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May 24, 2024 ā€¢ 53 mins

What is It & Does it Work?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
podcast network. This is the place to be if you're
ready for the best podcasts of the paranormal, curious.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
And sometimes unexplained. Now listen to this.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
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Speaker 2 (01:03):
Yeah, ready to be amazed by the wizard of Weird.
This is Strange Things with Joshua be Warren. I am
Joshua would be one each week on this show, I'll
be bringing you brand new mind blowing content, news exercises,

and weird experiments you can do at home, and a
lot more on this edition of the show. The twenty
one day Rule? What is it and does it work?
Have you ever heard of this thing called the twenty

one day rule? It may be some type of a
very practical technique that you can use in order to
manifest some dramatic improvements in your life. And in fact,
if you just go online and do a search for
twenty one day rule, here's the first thing that pops up.

The idea is that it takes twenty one days to
form a new habit and this originated from a book
called psycho Cybernetics by a doctor named Maxwell Mattz. Maltz
observed that it took his patience about twenty one days

to adjust to a new physical feature, such as a
nose job, and he then extrapolated this observation to other
areas of life, including habit formation. Interesting, you know, before
I continue, I've heard of this kind of thing before,

maybe not exactly the same, but for example, there was
this experiment that I've heard about for years that's attributed
to NASA. Here's one version of it from a website
called successful Mindset for Life dot com says back in
the early days of the space program, NASA designed an

experiment to determine the physiological and psychological effects of the
spatial disorientation astronauts would experience in the weightless environment of space.
NASA needed to know if the environment of space would
have some unexpected negative consequences, would they blackout they'd be

unable to function, etc. So it says NASA scientists outfitted
each of the astronauts with a pair of convex goggles
which flipped everything in their field division one hundred and
eighty degrees. In other words, their world was literally turned
upside down, and the goggles were on the astronauts twenty

four hours a day, seven days per week, even when
they were sleep and of course they experienced all kinds
of symptoms of anxiety and stress. Gradually they adapted to
their new realities, and according to this account, on the
twenty sixth day of the experiment, something amazing happened for

one of the astronauts. His world turned right side up again,
even though he continued to wear the goggles twenty four
hours a day, and between days twenty six and thirty,
the same thing happened for each of the remaining astronauts.
And so the implication here is that after this length

of time, the astronauts' brains sort of rewired, created these
new neural pathways that would allow their brains to see
their worlds normally again, even though it had changed very
dramatically in terms of sensory input. And these accounts go on.

But that's the gist of it, and that's if true.
That is sort of amazing.

Speaker 4 (05:04):
Isn't it.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
And you know, the thing is, I wanted to see
if I could find the original source to this, because
there are all kinds of websites that talk about this
NASA story, and I started digging into it, and I
have been unable to find an actual document from NASA
that specifies this. But I must say that I really

don't doubt the truth of it too much because in
my research I did find very similar experiments that NASA
has done. In fact, if you go to NASA dot gov,
they have a pdf there called the Brain and Space

where they talk about these kinds of experiments with perception
being done not only with people but also animals. In fact,
back in nineteen ninety eight, there was a mission, let's
see called STS ninety using Columbia, and it said that

it was basically referred to as neuro Lab, a space
Lab module mission focusing on the effects of micro gravity
on the nervous system, et cetera. And so NASA has
done these types of experiments, but I just can't say
for certain if all the details of that account are accurate,
even though it's widely reported. Maybe one of you will

be able to go and find it if you are
a better Internet sleuth than I. But you know what,
even long before that, there were other scientists who had
done experiments that were almost just like this and got
the same result. There was a European scientist named Theodore
Airisman who lived from eighteen eighty three in nineteen sixty one,

and he worked with another scientist named Ivo Kohler, and
they created what was known as the Innsbruk goggle experiments,
and they were pretty much, you know, doing the same thing.
They were using these special upside down goggles, as they're called,

and these are goggles that you put on that invert
what you see using prisms, mirrors, all that kind of stuff,
and they're all I mean, this is very well documented history.
You can actually go out and buy your own set
of upside down goggles today. Some people, I guess Russians

call them invertoscopes. And apparently what they actually did, and
they were not the very first scientists to do such things,
but they got groups of people and they made them
wear these upside down goggles for anywhere from days to weeks.

