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May 18, 2024 44 mins

A belated Mother's Day extravaganza episode!

It was wild in true Tori style...from dim sum, and then some.

Find out how her five kids surprised the newly single mama on her special day.

Plus, Tori makes a big reveal to her bestie Jess during the episode, and why the world will be seeing a lot more Miss Spelling midriff!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Misspelling with Tori Spelling and iHeartRadio podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Okay, I'm just gonna say it. We had an epic
Mother's Day, and as I've talked about it, it's a
big month for me. It was my unanniversary, Mother's Day
and my birthday, and yeah, Mother's Day, I was just like, okay,
my first Mother's Day single, going through a divorce, you know,

with my five kids. And typically I would plan something
like for years and I don't know. I guess we're
conditioned to think you're supposed to have Mother's Day brunch.
So I don't even know where that even initiated. And
I'm I'm just gonna say right now, I fucking hate breakfast.
Like breakfast food is my least fa I love a

good Eggs, but other than that, I hate breakfast, like
the whole notion of making me breakfast in bed and
do all that. Like no, like, you know, make me
a Lasagni in bed and like feed it to me.
That's what I want, but no desire. So but every
year I felt the pressure like, oh, it's Mother's Day,
We're supposed to go to a brunch. And I would

find some like great place and do that and then
The rest of the day was all about the kids,
and I was always on edge, like, oh, it's a
time thing. We can't relax. We have set plans. I
I'm the mother, can't relax and this year Stella who

what is it? So if Ruthanna, I'm the matriarch of
the family, what would Stella be technically aside from the
other mother, the adult in the family. Oh my gosh, sorry,
Stella is the matriarch in the family.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
What am I one of the kids?

Speaker 2 (02:02):
I like to call her Cinderella though, like Cinderella, Cinderella
make everything happen. Anyway, this isn't a fairy tale. We
know that. But yes, so Stella had said, and I
had previously said this on the show, that you know,
what do you want to do? And I was like,

I don't know. I wanted to go to Little Tokyo
and do all that. And then how it unfolded is
the day before she said, okay, so what do you
want to do? And I was like, huh, I no
longer want to go to Little Tokyo. And She's like, okay,
what do you want to do? We can do anything
you want to do? And I was like, oh, I

want and then before I could finish that sentence, she said, no,
I don't want you to plan it. I know what
you want. Let me handle it. I said, really, you're
going to plan something. Oh my gosh, that takes so
much pressure. All these I plan something that's supposed to
be for myself, but it was really about my family
and my kids and all the amazing Instagram photos I

would take of the food, even though I was like, uh,
hate breakfast. Do you hate breakfast? Do you like breakfast?

Speaker 1 (03:12):
I like breakfast. I'm a breakfast person.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Oh god, I don't like brunch.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Because I feel like it takes up too much of
the day. But I like eating breakfast at breakfast.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Guy, I do love a good seafood tower at a
brunch place. I'm not gonna lie. And I appreciate a buffet,
but I mean, I'm more like I would like every year,
I was like, I have to live up to expectations.
We have reservations at the four Seasons, and it's like
everyone's dressed to the nines and everyone there's so much pressure.

But I love a good buffet. But I'm more like,
if I had my drothers, I'd be like I'd be
at a hometown buffet. I'd be oh sizzler, Oh my gosh,
remembers soup plantation. They had the best I'm all about
a salad bar. Okay, I'm getting distracted. I guess I'm
hungry anyway, So it would be all planned. So she

was like, I know what you want to do. Let
me just take care of this. So I slept in,
and I never sleep in. I was the type of
girl like I was up very early every morning for
nine oh two, one oh on the weekends before I
had kids. I mean, I would sleep on the weekends
till I've won two o'clock. And then once you have kids,
I feel like you just get into a rhythm and

they're up early europe early. And so now I wake
up without fail six seven in the morning. I mean,
don't get me wrong, I will stay in bed and
groll on Instagram, put things in my cart that I
don't need from Oh my god, all the products look
so good. But then I abandon the cart. I get

the fixed, and then I don't have to get the debt.
But yeah, I woke up late, and all the kids
up late, and I got to say, my kids are great.
They're not early risers as they're getting older, that's nice.
So we slept in and then I was like, okay, still,
what are the plans and she's like, no, no, no, no,

