All Episodes

September 22, 2020 66 mins

Ben and Ashley have a lot of questions about Colton & Cassie’s “reality show”. Is it real? What does it have to do with the restraining order? We get some insider information. 

Peter Weber threatened to spill some major “Bachelor Tea”! Ben shares what he thinks might come out… NDA or not!

You’ll be shocked to hear Ben’s plans for kids after he and Jess get married! 

And find out which of Kaitlyn Bristowe’s ex boyfriends has a new girlfriend!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast
with i R Radio. We'll back for another week of
the Almost Famous Podcast. We've had a great time recently
doing some in depth episodes with some incredible guests. I
mean here in the last month we've had Andy Dorfman,
we just had Jason Tardik. If you're a fan of
the podcast, or even if you're not a fan of
the Almost Famous Podcast, I know you're gonna love the

in depth episode, so go back and listen to those.
Those will be wherever you can listen to the Almost
Famous Podcast. But with that, we're back. I'm Ben and
Ashley comes onto the podcast today and you've heard me
tell it before, I'll never back down from this statement.
Ashley con Eddie is a absolutely beautiful human physically and

soulfully inside and now. But she shows up to the
podcast today and I'm learning more and more as I
go about women. I haven't known. I didn't know how
much I didn't know about women until really this podcast,
being engaged to Jessica and and just being more curious
about the ins and outs of a woman's life. As

shows up to the podcast, and her face is like
red and it has like skin falling off of it.
I've never seen this before, Ashley, for myself and our listeners,
can you educate me on what is going on? Okay, well,
I'll use this time to shout out Olga Lawrence and
she's like my skincare go to. She has really been

the woman in charge of halle Berry's skin for like
the past twenty years. So like if yeah, if there's
somebody listen to, it's oga. So I have done two
vampire facials to get rid of my melasma over the
past a couple of months, and they just really they
weren't as effective as I would like them to have been.
So it's a vampire facial. I'm going to interrupt you

because you've got to help me out here. I don't
know if you ever saw those pictures of Kim Kardashian
where she had like blood on her face. So basically,
it's a little needle and it's it kind of it's
like a think of electronic pen with needles on it,
and they like inject your blood into that needle thing

that pen, and then they like stab your face all
over and it's like collagen producing and it makes you
like flake off. That first layer of skin because that
wasn't as effective with my really bad melasma. It's just
like I never had it until like a year and
a half ago, and then all of a sudden, I
was like, why do I have a mustache that's just

not of hair, It's just not a hair. And then
it gets worse than the sun. It's people who are
like all of toned. They are more susceptible to it. Um, yeah,
exactly exactly. And I so I'm doing now the gold standards,
So the vampire face will takes like three days to

recover from this. What I have on my face now,
the cosmolon peel is definitely something we have to hide
a little bit more. You actually have to keep a
face mask on for ten hours. So on Saturday I
didn't do anything and I kept like, yeah, it's easy now. Um,
but this whole thing is great because it's easy now.
So now I'm read and pealey at least for the

next four days, and I'll probably not be back to
my regular skin for like another month or so. But
when I'm done before and afters if they are accurate
and they're all over the internet, I might not have
malasma at all. Anymore. And if you guys don't know
what malasmas, it's it's pigmentation. It's darker pigmentation spots around

your face. And with women, especially when it's formon related,
it often goes in that mustache area. Yeah. So, um,
I texted your fiance about it. I told her what
a perfect time it is for you know, to do this,
because of the mask and being able to stay home
and all that he goes. Um, I said, I can
tell you who my asgetation is. And she just said

it to you, and she faced time to the instructions
she goes. That would be amazing. I love that it's
at home even better. So your fiance is gonna look
like this before you know it. But then she's gonna
feel so confident about not having to wear foundation all
the time to cover up those brown spots. Well, here's
the thing. What happens when you fall in love. I'm
learning this right. I find Jessica Clark to be like

the most beautiful human ever created. I do, but I
am now also realizing how much I just love her
in general, and so like, I know that sounds really corny,
and but like she could have like what I know
my reaction to her would be very similar to just
being like, wow, Hunt, this is really interesting, Like I

don't hate it. I get why, but like now I'm
just more intrigued. Like it's not even there's like nothing
she could do really that be like a turn off.
I feel like like a complete turn off. It would
just be more of like a curiosity of like, so
you did this so your face can just like flake off.
I don't get it. I respect it. And to close

this thought, you made a comment that I'm super intrigued
by because Melasma was an insecurity of Jessica's for a
long time, and even when she's first started dating me,
she was like, Yeah, I have this like dark thing
above my lip and it's weird and I know it's
like but it's like nothing I can do about it,
you know, like she would try to explain it to me.
I get it. It's not ideal. But you're saying that

like Melasma could be gone for like a period of
time forever. Well, I mean this will significantly subside it,
um and then you're gonna have to use other products
that will keep it at bay. Wow. Wow to just
absolutely incredible experience, but just a wildly, wildly. There's just

so many things that you do that I respect, love,
and also yeah, it's wild. You guys are so lucky.
Like I just Jared and I laughed all the time
about what we have to go through biologically that you
guys won't ever Yeah, I mean I have hair all
over my body. It will never leave. Yeah, it will

never It will never be ripped off my body. Well, hey,
with that, we have a great podcast coming up. Um,
we're gonna share a little bit more about my life
and what's going on in my life. And then following
we're going to go and interview one of our favorites
of all times, Chris Stranburg. And then we have hot
topics to talk about. Yes, and there are some hot
topics out there. But before we get to me, let's

just take a quick break. We'll be back with the
almost famous podcast. Hey, what up everybody. It's Wells Adam
So I have a podcast called The Wells Cast. You
might know me from being the Bartender and Bachelor in Paradise,
winner of Worse Cooks in America, celebrity on Food Network,

No Cool, the entertainment Red Carpet Corus Spawn didn't not
starting my first radio show, and I was sixteen years
old and been in radio for the past fifteen years.
Nothing engaged to Sarah Highland for Modern Family. Yeah, that's okay,
fine whatever. I have a podcast called The Wells Cast
where basically we talked to famous and successful people and
find out where they came from and how the heck

they got so stink and rich, and we got something
for everybody big into sports? All right, we got you
Rashan Jennings and Victor Oladipo. Are you a music fan?
We've gotten a low down from Rascal Flats, Bret Michael's
Lance Bass. You begin the reality TV Chris Harrison, Johnny Bananas,
you want to find out more about film and TV stars?

