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May 19, 2024 ā€¢ 17 mins

Guest Host Connie Willis and Paranormal Pete discuss hauntings, the town of Port Gamble, Washington and Pete shares some EVP audio.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
It's Coast to Coast AM. Connie Willis here. Thanks so
much for joining us. Thanks for all your emails and
responses and about the songs and about the stories and
about the different guests. I really do appreciate that. Thanks
for enjoying the conversation along with me. Tonight we have
with us Paranormal Peats. He's brought us some EVPs and

by the way, you can find him that it is
just under paranormal No, it's port Gamble Paranormal dot com.
You don't have anything under paranormal pet right, You just
got the port Gamble Paranormal dot com website. Is that correct?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
Yes, I've got that's kind of a central location. I
have a Facebook page where you can type in Paranormal
Peach Show and you'll find me there as well.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
Okay, well, you know, I got to play those two
EVPs again because they're just amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
They really are. Again. Well, they just touch you.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Yes, when you find something that touches you like that
and gives you, you know, chills, you know you've nailed that,
you know, because you can pretty much tell oh that
sounds like somebody happened to be in the in the
place and we just didn't know it. They walked in
from the backside. But no, these no, not at all.

You know what, when I was recently at the Stanley Hotel.
Have you been to the Stanley Hotel before?

Speaker 3 (01:32):
That's one of my bucket lists places.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Ah, okay, let me know, it's not far so. So
the lady I was taking a tour and the lady
took me to the like an amphitheater or concert hall,
I can't remember what they called it, maybe the concert hall.
And there's a stage there and they don't let you
up on the stage. You can't walk on the stage.

And and so it's like, okay, so you're from Afar
and you're looking at it, and she's talking about all
the history of it and this and that, and somebody
had was on the stage and they walked out this
stage door that was open. There was a stage door
off to the side. It was open and you could
see outside. I was kind of wondering why I was
open because it's cold outside, you know. So it's now

the day before and the next day and it's cold
up there. It was just a few months back, and
I was just surprised that it was open because I
know it takes a lot to heat that place. And
so she was talking and I saw that person go
out again, and I asked her something about that. I said, well,
who's the guy over there? Because I'm I ask all

kinds of questions, right, And I was like, well, who's
the guy back there? Because we can't we're not supposed
to be on stage. And I just figured it was
somebody with them, and she said, there's no guy back there.
I said, oh, yeah, yeah, he just walked out the door.
No nobody walked out. We would have seen him over here.
And I said, I just saw a guy walk out
two different times. And she just stopped and I looked

at me and she said, you know what, we never
tell anybody the story of that guy. There is a
guy that walked that we see walk out, and it's
only the staff that sees it. So you know, that
was pretty cool that I got to see something that
they don't even talk about. It was plain as day.
The guy walked right on outside twice. I didn't see
him walk back in, you know, I just but I

saw him walk out twice. Yeah, that was kind of cool.
So when you see those things, you know, it really
makes a difference.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
Yeah, yeah, and yeah, I imagine did you get the
chills after realizing that it wasn't a breathing person, well.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
A little bit, just enough to be like, oh my goodness,
that's pretty cool because it was It looked like a
normal guy. I think it was white shirt and dark
pants and just look like any normal person just walking
in and out. I just thought, who's the staff that's
leaving the door open, tell them to shut it, you know,
because it's letting the heat out. But he didn't look

see through or anything like that. Just totally totally real person.
That was just amazing. So I was happy to see that.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
I had a very similar experience next to the Walker
Raham's house. If I can share that quickly.