it's it's easy. You have time, and so we just
went with it and we are in the process of moving.
So I, you know, didn't have the cute outfit. I
didn't have and I was like, okay, well I have jeans.
And then I was like, wait, let me realign that
in my brain, I have jeans. That's what I want

to wear. I don't want to get all fancied up
like I want to be in my jeans. I want
to be in my crop top. You know me. I
love a good crop top nowadays. Just full circle. So
we went the five kids to night and they took
me to dim Sum, which I'm a huge fan of

dim Sum, and they come out with the carts, which
is my version of like a buffet, and it's like,
you know, they have the carts and you get to
shoose and they're all shareables. I love sharing is caring
and it was really great and we had a great
time and we had tea and all of that, and
I had some Soaki and I was a happy, happy,

happy mama. And guess what we played on the way
my playlist for iHeart. So I got this opportunity to
do a playlist for Mother's Day. And this is funny
because my iHeart family doesn't know this. But I am
beyond not a music person. Like it's almost comical. I

was the girl and now I'm gonna date myself and
make myself look old. I am old. I'm not old.
I'm getting better agent like a fine wine, powering up
level fifty one now. But in you know, high school,
everyone would have their I just blanked on the word
what's the word CEB? Nope, that wasn't even CDs back then.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
A cassette player.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Oh my god, you guys am embarrassed. Someone cracked me.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
I know, so music I'm getting before your time, that's
almost before my time.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
It was a cassette tape. You guys, you didn't put
that in your car?

Speaker 3 (07:15):

Speaker 1 (07:15):
And a cassette player.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
In the car. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (07:18):

Speaker 2 (07:19):
So I was the girl that Like when I got
my first car at sixteen, I was like, oh my gosh,
my friends are like, we can play music. And I
was like, ooh, now I'm going to date myself again.
The first song I ever heard on the radio, which
was still one oh two point seven, was video Killed

the Radio Star. And I listened to that as my
nanny was driving me in our station wagon, not the limo.
That's only when my parents went to school on like
open house night. But I went in our family station wagon,
you know, way back when, where you could like sit
in the back and they didn't have seatbelts and no

one cared, and you would be like the back window
and everyone would be like, don't do that to drivers
in the back. And I heard that song video Killed
the Radio Star, and that was the first time I
was like, ah, I like music. I love this song,
so anyway, it's on my playlist. That's my first song
that I listened to on the radio and had an

interest in music and was super psyched. But I would
have cassette tapes and people would be making your mixtapes
and everything back then. Now you have a playlist, but
back then a mixtape and I had nothing. You guys,
I was just like my friends would be like I
would like get so embarrassed, and I would do interviews
for like teen Beat magazine and Tiger Beat and teen

and all that, and they'd be like, what's your favorite music?
What are your favorite songs? And I would be like
on my landline, hello to all my friends, what do
you think is cool? And then like I'd write back.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Then you could like write it in on paper, and
then they put that in the magazine, so it was
your writing.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Like it would be like Tory Spelling, Donna nine on
two and zero, like favorite food, favorite color, favorite artist.
You know, all that music was just not my thing. Anyway.
I did love a good soundtrack though. I had like
the soundtrack from like Top Gun, and I had the
soundtrack and a Tom Cruise poster on my wallpt that's

a whole other story. And I used to love him.
And there was this movie with Jodie Foster and William
McNamara and it was the best and it was about
like she was the babysitter and he was in high
school and she was supposed to be going off to
college and they fell in love. But I had like

that soundtrack, and then when I got a little older,
I had like League of their Own soundtrack and all
these things that my friends would like, bust my balls
mine have ball, bust my tits and be like like
that is so lame, and rap was like super in
in high school. So I'd be like, oh, yeah, I

run DMC. I'm totally into this. Oh bec boys cool, cool, cool,
which I appreciate now, but at the time we'd be
like blasting in my car and I'd be like, I
have no idea. My point is I always stuck with
that story, like I don't know music, I don't have
an opinion sound like me. But I went in to

do this playlist and it was freaking life changing, you guys,
because guess what, I had an opinion. Lorraine backed me
up here. I was asked to do seventy five songs
on my playlist correct.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
True, It's a lot.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
And I was like, oh my gosh, do I admit
to them that I'm not like a music person like
I have to ask people now when I do Instagram,
you do the reels and the reels I just age
myself again. We do reels because old people put the
like Ruthian, you probably say the Instagram correct now?

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Is it?

