All Episodes

December 1, 2022 57 mins

And That’s What You REALLY Missed - The SNIXXMAS Special

Tickets here: And That’s What You REALLY Missed - The SNIXXMAS Special – Mandolin Box Office

If things seemed calm surrounding Heather and her storylines, then you missed a lot! From having to re-audition for Beyoncé, to being confronted by Naya Rivera, to having an IBS attack on the way to set (and rolling with it!)…Brittany S. Pierce a whirlwind. But with all the stress, there was a lot of fun too and Heather is here to reveal everything you REALLY missed with Kevin and Jenna!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey everyone, Before we get to our new episode, we
have an exciting announcement. Snakes Miss is back, so please
join us for a live taping of and That's What
You Really Missed live from the I Heart Radio Theater
in Los Angeles. We are raising funds and awareness in
loving memory of our friend Naya Rivera to benefit Alexandria House.

Celebrate the holidays with us and keep the snakes Miss
spirit alive. Join us in person at the I Heart
Radio Theater or watch the live stream. Special guests, performances,
unbelievable gleeful auction items, and a live podcast. Here are
the details. In person event December six at seven pm
from the I Heart Radio Theater in Los Angeles. And

for those of you that can't join us in person,
we are streaming the event on December eight at five
pm Pacific time, and don't worry, we'll be watching right
along with you and chatting with you live. We will
even have a virtual meet and greet option. Tickets are
available on box office dot Mandolin dot com. We're placing
the direct link to the tickets on our Instagram and
bio and the notes of this podcast episode, so go

check it out and We'll see you there. Mary Snicks
miss and that's what you really missed with Jenna and
Kevin and I Heart Radio Podcast. Hey y'all, welcome back
to the show. New episode, new cast member, same old
Jenna and Kevin. Um. Today is a very exciting episode.

We have one of our BFFs on. We got to
chat with the one and only Heather Morris. Brittany as
Pierce Hemo is in the building. And um, the beautiful
thing about Heather is that, like I think the women
on the show, you are all very good at expressing

yourselves openly and being direct. And I think you taught
all of us males, you know, how to speak up
for ourselves. Oh that's amazing. And Heather, I had an
amazing story on the show how she had a baby
during it she was doing a lot more than everybody else. Yeah,
she she was, she was doing she was extra, as
she would say she would being extra at that time. Um,

in the best way possible. And also we all learned,
I think, on the show from each other, within the
women as well, how to speak up for ourselves. And
you know, we get into this in the episode with Heather.
But coming from a dance background, you kind of like
shut your mouth, put your head down, and do the work.
So this is a different experience for her as well,
and how she evolved through the show. So I'm excited

for you guys to hear I also learned a lot.
There were lots of things I didn't know even being
around her every day. So I'm excited for all of
you to hear it. So let's get to it. Let's
stop talking to listen to Heather. Hi Emo, Hey, welcome back.
I just listened to Chris's episode prior to this. I
loved it. I was we were walking, We're living the

neighborhood walking Taylor and I and I was listening and
I was like, that's cackling to myself, isn't either be?
I love him. It's very sweet. It's very I think
it's sweet. It's also nice to see someone that we've
known since they were eighteen blossom into the force that
that he is today, justa bestseller. He was always there,

he just had to grow in exactly. Yes, Chris was
always there, you know, that was his destiny from day one,
always a force. So how there. I'd like to start
this episode by sharing with you the thesis of this podcast,
just to set the tone. The tone is um. What
Lady Murphy had said earlier in his episode was that

there's a difference between what Glee did to us and
did for us. H that's the thesis that Ron new podcast.
So do what you want with that. Yeah, it's worth
We're watching the Ted Kittency Uni Bomber Show right now, Taylor.

We've been to that yesterday. That's what we did on
our time without our children bend watching the Uni Bomber Show,
and one of the episodes said, Kazynski gets forced into
this like this like social experiment where they're basically testing
like the Soviet spies UM ways on these Harvard law students,

of these Harvard students. I don't know if you've heard
about this, but he was basically like brainwashed, and he
was so intelligent that like he wouldn't let them break him.
So they were trying to make him feel like he
was crazy for having these eccentric ideas about about UM
technology and how we're you know, as in a society

like really social and all these ideas that he like
essentially was coming up. At the same time, they like
brainwashed him try and make him think he was crazy
and he wouldn't let it break him. He was like,
I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy. Essentially, it forced him
to do what he was gonna do. And anyways, anyways,
all this aside, Yeah, I mean speaking of is that

how you felt during what a crazy social experience as
much as everyone trying to break you and convince you
I did break, I did break. We all broke. Kevin
was the last to break. But we were talking about
that too, How we all we all broke? When when
did you break? Heather? Okay, what a question. I'll never

forget to the day when we were sitting on a
golf cart and I I was in my deepest of
darkest and Nia go, Nia looks to Kevin and she goes.
She just stopped talking all together. She just didn't talk
to anybody. And I was like, I don't you're right,

I don't want to speak a word. I don't speak out. Well,
I'll never forget that day. She took it too. She
took it to the real level it should have been
taken to. Yeah, she always did. She was the one
that could get through. She was like a translator for
a lot of us. She can read us and be like, oh,
this is what's going on. Yeah, she was like our puppeteer,

I mean speaking of I was going to get to this,
but we may as well just like get into it
if you don't, right, if you we were, we were,
we're like it like it's like burning now where you're
like to step out for a second a minute, Yeah,
you need to sit on the ledge. That's where we're
at already. UM. I love this with you guys. I

love doing this. We love you, we love having you.
The tour was pretty crazy for all of us women.
I think, Um Kevin's memory served is very good about
out how like all the girls like locked themselves in
the dressing room at one point and was like I
want to go home. Like I felt that way for sure. UM,

but I'll never forget you shared a story with me
and if you're open to sharing it, um, Like you
had kind of come to a breaking point on tour
and you you had said to me like now I
was the only person who really confronted you about it
and and was like I'm worried about you. You You were
like are you okay? UM, And I'm just curious if
you if you would be comfortable to share sharing that story.

