All Episodes

May 19, 2020 35 mins

Celeb stylist and glam specialist Kelly Henderson zooms in from Nashville to set the record straight about her role in Kristin Cavalari’s much reported filing for divorce from Jay Cutler. Laura listens to Kelly present her side of the story for the first time publicly (and it seems to make more sense than the tabloid fodder we’ve all been served). Johnnie convinces Kelly to finally reveal the identity of the dude on her Instagram feed @velvetsedge. Kelly also shares mid-quarantine grooming tips and this summer's trends for hair and skin, both of which involve razors. Plus, Laura outlines her failsafe plan to avoid getting tipsy on afternoon rosé. 

The All’s Fair with Laura Wasser podcast (hereinafter referred to as the “All’s Fair”) represents the opinions of Laura Wasser and her guests to the show. All’s Fair should not be considered professional or legal advice. The content here is for informational purposes only. Views and opinions expressed on All’s Fair are our own and do not represent that of our places of work.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi there, It's me Laura Wasser, the divorce attorney and
the founder of It's over Easy, the online divorce service.
I've been practicing family law for over twenty years and
I've worked on thousands of divorces, shepherding people through what
may be one of the most terrifying times in their lives.
Along the way, I often have to remind people to

lower their expectations when dealing with matters of the heart.
Rules simply don't apply, because all's fair in love and war.
So welcome to the All's Fair Podcasts. Open your heart,
fasten your seatbelts, and let's go. Hi everyone, I'm Laura Wasser,
at the attorney and CEO of It's over Easy. Thanks

for joining us today. My name is Johnny Rains. I'm
Chief Content Officer and It's over Easy, and this is
our podcast, All's Fair. Those of you early adapters know
when we launched Divorce Sucks, it was to educate people
about the dissolution process and to compliment It's over Easy,
our online divorce service where we can get divorced without
destroying their families and without bankrupting themselves. Now, during these

crazy days of COVID nineteen when money is tight for
many people and it's over easy. Divorce is available for
only nine and fifty dollars plus filing fees. We had
so many great conversations on divorce sucks, and it occurred
to us that our discussions are really going beyond divorce
related issues relationships between not just couples, but friends and
siblings and partners. They're full of anecdotes and wisdom and

laughter and tears. So we'll always be the experts on divorce,
but now here with I Heart, we're opening up our
conversations to go into deeper matters of the heart. We
want to continue to produce content and bring you information
about how to make your relationships better, and we're relying
on your comments and reviews, so please keep those coming
at Apple Podcasts. And speaking of divorce, the New York

Times set on Friday that the pandemic has actually slowed
the divorce process. What do you think about that? I
am not surprised. I mean, that's what I was speaking
about last Sunday on CBS Sunday. I think that people
are actually honkering down and making it through. I know
we saw the spike in China, but I think that
we will likely and we may see a spike this

summer or in the fall. But I think people are
kind of resetting. I think after the initial month of like,
oh my god, we're stuck here, they're kind of settling
in and hopefully working through some of their issues. By
the way, may I say you look fabulous on CBS
this morning. It was wonderful waking up to you in
that day. Thank you and you're welcome. The article's title

is the pandemic is stload of the divorce process? Here
is what to expect. They talk about what's happening in
the courts in New York, and you know, of course
many of them are actually closed, and in fact, in
Connecticut there are thirty six courts and only four are open.
But then they go into some details about different ways
that you can file for divorce. So I think this

is a great opportunity to talk about it's over easy,
right So in any jurisdiction that has E filing, you
can still file for divorce. It's a matter of getting
any kind of judicial relief. So and it's over easy
divorce and online divorce. That kind of lends itself to
what we are going through right now. With this pandemic,
and with the actual courthouse is closed, there are people

inside or people working remotely to process documents. That's still
happening for those of us who may still find ourselves
sheltering with roommates, x's lovers or spouses and don't want
to get divorced. We've got some tips from a married
pair of psychiatrists to keep a romantic or platonic relationship
on track and close quarters. That's Jacqueline Old's um. She's

a mass General Hospital Department of psychiatry. And is it
her husband. Yeah, her husband is also a psychiatrist, Richard Schwartz,
and he's at Harvard Medical School. Yeah. They talk about
ways to just keep relationships on track while we're in
close quarters. And I mean they're really common sense advice,
like practicing kindness, prioritizing social time, those kinds of things.