Speaker 2 (11:08):
Is it because I preface that with the old No damn.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
I don't say the Instagram saying the Instagram but not no.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
Jen used to say that okay, far wrong friend, Okay.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
On reels, I would still be calling people and be like,
what's the current song I should put on? What's this?
But anyway, I went back. I went to do my
playlist and I did a real deep dive and I
was like, you know what, I'm not gonna ask people.
There's some songs in there that people have played for
me that I actually really responded to that I did

get from them, and it was only because I liked it.
But I went back and I did a deep dive
and I'm telling you, I'm good at this. Like I
can't believe my whole life. I was like, I don't
know music. I'm not a mute musick person. I am
a music person. I'm that girl that's seeings so loud
in the car when something's on. I'm that girl that

will park. And I've done this since I was young.
Park and like, oh my god, I remember my first car,
which was a champagne colored BMW and mom dad got
me that for my sixteenth birthday. I know, rich girl problems,
gotta shook up that, uh, And then they made Donna
Martin's car the exact same car. But I used to

put that on, put my sunglasses on, and I would
drive down Pch and I would be belting out like
hungry like the wolf, like oh my god, oh my god,
I have the tiger like ough ah Bengals. Sorry, I
just got super excited. See. So what I came to realize,
thank you. iHeart that I've been sticking with the same story,

which is also you know, finding yourself again, the same
story that's not doing me just listening because it's not true.
I have an opinion. I love music and I picked
the radest playlist. I mean it's very uniquely tory. There's
like a little mermaid in there. Oh my gosh, there's

the never ending story, the never ending story.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
Sorry, you might want to make some more current references
as you describe your playlist. Right now, it's just the
never ending story and the little Mermaid.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
No, I'm trying to tell them how rad that it's like.
So it's not like I was like, hey, AI, create
me a playlist. I was like, no, this is like
I worked so hard on this and I feel like
it's amazing. And here's why I know it's amazing. My
kids seventeen, fifteen, twelve, eleven and seven. They were like,

I'm like, okay, can we put on Usually we listen
to their playlist and I'm like, whatever you want, whatever
you want. I was like, guys, Mother's Day, can we
play my playlist? And we played it and I look
over and the kids are jamming out to my tunes.
That was the best. They were like, Mom, Mom, this

is so cool. Yes, I have current stuff in there
that I like, like huge fan of air and Pat
Benattar is still referencing old stuff. There's there's some cool
new stuff I know I have. I have like Olivia
Rodrigo and like stuff that speaks to me. And I

was concerned it was too much of like quote unquote
chick playlist. But my seventeen year old he has amazing
music taste and he has such eclectic taste. I mean
everything from like old school like my Godfather. He'll have
Dean Martin on there all the way from there to

like heavy metal. Like he's just has great taste. And
he I was like, Mom, this is cool. I'm like
a dude likes this. He's like, yeah, you got some
great stuff. And then there are ones like poor some
sugar on me, and then he's like, oh, I love
this song, and I wanted to be like, oh, I

used to like troll on like the stripper pool to that.
Wait does sound weird? Remember when pole dancing classes came in?
That was like a fad. I did that and that
was my song. Oh and slash dance anyway, love my playlist.
We played it the whole way. The kids were obsessed
with it. They're still playing it. Love it anyway, had
our dim sum and then afterwards Stella's like, okay, mom,

we're doing this is a very un Mother's day Mother's Day,
which I call it Motherfucker's Day anyway, so she was like,
we did the anti Mother's Day, Like it wasn't like
prim and proper and brunch and like all that. We went.
So we did my playlist, which rocked the mic. Right,

you guys, I think I want to take it. I
want to be a DJ. Is this possible, Loraine?

Speaker 1 (16:10):
Are there any open slots that iHeartRadio for Torita? You
know have a station?

Speaker 3 (16:15):
Let me look into it.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
What do you mean, like, no, I want to be
a DJ?

Speaker 1 (16:23):
What oh you mean like Paris Hilton like live events?

Speaker 2 (16:28):

Speaker 3 (16:29):
All right, well what about Tory in the morning.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Toy is not good in the morning, Tory, Tory at night,
Tory after dark, peach Pit after dark, get it, Tory
after dark.

