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May 14, 2024 41 mins

The OG from Real Housewives of New Jersey is basically one of Tori's new besties!

They talk about everything from THAT double-sided you know what rumor, to the allegations made against Teresa's hubbie Louie Ruelas.

Plus, what do Teresa and Tori have in common, AND what do they have cooking?? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Misspelling with Tory spelling and iHeartRadio podcast. My friend is
here and I'm super excited.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
I'm excited too.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
Teresa Judais. Oh my gosh, I love.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
You, thank you. This is so surreal. I mean I
watched you, you know, I watched you growing up, and
it's like so crazy for us to be in the
same room doing a podcast together, Like I love that,
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
And I've watched you my kids growing up. So there. Yeah,
but here you are on the West Coast, and I'm
very excited.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I mean, it's crazy. I think we're the same age, right.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
I mean, are younger than me.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
I'm how old are you?

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Oh my mayor can google this shit, I'm.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Fifty I'm fifty one, what so? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (00:58):
What so? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
So it's like I remember watching your birthday. My birthday's
May eighteen, so I'm going to be fifty two.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Wait, my birthday's May sixteen.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Is say that?

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Yeah, this friendship all makes sense?

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Oh my god, see that that's wild.

Speaker 1 (01:16):

Speaker 2 (01:17):
So I'm going to be fifty one and you started TV?
How old are you?

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Oh my gosh, well, I mean since I was born,
like came out of you to row on TV. Fifteen.
I did the pilot.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
See you started younger. I started later. It's so funny.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Yeah, so Real Housewives of New Jersey season fourteen, Yes
is insane. Okay, So they got like the good part
of you the world.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
I mean, thank you. I started out that way and
then after, you know, then it's like everyone always comes
for Teresa.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
They really do. Yeah, you're the og. Yes, we're both ogs.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
I know.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Yes, I feel like I can't imagine the show without you.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
I don't even know how you hold it together, to
be like the.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Glue, the glue that holds it all together. Maybe the goddess.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
Queen queen.

Speaker 2 (02:10):
Yeah they like that.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Yeah, you are the Queen.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
I never like to say that about myself, you know,
like I'm not that person. But yeah, I mean I
did start the show, So thank you. I did start
the show. And so yeah I am the OJ. So yeah,
it's been you know, I've been through rollercoaster, lots of
ups and downs. Yeah. So and I've shown it. I've
shown it all. Like what you see is what you get.

I'm real as they come.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
You really are so because I know her aside from
watching her, and she really is like we so before
we started the podcast, we saw each other downstairs and
immediately we're like, what's going on? And you were on
the phone with your daughter and she was buying a bird.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Yeah, Milania called me and Malani's like, Matt, can I
get a bird? And I thought she just was asking me,
like I figured she was in school, She's just asking me.
And then she facetimes me and you saw she was
at the pet store. She was there, So she was
at the pet store and she's like, can I buy
a bird? And I'm like, we have four dogs. I mean,
we don't eat a bird. You know, I had birds

growing up. They're really messy.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
So oh you did have birds?

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Yes, I did have. I hadoots and they're really loud. Yes,
and they make a mess. Yeah, bird food all over
the floor. So I just told her, like, you know
what make a mess? Yeah, and make a mess. Yes, yeah, birds,
that's a hard thing. But I promptly told her she
should go ahead. And I know You're like, just tell
her to get the bird. I'm like, no, Tori, you

have four dogs, sollo oh no, no, I like what
you said. You said because you have four dogs, You're
like the birds could have heart attacks. From the dogs barking,
So I liked it. That's a good one.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Yeah, and then I winked at you. But that's actually
a true story.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
That is.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
Yeah. I got a bird once at a pet store
and it was pink, so I of course was like, oh,
it's cute. I have to get this bird. And I
got it and took it home, and then my dog
barked and it was in It was called Rosie because
I was super.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
One of my dogs is the real Rosy. It's so cute.
See that. We have another thing in comedy there.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Let's just keep satting up. But the dog barked and
Rosie literally went I just fell hit the bottom of
the cage, and we're like what, oh my god, oh
my god, oh sad.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
And I thought about another thing. Both of her name
starts with tea.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Oh my gosh. Yeah, like, what's your nickname?

Speaker 2 (04:35):
Got up Tea? Like in high school was sweet Tea? Yeah,
in high school was sweet Tea. Tray. A lot of
people call me tree. That's what my ex used to
call me, Tray. My fans are called tree huggers.

