All Episodes

October 6, 2022 40 mins

Another 3 day adventure to Palm Springs including golfing with Jessica's dad once again opens up the psychology of golf, creating tension and discord between Jessica and Bryan. The golf festival continues with a trip to Trump National where both Jessica and Bryan are touched in a bizarre way.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
You're listening to balls and holders. Jessica Bust and Brian Escara. Hi, baby,
hey baby, I'm great. Yeah, not so great. What's wrong?
We were talking because we just had a golf trip
in Bomb Springs, and you're saying that I'm a total

golf nerd talking to your dad about golf stuff and
we're not paying attention to you and your golf girl things.
So that it's you right now? Did I get it wrong?
You are so off? Okay, tell me what happened. I
just our experiences are so different. The conversation we were

having is we were talking about the fact that, like,
when you and my dad get together, it's like this
alpha ego garbage can of palooza, and when I try
and have a conversation golf related, I just get dismissed
by both of you. So that's not true. If anyone

heard our first episodes called g O L it's gentlemen Only,
Ladies Forbid, and that's the acronym for golf. It's arguably
the acronym for golf. That's what we're having here. When
guys talk about golf, we have a kinship, a connection,
and cohesion identity, and we're talking about and we want
to geek out about gear, we want to geek out
about players, we want to geek out about our shots

that we just took on the course. Yeah, but I
talked about all that ship too, I know, and you're
part of the conversation. Was not a part of the conversation,
so everyone. We took a golf trip three days in
Palm Strings. We played Indian Canyons, Indian Canyons, awesome course.
We played three days in a row. I played like ship.

I played. It was a hundred and twelve degrees. It
was really hot. But I mean, like, there's this whole
thing that happens, right, It definitely happens to me. And
we've talked about this on the podcast before, like I
love going out and getting to play with my dad.
It's awesome, it's away for him and I connect to connect.
And this time I really went into it with like, Okay,

this is like I don't know the second or third
is like the third golf trip. I would say that
we've taken with him recently, and the other ones have
been a little tough for me and I haven't performed well.
And I've talked about how like I regressed into like
a five year old around him. But this time, like
going into it, it's like I was recovered from COVID.
I finally had some energy back, Like we'd played a

bunch before we left, and I was fucking ready and
I was like, I'm going to do so well and
nothing is going to penetrate this. And then it's like, well,
I want to mention a good friend of mine from
high school, Jeff Talbert. You were he said, we should
talk about how you do so well at the range,
and then as soon as you go to the course,
you you fucking blow it. Jesse, you were playing awesome

on the second day in the range or was it
the third day, and then you were so excited. Oh
my god, it was the third day on the range.
It was you know, the first day it was like
arguably a bad round of golf for me. I had
a great time. I wasn't frustrated. I wasn't having a
bad time, but I was playing really badly and I
really kept my cool about it. I was like, well,
I'm not here having fun, like it's cool, it's sucking

a hundred and twelve degrees. WHOA like, let's do it,
uh day two comes along. I do quite a bit better, right,
Like I'm a little bit more relaxed than whatever. Day three,
I wake up, We gotta pack, we gotta get at
our ship in the car like it's an early morning.
We get there, I go to the range and take
some deep breasts like kind of dewey and misty. It's
a little cooler, and i just start hitting the purest

of shots, and I'm like, I literally at one point
like looked was like alright, gentlemen, Like I was so
high on myself that I was like, this is going
to be the best day of fucking golf ever, and
it just wasn't. It was honestly like the worst game
I've had in a year. So we played three days
in extreme heat. I'm talking about hundred ten, hundred twelve.

I think the third day was like a hundred three.
We are in Palm Springs, California. We decided to play
the same course three days in a row. We were
going to play three different courses within three days. But
our condo was to two seconds away from the course,
literally two seconds. And this course was awesome, lots of
sand traps in Palm Springs. What did Dad call me?