Speaker 1 (16:40):

Speaker 2 (16:50):
So Stella's like, uh, I have a really major surprise
for you now. I always say I hate surprises new
me gut check. Nah, that's my old story. Sorry too,
Maybe I like surprises. Cool. Let's proceed. So she takes
my ways. She puts in the address and she's like,
I don't want to see where we're going. We go

from dim Sum, we park down this alley and I'm like,
where are we going?

Speaker 3 (17:17):

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Now I know where we are. One of my favorite
tattoo and piercing places. This is where my kids take me.
Just my jam cool Nathan's. Nathan's is in Canoga Park
and it's been there since nineteen ninety three. It's one
of like the coolest places. I've gotten multiple piercings over

the years. I trust them. My daughter Stella when she
got her ears, peeris she got one. They've done it.
They're just top of the top. But she goes and
not only are you going in you can get a piercing,
but Nathan him self is coming in. And I've known

Nathan for years, love him, but like wow, Nathan himself
is coming in on Mother's Day, but he just asked.
He was like, his wife was saying, they have to
get somewhere. They have Mothers Day dinner and so we
have to be there. And I was so excited. So
we go in and I was like, oh my gosh,

what am I going to get? Because I've told you
guys before, I didn't get my ears peers till I
was forty something. I waited till Stella said to me
because I wasn't allowed to get my ears piers till
I was eighteen. By eighteen, I was like, I don't
even like ear rings, not into it. And then I
was like, one day, if I have a daughter, we'll
do it together when she's ready. And I waited and Stella,

when she was I believe six, said to me, Mom,
I'm ready and I was like, okay, let's do it.
So we did it. And my second daughter, Hattie, I've
always said, like, you know, let me know when you
want to get your ears peers. She's twelve and she
was always scared, so you know, we would go and

then she'd be like, I don't want to do it,
and I was like, no problem, you don't ever have
to do it, just when you want to do it.
We'll do it together. Mom, you'll get another piercing. So
we're doing it together. So as we're entering Hotty goes,
I'm ready. I want to get my ears pierced. And
I was like, oh my gosh. Tried to play it down.

I was like, cool, that's great. Are you sure, like,
no pressure, it's not about me, this is about you,
and she's like, no, I want to do it. I
was like yes, And then do you guys know what
dermals are?

Speaker 3 (19:45):
I feel like you kind of explained it once, but
I think you should tell us again.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
And then it like a same process as getting a tattoo,
but it doesn't last something like that.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
It's called Hannah. It's a similar process, says as getting
a piercing, but it's on the skin and it's anchored
in and they say they don't last. And it's the
type of thing that your body takes it or it
doesn't take it. It's not like a piercing where it
it stays and you can kind of get them wherever.

Like I had one on my neck, a little bumble
bee and anyway, I was like, you know, what I
want to get a dermal. I'm going to get a dermal,
and of course, you know I love a good title.
So it was like dim sum and dermals, let's proceed.

And so then I was like, oh my gosh, my
best friend Jess is going to freak out because the
last time I got a dermal, she told me I
was having a midlife crisis. And I was like, okay,
so I haven't told her. We're going to bring her
on and I'm gonna tell her and show her where

I got my dormal. She's actually going to come in
right now.

Speaker 3 (21:08):
I'm so anxious about this. I told her I took
a Xanax before I went to bed.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
Okay, that's not what you took a Xamax but cool
kind of.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
Okay, fine there, but that was my excuse.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Yes, you're gonna need a Xamax after She's not.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
I know. That's why I was like, you guys, she's
been through everything with me. She knows every sort of
detail of my life, like, uh, yeah, there's way crazier stuff.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Yeah there, I mean there's stuff that I'm like, there's
no way you would ever share it that I know,
Like you share everything, but some of these things like
not a chance. No, I know all the dirty secrets.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
This is new yess just definitely.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
I know. That's what she said. And I'm scared because
I'm like, okay, so be pregnant. I don't know if
you get another pig, Like.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
Wait, fuck you? You like, why can't I be pregnant?
I'm fifty one.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
Yeah, and you haven't had a period in like years
and we wouldn't allow it that too.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
So so when I'm being proper and this sends her
over the edge, I'll be like Jessica Lee and she's.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
Like, it gives me the worst anxiety.

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Right, that's like you calling me Tori. I'd be like, Okay,
well I was going to tell you I'm doing this
on my own.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
I got a.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
Sarrogate shut up, you did. It's a trade out because
I can't afford it. But anyway, a trade off and
I'm having a baby.

