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May 18, 2024 16 mins

Guest host Connie Willis and investigator Philip Kinsella discuss the alien abduction phenomenon, how to deal with UFO skeptics, and debate whether aliens have a soul or if they are trying to gain something that only humans possess.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
So tonight one of my friends and fellow researchers, Philip
and Sella with us. He's been here before. He and
his twin brother, Ronnie. They're just great people. They're on
the other side of the pond and it's always so
nice that they're here. Now. Philip now has a new
book out called Terrestrial Trespassers, the Grays, Abductions and Areas

of High Strangeness. He's going to talk about that, of course,
you know, and say, hey, it's out there. But we're
just going to talk in general about grays and abductions
and things like that. So Philip, I want you to
go ahead and come in. Welcome back once again to
Coast to Coast AM.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
How are you hi, Connie. It's great to be here
and I'm very honest. Yeah, I'm fine, thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Yeah, listen, we had some strang First of all, let's
get a background on you. I'm looking at your bio
and it must be i don't know, three pages long.
So what would you like to say about yourself that
you would like people to know.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Well, I'm just a regular guy looking for the truth.
Like most people, I think, you know, I didn't really
want to come into this subject, but when you are
touched by this singularity, it changes you because we operate
by a system which informs us that UFOs don't exist,
cryptozoology doesn't exist in life after death, and I wanted

to explore these areas and it was only on the
onslaught of what people would termine an alien of duction
that occurred to me in the winter of nineteen eighty
nine here in England that set the ball rolling for
me to understand that the phenomena, it's far more complex
than we've been led to believe. So really, I'm just
like everyone else, just trying to find the truth the

answers and yeah, sure, that's why we hear Connie, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
Exactly, And that's why, yeah exactly, that's why we're here
right now. But you're an author, and you're in and
you're a psychic, in medium, clairvoyant, you do all that
kind of thing. And of course, what do you call yourself?
Do you call yourself an experiencer or an abductee or

contact d or.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
I've tried to ask that question about myself for decades.
What am I?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
What are you, Philip.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Well, I'm not a great alien, I can assure you
of that, but I think you know, looking into this,
you know certainly with regards to the phenomena, it's multi complex,
and you know, the area that interested me was this
part of the abduction and the grays. And of course
we know through the media cartel that you know, Hollywood

sensationalized the whole thing and makes out it's this or that.
And I think, Connie, this is the problem. I think
with regards to a lot of these subject matters, they've
been decompartmentalized into certain categories and this is why we
can't make any distinction between one and the other. We
know the phenomena is real, and of course the problem
is a lot of people have their own thoughts which
are correct to them. I suppose you can't tell them

you know what is what, But this is the problem.
And what we've been trying to do is create patterns
or connection links to trying to understand what the Grays are,
where they come from, their modus are Brandy and this
kind of like opened up other areas that kind of
reminded me about there are connection distinctions to be made
between other areas such as sasquatch and dogman and elements

of paranormals. So, you know, I think it's really interesting
and fascinating, but we have to look outside the box.
I think we have to be a little bit more
open to conjecture rather than being forced into a certain
mental attitude that I think most of us have been
led into because we still don't know what we're dealing with.
So this is where we're at at the moment with

regards to that.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
How do you feel about I'm going to get right
into it. How do you feel about people that are
just they just throw it at you like this is
just not real, You're not This is ridiculous to me.
Why are you even here? Why are you even in
our circle? If that's how you're going to talk, because really,

go somewhere else, you know, let us discuss it. We
didn't invite you to come over here and be angry
at us. We want to talk about it, learn it,
and learn more about what it is. And I believe
the people that are like us are our people that
have experienced it, seen it for ourselves, and that's why
we want to dig deeper. We don't need the people

on the outside that have never seen anything, never dealt
with anything, making it worse. It's already it's hardy, crazy enough.
It's like, wait a minute, we're not here to say,
you know, fight you on it. We want to get
together with other people so we can figure how what
it is. You feel the same more? What's your thoughts?