It's a good article and it will be on the
It's Over Easy community page. All right. So, as I
mentioned at the top of the show, relations and ships
are what we focus on here at All's Fair and
some of the most special relationships for me. And again,
I've lived a lot of places, but I grew up
in southern California, and I'm people tease me because I'm so.
I'm a loyalist with some of the maintenance people for

my beauty maintenance. So like the same woman has been
cutting my hair since I was thirteen years old. Um
and Antonio Hillard and I've been like trying to see
if I could schedule a way to like do a
haircut in ris backyard or something. I mean just like
we need a haircut. And you know, whenever I have
to do I mean not this last one, but whenever
I have to do something special or TV. I have

Amy Warsmen come do my makeup, Laurie Smith manicurists, I mean,
the same people, and I've missed them. I've I've been
like reaching out texting them. You know, my monthly facial
with Cindy Kareemi. I actually just center what it would
cost for a monthly facial because I want to make sure.
I want to make sure these people are still there
when I come back. Pilates with Romi. I bought a
package for the months of March and April, even though

I didn't see her. So, Um, I think and again,
and it's not just women, it's guys too. We've seen
your hair and your beards and your ear hair and
everything else. I even gave myself a little a little
trim in the back of my head over the last
couple of days. See so and so men, women, gender
fluids listen up. Zooming with us all the way from Nashville,

Tennessee today is someone who has made grooming, which basically
means hair and makeup for men, her very own niche.
She's a TV star, a stylist for Country Music's Biggest Stars,
and the founder and creator of the lifestyle fashion retail
blog Velvet's Edge. She's also the host of the popular
podcast of the same name, Velvet's Edge. Welcome to All's Fair,
Kelly Henderson, Welcome, Kelly. How y'all good? We're good. Thank

you Tennessee, Tennessee. You know, by the way, Tennessee. I
want to ask, like I was reading the script today
before that Johnny writes for us, and I really wanted
to ask you about Tennessee because I'm like fascinating. I mean,
Nashville is like huge right now. That's where everybody in
Hollywood is going. Music industry is huge there. Have you
been there for a long time? I know you went

to Vandy. I will get to that a second, But
how did you end up living in Tennessee? Actually did
not go to Vandy. Okay, that's a big rumor on
online that you went to keep Vanderbilt with Kristen Cavalery. No,
she and our friends separately. Her well, soon to be
ex husband Jake Cutler went to Vandy, and I dated

one of his friends from Vandy. So that's kind of
how we all knew each other. I see, Okay, yes, yes, yes,
But now I came to Nashville in two thousand and four,
so I've been here through a ton of changes. It's yeah,
completely different city, to be honest, that must be so
great to watch it kind of grow. Yeah, I mean,
you know, there's plusses and minuses obviously, like we're getting

a lot new a lot of new restaurants, and there's
so much more going on than there was when I
first moved here. We also have more traffic now you know,
housing prizes are going up, So it's pluses and honest
is but I'll take it. I like it. Yeah, I
bet so. Okay, So you I think we all knew
that you were styling the guy from Dancing with the
Stars Bobby Bones, and he's also an American idol. And

did you ever go out with him? Yes, when we
first met, we attempted dating for a little bit and
quickly realized that that was not a good idea, right, um.
And so then we just started to start working together
and we have a great friendship and working relationship. Now
see listeners that can happen. You can you can like

say I'm not feeling this in this way, or I
don't feel like this is going to go in a
good direction. But we have a good working synergy. Let's
keep doing it. I love that, okay. And then all right,
so and then you were on ease very cavalery. Yes, yes,
and you girl. I don't know her. You girls are friends.
I know she's getting divorce. She maybe one of the
few people getting divorced during COVID, And so I see
because I signed up for all like the divorce news

