI is kind of out of line with reality.
How this idea of the artificial general intelligence that they
are promising that I think the theory that they want

us to keep in mind that they might have in
mind is just like, yeah, it's like a person brain
you stick in a washing machine and now you're washing machines.
So fucking smart, bro.

Speaker 1 (49:11):
Yeah oh oh WHOA maybe a little less detergent on
this one. Is this cop Okay, I don't want to handle.

Speaker 3 (49:16):
This, Yeah exactly, I don't mind to have a conversation
with it. You never have to talk to people again.
You just have a washing machine.

Speaker 1 (49:23):
That you're in love with.

Speaker 3 (49:24):
Anyways, It's all just a sophisticated version of the autocomplete
fun function when you're texting is basically what they're working with.
In the AGI we had AI experts on, they were like,
this is all bullshit, Like it's not going to get
you to a place where it's it's all just marketing.

Speaker 1 (49:46):
Right, And they're like, but they said it will. It's
like yeah, so they can inflate the price of like
the value of their companies, right, And I'm like, oh yeah, yeah,
is this.

Speaker 2 (49:55):
The tipping point that like Wall Street kind of starts
to realize that Silicon Valley just liars.

Speaker 3 (50:01):
I can't imagine because it would lose so many of
them so much money, right to realize that, Like I
feel like they're seeing the same shit we are. But yeah, so,
like the one side is like people who are actual
experts on how these AGI work are like, it's not
what they claim it is. The other thing is like
when you talk to people who pay attention to the

stock market, they're like, a lot of value is tied
up in AGI and like AI being what they say
it is. And so it was like, on the one hand,
you're like something has to give. On the other hand,
you're like or not because they've been able to just
like be heads down and maintain their like high stock

market value throughout an entire pandemic, you know, like without
really letting any of the reality in in a lot
of cases. So anyways, stock markets around the world are tumbling,
and one of the narratives that's coming up in line
and with this fall is that people are losing patients

with AI and AI companies, Like when are you going
to be able to do the thing that you claimed
this could do?

Speaker 2 (51:13):
Just a little bit longer, dude, exact four billion dollars
a quarter, just like just a tiny.

Speaker 1 (51:20):
Four for b a q. Okay when you turn like
the four billion dollars like inded, like any money broke, patient, dude,
it's cooking man, just like, don't even invest if you
don't want to be part of the future. Dog, Like,
I'm sick of this, dude. You can be poor, be poor,
you can be a brokie. Dude.

Speaker 2 (51:41):
I in my fever dream, I did ask the meta
AI how I could short AI stocks, and you would
be surprised.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
At how little it wants to tell me that.

Speaker 3 (51:52):
Yeah, really, especially in depth answers on everything except that, Yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (51:58):
I mean there's there's a Oh, financial advice is really
tricky for a method.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
I can tell you which stocks you want to triple
down on on AI right now if you were interested
in that information. But yeah, this was like what the
sequence of events was basically like that job's report.

Speaker 3 (52:21):
Report followed by investors selling off a lot of tech
stocks and the quote once hot artificial intelligence trade tech
shares were among the worst performers Monday.

Speaker 1 (52:34):
So yesterday I do.

Speaker 2 (52:36):
Like how this, I mean, surely this has to be
among the quickest that like a tech trend has you know,
because I feel like it took like even like the
bullshit ones like cryptocurrency, like a while for like like
people to kind of just generally realize this is because
this is like still within the like mainstream publicity window,

Like there are AI ads running during the Olympics for like,
it's like like the AI yeah and so so like
this is like the I guess the rug or the
fucking scales have been lifted during the mainstream PR push,
which seems much faster than usual.

Speaker 1 (53:15):
Yeah, you said they were able to get that campaign
done and then.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
You could have a coin based Super Bowl ad and
most people still don't realize it's a scam, right, Whereas
like I think most people realize AI is a scam
while they're pushing it. I don't know, maybe not, do
they not? I mean Wall Street, I don't like no
one was like no one was like making money shorting

coin base during the coin based Super Bowl ad, right right,
which is what is happening with AI.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
Yeah, it just it just seems faster.

Speaker 2 (53:48):
I'm not saying I wasn't going to get there, but
I was like, uh, is it just are we just
realizing it now? Is AI more half baked as a
grift than like cryptocurrency was, It's like weird. It's weird
that they're they're like figured it out so soon.