Oh absolutely, so yeah, I just like when I started
the show, essentially, I just had I mean there's so
much backstory to all this. Obviously we know, but like
we can go back, go back, we can go back
and go back, We'll go back. But we were in it.
We were in it. I just had a really unhealthy
work habit that I had tried to keep up for
so long. Um just basically because I had not had

to work hard for this show. I got this job
just out of thin air, essentially. I mean, yeah, I
had put in the work as a dancer, but you know,
people in mind an audition for the show, I just
got it. So I felt like I had to keep
that up. And people pleased the whole time. And I
was just pushing and pushing and pushing. And when we
started the the tour, I had developed an eating disorder disorder,

I stopped getting my period. I was so in my
head about food and what it was doing for me.
And obviously this is just a manifestation of what my
body was really going through in my mind. But I
just was unhealthy. I looked at all food is bad,
and um, I was in a really bad place. I
just didn't know it yet, and I remember being in

the dressing room, like getting myself ready. I had just
walked into the the food hall with everybody looked at
the food as I did every single time, and I
was like, I just don't think I want that today,
you know, stared at it like I did every single time.
I'm sure everybody was noticing. And I went back in
the dressing room and Nyawa done and she was like

I can't remember exactly what she was saying, but she
was approaching me about my eating disorder because I know
she herself had had beating disorders and she was very
open about it in her book, and so she of
course was the first to speak up about it and
just say like, you know, I don't know what's going
on with you, but I feel like, you know, something

is happening, and just was trying to be there in
a way, and I just completely blew it off like no,
I'm fine, a person fine. So there was nothing else
after that, There was nothing to be spoken about. But
she probably got the hand like, oh, okay, well if
she doesn't want to talk about it, she's not ready
for this conversation totally totally, and that's who she was.

She was just always ready to pass about it and
that's all. Yeah, we're all like that now. It just
takes that that time and place in your life where
you realize, like there life too short. Yeah, you can't
be scared to address the hard things. You just have
to do with the people you care about. Yeah, yeah, exactly,

Like what's the worst is going to happen? Like I'll
I'll be I'll take the risk of pissing you off
for asking the questions that I feel need to be
asked inappropriate when that comes with age too and maturity, right,
Like for somebody like me who doesn't like confrontation or
like to rock the boat at all, You know that
it feels like it's like a pot star versus like

actually being a solution. But now you see it. I
see it as like a solution and like not trying
to stir the pot and like dance around like people
talking like what's going on with Heather, what's going on?
Versus like somebody like not going like I'm just gonna
ask her what's going on and if she's okay, you know, yeah,
which should have been the solution the entire time. We're

going to be really honest. It's like, that's what number
ones do you know? Like the high ups. It's like, yeah, yeah,
you just got to talk about your leaders. Yeah, your leaders.
And that's what we do when we're when we have
adult twenty year old or twenty twenty cast members who
are adults who are all always in this thing together,

right right, But we were children. Yeah, well no, I
mean that that would come up like you guys are
all kids. I'm like, which, no, we're twenty three years old,
just like children. That's such an interesting thing because so
many people like we were kids in the sense that
like a lot of people don't hit the height of

their career until later in life, right until they've put
in like the time as an adult versus us who
we all did. Actually, most of us put in a
lot of time previous to Gale that people don't know about.
And then you're an overnight sensation. You're like, actually, no,
like all these people you've seen somewhere else before this. Yeah,

yeah yeah. And of course when you're twenty three year
not adult, so they our brains were not fully developed.
We're also the youngest cast vers it was like easier
for them to group us all together like the kids. Yeah,
I'm pretty sure. So well that's it. Let's talk about Beyonce.
So you came in to do the show. I mean,

I know we've told this story a lot, but let's
let's just retell it. Um. Tell us how you got,
how how you joined Lee, how you got how Bernie
Spears came to be like share the story with us. Okay, Well,
so I was prior to coming to teach you guys,
I had gone on to work with Beyonce um for

the Beyonce experience, and then took a big break from that.
Then she came back and she came out with her
big single ladies head and I had to reudition for that,
and I had to reudition for Beyonce. I had done
her tour and then we were done with the tour.