Sand magnet, stand magnet. He got in your head, he
got in my head. It's also owned by I think
it's San Maingue No Way Aquac Casino. So the hospitality
was out of this world. They were really really nice.
The restaurant there was delicious. I mean, the course was supermanicured. Um.
Everyone was very pleasure. Everybody was really cool. It was

It was a really nice experience. It really felt like
we had stumbled upon like this hidden gym. That's what
they said. It was hidden gym in the desert. And
when I said, I played like ship everyone. I shot
an eighty four the first day, eighty three and eighty four.
The first two days I played from the tips the blacks,
which were so difficult. They were like hidden behind trees
on your tea shots. It was just a nightmare. The

last day I said, forget it. I'm gonna play with
you guys with the whites, because I want to tee
off with you guys. Part of golf is being in
the tea box together and watching each other shuts. When
I play from the tips and you guys play from
the whites or the gold, it's just disconnect. Spoiler alert.
It sucked. It sucked. I taught in eighty four the
same as I did from the Blacks, and I knew

I was you. You said you would, you said you'd
do the same thing, but like you were all gung
ho about like we all have to be together. And
like I've noticed a trend on these trips. Like day one,
we're stoked, we're arrested, we're like kind of half out
of it because we never played early golf. In the
first dage usually kind of a ship show. But like
we're in a great mood. Second day, we're like, Okay,

we kind of know what we're doing, we're feeling it.
It's all good. By the time the third day rolls around,
and like this is when you usually decide that you're
going to make a change in something where everybody needs
to do something different. Like everybody's at their limit, everybody's
kind of had it. We're tired, and you're like, we
all have to play together, and I just I just

don't think that that's the case. Like for me, you
and Dad, I don't know what happens. So let me
just start before we're going to you me and Dad. Um,
it's was super early tea times, you know how I
feel about early tea times. We did it because to
beat the heat quote unquote, but it was still super
freaking hot. Um tea time was like eight thirty and

then like nine, and then that means we have to
wake up early, we have to go to bed early.
We could. We were not even on vacation, which is
a straight golf trip. As you know, playing with your dad.
He's awesome, he's a great player, he's been playing for
a long time. But sometimes there's a little bit of competitiveness.
I don't know where it comes from, because I'm not
competitive with anyone else. I don't know what it brings

out in you. Like last time we went, you guys
got all alpha and I was freaking out by the
third day. And this time, like I had said, like
let's just go have a good time, and like by
the third day, you wanted us all on the same
tea box because you are so adamant that everybody sees
your shot. It's not seeing the shot, it's being on
the same tea box. And yes, everyone's seeing each other's shots,

because when we're from three different tea boxes, is kind
of lonely over there. No one really saw your shot. Yes,
that's part of it. The t shot. Yeah, okay, I
mean it's just it was a lot. I had a blast.
I had a really good time. Like I was really
proud of how I did, just like on an emotional level.
But like it's I don't know, man, like there's just

again it's it's these differences, you know, like competitiveness for
me is a female and as a daughter. Right like
when Dad called and before I trip and was like, man,
my GLF game is ship and like there's this like
light bulb that goes off on me that I'm just like, oh, yeah,
how bad is it? You know, like tell me more
because I've still never beat my dad and uh, and

so I kind of I thought maybe maybe you know,
I gave your pops a brand new ping p l
D putter, uh the new time for p l D.
I was hoping this is a new putter for him,
maybe he'll funk up. But he did it. He played
pretty well. I actually gave him a brand new box
of yellow pro v one balls since he likes to

play yellow ones. I should have put an exploding ball
in there. I should have done something, but he's a
consistent player. I think I got him on the first
first day. The second day, I think we the last
day we tied. I don't know what happened on the
second day, but we were. What we were talking about
before is with Darby and Rob and my friends, my
guy friends, we talk so much about golf. I mean

today all three of us were playing three different courses
and we were texting each other how we were doing well.
I know, I'm on the group tax yes, and we're
we're talking about the new gear and all that. There's
three different kind of golfers. There's just golfers who barely play.
There's another golfers just like your average golfer who kind
of knows things. And then there's like super geek nerds
like Darby, Rob and and and you and myself fucking

psychopaths like it's it's it's so much like and I
love you and I live with you and we're together
and I support you and you're my best friend, right like,
but it's constant. It's constant. And when I even said
it out on the walk tonight, I was like, I've
said it a couple of times recently where I'm like
I need a break, just a tiny break, like we

have to talk about something that's not golf. And and
don't get me wrong, man, like I fucking love golf,
but like the way that you guys change your bags
and you're at Roger Dune every day and you're consistently
trading and ship and it's like you play one round
with a set and you're like, fuck these clubs, and
then you find a new set and you're like, this
is my new set, and it's just like this ever
changing cycle of it's a drama circle. It's like it's

you get to hero yourself and be the victim and
you get to be all of those things that you
get to be, and then you go out and you
do this and I and I love that and it's great,
but like I don't do that. And when we were
talking about me not doing that, you took that as like, well,
you just aren't into it as much, and I totally
disagree with that. Like I take something and I want
to perfect it. I want to be an expert in

whatever it is I do. I pick one thing or
a few things and I want to learn them and
I want to get to know them and I want
to do it with that, and I don't want the
the inconsistency of consistently How many times can I say
consistently like of of of confusing like my muscle memory.

