All Episodes

August 29, 2022 58 mins

This episode was taped just prior to the passing of our beloved "Nat"/Joe E. Tata.
We are deeply saddened by the loss and send prayers and love to his family.
We look forward to honoring the tremendous life of our "Nat".

We hope you enjoy The Prom.

Donna is drunk and we must commend Tori on her drunk acting.  She explains how she did it and you too can use this tip if you ever need to act drunk convincingly.
Jennie is opening up to Kelly and Dylan as a couple.  Find out why.
What do we think Andrea and Brandon did in the Bel Age hotel room?  And did you notice the complimentary fruit basket?

Did Celeste just come out of nowhere?  Tori explains what she thought she missed!
Plus, the differences between Jennie and Tori's real life proms.
Get out your disposable cameras and lets go to the West Beverly Prom!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
He nine O two one OMG. Family, We wanted to
let you all know that this episode was recorded before
the passing of joe Etada, our beloved Nat. We will
be honoring and celebrating the life of Joey very very soon,
and all our prayers and blessings and love go out
to his family, his friends, and his fans who were

like family to him. Now, please enjoy a night to remember. Recap.
It's our prom episode and we love and appreciate you
all very very much. It's with Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling. Okay,

you guys, we are back with another episode of nine
O two one OMG, and it's prom from Oh my
Gosh excited. Wait a second, Amy Sugarman. Wait, you guys
misspelling and I are dressed for prom and you are
not was and we know she got the memo because

we all three talked about it, and so yeah, this
is not fair. Wait, Tori is dressed like a rock,
like an eighties rock goddess for prom. You guys look amazing.
This close is a homage I could get to the
black dress I had and and the hair do I

don't know. I saw it needs to be up. But
you know I hate my hair up and this is
a little bit of an homage to your first wedding.
Do it needs to be more like straight up and
down though, yeah, like to do. But I wish i'd
listen to you. This is my I'm wearing my This
is one of my daughter's dresses out of her closet.

It's the only thing I could find. It looks like
a prom, looks like something Brenda might wear. Kelly, I think, yeah,
I think Kelly. I did this uh French twist as
a like sort of a tribute to our hair stylist.
While because I remember we would I would say, can
you just give me like an updue, like something cute,

like an updude, and they would always give us a
French twist that'd be I never got that such twist.
I had it all the time, and I used to say, wait,
have it in this episode? Yeah, I said, used to say, wait, no,
I don't like it. It looks like a sharp past.
But it's that's the only way I could describe it. Like.
It looks like a like a but a hole of
a sharp pay That makes the perfect visual. Thank you listening.

Wait and she still looks good years later. This episode
is probably one of the best of all time. Amy,
do you text us? Didn't you say? I had to
watch it twice? It was twice did I literally ordered
Chinese food and I didn't because you know, we take
notes and we have to do like work things. I
sat back to my Chinese food and watched it all

the way through once, no papers, no pens, just loving
my life, and then I immediately literally hit restart and
watch it again and took my notes. I love that
it is iconic. Tory Bravo like Bravo yours is so

good in this episode. I love it when you play drunk,
You're like, like, it's so cute. There are two things
in this episode that, for some reason I will never
not have, Like a polaroid picture Donna drunk dancing with

her hands over her head and then she like touches
her boobs and she's just all drunk. And for some reason,
Jason slashed Brandon when he goes into the prom and
does that, he goes head move like it's like I've
seen it every day. Eddie says good night. Remember used

to say that all the time, And we saw that
and heard that every day, So yes, we know what
you're talking about. What I think? What did you guys? Thun?
I loved it. I loved it. I loved everything I
could have watched. This could have been a two parter.
Well it kind of will it is. I get in trouble,

Oh my god, and he kisses the forehead, kisses your forehead.
It's not gonna be okay. I agree. I could have
watched two hours. I could have watched every single scene,
double in length, Andrea and Brandon in the bedroom, the
party at malls, the vomiting and the toilet, the drunk,

every dancing, every single thing. I could have watched versions
of each scene completely. Yeah. In case you guys don't
know what we're talking about, we are talking about episode
twenty seven of season three, A Night to Remember. It
aired April n Give us a synopsis, Donna synopsis. Brenda

and Brandon are dateless for the senior prom. School announcement
is made to any student caught at senior problem drinking, intoxicated,
or with illicit drugs will be suspended from school and
from gradually. Waiting footballer Tony Miller asked Brenda prom on
the day of the event, and Andrea asked Brandon at
the last moment after her date, Jordan Bonner gets ill,

Steve takes Celeste London. Steve takes celesque Lundy, while Dylan
naturally goes with Kelly. Donna doesn't eat all day. Good
scroll up. Sorry, Uh, this is the longest synopsis I've
ever read. Uh damn it. Okay, Donna doesn't eat all

day so that she will fit into her prom dress.
She is hit harder by pre prom champagne than the
rest of the gang, appears to be drunk it prom
and ends up collapsing in front. Directed by Richard Lang,
written by Steve Westerman and Jessica Klein. Oh, that's also
why it was so. It was written by like your
best writers. So good, it was so. I love the

way the episode starts out on the old time e prom.
I love that. I wanted to go to that prom. Yes,
why did they do that? Though it was rammed it
made no sense, but I loved that for our show.
But I loved it so good. I wanted to go
to that slow fade into the high school. Yeah, for
no reason. So first, just give me like your gut

reactions five words that your your feels about it. Fashion,
makeup and hair. Fun. I wanted to be there. I
wanted to be in that limo. It looks so fun.
Uh do you remember it being fun party? Like when

you were shooting it, Like, were you guys enjoyed? I do?
I remember being like a special you know, everybody was
dressed up, and I remember it seems like that when
everybody's dressed up and and you kind of come out
of hair and makeup or you're dressing room one by
one and everybody gets a good look at you for
the first time. They're like, oh wow, wow, it's fun.