Brian bum Garden from the Office, Dave Koyer from Full House,
Scott Eastwood. It's a great way to see what the
blueprint is for success. Listen to The Wells Cast on
the I Heart Radio app, on Apple podcasts or wherever
you get podcasts these days. Al Right, Ben, so what's
the big news that you need to tell us? Well, actually,
this is it's weird, um because on it this this

news is. I can't understate how big of a deal
this is to me, um And I want to give
a little backstory for the almost famous podcast because this
is the first time I'll be really talking about it. Um.
But two years ago, I and and we've talked about
a lot in the podcast, like I just I don't
know if I struggle, I just uh have always I

fall quickly if I'm in a bad place, I fall
quickly into self doubt. I fall quickly into feeling isolated
and disconnected. Um And then you know, I have this
show happened a few years ago where I admit that
I feel inlovable and that felt like like I've like
my buddies still joked with me about that, and uh
and I've kind of joked about it too, because it

was a huge moment for me on The Bachelor Ette.
But it didn't feel like it. It felt like just
like a passing by conversation that Kaitlin I had that
you know, you see on the show a lot and
you don't know the depth of it. But when I
said that, it was the first time in my life
on the show, I had actually admitted something that was
true to myself that was like vulnerable and hard to
admit that, like I truly didn't feel like I was

worthy of love or I didn't feel like I would
find somebody that would say, Hey, you're the person for
me for the rest of my life. And and then
I realized that that even went deeper, Like it rolled
into my friendships, like why would my friends like my
Why would my friends be really friends with me? Like
what do I offer them? What? Why would they want
to spend their time and share their life with me?

It rolled into my relationship with God and my relationship
um with myself. So anyways, two years ago I started
on a project to write a book about all of
this um. And it's been two years of like really
weird um conversations with myself, really hard conversation with myself. Uh.

You know, a lot of the times as I come
onto the podcast and I share, Hey, I'm just struggling
with envy or I'm struggling with doubt, it's because I
was in the midst of writing this thing, and I
was pulling back these old stories and these old memories
and the memories that are still hitting me today, reliving
them and trying to put them into a book. Yeah,
and today, yesterday the book cover was announced, which means

the book is done, it is turned in, it is edited,
is completed, the cover is released, and I am now
on the road to releasing this thing that has been
It has really taken up the most time of anything
I've ever done in my life. I totally understand what
you mean when you get so introspective with yourself that
like it's almost when somebody comes up to you during

that that point where you're like, I'm just so into myself.
I'm just like so in my head right now, Like
I can't even social Like I can't socialize. Do you
do that? Like when I think that's what you're talking about.
Right when you're like working on writing, Like when I'm
in the writing zone for some reason, I get really
sucked in and it's hard for me to come out,
Like I need to like actually like gradually push myself

out within a couple of hours, Like I can't just
go from writing to being social. Now You're you're spot on, especially,
you know, like the book has broken up in the
four sections connection with self, connection with others, connection romantically
romantically in a connection with God. And like within this
I shared things that my parents didn't know about me,

like my problems with addiction, um my problems with doubting
my faith, doubting a god above my problems, you know,
obviously with feeling unlovable, like truly feeling unlovable, and then
you know, going back to like I always like kind
of picture when I'm in my unhealthiest place. And I
don't live in this unhealthy place all the time, but
when I'm in my unhealthy place, I do. I feel

like the kid looking in at the party of all
my friends that I wasn't invited to. And I feel
like I walk through life sometimes, especially when I was
writing this, feeling that way, like I'm pulling back these memories.
I'm speaking this into myself and as a result, I'm
living it out in my daily life, and it put
me in some weird places the last two years. But
my hope with all of it, so my hope the

whole time and and what like my my friends and
my family and us to continue to reinforce in me,
is like I'm doing this so that maybe somebody out
there will feel less alone when they read it, Like
absolutely like I'm living this and like going through all
these weird emotions because maybe somebody will read it and
go wow. I've always thought like I was the only
one that felt left out. I was. I always thought

like I was the weird one. I always thought that
nobody really liked me, or that there was no big
purpose to my life. And maybe there's just one I
believe that there's just one person listening to this, or
one person that will read the book, um, and they'll
maybe they'll feel less alone, and they'll take that end
of the day life than it was all worth it.
And that's what's going to happen. So you guys, I

got an advanced copy of the book and it's so
fantastic Ben's writing. You can hear his voice in it.
It's amazing. Um. He he's going to do just what
he was just saying that he hopes for. There's gonna
be so many people that read it and feel less alone,
which is the title of the book is alone in
plain sight, Plain it. So the cover is beautiful. I'm

so happy for you. I love that you have turned
something that you felt was just you and really found
an audience that needs to hear the message. I appreciate you, actually,
thank you. No, it's it's really exciting. I really appreciate you.
Reading it, and um, yeah, you know it's not a
tell all book. I know for some that's gonna be

a kind of throwing off of what is expected or
but I guess for me, I don't have a lot
to tell. Like we we talked about the show all
the time on this podcast, and there's just not a
lot hidden anymore in my journey of the Bachelor world.
And if there is, then I hope to be able
to think of those things and say on this podcast
and share those experiences. Um And So when I write this,

it was you know, it does go into like my
relationships from the show, like, um, there is a section
on Lauren and there and and Laura and I were
able to talk about that and I got her approval
on that, um and because you know, she's been a
huge part of my life and in a great part
in many in many ways. But there there isn't the
juicy details of the show, but there is hopefully honesty

about the show and honestly about the experience that maybe
isn't known or maybe would be relatable. So, UM, I
appreciate you reading. I just wanted to share that with
almost famous listeners because this is the first time I've
been talking about it publicly. I've kept this to my
chest for a long time. Now I'm ready to start
sharing it. Uh. You can start pre ordering right now.
Um uh, you know great Christmas gifts, great Christmas gift

and uh and I'll be talking about it more and more,
but hopefully won't bug everybody on this podcast and talk
about it too much, but it probably will come up
so alone in plain site has been announced. It is
my book. Uh. I can't even believe I'm saying that,
but I am. And uh, well that's all we gotta
talk about with that here. Um, any any questions feel
free to reach out and I would love to answer them.
And so don't go to Ben's book for juicy Bachelor details,

but you should come here to the almost famous podcast
for juicy Bachelor details. And we are going to give
you some right now. Let's go through our list of
hot topics. Then, oh my gosh, Ashley and there are
still a hot topics reigning supreme in Bachelor Nation. Yes,
uh we uh, We're gonna start here with probably the
one that everybody's wondering about. Um, We're not gonna make

you wait to the end of the episode for this one.
We're gonna start right now with the Cassie Randolph in
Colton Underwood situation. Again, this is a sensitive topic. We
We have had massive amounts of updates and news come in.
Cassie's UM restraining order was granted, uh a little bit

less than a week ago. UM, and now the text
messages have been released. So Ashley, what do we know
about this and where do we stand? Okay, Well, last
week we went over the fact that he apparently put
a tracker on her car, that he was in the
alley outside her bedroom at her parents around two am. UM,

that he was also kind of lurking about her apartment
in Los Angeles, and um, then there are also some
texts that were released that apparently he was sending her
text at all hours of the day. UM. At one
point he said quote Cassie, referring to Cassie is a

selfish person who isn't ready to be loved and called
her shady. He later apologized saying that he was lost. UM.
And since you know, sources have said sources with the
quote around them, and in my opinion, uh, that's that
Cassie was doing this, is doing this for attention, that

they were in the midst of filming a reality show
about their breakup. Um it involved Colton, Cassie, and her
entire family. So Michelle Randolph got to posting on Instagram
this week saying that her parents never signed anything whatever
part of any type of show. Um, this is Colton's

attempt to make Cassie look bad at the press. She
also says that she and her boyfriend have not filmed
or signed any contracts about this supposed show. Um, seems
like it was probably like a sizzle reel maybe, um
it says Orel you guys, is like a proof of concept.
It's like a mini episode basically of a proposed show idea.

