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March 29, 2021 62 mins

Before he became Chandler Bing, Matthew Perry was Roger on 90210! Tori and Jennie are sharing their memories, including "The One When Matthew Perry Came to the Rescue for Tori".


Young and the Restless fan favorite, Sharon Case joins 90210MG to share her stories from not just one but two 90210 episodes she guest starred on. Did she kiss Matthew Perry or did she dream that happened?


Plus, this episode was pivotal for Tori and she explains why.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's with Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling. Hello, Hello, Hello, everybody.
We are back with another episode of nine O two
one O M G Hi ladies, Hello, Hello, welcome literally

me youtuo jen. I haven't glowed for thirty years. It's fine,
stop it. Happy spring all y'all. The spring has sprung,
I've heard has sprawn. Uh you guys, I want to
I want to say very quickly that I got a
lot of d m s because of our last week's

episode where we were saying, like, is it slip into
my d M or drop into my damn? And everyone
was very quick to tell me, um, actually, you don't
have them right at all. It's slide into what we
need to really check that stuff out before we slide

it is slide into my d ms. Okay, gosh, thank
you guys for letting me know. So nobody's slipped in.
They only slide it in. Slide in. That sounds grosser, sorry,
glide like glide. Yeah. Well, we have a brand new
episode this week, Everybody. Episode nineteen April is the Cruelest Month.

It aired April eleventh, nine, and the synopsis is as
Brandon interviews Roger, the school's tennis start. Hey, Matthew Perry,
he discovers the Rogers Golden Boy appearance hides deeper demons.
When the game gets their s A T scores back,
Donna becomes deflated by her low s A T score,

which reveals her learning disability. Oh no. This episode was
directed by Daniel Addius and written by Darren st Are
and Steve Wasserman and Jessica Klein, who we always affectionately
referred to as the wasser Clins. Remember they were they
were husband and wife writing duo and yeah, they were

the wasser Clients. Cute, they were the best. This episode
had an interesting little um hook in it that I
didn't see coming with the whole script and like telling
the story of the script, and but I thought it
was the show. I got real confused at first because

you were like seeing what Brandon was reading. It was
like a nighttime soap meets like a TV movie, like
a Lifetime movie. I'm not gonna lie, you know, like
I was into it. I know. I love the way
they did that very good theer Clins. I was suspenseful

it was, but yes, hello, um, Matthew Perry was our
big guest star this episode. And this was before Friends, right, Yes,
like right before Friends right, And ironically enough, he has
no friends in this episode. He may have no friends,
but did you know I counted they said the word

friends in his storyline whenever, Like he was in a
scene one seven times was friends? When did Friends come out?
This is like was it in the works? I don't
know he did Friends premiere. We'll get some fact checks
on that. Right now. I think it was Alexa nine

septemb I was off. I think it ended in ninety
so this is like right before so he was probably like, Wow,
would be so cool to be on a hit series.
Here I am guest starring, not to a O, and
like this is awesome. And then a few years later,
remember we saw him at the Emmy Do you remember this? No,

So we we were at the Emmy's and you and
I were um presenting and we saw him backstage. I
feel like they were either presenting before us or afterwards
or collecting all the awards probably, and he was super
cool and we were just like, whoa, that's awesome, Like
imagine that, like he was just on our show and
he was like and I remember, like it had taken

off so much that I of course me. I was like, hi,
do you remember, and he was like, of course, and
he was really cool. And then George Clooney was there too.
I think he was eyeing you up and down, Garth, Garth.
Maybe he liked the younger ladies because that was a
while ago. We were smoking. Then I said smoking, You

guys are still smoking. You can't say smoke. Smoking is
not like I don't think that's the word anymore. That
was yeah, yeah, okay, well yeah we're going to bring
it in. But you know what, I was really surprised,
Like Matthew Perry now, like he's known for comedy, and

he was really great. He's a good dramatic actor. Yeah
he was. He was really good in this episode, big overachiever.
He was like you know that guy, Yeah, Roger Azarian,
what a good Roger. I don't know if it was
like picturing him and his friend's character already, and so

in my head I was like, how are they making
him pass for a high school kid? But like I
just couldn't see it. Real real good at the tennis though,
did you notice, Well he was good at the tennis
before he started acting, right, So do you think that
was part of it, like like on his resume, Like
I feel like that's not done nowadays, Like there's no

like paper resumes. But you would bring in your resume
in an audition your picture was staple to the front.
Oh my god, and it would have and at the
bottom there was a space of a special skills. Yeah,
I think so, and it's naturally was special skills. I
want to know what was on your special skills I'm
sure mine said like shopping. I don't know, yeah, mindset,

horseback riding, I don't know stuff, roller blading, dancing. I
feel like you had like baton twirler in there. I
wish I always wanted to twirl a baton, but now
bucket list well enough anymore to do that. I don't

remember I had anything on there, which is really bad
or I think you know what I put. I had like, um,
skate skateboarding and roller skating and waiting you skateboard. I
mean I did want County. I can't even imagine that
on a studio lot and through New York streets, So

that kind of counts Like I've kind of like skateboard
all over the world nationally ranked just last. But I
wonder if they were like, oh, they wanted a tennis player,
and because he was really great, I wonder if that's
what I mean. Obviously he's a great actor. But they
were like, oh, that guy, We'll have to ask him

what came first chicken? Now, I'm just kidding. He's not here.
But Brandon was really um. He was like one of
the Hardy Boys. He was like on the job investigating
with that pencil over his ear. You knew. He just
screamed like, I'm a journalist, I'm a reporter. You know

you gotta wear the pencil over your ear. Apparently this
little recorder he was so cute to the notes. Yeah,
he was really cute. He would have been such a
good hearty boy if they remade The Hardy Boys. Yeah. Yeah.
And also in this episode, so there was, as I

guess that would be the A storyline with Brandon being
the reporter and um investigating Roger Asarian and that whole thing.
But then there was also the s A T results
coming out and how that sort of affected the gang
and um it starts off on a really high note
with Brenda Uh and Brandon getting the same essay. T

scores eleven ninety, Yeah, eleven ninety. Do you guys know what?
So as an eleven ninety a good score. Apparently they
were excited about it, isn't it now? Fifteen hundred is
considered it's six hundred? Thought it was. I thought it

was anything over a thousand, and you were like kind
of like like, but I think I think you can
be changed. If you did get anything over a thousand,
it was considered great. I asked Surrey, do you say
Surrey or Sirie? I asked Sirie this morning? Well, when
I say I used to say sorry, but I was
thinking of Surrey Cruise. Yeah, sorry, So I didn't ask her.