Like it's hard enough for me to keep a decent
fucking swing path for myself without like sleeping wrong or
sucking up my shoulder, you know what I mean that?
Like I don't even like holding your putters that you
bring home and testing them or playing with them when
you're like, try this, because I am so confident in
how I swing and put with my mes right like that,

I'm so afraid that I'm gonna do something that I'm
going to screw up what it is I within my body.
And it really comes down to like trust, right, Like
your body knows what it's supposed to do. But we're
our biggest enemies in that, and you're just staring at me, like,
because that's the fight the whole time we're talking here.

You see, we started this podcast as a couple who
took a year off and give the perspective a guy
in girls perspective of golfing together and golfing in in
the whole golf industry and what we are experiencing. I
have not met a girl who geeks out on gear
and as much as golf as my guy friends. So
is there a huge there is a difference there? Are

you gonna admit to that because do you know any
other girl? Maybe it's a guy thing. It's no. I
I agree, But what my point is is that you
think that because I'm not engaged in that way as
hard as you guys are the psychopaths, that that means
like that I don't love it as much or that
I don't care about it as much, and it's just

not true. Like look at the difference between like you
come home with a new set of clubs every other day.
I have what three sets, maybe four if we count
a couple in the garage, And it's like I got
my new tea four hundreds and you, like within twenty
four hours, We're like, what are you gonna do with
your pinks? Like you wanted so bad to go and

return them. It's like I'm only allowed to have one
set and you're allowed to have nineteen. And I think
that you think that that's the rule because you're so
much more into it than me, and I just don't agree,
Like I just want to get to know. I want
to play really good golf. Okay, I already am playing
good golf and so are you. So at this point,

my swing mechanics is exactly how I have to do
what I need it. I don't need a lesson. I
know what I have. So at this point, it's finding
the best gear to shoot me. What makes me happy?
What there's something that I might like and looks pretty,
but if I don't hit it right, I don't I'm
not going to use it. So it's a constant struggle
to keep finding new stuff. What before we take a break,

We're going to come back on our break and talk
about Trump National. But even that guy we played with,
an older gentleman who just played only for one year
and already switched out his back. He was talking so
much gear and he was one year into a jet.
I look at how many times I switched out my bag.
Is that a lot? Or is a not a lot?
I would say, So, I would say, I mean, it's
nowhere close to the way you switch out your bag.

But like I'm I switch out my bag, like I'm
not playing with my starter set. Like what are you
fucking talking about? If we go back to the star stuff,
you would like it right now there there there there cobras.
I'm staring right at them too. I don't think I'd
like him. I don't. I don't. There's been so many
iterations of like what has happened, even just in the

last year for me, right, like confidence mechanics, fucking breaking
a hundred, breaking ninety, breaking eighty, you know what I mean,
Like there's been a consistent it's just like so even
though we're breaking all these nineties and hundreds and so
am I. Well, we're gonna take a break. We're gonna
come back. We're gonna talk about when we just on

the fourth day in a row of our golf trip,
we came back and played Trump National and we're gonna
talk about what the funk that thing did to us? No,
something better, m Okay, we're back. Hi. So we come

back from our three days of golf of palooza, right,
and we're exhausted. Right. We we played on the third
day and then drove back, and like when we got
back to Brewming, we like walked in the house and
we were just like zombies. We were all sweating and
gross and tired, and like, I think you went to
Roger Dunn as soon as we got home yeah. I

try to just be calm and quiet and chill. And
in the midst of being calm and quiet and chill,
I got a random call from a very good old
friend of mine and like industry buddy, uh about something
completely unrelated, And we had this great conversation and got
to catch up, and you know, he didn't know we
were doing the podcast, and he didn't know that we were,
you know, I was golfing, and so we were talking

about that and he was like, God, I'm so fucking
proud of you for like walking away from the bullshit.
And this is what you're doing with your life. That's
so fun. And he's like, I'm gonna, you know, leave
you with this. He's like, you gotta send me the
podcast and he's like and the last thing, um, I
got a tea time at Trump National tomorrow and I
was like, oh my god, that's freaking amazing. And he's
like I can't go and I was like that sucks.

