All Episodes

February 2, 2023 31 mins

Our Almost Famous OG Trista Sutter is hanging out with new Bachelor host Jesse Palmer to get the real story of what it’s like to be the “face” of the show!
Find out how things have changed since Jesse was the Bachelor and why he wishes he could be the lead now!
And we hear a major secret about Zach’s season!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the almost famous podcast with our radio. Hi everybody,
this is Trista with the A F O G Podcast.
We are back. I'm so excited. I do have to
say though, that I am very sad because my co
host Bob Guinea is not here today. We are um

dividing and conquering in terms of the podcast where he
is in Karmel, and you guys can edit this out
if you need to. He's in Carmel interviewing Zach and
I am home and I am getting the chance to
interview Jesse. Jesse is our host with the most who
was our first Canadian Bachelor, and I'm really excited to

just chat with him. We have not talked since he
got his job, and or we have not talked since
he became the Bachelor host and the Bachelorette host and
the Bachelor Barrett Ice host. Pretty good gig if you
ask me, Um, I'm sure he is having a lot
of fun, but I want to talk to him all
about how he's liking it, his personal life and of

course this season of the Bachelor. And here we go.
It's good seeing you, by the way, Oh my gosh,
it's so good to see you. I'm so excited to chat.
We have not been able to chat since you know. Actually, okay,
please remind me because I'm a little bit older than you,

so please show me some grace because I have memory issues.
Have we met before we I think we have officially
met very very quickly once, uh somewhere with Ryan, but
we have never done this together in like a professional capacity. Yeah,
or had an extended conversation. I know I would have
remembered that, but um, yeah, if we said hi, I Apploian.

I'm so bad these days, Jesse, I don't remember my name.
Sometimes as we get older, we'll trust me. I think
I'm I'm always blaming football concussions on my failure, right,
so I have something to fall back on that way,
But I'm I'm I'll tell you man, it's crazy. I
was just thinking about this earlier. It is like, it's

amazing how many seasons have happened since you and I
were both on this thing, and how it's just changed.
It evaulved so much as crazy. It's you know, I was.
I was actually doing a bunch of interviews this morning
and that was a question, how has it changed? And
I mean, there's so many ways that it's changed. It's

hard to like come up with one profound answer, but, um,
how do you feel like it's changed because your seat
has changed? You know, you went from being the guy
as the Bachelor to being the what are we going
to call it, the friend, the counselor the obviously the host.

But how do you feel like it's changed having that
front row seat? Yeah, well, you know my role, as
you said, it's looking at everything through a completely different
lens obviously, right. Um, yeah, I don't know, Like I
just feel like, you know, from my time as being
the Bachelor, I feel like the budget of the show
is way bigger. I feel like people are going on
way better, better adventures. Like I got to write an elephant,

which was awesome, but that was like that was like
the Pinnacle versus like Zach, who's like, you know, these
people are now taking like helicopter rides and lading on. Yeah,
it's like the Mediterranean. Those are those are things I
never saw. Um, and I think to like, just Bachelor
Nation is grown and grown and grown, and with the
advent of social media that obviously wasn't around when I

did it, it's just made it an entirely different platform.
And it's just the scope of everything now. I just
think it's so so much bigger and different huge. You're
so right, I mean the budget in particular. I was
just laughing earlier today because Ryan and I went to Seattle,

which is awesome. I love Seattle, I love theat I
would not have turned down flying on a helicopter and
landing on a yacht in the Aximas or in Australia
or you know what I mean. You know, damn, I

know it. Um, Okay, so you had some pretty big
shoes to fill clearly with Harrison have well, First of all,
have you talked to him? I haven't talked to him. No,
I'm really happy for him, though. Yeah. I know he's
got his new podcast. I haven't listened to it, but um,
if anyone's if anyone is able to talk about pop culture,
I know he's a huge fan of that. So I'm

just really happy for him and wish him the best
of us on his next venture. Yeah, of course. Um,
did you feel like pressure coming into that position, considering
Harrison had been doing it for for so long? And
I feel like the you know, the people Bachelor Nation
and were you know, there were there were a lot