And I've heard I'm not sure where I heard it from,
but that it was going to be about them dealing
with their breakup or like continuing to be friends after
their breakup, and all these sources are and muld also
be like honest, like just what's what I'm thinking? Like,
I just really trust Cassie. UM, I think that she
is the kind of person that would never seek attention

like this. I really don't think that she cares like
she wants to be a speech prothologist. She probably likes
the you know, additional income that her bachelor fame brings her.
But she is not the kind of person that is
ever going to go and do something for attention, especially
getting a restraining order for no reparent reason on her

ex boyfriend. Well, and we talked about it before, and
I know the listeners out there, you know, Colton had
a great following, a big following, and uh, listeners out
there probably right now are hearing this and going, wait,
why aren't you being more supportive of Colton? And I
want to I want to preface all this and say
that we aren't not supportive of Colton. There actually has
spoken out many times against cancel culture. We're not saying

canceled Colton. We're not saying not cancel at all. We're
not saying, hey, forget about Colton. But what we need
to report is that the restraining order was granted. And
that's that's a legal process that goes far beyond a
show or fame or anything like. If if a restraining
order is granted, I think we all need to take
a step back and realize, hey, there were there was

a proven amount of facts there that made a judge,
an impartial judge, say this needed to be put in place,
like this was a good decision for Cassie to do.
Now at the end of all this, I know Ashley
I talked offline about it, like, we want both parties
to heal, to recover, to come back from this in

some way, right. We don't want either of them to
just disappear and to be hated on. That's not the point.
That this is far bigger than the attention they could
get from a show or from a from fame. And
I know the Colton supporters out there are gonna go
holy cow, like you guys like you, you know you
don't know the fact, Like, no, we don't know all
the facts, but a judge does. And what we need

to say here is, hey, what Cassie did, the judge said,
okay to what Colton did was obviously out of place
and was wrong. It doesn't mean that he needs to
be forgotten or pushed aside. It doesn't mean that people
need to hate him. What it does mean, though, and
I for all of us, and I will go on
my soapbox here and I know somebody out there is

gonna been stopped talking. I'm gonna say this. What it
does mean, though, is that in this time we need
to be sensitive to Cassie. We also need to be
sensitive to the Colton. But we need to understand that
there was wrongs here that happened, and we need to
accept that. We need to accept that there was wrongs
done in this process. And this is not a joking thing.
This is a big deal. This is this is not

a small matter. This is this is something that has
obviously changed their lives, both of their lives, UM. And
we hope that Colton can come out of this humbled, UM, educated,
a better person. We also hope casting come out of
this feeling safe, UM, feeling protected, feeling cared for and

loved on. UM. But with all this being said, listeners
and Colton fans, you have to realize where we're at now,
which was not where out a week ago. We're at
a place where this is going to court, and and
that means it's like facts now, not alleged rumors, yes,

or allegend alleged allegations. Do not pret don't cancel him,
don't cancel him, don't hate on him. In times of
great despair and of great need, we need healing and
we need love, and both of these people need that
right now, So don't cancel Colton, but recognize that that
there was a problem. Yeah, and Ben, how would you

feel if Colton just came out, was super honest and said, like, look,
I was hurting. Um, I was in a very sad,
depressed place, wanting my girlfriend back, missing my ex girlfriend
and somebody who was my first serious relationship. Um, and
I went a little overboard, like I crossed the line. Um.
And I hope people accept my apology on this and
that I'll learn from it. Right, how would you feel

if you did that? I mean, it's the hand of
brown thing, right, Like I like Hannah. I love Hannah.
She's she's a fun person to watch. But for weeks
we were sitting here on this podcast going handa, we
just need you to talk, like say something so that
like we can then come about this in educated way.
But when there's nothing being said, we sit here assuming
things and reading things and hearing things and we don't

know what to do with it. It's the same thing
here with Colton is Colton, Um, he's not untouchable. Uh,
he messed up, and I think at some point whenever
he's ready, just like Hannah wait until she was ready
and it's his timeline, it's Cassie's timeline, then it would
be nice to hear him come out and and and

I mean it looks like right now, what we need
for definitely Cassie's sake is probably a public apology saying
he was wrong. But hey, and I and I don't
know how far he went with this, Like I don't
know how scared she was, and I don't know all
the behind the scenes. What I do know is love
does crazy things to you. And and I what I
do know is love can change you as a person overnight. Um,

And so if Colton came out and said, hey, I
went too far. I made big and terrible mistakes, but
I did it because I was broken, my response to
him would be I get it. Yes, you were wrong,
I get it, And now what now? What are we
gonna do about it? Right? I feel like people are
more apt to forgive when people are being honest than

like forgive him if he were to just keep denying
that these like, if he keeps denying them, I think
it's gonna be a worse. Look, that's what I mean. Well,
and you know, with you know, we can blame we
can all blame everybody else for our problems. We can
blame you know, it's a common thing on the show.
Come off the show. Blame producers if you if it's
not what you wanted to, come off the show. Blame

the cast, Blame other people. Uh, blame if we're in relationships,
blame your ex. Is all these things, right, but at
some point we all I mean, and I'm learning this
right now, Like we all have to own up to
our issues. And you know this as somebody who's married, right, Like,
in a marriage, you can't just blame your spouse the

old time. That's not going to go well for you now,
Like you have to start taking ownership for your mutual
mistakes and the things that you've done. That we're at
a hand out of line no matter how big of
a deal they are. And this is a big deal, um,
and we're wishing the best for both of them, but
we're really sensitive here to Cassie and the fact that
she's walking through something, um that is obviously not ideal.