Speaker 3 (22:40):
Shut up and tell me the truth. There is no
way in hell that is the truth.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
Stop Okay, you're lying.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
I know you. There is not a chance in hell
for a very very lot of reasons.

Speaker 2 (22:55):

Speaker 3 (22:58):

Speaker 2 (23:00):
I love to rile her up, so I like, is
their way.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
But no, not a chance.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Okay, fine, Like it's so funny because Jess, like I'm
blonde and like bright, and she's brunette and we're it's
dark clothing, and so we would always try to be like,
oh well, what makes sense, you know, like I'm the
angel like ethereal and she's the devil. But it's actually

the reverse, she's the angel, I'm the devil ish.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
Yeah that's ish ish.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
Yeah, yeah, pretty both, Yeah we are. We're pretty dead
on exactly alike in many ways in some ways.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
In some ways okay, other ways were the exact opposite.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
But now and it works. Okay. Do you remember a
time you told me I was having a midlife crisis?
Do you remember what that was about?

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Because I still think maybe you are.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Yeah, So what happened when you said I had a
midlife crisis?

Speaker 1 (24:03):

Speaker 3 (24:03):
You got your nipples pierced? You got wait before that, no,
but it was like, you know, I have a memory
of a goldfish. So don't believe I'm fun You're warm?
Oh yeah, yeah, no, you got your clip piers like
years ago, Like what was it for you? It was

a Christina and it was above like the belly button thing.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
It was not the clip.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
Okay, that is not a Your belly button and your
Christina very different.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
I understand. But belly buttons they go like above. It's
not like they go into the belly button.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Okay, I didn't get a clip pearis Okay, fine, I
got the little right above meaty part right above.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
Okay, Ruthan, I call Ruthan a prude.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Can't see me. I'm shaking my head and crinkling my nose.

Speaker 3 (24:51):
Oh I see you.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
She'd be like, edit this, and I'll be like, no,
I love it now.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
This is me.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
It involved a type of piercing, but it's called something else.
I don't remember a dormal damn it here?

Speaker 3 (25:12):
Oh yes, that's it. Yes, I remember. Okay, but that
was I feel like that's better than your nipple for
being fifty I agree, right Like, I feel like that's
nothing that's like could be cute and chic.

Speaker 4 (25:24):
So I'm okay with that.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
So I decided that fifty one. And you know, I've
been wearing a lot of crop tops lately. I'm feeling
really good about my stomach. I've had five babies. I'm
really proud at my stomach. That's you know, it's gone
in and out five times and it's good, thank you,

and I feel like, you know, my thing back in
the day, like full Circle, was my belly. I always
showed off my belly because that was one of my
favorite parts of me. And now I do it again
and people are like, stop dressing like a teenager. Oh people, that.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
Was you and no, no, no, go ahead.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Would you say the other day?

Speaker 4 (26:16):
No, no, no, it wasn't like a teenager.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
Oh it kind of. I said, you look like you're
trying to be in high school, but not a cute way.
So and then she's and then.

Speaker 2 (26:26):
She told me, oh, lose the skater girl look.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
Not even like the skater girl.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
Look. That could be really cute, but I'm trying to be.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
Nice, don't be Why do you start now? As I
took that to heart, I looked back over the years
I always had that and dressed that way.

Speaker 4 (26:52):
No, no, no, you recently you've taken it to like a
whole different level.

Speaker 3 (26:58):
The crap tops like. It wasn't even about that. It
was like some of the like choices very recently, especially.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
The dolls kills stuff. That's my favorite. No, that's I mean,
you and I both love that.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
But some of that's fine, but like it's a little
like there's a way I feel like you could make
it look chic, or there's a way where you overdo
it and it's like you look like a high school kid.
I hear you. Not a great way.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
But here's my thing. And I have a big problem
with this, probably because I'm doing it and living in
so I have a problem with it. I don't get
why people you know what that reminds me of the
statement like, oh, once you're past a certain age, you
have to have short hair, you can have long hair,
you can't wear red lips anymore. I disagree with that.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
Like I don't disagree.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
I disagree too.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Look at Helen Mirren. No, I mean she has short hair,
but she like looks hot. She flaunts it like she
she's got it going on. She's sexy. But like, it
doesn't matter what other people think. What if it makes
me happy, if I like the clothing, what does it
matter because you feel like people talk bad about me?