It was. Did you get any input in your dresses?
I mean, I don't know what. What did you say,
give me the tightest possible dress there ever was made?
I don't know, but I got I felt like the
whole look in general was kind of not Donna, but

that's why I loved it. Like the strapless long dressing
usually she were short and like it was long but strapless.
And then the hair, and then the makeup like smoky
eyes but light like nude lips, kind of what's in now.
It like wasn't very like what you would wear at
the time. And then they like the curls hair. I

don't know. That's it's one of my favorite outfits on her,
even though I can't imagine I wasn't a little uncomfortable
with the big hair and light lips and I don't know,
but well you you're you kind of looked different than normal,
and so did Brenda. Brenda's look at Prome was like wait,
record scratch, like what, I gotta be honest. I remember

not loving it then, and I remember not loving it now.
You remember that loving it now? From left the metallic
I love the dress, met the dress. I love dress
look right on her and like a good love. I
feel like you wore a similar dress to the gold
globe boards. I feel like Kelly's was met. That's how

I felt about it. But do you know what I
mean when I'm talking about it's a little sparkly, but
yours is more of a like Beijie sparkle dress. I
love to look it up. It's very similar. It look
better on you. But you know, Donna, we're we gotta
go back to Kelly's effeto for a second. Yeah, I
felt like you looked beautiful, but I wish the dress

was more. I wish it was very It felt like oh,
we've seen this look before. Yeah, I thought so, but
I loved it. Do you think that was intentional though,
because Donna really steals the night. I mean, she's a
show stopper. And then the focus is then Donna's drunk.
She ruined everybody's prom. Yeah, you ruined the prom. Oh

my god, if you're Shennanigans, yeah, you ruined the night.
To remember, I'm mad at you. It's okay, You've been
there many other nights that I've ruined by doing the
exact same thing. I heard. Donna's dress was so conducive
to the drunkenness because it's so tight, it's low, she's
kind of drunk pulling it up. Like I feel like

the dress was just perfect and it worked. Yeah, it
was stunning, Like you look so epic. But they know too,
made that dresser where we can find it. That's one
dress I would love, Oh my gosh. Did The only
thing is I didn't understand the way your mom made
such a hoop law about the dress code at the

town meeting or whatever, and then she and then she
let me walk out of the house in a skin tight,
booby up thing. There's no movies because I had no
movies at that, but they were pushed up. They were
like I didn't get it, Like why she didn't was
the dress code? What? I don't know? She decided against it.

I guess what was the whole point about the dress code?
Just so they could then have like one thing before
they went into and anyone found it a prom drinking?
Is that the only reason? Or maybe to established Felice
as being kind of like a stick in the mud
about I guess it wouldn't made more sense if Donna

like left the house like covered and then took it
off like I used to do in real life. Wait
it stopped? Are you serious? Yeah? Wait? Is that what
everyone does? Like like strapless skin type stuff, like a
little tiny bear thing like this, But then you go
out of the house with like a button up shirt

and a cardigan or a flannel and like something more.
They take it off when you get out, said, my
kids wear a hoodie out and then they take it
off and there their their top is cropped and their
pants are rolled down, and I'm like, wait, like I
don't know what's happening. Hello, right, you're like been there,

I was, Kelly Taylor, I've done it all. Thanks you Okay,
I mean just so much to talk about. But since
you're bringing up Kelly Taylor, can we talk about the
strawberry eatings. Oh my god, Dylan and Kelly on the
couch all like cute. That is the messiest strawberries. That

was the first time I was like, oh, I see
Kelly and Dylan that I like now like I see them,
I see them why they're together this This was like
a moment for me to be like, oh, now they're
back and it feels right again. Natural scene, like you're like, oh,
I could see this happening in real life with two
people like it was. I don't think anyone else could

have done that scene. So it's the two of you,
Like that was such an intimate scene. Yeah, and he
looks so stink and cute in that scene. Thanks. I
love a good kissing scene when there's food involved. I've
got to be honest, like, those are my favorite kind
of kissing really. Oh yes, because you're eating something and
then you're making it's just good. Well unless it's like me, Yeah,

it would be kind of be like fruity or sweet.
I was gonna say best product placement for a bowl
of strawberries it was fun. It was fun, and I
love the talk of the trip to San Francisco. Actually
was like, oh, I wish we would have followed them.
I know that would have been fun to see, so
that there are they flying private. I was really curious, like,

is gonna get a plane or something? It sounds so
pretty woman and romantic. I like it got a lot
of millions right now. But I did like it. The
Kelly's eating a lot in this episode, Like I felt
like there was a couple of times we see her
eating and not having like mental issues with it, So
I was happy for her. That's true. She ate it
Magic Mountain of the Week before. She wanted cotton candy. Yeah,

I think it's going well. She's getting back. I think
Jenny are really onto something about Kelly and Dylan in
this episode, because when they're dancing at the prom, it
really feels right. And even though Brenda kind of looks
longingly and Tony sort of, you know, brings her back,
it was not the same feeling I had when Dylan
and Brenda have their dance. Yeah, I felt like there was.