and whatever. It's like Christian Cavalry J. Cutler, you know,
it's like the Christian Cavalry J. Cutler show. So they
were going through that. Now, there was some speculation that
there might are you friends with both of them. I've
actually been friends with Jay longer because your boyfriend or
my ex boyfriend. Yeah, so we've been friends are We
were friends for about twelve years and so that I

met Christin when they started dating. Okay, but you're not
dating Jay, that's just clear. I'm just gonna go ahead
and out there. There was never an affair. I have
nothing to do with their divorce, and I am not
dating J Cutler. Okay, but you and J Cutler are
friends because you've been friends with them for a long time,
and that once again, using good judgment, you can remain

friends with somebody even if he or she is no
longer dating your girlfriend. Yes, yeah, I mean we're not
really in touch anymore. A little bit of a falling
out last year, so I've kind of gotten some things
from both of them, would be the nice way to
say it, I think, But I do. I mean, I
know divorce is hard, regardless of what the situation is.

So obviously have known them for a long time, and
I especially from the best with that very diplomatic, wonderfully done.
And anybody that has anything else to say about this
ship can just call me, because I believe that. What
about what about the Instagram post? Though, that's what Cosmo
was writing about speculating on who's in your photo? Yeah,
it's my boyfriend. Because I've been in a relationship for

quiet some time now. He is a very private person
and I respect that. You know, him and his kids
are a huge part of my life now, but I
tried to keep them out of my public part of
my life because it's not what they signed up for. So,
you know, I talked about him a lot on my podcast,
I've posted about him before. But because of what, you know,

the rumors that were being speculated about, I literally post
a picture of my boyfriend and I got annihilated. If
people are insane, this goes into the file of no
good deed goes unpunished. You try do the right thing person,
and then everyone else, well good, I'm good. I'm glad.
I'm glad we're having this conversation then, because I didn't
really know any of these people, and I was like,

oh my god, all right, so setting the record straight
on all's fair, Kelly Henderson. All right, let's the first
time I've actually talked about it. So there you go.
So let's talk about velvet it. Okay, So when did
you start this? I started this so long ago. Um,
I think it was probably two thousand well at this point,

I mean, so it's it's been around a long time,
It's gone through a lot of different changes. I started
it with another girl who was an interior designer, and
so we both have kind of talked about our work,
so if we were honestly just looking for a creative outlet,
and now it's just expanded into something completely different that
I didn't expect. But it's been really really fun. So, okay,
the blog, because I looked at some of it, I mean,

Kelly has how to trim your hair in Quarantine and
a bronze summertime makeup tutorial. I love. Those are like
great blog things for people that are home. And then
there's also shopping, so you've got curated collections for men
and women, yes, yes I do. And there's house swears
and furniture. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of just become
a lifestyle thing. So it's whatever I'm doing or whatever

I'm into. It's all over the map, and and how
I'm styling my house. You know, I just move. So
I've been talking a lot about that, and obviously being
in Quarantine, all of our beauty routines have completely shifted.
So it's been kind of tough to even know what
to talk about. But I'm trying to figure out what
I'm doing to survive this period of time. Yeah, I'm

like missing my boat talks, I'm missing my haircuts, all
of that stuff. But we're just doing the best we can.
But tell us some of your I mean, like, there
have been some days where I've literally gotten up and
like gone for a run and then all of a sudden,
it's four o'clock and I'm still wearing my running clothes.
But on most days, I really try to take shower,
put on like some you know, I haven't my I'm

kind of known for wearing heels. I wear high heels
everywhere because I'm shut and through two pregnancies and a
court always hot heels, and I haven't been wearing heels
because why. I mean, I'm in my house basically, so
but I still I'm putting on like dresses and tops
or whatever. And today I actually am wearing a pair
of just for you, Kelly, I mean, wow, this is