Speaker 1 (04:48):

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Yes, I saw Kay Hoover from Access Hollywood. She goes this,
what are your fans called my fans are called you
know tree. I'm like, what do you mean and she's like,
what are they? I'm like tree huggers. She's like yes,
She's like, you don't even know what they were calling
me on Instagram because one time I walked off her
show and like this was years ago and she's talked

about something I didn't want to talk about. So I
was like, you know, I'm not take and I just
walked off. She's like, you don't understand. She's like, your
fans came for me. She said she was called see
you next Tuesday. I was like, oh my god. I
was like, I'm so sorry. She's like, no, it's not
your fault. She's like, it was your fans, your tree
huggers that were coming after me. Saying that. So yesterday

I was on her show, her and Mario and she's like,
can we take can we take a video? I want
to tell your fans that we've made up. I'm like sure,
so everyone, I just want you guys to know me
Kit Hoover made up. So thank you, my tree huggers.
Love love, love you guys. You're amazing. Thanks for all
your love and support. It means the world to me.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Oh, my gosh, I love you tree hugger. Wait, I'm
sorry I bought tree huggers something else.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
Oh what did you think they meant environmentally? Yeah, my
ants call themselves three huggers, which I love. It's that's
my nickname.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
Yes, I love that too.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
What does Louie call you?

Speaker 2 (06:10):
He called sometimes he calls me babe. Sometimes you know,
tea my love. Yeah, I have a.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Question for you. Yes, did you feel like, I mean,
obviously you've been through a divorce, you're remarried. Did you
feel like there was a nickname that you and Joe
had that when you got together with Louis, you were like,
we can't call each other that because that was our name.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Oh oh, I called everyone honey. I think I used
to say a lot, even to Joe, So trying not
to say it to Louis. I mean, I'm trying to
think what I call Louie Like, I just say him
my love. I always say, you know, sweetheart.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
I love that. And now he lives here, well he's
he's working here.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Yeah, right, So we were just talking. We're going I'm
going back and forth.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
That you're becoming by coastal.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Yes, so I'm going to be spending a lot more
time out here, so yes, we can hang out more.
So I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
It makes me so happy because I feel like so
I'm terrified of flying, so I don't go to the
East coast a lot. Okay, but I actually I mean
I would come there for you.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
I would love that. Yeah, I mean we got to
get you. You need to be a housewife of Beverly
Hills and then we could do watch What Happens Live
to Jersey. I would I mean you want to move
to Jersey? Yes, I would love you. You wouldn't meet
on the show together. We would be badasses. Yes, we
would so survive. No, you would survive.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Because you would have my back.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
Yes, yes, I would have your bath. Oh way to
like this idea?

Speaker 1 (07:40):
Ok? Yes? Yeah, I pretend to be like timided and
like shy, but like I feel like I'm a baller,
Like I feel like I could like go for it.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
I thank so I've seen you in action, but I
can't say now, guys, we have a surprise coming up
Tori and I, but we can't really say. But I
did see you in action, and I was just like,
whoa you are hot and spicy.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
I know. I was like, I can't remember she's subscribing
to my private early Family remember she did so she exactly.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
Mm hmm. I was like, Wow, that's Tory sexy and hot. Wow,
really turning me on what? Yes, yeah, we can't talk
about it. We did, but this sounds really and it's
like not, you know what, But I'm gonna We're gonna
keep talking.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
We're going to do many things.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
Yes we are.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
What's going on in the.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Podcast world, Well, I'm not doing no stay bitches anymore.
Melissa and I you know, we decided to go our
separate ways.

Speaker 1 (08:53):

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Yeah, she's having another baby, so she's focusing on her family.
I'm focusing on mine and like now going back and
forth to La. But I have a big surprise coming up,
so I can't wait to tell everyone.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
If I were to be your manager, I would just say,
like I you should have your your own.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Oh thank you. I like the sound of that from
your lips to God's ears. Okay, yeah, thank you? Are
you there?

Speaker 1 (09:19):
God? It's me Tori.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
She needs her own What would would what do you
think I should name it?

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Mm hm, Oh my gosh. Now you're putting me on
the okay, never mind, no, no, no, I'll get back
to you on that one. Okay, drive me crazy. So
they gave a preview of the entire season, and it's
like it looks insane in a good way.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Yeah, no, I mean, listen, it looks insane. It does
look it's like it's it gets it's very toxic. It's toxic.
I mean, hello, yeah you watched it, watch like the ending, theally,
all of it.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Oh but like good and bad, like it just all works.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Yeah, that's yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
Well, like I'm talking about your life, like it's not
your life, but we're kind of in the same boat.
So it's okay, right, because people talk about our lives,
they know our lives, they think they know us, right,
and you have your tree huggers, But I'm sure you
also have people that are just like, why are you
putting it all out there? Yes, when you started putting

it all out there, did it feel free at all?