They did a good job of sort of separating that
with the writing but also with the acting. And the
way that Luke and Shannon did that scene, it felt
like it was over for them, especially on Luke's side.
I really felt like I felt like he was being
respectful of his new relationship and that was a nice,

uh way to do it. Yeah, I can. I feel
like I can't even picture them together anymore. No, like
it's already gone, way gone. So I have one plot hole,

you have another plot hole. We gotta get your plot hole.
Where did Celeste come from? Last I thought is that
she's the dream girl. I mean, I know who she is,
I know he they won the dating competition, Oh my god,
and they go on the date. But I thought the
last thing was she hadn't called or something, they hadn't

seen each other, and then all of a sudden, she's
the date to the prom. I thought it was one
of those moments where you know, sometimes when I'm bored
with a scene, I fast forward, which I have it
in two episodes, by the way, not once, but I
was like the same thing. I was like, shoot, what
did I miss? Celest just here just shows up with
that bad hair do. I didn't like that the hair

have the same feeling that I thought, did something cuts
give something, did you shoot something? And it had to
get cut for time because it felt like they had
this connection, a great connection from the game show. But
then we hear her Steve say like, she hasn't called me,
and then he's flirting with Ginger, and then all of
a sudden, she's the prom date. Like they they're completely together.

They're like, was there a scene where he called an
asked her like not what? Oh? I must have been
so mad. So you didn't like her hair? I didn't
like her hair, but my French, my French twist is
giving me a headache. Oh, no, take it down if
you need to take it down. But she's lovely. I
need you to take your glasses off solely first, and

then in your hair. I did it. I did it,
like like sorry, Okay, she's lovely. Jennifer Grant and I
thought that was very sweet moment and kind of important
when Kelly meets Celeste, and then also when Celeste says,
I'm going to go to the bathroom and powder mind
nose or whatever she says, so that encouraging Steve, like, look,

have a moment with Kelly. That's important, that's part of
the circle of your high school journey. Yeah. I love
that scene too with Kelly and Steve because you just
get such like there are so much history. You feel
it like they have such a connection. And I've always
felt that with Iron, but I really see it so

clear in that in that scene. We just love each
other and you can tell I love their relationship. I
wish there was like a rewind scene flashbacks together. You know,
their body language is very cute to the way you
get real close to him about it being like inappropriate, familiar, uncomfortable. Yeah, oh,

I have a question. Um. Well, first of all, you
know when um, in the very beginning, when David is
telling you he got the room for you guys at
the Bellage, Um, he said, but no is it? He said,
you said prom nite was our night, a night to remember.

Mm hmm. It's like she said that you did you
say that promnite is going to be our night. No,
they just wanted to get the title, the title of
the episode in there because then it is a night
to remember. But in the opposite way, and he gets no,
what do you call it? Nookie? H that nookie the

mention of the complimentary fruit basket, Like what, dude? What? Well?
He is Mel's a son? I don't know. I felt
like it was like a super male thing to say.
Did anybody notice that when Brandon and Andrea go to
the room, there is a complimentary hot nuity. It's there,

I care with the room? What? Yeah? What do you
mean that happens if whenever you go to the Bellage
they give you fruit in a basket. But wait, we
did not film at the Bloge Correct they didn't have
a ball room. No way. Did we not film it
at downtown at the Bond Venture No way? God, I

have no idea been making Shenanigans up here? I was drunk.
I don't remember. Yeah, I don't remember. I did air
quotes by the way for it. Wait are you still white?
Leave me alone? I just realized you're still on vacation.
I'm coming back tonight. Lies anyways, Sorry, Just be proud

that I found prompt here here and I am very resourceful. Okay,
what about when talking about what about when James says,
when he's telling his story about when he went to
the problem, that was super cute, and he said that
he was he took this prom date in the station wagon.
I liked that. Want to Cindy scene. Huh okay, I lied.

I did fast forward one scene in Oh My God,
you didn't hear he went to prom in his station wagon,
which made me love me more. Well, yeah, weed smoked weed,
and then he goes and then Brandon says, but you
didn't Inhale, right Dad? And that made me think, oh,
this is so like um hot topic at that point,

because that was the same this aired in in Is
when Bill Clinton said that he had smoked pot in
high school but didn't Inhale. It was a little like,
you know, piculture moment and uh, do you think just
added that probably would be funny if he did. And