I think in one case, there may have even been
something like months. And you know, people who volunteered to
be a part of this, they would have to live
on a campus so that they could be helped and
you know, move around and survive. Then at night, they
were taken into a dark room and they had dark

patches put on their eyes, so they literally were only
able to see the world in that inverted way. And
my understanding is, and the results of that experiment, sure enough,
some people only after a matter of days began to
adjust and were able to function as if they were

in an upright world without any problem. Now, according to
that experiment, though in most cases, when a person finally
removed his or her goggles, then within a matter of minutes,
everything would start to reverse back to how it originally was.
So I just bring this stuff up to show you
that the science behind all this, there's real science behind it,

so to speak, but the specifics are a little bit fuzzy.
So therefore, let's take a closer look at this guy
who was the doctor Maxwell Maltz, last name spelled Maltz,
who really popularized this whole thing that's being promoted now

as the twenty one day rule. Okay, so who was
he exactly? Well, he lived from eighteen ninety nine to
nineteen seventy five. He was an American cosmetic surgeon, and
he wrote this very popular book in nineteen sixty called
Psycho Cybernetics. I have a copy of it right here,

which was a system of ideas that he claimed could
improve oneself image leading to a more successful and fulfilling life.
And this description of his life is quite impressive, And
at first it seems a little weird. Do you think, like, well,

how is it that a guy who was a very
successful cosmetic surgeon primarily came up with this concept of
the twenty one day rule. Well, if you go to
his book and I have the let's see. This is
the updated and expanded version of Psycho Cybernetics, and it

says at the top it says the internationally best selling
classic published this version in twenty fifteen, says on the
back here when loosely translated from the Greek, cybernetics means
a helmsman who steers his ship to port and the

contemporary definition of cybernetics is the scientific study of how people, animals,
and machines control and communicate informations cybernetics was coined by
doctor Maxwell Maltz, meaning steering your mind to a productive,
useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in
the world. Peace of mind. Wow, that sounds nice. How

would you like to have peace of mind? Well, when
we come back from this break, I'm going to tell
you exactly what this book really says, and let's see
how how much reality there is to this. Can you
tap into this and profoundly change your life? I want
to also let you know that I get emails from
time to time from people saying, man, I love that

good Fortune tone that you often play on the show.
Where can I find that and download it and listen
to it whenever I want to? Well, when you sign
up for my free e newsletter at Joshua Pwarren dot com,
you will find that you get an automated email for me,
and that email has links to all kinds of goodies

free online gifts. One of them is a five minute
money Secret. If you click that, then you will be
able to read a free ebook, listen to a free audiobook,
and download various versions of the Good Fortune Tone. You
will enjoy that and much much more, all for free.
Just go to Joshua Pwarren dot com. And right there

on the homepage you'll see in the slimergreen letters where
it says click here for Joshua's free newsletter. Put your
email address in there, hit the submit button. It takes
you two seconds, and you will be good to go.
All right, I am Joshua pe Warren, and you are
listening to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to

Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network, and I will be right back.
Stay right there, there's more Joshua P. Warren coming right out.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
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Speaker 5 (13:54):
And now back to the iHeartRadio and tost AM Paranormal
Podcast Network and Strange Things.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
Welcome back to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. I am your host
the Wizard of Weird Joshua P. Warren beaming into your
worm whole brain from my studio in Sin City, Las Vegas, Neveda,
where every day is golden and every night is silver.

Giadatos zume And is it true this thing called the
twenty one day rule? Well, I've got the I guess
the source of this concept right here in my hands.
Psycho Cybernetics by doctor Maxwell Maltz. Here's what the preface says.