Speaker 2 (10:30):
I mean, like, I guess I didn't even think of
it that way like when I did it. Like first
of all, when I first got on the show, I mean,
how this all came to me. It just came to me,
like I wouldn't go looking for it. Like these producers went,
wht me tell you a story. Yeah, yeah, these producers
went to the salon in Franklin Lakes and then so

they were asking, you know, for like beautiful women with
beautiful homes, like over the type lifestyles. So the owner
of the salon recommended Dina and Jacqueline. They were regulars
at that salai. So then Dina, you know, so they
spoke to the producers. You know, they spoke to Dina
and Jacqueline and they love them. And then they asked them,

can you recommend any other you know, women for the
you know, for the show that we're doing. And at
the time, I think they were going to call it
Jersey Mom, so it wasn't New Jersey Housewives. Yeah, So
then Dina recommended me. So then that's how I got on,
and and then I spoke to the producer everyone else,

and then Jacqueline recommended Caroline. And then Danielle was a
regular at that salon, and then Dina said to Jacqueline,
you know, maybe we should recommend Danielle, but let's get
to know her first. And then I think Danielle told
the producers about Danielle and they intributed her. They loved her,

you know, because she was you know, she made good TV.
And then with me, they all signed the contract right away.
They all signed the contract like that they were ready
to do the show. Guess how long it took me
to sign the contract along around almost a year, like
eleven months. Yeah, because I didn't know what I was
getting myself into, Tori. I was like, I kept asking Joe.

I was like should I do this? Should I not
do It's like, what is this? I just wasn't sure.
I'm like, what is this? I didn't understand it. And
then one day Jacqueline's like, come on, let's just do
this together. We'll have so much fun and let's just
and then I just signed a contract in front of Jacqueline,
not even with the lawyer, and gave it to Jackeline.
She put it in the fed xbox and that was it.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
Wait, we just talked to your lawyer before this.

Speaker 2 (12:40):
And yeah, this is my lawyer for the past ten years. Yeah.
I met him when I was going away because I
was going away and then I was trying to do
a twenty two fifty five.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
That's like, I'm not that smart, right, it's.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Called the twenty two fifty five to try to to
try to keep you out of prison. Oh no, I
was already I think going to prison twenty fifty five maybe.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
To get out earlier for my future.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Like I think it's okay because I was I met him,
I was already going to prison. And then not that
I didn't want to talk about this, but I will
tell you when I met Jim, and then I was
going to do a twenty two fifty five to try
to reduce my sentence, and it was like, yeah, it
was it's hard to do that. So then that's how
I met him, and that's how he came into my life.
And that was it.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
So I can't believe. What if you hadn't signed that contract.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
I know, if I didn't sign that contract, I would
still be a housewife. Just you know, I was just
home taking care of my kids. That's it. Like you
know I used to go to Naven Marcus for lunch
every day. Yeah, I used to do stuff like that,
like take the girls shopping like all that. I knew
everybody and even Marcus in the makeup area in Norse Stroums,
like I used to walk through. Everyone knew the girls. Yeah,

it was so cute.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
That's so interesting to me, just because I think you're
so smart and so savvy and just the way you
handle things.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Before, Like I had gya, I was. I was in
the buying industry. I was. I was a buyer at
a Macy's and then I went on the other side.
I was a sales rep and then I was selling
to the department stores.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Because you have great taste.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
Yeah, Like as my backgrounds fashion, I went to school
for fashion, but I.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Mean The Housewives has been such a great platform to
be able to do. Yes, so many business operations I came,
you know. I wrote four cookbooks, two memoirs. I had
a lot of like brand deals.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
I did commercials. Yeah, so it's a lot of different shows.
I did Dancing with the Stars. Yeah, oh wait, talk
to me about Dancing with the Stars. First, it was
so hard because I'm not a dancer, Like, I have
no dancing background at all. So it was like I
had a start from scratch, but I had fun doing it.
My instructor, his name was Pasha. He was Ariana Maddox's

partner as she just had so he would fly to
New Jersey. We would we would rehearse all week and
then we would fly back to you know, to compete.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
How many hours a day did you train?

Speaker 2 (15:15):
It was a lot, Yeah, it was a lot. Yeah,
it was a lot. So it's did you ever do it?

Speaker 1 (15:21):
I haven't done it?