Mrs Walsh's prom day, she's looking at read her high
school yearbook and then Jim mentions like, oh, he's a
dork at the reunion or whatever. It's pretty cute. It's
pretty cute. But he when you talked about going to
the prom in station wage, and it made me remember
what car did you take to prom? Do you guys remember?
Do you take a limo? H Like, I went with

a group and we took what did you go to
prom in your senior year? Senior year? So it was
and just j your senior year, Amy, did you went
to m junior prom? To and ninety two? I didn't go.
I was out of school. I left school when I

was a sophomore. So I, thank goodness, went to my
prom as a freshman with my senior boyfriend. What excuse me?
Who was that? But we didn't go in a limo.
We went. I remember this. My cousin, Dammy drove a

sports car. And um, my boyfriend his name is Danny,
Danny Wheeler. If you're out there, Oh my god, Danny Wheeler,
Danny Wheeler, somebody find Danny Wheeler. Wait, so what sports
car Danny had? Like a Danny had like a low
rider v W like a bug but like like all

pimped out like a low rider. And then so that
wasn't really cool to go to prom. And so we
asked my cousin if we could borrow her r X
seven color. It was like copper, like a like a
brown r X seven. I thought we were so cool
driving in a sports car. They go in the porch.

They didn't go in the limo. No, Yeah, people to
go to this prom. So you were fifteen, I guess,
so maybe yeah? And was he We'll say he's seventeen. Yeah,
what time was this in what town in? Uh? It
was in Phoenix, Arizona. Oh my goodness, wow, yeah, yeah,

did you get don't even ask you that. My mom
listened to be you guys stopped. Oh my gosh, Sorry,
it was not a night to remember. There was just
a complimentary fruit basket. Sorry, question I did. My dress

was homemade too, so we went in a borrowed car.
I think my experience was a little different than yours. Toore.
We went in a borrowed car, and my dress was homemade,
sewn by your mom. I think my mom had her
friend help us with it. Oh my gosh, were you acting?
Were you working then? Were you acting then? Not quite yet? No,

because I that was my freshman year and then I
dropped out when I was a sophomore, and that's when
I started acting. Did that? Did you do a prompt
photo like a POS? Was the post picture? Yes? I did? Why? Yes?
I did. We got to talk about that. But wait, Tori,
tell tell everyone how did you go to prom? Here
did you go with? So? I went to prom with

my first boyfriend, Ryan Ozar, who Jen has met Chap.
He was nice, glad, really like nice, nice guy. Um
and I, oh god, poor Ryan. Yes, we went to
prom together. He was great and super nice. It was
not a night to remember. I was still a virgin.

We didn't we didn't do anything. Um. But I ended
up breaking his heart and broke up with him because
I thought Brian and I were going to go somewhere.
Wait at the prom. No, no, not the prom. We
went to prom together. We were happy, and then the
summer after problem we're happy. Wait, we're happy. And I

had a dressed made to look like the red dress
Julia Roberts wears a pretty woman the rests when he
puts out the thing and snaps her hand, she laughs.
But hers was long. It looks exactly like that. But
hers was long and mine was short. Oh my god,
No way is there a picture. I have to find

a picture. There's a picture. I want to see it.
The difference between the way Tories dress was made and
the way Jenny's dress was made, I'm gonna say maybe
slightly different. My dress was made by Nolan Miller, who
did like all the like Dynasty designs are like huge

wardrobe like. My dress was made on the kitchen table
by Aunt Sandy Listen and my prom was at downtown
the Bonaventure where I think we filmed this, or maybe
it was spring Dance, but we did film something there.

Can you imagine Amy having Nolan Miller just on hand
to like, uh, can you make me this dress? I
wanted to look like Julia Roberts. Yeah, uncle Nolan, can
you please make this? Oh my god? Is this the
West Like prom? The Marlborough Prom, Mary Mount Prom? Where'd
you go to high school? It was, well, it was

West Like school for girls at the time. I was
the last all girl graduating class. But everyone knows it.
It's hard Harvard Westlake now so yes, So did the
girls have to ask boys because you're an all girls? Yes?
Oh Danny Wheeler ask you Jenny obviously. Yeah, but I
don't remember because we were like boyfriend and girlfriends, so

they didn't do that promposal nonsense in our days. That
stuff's crazy. Okay, Wait, so back on track. Talk about
Kathy Dennis. Kathy Dennis her not her big hit, No,
because what's the there's a big hit? Too many walls
have been built in between us walls. That's Kathy Dennis's

big hit happened. There's another one round that was her,
jam dude, but there was one more me? Look like
that was at YOUTUBEI Kathy Dennis last night, you guys,
because I sure was, but I feel like it was
like womp wamp. Well. I guess if you watch it now,
you're like, who's that? I guess at the time everyone

was like, whoa Kathy Dennis is kind of a thing. Yeah, yeah,
but I feel it wasn't very exciting. Yeah, too many problems, boring.
There wasn't even any good decorations for our problems. Never
heard that before. My wife, what are you talking about?

This was her? Okay, okay, Amy, I did not get
that song singing that did not You're usually on point,
but wait, wasn't there another one? I loved the prom, Jenny,
you didn't. I could have been at that prom forever.