There was like ten girls, four guys. It is all finished.
And then you know, we had a big, huge break.
Go do your other jobs, Go get another pizza job,
and try and live your life somehow the money that
you don't have. And then I had to go re
audition for this huge like single ladies tour ish thing

that was happening. Wild. Yeah, it's just wild. We had
to go on an audition with everybody else. Um, which
is fine, you know you do that thing, and she
got it. You do it, got it, got it, did it?
She still got it? It still did it. Um. And

so simultaneously at the same time, I decided I was
going to be this actress now, like I wanted to
be a star in my whole life. So I wrote
to my agents and I was like, thank you so
much for the opportunity, but right now, and I took
a break. I'm going to focus on acting and I
was going to like to just acting school quote unquote

and um, which was essentially just like a cult. Now
that I was that it was basically a cult. How
they're moreish joins cult. That's the headlines of this week. Um.
So yeah, So I started that whole journey of like
I'm going to be this actress. And um, Zach Woodley
he was my biggest champion at the time. I knew

that and I had assisted him doing Fired Up, which
was a cheerleading movie. Um. And he came to me
and he was like, Hey, I have a great opportunity.
I want you to teach the single ladies dance to
some some actors who are doing it in one of
their episodes of the show. And also they're kind of
looking for dancers because all these kids are seniors and actors,
they don't really have anybody who can move on the show.

Um and just kind of be like background fillers. Essentially.
I was like, Okay, great, I'll wear my best outfit,
gonna wear my coolest jams there. Um, So I was
gonna go teach that day. And I don't I think
you guys might know this story in a roundabout way,
but the day of my audition, UM, I was driving

in my Prius on the way to the audition. I
had just turned around the corner to the Paramount lot,
and in this point in my life, I was like
battling with ibs right Like I had really sensitive stomach.
I always have, I just didn't know about it at
the time. And I just had guzzled a coffee because
I was like, I gotta have energy. I'm good, I'm

ready for this. Heather turned to the corner. This is
right before I walk in to meet you guys and
Ryan Murphy. Um, I turned the corner and I'm thinking
I'm gonna fart. I let out a fart and it's
not a part. I sharted my pants on Gower and
what's the other cross road is it? Melrose? I was

on Gower and Melrose and I was just doing left,
and I had started my pants and I was about
to enter the paramount lot for the very time. To
teach you guys Hollywood glamour at its fineness. I was
in my American apparel maroon on maroon onesie. I remember this.

It was that, yes, you didn't know. We didn't know.
Times before. I had just shipped my pants and I
had to get there in like ten minutes. So I
pulled into the neighborhood right across the street. I don't
even have to take off my onesie. I take off
my underwork inside my onesie like I pull it through

my leg, I b I roll it in a ball,
I throw it out the window. I check if I'm fine.
I don't like there's no stink coming from me. I'm good.
I'm not going to give away that I just shipped
my pants. It's also like a really like boogie neighborhood
Hancock Park, like stop, I'm dead. She didn't even blame

It was an early Christmas president for some mane walking
by walking their dog, and then I walked in the
fair amount and I continued to teach you guys the
single ladies, and you did teach us single ladies. I
can't remember how long you taught us single ladies for,
do you remember. I wouldn't say it was a total

of two or three. I couldn't imagine it would be
more though longer. I don't know. Maybe you were around
the weren't you, like before we had started shooting the
new episodes the actual season, Like you were around when
we were always in the tin shed rehearsing, and then
you guys were in the tin shed rehearsing. And then
I remember, like then you Zach brought you around to
meet all of us, like immediately, um, and then we're

all just hanging out. But then when did it? Was?
It like, oh, she's going to stick around, so I
had I can't remember exact timelines because I know I
had been teaching you guys that and then after I
believe it was the same day after I was teaching
you guys, I was supposed to go read for Ryan Murphy.

I was given I was given the quinsides, and I
was supposed to go to the Bungalow and just read
for him, like what And it happened twice. Two times
he asked me to read for him because I had
met him with with Zach, you know, once we were
done rehearsing, he was like, yeah, I'd love to have you.
And both times he canceled on me for this read.

And I don't know what solidified it. Maybe he knew
about just start Glory like you're Halo was like enough
that he was like, great, just caster like she had
do it twice. Don't even audition for this show. You
don't even audition. That's how he knew, Kevin. That's how
he talked to Frank Gatsen. Yeah, so I never I

never went to Reform just like which lucky enough because
if I would have read, he probably would not hire.
Now that is not true. That is not true. You
never know tell us about Remind me about Brittany us peers,

because like I remember you doing Brittany like for all
of us in the choir room and like the lip
sinking um and would make us all like laugh, it's
a really bite and you were like expanding on it
every choir room scene like for us in between My
biggest champions guys, and it was so fun. And then

Ryan Murphy would walk in and my heart would stop
and I'd be like, oh my God. And then you
guys would talk to him and you would then, you know, somehow,
I don't know, convincing that he needed to stay and
listen to my were like one day we were like,
enough is enough, he needs to see I got to
talk about this. We gotta talk about this. And I
don't even think I did much. I was just doing

like the finger in the air and I'm like, huh,
and that was it. I don't even think real people
knew about this part of Brittany as hears wow right,
because it was just between us, was that Brittany was
toned deaf. And then it turned out that Sugar Motto
was actually telling that bless I remember Ryan's cackle when

you would do it though, he had that loud cackle
that you would hear like I love it. Do you
remember too. Wasn't it that same day then that you
guys had a scene I think it was you and
nia Are you Bane and Niad a scene in the
Mr Shoes Spanish? It was an office or something. It

was one of the teachers yet and then Ryan started
feeding you lines because it was right after we forced
you to perform as Brittany for him, and then it
was like after that, then all of a sudden, like
the next scripts from here and out, it's just here.
She is. She the full fully fledged, full fledged character,

and it's them the best comedy on the entire show,
Thank you, Thank you. It was a mixture of nerves
and my love for mean girls Karen because she was
so genius. Oh my deliver that loved It makes so
much sense Karen for mean girls, is this is who