And he's like, do you and Brian want it? And
I was like, holy sh it, Brian's gonna jizzle over himself,
like absolutely. I didn't even think, like we've golfed three days.
I didn't think this would be our fourth you know
what I mean, Like none of those things existed for me.
I was just like, holy sh it, like you know what,
what do you what do you need? And he's like,
I need nothing. It's taken care of. Like this is

my gift from for me to you you guys, please
go and enjoy it. Seven forty time seven forty a
m t Time an hour away, hour away, which means
we have to wake up around five o'clock. We just
had three days in a row of early golf in
the extreme heat. We weren't planning on playing a fourth day,
but how are you going to pass up playing trump? Now?

You can't. It's in palace ver days. It's on the
cliffs next to the ocean. It's so funny though, like
you talk about, you know, you hate getting up early,
and you don't do well getting early, up early, and
usually see all videos and memes all the time about
like you know, if you have to get up for
work early, that it's a fucking nightmare. And if you
have to get up for golf, you just like you
wake right up and you just go. And it's like

that like five o'clock where it rolled around the next
like we even were like we have to get sleep,
like we have to get six hours asleep. So we
like went about it early, like got all of our
ship together. Alarm went off at five am. I popped
out of bed, was like getting our stuff ready, and
we were just like, Okay, let's do this drive an hour.
And it's gorgeous. It is gorgeous. It's on the beach,

it's every every every whole had a view of the ocean.
I was so worried, Like I accepted this gift. We
got all excited. We were all night. We're just like,
oh my god, that's gonna be so amazing, and like
we you know, blah blah blah. And then all of
a sudden it's settled in, like, oh my god, I
just played three days. My confidence is in the shitter.
I what if I can't golf, And I'm like, oh

my god, you know we're going to be paired with
people right, Like I was so nervous, and it was
so interesting because it wasn't a nervous that I've had
in a very long time. Like it was a very
big regression of like how I used to feel in
the beginning, when I did not feel like I was
good enough to go out with the guys. And I
was like, I'm gonna be at a fancy fucking club.

I haven't played good golf. I'm gonna be with three dudes, Like,
what's this going to be? Like? But I was stoked
and I had no problem getting up at five am
to go do this me neither. I was exhausted. Um.
I actually took his Zenix the night before to get
some good sleep. We get there. I mean it's it's
just Trump all the way. It's gold chandeliers, go back
room toilets. I mean, it's the pro Shop had like

Maga hats. Literally it literally had Maga make America great again.
It was really fair and changed it though to make
America golf again. Oh yeah, make America golf again. We
get paired up with Mo and Mitch and we couldn't
asked for nicer guys. Now. They were hilarious. Mitch has
only been golfing for a year. He's an older retired
entrepreneur gentleman, and Mo is a lawyer. Uh, they're both

members and they were very helpful and like you know,
you get into a new course, like you're kind of
blown away about just like, oh my god, we're here.
That's happening. And then you get to the first tea
and you're like, oh, where's the whole, where's the whole?
This is a Pete Die designed course. Pete Die has
designed many courses. This guy is just made Diet known

for undulating ice rinks, like what is like diet greens
ice rinks and so fast. But there was I was
talking to my buddy Brian Davida because he's played Trump before,
and I asked whether or not we needed a caddy.
He says, no, it's a public course, which is really expensive.
By the way, two of us playing was greens fees.
That was super expensive. Anyways, we both agreed that everything

looked a lot farther than what the GPS said it was.
I don't know what it was, if it was the
ocean or whatever it was. It was say like like
the perspective, yes, it's really off. It was really opposite
one to the pin on your GPUs almost every hole,
and it was really confusing a lot of undulations on

the fairy. I mean it was really manicured. It was
really really pretty. But Mike got the greens. I couldn't
put for the life and everything rolls towards the ocean.
I've never I mean obviously have way more experience than
I do, but like that's by far the hardest course
they've ever played. And the greens were it was like
it was one thing to make it down the fairway
and bounce right, which like I did pretty good, played