It usually requires a minimum of about twenty one days
to affect any perceptible change in a mental image. Following
plastic surgery. It takes about twenty one days for the
average patient to get used to his new face. When
an arm or leg is amputated, the quote phantom limb

persists for about twenty one days. People must live in
a new house for about three weeks before it begins
to quote seem like home. These and many other commonly
observed phenomena tend to show that it requires a minimum
of about twenty one days for an old mental image
to dissolve and a new one to Jail says, Therefore,

you will derive more benefit from this book if you
will secure your own consent to reserve critical judgment for
at least three weeks, and during this time, do not
be continually looking over your shoulder, so to speak, or
trying to measure your progress during these twenty one days.
Do not argue intellectually with the ideas presented. Do not

debate with yourself as to whether they will work or not.
Perform the exercises they give you various exercises in this
book here is this is kind of interesting that the
doctor writes how a plastic surgeon became interested in self
image psychology. He says, offhand, there would seem to be

little or no connection between surgery and psychology, and yet
it was the work of plastic surgeons that first hinted
to me the existence of the quote self image and
raised certain questions that led to important psychological knowledge. When
I first began the practice of plastic surgery many years ago,

I was amazed by the dramatic and sudden changes in
character and personality that often resulted when a facial defect
was corrected. Changing the physical image in many instances appeared
to create an entirely new person. In case after case,
the scalpel that I held in my hand became a
magic wand that not only transformed the patient's appearance, but

transformed his whole life. The shy and retiring became bold
and courageous. A stupid boy changed to an alert, bright
youngster who went on to become an executive with a
prominent firm. A salesman who had lost his touch at
his faith to himself became a model of self confidence.

And perhaps the most startling of all was the habitual
hardened criminal, who changed almost overnight from an incorrigible who
had never shown any desire to change into a model
prisoner who won a parole and went on to assume
a responsible role in society. Okay, so you see what
he's saying. He's talking about, how that the self image,

this projection that you have, the way you feel about yourself,
whether it's physically or mentally, has the potential to transform
you after this period of time. He says, Habitually, you

put on either your right shoe first or your left shoe.
Habitually you tie your shoes by either passing the right
hand lace around behind the left hand lace, or vice versa.
Tomorrow morning, determine which shoe you put on first, and
how you tie your shoes. Now consciously decide that for

the next twenty one days, you are going to form
a new habit by putting on the other shoe first
and tying your laces in a different way each morning.
As you decide to put on your shoes in a
certain manner, let this simple act serve as a reminder
to change other habitual ways of thinking, acting, and feeling
throughout that one day. Say to yourself as you tie

your shoes, I am beginning the day in a new
and better way, and then consciously decide that throughout the day.
There's a lot of information in this book, and it
says here on the back that these techniques of visualization,

mental rehearsal, relaxation have informed and inspired countless motivational gurus,
sports psychologists, and self help practitioners for more than fifteen years.
So that's kind of like, you know, I didn't sit
down and read every word of this book, but the
book isn't saying this. You know, this is a magical
number twenty one days and bang, you will instantly morph

into this improved being. And if you get online and
you start looking at what others are saying, there is
a lot of criticism out there. I mean, like, well,
first off, here's this is kind of interesting. There's one
page that I found here and it's it's goes so
far as to say, there is the twenty one slash

ninety rule. Did it takes twenty one days to create
a habit, but it takes ninety days to create a lifestyle.
It's like, huh. And this this article says a guy
talked about this in his book Atomic Habits named James Clear.

The twenty one ninety rule refers to the fact that
it takes twenty one days to develop a habit, and
then practicing that habit for a ninety days becomes a
permanent lifestyle change, and that in reality, the average time
it takes for a new habit to stick is sixty
six days, according to a two thousand and nine study. Okay,

well that's a little confusing, isn't it. What's exactly the
difference between a habit and a lifestyle change, because it
seems shouldn't like a habit sort of be a lifestyle change.
And then they're all kinds of you know, more mainstream
articles that criticize this. Here's one from Forbes, the headline

habit formation. The twenty one Day Myth by Jason Selk.
He talks about the habits of highly successful people allow
them to consistently perform behaviors that breed success. Michael Jordan
spent his off seasons taking hundreds of jump shots a day.

Cy Young Award winner CI Young Award winning Phillies pitcher
Roy Halliday routinely does ninety minute workouts before practices. The
young Venus and Serena Williams would take up let's see,
they would wake up at six am to hit tennis balls.
Blah blah blah. And he says most people believe that

habits are formed by completing a task for twenty one
days in a row and then voila, a habit is formed.
But he says that this is a misinterpretation that Maltz
doesn't even come right out and stated that plainly. Here's
another article by a man who is a behavioral scientist

named Joris Beirda, and it's called the myth of twenty
one days and the truth about habit creation. And he
says that that's a myth that research has shown it's
not that simple. In fact, the truth about habit creation
creation is much more complex and involves a variety of factors.