she's going to be. Oh my gosh, wow, I know now.
Now you hear it, now you feel it. I do.
I don't think. Okay, my mind is blown. What's interesting
that I never thought about and didn't even think to
ask you back then, was that sense of responsibility or
like overcompensating for not having auditioned, because I know what

that feels like if you get offered something, You're like,
I didn't earn this. I got to make sure that
I make it worth a while that they hired me,
that they have me. Did that start sort of immediately
or was it something that was sort of like probably
subconsciously building as the years went on. Well, I think Jenna,
when when you had reached out to me and and

we're kind of approaching me about this this podcast in general,
you were like, you know, we really want to dive
into the fact that, like you're a when you're a
dancer and you're working as a dancer, your job is
to show up, shut up, and do your job. And
that's who I was. That's who I was every moment

that I walked like into a job as a dancer, um,
And that's kind of what we're bred to do, is
like you show up, you work your ass off, you
keep quiet, and you do your job. Um. And so
I had already had that like worth, that work ethic
within me to just like show up and do it.
Don't ask questions, do everything you're asked. You know, you're

there to do what you need to do, and then
you're done. And so like that's who I was going
into it. And then I also had just been handed
this beautiful lat warm on the show that just blew
me away. When I watched the pilot, it was just
like incredible, and I knew the show was special. And
so when we were going into this stuff into all
these rehearsals and then starting shooting. I just I couldn't

blow it. I couldn't say no. I couldn't. I couldn't
blow that, you know. And I didn't even know I
I didn't even know I could have the voice to
do that because right, like I said, like I just
was a dancer, and that's not what you do. You
don't speak up for yourself, you don't, cause Marcus right, right,
and we saw that it was like very you were

always so professional, um and like obviously watching like what
you said, because I remember you being very respectful, like
we because we were all a bit more comfortable with
one another, and we had done the pilot, so we
had this sort of and you know, bond and we
would talk shit or gossip with one another, and you

were really good about not participating in sort of like
that well, which was also intimiding too for me, because
I felt like you guys had this you guys had
this this circle in this friendship that you established previously,
and it felt like I don't know about Naya, but
it felt like for me, we were these outsiders, right
like you guys had established this fleet club and we

weren't so like I always I always loved what you
guys had. I always loved that you guys were like
outspoken and could do that. Um, I just didn't feel
like I had the privilege to do that, you know.
I felt like a little I don't know, a little
like Kitty in the corner of science experiment the sweet funny,
this sweet money. And then and then we all went

to the school NIA and she taught us how to
speak up for ourselves. And then Nia, I mean it's
also she was the one who has been working, like
working in TV longer than any of us. She was
doing Barbie longer than Yeah. But honestly, I will say,
even if in the in this like speaking up thing
that we're talking about that other people probably don't really

know what we're saying, it's like the chance to complain
in some respect, right, or the chance to say no,
I don't want to do that. Um, it's just not
It's not like you're not bread to do that as
an artist because or an actor, because you should be
lucky to get your have the job you have, right,
you don't know when your break is going to come on.
When it does, you don't really exactly millions of other

people you just shot right. But on our set, I
will say even the people who did know how to
respectfully speak up for themselves a ka rivera. Yes, everybody
who most people who did in the show also did
their damn job. And well that's the thing. Like, it

was like the expectation for our show because we were, um,
there were so many eyes on. It was you show up,
you do your job as best as possible, you do
the best you positive, you do better than you think
you can um, and then you expect that from the
rest from everybody else. And I think that was also
the pressure of like everybody else better show up because

you're showing up, right. That's the way I kind of felt.
I was like, I'm doing my job. Everybody else should
do their job. When it takes everybody, when there's so
many moving parts, there's eighty of us have seen it's
like everyone's got to show up to make this thing.
Everybody has to be on the same page. Otherwise it's like, right, okay,
But even I mean, like even I remember there's this
funny story though, Um, we were doing Rocky Horror and

it was really late. It was like one thirty in
the morning and we were in those horrible wigs for
like the whole and out of trees, and like how
they're sitting on the floor in between takes and it's
really late, and I just see, like how there's eyes
like start to well up a little bit. And I
turned to Kevin and I'm like, how there seems unwealth

and I mean all of us were not well at
that moment. And I turned to Kevin and he's like,
you know when Heather's will and you know she's upset,
you know it's bad. That is true. I did used
to say that all the time. How there was like
the marker for if. Then you're like, okay, I think
it's okay now to be like justify she was like

I was bar you were talking. You gotta you gotta understand,
Like I so, So I come from like my parents
work habits were I had a dad who like threw
himself into work. He went four am to nine pm
every single day. He built his company from the ground up,
and it was a very unhealthy work habit. This is

just kind of how I've justified how I grew into
that habit. He was just work all day, all night,
always work. And then we took these special family vacations
for a week long, and he dove hard into that,
loved us, and then went back to work and was like,
you know this, this just provider, right. But he was

always like just the hardest worker that I knew. And
I had a mom who was like, just stay at home.
She she's very she's very hermit like, she didn't like
to go out, she doesn't like to do stuff. And
so I have these like two opposing sides to who
I am. And I felt like that really happened to
me within this show. It was like, I worked so
damn hard on this show, and I had such a

strong work habit, and then one day it was just
gone and I just had no motivation. I think I
just pushed myself to that break of not being able
to sustain. It's unsustainable when you try and do that.
I mean, we we all know. We were working sixteen
hour days, twenty two episodes hour long. It was a
really hard show to work on. And I always it's

hard to explain that to people because you should be lucky.
You just don't know until you're there. You don't know
when you're there. Yeah, I've gone on sets that are
musicals and they're only shooting ten episodes in their thirty minutes,
and I'm like and they're freaking out and they're like,
I'm so tired, Like yeah, it's up to a set before,