I asked Sirie this morning, what what's the range for scores?
And she said four hundred to sixteen hundred. So that's
where I'm getting. You can't get any lower than four hundred,
and then the highest you can get a six hundred.
So that makes sense. But they're saying the average score.
I was like, Donna, do you remember sorry I missed

I missed it and didn't go back. What did they said?
My score was like Donna Martin score, No, so am I?
And when I watched this episode? So am I? Me too?
When I watched this episode it just clicked in. I
was like, did my dad like tell them to write
this episode because of how poorly I didn't? I mean,
I didn't have a learning disability, but I did so bad,

you guys, and I was like, oh my god, this
is like real life. Why did Donna get the storyline? Maybe?
And they never tell me because that's embarrassing because Donna
only got six thirty. Okay, I did a little better.
Do you want to know what I got in real life? Yeah?
I r L. I got a seven forty. I think
that was right there with you, Toria. I was like,

I remember being seven or eight hundred maybe, but not great.
I still got into university, though I don't know how
I got into the university on television California University and
to diploma. Okay, but are you not going to tell
us your score? I didn't take that at I thought

you said you did. Sorry, sorry, you're right you didn't.
But Kelly did really well. Kelly did like ten ninety years,
no eleven, no ten nineties, so she broke a thousand,
so she was stoked. Yeah, and the imagine scores for
Brendan Brandon were super hilarious. M hm. Yeah, if yeah,
if I were them, I would have taken a second
time just to see who can h But as a
twin parent, that's like best case scenario, right any fighting, Yeah,

no fighting, no comparing. You guys are the same. I
love that, and I loved how also Carol was doing
like her taxes, and um, you know, April is always
tax month, which I never really liked because my birthdays
in April, and they always kind of like made everybody

stressed out, especially my parents growing up, because I can
remember just like as tax day would approach, they would
just get more and more irritable, and like just you know,
there was paperwork everywhere, just like Carol, and I thought
it was so funny that she had it all spread out.
And then Kelly walks in and was like, taxes, like
she knew she had no idea what those papers meant.

She didn't even know what a taxes. But like, so
my husband was watching this with me last night, and
he's like, the husband's an accountant, why isn't he doing
the taxes? Like he was so confused by that what
I thought too, But then they kind of explained in it,
they said later he's like a commercial accountant. He handles

like big giant things, so she had to deal with
I know him might be like, I'm doing this, take
the burden off your wife. Just send all the receipts.
You don't think he cared about her burden. I don't
think that ever crossed his mind. Yeah, but he's paying
the taxes. They owe it, and you know, so I
don't know. Maybe she was just real, real good at math.

So there you go. I'll go with them, Okay, going on. Wait,
you're not gonna you're you're gonna think this is funny.
But I have on my notes written down here smoking,
which just reminded me that you said smoking anyway, Donna
smoking a cigarette in this episode? What the F? I
know this? So this was my you know, big episode.

This is like the first episode where we get to
see a storyline with just Donna. It was I was
very very excited at you guys and super stressed out. Uh,
totally kind of related to her character. I was never
great in school, always like grasping. Um. I didn't have
a learning disability, but it was just always it was hard.

School was not easy for me. And I went to
a really academic school and I was like, I just
want to do theater um or past notes that was it,
but um, yeah, and then it's interesting. It's so funny,
like when they do this in the show, like to
signify a big storyline and like to nail it on
the head, like she's feeling bad about school, like she

doesn't know what's going on, so she's going to drift
off to the wrong crowd. It's just so like, you know,
it was so abrupt quickly and yeah, so quickly you
got your next time just one day and the next day, Yeah,
you're out of the quad smoking cigarettes with the bad
cooking cigarettes. And I wasn't a smoker, you guys, so
it was like, I, I, uh, it's so funny. I

remember at the time, you know, we were teenagers and
like when Shannon or Jason would smoke, I would like
in a while, like trying to smoke with them to
be cool, like out in the parking lot and the
cast chairs, and I just was like trying not to cough,
try not to cough, like see how she had unholds
the cigarette like um, and then I had to do
in this episode and I was like, oh, I know

I'm going to look like a goober, but no, you looked.
You looked like one of the cool kids. Thanks. Was
this your first crying scene when she's in the was
it the Principal's office or counselor's office, Mrs T. You
were in with Mrs T. And I can still remember,
like I could picture that scene with Denise Dallas who

played Mrs Teasley and Mrs T. Who everyone's written back
that like you guys always called her Mrs T. So
Mrs T. And I said that previously on an episode. Um,
I get still remember because she was so patient and
so kind, and I was so scared like that was.
It was really scary for me because I was like, okay,
just do a good job. You're that scene where you're

sitting in her office. I had to watch it twice
because as um, the first time I watched it, I
didn't hear what you said shoot because I was just
so captured by your beautiful eyes, your beautiful eyebrows, and
then the best part, your tiny little forehead. It was

the cutest forehead. I don't know, I just was mesmerised
by your forehead. It doesn't look the same to me.
It's like back then it was smaller. I don't know,
I guess our foreheads grow as we mature, but like
it was just so cute and tiny, get more eyebrows,
so mad I ever like went for the thin eyebrow
when I got more popular. I know, those were good.