Speaker 2 (15:22):
Oh you should do it. Oh okay, we got to
put that out there. Dancing with the stars. You gotta
have toy spelling on.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
I've been asked before and I turned it down because
I was scared. It was just it was fear. I
love dancing too.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
And if you love dancing, and you'll be good at it.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Here's my only reservation is I feel like I'm a
great dancer after like two plus glasses of one, and
I've got mad rhythm. But and I've done TV shows
and movies where I've had to do learn choreography. Oh
my god, I can't take direction. Like that's the thing

you want me to freestyle flying splits. I could do it,
like I'll show you later. But yeah, like you're like
and step one, two three, I'm like, huh, Yeah, it.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
Was a lot to remember, Like yeah, and you had
to count in your head and all that, and like
I get distracted very easily. Same and yeah, and you know,
it was live, so it's like yes. And then they're
like telling me, well, don't look at the screen, and
I'm like what Like so it's like the littlest things.
I mean, like yeah, or if I would look at something,

I would get distracted. Yeah, so you write on it,
so thank you. Yeah, No, it was good, listen. It
was a great opportunity. I was happy I did it. Yeah,
so it was fun.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
Oh my gosh, what's next?

Speaker 2 (16:42):
Well, How the Villains?

Speaker 1 (16:44):

Speaker 2 (16:45):
How Villains?

Speaker 1 (16:45):
But I meant like the world is your oyster?

Speaker 2 (16:48):

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Wow? How the Villains? Season two?

Speaker 2 (16:51):
Well? Now now season fourteen's playing now right, I'm not
sure when How Civillains is coming up, but they did
announce it that I'm going to be on the cast.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
So so I was obsessed with season one of House
of Villains, and when they announced it, I was really
excited that you were going.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
To do it. Well at first, toy, let me tell you.
When I I was like.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
You didn't want to sign the contract, I didn't like
the name.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
I was like yeah, I was like, I was like
when I heard it, I'm like House, I'm like a villain.
I'm not a villain, you know, That's how I took
it as I was like, I wasn't sure if I
wanted to do it because of the name. And then
I'm so grateful that I did it now because I
feel like everyone is going to really see the real Teresa.
So it's going to it's different than Housewives.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
It's good to see you in a different yeah element, yeah,
different elements unscripted. I feel like now being fifty almost
fifty one and going through a divorce and like it's
the second chapter. Everyone keeps calling it the second chapter,
and it's like, oh my god, it's my halftime show, right,

second chapter. I feel like I'm starting to be like
everyone's so focused on the definition of certain words and
house of villains, and when they announced that you were
on it, I was like, and then I thought, but
you have to redefine things like villains, Like you can
be the villain in your own fairy tale, but you're
also the princess.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
You're right, And I mean, listen, I do turn into
a villain when you come for me.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Okay, I'm gonna sit over here.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Then yeah no, but that's you know, and I guess
that's because I did flip the table on my show
and like, so you know, I do get to that level,
but only if you piss me off. You know, only
you know if you poke the bear, if you poke
the bear. Yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
You're the hottest bear I've ever seen that. We fans
ever do they drunk at restaurants were like Theresa Teresa,
and like flip tables for you.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Yes, sometimes they may literally, well they don't flip tables
for me, but they're like, can you flip the table?
I'm like, oh yeah, I want to just do a few. Yeah,
I came up.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Wait, I feel like that's a business all in itself.
You know how there's cameo. Are you on cameo?

Speaker 2 (19:07):

Speaker 1 (19:08):
I you could flip a table and you can charge
like underground.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
So barely keep flipping the table.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Yeah, I don't know. Oh my gosh, like imagine that.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Wait, I just got a cameo request that it's so funny.
All right, Well on the show, I said to see
word like a million times and they want me to
say it, and I'm like, oh my god, I don't
know if that's appropriate me saying it in the cameo.
Did you huh? Did you say it? I didn't say
yet I just got the request.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Yeah, I mean technically that's like a business, not a
personal one, so you get more money for that.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Now that's okay.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
Yeah, that's how I look at it. But I feel
like under they have like listings, like you can have
someone like people always want me to say Dona Martin
graduates and I fine, but I feel like, yeah, like
table flipping that that would be pricey.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
I mean everywhere I go they love that. They always
really they always want me to reenact it, like meaning
like on commercials like I did. I did. I did
two super Bowl commercials. I re enacted on there oh yeah,
Drew Barrymore show, Oh yeah, with her so many places. Yeah,
I did it at Bravocon. The first Bravocon I flipped

the table and the last one too, you know, the
first one I really flipped it. I think last year
it was like an oh no, I did flip it too. Yeah,
they told me to flip it. It's really messy, you know,
to flip the table.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
Yes, yeah, well I always wanted to do it. Well,
I mean from watching it. It's so funny because you
always have that thing that people like define you by.
And I to be honest, with you. I was always
like a real Housewives of Beverly Hills because I think
that's how I grew up, right, So obviously obviously I

watched New Jersey, but it wasn't like my top one
because like I was always like, oh, West Coast, like
Beverly Hills, Like I just wanted to have a piece
you live, right, Yeah, that's where I grew up. And
I was just like, why, why the fuck am I
not on this?