Like I'm so sorry, this is taking so long. It's like,
you guys, this is like nothing, are you kidding me?
This is beautiful? Um. Speaking of that, it also reminds
me of a time when, like the when when you're
a character, when Britney Spierre started to really explode um,

and people really started to learn who you were. We
were seeing you on like the cover of magazines, like
you also got more famous than I think you would
ever had ever expected or asked for. And it was
kind of like, in a way like watching another Chris
of sorts, like where that's not the part that you

that you wanted or asked for, and yet I know
how grateful you were to your fans and still are.
So there's this like conflicting feeling of like wanting your
personal life because you are so private and you do
keep to yourself kind of like your mom like, and
then you know there's this whole other side of you

that had worked so hard for so long. So um,
I remember when you kind of like moved out and
moved away and was like, I'm just going to open
a coffee shop and get the hell out of here.
But can you talk about that, like kind of like
your rise to this crazy amount of fame that you
you didn't expect. Yeah, it was a wild ride, and
I think I wanted it super hard and I pushed

for it, and I didn't know what I was pushing for.
I didn't know what the end product was. I mean,
I could be assuming, but I always felt like you
guys kind of knew what what um, what it was
to promote things, what it was to do press, what
it was to do interviews. I had never been in
the front and forefront. I was always in the background,
So I didn't know what any of that meant. And

I thought I did, so I thought I was ready
for it all like, and I just wasn't. You. I
had done limited acting, I had not had any like
trust training. I didn't know what any of that was.
So when I got when I went into it knowingly
and willingly, it was like very overwhelming and I was
very excited. But then I did get the attention that

I had just put the hard work in for and
it scared the ship at I was like, yeah, I
don't I don't want to be look, I don't want
to be approached. I want to sit at the table
and not have people stare at me like all that.
And it was that it was at a breaking point
between like you know, the life and Style magazines and
then and then into like social media and reality, and

so it was kind of like transitioning, um. And I
definitely could have I could have been more graceful with
that and gone with that that whole ride of like
now we are real people and we can show you. Um,
but I you know what, you guys knew. I wasn't
into social media at the time. I was like, I
just want to work and I want to show that
I'm I'm still working all that aside, um. And so

the way I see it is, I just I had
put all my bags and all my bags, all my
eggs into this glee basket and now it was just
getting too heavy and I just wasn't happy anymore. And um,
you know, Taylor and I out of the blue, who
got pregnant and it wasn't planned, And I felt like

it was the most beautiful gift that I could have
been given in the world. Um and I definitely took
all those eggs and I threw them in a parent basket.
And since then, obviously I've learned balance. It was just
at that point it felt like it was something I needed.
It was like the perfect thing for my heart at
that time, because I just didn't know. I also, you guys,

I didn't start going to therapy until three years ago,
like right around when I had died, so I didn't
know all these things that were wrong with me. I
didn't know that I was hurting. And that's why I
stop talking to show um so and you guys could
see stuff like that. It's just like, we know it's hard.

It's I always teach my kids at the convention weekends
because I teach you hands. I'm like, it's really hard
to be the person that sits down and tells your
friend that you're worried about that. It's really difficult and
you just gotta sometimes you gotta get uncomfortable to be comfortable.
But I'm such a big advocate for therapy because I'm like,

even if you're not going to medicate yourself, at least
just like understanding it to know yourself a little bit
better totally. It makes you have to pause because I
think when we were doing that, or you're or someone
that works a lot, you are just concerned with that.
So all these things just build up, they accumulate, and
then you're left with this whole, like you said, all

these eggs that you sort of have to sort through.
At some point, they don't go anywhere. They're all still there.
You just move them to the basket. Yeah, and then
at some point you have to allow yourself carve out.
At some point, let me figure this out, because if
you don't, then it comes out in other ways, right Ye,
speaking of being pregnant on the show, So like I

can't even imagine. I was like I had a good pregnancy,
Like I was very lucky. But like imagining going back
and doing what you did while you were pregnant, I'm
like in shock, and I'm just curious because it feels
like a fever dream to me when you were pregnant,
because I remember like doing Nationals on like speed and

being like there's like eight months pregnant. Um, what that
experience was like for you Because we were younger and
you were the first of us to go through that like,
what was that like? Was it was it lonely? Did
you feel like we understood what you were what you
were dealing with, or what was your experience? It was
actually interesting because um Penny, the camera operator, the camera assistant,

she had a sense like she kind of knew and
that's also new. She could see it women and women
she knew. She just had a feeling, and so it
definitely felt isolating, and I don't know, it was interesting,
but I also was excited and like it was the
first time, and obviously had no idea what I was

doing to know how to eat. I didn't know how
to take care of myself. Like I said, I wasn't
expecting it. I didn't know I was about to get pregnant,
so I didn't have my plan. I didn't get ready
for it. I was just like, well, here I am,
I'm pregnant. I don't even think I found out till
I was like almost out of my first trimester. Like
do you remember when I turned I was I had
this like weird witchy thing and I was like, I

think somebody's pregnant and you and I didn't realize it
at the time. Obviously, in hindsight, I put it together,
but you're like, yeah, You're like, I just have a feeling.
I think somebody's I don't know who it is. And
you face whips around so fast. It was like, why
why do you think that? I'm like, I don't know.