pretty well considering new course and how difficult it was.
And then you get to the green and it's like
you make the slightest mistake and your ball rolls fifty
feet in the wrong direction and then it goes into
a sand trap. That that that the height of the
Empire State Building. They were sand traps everywhere. I just
came from Palm Springs with sand traps everywhere. Trump National

hects the worst huge I went. You actually went from
one number two, and I'm throw nervous, right, like thank god,
I had a good drive off of the first hole,
and I'm like, okay, I don't look like a complete idiot.
Like these poor guys are thinking like, oh god, we
gotta golf with this girl. So I was important to
me to show that, like I'm a good golfer. And
then we get to hold too. I make it down

really well, beautiful shots like and then I approached into
a sand trap and I'm like, okay, I go. I
hit out of the sand trap, over the green, into
the other sand trap. I go, and I'm like just headshaking,
like I start physically shaking, and I'm like, this is
not going to happen. I hit out, I get out
over the green in the sand trap again. I had
a plus five, which I don't think I've ever had,

and it was horrifying. And so then you have to
shake that off your two holes in and you've got
three dudes watching you at seven in the morning, and
you're just like, oh my god, like, please let this
be one of my bad seven was five shots. So
I got two more bad shots last. Yeah, Walter Hagen said,
in every round we have seven bad shots. I remember

we actually ordered a beer Jess. Yeah, we got him
Madelo each It was on the turn. I don't I
don't drink in the morning. I don't hardly drink. But
this course, I mean, after three days of golfing and
then this course Pete died. The sand trap to sand
trap we're talking about, I mean they designed it that way.
I I hit a chip with my chipper and it
barely rolled up and I had to scream to you,
like is there a sand trap? Sure not, there was

a sand trap. It was. It was really challenging and
I've I've just never put on greens like that, Like
Derby's talked about being up in Montecito and playing and
how it's just like putting on ice and it's so fast,
and I mean, I can't imagine how like there was
such a marine layer and there was. It was so
moist and wet that morning, Like I can't imagine what
it's like when it's a little dryer. If it was

that fast, well it was like stopping wet. But I mean,
you do you make one small minute mistake and you're punished.
You're so punished, like I've never I've never experienced anything
like it. But it was overall, it was gorgeous. It
was I was just now thinking that you got a
birdie on that part three? Did birdie the hole eleven?

It came within like I don't know, a foot and
a half of the cup. It was such a stellar shot.
I thought it was I did too. How cool would
that event? It would have been really cool? I um,
I played like crap, and then my back nine I
had straight bogeys. I couldn't get a par on the
back night for like finally on the eighteenth hole, I
got a part. I mean just one. I ended up
shooting that day. I think eighty nine or ninety. I

think ninety, and then I think you shot like a
ninety seven, which I was fine with after the three
days of nightmare that I'd come out. I don't know
what happened this week. I'm like eighty four than a ninety.
So today I played a fifth day in a road
just you stay at home. I played our home course
to make me feel better about my golf game. With

your head, I brought two different types of clubs. I
bought some new clubs immediately after Palm Springs and Trump
because I thought nothing was working. Returned your title is
T for I returned the T four hundreds. I end
up getting the T two hundreds. I even got the
Cobra one length F nine because I'm thinking, okay, they
all can be the same length again again, this is
the second time I'm doing I was just reaching for

anything I read. Well, I'll talk more about my mulligans.
But I returned a lot of stuff this time around.
So we finished at Trump. The round was incredible, it
was super challenging, and then we decided to have lunch
at the restaurant there. It's beautiful. You go outside, you're
sitting here overlooking the ocean. It's incredible, and we're tired,

but like you know, we're ready to eat. We're hungry.
And the waiter, how about that waiter. That waiter was
really really strange. Yes, I'm gonna tell you, Like everybody
who worked there was incredibly friendly, right, Like, it was
a really nice experience with with everybody. I mean, Manny
the golf starter, he's been there for twenty two years, right, Um,
everybody was really sweet. But this wha I could do

came up. We were kind of out of it. We're
ordering our food, right, you asked, like, what's the best
thing on the menu? Into that, the guy says, do
you have kids? And you're like no, And he goes
on to explain that, like all of the items on
the menu are all like kids, but like there's a
good kid, like a really good kid. I didn't really

follow what was happening, but in the midst of this
whole thing that he was talking and comparing the food
on the menu to children. He then reached up and
touched you. This guy, I don't know if they told
him to be super ultra friendly, but he did not
pick up on any social shuge. You couldn't even look
at him, like, I'm just leaking at the ocean. I

don't want to be bothered. I'm like, just let's order
our food. I don't want to certainly talk about kids
like what. It was so strange, and he went on
and on, and I just was trying to give him
the social cue, like leave me the funk alone. He's
exhausted from golf. I just want to order my freaking
what did we order? Roast beef salvage a French dip?