Speaker 2 (21:15):
So I hadn't.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
It was research to be like Andy, I don't understand.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
Now, Andy, we gotta get toy spelling to be a
Beverly Hills housewife.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
But yeah, I feel like I got to know you
a different way. So that's not even how I think
of you, like, oh, she flips tables like I just
You've always been so lovely and approachable and kind and funny.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
And I think I met you first time I Bravo
up front we did, I think, yeah, a long time ago. Yeah,
I remember in La. Remember it was in La. Yeah,
I remember, and I was just like, oh my god,
that's Tory. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
I was like, oh my god, it's it's so funny,
Like I don't I've met a lot of people. And
I don't fangirl out on any like actresses or actors
or I mean maybe Brad Pitt, but like but Ryan Gosling, God,
I love him. Which Ryan do you like? Ryan Reynolds

or Ryan Gosling? Ryan Gosling? He played Ken And that's
how the current people like the kids know. But for us,
it would be the notebook.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Oh that one.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
I think Reynolds for me, huh, first, first thing we
don't have in common.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
So then we could hang out because okay, right, so
then like, yeah, we wouldn't go for the same guy.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
But so I've always had a thing for him. I
just like, I don't know, and I'm not even like.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
That is single. No.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Eva Mendez is his wife, who was like a big
He's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
My sister in law looks like her Louis sister.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
Oh my gosh. So did you have a party trick
when you were young and single?

Speaker 2 (22:57):
A party trick?

Speaker 1 (22:59):
You know?

Speaker 2 (23:00):
No? You know, I Tori. I grew up with strict
Italian parents. I didn't go to parties growing up. I
didn't like my kids go to parties every weekend. I'm like,
I wish I got to do that when I was
your age. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't get to go.
I was always home, Like I would go to one
of my girlfriend's house, that's it, and come home or

they usually my mother always wanted them to come to
our house. She was that type of mother. Yeah, my
parents are off the boat on first generation. So I
had had had a curfet until I got married. What yeah,
wait you got married at what age twenty seven? What? Yeah? Yes,
I was not allowed to see by my boyfriend's house

or my fiance's house. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
I was like, each why am I chill?

Speaker 2 (23:47):
Was not allowed to go on vacation with him? Like
I could go on vacation with my friends, but not
with my boyfriend or fiance because you know that means
we would have sex, you know. So yeah I was.
I was no, No, this is why.

Speaker 1 (24:00):
And then you ended up with four.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
Daughters after I got married.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
Well, yeah, that's why you had so many. See what
they say, everything in moderation, and he keeps something from someone,
then you know they want it more. So before we
started the show, You're a lawyer and I were talking
and you and he was like, oh my god. She
was like the Donna Martin And I was like, oh

my gosh, so now it's all making sense. You were
the good girl, but because you had to be the
good girl, that's a lot of pressure.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Yeah. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
So Donna Martin was the virgin on the show, which
in hindsight, it was my dad's show he created. He
probably was like everyone was making out now and sex.
He was probably like, I don't want my daughter. I
don't know if that's the reason. I mean, I was
a virgin on that show that dressed like a whore.
Like it was like, how was that? Okay?

Speaker 2 (24:57):
Like that's and my you know, my father used to
tell me, like he used to tell me like that
he was going to take me to the doctors the
day before I got married to make sure I was
still a virgin. Oh my god, yes, no swear, I
swear to god, I swear. So yeah. Yeah, So I
was terrified of like my parents, like I grew like

I was that type of kid like my father, Like
I remember when I was growing up, like I was
not allowed to cry, Like, you know, if I started crying,
he'd be like, no cry, like if he was yelling
at me, and then I couldn't don't cry. I don't
know he just because you know what, when I cried,
it would make him upset, so he like, you know,
so if he yelled at me, if I did someth wrong,

like I was not allowed to cry, and he like,
sometimes he would yell at me, and he would scare
me so much I would pee in my parents. Like
that's how much I had fear in me because of
my dad. So that's why I was always a good
kid and never did drugs. Always was a good kid
because I never wanted to disappoint my parents and for
I was terrified of my parents. So yeah, and they
put fear in me, which I guess it was a

good thing because I never did anything bad, you know,
I did. I was a good kid.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
And now you just flip tables. Yeah, I mean it
all comes out eventually.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
This is the thing, you know. I You know, my
father did raise a strong, you know, tough you know
Italian girl that doesn't take any ship. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Did you grow up because of that feeling like crying
and showing emotion was a sign of weakness?