Well Hey, speaking of Yeah, Peter Webber, who are who
I really do love deeply and he was a great guy.
But I don't know where this comes from. Actually, I
need you to teach me. Peter Webber implies he's going
to spill Bachelor t when his n d A is up. This,
according to Cosmopolitan, well, to be honest, man, I can't

believe that the Bachelor hasn't extended their n DA times
have that option? Right? Right? Is our contract? Like do
we have to be secretive about certain things for the
rest of our lives? And there are certain things that
we can start talking about or are we like free
free will for total free will on Bachelor production after

our contract dents? Do you know this? It's a little sticky.
So yeah, exactly, if you use the Bachelor name and
you associate whatever you're saying and doing with the Bachelor,
then you need their approval for perpetuity, like they have
your rights to air your season, to use that for
as long as this show exists, and even after now

when it comes to the tea and whatever to kind
of tea that is, it gets sticky, Like it's not
it's not a clear cut thing for any of us.
But there have been so many Bachelor tell alls, and
the tell alls do give you some good dirt, and
it looks like Peter might be doing a tell all.

So Cosmo wrote this article. I think that they're like
stretching here. They said that under an instagram of Peter's
he talks about he writes comments towards the fans. You know,
he asks them and says, I'll explain myself one day.
He also said happy y'all are to um somebody. So

somebody said, happy you all are together, But I wasted
my time on this season. This fan means I shouldn't
have watched your season. I wasted my time on it
because like you didn't end up with you ended up
with the girl that you've met before the season. And
that's when he said I'll explain myself one day. And
then he also said in the comments, there's just so
much no one knows about it yet, so it'll be

good to get it out there. And then he also
said to a fan that his n d A is
over on March. And from these comments Cosmo fans, they're
speculating that there's they're speculating that he's going to eat
for podcast out or a book out or something like

that that will explain why he and Kelly never got
together on the show. Um Kelly did did an it's
the story this week kind of going off of this,
she said, somebody said in her questions on Instagram, why
didn't Peter picky the first time? We all knew it

was fate? And I do feel like they're they're coupling
was very fate. Like I mean, they met before the show,
they definitely hit it off. There's just was something there
I always felt. But she says as her answer, Peter
was told flash thought I didn't like him and I
was only there to have fun. That's kind of what

her storyline was on the show, that she was, uh,
you know that she wasn't all in on Peter the
guy because she wasn't like sure she really was getting
to know him or and then she felt like the
show was just not a place or her to find love,
and that everybody was saying like, oh, Kelly doesn't even
be taking this seriously. She's only here about fun, Like
this is kind of stuff we've already known. Um So, yeah,

we'll see if there's more depth to this mystery of
why Kelly and Peter didn't end up on the show together.
On March fIF two, possibly, do you think it's a
smart idea if he does a tell on this, I mean,
it matters in what form you can do a podcast
and start talking about the show, which has obviously been

a great thing for you and I. I would never
tell anybody not to do it. I think it's a
great thing you and I enjoy doing it obviously. Uh,
there's been others that keV came about and been very
successful talking about the show and breaking down every episode,
and I would support anybody to do that does that.
If that's his format, great, it's a book again, I mean,
on a day that my book gets released, I'm gonna say,

write a book like it's therapeutic. It's hard, it's difficult,
you have to really start confronting your own things. Uh.
And if it's a tell all form, I'm I'm I'm
sure he's gonna be reliving memories from the show that
he's probably forgotten or tried to forget, and he'll be
writing him down, which could be therapeutic. Um. I don't know.

I don't know what has not been shown in his
season though. That's the part that I'm gonna be shocked by,
because I felt like his season showed more of the
behind the scenes than any season ever. I Mean, we
had like parental um issues, we had, we had massive
I mean I can't even still to this day, remember
how the triangle of love had existed like it was

Hannah and to then Maddie for like a few moments,
and then now to Kelly and now he's super happy
with Kelly. If if Peter Gold means it's been what
what should I do? I say, Hey, do what you
gotta do. But this has all worked out pretty good
for you, Like people love you, people are still celebrating you.
You've got a great girl. Now this this is all

played out now, maybe not how you dreamed it would be,
and it wasn't like perfectly like perfect, like there were
issues involved, but it's now it's a good thing for you.
And I would just be cautious anytime anybody wants to
take a good thing and make it bad. Totally agree. Yeah,

I mean I can't. Okay, if there was a girl
on your season and let's just pretend the producers were like, Ben,
she's just here to have fun, blah blah blah, would
you really listen to the producers that much? But but
also with all that being said, and if Peter came

on the podcast, now I know he would tell you
like he he did I mean one of his biggest
things was he he couldn't get a grasp of what
was going on in that environment the time. I mean
it was, it was the whole thing, the whole season
was Peter, put your foot down, stop the chaos, stop
the gossip, stop the controversy, like say something like, you know,
lead this thing forward a little bit, and it was.

It was the one thing as a bachelor like that.
People Well, we'll criticize him for the most but the
other part about Peter that people will celebrate is the
guy super lovable. He really wanted to find love. He
was really in the pursuit of love on this show.
He did it. He did it to the best of
his ability, and he found it. So I don't know,
I guess I go back to this and we can
move forward with this. I don't know what else there

is to say. UM, So I'm intrigued. I'll be listening.
Um and you know, Peter Weber is going to spill
the tea at least that's what people think. Uh, once
his n DA is up and uh and at that
point in time, we'll break it down again. I mean,
I mean, there are stories like this, there's a lot
of stories like this from Bastmination. There's Molly Mesnick and

Jason Mesnick. Honestly, there's me and Jared. It's like we
we dated other people on the show, and you come
to you find the person you're meant to be with
along the way. It doesn't mean that you don't have
feelings for other people. UM, it's really about timing, and
it's about like getting to know yourself and sometimes, like

in my case and like in Molly's case, you actually
need to be separated with the franchise for a while
in order for people to discover what they really want
and need. Well, that's everybody's love story, right, It's timing.
It's place you could fall from multiple people in your journey,
but at some point you end you know, all the
roads lead to that partner, that person that matches you best. UH.

And so we'll see we'll be watching speaking of UH
women for my season. I do want to give a
special shout out and in congratulations to Lauren Himmel who
UH got married recently. She was on the podcast just
a few weeks ago, UM breaking down UH the episode
of the Goat that that Laura and I were in. UH.