I love the jokes about the con There have been
like decorations and stuff and like streamers and disco ball,
Like there was no fifties. It wasn't fifties up for proms. Hello,

one plus one equals three from the Math Club. Comedy
from the Math Club. You guys got those yellow Kodak cameras.
There's all the tables, Mrs Teasley looking beautiful. She did
look beautiful. It was strutting her stuff with Bil Meyers.
M h. Myers is grossing me out. I don't know

just now, like we just started grossing out because for
some reason, I remember in my mind frozen back then
that he was like I remember stepping like, oh, I'm
not like respectfully hot for him, but I remember him
being like, oh he's cute. He's good looking guy. And
now when I watch him, I'm like, what because he's
a teacher. It's just weird, is I swear? Kathy Dann

has had one more song that was like even bigger
Prob did. But let's talk about the pictures. The pictures
were so good cute because I feel like they were
all just like naturally the way they got them and
like the funniest, awkwardest moments. That's a very cute bit

like I'm not gonna lie, it's really clever. Who ever
wrote that? In the phreeze frame yep, and the you know,
Brenda and Tony get closer Dylan, then Kelly Camp stopped
making out. Donna's like a little drunk. Brandon and Andrea Okay, wait,

let's talk about them. Let's just first of all when
in the peach pit when Jordan's comes to see Andrea,
what is he wearing? I assumed it was some parallel
to that man criticizing a Rastafarian shirt because it, oh,

that was my Why would he have a parallel to that? Though,
that makes no sense, Like if that was the case,
it doesn't make any sense because it wasn't Postafarian colors. Yeah,
I think you're right, but it was so jarring. I
didn't call it back to that, and I was just
like he was wearing yeah, Like I don't even know

what that was. It was. It was I had to
rewind to look at it. I wonder if was that
his choice or did they make him where that They're
definitely doing me something there with the with the dress
code almost not appropriate if I'm gonna go there, Yeah, yeah,

and then Andrea Okay, so then Andrea goes to the prom.
Well wait, can we go back when you go back
to dates? Okay? I just find it very hard to
believe that Brandon Walsh doesn't have a date, especially since
we spent the entire first season with the New Kid
in Beverly Hills and he was just like every girl,

like everywhere he looked, there was a girl, and it
always worked out. And now suddenly two seasons later, he
can't get a date, can't get a senior. Second hottest
guy in school doesn't have a second. I don't believe that.
No other girl in school was like, hey, Brandon Walsh
will be my date. I don't even you really think

he was the second hottest, Like that's his title, that's
her opinion. Well, if that was your opinion, it Standrews
would be your number one. I love Steve, but he's
not the second hottest. It goes Luke Brandon. Brandon really
cute in this episode, though, Why is everyone calling him Brendan?

Two times Steve calls him Brendon and Mrs Walsh calls
him Brendon. I refuse to believe that blind it what
lash it twice and I was like, what the I
love you always called her Mrs Walsh and it's not Cindy.
It's like it floors me. It's like to high school.

I have to respect the elders sometimes. Sometimes Cindy Walsh
has an inflection when she talks very precisely. Are you
sure it wasn't that? Like she went to say Brandon
to Brandon. I would like other people to weigh in
on this because to me, I heard Brendan twice and
then I also a moment Brenda and Brandon. But why

didn't they name him Brendan? Because if they were going
for that sort of sicky thing, why not Brenda and Brendan?
Was that like a joke going around? How? Like you know,
like when a couple stating it becomes like benefit or like,
so the twins it was just like a joke. It

was Brendan, both of them, like, give me a break.
That's I don't know. I thought it was funny that
the parents thought that maybe he should take his sister.
I would have loved that. So to little trivia here.
So you know when we go into the scene where
they're in the newsroom, you know the whatever, the the

journalism paper room, whatever it's called. That is. So we
meet Toby played by T. C. Warner, and we meet
that is Sean Leavy who went on to be like
a prolific director. Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
Do you know the scene? Yes? And TC? The girl TC.

Wasn't that her name? TC something? Yes, that's right. So
she plays Obie and they go to be like they
keep going. Those are characters we see again and again. Okay,
and he dates somebody? Does he not date? Does he date?
And Drean? Now IM not too sure on that, but
what is notable is that is the producer of Stranger Things,

Like he's freaking major. Wait that's him? Yes? So yeah
you should have because this is what he looks like.
Now are you getting the vibe? Yeah? I thought he
was cute back then. I remember seeing him. I wasn't
the scenes with him, but I always thought he was cute.
If you can't get out there, Sean Leavy, Yeah, he's

freaking making direct hit, big fat liar, just Mary, Cheaper
by the Does and the Pink Panther Night at the Museum,
Date Night. What the heck? Dude, this guy is freaking
Majer was his major, and then he is the executive
producer on the Netflix series Stranger Things. That's him. He

directed that movie, Um, the Adam Free Guy. You know
that Ryan Reynolds. Yes, but he went on to act
in other things before that, right, correct? Correct, because he
looks familiar from other things, like on camera? Whoa do
you think we can't get him on the show? I sure, asked,
and like they just hasn't said no. It's a little

bit no, nobody said no yet. But he's a little
busy because he literally is like I don't know, for
people listening, it's like if you were like Steven Spielberg,
like he's that I got, like he's like the young
he is major. Didn't he wear like a cap backwards
sometimes like a not a brave but like a He's

definitely more episodes and wait, she went on to act
in more things. Yeah, I wanted to look her up
because she familiar. She's going to come on with us
for sure. So those two characters, obviously they're like suddenly
they're they're a little bit younger, right, are they supposed
to go on? Was this another spin off that was
in mind? I don't know, because I'm assuming at this