Those were like, I mean, we both did it. We
had such great eyebrows to start with. The eyebrows people
kill four now and you know what happens if you
tweet them too much? They just don't grow back the
same way. Well, they do, I'll tell you that if
you use a little special something on him. True eventually, um,

just recently, my twelve year old, UM, she was like
I don't know. I was trying to help her with
her makeup. She was trying to get something done and
she's like, oh, I can't find my eyebrow pencil. And
I was like, oh, I can help do it. And
she was like, don't look. And I was like what.
She's like, I was hoping you wouldn't see. And I
said what And she pulled her hair back and uh,
this much of her eyebrow was gone, like a good
in was gone. When I was like oh, and I

was like, okay, don't overreact, don't over react. And I
was like, oh, Okay, Well that's not an overreaction at all.
I was like, what happened? She said she was doing
some YouTube challenge or something I don't know. No, yes,
trying to make other siblings laugh. And these YouTube challenges
can get really dangerous, Like I don't A lot of

them are really scary, thank goodness, most of them. They
tell me first. I'm like, no, no, no no, no, I
don't think that's a good idea, or let's do it together.
But she did something and she's like, I didn't think
it would actually shave my eyebrow off, and I did
it and it shaped it up, and I was like, okay,
do that again, because you don't want it to not
grow back. That can happen. I'm sure it will. She's
so young, she tells it all the time. We that

was the nineties though, we all had to have the
thin eyebrows in the nineties. Well should we go to
break you guys and come back with more chit chat? Yeah,
we actually have. Going back to the screenplay that Roger
was writing, when when Brandon kind of has that like
visualization while he's reading and we see it all played

out with him and a woman at the pool, a girl.
She is sharing case and she's actually here with us now,
so we should take a break and come back with her.
And I'm super excited. She's on The Young and the Restless. Okay,

so we're back and we're very excited because we have
sharing case on the show today. For you guys. Sharon
was on the show twice as two different characters, and
she's been on Young and the Restless for twenty six years,
so we're really excited to talk to you. Hi, Sharon, Hi,
Oh my god, you're you're upset. I can see it
in the background. That is definitely the set I have. Um,

it's our set, Young one of the Young in the Restless,
says Victor Newman's office. Victor, I see Victor Newman in
the background, right, I'm ratting Younger the Restless here. Um, well,
I'm here at work, you know, And um, I thought, well,
I'm just gonna put Young in the Restless backdrop off.
We're so excited to be talking with you today. And

Tori is a big fan of Young and the Restless,
like forever, I'm totally interrupting my part. I'm really excited,
huge fan of Sharon and Nick always, like since I
was here because I'm huge fan of you girls, and
I was a huge fan of nine two. I mean
I was, so it was amazing for me, to be honest,

because I you know, I watched all the other seasons afterwards,
so I'm a fan of you girls as well. So
that's that's very flattering. Well, let's get to the bottom
of this though. You were on not just this episode,
but you were on two episodes as two different characters,
which is just too confusing for me, I guess. I mean, well,
when character didn't really have a name, and then the
other one did Darla Diller, so I didn't know if

they really meant them be the same person, just you know,
the one time they didn't mention her name. Maybe will
you talk us through that? So you got the job
for the first episode, the episode we're talking about now,
and then did they just offer you the next one?
You know, it was so long ago, I don't remember,
I think, so, yes, I remember what happened. So I

was so excited tone to know, and I remember my
agents told me, I'm sorry, you're not going to be
working with any of the poor cast. Oh no, um,
that's I really had my heart set on that because
but you know the guy you're working with, um, they
say he's really you know, he's really really up and coming,

and you know he's really gonna, you know, go far
snamed Matthew Perry. And I'm like, well, okay, you know,
that's great just to be on the show, but I'm
a little disappointed. I didn't get to work with the forecast.
So I think they brought me back because I got
to work the second time with Ian Searing, So I
was really happy that I got to play with at
least one of you. And and bonus, you got to

work with Matthew Perry. Yeah, you're very And you know
what's so funny. I I always thought that we kissed
in that episode, and I think I said that to people,
And then when I rewatched it recently to come on
the podcast just to refresh my memory, I didn't see
kissing scene. I didn't see kissing. So did I imagine

that in my mind that happened when he took you
into the pool house later? Yeah, wait, Sharon Case, are
you admitting that you had a crush on Matthew Perry.
You know what, it probably did happen and it got cut.
I probably remembered, right, I think, there you go. That's

what we'll go with that. And the other character's name
was Darla Diller, which is a wonderful name. I think
this is such a good name. Its memorable, Carla Diller.
And that was fun though, I mean I didn't care.
I was hoping didn't do more. But you know, I
think I moved to New York City and I was
working on as the World tourings after that right away,

right pretty much? Yeah? Yeah, you went on to have
huge success in the soap world and you're still there
right now today working. I mean you spend most of
your life probably, Yeah, live here my home. When I
get here in the morning and jump into my dress room,
I said, at this morning, I literally said, I'm home

after because I live here all week. But I love
it and I love, you know, my cast base, and
I've been here for twenty seven years. And before that,
I did two other soaps. So yeah, I really moved
on into the soap world, didn't I. We can ask
you a couple of soap questions. Jen and I are
fans of the soap world. We think it's very fascinating.
How many hours a day do you film are you

on set? On set? Okay? Well, um, I got here
this morning at six thirty in the morning. We started
shooting at eight thirty in the morning, and I will
probably be done today around four three three four. But
I have a lot of memory doc dialogue to memories
because I have to be here again at six thirty

tomorrow morning. Just like yeah, ten hour days plus you
gotta go home and do all your homework. How you
get your slog do you do? Um? I think I
only have like between fifteen and twenty a day this week.
That not only only that's a lot? Oh this week?
What's the most you've ever had? But it's doable. When