Speaker 2 (04:16):

Speaker 3 (04:17):
Yeah. So I was at the Walker Raham's house and
the ware. The house is situated in the town. It's
kind of right next door to the general store that's here,
the Port Gamble General Store. And so I was standing
at the back door of the Walker Eham's house waiting
for some people to show up. It was about ten
in the evening, and I realized I forgot something in

my car, so I started to go down this back
porch walkway down towards the sidewalk, and when I started walking,
I heard the door slam shut at the Port Gamble
General Store building. Looked over and this gentleman was walking out.
White shirt, kind of I would say, like khaki colored
type pants, dark hair, and my first thought was, Oh,

it's one of their employees, like the last one there,
walking up and leaving. And when we both got to
the sidewalk at the same time, and I turned to say, hey,
it's me down here, because I would let their staff
know if I was wandering around in the dark over there,
so they wouldn't get freaked out. And as soon as
I said, you know, hey, it's me, he stepped over

the curb into the street. But he vanished before It's
like he stepped into something that I couldn't see. He
was just gone, and there were no other cars on
the street. I walked around the building. I couldn't find anybody,
but it was similar to that where I thought it
was just a regular person, but then it just vanished.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
What'd you think after that?

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Well, my first thought was am I going crazy? Did
I just see that? Or am I imagining this, But
I heard the door slam shut and saw this guy
walk in and he looked real, looked solid and everything.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Wow. Have you ever been touched by something that you
haven't seen?

Speaker 3 (06:14):
Yes, I'm pretty I got Yeah. Other than getting I've
gotten many slaps on the rear end in the Walkerham's house.

Speaker 2 (06:24):

Speaker 3 (06:26):
Yes, And recently somebody on one of my public investigations
standing there. We were in the attic and all of
a sudden, this guy said, looks to the guy next
to him, Hey man, what's up. The guy says, what
are you talking about? He says, you just poked me
in the butt. And the guy said, no, I didn't,
And he says, I bet you a million dollars. Says

my buddy, Tie says, I bet you a million dollars.
You just poked me in the butt. And the guy
has his hands in his pocket, vmily denying that he
did that, And we realized, oh, somebody's filming. So they
watched it back and the guy standing next to the
guy who had his rear end poked never took his
hands out of his pocket.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
Oh wow, it too.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
Yeah, I get it every once in a while. Yes,
it's usually when I buy myself in there and then
I feel it and then I'm like, whoa, Okay, that's
that was nobody else is here?

Speaker 2 (07:23):
So was it a male hand or a female hand?

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Just as Oh, no, I don't know how I would
tell that, but.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Is that what it felt like? Did it feel like
a hand or like, yeah, something else.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
No, No, it felt like a you know, like a
smack on the rear end.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
So that would be really interesting, that would.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
Oh yeah, yeah, it comes out of nowhere. And it's
always surprised as you. And there was another time I
got a hug from a spirit that that was interesting,
and the ice cold sensation that happened during it was
I can still remember it like it was yesterday. And

it was a spirit of a of a younger girl
who was kind of nervous. You know, I was down
in this space and and she's young. And I ended
up saying, you know, hey, I'm a dad and I
have two girls, and if you need a hug, I'd
be happy to give you a hug. And then I
got this rush of cold air and these ice cold

sensations went around my way to my back and I
actually felt like I got pushed back a couple of inches,
and that was just a surreal experience. It was it
was very there was a lot of energy going on.
I'll say that.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
M that's something. Yeah. Usually, you know when I felt
things before, it's it's uh, you feel it. It doesn't
feel evil or area or anything like that. Thank goodness.
That's another conversation and other types of things. But it
does freak you out. The more you think about it,

You're like, oh, my goodness, I felt it. It felt
like something, you know, like if it was anybody else
that would have done that. I remember being at a
place and they had a little small child as a ghost,
and I remember, you know, it was in Florida. I
had shorts on and I felt something on my leg
and I said, do you know what? I just felt
something on my leg And they said, oh, that's the

little boy. He touches. They described it exactly the way
I felt it, and vice versa. And he was right
down at the size of what a little boy would be.
And they're like, oh, yeah, he likes you. Then he's
right around your leg. That is amazing. It's so amazing
when that happens. Well, let's let's go back to let's

what was the clip fifteen and sixteen fourteen and fifty
fourteen fifteen. Okay, let's listen back again. Just give us
a brief setup one more time and then we'll get
into the other ones too. I just have to hear
these again because they're amazing.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Yeah, So what was going on as I was doing
a ghost walk tour that evening and one of my
best friends, Mikey, came out with some really nice recording
audio recording gear. We set it up before the tour
and then we locked up and left and on the tour,

the walker aims is the last stop. It would be
about another two and a half hours before any of
us would be coming back there, and based on the timestamping,
you know, about ten minutes or so goes by and
we're gone. We are at the museum for the start
of the tour, and then it's dead silence until clip fourteen.