I'm like, do you think that too? If its like,
I don't know how you don't think it was like
that week or something that you thought maybe you were pregnant.
I forgot what it was when there was some time
you think like you had just found out or you
were about to find out. Oh my god, oh my god.
I look back and I'm like, how would if they
have written me in pregnant? Because I had to fight

to get out of there. I was like, I to
stay on the show pregnant pregnant, especially all the hard
work we do. Well you did it for a long while,
and I remember being in heels in your back and
I just felt so bad. I just remember doing cart
wheels on Spice Girls, and I'll never forget that pregnant.
There was a tiny little Eli on my belly doing

car as a spice girl when we did drag Race.
When um I was pregnant, I did like a full
split and I was like one day, one day, I
was gonna know mom with a minium. She did sing
for her life that show. But like, no, wait wait,
first of all, you too on that show, Kevin on

that show, Jenna, well, but still both of you guys,
it was that hard, Like what was that? Like I
say to Kevin, it was there was like before we
would go out on stage, would be backstage like waiting
and hanging out in the wings and like and I'd
be like, I'm not nervous, and He's like, no, neither I.
And it's because like when we both have bad nerves,

we both have really bad nerves. Because I was like,
we don't have to sing live, Kevin, like we're lip
thinking like we do on Glee all the time. Like
this fills like home for us, and there's something freeing,
which I wonder if you had this experience too, about
it felt like we were in a mask because we're
so not ourselves. It was free, like it doesn't matter
whatever who. The hardest thing about it was like the

actual drag, like the costumes, it's it's it's own entity, right,
like you just getting in the makeup and the and
and then the boys on top of it have to
wear all this padding and stuff. So it was definitely
that was horrible movie. It was intense. It wasn't like
I still need to understand how any of you can
dance and heels. I don't get it. You did a

great job. Kevin's heel broke right before he did dance
on the floor. His heel broke backstage and they're trying
to like nail it back in and crazy Jenna, that
was like absolutely not. I was like, excuse me, We're
not nailing a heel together for him to go dance

on it. I said, no, no, no, no, no. She
just comes out of nowhere. There's a whole wardrobe department
trying to figure out what we're gonna do. No, we're not,
We're not doing that. Just went away. It was like, okay,
we'll get some of your shoes. Was like, we're not
doing that. And it was really nice and it was

brought me back to the Glee days of like how
nice it is to have people who know you and
like the end of Glee when we all learned to
sort of protect each other and protect ourselves. And she
just stuck her head on likes just like common sense,
like you don't know. I feel together. No, that's a
big hazard. It's a no no, it's a no no.
And then like I was like Kevin, like it was

nice to have somebody who knew I was pregnant during
that time because I wasn't can tell anybody, so at
least there was somebody there that new, yeah, because I
was like, I'm feeling ill today, but I don't feel great.
You're an actual winner, baby, you are. They're more so
at my baby shower. And I love secret more than anything.

And everybody's like Heather's away for like months and we
don't know what she's doing, and we're like, come on,
somebody knows what she's doing, and they're like, no, I
thought I could get it. I thought I could get
it out of her. Thought, what did you think it was?
I thought you were doing like a Marvel done something
like like because they make you sign NDAs for stuff.
So I was like, is she a Marvel cater? Like

it's Star Wars because I've always broken all those India's
like I it is like X Factor or any of
those like I drag Race. I told everybody everything, and
I was really bad at it. You're the best secret keeper.
I love secrets. Congrats that's a Did you have fun

doing it? I had a blast, A really fun time.
The choreo team, Uh, Aaron run free. I just like
we worked so well together. She was on the mask answer,
by the way, if nobody knows, I was on the
mask answer and I want it and I was a
scissors And that's all you have to know about it

was was your head? Was your helmet heavy? It wasn't heavy.
He looked heavy. It was not. They all looked really heavy.
And honestly, it's really funny because it's like it's basically
like a bicycle helmet and it's this contraction that has
the chin strap and then there's like wires somehow that
connect to the actual thing, so it's super light. Ah. Yeah,

it wasn't as bad as you think it was. It
was between the Eiffel Tower or I think it was
a lily, might have been a lily, and scissors, so
I got to pick. Those were the three that she
pitched me. Cute Eiffel Tower, which was just too big
and bulky. I couldn't have danced to her. And then
there was lily and she was really pretty. But like

once I saw scissors she was. And the funny part
about scissors was when when she showed me the picture,
like the sketch um I pictured her so different, like
this is me with a d D. Heather thinking that
this scissor is just gonna be like crazy. She's jumping
around the stage doing jumping Jack's like, she's just like
they basically an adolescent scissors, you know what I mean,

and the crafty scissors. And then I have a meeting
with Beth, he's the creator, and she was like, oh no, no, no,
she's super posh. She's like your hairdresser scissors. She's done magazine.
She's super fancy. And I was like, oh my god,
the Heather, what is wrong with two kids? So of
course you went to craft teachers, crafty scissors, all the

stop behind the scissors, nimate objects. This is who they are.
That's great. Yeah, we had a full meeting about who
she was and what did she do. It was such
a blast um And like I was saying, so, Aaron
and I worked so well together, and it was actually
really helpful because I was able to help him with
choreography so that his assistance could then go work on

the other characters and then I just felt like I
got to do a little bit more because it's a
really isolating experience when you go out there and do that.
You can't meet with people. You're not even allowed to
hang out with people that you're working with, like the
choreographers to eat their seen with you. Then other people
will know if they spot them, They're like, oh my god,
you work on the mass answer. She must be on
the mass answer. So they're very they're very intense about it.