I have more than the twenty a day, I'm like,
this isn't actually humanly possible. I I don't know how
I'll do it, but we always so how managed you do?
Because you have such a great short term memory, probably
from using it so much, But I think it's taxing
our long term memories. Yes, I hear that all the time.
We talked about that a lot because I have memory

issues too, and and no one ever believes me, and
I always say it's because I use my short term
memory so much that it's sort of taken over, and
that's it takes away your long term ability. You've noticed
that too, most yes, oh my gosh, it's all of us.
Have you found this? This kind of still irks gen
and I maybe mean more than you that when you
were younger, you could have the little sides with your

dialogue on, and now you have to have the big ones. Yeah,
because I'm blind and yeah now I have to contact
lenses and yeah where my glasses? Well yeah, now I
do have to have the big ones. But you know what,
it's soaks, it's funny. They never gave us the little ones.
We really saw the big scripts like that. There's a
lot of things that was funny that was didn't apply

to time that is in daytime. Um, like craft services,
for one, we don't have it. And no, wait, no
craft service. Yeah, that's why they're all in shape, can see.
I don't mean you wow, that's is that the secret?
I guess? Yeah, I mean, I guess, you know, bring
your own food or where we shoot. We're very close
to the grove and all these restaurants, so it works

out fine. But yeah, no press services. No one's bringing
you your scripts. Certainly not cute little sides. You're printing
your own and if you lose them, you gotta print
your own again. There's a lot of work. We just
we take care of ourselves. It's kind of more like
when you're in theater, you know, when your actors are
really more responsible for themselves in their own wardrobe and such.
Do your response, wait what? Wait what? Well, we did

wear our own wardrobe when we first came back from quarantine.
We're now wearing your wardrobe. But you're just responsible for
caring for and making sure it's put together, and you
know it step for them to come and pick it
up again. Um. You know, there's just more that we
do to look out for the whole production. I have
a question scenes do you I heard that you guys

had to do. Do you still have to do this
after quarantine? You have to do it with someone that
you were quarantined with? Is this true? Yeah? Well, because yeah,
we're still not allowed to touch or kiss. We have
to stand six feet apart. But if you are acting
with written in the story online, with somebody who you
in real life quarantine with, which is the case with me, Um,

we can touch or kiss. Yeah. So we have a
couple of people on the show like people who can
touch your kiss. It doesn't mean we're in a storyline together,
but we could be until that all ends, which I'm
hearing things. I'm hearing they're gonna shorten the distance, perhaps
at least from six ft to three that would be nice. Yeah,

so you were quarantined with your your work. Are you
in a relationship with one of the people on the show. Well, yeah,
I mean, I mean you laid it out there. Yeah.
We uh, we've never really talked about it so bluntly. Um,
but I guess the reason why we finally mentioned it

to the studio is just so that we wouldn't have
to distance if in case the show wanted to write
us and scenes together. At least there would be some
people that you would be unscreen not having to distance
all the time. Because I know some of the audience,
our viewers are kind of complaining that it's just not
the same when people don't stand together. You've never seen

them kissing. That's so weird, because I just did a
movie and you tore it. You've worked since and and
once you're on set, you don't have to distance from
the other actors, right, kissing scenes everything, Yeah, well, well,
I've had heard some productions are are doing that. Did
you guys? Did you test every day or they just

we tested every other day and they made us all
like kind of well they made me quarantine, but I
don't think they made the local people quarantine. So yeah,
I was always like, how is this how? I don't
know about this. They just working out a little differently
for each set. They tried different things. So ours is
you know, the way it is until it changes. But
I have heard that other productions aren't as um, you know,

as distancing as we're doing. We're being super careful over again,
but we don't have anything. Yeah, so that's you. Guys
also went back into production a lot sooner than other
productions around the world, right it We went into production
mid July last year. Yeah, that was yeah, that was fast. Yeah,

we were we were locked on lockdown, oh my gosh,
and you were working. We were making pasta and baking
bread and you were working. You were That's why we
started out with such strict rules because we were going
to be like like icebreaker, you know, production. So so
we're still in that zone. Sorry, we're totally not talking
about nine EPID, No, but I mean, you've had so

much success in just the congratulations on all your awards
and over the years, like what a great career you've had. Thanks, Yeah,
I have, I've done pretty well. Uh it's fun to
you know, first spit in the daytime Emmys and um
yeah so far our awards and all these fun things.
So sort really fun. The fans um of SO are
really fun. I love how involved they are. I think

is our shows on every day uh well daytime so
sorry that it just feels like you you maybe the
beer feels we can they know. It's that More and
SO tends to become very interactive or the fans too,
like comment a lot. It's almost this interactive show now
that Twitter is there and you know, on Instagram, and

that's just really fun. Yeah, it feels good to connect
with them, right because we're close at SO. We don't
ever have an audience, but you know you did none
nine two one now either no stroums don't but I
know none it was proper. We really don't have anyone
coming and doing so you don't really get that immediate
feedback from, you know, an audience, but you guys were

always on location. I know, I shot a lot on
location for none or two an hour. When you when
you did your your Darla Um character, you worked with um,
Iron and Um, so you guys shot that on location? Yeah,
we were, Um, well it wasn't a set studio. I
didn't see that you guys. Did you guys have a

set studio? You shot all of your interiorself did, but
we were out a lot too, not to like second season, right, No,
we didn't know we had it. But yeah, because we
we haven't gotten to that episode yet where you played Darla,
so we don't really know what happens or anything do right, Yeah,

but I was some of the scenes that when I
was with Iron were in the school hallway, but the
other ones I did with Matthew were on locations and
or not. It was shout outdoors. Right. So do you
when you did the scenes with Ian since you you know,
you said you were a fan of the show and
you did your kind of disappointed that you didn't get

to work with the other cast members for the first
character you played. Um, what was that like for you
coming in and being you know, in the in the
show as a more prominent character. I just I felt like, Um,
I don't know if a shot of water. I What
am I doing? Um? I didn't. I don't know. Maybe