Congratulations Lauren himil big deal. Congrats to Lauren. Also congrats
to Kenny King, who is engaged. Uh. It was the
perfect place and perfect person. The couple says, um, so
I think he was planning. He was pretending to his
girlfriend that they were having a family picture day. So
she was all like cute and dressed up, and she

said that he had other plans. And she says on
her Instagram, of course I say yes to forever with you.
Kenny King is so underrated in Bachelor Nation. What a
freaking sweetheart. What a great warmth about him. Yeah, that's
just that. I mean, those are good stories and and
there's mortgod stories to talk about. Katherine and shan Low

obviously have a few kids. They have three kids, and
Catherine has recently came out and said that parenting is
a s h I T show this. According to US Weekly, Ashley,
what's your referring to? Well, basically, they have one kid
in diapers. Uh, they have a two year old and
a four year old. And she just says that everything

about their day it's somehow related to poop. She goes,
It's always poop and somehow how we've never gotten sick
or had pink Eye knock on wood. But I've never
had pink eye. It's like a constant show around here.
Before we had before we have kids before. Yeah, this
is funny. This happens all the time to us. Before
you have kids, she says, people are always trying to

sell you on the fact that it's like such an
amazing life, like, oh, kids are the best, right, And
she said they say that, so you joined the exhaustion
club with them. Uh yeah, I don't know. We've been Ron,
Jane and Tanner enough too. I feel like know what
what we're getting into. And it seems rough. I mean
it's rough. And like my buddy who has three kids now. Uh,

he and I used to kind of like hang out
together when we were single and go out together. And
I recently saw him in Denver and there's a joy
to it that's like indescribable, and there's an energy that
comes to you as a parent. It feels like that
like I don't have right now. But then again, I
watched my buddy when I hung out with him with
his three kids. His head is constantly on a swivel.

There's constantly something breaking. There is, yeah, diapers being changed,
there's kids disappearing like it. I left there and I said,
I still want kids. I'm still confident that get scared
every time. Yeah, but like I'm scared, Like I love
having a meat clean house, and I feel like that's

one of the things that's not on the top of
my mind when we think about kids. But it's something
I'm gonna miss so much. Oh, it's absolutely ridiculous. But
Kathery and Sean have always been good at highlighting their
family and talking about the the ins and outs of parenting.
It's it's just a great article to read if you
get a chance. Um. But Kathery and Sean wishing the
best and thanks for being honest. Yeah. Then I have

a question about kids for you. And I know this
is like a long time coming because you and Jess
aren't married yet, but you guys planned to move to Denver, right,
so that means that neither of your parents are going
to be there. Do you feel like having parents, a
set of the parents there the first kid, or maybe
even just always is something that you would want? Yeah, Um,

I I do. I mean I think that's something Jess
and I really want, is our family, Like both of
our sets of parents are so awesome. I mean, I
really one of the coolest things about my relationship with Jessice.
I really love her parents and her family like deeply,
and she feels the same way about mine. I want
them involved because I just think they're good influences and

I think they're a good help and I think they
would help guide us in our most troubled times. And
here's maybe one of the biggest reasons selfishly, Jesse and
I have talked about this often, is we really want
to have kids but also still have a relationship, and
we want to go out on dates and we want
to explore together. And I think having a parent like
one of our parents they're really would help that and

actually add to the child's life. Like it wouldn't take
away anything. It wouldn't make us less less or wouldn't
make us parents who push our kids to the side.
It would just make them be able to experience their grandparents,
and I want that for them. I totally agree. You're right,
You're able to keep more of a relationship together when
you have your parents to lean on. Yes, so it
is important to us, um and uh, And it might

not be for everybody, but it is for us. Switching
gears quite a bit from relationships and parenting to now.
Rachel Lindsay details her first conversation with ex Peter Krauss
since The Bachelor. At this according to E News Online. Yeah,
so apparently back in June, it seems during the you know,

the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement, he reached
out to her. He quote, he was asking me questions
about it and stuff for some advice about responses he
had gotten. Um, she said, we're adults here and we
can all move on. Yeah, so it's pretty simple. But
that's that. I mean, just yeah, I don't know what

to do with this, but it is interesting that they
spoke again, right, I mean what I look at like
exactly I was gonna say, most of the leads end
up talking to or even being friends with their runner up, definitely,
because there's like that respect and that you obviously know
the person. You're like, Yeah, I like you, Like I
care about you a lot as a human like I obviously,

and so not shocking, um, you know, but it's a
big deal and and for me it's it was a
I remember our very first conversation and it was almost
like a weightlifted. I don't know if it was for her,
but for me it was just like, okay, good. Now
we'll probably see each other at events, will probably be
around each other more than you would be with a

typical X And it's great now that we can at
least come into it like as friends, with that mutual
respect and care for each other. And I'm sure Rachel
and Peter are gonna not be able to do the
same thing, which is which is really awesome. Um, speaking
of x IS and somebody I'm a friend with, Caitlin
Brusto just continues to keep the headlines Caitlin Bristow is

on Dance with the Stars. If you don't know that,
well I don't know where, Well you don't listen to
the podcast, and you don't watch TV and all that.
And and here's something really exciting about Caitlin. Lady she
she danced to a song by Lady Gaga, and Lady
Gaga actually retweeted this, so she saw it and she says,
and I quote it made her cry. I know, Lady

Gaga said, isn't it weird? Is it weird that this
made me cry? I love watching people happy and dancing.
So Lady Gaga knows who Caitlin is, and if I
were Caitlin, I'd be like, Wow, that is maybe the
coolest moment of my life. It's uh, it's just one
of those like I don't know how Caitlin feels. I mean,
Caitlin's is a big deal and she's everywhere now. She's

a celebrity in her She's like such a celebrity that
maybe doesn't excite her to see other celebrit I would
be off the wall with lady Guyer retweeted me. I'd
be telling my family, my friends, my grandma, like that
would be wild. But good for Caitlin. She's still on
Dancing the Stars, Ashley, Uh, how is doing? And she's
doing really well. We she I saw her dance last week,

you know, as I hope all you guys did. She
did a fantastic cha cha with Artem and Dante Copa
Stars airs Tuesday this week. So now that you're listening
to this podcast either late Monday night or Tuesday, make
sure to tune in watch Caitlin and vote, vote vote.
Bachel Nation just comes out in supports. I mean, you know,
it's just a great place. Uh, it's just a great

place to spread love and to show the support for
the people who have gone on the show. Um, it
would be absolutely incredible if Caitlyn can win once again. Uh.
Last two headlines. One is we just want to once again,
UH send our warmest regards and also just our happiest
of thoughts to Liz sand Off from The Bachelor. Um.

The more details have come out according to people, UH
that Liz says that they're they're recently born child. I
think it's Jovi j O v i E. Noel. Um
was not breathing when she was born, which has to
be so scary as a parent. But um, as as
they go onto the article and talk about it was

a everything is good now. It was tough. It was
one of those really scary moments. UM. But Jovi Noel
and UH the family are healthy and good and we
just want to say once again we talked about it
last week, but we just want to say once again
how thankful for we are for that. Uh and UH
and that that is the headline of the article. So hey, Ashley,

you know, we we've talked for a while now, we've
talked through the season of COVID. UH. It's actually been
really good. I think for us in our podcast and
the and the listeners. We have a good we've had
a good time with it, but we were soon approaching
a season that we won't have to talk about headlines
and do interviews. We're actually gonna have a season to
break down. More teasers are coming out Ashley this week

as we get one week closer to Claire season. What
are you feeling and what are you thinking? I'm thinking,
how many great puns do they have with Claire's name?
You want clarity, you want to clarify what other ones
are there? Uh? You want to clear the air. I
don't know so many great puns, so much pretty Claire. Um.