And I'm like Kevin and Ice where they were like
they tried but were sneaky. I bet they were worked
with Liz though. Yeah, yeah, we had a full We
had a full chat about you and I was about
to see you, Liz. I saw you a couple of
weeks later. Shout out to Liz. She every show I've

ever done in the UK she's been a part of somehow,
this is incredible. I love her. She like has all
these incredible stories, like she was there when one direction
got put together and it's like BFF all of them
and all this like crazy, crazy stories. I love that
she's the best. I just I wish she wouldn't live
out here. Did you know you were going to win?

Did you like I had zero zero clue. Wow. I
was in the bottom my second episode that I was on,
and I was like, okay, well this is it. You
sun failed that Dancing with the Stars, You're gonna fail
at the mask dancer. Like I shouldn't have been on

that show anyway. I'm sorry Normany was on it. Yeah,
you weren't, like the first person is a full blown
petition dancer. Well that's what I mean. There's no reason
why she couldn't be on it, and not to put
shade on her because she's super sweet. And I also
at the time wasn't going to be like, well she's
a dancer, so why is she getting ship If you're

both answers, that's fine, you're both on the show right period. Yeah,
it's fine, it's fine. Um, but now I got to
dance next to Adam Garcia who was in Canodia Ugly,
and he's like this incredible um performer. He's like amazing,
no idea, it was the whole time. I just know
it was so amazing and also wild to be like

dancing in a mask and trying to like win over
the audience. You know, that's what you have to do.
You have a big We went over the audience, not
on camera, off camera, because these people are voting for
you live. They liked me or not coming in being
like this posh Scissors. That wasn't the game plan. Like
I couldn't go in there and be the super serious
Scissors because then I wouldn't gain the attention of all

these people. No, no, no, I had to be like
fun and exciting, you know, wave to little people like
a Disney character on a Disney World. Oh my gosh,
that's right, putting on stage. Just let her do what
she wants to do. Like, I've hardly seen a performer
who is as hypnotizing as you. Like you think it

was such a privilege, and I told you this time,
like it's such a gift to be able to watch
you perform. You It's unreal. We were watching Showmance the
other day and Bust your Windows came on, little Bust
your Windows. There's something about the way you dance that focus.

We'd always watch like slave for you on tour. We'd
all like stop, We'd gotta watch. I gotta watch. It's unbelievable.
Just as equally, I love you both so much and
I'm obsessed with both of you in a very underground,
not crazy weird way. You could be crazy. It's okay,
we could be crazy. Let's talk about snakesmis for just

one second because it's coming up. Um, we just wanted
to share but with people we are. We're doing Snakes Smiths.
Hemo is going to be there. He's always been, um,
incredibly supportive of all of this with along with us
the whole time. Um, this is the third year we're
doing it. So I just wanted to remind people that, um,
Snake Smiths is here. It's a seven pm from the

I Heart Radio Theater in Los Angeles, and you can't
join them. We would just say you're performing. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
performing and say something about it if you want. But
I want to teach what it is I know. But
then well, okay, so give you're a really good secret keepers,
so give us something to give Give us a nugget.

M guys, don't look on the spot. That's the whole
point of this. It'll be like a perfectly wrapped little
gift just for you. Yeah, yes, it went on the top.
That's right, that's right, that's right, Yeah, that's right. So

Hema will be there performing something there's your nugget. I'm
so excited for this year. I cannot believe it's live.
I know, we're so grateful that my heart has been
so great and that we get to do this live
and we get to be with everybody. This is the
first we were getting to do that, UM, and it's

just like it's just a totally different vibe. So we're
super stoked that we can. We're able to do this
will be an audience that would be so much fun. Yeah,
we're gonna play games. There's gonna be like it's gonna
be a good time. But if you can't come in person,
you can also we are streaming the event on December
eight at five pm Pacific Standard time, so make sure
you go to box office at Mandolin dot com. And

all those tickets are donations towards Alexandria House. UM, all
that money goes to them, and it's just an incredible
cause and they've been so so nice and supportive of
us trying to string something together for them every year
there and you know, I've been wonderful to keeping Naya's
memory alive also within Alexandria House as well. So UM email,

thanks for thanks for supporting Snake Smiths along with us always.
If I wasn't a room parent, I did more. No,
you get enough on your place. Room parent is crazy. Later, Um,
some of these top Brittany is purest lines. I just
wanted to share. Do you have a favorite? You have
a favorite before I read any of these off, I

don't think so. The story was pretty funny. There's there's
so many good ones. I just loved when Ian would
come on set and he would he would it would
be like he's in class, like he was sit there
and write things down, and he'd come to me on
the side and say that, oh my god, you were
probably his favorite, just because he got to like you
could like his mute as you could say all these
like crazy things. Did did people come to Like people

come up to you and like say, Brittany lines to you. Yeah,
and so I don't even know, I said, And so
that's like this one, like Sara Patch kids are just
gummy bears that turned to drugs. Heart attacks are just
from loving too much. No, that's cute. A unicorn of
someone who knows he's popular but isn't afraid to show it.