Speaker 4 (28:12):
No, No, I one hundred percent agree with you.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
Because your Xamax doesn't work at night and you're scrolling
through my Instagram looking at comments and getting all fired up.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
No, I see pictures you send me.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
It's not even about your Instagram.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
Yeah, she's great.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
It's like, hey, should I wear this?

Speaker 4 (28:28):
No, Like last weeks and Stella was saying the same thing.

Speaker 2 (28:33):
Fine, fine, like that agree anyway, I agree.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
You so great wear it. But but you even admitted
there was a reason you were wearing it, And I
think there's a way to do it where you look great.
But some of the it's not even everything by any means,
it's just a few choice pieces. I was like, what
the fuck is she thinking? I send me those pictures? Absolutely? Yeah, No.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Woman who wears like a rock tea, a black rock
and roll tea and black biker shorts or leggings, that's everything.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
I literally yeah, And that's it. Anything that's like easy
and comfortable, that's all I were. I'll go shopping and
then I'll buy like five new black shirts.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
We'll be texting, like because when we go out we
like to like be cohesive, right as best friends do.
And we'll be like, what are you wearing? What are
you wearing?

Speaker 3 (29:30):
I'm like, oh, are you wearing your uniform? And she's like, duh,
are you wearing yours? I'm like, and she means a
crop top and jeans. I'm like, duh, yeah, and that's
not it. The crop top and jeans is totally fine.
Like that's like your look now, that's like what you're
super into, right, and you'll caught.

Speaker 4 (29:48):
It's the like sometimes you take it over the edge
with like.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
The really crazy skater, but like not even skaters, like
the wrong word.

Speaker 4 (29:57):
I don't even have a word for it.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
I wish I did. It's just you. I mean maybe
it is. Maybe it's a New York and if it is,
then I'll love it.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
No, always tell me what do you mean? You need
that person in your life that's like you look like shit,
like that doesn't work and like you yeah, always like
thank god. Being in the business I'm in, sometimes you
have people that come in and out of your lives
that are yes people. It just happens. Both Ruth Anne

and Jess are both the two friends that'll be like nope, nope,
and I need that. Okay, So I'm I'm skirting around
the issue. Okay, So I got dermals Okay more more,
remember the bumble Bee pushed itself out after six months?

Speaker 3 (30:48):
You got them on Sunday. You got them Sunday or Monday.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
I got them Sunday on Mother's Day. Oh so my
kids know me so well. Stella surprise me. She took
me to dim Sum and a piercing place which did dermals,
because not all piercing places do dermals.

Speaker 4 (31:09):
I think dermals are like the one.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
I love piercings, you know that, and I like dermals.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
We do love piercings. What do we do every year
on Mother's Day? Typically we get Yeah.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
We get an extra piercing.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Somewhere, we get matching piercing somewhere, and yeah, we still
have to get ours this year. Yeah, haven't done it yet. Okay,
so I'm going to reveal it ready.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
Yeah wait should I guess? Oh yeah, your foot?

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Oh no, but add that to my list. Then where
my point is full circle. I was always proud of
my stomach. When I was young, I warlow crop tops.
I'm fifty one, I wear crop tops. Now I'm super
proud of it. The reality is I'm not going to
be able to show my stomach off forever. That's just

that's a fact. You'll have to stop me. When I'm seventy,
I'll be trying to do it and you'll be like Nope,
you will.

Speaker 4 (32:05):
If you look good, then do it.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
It did bruise around because it was a major thing,
so there might be there's some bruising, so no one
look at that. But I just got it a few
days ago, obviously.

Speaker 3 (32:17):
Yeah, let me see it's bruised owl.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
I mean, oh my god, I'm scared of her reaction.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
I mean, I like Jessica, if it was like one,
it's kind.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Of well like if you don't numbers, you know, like
everything in pairs.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
Always say this. I'm like, if you love it, then
then great. And I'm I thought it was going to
be just like one, or like even like two next
to each other like a cluster or like.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
No, take the bruising out. It's a bigger one and
then it goes up to a smaller one.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
Can't believe you waited to tell me this.

Speaker 3 (32:55):
I've kind of shocked you because while you were there,
I'm a producer in my head and a broadcaster, and
I was like, oh, I'm going to reveal this to
my best friend on the podcast.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Yes, she's expecting you to get matching ones.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
Absolutely, And you can't see past the brothing. No, no,
I can't see the bruising on camera. I'm just trying
to decide if I like it or not. I feel
like I love you. Okay, did Hattie and Stella get
them or Hattie won't get a piercing? Or did she
do it?

