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May 22, 2024 ā€¢ 17 mins

George Noory and author Samantha Fey explore her findings on the human soul, how angels and spirit guides lead us through important decisions, and the best ways to learn the lessons you were put in this life to experience and help you grow.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Man, Welcome back to Coast to Coast, George Nori with you,
Samantha Fay with us, author of Heavenly Alliance, Call on
Your Spirit, guides, ancestors and angels to manifest the life
you want. She's also the author of the book The
Awake Dreamer, A Guide, the Lucid Dreaming, Astial Travel, and
Mastering the Dream Skate. She co hosts two podcasts, Psychic

Teachers and Enlightened Empaths, which teach listeners how to embrace
their intuition. She has advanced degrees in education, a reiki
master who writes and teaches all over the world about dreaming, reiki, crystals,
and intuition. You keep busy, Samantha, welcome back.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
Thanks George. I'm so happy to be back with you.
Have you Ben, I've been great, absolutely wonderful. My oldest
daughter just graduated college, so leave a lot to celebrate
here and now I'm talking to you.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Well, that's great. What did she major English? Really? She's
going to be a teacher writer?

Speaker 3 (01:04):
No, yeah, she's going to be a writer. She got
a great job as a tech writer. So I'm super
proud of her.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Taking after Mama.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
Yes, I hope so.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Well, that's great, And the congratulations on the new book,
Heavenly Alliance.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
Thank you. I'm so excited for it to come out
and to share it with everyone.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
I want to talk with you about that. And also
we'll talk about dreams later on in the program, and
then we'll take calls next hour. People are calling already
ready to talk to you.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
Oh. I love to talk about dreams and all of it,
So I can't wait.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Tell me about the title Heavenly Alliance.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
Well, I wrote the book because I feel like life
is this beautiful divine dance between fate and free will,
and I think the key to thriving in life is
to recognize those moments in our life that are faded
or dustined, and those moments in our life where we
have free will and choice. And in those moments where
we do have free will, we really do have a

lot of health out there. We can call on our
guides and our angels and our loved ones who have
gone before us. And so I hope that the book
instructs people on how to recognize those pivotal moments in
our life. You know, there are times in our life
where stuff is just going to happen and there's not
a whole lot you can do about it. You just
have to lean on your faith and your friends and

get through it. And then there's other times in our
life where we have a lot of opportunity in terms
of the choices we make. So it's all about how
to really call on your invisible helpers, but also rely
on the beautiful strength that's inside of you as well.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
Do you look at the soul as in journalist, as
an author, or as something else.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
I think I look at it as just an eternal
part of ourselves. There is a journalist of me that
likes to kind of study how people and cultures throughout
history have looked at the soul. But I think in
terms of the soul, it's really it's really who we are.
You know, we walk around and in this body and

we wear these masks, but in the essence, at the
truth of who we are is our soul. And I
think it's really important to get in touch with that
through silence, through stillness, through meditation, through listening to shows
like yours, so that we can really stay on the path.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
In the book heavenly Alliance. You talk about a soul plan,
what is that?

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Well, I believe that before we're born, we kind of
have like a conference meeting with our guides and we
sit around and we talk about, Okay, George, in your
last lifetime, you did this, this and this, and maybe
you didn't do so well on this, this and that.
So this go around, we're going to have you with
these parents and these siblings, and we're going to put

you in this job where you can really inspire millions
and millions and millions of people. And yes, you're going
to have this challenge and that challenge, and I think
that we orchestrate all of it. But the point I
make in the book is that it's a blueprint. And
just like if you're building a house and you have
a blueprint and you're like, oh, this is going to
go here, and the kitchen's going to go here, and

then the contractor comes in and says, well, this is
going to cause this. So we're going to mix that.
Things change once we get to Earth, right, but we
still have this blueprint, this soul plan for why we
are here, what we're supposed to teach, what we're supposed
to learn, and how we're supposed to grow our soul.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Once we get that plan etched, can you change it?

Speaker 3 (04:27):
Yes, I totally believe that you can't.

Speaker 2 (04:30):

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Like I said before, I do believe that this world
is a divine dance of fate and free will. So
I think there are some things that we really can't change.
And I think that's where people get stuck in their
lives because they think, well, I want to change that.
I want this to be different. I don't want to
be going through this challenging time. And I think it's
really crucial for people to recognize those moments where maybe

you can't change it, but you can change how you
respond to it.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Are they things I'd love using this quote? Are these
things that can be or will be?