But he wouldn't pick it, pick up on it, and
he just kept talking. He touched me. The touch was hilarious,
and then like we kind of couldn't get over that,
and like whatever we eat our meal, it's very good.
And then you went into like go to the bathroom
and I was taking care of stuff and he comes
out to me and I have my sunglasses on my
hat and he starts talking to me about like, oh
my god, is the ribbon on your hat a sunglass

holder because the side of my sunglasses had gone through,
like the ribbon or something. I had no idea what
he was talking about. And then he reaches up and
like touches my head. So by the time you come
back from the bathroom, I've just got this look on
my face and I'm like, what the fund is it?
Like this is a twilight zone, and You're like, what's wrong?
And I was like, he touched me too. He did

not know personal space, He did not know social niceties
or any social cues anyone was giving him. And I
don't know what if it's to get a better tip
or to have this persona that you're at Trump and
to be super personal, but it was the opposite effect.
It was annoying. It was bizarre. It was bizarre. So
then I went down to the locker room and checked

out the facilities to get away from him, and then
went into the pro shop. The bathrooms that Trump are
really nice. They were nice. It's total Trump. It was
all gold faucets and a lot of mirrors. Did you
notice that there was Trump everywhere? All over the all
pictures all over the place over I thought it was
a good experience. I don't know if I ever played
again for that that price. I mean, it was hard.
I might now that I know the course, but I

don't think. Well, it was such a gift and thank
you to Chris Segrin. You know, the whole thing was awesome.
It was fun to get up, it was fun to
go down there. Um, we listened to our golf podcasts.
We did a lot of golf podcasts listening while we
were trialing to Palm Springs and to Palace Verdies isn't
on our Gulf of Poloza, but we got a chance
to catch up on all of our golf podcasts. And

you know, we listened to pages uh Patrona, who is
the Playing Around podcast? And I gotta say, like I
was impressed, right. Um, it was the episode that she
had last week. I think it's called like It's a Bit?
And who who? She had Dan Rojester. He was incredible.
We were like laughing out loud. The two of them

together were hysterical. It's such a breath of fresh air
on her pod and it was good. I was laughing. Yeah.
I've always liked Paige. I always think that she's super
pragmatic and practical and she knows what she's doing to
market herself, but this new format with the new co
hosts that she's going through is a pretty good idea.

Especially with Dan, it was it felt different, It felt
it felt real and fun. They were both very sarcastic.
You can tell that they have a friendship in a
relationship right, like they have a chemistry there, and it
was really fun to hear them. It kind of reminded
me of us a little bit because it's just like
the banter back and forth and they're giving each other
a hard time. And I don't know, I really liked it.

We listened to some good podcasts. We're doing our research
and development. All right, let's take a break and when
we come back, we'll do our Mulligan's welcome back, two
Balls and Holes. It's Mulligan time everyone. I just want

you guys to know that I gave Jess a thumbs up,
and then she, like dorkily with her tongue out, gave
me a thumbs up back, making fun of me, like
I was saying, like that was a good little segment there.
I also wanted to point out that we're sitting in
our office, which we so lovingly called Monico. We have
named all of the rooms in our house. Um, there's
a place in our house called Switzerland. We don't argue

there ever. We have to Pango, which is like a
very cool, eclectic out or suiting area. And then we
have Monico, which is our office where we do our
podcast and Brian does his depos sometimes. Um. But we
have this ten foot table in here's the dining room table,
and I've put Brian at the complete opposite end of
the tin foot table. So I feel, yeah, I feel

very far away from usually were side by side. But
apparently I talked too loud and I hit her microphone.
I needed some space, Bra, I have a mu okay, Um,
I want first of all, what went just what we
just said about Trump. I would like to go play
it again, Yeah, I would like to not now that
I know it, I would like to play it again.