Speaker 3 (04:59):
Yeah? Absolutely, I think through conscious dissidence what's occurred is
that we have a major problem on our hands, and
that is through centralized programming from a system that we
look up to to inform us of truths, and of course, recently,
as you know, within your great country in the Pentagon,
with situations surrounding David Grush, and that with the regards

to the disclosure that we want, you'll always get those
who will tell you that there is no such thing
as UFO's life after death, or you know, strange creatures
from time and space. And I think that the system
that we serve has got a problem on its hands
now because a lot more reports are being cited if

we go back into the past, I mean, if we
think about it, consciousness has been centralized anyway through most
organized religions, and of course in the heyday, what was
the caring was that people were not allowed to think
outside the boss. And what we're discovering is that the
mind is far more powerful most people have been led
to believe because people just believe, or they've been led

to believe that you live and you die. That's fit.
But there is purpose behind your existence, I think. And
this is very interesting because when we look at the
UFO phenomena, especially you know, with regards to certain beings,
most notably the ones. I've been researching the graves that
have been around for a while.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
But you love those little grays, You love those little grays.
Come on, there's tall ones, there are short ones that
are some are a little bluer than others in little greener,
little grayer. Tell us about the grays, right, I mean,
they are all sizes there. It's do you believe that
they have a soul or do you believe that they

are some sort of artificial intelligence.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
That's interesting and one of the areas that I've been
looking into with regards to the research, and especially with
the patterns that have been made with regards to the
abduction phenomena, indicates there's two parts of this and as
we have to parts of the human or at least
I understand that we do. We have the biological parts,
and we also have what is termed as the soul

or consciousness. And what's interesting is that my argument was, well,
you know, these grays seem elusive. They seem to defy
our laws of physics. Most people believe that they're you know,
physical in anatomy, but we don't have any proof that
they're around physically. You know, with all the research that's
been going on and all the encounters, we can't seem
to grab one and hold on to one.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
I've heard some stories of people that have in regressions
that they had that they would slap them and smack
them and do the best they could, right, because usually
they're pretty frozen, they're pretty stiff at the time.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
Yeah. Yeah, And I think until that this is interesting
because when we look at the grades in terms of
what they are, what they're looking for, we know that
through certain research areas that they've been interested in hybridization. Now,
it's interesting when you talk about the physicality of them,
because I believe that, you know, when the grades come
into our reality, what's happening is that they defy our

laws literally. I mean, it can come through wars and doors.
They're able to read people's minds. They're very powerful when
it comes to overriding an individual. And what I believe
happens is that we have to be brought into their
timeless space of domain, as it were. So I'm not
going to go into the experiences that I went through
back in nineteen eighty nine because that's long winded, but

it's demonstrated clearly that there were two parts of this.
One occurred on the physical level of integration and the
other on a non physical IEO was able to go
through coolive metter. So I believe that what happens is
that grades are interested in what makes us tick as
human beings. They're interested in those aspects that make us individual,
because we understand the grades are not individual. And sure,

I agree with you they come across with some kinde
of clone or some kind of AI construct, but not
I think in the AI that we're aware of. In
terms of a technical level, they're interested in reproduction, They're
interested in hybridization. Why is this the species that itself
cannot reproduce? This is the question I wanted to ask.

I mean, when I was abducted, I didn't see any
hybridization program. But it certainly created some kind of opening
with in my mind to say, first of all, wlough
they must be real because I interacted with them or
they were interacted with me, and the whole experience was
really bizarre. And you know, most people when they had
an abduction, most of their memories were secreted. I could

remember everything to the experience that I had, and this
may indicate another area of how they're able.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
To well that you know of right, I mean you remember,
like you may say, I remember every bit of it,
but then you remember what you remember. You never know
there might be some things you don't remember at all, yeah, right,
you know, because you wouldn't even know, right, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
I mean certainly through the past. I mean, you know
all our experiences, I think, you know, cataloging these experiences,
which we do. But what's interesting about the grade is
that they are elusive and you know that I think
that they seem to be some kind of construct that's
removed itself away from creation. And this is the thing,
you This is a really complicated part of this because

the UFO phenomena, abductions and all the rest of it
have been decompartmentalized. There's no way for us to make
distinctions between one and the other. And this is why
I think we're restricted within our viewpoint of what we're
looking at. So within your apology, we go around in
circles because most people believe and you know, that they
are physical crafts, and I'm not saying that they're not,