But they definitely are alluding to in these new spots
that are getting that are airing during Dancing with the Stars,
that that we that there's some sort of announcement that
we are just dying to have that they haven't given
us yet, which would be well, I I mean, yes,
I think we're all assuming it's gonna be Taisha. But
the cool part is actually one of the things that

you and I are both worried about is if Claire
left early for whatever reason, we're gonna miss the clear
moments that we're expecting we are, but we're gonna get it.
Like we've already seen in the teasers, she yells at
a contestant get out of here, and then we see
Chris Harrison doing it. Chris Harrison does best with sis,
you know, say down with her having that relationship conversation.

I mean, we're gonna get and I don't know if
we're gonna get enough Claire. We're gonna get at least
some Claire still during this season. Oh, we're gonna get
quintessential Claire. But you're right, Ben, and I haven't quite
said it blatantly, but when I did hear that she,
you know, might have left the show early, I was like, Oh,
I was really hoping for eleven weeks of Claire and

I would love eleven weeks Septatia to you know, like
two separate Bachelor season Bachelorette seasons. But I was definitely
looking forward to so much claireisms and we're only going
to get possibly a few weeks of them. So but
you're right, I think she will deliver in the weeks
that she she has. Yeah, Claire, Claire will still be clear.
She doesn't change no matter how long or short she's

there Ashley up. Next, we have one of Caitlin Bristow's
x is one of our good friends, Chris Strandberg on
the podcast, breaking down everything Caitlin and who knows what else.
I mean, he's a dentist, so I'm sure we're gonna
talk about that, uh and possibly relationship he's been in
for two years and been pretty quiet about. So let's
take a break. We come back. We'll have Chris Stranburg

on the podcast. All right, guys, Chris Stranburg. It is
on the podcast for the first time since these guys
and I'm talking about you, and the producer has been
trying to set me up with him like four years ago.

Oh man, good old days. Yes, you guys made me
blush and Phil awkward at all times every episode. You
wouldn't let it die anyway. Now, the last time I
saw Chris, which is a very sad, sad fact, was
at my wedding. Uh, Chris at my wedding. Something very
funny happened. Like if we had a reality if the

Bachelor came and taped our wedding, like this would be
a really funny focal point. You took yourself to the
hospital the day on my wedding. Can you explain this story? Well,
you know, I'm I'm really tough, I'm good at all sports. Um,
and it's no surprise that I would get a concussion
playing touch football on the beach. Okay, this is good.

This is where we need to die. Wait a minute,
Wait a minute. Maybe somebody touched me really hard you think, no, No,
nobody touched me. Nobody touched me. I just jumped for
the ball and landed on my head. Like you were
very the guys, the guys didn't hide the fact that

you were very awkward at playing football. They're like, he
said that he was going to be awkward, but we
didn't think it was going to be this bad. And
then you jumped, you hit the back of your head,
and then you ended the game with that. Like they
all had to stop. They had to stop because suddenly
I didn't know how I got there. Literally, I lost

to the beach. For you memory twelve hours? Yeah, I
had to. I literally had to call my mom and
I was like, his mom, So I'm fine, but how
did I get here? Can you walk me through the
last twelve hours? That's not a scary phone call from
my mom? Hey mom, Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't
remember life. Wait, wait, now that I'm thinking about this, this

this is the day of a rehearsal dinner. Tara didn't
play football all the day of our wedding. Yeah, okay,
rehearsal then you were there. Yeah, We're on the beach
in Newport, and um uh there is a pass thrown
to Chris, who jumps up in the air to grab it,
and it was actually I mean, for what Chris lacks
in um catching ability, he makes up for in his

his jumping skills. He's a very good levitation, very he
has a very good jump. So he jumps up. Well,
he doesn't catch the ball, but what he does do
is he falls backwards onto his back and he hits
his head against the sand, which automatically, I guess knocked.
Chris is memory just completely gone. He starts wandering the beach.

The game ends because we no longer have even sides,
and Chris takes himself to the hospital, which came out fine, nothing,
nothing major. He was okay. He showed up to rehearsal
dinner that evening. He made the most. Memory came back.
Memory came back. He remembers the love story that Ashley
and Jared portrayed to all of us. But I would say,

I will say I've never seen somebody get so hurt
in a touch football game. Never so one of my skills.
You know, I'm extra fragile, and uh, I took that
fall like a champ. Hey. I take a doctor over
an athlete any day, And I'm pretty sure most women
out there would, including your girlfriend, including my girlfriend, who

you've been with for how long? Two years? Wow? How's
it going? It's going good. COVID hasn't got us down?
Are you? How much time have you spent together during COVID?
How much time did she and I spend together? Um?
A good amount, but not all the time. Let's say
about half the week. That's pretty good. She's pretty busy

with her new jobs, so um yeah, and then our
schedules are a little bit off, but we make a
good amount of time. How has the dental intry industry,
would you, diddle Field been affected by COVID? Because when
I think about going to get it cleaning now, I'm like,
I feel pretty save a lot of places, But with
my mouth open like that, I could I feel pretty susceptible,

pretty vulnerable, it's the one place you're required not to
wear a mask. Yeah, why can't can't can't wear a
mask over your mouth? That's a dentist. Oh. I felt
like when you walked in like you couldn't have a
mask on though when you sit down in the Yeah,
that makes sense. The uh I mean, but you're you're
you're staying upright. Things are okay right now, as we

talked to Chris, he's in his scrubs and he has
a bonnet on his head. Uh. Yeah, Chris, we saw
recently you've been doing more and more kind of like
beauty tips and kind of you took over Amazon's um
Beauty Weak or whatever it was. I'm doing that on Friday, Yeah,

so we did an Amazon live There was a deal
of the day that water cad was some of their products,
so I did a live stream with them. And now
there's a special beauty Day. So I guess you know
your teeth are considered a beauty products. So a couple
of the water Pig products are going on sale and
I'm hosting a live stream of that. But what are
some of the tips that you would give to? Like? Okay,

if for any of our listeners who are not, uh,
beauty experts. Some of them probably are, but they just wonder,
what are some of the secret tips that taken care
of your teeth. What are some of the tips that
you would give. Number One, you have to be consistent. Um.
People will be on a good role with their teeth

and then they'll kind of fall off. It happens when
people get stressed out. Things happen in life. Home care
takes a you know, back seat. It feels like a
low priority. But staying consistent with is important. Um. But
you gotta clean between your teeth um, where stain develops.
Toothbrushes often can't even though you're brushing your teeth. The
stain develops in the creases of your teeth between right.