point because they like aged up David, that they gave
up on that. Yeah, TC Warner, she plays Toby. But
they're in many more episodes. Correct, Well, there's only there.
I know there's there at least in another one. I
know that they're I think they're definitely in Donna Martin Graduates. Yeah, yeah,
you're right, okay man, question, Yeah, is it only me

or was there, Like everybody has a very casual attitude
toward drinking, meaning not even Donna because we'll get into that,
but like y'all the parents are giving the champagne. No no, no,
not the parents. Mal Mail is giving. But Andandrea is like,
I don't really like champagne, Like she's like a wine connoisseuran,
you know what I mean, Like like I don't drink

because I don't want to get busted and not graduate.
I don't really like champagne because I I'm more of
that was just there so could drink the rest of hers, right. Yeah.
It was very nonchalant about the alcohol, which was weird
because the whole episode had been saying if you drink,
you're gonna get in trouble, and then they all just
disregard that completely and it's like they hold their alcohol

except for for Donna. Okay, but call on you guys.
Let's I mean go back to prom, especially senior prom.
Like everyone drank a little again. Everybody was wasted, like
because but because they drink, like they've drank for years,
but this is there should be there, like you know,
you know, bath champagne, like your kids got breathalyzed. I'm

sure when they went to prom. Yeah, yeah, you have
to blow in something. Now, Am I making this up?
I hope not. I never heard that, not not no,
not not in l A. I think a lot of
schools breathalyzed. Maybe it's just like a northern California thing.
I don't know. I haven't heard. I haven't gotten to

that point in the program. I haven't heard of that. Wait,
so can you imagine having to blow into a breathalyzer
before you go to prom? So they after party? They
allowed me a violation of my rights. Yeah, I'm calling
somewhere West Beverly. Damn. Can we talk about my favorite
scene in the whole thing of Donna Martin's head so

far down in a toilet, so far into the toilet,
like in the toilet. And I don't want to be
like an expert, but I'm assuming you did your scripts
there in a d R because it felt like you're
all down in the toilet. They're shooting it from above
and then we hear you all. But I'm assuming you
did that. Later it sounded a little loop, yeah right,

But I was like, oh my god, her head is
in the toilet. Yeah, he was definitely all right, okay,
all right, but go back a little bit too, when
Donna is getting ready for for Before, Before From when
she has her hair down. I love that sitting. Oh

my god, I love it so much. You're sitting at
your vanity and and we're on on you, and you're
brushing your hair like one hundred times like they do
in every single movie ever. And I was like, oh
my god, she's living her best life right now. She's
so happy to be doing what she's doing right there. Well,
I got to say what I was thinking now watching
that is, oh my gosh, I had so much hair.

If I just if I hadn't just bleached it too
much or put extensions in, I would still have that hair.
Jane had good hair and so much of it. Lesson learn,
don't drink it prom and don't ever put extensions in.
Don't drink it propped. I was thinking about Donna's Laura
Ashley bedroom or whatever you'd call that. I mean, really

a lot of flowers, you guys. It looked like my room,
And honestly, I was like that, I think they did
this exactly like her room room because it was ginormous
and it was all like decorated. It's all floral, like
the floral dube to match, the floral headboard to match them,

the floral curtains to match the floral chairches in the room,
and so growing up, I had that in plum colors,
which this kind of wasted that. And I remember all
I wanted was when I was a kid. I mean
I'm talking. I had that print when I was like ten,

and I wanted was of oz and my mom later
told me she fibbed, but she was like, they're out
of it for wallpaper. I'm gonna go with this, but
it was very aged up for a ten year old girl.
It was like plum. And then when we moved to
the manor of the big house, Um, she did that one.
It was all like blues and pinks and stuff and
floral flora, floral floral, very decorated. But what about that necklace?

Mom gave you, Oh, the biggest cross I've ever seen.
This is the biggest cross. It was very cool, like
very in at the time. Yeah, yeah, I mean Donna
wins the Night with the fashion, the whole thing was epic.
But yeah, and the zooming in on the cross and Donna,

I don't know, I don't think it's gonna work, because
it's like if she wears that she cannot be a
bad cookie with David Silver, either that or she word
off vampires. I don't know. Probably it was big, but
those close ups on you everything, Like when they pushed in,
there was like so many close ups and you just

look so cute. Oh, Donna, Sweet, Sweet Donna. I kind
of started to have a crush on Donna Martin in
that moment. My girl crush was Donna Martin because we
just were so virtuous and you wanted to be good
and you look so pretty, and he brushed her. So
you drink so drinking it prom I have vivid memories

that before the scenes, like when they were walking out
and you know, like when you're drunk, you're like your
head spinning and you can't walk straight. Um. I remember
spinning right before they call action, and in my head
would be like wonder woman, one woman, and I'd spin.
So when they called action, everything was really spinning. And

then when we did b H nine O two and
oh in the first episode, I get drunk and steel
the red dress and we're on the plane and right
before they called that, and I was like, oh called
back to prom I did, Wonder Woman. This is an
amazing listening tip for people out there if you ever
have to play drunk, try spinning Wonder Woman. No, I