Speaker 1 (54:05):
Yeah, it's just yeah. I mean, I think the one
of the big ones was when like one of the
like researchers, like Goldman Sachs was like, y'all, this thing
ain't fucking doing shit. They're like, it's this like too
much spend, too little benefit. And I think when once
like Wall Street's like, bro, we're used to fucking making
money here, Like we like giving you money because you

think we're gonna get something back. But the whole, the
whole name of the game here is shareholder value and
we don't see the value right now. Yeah, but I
mean that's the thing is like does this trigger like
a much larger recession is what's kind of freaky. Like
the market correction around AI obviously can have cascading effects, but.

Speaker 3 (54:46):
Yeah, I my bet would be that it won't be
the level of like complete evaporation that we saw with
like Bitcoin and all all of the all the crypt markets,
because like AI is like that with magic tricks where
like it can answer a question where you're like it's back.

Speaker 1 (55:09):
It's back online, it's it's smart.

Speaker 3 (55:12):
You know, like there there are things that AI because
AI is basically just a marketing phrase for like things
computers do good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like any algorithmic thing
that a computer does well. Like I feel like they're
going to be able to keep coming back to this
well and it will be profitable.

Speaker 2 (55:34):
I think they're just going to lose the term they
they the miss stuff was in the marketing of AI. Yeah,
and I'm like, right, it's because it's nothing and it
never will be ready.

Speaker 1 (55:46):
But it's not ready, not justparately yell and also, like
I think everything it's also maybe they kind of benefited
and got fucked over by what movies? How movies sort
of inoculated us or we're like AI right. Haley Joel
Osmond is a fake baby who goes around and talks
with his robot Teddy Bear as they solve complex problems.

Damn you know what I mean? Like there's show that
movie was sad for me, like before.

Speaker 3 (56:11):
I had kids, I can't Oh yeah imagine watching that now,
like oh my.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
God, like having kids. The age of Hailey Joe and
I know when that my little robot is like at
the bottom of the sea, like deactivated. I remember being like,
what this sociopath would make a robot like that, Like
if you actually made a robot that's shaped and acted
like Hailey Joel Osmon, that would be a crime against humanity,

like an actual crime against humanity doing that in real life. Yeah. Yeah,
so fucked up by so stupid way for the future.

Speaker 3 (56:49):
So and I do want to caveat this by saying
I don't know shit about the stock market. Uh, you know,
it could be tomorrow. They're like, actually, none of that
was like AI sell off. I don't know, it's just
it does it is a reason to bring back up
like it does feel like there is this bubble that
is happening, and we at least know experts in AI

say here's what it actually does. It's just an autocomplete,
and the companies say it's this thing, so who knows.
I'm not an expert. However, dat no fact. On Twitter,
also new to the stock market but had had a
good piece of analysis. They said, hello, I'm new to
the stock market.

Speaker 1 (57:29):
Is it a good? Is it good?

Speaker 3 (57:31):
When the Intel CEO starts praying and quoted Pat Gelsinger,
who wrote, let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your
gaze directly before you, give careful thought to the paths
for your feet, and be steadfast in all your ways
Proverbs twenty six Proverbs.

Speaker 1 (57:50):
For something, Bros.

Speaker 2 (57:57):
Yes, I mean, one thing that has been nice about
Twitter is like revealing how many of these alleged like
cold calculating titans of industry are just as superstitious as
any other dummy.

Speaker 1 (58:10):
Yeah right, right, yeah, they're not seeing the matrix. It's
also a bunch of him there. They just got lucky there.
It's like survivor bias.

Speaker 2 (58:17):
Like they're their dumb idea worked out, and like thus
all of their like fake magic works quote unquote Yeah.

Speaker 3 (58:25):
And they go through the same life cycle of they're
a dumb idea works out just by random chance.

Speaker 1 (58:29):
They read iinrand.

Speaker 3 (58:32):
They convince themselves that they're like magical geniuses.

Speaker 1 (58:36):
And then reality kicks in.

Speaker 3 (58:37):
They're like and lo, I said, unto the Lord.

Speaker 2 (58:40):
Please don't let this bunch of money please good, we
just need.

Speaker 1 (58:45):
Enough compute all of my houses.

Speaker 3 (58:48):
Yes, all right, Andrew T. What a pleasure having you
as always on the daily Zeitgeist. Where can people find you,
follow you all that.

Speaker 2 (58:56):
I still got my podcast you it was this racist
We're doing and premium shows at suboptimal pads dot com
just to plug we are doing a speaking of gambling
a I'm playing ten cent poker versus my friend Jessica
Goau playing scratcher tickets off one hundred dollars bank roll
to see who can win more spoiler alert, I mean

come on anyway, Yeah, that's where you can find me
andrew t everywhere.