I just didn't feel you know, the show was so
big already and I felt like Nash, what am I
doing here? Um? But it was so it was kind
of scary. It was nerve wracking, and but it was
a good experience for me. And um, I mean I
was rilled. You know, it's funny house and then you
want so much and then you get there and you're like,
oh my god, I'm terrified. Um. So was your second

experience scarier than your first experience? Um? Yes, I would
say so, because the second one that I've worked with Iron, right,
so then it was really felt like more like I
was on I O two one. Now now that the
first time, I wasn't working with any of the forecast,

and I wasn't said I was on the patient. I mean,
you've worked with a gazillion leading men over the years,
but you have any memories of Mr Iron's hearing on set?
Oh yeah, I remember, I remember it, And Um, I
didn't slart with you, No, he didn't. He was He's silly.
I remember how he he came into the hair and

makeup trailer and just came binging in like he just
does his house through the door open, started shouting things.
But it was really funny and was but he was
really silly like that, so that was nice. He was
very um, you know, just natural and um not not
flirty or not certainly isn't quiet. He's not quiet. He's fun.

He's a fun guy. Funny. Well, that episode, which we
have not watched yet on this rewatch show, um is
Spring Dance, which was still I think still is one
of the most memorable episodes of all ten seasons. Fans
loved that episode, so I'm glad You've got to be
in that episode as well with us. We kind of
with us. It was really a great show, and it

was great in the ending when everybody's on the dance
floor together and passing the crown around. It was it
was a really lovely show, all the good memories. I'm glad.
I'm so happy about that. I can't go over the
fact that you have an aged Oh my god, sorry
they there have you girls. Oh my gosh, we have
our zoom filters on trust wait sharent Aaron. I was wondering, um,

later if I could slide into your d M and um, yeah,
chat with you. We're having a big thing these last
two weeks about people saying, is it slip into your
d M? Uh? Drop into your DM. We're trying to
be cool and young and be like, oh, yeah, that's
the new thing. People don't text anymore. But we fans
have said that we had it wrong and it slide

into your d M. So I will. I'll slide into
your d M later. I hope you don't get hurt, because, yeah,
that sounds dangerous. What do you say, I can't imagine
you sliding Yeah, okay, sorry, sis, it's fine. Okay, So
we played this game at the end of all of

our interviews where it's kind of like rapid fire questions
and just say the first thing that comes to mind. Okay, Um,
so we know you worked with Iron, but do you
have a favorite character on Beverly Hill's done too? I know, Um, well,
I mean it's hard to say. I would say Math
because he's the only when I met, so you would

be unfair to say someone I hadn't even worked here.
What about as a fan, like, as a fan watching
the show? Well, is your favorite I mean Dylan? Yeah?
I think as a fan? Yeah, good answer. All right,
So then that leads me to team Dylan or team Brandon.
You would go, yeah, get because it's it's a very

It's a tough pick, but I'll go Dylan. Do you
have a favorite in nineties and nine o two and
no fashion item or just a nineties fashion item? Oh?
Probably just my scrunch I don't know if I started
another two and I opened. I think that because I
wear mine every day and I'm like, I can't believe
I still use this every day when it came from

the nineties. That's a good one. They're back out again.
You can buy more now, you can buy them in bulk.
I did. I bought more, but I mean, I didn't
know if it was really a fashion er. It's just me.
I can't live about it. I put my hair in
a scrunches as soon as I've dish work every day.
It's so great, Like like, scrunchy socks are back in.
Jen loves when I wear those. She's very nice. All right,

this one's kind of tough, but it's tough for everybody.
Kiss Mary or kicked to the curb? Anybody on the
Too cast? Who would you kiss? Who would you marry?
And who would you say Pepe too, Well, I'd kiss
still in and um, i'd probably marry him too. And

to the curb, Oh gosh, I don't want to kick
any of them to the curb, but you know we
can stay iron because that was what my character Darla did.
She kicked into the curb for sure. He asked her
to yesterday the dancer go out and she said, I
don't do bets and christ he was driving a cour
a bet and she didn't watch she I wasn't her style,

she didn't like his car. We probably hurt him more
than anything. That was like probably the most devastating thing
you could say to Steve Sanders. So I kicked him
to the curve already, So I guess I'll just go
with that. Why not? Well played? Yeah? Well, everybody watching
be sure to remember to watch, uh listening or watching

watch The Young and the Restless week days on CBS.
And you can follow Sharon on Twitter and Instagram at
Sharon L Case. Did I get that right, bel Sharon lay? Yes,
thank you so much for being with us. Thank you
so much, have a good day at work. Thank you
really want to picture next to Victor Newman's portrait? Yeah,

so bad, so bad. One day you're asking me to
be here. Good, have a great day. We love you,
Thank you, Sharon. Yeah, oh my god, Jen, do you

see case in point? They don't h I mean they don't.
I don't know. Soap opera stars just don't eat. It
is different than other actresses. I don't know what it
is like, even a list celebrities. I'm like, oh, you
know what, I could tell you've had some work done.
But like, I mean, I think she's younger than me.

But like I'm just saying, in general, they don't age.
She's a really nice lady though. Yeah, she was cool.
She's fifty. She's fifty fifty, Jennifer Eve, Okay, fun that ship.
They're curious right now. She loves younger than me. Oh,
that's a good point. Soap actors are indoors all day,

says Randy. Oh, Randy knows that, Randy, you know that.
That's a really good point. Actually, And she was just
saying she literally works ten hours, like the whole daylight.
She's indoors. She never gets their vampires. You guys, they
don't age. They take that age, they take the they
drink blood. No like our our movie, our movie. Um,

I don't know what becomes. The vial of VI comes
there is the best movie. It's our favorite, it's one
of my favorites. Oh, it's our favorite. And we are
those women and like on set, we're always like popping
each other up and like explain each other. And as
we get older, yeah, and we're like, aren't our dream
to remake that movie? Or you and I should totally

remake that movie. Oh my god, that would be so funny.
Goldie Han and Meryl Streep are probably very happy that
that we're doing it. Whatever, everybody remakes movies and we
do a remake like on Lifetime or something. Yeah, oh
it's so good. Um yeah the violet Yeah, just one

morning wait now, a warning, now, a warn whatever. I
would drink that vial now. Damn. So you have a
story I hear. Okay. So one time in the late nineties,
I was at this huge party. It was in Hollywood
at this mega mansion on Saturday night. I was there
with a couple of girlfriends and Matthew Perry was there.