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Yes, Yes, So it takes a lot for me to cry. Yeah,
it does take a lot for me to cry. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
I don't like crying either.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
Yeah, so I just yeah. I mean, but crying is okay,
you know, it's okay, but like, yeah, it takes a
lot for me to cry.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
No, I mean, I don't drink water, so I'm really dehydrated.
So anytime I cry, like I'm losing more fluids and
I'm like, oh, there it goes.

Speaker 2 (26:57):

Speaker 1 (26:57):
It's it's odd. My parents were really strict. Like I
was the girl, like I was on like a hit show,
but I still had a curfew and like couldn't go
out and had to be home by eleven thirty. And
I would drop all my friends off at like what
do they call them now? It was raves back then,
but like after hours or whatever. I don't know. Nope,

I'm sure my age.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
No. But see your dad, he was okay with you
dressing like that. Yeah, that's the odd part. See. I
would if I would wear a short skirt and I
was going to a club, like sometimes, he would go
make me change so I have to bring my clothes
in the car and change in the car.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
Of course he was like yeah, he was like, I
would have like a skimpy outfit on underneath and wear
something else over it, and then yeah, yeah I remember,
And then I but my mom always waited up for me.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
She was like in the kitchen, like I was the
type of like my you know, the club start pumping
at twelve o'clock at New York, so I would get
there at twelve. I would only be able to say
one hour because my curfew was I had to be
home at ch I think. And then my latest curfew
was two thirty.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
And this is when you were like twenty six, when.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
I was twenty seven. Yes, that was my latest because
like every year they would go up like a half hour.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
Yeah, in your twenties. So you turn twenty one and
they were like you still.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
Have I remember my curfey for the longest time was
one thirty. So I would get to the club at twelve,
stay one hour, and then I would try to get
home by like one thirty. And sometimes I'd get home
and then my father would be waiting up for me.
I would yeah, or sometimes I would make up story
I got a flat tire and You'll be like, yeah,
sure you like knowing that I'm like flying.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
Yeah, of course when you're that girl.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
Yeah, I mean one time he was waiting outside for me,
I was I would make my brother cover for me.
Sometimes so, but it was rough. And that's the thing.
I didn't want to be like that with my kids
because I wasn't doing anything wrong, you know. I was like,
I feel like, you know what you have that that
your childhood. You should have fun, You should go to clubs,
experience like I never I never went to a diner

after a club. You know, you go to a diner
a club like I never did that. But I wasn't
allowed to have sleepovers because my father they didn't want
he's like they would they would put fear in me,
like no the father or the brother could touch you,
God forbid, Like it was that kind of yeah. So
and then I didn't gee Am my first oldest, she

was not allowed to have sleepovers. And then when all
the legal stuff happened, that's when when I came home,
I was I let my kids have sleepovers because I
was just like, you know, I wanted I felt bad,
like you know, because of everything that they've gone through,
so I wanted to give them. I just wanted to
make them happy in every which way. So then they

started to have sleepovers. But I used to always put
the fear in them, like if they have a brother,
like be careful, like you know, if the father comes near,
you make sure you push you you tell mommy right away.
Because whatever my parents told me, I, you know, passed
down to my kids.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
This is crazy, like I I mean, we grew up
drastically different obviously, but I same thing, like the same.
I wasn't ever allowed to sleep out my entire childhood.
I get a friend sleepover, I wasn't allowed to same, Yeah,
it had to be my house. I wasn't allowed to
go to camp.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
Oh camp, Yeah know what. My Italians don't believe in camp.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Really, I know you do end up like you said.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
So, my parents didn't believe in camp, you.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Know, no, and my dad I'd be like why well,
I was like they did. Let me see. Here's the
odd part is they were so strict and like everything
is started. You couldn't have a sleepover, you couldn't do this.
But I was allowed to watch horror films starting at
like age four, and like the most gruesome things. So
I was like obsessed with do you like horror? You
don't like horror films?