our style episode. So I'm in sweatpants. I don't really
feel like I'm moving from boarding sweatpants to work out
closed to like my nighttime sweatpants. It's for me. My
friends that are in fashion that have companies that have
like any kind of leisure wearer say that it has
been because people need something to look forward to. Well,

if you're not going to go buy you know, Coultur
stuff because you have nowhere to wear it, then you
like go for the leisure ware. And they've been buying
like amazing sweat super cute like Tidye Kashmere. Tell us
some of the other things that you're seeing as we've
kind of now been in this for a while and
making that shift, like makeup wise, not things to cover
up the fact that we're not getting our botox or

our roots stone or whatever, but like a new kind
of like this is my new bow ho ho ho
ho or something like that. Yeah, I mean, I think
the focus for me makeup wise, I know, and kind
of what I've been telling all my clients is just
to get really serious about your skincare right now, because
I actually am not really wearing that much makeup and
a lot of people are, so the focus can shift

to just really taking care of your skin, especially if
you can't get your facials, get your botox. You know,
we're not able to get these treatments that we typically do.
So I've been doing a lot of CEO two masks.
I don't know if you're familiar with that man keeper
moisturizing really helpful with aging, really getting serious about making
sure I'm taking care of my skin on the daily.

I also shaved my face, which is a thing on
velvet side dot com. You guys can go watch. But
what I know, come again, I just like to say
for listeners that can't see her, because we do insist
on doing these vias, zoom is the most feminine, beautiful,
clear skin, there's no beard going on and apparently clean shaving. Yes,

I mean my face feels like a baby's ass, you know,
one would hope. Okay, tell us how that works. Okay, So,
if you really think about it, you notice men's there
around their lips especially, they don't aige as fast as women.
And I'm always curious why is that. So I had
this aesthetician tell me a lot of times, it's because
they're shaving constantly and they're turning their skin cells over

and so they're just regenerating new skin cells and really
keeping that collagen pumping. So you know, you hear a
lot of people talk about the derma planing. It's the
same thing. It's just it's just an at home derma planing.
So you just shave your entire face. I shave my neck,
I shave a forehead. I know what about the old
like wives tale, like if you shave it, it's gonna

grow back. So all of a sudden, we could Kelly,
that's why she wanted to do the interview in the morning, guys,
because fiber clock shadow is coming it. That's just an
old lives tale. You cannot grow hair that wasn't there before.
So your hair will grow back exactly as it was
if you've had a little peach, but it'll grow back
exactly like that if you had the thick course dark

hair that but probably Okay, So by the way, Laura,
as as Kelly's described, this is rubbing all the areas
of her face. Are you feeling for stubble or I'm
seeing I'm looking for peach fuzz and which I have
And I'm thinking, like, okay, I just so what about
the thing. I forget what it's called. It's not dermoplaning,

and it's not the roller like they have with the jade.
But it's it's like a It's like a Japanese thing
where you like kind of rub it, pull it against
the face. I've seen it like on Goop and a
couple other places, that little razor thing. Yeah, but it's
not a razor, like it doesn't have anything. It's more
just a would that do the same thing. I'm really
nervous about the same get it and I when I

she first told me to start doing it home, I
was like, what, you have lost your mind. I will
never do that. But I do it, and I've been
doing it for eight years now probably, and I love it.
I'm obsessed with that. It makes your makeup go on
so much more like smooth and just better. It just
soaks into your skin. Everything looks a lot doier. I'm
just telling you guys, it's what kind of a shamer

are we using? Like a daisy razor or an electric shamers?
I used to let fusion from the drug store. Okay,
there we go. What happens if you cut yourself for
you have to be careful. The first time I did it,
I shaved. I'll have my eyebrow, so okay, but it's bad. Yeah,
but it's back another another exclusive here on All Spare.