How do I know Matthew Perry was there because I
was talking to my girlfriends and another celebrity and a
really big celebrity. I don't mean big, I mean like
really tall athletic celebrity, um, but big famous as well.
I mean this guy is like over six five, like
was coming over to me and he was like, hey, uh,

you know my friends and you are gonna hang out
at my house. Do you want to come with me?
And I was like, oh, no, no, thanks, you know,
I'm with my friends. Were okay, And he's like, no, no no,
you should really come, and he kind of started steering
me out of the party. You know me, I get,
especially back then, really shy, and I didn't have the
voice to say no, but I didn't want to go,
and he kind of took me from my girlfriends and
we were walking out. So as we're walking, I kind

of look over my shoulder and eye contact right with
Matthew Perry and I mouthed the word help to him.
He's like what And I go help and I see
him look at this guy like, oh my god, this
is a really tall man. How am I going to
help her? And he did. He literally swooped in and

he says to this other celebrity, he's like hey, He's
like sorry, man, Uh, here was my girlfriend and the
celebrity turns around and he's like, no, way, a huge fan, Chandler,
Chandler from Friends, this is your girlfriend. Oh my god, man,
I'm so sorry. I'm such a huge fan. He's shaking
his hand and he walks away and leaves me. Matthew

Perry goes, oh my god, I can't believe that, and
he's like, are you okay. I'm like, yeah, I'm fine,
Thank you so much for doing that, and he's like cool,
I'm just gonna go check my pants. Um. Always in
the jokester like funny, like he is like Chandler in
real life. Um. And I'll never forget that moment because
he saved me. Wow. I'm sorry, people, I don't have

a story that can top that about Matthew. Yeah. I
mean I was impressed with your you counting the times
they said friends on the episode. That was amazing. That
was like a drinking game in itself. It really was
foreshadowing right there. Matthew Perry, Well, his character Rogers Dad
was super intense and like hard on him. Did you

guys have parents like that or did you, you know,
have any friends that you could relate to on that
level of that kind of intense like stress that these
young kids and athletes and students are under. Now, yeah,
I think everybody at least knows somebody. M hmm. That
was like that, I mean, were they trying to portray

like what the Beverly Hills kind of lifestyle was, like?
You know what? It made me think about? It made
me think about the college admission scandal a little bit.
Have you guys watched the documentary that's on Netflix now, so, well,
you remember the college emission the last year? Okay, so
they made a documentary of it now with like the
FBI tapings, it's all re enactment. You probably actually like it.

It's like it's all, yeah, it's really good and it's
all re enacted and it's a little cheesy but good
and informative. But the point is that these parents, all
super super wealthy just like wanted the best for their
kids and then realize they're doing illegal things. And it
just reminded me of that, like with this guy because
in the documentary they mentioned like if you don't at

least make like minimum ten million dollar donation to a
school to university like Stanford, like there's no chance your
kid would even even get looked at if you go
through the back door basically, and so that with this
guy was saying, it's like this is on the side door.
So it kind of made me think about that with
Roger's dad and how he was donating ten million dollars,
so the library and all this stuff, and it just

happens like it happened thirty years ago and it's still
happening to this day. I don't think it's going to
happen after this though. Yeah, stays are gone. Stays are gone. Yes,
I matter. Hope my kids turn out smart. I couldn't
have done it either way. There's no back door, there's

just the door. I don't want to hear it on
the back door right now, Okay, I feel like that
will just go in the wrong direction. When the dirty
dirty I can't believe you went there. You went there,
went there for you? I should it for you? Oh

my gosh, let's talk fashion day, Stop fashion. I gotta
say that way. Can we go back to it for
one second? I just think the script within a script,
it was it's such a great movie, like it would
be such a great TV movie. Yeah, that this episode
right totally, Yeah, it was. It was wasn't. It was like, um,

what are those brothers, the Menendez brothers, that same kind
of vibe art a party, the Menende's brothers, And I'm just,
oh my gosh. I wouldn't put it past her people. Alright,
So any fashion faves from this EPP I did. Um.

I actually liked one of the things that Kelly was wearing.
She was wearing a pretty little red top with a
little necktie too. Yes, it wasn't a blouse. I don't
think that would classify as a blouse, but I did
love the I thought Dylan looked really hot in that
striped shirt. I don't. I felt bad for thinking that
because I hate man blouses. You got on the blouse

train episode. I like that one. Her Steve's purple one.
Oh my gosh. I liked Donna's brown outfit at fred
Siegel All brown, all brown. It was so cute. That
was really fred Siegel. The outside was that was Yeah,
that was a set. Yeah that fred Siegel would never

have like hanging racks like that. No, we actually did
film there. No, that can't be fred Siegel. Wa Wait,
I have to go back and walk wait, and now
I can't remember I was doing my makeup when I
watched that part. Sorry, wait, I remember filming there because
a number of time we filmed in fred Siegel, the

one on Melrose, because after we had finished filming, we
would like shop, Like I remember filming there, Yeah, but
it wasn't It could be I could be wrong. I
also noticed, sorry, we're going up on a tangent. But
I also noticed in this episode for the first time,
it's some very clear like a d R lines, Like
why do you guys know, Like when you're watching a

show and they record the sound for the actors, like
on a boom or on a body mic, right, and
sometimes there's a sound over a line or like they
can't hear it well, so they have actors go in
and re lay down the lines and sort of lip
sync it up to the to the visual and so
it's it's called a d R. And I noticed in
this episode for the first time a couple of times