but there seems to be several components which are quite
interesting with regards to UFOs themselves or now UAPs strange
that they are.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
No no stick with the UFOs. Please please just say UFO, please,
thank you.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
Please change interestingly, for you know, a subject that's not
meant to exist and it's been given a more earthlier title.
But with UFOs, so when the UFOs come into our
space of reality, they seem to be able to dissort
time and space. And that's interesting. And I think when
the abduction of phenomena occurs, what happens that these grades

come in on a much stronger level of conscious interaction,
almost overriding the individual. And I believe what happened to
that point is that the grades then you come into
your system of reality and bring you into their reality.
And this is where the interaction is possible. If you
look at then their death experience for instance, and people say,

oh no, I only believe in the UFOs, but not
life after death. But we have to look at the
parallels here with regards to ND. We can see that
there are connections to be made in an experience of
someone crossing, over going into the right, existing a time
of spaces domain, communicating with loved ones or high masters
with telepapy. And what's interesting is that if the individual

that's left the body, if their body is diseased, there
seems to be a correction when the consciousness or starf
all of that individual that returns back from the experience,
they seem to go through some kind of transmutation, you know,
of renewed help. Now, it's interesting that when the graves
abduct someone, when they interact with that individual, whatever they

do to the etheric body or the astrabodies that were
Because I believe that we're dealing with something that operates
on varied levels of reality, and this is why we can't,
you know, grab hold of them and say, well, you
know you're here, you're with us. These critics are very clever.
So in terms of our sense of reality, we've been
programmed assumers to believe that the physical world is the

only world there is, but we have to understand there
are varied other levels of realities beyond our current perception
of what we consider to be real. So I believe
that the system that we serve has not helped and
it's got a problem on its hands because it says,
you know, UFOs aren't real, But more and more people
now than ever before reporting them, they're capturing them on

camera and the area of options. I mean, it's it's
all very well to believe in something and yes it's there,
but we can't touch at that safe ground. But when
it comes in within the full integration of individual, that's
where things change. That's where things become serious. And this
is why you know, our understanding of the grades as

they are is rather confusing because they come in different guises,
the tall graves, the short ones, the different colored ones.
But at the end of the day, COMMYE, I think
what's happening is that they are integrating on a personal
level with the person with their abductee or the experiencer,
and we are of interest for them on a biological

and spiritual level. So there obviously, after some think that
they want from us there's something that they need from us.
And it feels that this program has been an ongoing
kind of like sort of cycle for them for some time.
So it's I think the phenomena is nothing now. I
think it's been here for a very long time.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
What do you what do you think they're here for?
You said, do you think they're here for something? What
do you think that they're looking for?

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Well, there is something about the humans that they're interested in.
We are individual, we have our own personalities, We have for
want of a better word, of soul consciousness. We are
unique in that sense. But what's interesting is that we
don't know enough about our genesis. We don't know where
we come from, we don't know who created us. That
story is being you know, mucked up a bit. Where

again for a lot of changes within codices, going back
into the anti civilian cultures as well, the grades and souls.
I think, you know, through replication, through the acts of replication,
maybe it's possible that they have counseled themselves out of creation.
And this also brings into the phray the life after

death concept about the humans. As I said, there are
two parts us. We have the biological part and we
have the spiritual part, if I can use that word lightly,
or the soul part. My understanding is that life is
just not mechanical. We know that now through quantum research,
that there is survival I believe after death, and that

the question that I want to ask is if we
end up cloning ourselves, that means not coming through the
normal processing channel of reproduction that you know, hold on
to the memories that we have from one side of
lives to the other, that we carry forward and take
back with us. If we go through a centralized reproduction

program that is cloning, well it could be that we're
counseling ourselves out of that creational that link of divine
and it's possible that the grades are trying to find
an aspect of what they are through us. And you know,
this is why I go back to that point of
why would a species that can't reproduce interested in reproduction?

I mean, I have several theories about that, but it
certainly tells me that the grades are interested in what
makes us as human because they've seem so far removed
from the human and you have people who have alternative
ideas about them. Some people believe there are from the future.
They're an AI construct. I mean it's possible that from

their dimension of reality, wherever they come from, that they
could perhaps be projecting themselves by remote views and then
of course remote influencing in our world. And this is
why people report, you know, seeing them coming through walls
and then being taken through solid matter themselves, and this
investigation occurring that is almost like some type of medical

procedure and very frightening. And I've had people say to me,
you know, all know the grades to hear to help us,
but let's be really.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
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