So he gets into saying that it depends enormously on
the individual and the goal. And he says here that
research has shown in a study published in the European
Journal of Social Psychology that it takes an average of

sixty six days for a new habit to form, However,
it varies a lot, and then he gives tips on
like supposedly practical things. If you're going to develop a
new habit, start small. Begin with a simple behavior you
can repeat daily, such as drinking a glass of water
every morning. Set specific goals. Define exactly what you want

to achieve, how you want to achieve it. Make a plan.
Create this plan for how you're going to incorporate a
new behavior into your daily routine. Track your progress and
celebrate small victories along the way. Stay motivated, reminding yourself
of the benefits, and enlisting the support of friends and family.

This kind of stuff is what he's talking about, all right.
So I've never really dug into this before. I just
heard about it for years. So now that I've seen
the source material and I've seen what a lot of
like self help gurus are promoting out there, and now

I see what some of the more modern day psychologists
and scientists are saying about it. Well, what is my conclusion. Well,
when we come back from this break, I'm going to
give you my ultimate conclusion on this thing, the twenty
one day rule and does it work? And then I

want to move on into some things that are a
little more paranormal and on the spooky side, because you know,
I recently did this podcast about people who have teleported
through time possibly and time slips, and there are some
spooky things associated with that. There's a there's a story

I forgot to tell you that I want to tell you,
and I also have something kind of cool. I forgot
to tell you one time about the haunted Stanley Hotel
where the book and the movie The Shining was based.
You know, it was based on that. And then oh yeah,
I've got something to tell you also about new ways

that you can figure out if you have a spirit
around you or a UFO is dipping around you, things
that we can all do that are kind of easy.
I'm Joshua P.

Speaker 3 (26:09):

Speaker 2 (26:10):
You're listening to Strange things on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast. Network, and I will be
right back after these messages.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
Hang in there. Josh is coming right back on the
iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
The four.

Speaker 5 (26:48):
The Art Belvault has classic audio waiting for you.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
Now. Go to Coast to Coast AM dot com for details.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
Hi, it's don your sky.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Keep it right here on.

Speaker 4 (27:09):
The iHeart Radio and Coast to Coast AM Pronormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Welcome back to Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network. I'm your host, Joshua P. Warren,
and this is the show where the unusual becomes usual.
What's my conclusion on this twenty one day rule and

does it work? Well? You know what, habits are very
powerful things, and we all know that because we all
have bad habits. It's perhaps a little different for everybody.
You know what your bad habits are. I know what
my bad habits are. And usually you fall into a

bad habit because at some point it gave you some
joy or some peace, or helped you cut a corner somewhere,
and so you just kept doing it. And sometimes you know,
these little solutions they work temporarily, but over time, they
cause bigger problems. And so if you form a bad habit,

even if it's unintentional, well then you should be able
to also form good habits. But that's that's harder. Of course.
Can you do this in twenty one days? It seems
to me that what everybody's saying here is like, look,
if you are going to seriously try to form a
new habit, set aside twenty one days, three weeks to

just try to as almost mindlessly as possible, repeat that
thing that you want to do, and if you can
make it twenty one days, then that is a threshold
point where you are on your way. But it does
not work the same way for everybody, and it doesn't

apply to all habits. So look, the honest conclusion is
you just have to try it out and see for yourself,
because we are all different. So get a calendar and
make a note to do something every day for just
twenty one days, and then after twenty one days, see

for yourself if it starts to feel more natural. Maybe
you do one push up every day or one sit
up every day. That can't hurt, right, I mean, like
you might say, well, what good is one push up
or one sit up. Is it gonna do well? If
you haven't done one in a month, it's better than nothing.
Or maybe you eat an almond a day. I've heard

that's good for you, where you drink something healthy when
you might have drank something that was unhealthy instead of
a big sugary soda. You know, you go for something
that is supposed to be good for you, or maybe
you try to at the same time each day write
down the same wish something you want to attract into

your life, or draw a picture if you can that
represents something that you want to attract. I guess the
sky is kind of the limit when you start thinking
about what it is that you in particular personally want
to amplish. And so is there a hard and fast,
magical twenty one day rule. No, but that should be

I think a very good goal for you to shoot for,
because if you can make it twenty one days by
forcing yourself to do it, then it might suddenly become
much much easier for you to continue developing that habit.
That's what I think about it. And if you can
find a better, clearer, more definite, scientific explanation than that,

please send it to me. But I think that is
what I have found is the truth. And you know,
it's funny even doing this podcast the way I do it.
You know, I do this podcast, well, one comes out
every week, you know. Sometimes I have to record the
weeks in advance, but generally speaking, every Friday podcast comes out.