I mean, and I think maybe the best line of
the entire show, ever is did you know that dolphins
are just ga sharks? I mean there have been I
mean that's that's got to be the best line because
it's ever right like that, that's it how much fun?
Like that's great. There wasn't a lot of impropping on

the show too, so it's nice that like Ian could
do whatever he wanted because he's one of the creators
and writers and just for that. Yeah, oh absolutely, before
we let you go, do you have a favorite Santana
Brittany moment? Oh golly, oh my god. I was like,
I had my notes ready for my favorite song just
based on what you guys did. I was like, I

have a phone note, but we'll give us the notes,
give us the notes. Tell us, Okay, what is your
favorite song on this show? Yeah, you asked stupid. I
loved you Can't touch this. That was so much more
because it was like, I know, I think everybody hated it,

but that is no other I have the same memories
as you have this number. I agree. I am with you, yes,
because hammer pants and yeah and like the nineties and
the late eighties, like that was mine in the number.
It was a really fun day directed that, right. I
was just really worried about the rap. The rap was
messing me up, So I think that's what I was

concerned about. That's a lot of words dead. That is
hilarious though, that all of all the numbers, she brings out.
What was my least favorite song? I hated Hello, Goodbye
and what you Want? Those like those are classics that
you just shouldn't touch. Okay, I see where you're that

you just shouldn't. I hate it, I will say as
much as um. The Gaga stuff was amazing, Like, Jenna,
you knew I hated bad Roman lobster was a terror,
and well that mask was really hard on you. That
was really hard, Coster. Yeah, the lobster was eating my brain.
It looked really good though. I would just look over though,

and she would just not be thrilled she was. That
was a hard one. That was a hard one. It
was a hard one. You're always there for me, Jenna, Oh,
you were always there for me. Hither she would love
you love to play the people's hair, and I would think,
oh my god, the best head rubs of all time.
Oh I think about those. Yeah, I just need a

human touch, you know, Like, yeah, I hear that. I
hear that. What was the Santana line that she said
on the show. I just need I'm like a warm
body or something. It wasn't it like, um, we'll find it,
we'll find it and we'll Yeah. She's like, I'm I
needed something between my legs and a warm Yes, what

what is it? We'll find it. Well, I'm like a lizard,
I need something warm beneath me, yes, or else i'd
just my food. What a brilliant mind, what a brilliant line.
Do you have any more favorites? Things which on your notes?
What's in your notes? Yes? Um? Okay? The River Deep
Mountain High was my childhood as a dancer, so of course,

and all those two were just like on tour too,
you get to like, actually that was a good one.
But they were such a joy to watch. H for me?
Is it the fact that we did jump on trampolines
and I remember everybody was like so over it, especially Amber.

Amber did not want to be doing this. She hate
a bnut And I was having the best in in
my life. The song is crazy, And then they wanted
to put it on our first tour ever when we
went the Radio City Music Hall and the fact that
they thought that that wasn't a hazard and we did it.

We did do it, and it was actually really fun
on tour to do that. The reason why we all
hated that number in real life, we'll talk about it
during mattress was because they turned they had to turn
the air conditioner off for sound purposes, and it was
so freaking and jumping, just balancing on these tramplines. We

should have known because there was my preamble. Yeah, um,
anything else on these notes, himo? Oh no, I think
that's it. Are we asking favorite songs with Nya? Because
favorite scenes? Anything like that you did with nine it
was you got I think, Yeah, you got so many

one on one scenes with her, and you guys were
so good in your relationship started a movement, you know,
like the Santana Britney fans are still wild, like they're
passionate love them. Yeah, yeah, with the best of intentions.
That's right. I just got I just got so many
wonderful moments with her, and and I think everything we

got she annihilated, and she she came from truth and
I remember every time we would do something, she just
wanted it to be more truthful. And more real and
more personal, and um, getting to watch her sing the
songs that she got to sing like Songbird to me,
like those were real tears because she was just so

incredible and her voice was just she was an angel.
And it was like, yeah, I just feel so lucky.
Mm hmm. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, like a perfect moment.
But I mean she was all around the meeting. There
was not now, it was it was why. It was
again like watching you perform. It was a gift watching

her perform, very very good. Thanks for sharing all these
wonderful nuggets. Um, it was such a pleasure to have you.
And we just know we can always count on you
and we really appreciate that. We love you. I love
you guys so much. As are consistent. You guys are
like the rock and I'm like and I need to

tether to you. You're the best. Wow. Heather Morris just
a Jim, isn't she? She really is? And it's it's
just such a joy to see your friends grow and evolve,
and um, you know, I just feel like we've all
I'm just so glad we've all stayed so close and
found each other in this new, new way and it's

it's wonderful to see you know, your friends like you
go from obviously being super talented and professional to being
also an incredible mom and wife, and it's just yeah,
it's wonderful to see everyone do their thing. Remember how
there's wedding. We didn't even talk about that. Nia was

so pregnant, she was very pregnant. She's like, I'm on
a food tour. Well, we'll have to have Heather back
and then we can we'll talk about we'll talk about
the wedding. Well, thank you Heather more us for coming
on and sharing and baring your soul. We love you
so much, and come back next week for another recap
and another exciting guest. Thanks for listening and uh, see

you next week. Tell your friends, tell your family, and
we'll be here next week. Bye. Thanks for listening and
follow us on Instagram at and that's what you really
miss pod. Make sure to write us a review and
leave us five stars. See you next time.
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