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Had he got her earsppearance? She did it? She finally okay,
good and they look so good and oh it was
a great moment and she was so happy and she
was terrified and then she was like, but I'm ready. Yeah,
and she did it and they look great, and I
was like, welcome to the club. Because so the shocking one.

The shocking one is Bo got his ear pierced.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
Did he?

Speaker 2 (33:56):

Speaker 4 (33:56):
Wait, he should have done it with Sophia. Sophia's been
begging me. She would have love to.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Well, I wanted Sophie and Hattie to do it together.
But then it and this was spontaneous Stella and I
was I was saying, before this, it's you know, Nathan's
in the Valley, which is uber famous. Nathan himself came
in to do this for us for Mother's say, as
a gift to me, and it was very very kind

and he's like old like it's old school, and he's
like one of the best. So I was like, okay,
and not everyone does dermals now, yeah, so and he
does them amazing. He did Hattie's ears anyway. Bo, it
was a spontaneous thing. He's like, I want my ear

peerist and if you remember, this felt very similar to
when Stella and I went to get our ears Puris
when she was six and she was ready. Liam was
there and he was seven, and he said, can I
get one of your peers? And I wanted to be like, no, no,
my god, you can't do that yet when you get older.

And then in my head I'm like, wait, wait, wait,
I'm having that reaction because it's a boy with a girl,
like we don't even think, like they pierced baby's ears,
you know girls when they're born, like you know that happens.
So I had to like bite my tongue, which is
hard for me because I say everything. And I was like,
oh my gosh. I was like, how can I say no?

He's seven, like his six year old sister is getting
her ears piers And I'm gonna say no, you can't
because you're a boy, right, And so he did. And
Bo doesn't even know any of this, and Finn, you know,
he doesn't want anything to do with any piercings any
you know, we got the permanent jewelry this weekend where

they put on and he I was like, hey, Finn,
do you want to get a permanent bracelet or not?
Like Nope, nope, nope, nothing nothing to do with piracings.
Not his jam cool fine, but Bo said, mom can I?
And I looked at him and I was like, oh,
he's such a baby, and oh my gosh, he was
the exact same age when Leam asked to get his

ear purist.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
That's funny.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
I didn't realize that.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
Yeah, which Bo seems so much younger to me, but
I think it's because he's my baby and my last one,
so I'm like holding onto the little baby. Anyway. He
also said well can I pick it out? And he's
gotten very rock and roll as you know. You know,
he has long hair, and he used to you know,

paint his nails like green and blue because he was
like superhero colors. And now he's like, oh, he wants
them black and he wants skulls on them and rock
and roll cool. What you know. I'm I'm very into
everything in moderation, letting my kids experiment with stuff with
me because it'll you know, save things for later. Like

you know, you weren't allowed to do stuff and then
you hadn't got your tongue piers.

Speaker 3 (37:01):
So yep, fact that's true.

Speaker 2 (37:04):
Fact. Yeah, I mean she doesn't have it anymore. But
when you're repressed from doing something or like you can't
do something, sometimes that makes you want to do it
when you get out there and can. So I said, sure,
what do you want, buddy, And he went to the
case and he goes, I want that black cross I like,

and it was you know, it's it's titanium, so it's
super safe and a little tiny black cross. Now I'm
a Jewish girl, and I was like, I don't wear crosses.
I've never worn crosses, but I'm not, you know, pulling
religion into this, right and then right, So you know,

nowadays it's cool. You know, the kids kind of mixed
stuff back and forth and it's like a nice thing.
And also I would I couldn't say no because I
was like, oh my gosh, it reminded me of Donna Martin.
Like Donna Martin always wore crosses and stuff, and that
was like my jam on nine oh two, whent no anyway,

he took it like a champ. He did one ear.
Which side he did the left side?

Speaker 3 (38:19):
Okay, cute, which there used.

Speaker 2 (38:23):
To be a controversy of like you know, if you're
a straight male, you do the left, if you're a
gay male you do the right yep. And then then guys,
because I remember like Brian Austin Green had his ears
peeris he did both and it was just like, you know,
it was in so I was trying to be like,

I don't want to guide him. And there's occasions when
people will say at school like to bo oh, you
have long hair, you're a girl, or will be out
and people think it's a girl. It the child I
carried for nine months.