I've been doing this for years, and when I do this,
you get it becomes a habit. And that doesn't make
it any easier to do it. In some ways. It
still takes a lot of energy and effort, but at
least I understand what I'm doing and now it's just
a natural part of my routine. Hey, by the way,

I want to share something with you real quick before
I forget about it. Okay, hang on just a second,
Sorry about that? Did that? Did that make you jump

a little bit?

Speaker 4 (32:41):
You know?

Speaker 2 (32:41):
I'm recording at about one thirty in the morning here
in my studio connected to my home, and my wife
is asleep. I hope that she doesn't come running in here. Josh,
what happened to you a lot? You know, I did
a show one time about the Aztec whistle, and I

got so much feedback that just scared the be Jesus
out of so many people, and this is just a
whistle that Aztec warriors would blow hundreds or thousands of
them as they were running into battle. That would just
make the hairstead up on the back of their enemies necks,
that just scare the heck out of them. And I

have at least one listener, a fellow named Robert and Arizona.
Hi Robert, and I think his cat Felix or Phoenix,
your cat. I'm sorry, but anyway, he said he would
write me and say, man, you know, I can't believe
you played that whistle. I try to doze off to

sleep at night listening to your show and I heard
that thing, and I never you never get over it.
So that was for you, Robert. Occasionally I might make
you jump a little bit if I just randomly, spontaneously
give you a little of the Aztec death whistle. That
will wake everybody up and make sure you're not dozing

to sleep. From my show, I told you I was
going to tell you about something kind of spooky though, right,
that's a good way to start. And one of my
recent shows, I was talking about people who have teleported
and how that relates to time slips and possible time travel,
and that kind of thing. And I didn't have time
to tell you about this videographer that I used to know.

This is well over twenty years ago. His name was Jack.
Real nice guy, very talented, and he was a very honest,
down to earth, practical man. And he told me one
time that he lived in the mountains of New Jersey,

which is kind of funny because I never really thought
about or is he having mountains at that point, I
don't think i'd really been up there and explored too much.
But he said that for a while he lived in
this really creepy house. It's like a cabin with a
roommate out in the middle of the woods. And he
said that, you know, they the thing that like they

liked the least about it was that apparently there were
snakes that lived in the walls, and at night you
could hear these snakes slithering up and down within the walls.
Could you sleep in the house like that? I couldn't.

But as if that weren't enough, he said that one
day he walked into the house and best I remember,
he said that he turned and saw one of these
situations where there was furniture there that didn't belong to him,
and there was like an old man and an old

woman standing there, and he at first he said, it
was so confusing because he knew he was in his house,
but he thought, this can't be my house. The whole
environment had completely changed, and they all kind of looked
at each other and then they disappeared. This is a
person that I knew, you know, who told me this

face to face. Is that a matter of a form,
of course, surely we call that a time slip, but
also is that something that we would think of as
being part of a teleportation experience where these two these
two time periods blended together. I was thinking about that,
and it reminded me also of some of my trips

I've taken to the Stanley Hotel. The Stanley Hotel is
in Estes Park, Colorado, and it's the place where Stephen
King was staying when he was inspired to right the
novel The Shining and uh, let's see here, I did it.

The last time I was there was last year, and
I did an episode two let's say, no, Episode one
fifty four about this and I'm looking back here, Okay.
So I always loved going there, and so I was

there with Lauren and my mom and dad and sister
and her fiance Andrew. And I'm holding something in my
hand right now that's really really interesting and cool, because
you know, when I think of the Stanley, I almost
think of that story representing a sort of a time
slip in which, you know, this guy goes there to
be the caretaker and then he walks into these scenarios

where he doesn't just see a ghost, but he sees
like an entire ballroom full of people and tables and
you know, like whole banquets that have disappeared, and it's
like he's literally walked into her teleporter back at the time.
That story reminds you a lot of the time slip phenomenon.