Speaker 3 (05:03):
I think that some things can be, and I think
many things will be. And I think we really have
to get in touch with our soul, with our authentic
truth to recognize when we are in those can moments
and those will moments.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Our guides and our angels two separate entities.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
Yes, I believe. So. I believe that angels were created
before us. I believe that they are messengers, as many
religions have taught and I think that they are in
my book. You know, I started out as a traditional
teacher Georgia, as you know, so I kind of compare
a lot of things to school. So I look at
angels like the principle. They oversee the bigger picture of

our soul plan. But our spirit guides are like our
classroom teachers. They are human. They've lived before. They know
what it's like to have to pay bills and do
laundry and deal with the cranky boss. They understand the
ins and outs of being human, and so they are
like our classroom teacher. They are with us every day.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
So, Mattha, some people seem soulss, what's wrong with them?

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Well, I do believe that there are some people who
maybe don't. I don't want to say they don't have souls,
but I definitely believe that there are some people who
are negative. And I wonder, I wonder, I don't know.
At the end of the day, I don't know, But
I wonder if part of their reason of being here
is to challenge us, because without the dark, there can

be no light, and so I think it's I think
they are serving a purpose too. But I also believe
that they have guides and angels as well, they just
don't listen to them.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Tell us about the overall theme of Heavenly Alliance.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
The overall theme is about really learning to get in
touch with these invisible helpers. I wish that I wish
that our guides and angels could sit down with us
and say, Okay, here's what you're supposed to do this year,
here's what you're supposed to learn, here's what you're supposed
to teach. But it's not like that. We are kind
of plopped here on our own, right. There's no manual

for being a human on this earth. And yet, and
yet if you look within, there really is all the
answers are there. And so the overall the team of
the book is learning to recognize how to listen to yourself,
how to trust yourself. And I give a lot of
exercises and homework assignments and skills and tools to help
people really get in touch with that authentic self.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
What is the easiest way or the best way to
get in touch with yourself?

Speaker 3 (07:37):
I do think it's through silence, and something that worries
me about what's happening in society today. We have so
many beautiful distractions that we no longer really force ourselves
or invite ourselves to be alone with our own thoughts.
And it really is only in those moments of silence
that we can hear that still small voice within, that

we can listen and recognize the little subtle nudges that
our angels and guys are giving us. And I think
that's really really important.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
How important is developing a soul?

Speaker 3 (08:13):
I think it's the whole reason why we're here. I
think the whole reason why we're here and we come
back is to grow our soul and to grow closer
to the light and to the truth.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Once we do that, does it change our lives? Does
it change who we are?

Speaker 3 (08:31):
I think so. I think it expands our light, and
not only does it change us, but I think what's
so exciting is when you truly embrace your spiritual path,
you light the way for others. And isn't that what
it's all about? What did ram Das say? We're all
just walking each other home? And I think that when
we can really get in touch with growing our soul

and brightening up our light, we help so many other people.
And that's what it's all about. And I think we
can do that in small ways and big ways. Like
one thing I always love about you, George and your show,
you made a commitment to your audience to always be
there for them on the holidays. Yes, that's a really
big thing.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
I looked at the calendar this year as a matter
of fact, and I want Christmas is in the middle
of the week, New Years, Thanksgivings always on that Thursday,
we're going to be here.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
And everybody knows you're going to be there. And you know,
on my little podcast, which is tiny compared to yours,
we always do a live show over the holidays too,
and that's because you inspired me. I can't tell you
how many listeners have emailed us over the years saying
the holidays are some of the hardest days and knowing
that I have a new show from you guys to
listen to. This really helped me get through this week.

And so even though those little things that you might
think is not the biggest deal in the world, huge deal.
And I think that's that's what we need to recognize.
Growing our soul isn't about becoming the next Elon Mu.
It's not about winning the lottery or building a big,
beautiful house. It's just the small things about helping someone

feel a little bit better, about encouraging yourself, patting yourself
on the back and sharing that and extending a hand
to someone else.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
I was always very fortunate to have family around during holidays.
I was never alone as a kid and as an adult,
and I when I got this program, Samantha, I said
to myself, there are a lot of people who aren't
that fortunate, who don't have family around, who might not
have friends around, and we're not going to leave them alone.

We're going to give them the opportunity to become part
of this family, and so they have that ability to
call in and on a holiday, or call in any
time they would listen. Actually, but it works.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
It does work, and that's really really important. I always
say one of the expressions I love is the magic
of ordinary day is because sometimes those holidays highlight what's
beautiful about your life, and sometimes they highlight what's missing
in your life, so they can be really difficult times
for people.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
I've talked about manifestation before, and you touch on it
a little bit, don't you.