Speaker 3 (39:02):
You're a little baby, my baby.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
It anyway, and he's used to it. And Finn had
the same thing when he was younger. And by the way,
people were like, cut your kid's hair. They've done this
with all three of my boys. Yeah, And I was
like yeah, And I was like it was always a
thing with me because I was like, you know what,
when they're ready to cut their hair, they'll cut their hair.

I'm not making that decision. And I only do that
because when I was young. You know, I went to
like the fanciest like place in Beverly Hills, jose Ebert,
who sadly has passed. But he was like the it
guy back in the day because I'm old and my
mom would have him cut my hair and she was

always like, oh, I think it looks good here. And
so I was young and back then, you know, parents dictated,
and I was always like, oh, I wanted to grow
it out. So that was always in the back of
my mind. So I said, you know, my kids, when
they want to do something in their hair, I'll let
them do it. And always Liam went through a stage.
He has long hair now, but he had long hair
and then one day he was like, I want to

like cut it all off, and he did and Finn
Finn had gorgeous long curls, and then one day he
said he wanted a faux hawk. He called it because
he had seen some rocker habit. I was like, cool,
let's do it. And now it's back to being long
and bo I've always said like, you know, dude, what

do you want to do with your hair? And he's like,
I love my lung. He's super proud of his hair. Anyway,
it's his decision, and I'm happy for that. But anyway,
we were deciding left or right, and I was like,
I don't want to make that judgment, so you know again,
and then he organically picked his left. And that's not

a thing anymore that you know. Men can pierce either
side they want. Women can pierce whatever they want, you know,
especially in all it's like who cares? You do what
you want exactly. So he got it, and I was
like waiting, like, oh, is he gonna cry? You're gonna
cry totally. My son high pain tolerance, like no emotion.

He was like yep. I was like, wow, rockstar, it
looks so good. Immediately afterwards, he's like, I want them
both pierced. I was like, dude, let's wait and see
how it heals, and then we can always like you know,
little by little starts slow.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Oh, I can't see it.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
It's adorable. Sure enough, he went to school and I
was happy. Only one person said you have an earring.
One kid goes, you have an earring. That's for girls,
and he was like, I'm so proud of him. He goes,
I'm a boy and I can do whatever I want.
Oh good. I was like that's so cool because we

have always been like, I'm a girl and I can
do whatever I want, So it's cool that boys can
be like Yeah, but that night he did come home
and say, Mom, I want a haircut, and I got okay,
that's cool, and so I cut his hair. You did, Yeah,
I always cut their hair, but like short, his hair

is like below your shoulders, and yeah, he wanted it.
It's like above his shoulders now and he looks great.
And I gotta tell you that, you know me pain
like piercings. I have to get my blood drawn like nothing,
nothing hurts me, like I'm I'm a tough mother. Yeah

uh yeah, this one not for the week if you Yeah,
I forgot of course, or self sabotage that in the
process of moving, you know, it's like end of the year,
doing all the school projects with the kids, like doing stuff.
I'm bending over so much, so much. Oh oh yeah, baby.

Speaker 3 (42:57):
Like bump it.

Speaker 2 (43:00):
Yeah a little bit. That has to hurt, Yeah, a
little bit.

Speaker 4 (43:04):
So they probably aren't gonna last long.

Speaker 2 (43:05):
If they're pooled on a lot, you'd be happy with that. No, no, no, I'm.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
Trying to be nice. But whatever, I mean, you look good.
You do what you want. It doesn't matter what I think,
like it truly does not matter.

Speaker 2 (43:20):
Well, it matters what you think, and then I do
it anyway. So but anyway, yeah, and I want to
get more? Is that there? You over the edge?

Speaker 3 (43:31):
It depends where you don't do like your face.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Like my face is already. You think I'm gonna.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
Matter, it'll send me over the edge?

Speaker 2 (43:40):
Nope? Okay. On that note, do you want your tongue
piercing back? Why don't we do that together?

Speaker 4 (43:46):
As long as it's not like hanging out of my mouth.

Speaker 2 (43:49):
That's what makes us best friends. It makes me TMT
too much, toy. Okay. On that note, you heard it here.
My best friend and I are going to get our
tongue pierced next, so stay tuned.

Speaker 3 (44:00):
By bye bye
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