Thank you for that tip. Okay, and you have a
podcast as well on Apple Podcast. Yes, all right, Johnny
pulled some of the things that the one you do
with Me McCormick and Jared Free tell us some of
your favorite podcast episodes. Um is it called Razors Praisers
says get the Shaving out of your Body? The podcast

I should start calling it razors ed Um it is
called Valvets Edge of the podcast and it's actually anywhere
that you listen to podcasts. It's run through iHeart Media
and um yeah, I mean I started this thinking that
I would talk a lot about beauty and fashion. And
what I've really realized about why I love my job
so much is that I love looking internally. So it's

about inside beauty too and just you know, knowing how
people are growing and um just really pushing themselves. So
I talked to a range of people. I talked to
everyone from you know, Jason Aldan and his wife. So
it's like a lot of the country stars that I
work with to then like my psychic or astrologist or
me McCormick, who is an amazing chef here w specializes

in gut health and getting healthy. So it's just a range,
but it's a lot of focusing on you know, I'll
do the external beauty stuff, but a lot of the
internal beauty and how people are really growing. Give us
some of the ones that you've come away with from there.
I mean, we've been doing a few of these two
and some of the people are really getting much more
into meditation right now. Um, I think people are eating

healthier because I don't think we realize although I love
it going to restaurants, but how much we end up
consuming butter and sugar because when chefs make food for
restaurant patrons, they wanted to taste good, and boy does
it ever. On top of which I'm throwing down cocktail
after cocktail after glass of wine after wine. So then
I really don't give a funk about what I'm eating
because but but so, tell us about some of the

things that you've you know, in the last couple of months,
the inward stuff that you've learned or that you like
talking about. Well, I mean, you mentioned the woe with
me me McCormick that I just talked about, and she
was seriously so sick from gut issues and just digestion
issues that she had gotten down to eighty five pounds,
and um, yeah, it was one of those things that

I should Yeah you made that joke too much, really
drink water. So it was just a very unhealthy lifestyle.
And she was miserable and probably on the verge of
debt honestly to really look at what she's been, you know,
in her body. And I truly buy into we can
heal our body with food, and I think, like just

what she mentioned about restaurants, we just don't even think
about what we're putting in our body half the time.
So she was just so informative. She comes from a
very scientific background and so just about balancing out your
gut health because even if you're eating healthy, sometimes you
might think you're doing really well, but you've gotten really
out of whack. Are you're eating too much of the
same thing to where your body can't process it in

the same way? Did she mention like, I mean, is
I feel I'm about to turn fifty two this month
than you like? Thak, it's the shaving, That's what I
was gonna saying, without shaving even me, But imagine how
good she's going to look at fifty three when she
starts shaving star shaving on a daily basis. Wait, I'll

have another crush after back up? Do you shaving cream?
What are we using? No? I just use a foaming
face wash. Okay, okay, already yeah. Is it at night
or in the morning? It could be whenever you want, Laura.
Can you imagine Kelly hangs up and she's like, oh
my god, what a fucking sucker. Lady is gonna go shave. Okay.
So anyway, my point is, as as we get older,

our metabolisms change. Things change. My stepdaughter has been living
with me and she's nineteen and she's European, and it's
funny because she, you know, we'll have a glass of
rose and the afternoons or whatever, and she's like, I
really have to learn how to be able to drink
and not like get so tipsy. I mean I really
And I said, well, okay, it's three things. One is

you have to make sure that you've eaten something otherwise
you're gonna just get light headed really fast. And she's like,
I do I've been eating. I've been eating. I said,
okay too. You have to drink lots of water, and
she said well, of course I do that because she's Europeans,
so that's what they do. They drink the water with
the wine where And I said, and then three, we
gotta keep at this leeks. We gotta build up your tolerance.
So go up in another bottle, honey. But I was

saying to her, there are days, you know, at any
age where like I know, I'm like out and I'm
drink and drink and drinking. I never get drunk. And
then there's some days, depending on what I've eaten, where
I am in my mental cycle or whatever, and I
will like get so light headed immediately after one drink.
I'm wondering if if me or anybody else that's spoken
to has talked about that metabolism issue, aging not aging