am straight shook right now? What so you're spinning swing
and then you probably did want to bar. Yeah, I
could not see straight or walk straight. It really like
it worked. Yeah, you played drunk very well. Thank you

or I mean thank you because ultimately this episode is
so Donna because we are setting ourselves up. Okay, I
don't want to get I don't want to get ahead
of it because the end scene is so major. They're
almost out of there is the sad so close and

friends are so good. Yeah, everybody's rallying trend to. I
don't know why it didn't make any sense. I I
just didn't feel like when they tried to get you
out of that bathroom that was ever going to work out.
Like I knew that you were going to get busted. Yes,
you're out the window. Why didn't you go out the
window of the bathroom or go to the back door
or something to go to the l to that hotel

the room and get up there. Of course, Mrs Teasley
was out in the lobby. Duh, duh. We noticed that

Andrea and Brandon are not they're helping because they are
up in the room doing what God, okay, I'm not
okay with that. What's happening up there? It feels very
very weird. I just really need for Andrea to get
rid of that g D. I'm ashaw that she's carrying
around the whole time, the wrap she has like placed

over her arms the whole episode. She's like pluly in
the with the shawl, Like, take it off, Okay, before
before I find out from you guys what you think
they're doing up there, can we talk about when they
do Elvis? Oh? What was that? She he does like
a weird elvis in persion, She does some weird voice

and like, is that there? Is that what they do to?
Was that sexy talk for them? I don't know why,
why were they But honestly, for a second it annoyed me.
And then for a second I was like, Oh, that's
getting cute. Look how cute they are together. There's two
kids almost like two geeks too dork and then I thought, oh,

maybe they're perfect for each other kind do we know? No? Okay,
because when they're up there in that bed. It's weird.
It's weird. It's weird. It was weird. Are they going
to hook it up? They don't, right, Well for us,
it's a mystery. Right, Hopefully we'll see you next week.

I don't want them too, because then it's gonna complicate
things and then it's gonna mess with her emotions, and
I don't want I don't think it's ever been revealed
that they had sex, so I'm assuming it didn't happen. Right.
Are they awkward or cute or cringe e or cool?
What are they? It's all of those things. It's that's
that's it. That's it. It's all of those things. At once.

I used to find them cute, but I'm not into
them anymore. I wasn't into her prom hair Dow. I
just the whole thing was weird, to be honest, I
felt like everybody was weird with their date except for
Dylan and Killy and Don and David, Like those are
the only ones that really made sense to what about

Like just that it goes down in history that Tony
took Brenda to the prom. I mean, shout out Michael Cudlitz,
who went from being a carpenter on the set to
like literally Major on the star of the show to
the prom and they had the last laugh. Then he
went onto The Walking Dead. Yeah he's still working like Major,

but he did it so effortlessly too cool, Like he
was like like it just was like second nature for
him to be that. And even when he says, are
you gonna watch them all night? Because I'm here to
like give you a good time, but you gotta help
me a little bit show you a good time, he was.
It was cute. He was cute. I would have gone
to prom with him. Adorable. But it's just it's just

out of nowhere. I mean, I know he's been in
a little bit bad. I don't know my plot hole
on Tony. He loves them, he hates them, he's mean
to them, he bullies them, he's their bestie. Like it's
like because there have been episodes where he sort of
as a bully to that. Yuh yeah, He's like they
weren't sure where that character was going and then all

of a sudden, it's like we need somebody to take
out a problem. Right, this guy has been around. Where
did that come from? Did you do you feel like
Shannon wade in on that was she like, that feels
like something she would do. She'd be like, I'll just
go with cutlets and they'd be like, what that's okay?
Well write that is a major story, right, Like she

had to go. Obviously she had to go. And I
don't know who else could have asked her. He's the
only other dude that's sort of in the mix, and
he's been They've been building up to it because we
know he crushes on her. We saw it in a
few episodes. Well, perhaps Burt Reynolds could have come back
and taken her. I wouldn't give it. Oh my god, Rieke,

where are you for the fact? Have been good cup?
Other notes Mels camera like does he side hustle as
a paparazzi? Like what what it's like a professional? Ginormous camera?
Well it smells over he's up with the technology. I
was thinking more porn, but okay, sure subtle, easy to

miss funny line from Brian Austin Green when they say,
oh it's the good stuff. I think it's left over
from my burm It's fun funny, funny, funny. The disposable
cameras we talked about, because you know, those are making
a comeback. Yes, where do you get that developed? That
is what I asked, supposedly Walgreen's you take it to

the drug store stuff? I guess so. And just yeah,
this is like one of the most iconic best I
could watch it again tonight. Love it episodes. It's gonna
watch it again tonight. Whoa, I'm getting it just really
took you back to like your prom, like your that

time for you in your life. And that's what's so
cool about it because I think for our generations because
we're all kind of different ages, but um, I feel
like it's just so significant and is it like that still?
Like is my kid gonna look back on her prom
the same way? Yeah, that's our proms what they used

to be. But for me, this was like took me
not back to my prom, but to why just nine
o two one h h because I was in college
when you guys went to the prom. But for me,
it was like, this is nine o two and oh,
this is why people freaked out when you guys showed
up at malls. This is why you were on the
cover of every magazine, This is why, this is why,