of people who were upset. Did you feel pressure or
how did you feel? Because you know, I tried to
come in and just just be myself. You know, I
think I have a lot of my football background to
sort of lean on for that at times when you
go to different teams and you know, fans are used
to a certain player who's playing your position, and all

you can really do is just sort of go in
and and be yourself and not try to be somebody else. So,
you know, obviously, as a fan of the franchise, you know,
having been the Bachelor and then having watched for years
and years and years, I just I sort of, you know,
really decided to come in and just really try to
be myself, you know, and and try to own it

the best I could just being me, um, because I
thought that would be the most authentic thing and that
would come across the most natural. So, um, you know,
obviously I'm still I'm still figuring it out right. It's
still so new to me in so many different ways.
And and you know, this season of the Bachelor for me,
hosting is a lot different than when I hosted with

Clayton as the Bachelor, um, and so different, well, you know,
I think the bachelors are different, the personalities are different,
the casts are different, and you know it's I think
when you're a host, you wear so many different hats. UM.
I feel like with with Zach, you know, I've I've

had to sort of learn that you know when to be,
when to be went to where a certain had at
different times. For instance, Zack's you know this is a
really emotional season. Um. Yeah, it's the most It's easily
the most emotional that that I hosted. UM. And I
think a big part of that is because how intentional
everybody is. I think what made this very unique for

me at least was how many women got out of
the limo and looked at Zack and said, hey, I'm
really happy it's you or I'm here because of you.
And I know Zach is really sort of as people
have seen. I think through the first two episodes, he's
really gone out of his way to to try to
give as many women as he could time. He wants
to get to know as many as possible. He took

everybody on a date UM this past episode, so you know,
he's really he's really intent on on making this work
and finding his person Um. But I think a lot
of the a lot of the drama that unfolds throughout
the course of this year. I think it's very organic
in the sense that it's not it's not necessarily a Cattinus.

It's it's people falling in love and people getting their
hearts broken. And I think goodbyes for Zach are really tough.
He Um, He's he's the type of guy that just
does not want to hurt anybody's feelings. Um. And so
for me, you know where when you know when when
pass leads would say goodbye, they would just sort of

say goodbye, and it was it was a tough moment.
They kind of head back on in the mansion and
kind of collect everybody and tell them where we're off
to next. With With Zach, he really like felt the moment.
And you know, there's times people will see as we
move along, when when there's a goodbye, whether it's planned
or it's not planned, but there happens after a ros ceremony,
or it happens premature to a ROAs ceremony somewhere, we'll see. Um,

the further he goes, the harder he takes it, and
he really needs time to sort of collect himself and
he's sort of this present, he's in the moment, and
it was some of those moments where sometimes you know
you've got to kind of as a host go back
in there and and be a shoulder to cry and
you got to give the guy a hug sometimes, And
so it was. It was just a different It was
a different overall field based on the fact that Zack

is authentic to himself. He's his own guy, and it
was a bit of a different, a different journey than
some of the others that I've I've posted so far. Yeah,
are there times when you want to jump in and

go do something when they're pretty and are you a
producer at this point? Okay, so are there times when
you want to jump in and do something different than
the producer? Or have there been Has there been a
time like that where you've wanted to do something and um,
it hasn't been something that the producers have said that

you can do any moments like that. Yeah, I think
I haven't had to too many of those. I would
say that what I'm trying to do and I'm trying
to be as mindful as i can about this, just
not making it about myself, um, you know, and always
trying to interject with my advice because it's really it's
not about me, you know, it's about Zach, and it's

about the women. I mean, it's it's about the women
as much as it is about Zack. It's their journey too,
And so you know, as you know, the journey kind
of it, it takes itself out on its own course
and it goes where it will. Zack's journey certainly does
not go totally out. He thinks it's going to go um,
and there are a bunch of twists and turns and

things that he's prepared for. He's got a lot of
difficult decisions still ahead of him. Um. You know, my
job is to try to be there and be a
confidante for him, and to be an ally and and
a voice of reason and and to give advice if
Zach wants it and wants to ask for it. Zach
is that and by the way, he does do that.
And and obviously he also has Sean who's who's there