or whatever. She didn't specifically talk about the you know,
getting tipsy or not, but she did talk a lot
about if you're drinking too much wine or then you
have one day where you drink way more than another,
how it can just throw your body so out of whack.
And I know, I mean, I don't know if you
guys are like me, but in this quarantine, I've been
drinking way more than I do in normal life. It's
just sort of like a lot for me since I

drink a lot. Anyways, Yeah, it's happening. I mean, I
think it's happening for all of us. So I definitely
feel and see a difference in my body like you're saying,
and um, I think gets all about just balance, which
sounds so boring, but it truly really is about that, No,
it is, and I think we have to. Like, I mean,
last week I had like an amazing week. This week,

I'm like, oh my god, it's dragging. We're having early
June gloom here, Like it had been glorious every morning
and now it's kind of cloudy until about noon. And
I'm like, Okay, you gotta just push through Wasser It's
gonna be okay. I guess we were kind of working
up to this, the Act Casual Drinking and Quarantine, the
one that you did with Chick Doors. Did you guys
talk about that as well? Well? Yeah, I mean it's

actually there's a ton of articles out right now just
about how much drinking in general is up, Like the
liquor stores are killing it right now. It even has
we even have a new drink, the Quarantine E the
quarantiney I mean everyone's having those every happy hour. I've
made a joke on that. You know, my boyfriend and
I was happy hour keeps getting earlier and earlier just
because school. We're like, is it not for a drink? YEA? Well, Kelly,

let me ask you what is the meaning of velvet edge?
Like why is that a thing for your podcast and
your blog? Kay? I think it started as something different,
as I said earlier, but was really turned into for me.
It's just the thing I was talking about how I
love you know, when I'm with my clients, I'm getting
them ready for a big event. I've realized how much
of my energy goes into making sure they feel good

and just like they feel confident. You know, they're going
and doing these big, huge shows and big performances, and
so much of what you put out there is what's
happening on the inside. So the velvet is just kind
of the the softer inner beauty, the growing and internally
and spiritually, and then the edge is just it's become

for me, the fashion, the makeup, just the edge your
side of my personality. I like that. Have you ever
heard think expression like a velvet hammer? Like somebody that
has that really like soft touch, but really am res
in it, so that's edge. I love it. Yeah, thank you.
This is All's Fair with Laura Wasser. Our guest today

is celebs stylist and glam specialist Kelly Henderson from Nashville, Tennessee,
who many of you may know from her stylist blog
and website, Velvet'sge, which is also the name of her
fresh and informative podcast. She's also started on three seasons
of the hit show on e Very Cavalery, and she's
here today to share grooming tips for dudes and do dets. Kelly,
what's the first thing a guide needs to prioritize when

it comes to grooming Well, in quarantine, I would say
the main thing I'm noticing is like net hair, eyebrow hair.
You know, it's just kind of making sure you're doing
the little things that you can do because obviously you
can't go get a haircut, so just cleaning up a
little bit. Also in normal life, always say the things

that I tell my clients to prioritize the most. Sunscreen.
Guys do not wear sunscreen. You don't even think about it,
and that is a huge part of taking care of
our skin and the anti aging absolutely, and okay, so
I mean the other thing is and again maybe I'm
talking to older people, like a lot of judges is
and a lot of older clients, and I'm right here
with them on the zoom, and there's like the nose

hair really do right, especially if you have a mirror,
Go look in the beir there's a nose hair. Or
the problem is their eyes are bad and so were
the mirror. They don't see it's no excuse, no excuse.
The ear hair. That's like the first thing I take
off on all my clients. I'm like, guys, do not

see this? And wait you you do this for them? Yes,
this is my job so as I didn't know that
that was part of the job. So okay. So you're
like getting them like in the nice like cut suit
and the great tie and the shirt and the neck,
you know, and then all of a sudden you're like,
hold on, so what are your tools of trade? Are
you one of those things that you put in the