And let me tell you what I'm holding in my hand.
When we drove up the long winding drive to go
through the gates of the Stanley and park, when we
pulled up to the parking gate, the attendant said, it
costs ten dollars to park, but in return, we're going

to give you this coin. It's a token. It looks
like it's made out of brass, and this thing is
worth five dollars of trade in value at the hotel.
So basically, you can either keep this coin as a souvenir,
or you can use it and make some money, or

you use it as money at the hotel. So it's
kind of an interesting business proposition. Of course, we decided
to keep it. When we come back, I'm gonna tell
you about that. I also have an update for you
on again some ghost stuff, some UFO stuff. I'm Joshua
pe Warren. You're listening to strange things on the iHeartRadio

and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network, and I
will be right back. Hang on, josh will be right back.

Speaker 5 (39:51):
We are happy to announce that our Coast to Coast
AM official YouTube channel has now reached over three hundred
thousand subscribes. You can listen to the first hour of
recent and past shows for free, so head on over
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This is free show audio, so don't wait. Coast to
COASTAM dot com is where you want to be.

Speaker 2 (40:26):
Hi, this is ufologist Kevin Randall, and you're listening to
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Welcome back to the final segment of this edition of
Strange Things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM
para normal podcast network. I am your host, Joshua P. Warren,
And I guess my studio here is pretty well soundproof,
because no, my wife did not come running. And by

the way, Robert, yes, I look it is. Of course
it's Phoenix the cat. You live in Arizona. All right,
let's get back to the Stanley Hotel. Uh so, yeah,
you could? You know you can pay well, you pay
ten dollars for parking and they give you this. It

looks like a brass token to me. It's larger than
a quarter. And uh, I just love this this coin.
On one side of it, it has an engraving of
the face of the hotel and it says the Stanley
Hotel since nineteen oh nine. But then the wildest part

is on the back. On the back of it, they
have got us well imagery that is com totally devoted
to the movie. The shining the background image is the
very distinctive pattern of the carpet that Stanley Kubrick used
in the movie. And then on top of that is

an axe. For God's sake, you remember that scene here's
Johnny and then it has the number two seventeen, and
two seventeen is that's the room that Stephen King apparently

was staying in when he had the inspiration to write
the book, and that's the number he used in the book,
I guess. But apparently when Kubrick made the movie, the
hotel did not want him to use that number two
seventeen because they were afraid that it would frighten people

away and they would lose money on that, and so
he changed it to two thirty seven. I believe room
two three seven. Uh, but yeah, it's got that, it's
got the carpet and the ax and uh. You know,
at some point we're going to start up an Instagram
page just to show you, you know, images of interesting

things like this that I talk about on the show.
So I like to have that right here next to
me along with my compass from Transylvania. You've heard me
talk about this before. And you know, here's a tip
for you if you were ever out there doing a
paranormal investigation or no, get let me let me rephrase that.
If you are out there going about your and you

end up in a place that you think is haunted
and you want to do a paranormal investigation of some kind,
but you don't have any tools. You know, I've told
you before that you can take a simple compass and
the compass should always point north, and if it stops
pointing north, or it starts especially spinning or something like that,

then something is influencing it, and that may be a
paranormal electromagnetic field. But if you don't have a compass,
I found that I have an Android phone and it
does a pretty darn good job for me. If I
go to let's see, and I'm not being paid to
promote this or anything, Onlinecompass dot app, Compass spelled of

course co m p A s S Online Compass dot
app app, Online Compass dot app. If you do that
on my phone anyway, it instantly brings up a very
sensitive interact compass. And I've been comparing it to some
of my physical compasses, and it seems to do a
great job and you can walk around and use that.

I think that's more valuable than all of these other
like apps that you can download supposedly that give you like,
you know, spirit box stuff and that you know, Frank's
box kind of I don't trust all that stuff, but
I do trust picking up electromagnetic anomalies. And there are
supposedly some other things on here that you can use,

like there's one that says EMF meter, light meter. I
don't know if I mess with all that stuff, because
it looks to me like you have to download something
for those. But just for the basic online compass, it
does a really good job. Just take that thing out
and just walk in a straight line and it should
stay pointed more or less in the same direction unless

you encounter some strange paranormal field and then it may
start spinning. But you know, having said that, I as
a general rule, I mean I don't I don't ever
recommend relying on smartphones as scientific instruments or paranormal investigation instruments.