for him as well, the sort of to give him
some some some added perspective. But you know, I just
I think as the host, you got to be careful
not to not to constantly be jumping in, you know,
and because because you know, I don't want to derail,
you know, where Zack's going. And by the way, you know,
things that I think Zach should do aren't necessarily right

for Zach. Zach knows himself better and what he wants
than I do. And so I'm just I'm always trying
to be sort of sort of thoughtful and aware of that.
Just available. Yeah, always, yeah, always there, and there's you know,
and there are times certainly that I do have to
go in and and be there for him, no doubt Jack.
But I think you have to pick those moments carefully

and thoughtful, because like, I don't need Zack thinking I'm
always like peeking over his shoulder and I'm hiding in
the bushes, like ready to jump in and like save
the guy. It's like, you know, you're proud of him.
You want to go out and do it, but you know,
but you you gotta let him figure it out for
himself too, Yeah, of course. Um okay, So what has
been your favorite part of this new job for you?

I think it's just meeting meeting the people. I I
just love people. I love being around them and I
love getting to know them and so you know, it's
that that to me has been It's been a lot
of fun and I've stayed in touch with a lot
of them. Um, and so it's really really cool. Um
it's fun sometimes to be on a season and then
see them again in Paradise and kind of see where

that goes. And you know, try to help people, you know,
find their person and find love. And we've been successful
in doing that as well. Uh. And then I have
to say, because we've already touched on it, uh, but
avel doesn't suck, no kidding, right, it's a totally new thing.
I wish we could have. Well, I mean this season

on Zach season, he hit like the jackpot when it
came to travel. So you know, when we leave California,
we go to the Bahamas and we go to London
and we go to Estonia, place the show has never
been and I don't even know where that is. It's
like eastern Europe. It's like close to lot and Riga
and the Bay of Finland. It's like right across from

from Finland. It's and I've actually been there before. It's
an amazing place. Um. So so I was really excited
for Zack on that. Uh. And then we also go
to Budapest, which is this incredibly beautiful and charming old
city with tons of history. Um yeah, Zach like totally
lucked out. There's the things that you and I never
got to do. We did not Pacific Pacific Northwest is great.

I just know Zack Za gets a sort of im not.
I'm not cutting on Seattle, but I definitely would have
loved to go to buddhadest um okay um. Compared to
ESPN because you have hosted or commentated or been an

analyst on ESPN, So compared to esp comparing ESPN to
The Bachelor, what is what's your face like? If you
had to pick one? I don't know. It's like hard
because like football is my wheelhouse. It's what I've always done,
and I've been doing that, you know, I've been I've
been working at ESPN for seventeen years now. It's crazy. Yeah,

I've been there a long time and I love it.
I love football, and it's like, you know, you're My
role really is an analytical role. You talk about football,
you talk about what you see, you give your opinions
on that you do it in forty second sound bites.
It's all live all the time, and then you're out
where this is a totally different animal. And I think
what I love about this is that, you know, because

I'm so new at it, still I still get nervous.
I still have those feels, um, you know, but I'm
fanning out as well because you know, having been The
Bachelor and having been a fan of the franchise. I
just love where I am and I love what I'm doing,
and I love the people. And like we talked about earlier,
you wear so many different hats. It's never so much analytical.
It's it's being a therapist at times, you know, being

a shoulder to cry on, being a cheerleader, giving advice,
being a mentor. All those different things were really really fun.
So um, I love I'm lucky that I get to
do both at the same time. And it's just they
just balance and play off each other so well. They
are incredible jobs. I mean I know that my husband
when you were announced as um working in college football,

he was you know, I feel like he would have
so much fun at that job actually, to the point
that he was like, you should go do that. I'm like, No,
I know nothing about football compared to you, and I
would be horrible as you would be great. You would
be amazing, sweet, but would be incredible. Listen, I know

Ryan a little bit because my football agent also knows Ryan,
Peter Schaefer from Colorado. You are Peter Schaefer's client. Yes,
he was my agent when I played football. I know.
It's like six degrees of separations. So I've known all
about Ryan and how much he loves football. But I
can tell right away you're super talented. If you ever
wanted to do it, that would be something you'd be amazing.