nose that has the thing or are you just manicure scissors?
Like how do we tell our guys get a tweezers?
Good tweezers? Yeah, let me tell us. But I'll tell
you this, a lot of guys are too lazy for that,
unless I mean, there's you know, my boyfriend's very O
c D. So he'll get there and he wants to
pick out every single hair. But what I've noticed with
my clients is they want something super easy. So literally,

at wall Greens or CBS or wherever it is you go,
they always have these little buzzers. Um they're like the
made for TV kind of are asking on. They're like
five dollars, and I'm like, this is so easy. All
you do is buzz the middle of your eyebrows, buzz
your ears, and then you get one through your nose too,
and they just they have little thing at six two seconds.
That's the easiest fix for looking a lot more grooms.

If you guys can't get to wall Greens or they
have them on Amazon, you don't have to leave the house.
I sent over before I have my next zoom call
with you, Johnny, you want to share with this some
of your tips that you read from g Q about
some of this stuff. Absolutely, yeah, we'd love to know

your thoughts on some of the top trends that g
Q and Esquire magazine you know, has been listing in
a couple of recent issues of their magazine. So for
hair care, for example, well, they're saying that there's a
new summer trend which is going to be the big
quarantine hair trend, buzzed and bleached, and they go into
like giving yourself buzz cuts, how do you shave your head?

Are there any trends that you are predicting that may
come out of this quarantine for men? I mean, I
think they've nailed it with the buzz cut. I don't
know that anything else could come out of this besides that,
because guys aren't gonna be able to get their hair cuts.
So if you if your face can carry it, I
tell I'm telling people, just go for it. Why wouldn't you?
And then you talked a little bit earlier about skincare

for women recommending the shaving um, what about for guys
or is there anything that you'd recommend for for guys
for skincare? I mean, I think it's just figuring out
what you will do because I do this a lot
with my clients. I like, do this and this and
this and use this product, and guys don't like that.
I feel like a lot of guys want what what want?
What is really simple, and so it's about really figuring

out what you're willing to do or not, you know,
and a g Q is that really a great resource
for all kinds of products. So I would recommend to
guys go onto a site like that and figure out
what your skin type is and what you're willing to do.
Another thing I was surprised about, actually that Esquire recommended
is m coloring your hair at home. Now none of
us can get to, you know, do our roots. So

any tips for guys to color their hair at home,
be careful. I just actually I just like buzz it
off or with a man too. If it's grays coming in,
just own it. I think it's a sophisticated look. I
really like it. I agree, I totally agree. Well I've
let my wisdom grow in as you can see. I
love it. Yes, thank you. What about for girls? What

are what are you finding? I mean, like, I haven't
blow dried in two months. I mean letting it drying naturally.
I think that's what it's about. It's kind of embracing
the naturals I said earlier, really focusing on skincare and
hair masks too, I've been doing hair masks. That's a
great one. I'm gonna be stuck with this hair for a
a while, I might as well find make it healthier. Right.
What's a hair mask? What it's like a deep conditioning

thing that you leave on for you know, on damp
hair for a certain period of time, and even hair oils,
Like I'll actually put on hair oil before bed, put
it in a bun, and like sleep with it and
then the morning it's really nice. Yeah, it's just about
stake keeping healthy. I know, like a lot of people too,
if you have eyelash extensions or anything like that, you
can't go get that done, so products like Latisse or

things that you can do at home to help growth.
And to me, it's just about really embracing really pretty skin.
You know, maybe find a really good cream blush that's
gonna just give you a glow when you're at home,
and then making sure your lashes are healthy and long,
just just so you can still feel feminine. You know,
that's the hard part right now. Our friend Mary, who

works with us that It's over Easy, does get the
eyelash extensions, so figure she got her last ones either
at the end of February beginning of March. So they've
all obviously fallen off except one. One little lash is
still there. It's like still hanging on. And so I
do see her on Zoom calls them because she lives
up the street. We've done some social distancing, cocktailing whatever,

and she comes over and it is literally like, lash watch,
we are just us. I mean, I'm amazed. I'm like,
are you sure that was an extension? And it is
so much bigger and longer, and it's just it's still there.
It's hilarious. I had them too, and we would be
kept finding them all around the house. One time my
boyfriend found play at dinner. Surprise. At the low point, well,

it's better than finding another kind of hair. All right, Kelly,
we do this thing on All's Fair that's called the interrogatories.
We ask you some questions. Are you ready? We already
asked you the really tough ones, the boring ones. Okay,
So do you do you start to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do,
Which relationship in your life has had the most profound impact?