Speaker 1 (59:25):
I don't know. Amazing. Is there workI media you've been enjoying.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
Well, yeah again, So I've watched so much YouTube and
I think my favorite one about this AI thing was
by a YouTuber named Angela Collier, who is I would
say medium famous. But the one I really liked that's
relevant to today's topics was the malicious optimism of AI
first companies. And she goes on this run about when

the CEO of Zoom was like, we'll be able to
have like basically like robot versions of yourself, do your
Zoom meetings and do your entire job, and and this
is good for you, the consumer, really good for you.
It's very funny. Yeah, it's like oh yeah, yeah, Yeah,
that's probably the pitch. His pitch was like, you can

just send the like AI version of yourself to meetings
and you can go to the beach, right, And it's like, yeah,
that's definitely what your employer is good.

Speaker 1 (01:00:21):
That's definitely how No, No, we'll pay you you go
to the beach. As long as your ghost software is
this robot that we own that does your entire job,
we will definitely continue paying you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:32):
But also, I'm way like to this, and I hope
I haven't said this previously, but I've been. I'm listening
NonStop pretty much. The I saw the TV Glows soundtrack.

Speaker 1 (01:00:41):
It's very good. Nice, I like it. I will just
say I like the movie. I like this better than
the movie. Wow, amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
Check it out, folks, Miles Gray. Where can people find
use their work media you've been enjoying? Uh?

Speaker 1 (01:00:54):
Yeah, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at
Miles of Gray. If you like basketball, like Jack and
I do, you can catch us on Miles and Jack
Got mad boost these uh. And if you like ninety
day Fiance, catch me out on four twenty day Fiance.
Very clever, Uh, some things I am like clever, very fun,

very clever, very fun, Thank you very much. One is
from at Matthew K. Begbie. It said rip Edgar Allan Poe,
you would have loved watching a beloved children's author slowly
driven to insanity by black mold inside the walls of
her castle. That was on my short list as well.
I want yeah, dude, They're just that picture is so
wild like where I'm like, is she on some gray garden? Shit?

Like she's so insulated where like she wouldn't even allow
people like, JK, your walls do you just have? Like
like the bathtub running all day every day for years?
Is something happening? Are you are your mirrors like constantly
steamed everywhere? Yeah? House and then okay but still okay.

Underscore butt underscore still, tweeted Trump in nineteen ninety three.
I'm very fond of Kermits. We get along well. We
go to a lot of the same places and Marla
she likes Miss Biggie, and they get along tremendously. Trump
twenty twenty four. It's a pig wearing jewelry. It's disgusting.
She hits him sometimes very hard, and he says, thank you, dear.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
Oh shit, you can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore.
O'Brien tweet I've been enjoying Mikayla At, Mikhailamas, Mikhail Lamas,
Mickey Lamas, I don't know, m I kk I e
l A. M As tweeted I'd be dead if I
was in a quiet place because I'd be farting.

Speaker 1 (01:02:45):
Oh yeah, I saw that went too Yeah, hell yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:02:48):
You can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore. Obrian
you can find us on Twitter at Daily Zeitgeist. We're
at the Daily Zeitgeist on Instagram. We have Facebook fan
page and a website daily zeikeist dot com, where we
post our episodes and our foot Nope, no, we link
off to the information that we talked about in today's episode.

Speaker 1 (01:03:05):
What is a song that we.

Speaker 3 (01:03:06):
Think you might enjoy? Hey, Miles, Yeah, is there a
song that you think people might enjoy?

Speaker 1 (01:03:11):
Yes, I think they're gonna like this track by Jordana
and TV Girl called Better in the Dark. It's got
like it's got this like breath, the sort of you know,
DIY pop kind of vocals, but the production feels like
if like a rap like boombap sample. Producer was like,
I need to kind of make like an accessible indie
pop track. This is what they would come up with.

So I like the production on it because it's like
sample heavy, but the vocals are completely different than you know,
most sample based productions like this, I feel kind of
more straightforward. So yeah. Better in the Dark by Jordana.

Speaker 3 (01:03:45):
TV bro Oh shit, the I saw the glow of
the TV is from alex G. That's like one of
my favorite musicians.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
Shut up to alex G.

Speaker 3 (01:03:55):
And yeah, did this filmmaker do the We're All Going
to the World's Fair?

Speaker 1 (01:04:01):
Yes? Yeah, okay, I have not.

Speaker 3 (01:04:03):
Seen Yeah, but he did the soundtrack for that as well. Cool,
all right, I'm very slow with my Google fingers. Anyways,
we will link off to that song in the footnotes.
Daily Zeitgeist is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts
from my heart Radio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts
wherever find podcasts or give it away for free. That

is going to do it for us this morning, back
this afternoon to tell you what is trending, and we'll
talk to you all then Bye bye.

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