Oh you're the sweetest, um. But yeah, no, there's no
way I would stress out too much. Like it comes
naturally to guys like you and Ryan who have played
in the NFL. Like it comes naturally. You did it
for so long, it's part of who you are. For me,
I could commentate on a dance competition, but not a

football game. Nope, not for me. But I'll leave it
to you guys the pros. Um. Okay, so I I
think this is um. This is something that I would
worry about as a host, is if I said something
Because I do this? Everyone does this, right, You go

to a party, you're talking to somebody and you say
something that you're like, why did I say that? Or
you think about it like an hour later the next
day and you're you're like, oh, that just makes me
want to cringe that I said that. Is there anything
that you've said so far or in a way that
you've said it, that you've you've just totally regretted saying

it or cringed at the fact that you said it.
It's hard. I mean, I in general hate seeing myself
on TV. I was like it when I played football.
I hate it when I played football. I used to
hate watching myself play back, and when I see myself
on ESPN after, I absolutely hate it. I hate my voice.
I hate the way I say things. It's not how

I think I sound, because what I've learned is it's
never as good as you thought. Like there were times
when I played or there's times I say things and
I'm like, heck, yeah, that was smooth. That was host
you my friend or a host, And then I watched
it back and replay and I'm like, that was so basic.
That's said. There was nothing about that that was unique

or special. Why did you think it was so good.
But what I've also learned is while it's never as
good as you think, it's also never quite as bad
as you think too. You're so right there. Ever, are
times where you kind of say something, or you set
something up, or you know, you're you know, whatever it
is on the show, like like the things I get
really fired up for. This is probably really a stupid thing.

But you know when you go in and you know
when you dropped the date cards. Sometimes when when the
women are the guys are all in the room and
you're telling them where they're flying to next, and you're
it's gonna be a big reveal and it's gonna be
like this really incredible international destination. Everybody, go pack your
bags and get out because your flight leaves in an hour.
Let's go. In my mind, I always make it sound
like I think I'm making it seem like it's just

this huge, amazing thing, And sometimes I watch it back
and I'm like, you really sort of let your foot
off the gas on that one, Like you didn't really
like drive at home, you know. And I know part
of it is the fact that normally we've had a
rose ceremony the night before and you've like slept for
like three hours maybe when you go back in the
mansion to tell everybody. So it's like you're like stumbling

in everybody's half awake and they have to go back.
But I always wish like I would, I would deliver
that with a lot more. We'll see, We'll see how
it goes on Zach season, because like I'm fired up
for them because they're getting to go to these amazing
places and so yes, hopefully that hopefully it comes across better,
but it's again never as good as I thought, never
quite as bad. Also, yeah, that's a great way to

look at it. I think you're right. I remember hearing
something from someone about, um, don't worry too much about
what other people think, because they really aren't thinking that
much about you, you know, like, don't worry so much.
It's not good, you know, just do you? And yeah, um, okay,
So I would love to know like about you personally.

Obviously you being on the show as the host, we
don't get to know a lot about who Jesse is
and you're like day to day. I would love to
know how you met your wife and tell me a
little bit about her. Yeah, thanks, So I'm super lucky.
I'm married to this amazing woman who's way out of
my league. And I met Emily. Emily's from Brazil and

she lived in New York City for eleven years. I
was there for twenty one years. I stuck around after
I played during all my different TV stuff, and I
actually met Emily in a very organic way, which I'm
really happy about. I met her at a boxing class actually,
uh in New York City. Yeah. So I watched this
gorgeous woman, all sweaty, and she was punching this bag

and she was just beating the crap out of it.
And I was so turned on, but I was also
kind of scared. And it was like this this like
fine line in the middle, and I was like, man,
if I'm ever lucky enough to date this woman, I
am never gonna lie to her. All right, good, And
so that's kind started. Yeah, it's just kind of how
it started. And our first date was a boxing class