when I could just crystal clear tell that those were
a d R lines because the dialogue, I mean, the
the tone of the voice is just so much different,
so much more perfect. Did you notice it in your
own because I noticed in this episode two by noticed
in my own voice like your voice in the Hallway School,
huh and one with Dylan. I love this stuff. To

task you guys. You have to literally match your lips
like it goes beep beep beep, and then your line
and you have to literally look at a big screen
with which it's never good. It's never good for an
actor to see yourself that big on a S and
it hasn't it's not the final cut, so it hasn't
that the final like color or whatever. And they always

freeze on some like you really unattractive. You're like and
then they're like and go nail the line, like you
have to do it exactly with your mouth, and yeah,
it's really hard to do, and it's so hard that
I'm like, please, I don't want to do a d R.
I don't want to do it. Now they do such
a better job with miking actors and everything. There's a

lot less of it. But we yeah, we spent a
lot of time in the A d R booths and
weekly back then because back then you were not miked
at all. No, there was no body mics. It was
just booms. And now they have like those really thin
body mics that just like taped your chests, right, they
remember on BEHN two and O, we were like, it's

come so far, and you know, we have this big
production we're doing and we had the thickest body mics.
Remember that, we're like giant. Yeah, we're like, wait, we're
the thin ones. Like we felt like we're you've come
all this way. We're gonna get like the highest end equipment. Yeah, no,
we got the dinosaurs. Um, what about your patchwork blazer

Kelly's Patrick blazer. Yeah, I didn't like that. It's not
a fan, but you know I love you in a
good blazer. No not now, don't get any ideas. Let
me get one hold on. Nope. Um, I love you. God,
you look so good in color. I love when you
have pops of color on. It really makes me happy.
Any favorite lines, favorite lines? Favorite to one? Oh no,

you didn't lines? I did? I like to win? Um.
Andrea said, come on, Brandon, we all have the urge
to kill our parents once in a while. Doesn't mean
we're going to do it. What I never had my parents,
Andreas said it of all people, Like, of all people,

she never had that urge. I don't think. Doesn't she
live with her grandmother? Maybe maybe killed her parents. What
if that was true? And we just never know? That
was my favorite. I had a couple but they, uh,
I forgot what it was. Sorry, they were dirty, like

they like, you just pulled the trigger. I don't know something.
It was finger the gun? Wait, what was the gun? Yeah,
he fingered the gun. He fingered the gun, of course,
sick mind. Yeah, it's funny. I liked to to when
Dylan and Steve we're talking to Brandon and he gave
those tickets to the Dodger game at the end, and

they were like, oh my gosh, where'd you get these?
And Brandon says from a friend, oh, friends, friend, Yeah,
that that was number seven on the tent. You know
what I'm gonna go, I don't know lem right now
and say that we collectively helped manifest friends for Matthew Perry. Well,

I would think we said it seven times. I think
doing a lot of work on the Manifestation lately, and
it was manifested, and so I think that is the
second time he said that the prophets And I think,
is his Malibou home still for sale? You should call
him give it to us. Yeah, you should call him,
But I'm seeing a pattern. I'm gross. I'm sorry. I'm

seeing a pattern though, because last week's episode was very
sort of like for foreshadowing of the future. This episode
was very sort of foreshadowing of the future of the
friends thing. I'm wondering what's going to happen next week?
People just saying yeah, we were like intuitives. Yeah, there's

only a few episodes one Oracle nine or two one
that good stuff. First job. Yes, next week's episode of
spring Training. So um, maybe something will be told in
that episode that will come to fruition later in life.
I like that idea. Let's look for it. Do you

guys want to do any questions from listeners? Oh, you
have some, we have them. So this is from Sarah.
She says, I have a question for Torry and Jenny.
Besides the original cast, who was your favorite ex boyfriend
slash actor you had throughout the series? There were so
many hot well you know she's going to you do

not Is it the cowboy that was your boyfriend? Who
am I gonna pick? Tell me? Because I like, I
like to know you're you're going to pick Matt Darning.
You're right, that's that's the one. Yeah, Matt Darning was

was Kelly's They were put together for a while. He
was like a lawyer. Yeah. I don't even know what
what season that was, but I liked him. He worked
a booth store. Loved We love that man at him.
He is one of the funniest and you couldn't tell.

Daniel Grove is literally one of the funniest human beings ever.
And his character was so kind of dry, not funny
at all. But the minute if we would stop, he
would just we have to have mom the show. Oh
my god, I love him so much. He was in
the first season of You Did You See? You Do See?
But yeah, what happened to it? Did it never come back? Yeah?

The third season is about to come out. Yes, but
the second wasn't as good as the first. But the
first Daniel was in it, and he was the abusive Yes,
Oh my god, he's so good in it. But as
it's it's hard to watch because he's so funny. He's
literally like Jim Carrey in real life, like really physical comedy.
Oh my god, the man's a genius. But he's so
good in this role. Is this bad guy. He was

the abusive boyfriend and you and lived with a kid,
and anyway, he's awesome. Okay, I personally loved you with Colin.
I loved Kelly and Colin. Yeah it's cute too. Oh no, okay,
it was just fun for viewers. That was a fun storyline.

She was a bad girl, he was a bad influence.
I don't know about that, no, I just it was
just fun to watch, Like, yeah, what about you? What
about Donna? What about old flames from Donna? I loved
Donna and Ray, I mean before he pushed her down
the stairs, which was changing Walters. Like. I just loved

working with him, Like we were really good friends in
real life from the show, and and we just laughed
all day long. So I loved working with him. Yeah,
he's a good guy. But you liked you say the cowboy?
You mean Greg Vaughn, who was the firefighter on the shop, right.