Smartphones are misleading, especially these apps and stuff. They are not.
Smartphones are not scientific instruments, Okay. An instrument is generally
devoted to one type of thing. So for example, when
it comes to UFOs, you know, I have my camera,

I think it's called a Sony RXO two that I
use to film the sky at one thousand frames per
second to see if I can capture some kind of
a UFO that's moving too quickly for the eyes, the
naked eyes to see. And I've had some pretty interesting
success with that. But I'm using a camera that is

has all of its resources devoted to being one thing,
and that's a case ever, and a smartphone has got
it's supposed to do everything for you, and it's all
of its resources are being used in a gazillion different ways.
So I don't think there's ever a substitute for having
something that's that's devoted to a goal versus trying to

like tap into some thing that your uh, that your
smartphone has, like some inspector gadget gadget. But the next
best thing is you know Jason Sarachi, who, of course
he's my buddy here who runs vegasufos dot com where

he can take you out on skywatches. He was telling
me that he has a Samsung phone that is claiming
that it can shoot nine and sixty frames per second,
and I said, wow, really that's kind of hard to believe.
So I started to look into it and on the

actual Samsung dot com site, it says it's called the
super Slow Mo feature and nine hundred and sixty frames
per second it says it captures moments the human eye
can't normally see by playing them thirty two times slower
than normal and a lot time many times slower than

video shot with other existing slow motion options. So I
was looking into this, and on this other page it
says that when they claim that these like Galaxy S two,
twenty one and S twenty one plus support nine hundred

and sixty frames per second super slow motion, that that
only does it and burst up to one half a second.
So you talked about getting lucky, like my Sony RXO
two can shoot for two seconds, but this and you
got to be super lucky to catch something in two seconds.
So to catch something in a half a second, ooh,

you're reducing your chances tremendously if that's in fact capturing
things the way it's supposed to. But then also on
my camera, when I get these UFOs using high speed,
you know, I'll that two second burst will turn into
like forty second clip. And so the math sometimes does

add up the way that this half second burst is
coming up to a clip that's like thirty something seconds.
I don't want to get too technical on you, but
I just want you to know, like look, hey, if
you have one of these phones that supposedly can shoot
nine hundred and sixty frames per second, go out and
use it. Point it at the sky. Just shoot like

ten or twenty clips on a clear day. Obviously, don't
point your phone towards the sun. It might be a problem,
it might hurt your lens. But if the phone support
if the phone is supporting nine hundred and sixty frames
per second, go ahead, give it a shot. I want
to leave you with this because I think this is

really interesting and kind of inspirational. Back in June of
twenty eighteen, Laren and I bought this glass globe that's
basically a biosphere, and it's full of shrimp, and the
shrimp supposedly have everything in there that they need to live,

and you can't get into it. It's completely sealed, and
they have certain vegetables and a certain amount of air
and minerals and all that, and it represents what life
is like here on Earth, supposedly where you live in
a bubble. Well, you know what, this June of twenty
twenty four will be six years since we got those shrimp,

and they are still in there, thriving without any outside input.
Isn't that crazy? And one time, one insane person emailed
me and said, that's so cruel for you to keep
those shrimping there.

Speaker 3 (51:11):

Speaker 2 (51:12):
Look, they would have been dead so much longer ago
if they were out in the wild, So that's just silly.
But it's a good example of how we have to
protect this bubble that we all live in here on Earth,
and it's true, it can be done. All right, let's
end the show on a positive note with the good

Fortune tone. That's it for this edition of the show.

Follow me on Twitter at Joshua P. Warren, Plus visit
Joshua Pwarren dot com to sign up for my free
e newsletter to receive a free instant gift, and check
out the cool stuff in the Curiosity Shop all at
Joshuapwarren dot com. I have a fun one lined up
for you next time, I promise, So please tell all

your friends to subscribe to this show and to always
remember the Golden Rule. Thank you for listening, thank you
for your interest and support, Thank you for staying curious,
and I will talk to you again soon. You've been
listening to strange things on the iHeartRadio and Coast to

Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (53:00):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
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