and then it kind of involved the protein shakes and
then lunches. Emily really slow play. She really kind of
wanted to see what I was about. Um, And you know,
here we are, like almost six years later, and uh,
she's still putting up with me, so it's great. Stop.
I mean, I'm sure if you speak French to her,

she's like a puddle. She's yeah, she's she. It's like
when she speaks Portuguese to me. I love it when
she speaks to her parents or her friends. You're just
sort of sitting there and you're like, coma just uh.
You probably just called me a bunch of bad names,
but I don't care. It sounds amazing. Who cares? Yeah,
your lunch order is making me drool? Are you guys

based out of New York? Still? We know? We moved
to Miami actually back in April. Amazing. It was over
the cold weather. Oh that's amazing. I actually lived in
Miami for seven years. I went to University of Miami
and dance. I didn't when we were there, um Coral Gables,

so I stayed close to school and UM. And then
I worked at Miami Children's Hospital, which it's called something
else now it's the Children's hospital there, but I was
like five minutes away from work, which was amazing that
it was fun. They actually just announced that we're having

a reunion in March where all of the Heat dancers
are going to come and we get to dance on
the court, um and just re unite, and I'm trying
to make it work. I don't know, but I'll let
you know. If we come to Miami, Um, I'm glad
to see. Do you ever bump into Ashley or JP?
I do not since I've been down there, And I

also haven't been there at Ton too. It's like with
the schedule, I'm sort of there for a couple of
days and I'm gone. But Emily is so happy. We're
close to the beach and we've got the dog and
she she walks the dog into the water every morning
and it's just like her paradise that it's great love
it has she been able to travel with you, she has,

which is really really important for us and our relationship
because I'm I'm constantly on the go, and so what's
really really neat is that she gets to come out
to l A when we're filming in l A. And
then on some of these trips we take, she's able
to kind of pop out and join along. And so
over the last year and a half she's got to
sort of meet everybody on the crew and there's like,

you know, the Bachelor crew, it's like it's like four deep.
There's so many people and so there's a lot of
familiarity there with her, which is really nice, meeting people
in our producers and like the camera people in the US,
an audio and everyone that that makes the show so great. Um,
she's kind of she's kind of becoming, you know, sort
of this extended part of that family, which is which
has been really really cool, and it's it's great for

us to be able to spend that time away from
home too. Yeah, of course, I think it's so important
to get away. And like I said, I was doing
some interviews this morning and people were celebrating our twentieth
wedding anniversary in December, and you know, the question has
come up, what's your what's your secret? Or you know,
how do you keep going? And I think it's all

about prioritization and making sure that your relationship is is
at the top of the list. You know, when you're
when you're traveling, you try to do stuff together. When
when you our home, you try to do stuff together.
And just making sure that each other knows that, yeah,

you are each other's top priority. I think that's that's
the best way to go about life and make or
that you're happy. Um, so are you guys looking to
expand your family at all? And got something more? No,
we we've talked about Yeah, we would love to have kids,

and so I think we're sort of both at a
point where we're ready to have a little Jesse's and
emilies running around. So we're you know, we're excited and
hopeful and we'll see what happens. Yeah right, I mean
she's got a busy schedule following you around, but hopefully
you can have little bachelor babies. And I've waited, Yeah,
I've waited a long time to do this. I mean

it took me a lot of years to finally get
down on the knees. So I feel like it's it's
time to kind of hustle it up a little bit,
start getting Yeah, it's a little ones running around now. Yeah,
I have two younger brothers. Okay, have kids, so I
gotta kid. Oh you do they have kids? Yes? I
have four nephews. Oh so your parents are like, Okay,

it's time let's go. Yeah, time for a second time
for a little girl. That would be great? Oh yes,
would you? Would you be? You know, I hate saying
this because as a parent. You can't pick a favorite.
And when I was pregnant, Everyone's like, what do you
hope you would have? Um? I just wanted a healthy baby.