I can still picture Greg Vaughn in our makeup trailer,
and I can remember just looking at him and trying
not to be obvious about it because I was probably
married or pregnant or something. I don't even know, but
just like looking over and lusting over him and thinking,
I wish that was my storyline with him. Wow, pregnancy hormones. Okay,

next question, this is from Margo. Have you tuned in
to watch castmates subsequent subsequent why can I do this
word subsequent projects? Like Tori, did you watch Jenny on
What I Like about You, Iron in Sharknado films, Shannon's
reality show? Or what about Luke's full frontal in OZ.

I've watched Iron's Sharknado films, of course, because they were amazing.
I did not see Shannon's reality show, and I definitely
tuned in to see Luke on OZ. I don't. This
is the weird thing, though you would think I would
remember a full frontal. I don't experience. I don't really
even know there was a full frontal. Maybe it was

just but I don't think. I don't know. I can't
remember what that was, but I remember him being on
that show. But you always say I never know anything
that you've ever been in like yours. Like my best
friend doesn't know watch any of my work? This is
did you know she's never watched anything I've ever done?
Have you? Why would you bring it up? No? No,

I've seen I've seen the show, Like yeah, stop stop,
slide into my Dan's later and let me know if
you've ever watched me on TV. No, No, I definitely
did watch somee of reality shows when the kids were
a little, but not like I was sis help me
out here like um um jo I uh, you know

what I really loved was your reality show? Yes, just
a little bit country, a little bit country. Yeah, that
was rough. I really can you go back and watch these?
Are they on Hulu or I don't know, you don't know. Um.
I mostly liked because I got to see your kids. Yeah,

see that. I want to go back and watch that name. Um,
but I did, I've watched, I did watch. I was
a fan of what I like about you, and um,
I remember when you got that and that was like
such a big like, oh my gosh, it was. That's
a huge moment, like for friends and fellow actors, like
to go from such a hit television show, especially a drama,

and then she went into the comedy space another hit
television show. Um was that on six seven years four
I think four M I think was supportive friends exaggerated
almost double seven, yeah, I think, but she's um it
was amazing. So I was super proud of her. So

and I was just a fan of the show was
a great show. But um, I did watch all of
the Sharknado films and oh, my god, my best friend
knows that. I for sure. I thought she wouldn't know that. Um,
and yeah, I feel like I've watched. I didn't see
Shannon's reality show. I knew about it with Holly Marie Combs,

but I never saw it when it aired. I didn't.
I'm not sure what. Oh, I actually did watch her
reality show. Do you remember her breaking Up with Shannon Doherty?
Do you remember that one? This is like way way
way back, like when reality TV was kind of in
the initial stages, and she did a show for Oxygen
called breaking Up a Shannon Doherty where people would actually
hire her, not higher, but like she would come in

and break up with her boyfriend for them, and the
guys would be scared because she was. They were like
she was like kind of playing into the little Shannon reputation. Remember, Yeah,
it was. I want to go back and watch the
both of yours reality shows. And I hear they're on
Prime by the way, so Amazon Prime watch Tor and
Dan not true Tory. Do you regret doing that show?

I don't regret the first season. I regret the second season,
which is not to do and you were right on No,
she was right because it was it shouldn't have been
a series. It wasn't a series. It was about me
expressing myself at a moment in time where I felt
like I wanted to have a voice and voice for
women everywhere who were going through what I was going
through at the time, and it should have been a

self contained you know, one season that was it, and
it was great. It was really well done and groundbreaking.
The second season was just silly and you can only
only your best friend will tell you the truth. And
you know, sometimes in this business you have a lot
of yes people. And she told me, she was like,
I don't think it's the right move to do a
second season, and she was totally right. It was a
train wreck. You're always right. What about your kids? Have

they watched any of your extra work? Our kids? Yeah? Yeah,
I mean my girls have all watched what I like
about you. Um, they they were, yeah, I don't know
about the other stuff. I'm sure they've seen it. I
know that when my oldest daughter misses me, she starts

googling me just to like discover things and see pictures
of me and see videos because oh my god, by
the way in New York. So I know sometimes she'll
post a little picture that she's watching something and I
know she must be missing me. Wait, I'm gonna cry.
You google me? Well that I think that's it. That's

all our questions. That's that's all we got for you
guys this week. But we definitely want you to do
your homework and watch episode twenty Spring Training. So we
only have a few more episodes in season one is
not what you said, sins. I think when I looked
last night, there was three less. So we have to
start planning our rap party, my five rap party. We

have to start planning. Wait, this is a whole side note. Jen,
a fan the other day, told me that after the
show wrapped, there was an auction and they auctioned off
all the furniture from the sets and she has the
cow chair, Like, no, you're gonna say that, I wish

the floral couch from our beach apartment. Wow, that was
a good one. I know. I'm just mentioning that because
we were talking rat party, and we've talked about you
can actually um our beach apartment is actually on Airbnb
and people can rent and stay at the Beach apartment,
and I was thinking that'd be fun for our rap party.
Maybe she'll loan us the couch. Maybe we can just

sit on it. Yeah, Tony memories on that couch. I
remember Luca was kicking in your belly. It's pretty affordable too,
I've looked into it. I don't know, it might be
too much for people to because there's a lot of
like fans of the show walk that area of the
beach and go to see that apartment from like the boardwalk,

So it might be too much for people to look
up and see us on the balcony of the Beach department.
And I just frozen in time, like it still has
the It's still it's literally fro it looks exactly like
it did whatever camera show and liarally stand up there,

like dressed like our characters and see if people just
look like a double take what happens? Oh my god?
Oh good? So yeah, three episodes left left for season one.
Very exciting people. Yeah, a season of nine or two one? OMG. Wow,

it's fun. It's hard to stop to just one. It's
like a it's a potato chip. You can't just see well,
that's it for our show this week. Everybody, Thank you
so much and we hope you have a great week. Hey,
so um, if you want to buy some merch tell
him how to do that tour, you can go to

our h If you want to buy our merch, you
can go to our Instagram. It's nine O two one
OMG Podcast and click the link in our bio. Please
where and send us pictures. We love pictures in our merch.
Thanks guys, everybody have a great week so you
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