Speaker 1 (10:55):

Speaker 2 (10:56):
Okay, let's hear it. What do you think that could

even be? I mean, it doesn't even sound like normal
natural sounds.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
It's to me, it's almost like somebody trying to open
the interior front door and then they get through, and
then they walk through the house and go up the stairs.
That's kind of what I think happened.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
And then nine minutes later, so.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
Yeah, then there's another nine minutes of like dead silence,
and then clip fifteen comes through.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
It just hits me. You can feel the intent of it,
whatever that intent is.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
And it did sound a bit aggressive, yes, you know
it's not. It's more rare in that house where you've
got something that seems more aggressive, and so I thought
that was an interesting aspect of it. But yeah, that's
definitely we were not there. The house was locked up.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Wow. All right, so you lead us onto which one
do you think you know we should listen to next?

Speaker 3 (12:44):
So clip twenty nine is kind of a funny one.
It was with Olympic Peninsular Panormal Society, and he's in
the ghost box. And then I usually when I conclude
this session with a ghost box, I like to countdown
from ten and ask that if anything would like to

count down with me to join in. And so I'll
count back from ten and sometimes stop on a random
number and see if that number comes through the ghost box.
And so that's kind of what it was going on here.
And somebody comes through the ghost box and says, stop talking,
because I was obviously talking too.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Much, and that's twenty nine.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Let's here twenty nine.

Speaker 1 (13:31):

Speaker 2 (13:32):
Seven I heard it. Let's play that again. Let's play
that again. Seven fin what he said something else before?

Stop talking? Was it like, oh man, stop talking, or
it's like.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
Hey, stop talking something, but stop talking comes through pretty clear.
And I kind of laugh about that because I had
another incident on a tour where I started talking in
the attic of that house and I know you've got
pictures up and if people want to go check out
and see what the attic looks like. I started talking

about the history of the attic and a woman interrupted
me from behind me and said, oh god again when
I started talking, and the whole tour group heard it
because I looked to the lady that was about eight
feet away from me, like, oh, excuse me, and there
she said, that wasn't me, and so I think I
may you know, they probably get tired of hearing me

talking there, And that's what was going on.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Okay, which one do you like?

Speaker 3 (14:48):
Let's play clip thirty and just to kind of set
this one up, that's the same investigation, and you'll hear
one of the investigators ask if, Hey, do you like cookies.
They brought some snacks, you know, for the investigation. And
there's a funny little response to it that I believe
is the boy spirit in the house. So clip thirty.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
Do you like?

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Yeah? I think I heard yep, and yes I do both.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
It's a funny sounding Yeah, let's see if we can
hear it again.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
Yeah, do you like? It's kind of oh, yep.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
It sounds like pretty much like a kid would answer exactly,
kind of in a smart alec way, almost.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
Yeah, my kid, I'll take a cookie.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
Yeah. Yeah. And another one I wanted to play clip
thirty one, And this is something that came straight through
the ghost box and and I believe it says you
don't hurt me.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Ah, let's do that one more time. What was going
on at that time? For it sounds like a lady
saying that.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
It's yeah, it sounds like a younger woman saying it.
And I believe I think we were just trying to
see if anything would come through at that point, just
doing you know, an audio session with the ghost box,
and that seemed to come through. And I want to
say that was pretty much in the wee hours of

the morning when that one happened. I can't remember exactly
what we were talking about, but I think we were
just doing a generic audio session and that came through.
But it sounds like a younger female voice.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
Listen to more Coast to cost Am every weeknight at
one am Eastern, and go to Coast to coastam dot
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