But do you feel like being a girl dad would be?
You know, in your wheelhouse? Or would you rather be
a football with a little boy? I mean, you hit
it on the head. For me, it would just be
if we had you know, at this point, beggars can't
be choosers. I'll take anything, totally, take anything. And hey,

you can have a daughter and throw the football with
the daughter. Totally totally. I just I would. I would
love to have a little a little baby girl, and
because I know I would be a total daddy's girl
and she would have me wrapped around her finger and
I would do it. I would do it without any hesitation.
We just somehow don't make a lot of girls in

our family. I have two brothers. My brother has three boys.
My other brother has a boy. So something's got to give.
I think it's me. I'm going to manifest this. You're
going to do it right now? Yes, every night, you're
just going to think about it. Okay, So I'm sure
this is your job. Let's go one job. Um, Okay,

I want to end on UM on Zack season, give
us a little tease if you if you will. Obviously
I know you can't spoil anything. It comes with a job.
But is there something you can tell us that you
haven't told anyone else, or something you can tell us
about this season that is super exciting that we'll get
people to listen to this podcast, you know, like like

for me, like I what I what I kind of
feel and why I'm so excited about this season, especially
for Bachelor fans out there and people that have been
watching the show a long time, including when we were
we were on the show. UM, is that I think
this is gonna feel very nostalgic to a lot of them. Um.
This season really is a throwback in the sense that
it is so much more about the love story and

less about the drama. There absolutely is drama, no doubt
about it, and you can't like you can't avoid that,
but that's not going to be the prevailing, overriding theme
of this season. We know Zack's intentions on being there
and these women are very intent as well. They can't
you know, they really are there for Zach and so,
like we were talking about earlier, UM, it's extremely emotional

and and you know, we're sort of going to ride
the lightning and ride the wave here with Zack as
he tries to navigate all of this. But um, you know,
his his soul main focus is finding love. He's not
there to play the drama. And you kind of saw
that in in this most recent episode. He just Zack
is able to make decisions and not let things manifest

and fester. He he he can, he can step up.
He can make tough decisions and move on. I think
that's endearing him right now a lot with a lot
of the women in the house. Um, and so you know,
I I just spoke with Zach. I can't give the
ending away. Zach is extremely happy and he wouldn't change
anything about how this journey unfolds. So there's just a

lot of kind of old Bachelor vibes going on. We've
got the Bachelor Bowl coming up in the next episode,
which is something that's become synonymous with the franchise. There's
a massive pool party, which we had on my season
at the Mansion when I was a Bachelor's acts about
the partake and that coming up as well. And there's
just you know, I think people are just going to
sort of see and feel a lot of a lot

of the love, which which really at the core of
this show. That's what it is about. That's what it
should be about. And I think we're really sort of
getting back to that on this season. Good. That's why
I've always watched. I feel like I love love and
I love to see a love story unfold and root
for the couple and and you know, see how it

pans out after the show. So I'm glad to hear that.
I mean, I wish only the best for every single
person who has filled the shoes that we have been
lucky enough to Phil Prior, and um, I hope that
for Zach too, So thank you so much. I do
have one last question, So, um, do you think you

can put a word in that you know, Shan Low
is great and all, and he's successful in his relationship,
and you know he's got kids and they're very happy.
What about me, Like, dude, Hello, you're on, I will
be the messenger for you. You're ready. No, I'm like, dude,

they must have something against me. I must have done
something wrong because I am never asked to come back.
And you know, Zach was like Oh, Sean's been married
for however long, I can't remember how long he's been
married for. And he's super successful in relation relationship. And
I'm like, yeah, I know me too, what I was

on it way before that. Just over here, I'm just
I'm getting ready for a dance. I'll totally be the
messenger for you. Put a good word. I thought you
were going to ask me for a job at ESPN.
I was like, yes, would die he would be so excited.

Oh my goodness, Jesse, thank you so much for your time,
for your energy. I think you're doing a great job.
It's great to watch you and and I'm glad you're
there to support our our new little siblings. Little siblings
is the little gaffers running all over. It's so great
being on with you. Thank you so much, Thank you, Jesse.

All Right, we'll see you all right, cool, have a
great day, have time in those interviews. Oh yeah, you're
the high point. We'll see okay. Bye,
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