Bad breath happens from bacteria collecting between your teeth and
below your gun line. So you've got to clean those spaces.
And I'm sorry that the toothbrush alone doesn't do that.
And you know, I tried for a few years working
in dental practice, telling people the floss floss, floss floss,
using string floss, and then even the people who are good,
they're not doing it right because it's very technique sensitive.

So finally, I'm just like, okay, what else is there?
And you just take a jet stream of water and
then you power washed between your teeth. It's kind of
like simple, it makes sense, but it doesn't seem like, okay,
well is that effective. Well, you're breaking up the bacteria
and you're getting in deep for than you could with
the string, so you're really cleaning it out. But in

addition to that, with the string, you're kind of leaving
some of that debris in between your teeth, but with
the water you rinse it away. So you know, they've
done tons of studies on this and every time it's
like twice as effective as the other way a string floss.
So I just I'm a big believer it. Do you
water pick before you brush, then I do. I think

that's a great way to do it, because the reason
that we use fluoride and toothpastees is to repair the enamel.
And if the in between surfaces of your teeth are
clean from having just water floss, then when you brush,
the fluoride will soak into your teeth and repair the
sides of your teeth. Here's my issue. I have one
issue at this. So I had a water pick for

a bit, and I pick my teeth as often as
I could, But then my mirror is covered in water
pellets and it's going everywhere, and it felt disgusting and
it was hitting my face and I couldn't keep the
water inside of my mouth. It was flying everywhere. My
techniques obviously failing. How do I do this better? So

to two ways you can fix your problem. Number one,
they make a waterproof version that you can take in
the shower. That sounds fun, rechargeable, it's really cool. Um
My favorite one is the cordless Advance. But another thing
is break up your mouth into small sections, so don't
try to rinse your whole mouth out at a time

with the floss. You keep your hand like there's normally
like a power button or an on off switch, So
close your lips around the tip and then just do
five teeth and then turn it off and spit and
then repeat and repeat, so you're only getting a little
bit of water in your mouth each time. If you
switch to that method rather than trying to do the
whole thing, you're like overwhelmed, like, oh my gosh, my

mouth is filling up with water. Just break it up
into little sections overnight it will change. You won't get
the mirror anymore. I won't get on your chin or
your shirt. Huge. Well, I love the way that this
has become a beauty podcast where you're we're going to
title this Bachelor beauty. And I have two questions in
that realm for you. One whitening toothpaste. Um, I know

that a lot of dentists like, don't like don't they
think that whitening toothpaste like strips the enamel? Yes, okay,
So Jared did some research on what the best whitening
toothpaste was and it's said on the internet that it
was Armine Hammer. So he got the arm and Hammer
and I was like, this taste disgusting and how in
the world is this the number one for whitening Because

the Crest and cold Gate they just brand the out
of their whitening stuff, and I really believe it was
like all their little like sparkles in the toothpaste. And
then after a month or so, I'm like, holy crap,
your teeth are almost whiter than mine. Now. It was
a significant improvement, more than I've ever seen. And Chris
is doing a little jig over there. Are you dancing

at what I'm saying, I'm dancing. Do you like that?
You like what happened here? So, the philosophy for whitening
your teeth with the toothpaste two ways your teeth get yellow.
There's the surface stain, the junk on top of your teeth,
and then there's the internal color of your teeth. The
surface stain is minimized by keeping them, you know, keep it,

keeping that film, that plaque, keeping them off your teeth.
The other thing is bleaching the inside of your tooth,
which is like all of those things that you see
on TV or on Instagram. How do I bleach my teeth?
You use hydrogen peroxide. The certain other products that you
mentioned contain really abrasive um, little like almost sand. It's

hydrated silica, and that scratches your teeth surfaces to remove
quote unquote like the surface stain. But hydrated silica is
really damaging to enamel. So arm and hammer actually has
more um sodium bicarbonate, which is baking soda, and that's
what you taste, and it's the sodium. It's kind of
like this weird salty, grainy downside. I'm like, how you

brush your teeth with this? Yeah? Well, My favorite formula
for taste and also for just for all around is
called Bright and Strong, and it's by armad Hammer. But
the difference is that the baking soda is not abrasive
to your enamel. Instead, it breaks up the plaque in
a different way, almost in a chemical way, so it's

not as abrasive. It sort of melts it away, but
that doesn't affect your enamel at all. So that's Number one,
is that it removes the surface stains more gently and
more effectively. Number Two, it contains hydrogen peroxide, so that
day in day out you're doing this, it's soaking in
deeper than the surface, and it's brightening up from the
inside right to know, thank you, I love this stuff.

Number Two, I noticed, and I've told you this a
number of times, and I will bite the bullet one
day that my teeth are really shifting on the bottom.
And my question to you is, if you had braces
as a kid, is it inevitable that your teeth will
shift again? If you at all stop your retainer. It is,

almost without exception, inevitable. And it's because there's a genetic
adaptation where teeth are designed to shift forward. Because as
we age, our teeth actually rub against each other and
they get smaller, so gaps would develop between our teeth
unless they were shifting forward like everybody you know, stay

close in line. And then obviously ancient history people lost
their teeth a lot more frequently. If you have a
big missing space there, it's not ideal. But if your
teeth move forward to close the gap, it tends to
be better. So there's that element which is teeth move forward,
and then over time it can increase. If your bite
is off, it's if it's not stable, then um teeth

will crow out more often. And also if you get
gum disease, the bone support will actually degrade and that
makes teeth more movable and then they'll tend to lean
forward as well. So unfortunately, it's as deep as like genetics.
So you need to keep your retainer in to maintain
straight teeth pretty much no matter what. There's not many
things I'm great at in life, but I am really

good at wearing my retainer. I wear every night. Chris,
I just want to tell you that so that you
would feel like I'm a little bit better a human. Um.
I hope that worked. It's it's a genuine need. But yes,
then you always know how to sweet talk to me.
I'm really getting in deep here. I'm pretty good at
it actually, any more beauty tips, Well, no, I do

have a marketing ploy for you though. So if I
was a publicist of a boy band, like a publicism
boy band, I would tell them too that they all
have to remain single in order to get the girls
to come to the concerts, you know, because the girls
need to have that fantasy of getting with them. With you,
as the hot dentist opening a new office, I would
have not even brought up your girlfriend and just tried

to get everybody that listens to our podcast to go
to your office. And then when they're there and sucked
in by your talent, then they'd be like, oh, he's
not single, darn it. They see the picture on the
desk of him and his girl smiling. Well, Chris to
in this to talk about your girlfriend the one last time.
I have two big questions for you. Okay, one's gonna
be a softball question and I'll wait to end it