I would say, um, it was actually one of the
hardest relation and ships in my life, and I was
engaged at one point and I found out three months
before our wedding that he had been cheating, so I
had to keep still the wedding, and it was just brutal.
I mean, as you can imagine, there was so much heartbreak.
It really affected my ability to trust people, and so

the next couple of years were very difficult. But the
positive now is that because I went through such heartbreak
and such a hardship, it's really it really forced me
to look at myself also, like my contributions to the
negativity in that relationship, and I just grew and changed
so much that I don't think that I would be

the person I am today without that relationship. I love
that talk about a rebirth and turning lemons into lemonade.
That's a really great answer. Thanks. What's your favorite love song? Um? Okay,
it's shod A by your Side. I could listen to
it on repeat. Love it. What is the one piece

of advice you'd share with your ten or twenty year
old self, some somebody following in your footsteps. This is
what I would say to myself, and it's also what
I say to anyone I hire. That is just right
out of college, but just work hard and know that
nothing is going to be giving given to you. I
see that a lot, especially now with young twenties somethings.

It's just a sense of entitlement, and um, you gotta
work for it, and you've gotta keep you know, learning
and earn your plays and just and really focus on that.
That's what I would say to myself. Isn't it so fun?
It's like a rite of passage. I never thought i'd
be the old lady going God, these entitled kids they
just and now I'm that person, and I'm like, oh

my god, when did I go from being the entitled
kid to being this person? Say again, it must mean
that we made it great. At least we're still alive.
That's true. We have that Which romantic comedy? Could you
watch and repeat? Kelly? I love actually loved right. Yeah,
it's kind of my favorite Christmas movie. But it's just

also the most romantic love story. And I love all
the different little little relationships within that movie. It's so fun.
Me too, totally love it. Well, Kelly, Thank you so
much for zooming in from Nashville today. I can't wait
to continue our conversation on Velvet Edge, so please invite
me on let's get it in. Yes, we're gonna make
that happen. And in the meantime, tell our listeners where

they can find your blog, your podcast and just wonderful
you online. Um So, the blog is velvet Sidge dot com.
There's all sorts of different shopping too, so I have
a vintage t shop up there. And also you can
shop all the blogs um online on social media. I'm
all at Velvet's Edge everywhere. And then the podcast is
also Velvet Edge, and you just search Velvet Edge wherever

you listen to podcast. Cool. We loved having you. Thank you.
You are lovely inside and out, and thank you for
all the tips and we've got your back. Thanks girl,
I'm pretty thank you guys so much for having me.
She has a really nice way about her. I think
that they they they wanted to find somebody to hate,

and people are hating on her, and I don't think
that's right. She's adorable. Well, before we go, be sure
to rate us an Apple Podcasts and join us in
our Facebook group, which is It's over easy community where
we keep all of these conversations going. After the show
and our guest next week is Dina Lohan, by the way.
Regarding community, that is something that we've set up particularly

now during this time, but to continue on, people going
through a divorce or a breakup, in addition to people
that are in the isolation of COVID nineteen feel lonely.
They feel like they need to have a little bit
of community. So we're really trying to establish that and
so please join us, even if you don't have anything
to say, you just want to feel like you're part

of something listening. Come on in. You might take something
away that makes you feel good. Thank you for listening.
Search it's over easy community on Facebook, and we'll be
back next week, evidently with Dina Lohan. Thanks for listening.
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