Speaker 2 (30:48):
Yeah, I'm just scared.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
It was my only form of like something exhilarating. But yeah,
I'd be like, oh, my god, pay the thirteen everyone dies,
it's sleep by camp. I want to go. Not that
I want to die. I wanted to be like the
one that survived. But I said to my dad one
year and I was like, my friends are making fun
of me, Like why am I not allowed to go

to camp? And he said, because I'd miss you too
much if you were away. And I believe that. I
was like, Okay, that makes perfect sense.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Like what but that's cute. I was cute. Yeah, it
was very ry to protect you, you know. But my
thing is is I feel like you should experience stuff
like that, you know, and and like listen, you know,
I talk to my daughters all the time and tell them,
you know, you know, you know. Of course, you know,
we preach to them like just how you should be,

this is what you should do, this is what you
shouldn't do. So I mean, you just hope for the best.
But I feel like, you know, you know, I don't
want to keep my kids in a cage. No, I
want them to experience life because you know, you're you're
that young age you know, once in your life and
so it's like I want, you know, I love that there,
you know, experiencing that for sure. Of course, I know.

I make them aware, like someone comes near you, make
sure you call mommy right away, kick and wear hurts,
you know all that, you know, just say, yeah, be careful,
like don't do drugs or poise, you know, yeah, absolutely don't.
You know, don't put your drink down because they're in
college now they could get roof feed and like always
keep your drink in your hand, don't put it down,

you know, So we try to give them all that's.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
No really good advice, Like, you know, I feel like
because everything was so strict and controlled with the best intentions,
obviously I acted out. Didn't do drugs like I wasn't
that right, or or didn't sleep with anyone, like it
wasn't that type of acting out. But I would be
the girl that had you know. I felt like, and

this is not like my parents told me, like I
had to be so prim and proper and you know,
such a big life, and that I would go to parties.
And I'm not talking like go to parties like it
was like a twelve year old party. During the day.
We were watching like you know, a movie and had
like chips and dip and like a punch bowl. But
I was the girl that like when they, like the

parents would walk out, I'd get like all the other
kids like riled up, and I'd be acting funny and stuff,
and like this happened. The mom had to call my
mother because they came in and I was standing on
the table pissing in the punch bowl, and all the
kids were like they thought it was so funny, and
the parents were like, what the yeah, and I was

just so repressed that I was like, oh again, my
parents didn't mean to do that. I had this good
girl's side, and where's the bad girl's side? So anyway, Yeah,
so I have this question for you. This is what
I've been meaning to really ask you. So my kids
are like, oh, Mom, stop putting us out there and

talking about us and like, and I'm like, it's kind
of our day job. Like I don't know what to
tell you, Like, my kids grew up on TV. Your
kids grew up on TV, and it's hard when they
don't want to be a part of it. Do you
have ones that don't want I mean, they're all so
damn gorgeous, but not a part of it.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
I do. My second daughter, Gabriella she's really private. She
doesn't really like the whole you know, all the cameras
and everything. But like I always ask my daughters if
they want to film with me, like if they want
to do a scene with me, so I don't force them, right, yeah,
so if they want to, like Gia and Milania are

more you know, they they're fine with the cameras. And
Adriana she's my youngest, she's fourteen, and same thing. If
I ask her, like, you know, you do you want
to do this scene with me? And then she'll say yes,
you know, but I don't force them, Like if they
say no, I'm totally fine with it, right. But Gabrielle
is my one that's a little bit more reserved. She's
private on Instagram. She's that child, and I totally respect it.

Like in order she doesn't like, I have to get
her approval before posting a photo. I have to really
get there all their approvals before. Ga Is really is
fine with it, but the other girls, like I have
to get their approval, but people posting a phone. Yeah,
so I.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Know when they were younger, you could just like so
cute and they're like wait, what, no, take that down?
What's that quote. Now you can't say that, No, you
can't put that music to it. You can't.

Speaker 2 (35:23):
It's like, but gabriellis that's the one that went to
the University of Michigan that you just watched that episode
and you know she listen because of what happened to me,
all the legal stuff, and you know, I was grateful
for my job, and so you know, to them second
nature because they you know, they did start really young

on TV, like I think Gia was seven and then
Millennia was three, Gabriella was four, and then I had
Adriana on the show, right, so really they know that's
what they know. You know, they know I'm being on
TV and in Gia before getting on Housewives, I used
to take our auditions, like for commercial auditions. She used

to be a dancer, she did gymnastics. So I was
trying to get her into this world, like just for her,
and then I look and then what ended up happening
that we ended up going on as a family.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
For my kids, they're more not okay some of them
with the things.