with that. The first one is, how is your girlfriend's breath?
My girlfriend, Well, come on, I'm on her about brushing
and filosting. Twice a day, so she's perfect and you
know what, not accept anything different than that. But fortunately
she's kind of like a neat freak and health freak anyways,

so it didn't take long. But she's got the water pick,
she's got the toothpaste, so it's it's minty all the time.
You're getting all giddy talking about that. When you get giddy, yeah,
but we start talking about your girlfriend's breath and you're
worman in your chair. You're smiling big. I mean, you
know how to get to Chris's hard. The last question
for you, buddy, is what what are your favorite characteristics

about your girlfriend? Like, what do you really like after
two years? What have you learned that you really appreciate
about her? She's just such a sweetheart. I mean, she
she cares about me so much. If I'm stressed out,
she's there for me. She's supportive, and she really is encouraging.
I mean, if you know, you have self doubt sometimes

and she just like believes in me so much, so
I would say that that's the thing. Also, we can
talk and talk and talk forever. She's always got um
like something interesting to say, and I feel like that
for me in the past, that's been uh kind of
a hold up? Is you just kind of run out
of things to talk about? But she and I are
always having some good conversations, so I don't know if

she's just very engaging and she's gotta big heart. Let's
talk about your extralfriend. Caitlin Burstow for a second, are
you watching her? I'm Dancing with the Stars. Oh my gosh,
she did so good. Even later dog out thought she
did well. I saw that. I mean, I'm I'm so
happy for Caitlin because eat any one of these elements

in isolation would have been enough to just make everything
for make her year. But they're all happening together and
she's actually doing well, So I know it'd be hard
to have, Like it would be two bachelorettes in a
row if she wins, right, Yeah, I know that'd be
seems unprecedented. Yeah, I think she could do it. Bachelor
Nation strong, they support, they love hard, come on, stick together,

Bachelor Nation. It's been a rough year for Bachelor Nation
with COVID and having to wait for the shows like
Rally Around. Caitlin. Absolutely, I love that advice. Now if
people want to visit you become a new patient. Where
should they go to? Those are the longest way list.

You can go to my website UM vision donal MV
dot com that's m V for mor Vista, or you
can go to tooth Stagram UM or my regular Instagram page. Also,
I wanted to throw out there. Starting at four am tomorrow,
I'm going to be doing a media blitz with water Picks,
So I'm doing like fifteen to twenty interviews UM across

like the nation about water Pick products, going on local
news shows. So they've been keeping me busy recently. Are
you going to be like on the cover of water
Pick the Box? Because I feel like you should. It
would be a great selling point. UM. Maybe you know
that's but I don't buy a lot of things for
the box, but I'd buy that box right there. Chris

Stranburger the man. We love you, Thanks for coming on, UM,
thanks for sharing your beauty tips with us, and best
of luck to you and the girlfriend as you move forward.
Chris Stranberg, fantasic Love you guys, up to you soon first, Chris,
love you to bye bye. Chris is always great, sweet guy.

UM and UH and to your listeners, we want to
remind you once again to follow our Instagram page. We
are tracking it. We've been very active on posting on it,
which is awesome. It's on Instagram. It's almost underscore famous podcast.
Go out and follow that for all of the clips
from our show, some more behind the scenes, uh footage.

It's It's gonna be a lot of fun for us
to interact with you in a different way, but we
also always love it when you email us. Continue to
email us at Ben and Ashley at iHeart media dot com. Uh.
And we got an email from Maddie that we're gonna
respond to right now. She says, I have this burning question,
ses you two seem to have a great relationship with
everyone in Bachelor Nation. Does it ever feel hard to

give headlines on good friends of yours? Even if they're
positive headlines? Well, not positive headlines. In my opinion, the
headlines are always easy, but uh, these controversial headlines, especially
that we've been getting over the past year, have been
very awkward to talk about. And even if you're not
friends with them, you've met them a few times and

I feel like what Ben always says about in depth podcast,
once you know someone, it's hard to ever it's hard
to not like them. Yeah, so so yeah, it's it's
a challenge to talk about some of these topics about
our friends and acquaintances. But we also hope that they
respect that this is like our job and that they

have chosen to be public figures who should expect to
be spoken about in the media. I mean, some of
my friends. If I were to do something, uh that
was off center and I would expect me to talk
about it, I'd have no problem with that. It wouldn't
be fun, right, It's not ideal, but that's the world
that we live in. I will say this though before,

like especially right now, like Colton and Cassie are a
a scenario we can talk about going on right now,
Ashley and I do spend time off of the podcast
talking about each other's emotions and feelings and trying to
get to a place that's not um unhealthy. I guess
would like at least a place that's been thought through

and not speaking from reaction, but speaking from hey, what's
being reported, what are people saying? How do you feel
about this? How do I feel about it? And then
we can come on here and have a little bit
of a wiser conversation that still touches everything that we're
feeling and thinking. It just not might not be so reactionary,
because I think reaction will get us into trouble and

oftentimes have us saying things that just aren't true. That
just becomes more difficult because it takes more time. But
it's not fun and it's all I mean, let's just
be honest with everything here. Like you all are fans
of the of the Bachelor and the Bachelor at it's
not fun for you either to hear these headlines, Like
it's not like you're celebrating the fact that there's trauma.
There's drama and trauma and issues going on in the

lives of these people who you've watched and rooted for
and celebrated. Like it's hard for everybody involved, including the people.
But we have the unique position that we need to
talk about it because it is what we signed up for.
It is what we've agreed to do. It's not fun, though,
and we hope that all these people know that if
they do want to platform and talk about it, that
we are giving it to them here too. So we

never want to just talk about them. We like to
talk with them if they feel comfortable. Well, actually, It's
been another week of the Almost Famous podcast and has
you you go heal that face years? Is that the
right way? Okay, yeah, it's it's healing. And I also
want to thank everybody who wrote on our message boards

on Facebook. The Almost Famous message boards is a really
fun place for us to go and look to for
feedback on the podcast, and you guys have given us
some good feedback there and are helpful feedback. And I
also just want to let you know that all of
those suggestions that you guys had for in depth podcasts
are definitely being considered. I'm thinking you guys. Emily Maynard,

she hasn't responded to us. We really really wanted to
come on. So if you can do anything to push that,
we'd love that. Um not push too hard to be rude,
but you know, like a loving push. And then I
think Karin is a great idea for an in depth too,
So keep that feedback coming. We love you so much,
and uh for now, then you've got to sign off first,

because that's how we do it. Yeah that's right. Well, Hey,
thank you all, Thank you Ashley, And with that that's
another week I've been been. I've been Ashley to Telu
y'all Leader, followed the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous
podcast on IHUR Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
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