It was very fascinating. Was I've never played a Pete
die course. I want to go back. Um. But coming
on to my mulligan traditionally, I talked about my gear.
This has been a crazy week since we played so
much golf. I went erratic and UM returned everything. It
was pretty It was pretty intense. After four straight day

is of golf of palooza, you felt like you had
some serious like coming to Jesus or something, some house cleaning.
I returned eight putters. Um. I returned a lot of
putters because I was like, this is ridicuous. Because when
I went to Palm Springs, I brought two sets of clubs.
I brought the T four hundreds, and I brought my
p X g Gen three irons, and I brought like

four putters at ping p l d um musno amcraft
another ping p l d time four and oh my,
you didn't have a new Scottie back. No, I didn't
have my new Scottie back. I think three. I think
I had four. Whatever it was, I needed to simplify, okay,
So I returned the tins. We have two sets. You

have a set of T four irons. I had a set.
I liked them, but there was so strong loft that
I couldn't judge my my yardages properly. I needed more
of a traditional um uh whatever. I kept the five
iron because it goes really far and I can use
it as kind of a driving high iron set. Yes
we can. Now we have my full T four set right,

So I returned that. I returned some callaway apex. I
returned like four Scottie Cameron's to bettan Ardie Putter's another
pin putter. Anyways, why say Sam, I love you. I'm
waiting for the blade putter. I became a blade person.
Now I'm still have my mes and my directive force
two point No. I love them. But I was you

see I I returned eight putters to make room for
new messay, not not a new mess maybe the new blade.
The new blade. Yeah, a new lab golf lab golf putter.
But I ended up getting I got the titlest T
two hundred irons where the tense a um a V
two shaft. I played him today. They're going back tomorrow. Um.

I also bought some King Cobra F nine one length irons.
This is where it's all the same lengths but different loss.
So they're all seven iron lengths. Even your foe iron
to your gap puts are all seven irons. This is
what Bryson D. Shambo uses I got. I had a
set before the fights. I got the F nine with
some graphite chefts. I liked them there. I played him today.

I liked him um. I also got the new pin
cushion for putter um that just came out yesterday. I
bought it immediately when it came out. Awesome, and then
I went back and played my even role er two. Um.
I returned to so many even roles, but I kept
that one, or actually I bought that one again. How
many times have you about that even role three times?

This isn't the fourth. Maybe I think it was the
fourth in the last late seven months. But looks we're
in our office where all the golf clubs are. It's
starting to diminish. It's starting. I noticed that today. I
came in here and was like, oh my god, there's
like space on the wall. Yeah, it starts. I'm working
on it. So that's my update. And I've been messing
with balls. I just got some titles A v X

Balls and comparing it with my tour response Strife balls.
You know, we've been using new balls. In fact, I
used new balls all four days of golf. I did
not use an old ball, and I really only lost
like two or three balls throughout the whole golf cluza.
But god damn, there is a huge difference in using

new balls. They strike and hit and land and so
much better. Like I really, I know you've researched a
zillion times, Like, but the amount of damage that the
found balls, Like we have a garage full of found
balls that like we should never have to buy a
ball again. But hitting a new ball, it's just heaven balls.

The balls you have. I just like new balls. Are
we breaking up again? I don't know. I have so
many things. Okay, we're going back to Palm Springs in
dem We are going back to Palm Springs in December.
I gotta train up. I just mentally have to get
I just at this time, really I didn't understand what happened.

Like the other times, there was maybe some pent up
a Russian, there was maybe some like trauma there that
I was trying to work through. But like this time,
like we got there and like it was genuinely lovely
to see my dad and I love my dad. He
just like he left his brother this last year, who
was his best friend and they've golfed their entire life together.
So my dad has a huge hole right in his

life right now. Um, so I think it means a
lot that we go out and play with him. And
he said as much. I mean, every day, there were
times where you just look at me and since you know,
like have I told you today how much I love you?
And how happy I am the guys are here, and
so it really felt good to make him happy. And
I had a good time and there was no it
just was easy right Like, But I just I don't

understand mentally what happens to me in that where it
just I'd really like to work through that and figure
that out, because I'd love to go out there and
feel confident show him the good golfer that I actually am.
It absolutely kills me that, like you and I go
out all the time, or you and I and Darby
and our friends, and like, I play really decent golf

right like I'm keeping up with you guys. I don't
slow us down. I hit fucking bombs. I have great shots,
like and it's not like few and far between, like
I will say, I'll have a bad day, and sometimes
you have a bad day and it just keeps getting
worse and worse and worse. But like I'd really like
to figure out the mental side of that. Maybe I
need to read, uh the inner game of golf or
the inter game of tennis again and just maybe it's

just nice time we go to bomb strings. I need
to wear my airbuds and listen to my fatal waves
or something. We got to actually talking about a book
at Indian Canyons and Palm Springs. Remember that waiter who
told me to the Golf is Enlightenment. We should read that. Yeah, yeah,
so I don't know Mulligan wise, like my gear did great.