which is why I wanted the problem to look more spectacular.
It was for me, it was upsetting. The set design
was not like bigger because it should have been. You know,
like that moment when in foot Loose when they go
to the dance, they go to the problems and it's like,
oh my god, the decorations are incredible. That's or back
to the future. Yeah, that is a fair point. Oh

pretty and pink, Oh yeah yeah those Yeah, I don't
remember my problem looking like that. You guys, I have
to take my bra off because it's just too well

on that. I mean, Tori, how are you feeling about
Donna's chances of graduating? You are screwed? Not feeling good
about it at this moment. She's come so far. She
had a learning disability and she overcame that to like
and she's such a good girl. I know. That's what
makes me bummed. Isn't that so like a common on

life in general, Like it's always the people that are
always constantly do bad stuff and they never get nailed,
and it's the good person to something once and all
eyes on that. Whatever. I wonder, what's going to happen. Well,
we'll have to wait and see. Because it was a
Cliffinger we had a cliffhanger there was, although we had

a cliffhanger last week. The show is getting more Have
you noticed that it's getting more like that what's that called?
Like cereal? Like at one one episode, it's not. They're
not standalone episodes anymore. Now it's like continuous. So everybody's
like sucked in week. I gotta watch next week to
see what happens. Like that is so smart. Oh my gosh.

I was doing a deep dive the other night, just
you know me on the internet, and I said, um,
which seasons are like recognized as the best of nine? O?
Two and oh? And if I remember on this particular one,
I think three and four we're up towards the top
of the best I think I think I'm gonna have

to read it again, but I definitely know that the fans, critics, fans,
whoever these people were, three and four are up there. Well.
Three is just really really good, really good. We're gonna
have beach House. That beach House is coming soon because

they're graduating. When do they move to they do they
what happens when you graduate? Like day tuned Jenny Garth
to this podcast. Okay, so like next season we go
to college and then we move in together, or we
have our first year at home. Since we're all going
to school at the same university, why don't we just

try to let you graduate first girl? Okay, yeah, I
gotta get there. We gotta get through that. Please, man,
how how's that going to happen? Who's gonna what's going
to happen to me? Is someone going to step in
and save me? Brandon Walsh? I'll give this little tease
as people, uh stay tuned to the podcast. Did you
guys get a delivery from us? Yeah? I did. Yeah,

don't word there's one waiting for me at home right here.
Don't show it. Don't show it next week next week
for an episode something in the air. I wonder what
it is. Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. And then

wait after that, we just have a two part finale
question for you, really fast, important question that people need
to weigh in on. Okay, that's important before we go
On Amazon, graduation is shown as one ninety minute episode,
so that's probably like my on the Paramount Plus instead

of two. So people need to let us know do
they want us to do it as two or one?
Can let Originally it aired as two episodes, that's correct.
It aired us to Commencement Part one and Commencement Part two,
but on like streaming, on some streaming platforms, not DVDs,

but some streaming platforms, they air it as a one
ninety minutes so maybe should just my vote is for
us to do it as one pod like the whole episode.
Totally up to you, guys and maybe people listening. Yep, yep, yep.
Tell us what you think. People, Yeah, we got a week,
We got a week in see, Okay, that's it for

this week, guys. I hope everybody had fun at the
prom and we will find out next week what Donna's
fate is. Who should be prom king and queen? They
didn't do that, Kelly Kelley and Dylan We did it,
did spring Queen wasn't there. They just did that, didn't they?
But they don't they do that problem anymore. Actually didn't

even do that when I was in problem what no, no, sad,
sad and yours you're looking at her? Wait, you're Prome queen.
You guys, we have a queen in our midst and
Brian Anthony was prom king and I don't know. People

just did it like, oh, let's vote. It's to be
funny because I'm not really the prom queen type. But
brianan what do you mean? Well, I'm not really like
the prom queen type, but Brian Anthony was the king
and so we had to have a dance. We weren't
each other's dates. We had to dance, and he was
a babe, I'll dance with you. Very appropriate. Wait, you
didn't tell us about your prompt date. No cares. If

you whisper the story, they will Who I don't. I
went to a few proms. Let's focus on Don Martin graduates.
I mean I did go to a few proms. I
went to like a couple of senior balls. We called
it senior ball, A couple of proms, City Hawkins. I
went to it all so popular, very high school experience,

yeah yeah, and college very averageous so jealous right it
sounds good, not average, We're jealous of your life, you want.
I definitely bought my dress at Macy's and not Nolan
Miller definitely was like Macy's back then. Maybe an I

magnet if I was really really going for it, Neiman Marcus,
if I was just rich, needless Mark, we did go
on Limo. It was like yeah, and then you went
on like a party bus to Santa Cruz and it
was like a sleepover. Oh m hmm. That is the

small town average prom here in California. Yeah. Fun. No,
sorority parties are way more fun when you guys get
to college. We'll talk about that because the real sorority parties,
fraternity parties, that is real. Good. I snuck into a
few in high school U c l A parties. Yeah

that's good. Okay, everyone practiced your best wonder Woman's spin
to see how you would feel if you were playing drunk,
but not drunk. Don't do it drunk. That was a
hot tip. Talk to you guys later, Love you guys.
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