Speaker 2 (36:21):
I say, oh yeah, oh yeah, I mean listen, I'm
sure if I say something that my kids don't like,
get I'll get the eye roll or whatever.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
And my fifteen year old she's now like, mom, I'm
in high school, and like it's not okay, like people
you can't say things because it affects me and I
didn't choose this right, And I'm like, I understand that.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
Yeah, because you know what happened with my kids, which
is really sad that people would say things to them
because of the legal situation that you know, me and
my ex went through. And that's so mean, you know,
it's just like, you know, nobody should be bullying or
saying anything to to children like they you know, but
kids are really mean. They It's so crazy how it is.

And of course they hear it at home from their parents,
so because you know, from watching the show, because it's
not like the kids are watching Housewives, you know, right,
So but like I know, my kids, like my kids
would never be mean to any other children, like other
kids out there, like my kids are not like that.
I wish other parents would teach their kids like that,

so kids wouldn't be bullied in school or wouldn't be
you know, made fun of or you know, that should
not happen.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
I agree, And yeah, and they're reading stuff on social media.
They don't even know what's true. You know, all the
press like you and I know, like.

Speaker 2 (37:42):
Right, you can't believe everything you read.

Speaker 1 (37:44):
Right, and some of it is true, but you know.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
It's like a lot of it is not. There's so
many lives that are put out on my show, for instance,
season fourteen, and like you sort into trailer, Yes, Margaret
says that my husband spends all my money, Like, bitch,
you don't even know what you're talking about. She does,
She's not even in my house. It's like like she's

putting out this false narrative out there, and it's like like,
you know, she's trying to make me her storyline and
that's all she does is talk about me. She's obsessed
with me and my husband. It's like, yeah, oh my gosh.
And at the reunion last year, the Foods came out
with this Cockamanian shit like that my husband reached out
to his ex in prison, like why would my husband

reach out to your ex in prison? And then Tori,
he fucking shot himself in the foot, Like he must
be kicking himself right now because did you see all
the stuff that's out there on social media about him? Yes, Okay, So.

Speaker 1 (38:44):
I heard John Fuda is a fan of double sided dildos,
purple ones. Why purple? No, I'm just kidding. I imagine
that that's the problem I have with it.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
So his Yeah, so, like someone contacted his ex in
prison and started asking her questions, and so she told her,
you know, her life story while she was with John
and put this soul out there. But see, this is
the thing where John totally fucked up because someone told
him that Louis contacted his ex girlfriend in prison. So

he opened up this can of worms and now they're
all over him, eating him all up because it's like
then now people started wondering, oh, he has an ex
girlfriend now in prison, Like so he like, you get
what I'm trying to say. So, so now people are
contacting her, and the Sun reporter contacted her and wrote

her an email because she wanted She's like, did Louis
Ruellis is my husband's name. Did Louis Bruellis contact you?
And she and then she came forward and said, no,
I never spoke to him before. So thank you Diana
from the Sun, because she she did, you know, because
she toy just like they like to write about you
they like to write about me. I you know, I

give them. You know, people like to click on whatever
story's out there about me because.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
You're a fucking relevant queen.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
That's why I know how well magazines no matter what
it's like, star in touch. I've been on so many covers,
like they'd love to write about me. I saw magazines. Yeah,
so trust me. So if my husband reached out to
John food Is X, like he said, my husband did,
trust me, this reporter would have loved to put that

out there. And I'm glad she did that because she
spoke to her. And I'm glad because you know what
people do lie Unfortunately, it happens on my show all
the time, and I'm glad John fuda Is X said
the truth that like I have never spoken to that person,
you know. And then afterwards then another person contacted food
is X and that's when all that stuff came out

and she smelt the beans on how you know, how
life was being with him?

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Yeah, I mean it's on the show. It's like it's
out there. People know about it.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
And the thing is, it's like, I know I had
I had nothing against him and his wife at all,
and like why would I want to contact your ex
girlfriend in prison for for what? Sorry, No, I don't
need you as a storyline. I do well just on
my own. I've been doing this for fourteen, Like look
season fourteen, and I'm still on top. Like, I don't
need you as my storyline, And that would make me

look so bad if I did that, Like why would
I contact you. I didn't even know he had an
ex girlfriend that was in prison. I didn't even know, Like,
I didn't even know that.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
Because it's you. You drive everything, so they're always gonna
use you as the reference.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
Yeah, I mean he opened up Prindor's box and I'm
sure now he's kicking himself.
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