Speaker 1 (11:16):

Speaker 3 (11:16):
Yes, I'm so passionate about manifesting, and I think it's
really important that we recognize that we have the ability
to manifest. And I'm not even talking about the secret
or manifesting a parking space. I'm just talking about helping
people recognize that we have a lot more control over
the things that do happen in our life in so

many ways. And I'll give you a really quick example
that just happened a couple of weeks ago. I was
talking to my daughters about how, you know, you can
just wake up and say I want my day to
look like this, and just play with that and see
what happens. But I'm trying to teach my children to
go through life with intention instead of well, you know

I have teenagers, George, So instead of whining right there, yes,
so I said, just just pretend that life is a
video game and you can make your day however you
want it to be. So they started playing with that,
and they started having some really cool things happen. So
my little daughter is taking a statistics class at college,

and you know, we're English history people in my family,
so she's really struggling with the stack class and she's
got her big final exam. She studied for weeks, she
went to her TA. She's created a study group, panicking
memorized formulas, takes the exam and she's walking back to
her dorm and she's thinking, I know I got at

least four wrong, and that's bad. And she remembered what
I said about manifesting and just having fun with it,
and she said, you know what, if this, if this
is a video game and I could make anything what
it is, I'm just gonna I'm just going to say
I magically get a one hundred on this exam. Well,
she gets home and there's an email from her instructor
the computer that they took the test on glitched and

she had to give everybody automatic one hundreds.

Speaker 2 (13:08):
I love it. That's magical.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
That's magical, and that's manifesting. And I think it's really
important for people to recognize that everyone can do that.
We just have to do it with an attitude of
fun and not an attitude of this has to happen.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
And it wasn't just her. She brought everybody along with her.

Speaker 3 (13:26):

Speaker 2 (13:29):
I've always said, when you get to the top of
the mountain, if you're alone, it's not any fun.

Speaker 3 (13:34):
No, it's not that that is a great, great thing.
You always want to help people go along with you.
And I think when we manifest from that intention of
sharing it with other people, that's what it's all about.
And that's something I always teach my students. When you
are creating a goal, always think about how can you

share that goal with other people once you accomplish it,
And that's really going to boost your manifesting.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
If you can do that, how can we in our
living life tap into our soul life.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Well, I think we can do that through not only,
as I said before, silence and stillness and meditation and prayer,
but I think we can also do that through any
way that we can give back to others. And again
I'm not talking about big things like donating money or volunteering,
you know, ten hours of your of your week. I

just meet in small gestures anytime we can think of someone.
I have a really good friend who is just she
has such a beautiful heart, and she writes in her
calendar every month birthdays, friends who have doctor's appointments, she
writes the anniversary of any any of her friends who
have lost parents, and she will send them apart or

call them or text them on those days. And I
think those those little gestures are really what It's all about.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Why is it important to create a deep connection with
our guides and angels.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
Because that's what's going to keep us on the path.
Have you ever been so busy and so consumed with
everything going on in your life that you ignored that
little voice inside of your head that was saying don't
do that, don't go there, or ooh, heads up about
that person. A lot of times we just pushed that
down and think, oh, no, everything's fine. But when we

are able to really tune in and listen to our
guides and angels and listen to the direction that they're
nudging us, it opens up whole new pathways for us,
even if at the moment it can seem a little scary.
Can I give you a quick example, please, So when
I was fourteen, my father admitted that he had a

problem with drinking, and he checked himself into a rehab facility,
and my mom and I went to visit him, and
I was so shocked because they were teenagers there as well,
Like the whole left side of the building were adults,
but on the right side of the building were all
these teenagers. And I was fourteen and they were kids
like seventeen eighteen, you know, sitting outside and talking with

their sponsors, and I thought, wow, and I heard this
little voice in my head that said, pay attention. One
day this place will be important to you. And I thought,
oh no, like I'm not according to drink like my
father did. I'm not gonna this is not ever going
to be important to me. So I kind of just
ignored it and pushed it away. Well flash forward, I'm
graduating college and I had a pretty good job offer

in the city, and also I was thinking about moving
to New York with my friends, and I kept getting
this little nudge to just apply to grad school to
see and I was like, well, I don't know. So
I applied to one graduate school where the state of Connecticut,
where I was living at the time, would pay for
my grad school if I was a substitute teacher during

the day. So I would go to school at night
and substitute for free during the day and the state
would pay for my education. And I was like, oh,
do I want to do that? So I went in
for one innered with one of the schools and it
was a little alternative high school, and the principal was
interviewing me and she said these kids that you're going
to be teaching have just come out of a rehab facility.

And she mentioned my father's rehab facility, arms Acres, and
she said, have you ever heard of it? And I said, yeah,
I have. And she said, do you have experience with alcoholism?
And I said yeah, my dad's been in AA for
nine years and I've gone to Alanaut and she hired
me on the spot. If I had not listened to
that little voice, I might have turned down that job

and it would have changed my entire life path. But
because I wasn't totally afraid of that voice, and I
did listen to it, and I remembered it, it opened
up a beautiful career for me.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
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