I struggled a bit with my T four hundreds. It
scared me, if I'm being honest, um, because when I
got them, I felt like I was getting to know them.
And then I feel like they really let me do.
So now you know my pain. I do know your pain.
I mean, look, I think if I switched out my
gear the way that you switched out your gear, you
would fucking hate me, like you like buying me a

club here and there, or like like when you got
your T four hundreds and I was like I want
those and you were like, oh my god, okay, Like
if I was going berserker with you guys and every
three days wanting a new set, like I'm it's starting
to happen. You came home with the one links and
remember I took those out are the ones you brought
home get graphite. That's amazing because the first set we

had was steel shafts and they were horribly painful. But
you brought those home today and I was like, oh, man,
like here it is. I've really progressed enough in my
game that I'm like, I'm gonna have to try those,
so I wouldn't doubt that. Like I try those out
and I'm like, oh, Ship, these are amazing. I need
these figure turning into me. I get it. But like
I also, when I have something that I that works
for me or that I can get comfortable with and

that I'm confident in, like I, I like to stay
with it. I think that says a lot about my character.
When I like something and I love something and I
feel confident about it, I keep it. Um. I just
I want to give a shout out to our friends
Sam Han, who has seen the myriad of pictures on
our Instagram and social media of like you with all

your different putters and like you boys with like your
Scottie's and Sam straight up text me while we were
in bomb Springs and said, tell Brian, I was totally
going to hire him as our in house attorney for
a half million a year until I saw his inability
to commit to obviously superior technology the best. He's the best.

So like I just like the Potter, I'll never let
go of like I don't care. Like I will change
out my irons, I'll change out my driver, I'll change
out my woods. I'll try anything I know how to
use that putter. And even when I am having a
like I had some bad putting this weekend or this week,
can we just terrified make me look a little better.

I am the one who bought the Director Force before
I even met you, Hunter first say, and I bought
the Mess and then I bought another mess. You stole
my meds. I'm a lab golf guy through and through.
I am just trying other things to make sure that
I'm okay knowing that that's a superior product. I know
it's a superior product, Sam, I'm never going to let

it go. Oh my god. And since the B two
is being discontinued, I'm very excited for their new blade
to come out. Well. When Sam reached out, of course,
then you know immediately responded and cracked up and then
tried to get the inside track on when the new
blade is coming. So did you give it up? Yeah?
He did. Is this proprietary information? It might be proprietary. Well,

don't say anything. Okay, I'm not gonna say anything. Okay,
just stay tuned and check lab Golf web page to
see when it's coming out. I had a fucking amazing
time on our golf of Polluts the trip. I love
that we have the ability and the opportunity available to
us to get to do this for a living, and
to get to go play golf and take days off
and have a blast and do it with our friends

in our family as always, love you to death, and
thanks for golfing with me. You're welcome. I want to
give a one shot out before we go, because Um,
the guys from Bottom's Only gave us new gear. We
have UM sweatshirts and socks. And I just saw Alex,
one of the owners, with his daughter at Roger Dunn
and we might be playing this week with bombs on.
I'm just kind of jealous that you got to run

into them. I will say, like, this is no bullshit.
I lived in my Bomb's Only sweatshirt the entire trip.
It was a hundred billion degrees up, but the hotel
or the condo was so cold. I slept at it
every night. I wore my long socks, my my bombs
only socks, and my bombs only sweatsh Alex and Ryan
I can vouch for that. Where can they find it?

We're on iHeart Radio and on the eight Side by
the way, Yeah, by the way between are and I
heeart eight Side uh podcast and people can find us
on social media, on our website, on YouTube at the
Balls the letter in Holes Golf. I'm so good at this.
I love you. We're rocking. Have a great day. That

was weird. I have a great day. Bye. Balls and
Holes is produced and distributed by the eight Side Network.
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